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Daniel Rhule
Heather Rhule
Bruce Donnelly
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
United States

Paper Number 05-0284

ABSTRACT respect to human occupants. NHTSA enforces the

FMVSSs by testing vehicles or equipment as
A candidate anthropometric test device (ATD), or described in the test procedures contained in the
crash test dummy, must undergo a rigorous FMVSSs.
evaluation and documentation process before it can
be considered for incorporation into Part 572 of the In 1970, NHTSA amended Federal Motor Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations. This process has been Safety Standard 208 (FMVSS 208) to require
developed over many years and includes (1) thorough automatic crash protection for all passenger cars as of
dummy and drawing inspection, (2) establishment of July 1, 1973 and for most light trucks and vans as of
dummy certification criteria, (3) evaluation of the July 1, 1974. Compliance would have been
dummy’s durability, biofidelity, repeatability, and determined by a crash test with ATDs in the front
reproducibility, and (4) the generation of a detailed outboard seats. Shortly after the March 10, 1971
manual for dummy assembly procedures. The final rule, Chrysler, et al. [2] filed lawsuits in the U.S.
evaluation process will be outlined and explained in Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit challenging the
detail. Recent dummy evaluations for the Thor Lx, automatic crash protection requirements. The
the ES-2re and the Ten-year-old HIII dummies will plaintiffs argued that the automatic crash protection
be utilized as examples of the various parts of the requirement were: (a) not “practicable,” as required
process. by the Safety Act, because the technology needed to
comply with automatic protection was not
INTRODUCTION sufficiently developed at the time; (b) did not “meet
the need for motor vehicle safety,” as required by the
The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act Safety Act, because seat belts offered better occupant
of 1966 (the Safety Act) [1] authorizes the National protection than automatic protection; and (c) were not
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to “objective,” as required by the Safety Act, because an
prescribe motor vehicle safety standards to reduce ATD built to the existing SAE Recommended
deaths and injuries resulting from traffic accidents. Practice [3] did not produce consistent, reliable or
The Act requires that each Federal Motor Vehicle repeatable test results.
Safety Standard (FMVSS) shall be practicable, meet
the need for motor vehicle safety, and be stated in In Chrysler v. DOT, the Sixth Circuit announced its
objective terms. decision on the lawsuits. The court ruled in favor of
NHTSA on the first two arguments, but found in
NHTSA’s FMVSSs generally consist of three groups favor of the manufacturers on the third argument that
of regulations: 1) the 100-series dealing with pre- the ATD specified by the standard did not meet the
crash avoidance requirements, 2) the 200-series criterion of objectivity. The court remanded the case
dealing with crashworthiness requirements and 3) the to NHTSA with instructions that further specification
300-series dealing with post-crash requirements. be made in objective terms to assure comparable
Many of the 200-series crashworthiness standards results among test sites. The court further noted that,
specify dynamic crash tests, either full-scale vehicle “The importance of objectivity in safety standards
crash testing or sled crash simulations, that replicate can not be overemphasized.” Objective in the
real-world crash scenarios. Anthropomorphic test context of this case means that (1) the tests and
devices (ATDs or test dummies) are used in these dummies used to determine compliance or non-
dynamic tests as measuring tools that render compliance with the standard produce identical
repetitive and correlative results under similar test results when the test conditions are duplicated
conditions and to reflect the protective performance (repeatability and reproducibility), (2) that the
of a vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment with accuracy of the tools be demonstrable in a reasonable

test procedure and (3) that vehicle compliance be addresses the public comments. Publication of the
based upon instrument readings (crash test dummies) final rule completes the addition of the ATD into the
as opposed to the opinions of human beings. Part 572 regulation.

NHTSA developed new specifications for the THE FEDERALIZATION PROCESS

anthropometric test dummy following the Chrysler
decision. In 1973, the agency created Part 572 under The Federalization process requires a thorough
Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations [49 CFR inspection of the dummy and comparison to the
572], to be a repository for specifications of crash test drawings, certification and laboratory testing, sled
dummies and similar test devices. At the same time, testing and crash testing. Because of the high cost
the agency issued much more detailed test dummy associated with crash testing and, to a lesser extent,
specifications for the ATD to be used in FMVSS 208 sled testing, it is logical to perform those tests after
testing. That first crash test dummy was the Hybrid the less expensive inspection and lab tests. Cost
II Part 572 Subpart B, 50th Percentile Male. efficiency suggests a sequence of operations moving
from inspection through lab testing to sled and crash
Since the time of the Chrysler decision, NHTSA has testing. The various objectives of the Federalization
sought to ensure that any candidate ATD considered process do not lend themselves to a sequential
for possible use in a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety process because several requirements can only be
Standard undergoes a rigorous evaluation and fulfilled with multiple types of testing. For example,
documentation process to determine the ATD’s durability of a dummy is tested in the lab, on the sled
suitability for incorporation into Part 572 of 49 CFR. and in crash tests. Figure 1 shows a chart cross-
This process includes, as a minimum, the assurance referencing the objectives of Federalization with the
that the dummy meets: sequential operations of testing. In Figure 1 time and
• dimensional, mass, and construction test operations progress from left to right while the
specifications as contained in a drawing set functional objectives of Federalization are shown
• performance requirements based on test vertically on the left. This chart will be updated in
procedures, also called certification each section of the following discussion indicating
procedures, that assure the dummy responds under which sequential task each Federalization
accurately and repeatably under specified requirement is met.
loading conditions
• documented procedures for the assembly, TASKS
Dummy Lab Sled Crash
disassembly, and inspection (PADI) of the Inspection Testing Testing Testing
dummy such that any users performing an
FMVSS crash test are able to prepare the Package
dummy before and after testing
• documentation that the dummy is Certification
sufficiently durable, repeatable,

reproducible, and biofidelic to be used as a Durability

test instrument, in combination with
appropriate injury criteria, to assess the R&R
potential for injury in an FMVSS crash test.
Of these elements, the drawing part numbers as well
as the certification test procedures and performance PADI
specifications appear in Part 572 of 49 CFR. The
PADI and the supporting documentation are placed TIME →
into the docket. Injury criteria, which are part of the Figure 1. Federalization objectives versus
FMVSS, appear in Part 571 of 49 CFR. scheduled tasks matrix.

Every dummy must undergo a rigorous assessment

process, often called “federalization,” that DRAWING PACKAGE
incorporates these elements. Incorporation of a
dummy into Part 572 includes a proposal stage An engineering drawing package defining the
through the publication of a notice of proposed physical dimensions of the dummy assembly, all sub-
rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register, a public assemblies and detail drawings of all of the parts is a
comment stage, and a publication of a final rule that Federalization requirement and is incorporated into

Part 572 49 CFR by reference. The weight and agreement cannot be reached, NHTSA will make a
center of gravity (CG) of the dummy component decision and incorporate a satisfactory design into the
segments are also specified in the drawing package. Part 572 drawing package.

The actual physical drawings reside in the docket The Federalization requirement for a drawing
room at NHTSA headquarters in Washington, D.C. package is satisfied in the disassembly and inspection
and are also available from the Docket in electronic task (See Figure 2).
graphics format (.pdf). The drawing package is
intended to minimally specify the dimensional and Modification
mass properties of the dummy and all of the dummy
parts. Before proceeding on to the testing phases of the
evaluation process, the drawing and physical
The drawing package is usually produced by a configuration issues must be resolved. Otherwise, it
dummy manufacturer and obtained by NHTSA is likely that changes will be made to the dummy
during the dummy evaluation process. Most after testing has begun and these changes will
dummies are designed and developed in collaboration invalidate the test results and require retesting. This
with national and international organizations such as process of examination and testing leading to
the SAE, ISO, OSRP, EEVC, etc. Before the dummy
is considered for incorporation into Part 572, the TASKS
agency assures that the drawings and all associated Dummy Lab Sled Crash
information are accessible and freely available to the Inspection Testing Testing Testing
public without any restrictions, such as proprietary Drawing
claims, patent rights, trade names, etc.

Several dummies are acquired and completely
disassembled and inspected. If more than one R&R
manufacturer supplies the dummy, at least one
dummy from each supplier will be purchased for Biofidelity
inspection and subsequent testing. Physical
dimensions of each part of the disassembled dummy PADI
will be measured and compared to the drawing
package and any discrepancies will be noted. This TIME →
includes a check on the weights and CGs of Figure 2. Drawing package requirement satisfied
component segments. In the case of flesh and foam by the dummy inspection task.
parts with irregular shapes the critical dimensions are
checked against the drawing, allowing for an modifications continues throughout the evaluation
appropriate tolerance on these soft parts. process. It is a time consuming and frequently
expensive iterative process. This examination and
The list of discrepancies is brought to the attention of modification process is the principal reason that the
the dummy manufacturer and the party responsible evaluation proceeds from the least expensive to the
for the drawings. Often the discrepancy is a simple most expensive type of examination, i.e., inspection,
mistake in a drawing and easily corrected; however, lab testing, sled testing and crash testing. It is quite
sometimes a modification to the physical dummy is possible at any point in the Federalization process
required. If a significant modification to the dummy that a shortcoming of the dummy will become
is needed, the dummy may be returned to the apparent and modification will be required. If this
manufacturer for correction. In many cases work can occurs it is often necessary to back up and repeat
continue while the modified part is produced either some, or all, of the testing. This iterative, exacting
by working with other dummy components that are and often expensive process results in a dummy that
not affected by the change or by substituting a meets the Federalization requirements for durability,
prototype part that does not affect the dummy biofidelity, repeatability and reproducibility.
configuration or dynamic response. In the case when
there are two, or more, manufacturers of a dummy
who make a component part differently, a
compromise on the discrepancy is sought. If

HIII Ten-year-old Child Dummy identical. In the case of the Ten-year-old, NHTSA
bought a whole dummy from each manufacturer and
The Ten-year-old Hybrid III child dummy (Figure 3) also bought the half of the dummy each had
was developed under the direction of the SAE Hybrid designed, assembling the two halves to make a third
III Dummy Family Task Force and in collaboration dummy.
with First Technology Safety Systems (FTSS) and
Denton Anthropometric Test Devices (DATD). The SAE committee provided the drawings and CAD
NHTSA participated in this dummy design and files to NHTSA for the purposes of inspection. As
evaluation. This dummy was divided into an upper would be expected under this collaborative design
half and a lower half and each half was designed and approach, the inspection process for the HIII Ten-
prototype parts fabricated by different manufacturers. year-old yielded only a small list of discrepancies
Drawings and computer aided design (CAD) files between drawings and dummies. Table 1 shows the
were then exchanged, through the SAE committee, segment weight specifications and the actual weights
and each manufacturer then fabricated the other half of the dummies from each manufacturer indicating
of the dummy. The result was dummies very good compliance with fairly tight tolerances.
manufactured by both suppliers that were nearly

Figure 3. The Ten-year-old HIII dummy.

Table 1.
Ten-year-old Segment Weights.

Segment Part Number Specification Dummy 1 Dummy 2 Average

Head Assembly 880105-100X 8.23 +/- 0.10 8.25 8.16 8.21
Neck Assembly 420-2000 1.77 +/- 0.10 1.78 1.80 1.79
Upper Torso Ass'y 420-3000 17.94 +/- 0.30 17.82 17.82 17.82
Lower Torso Ass'y 420-4000 19.21 +/- 0.30 19.16 19.42 19.29
Upper Arm, Left *420-7000-1 1.78 +/- 0.10 1.66 1.74 1.70
Upper Arm, Right *420-7000-2 1.78 +/- 0.10 1.71 1.73 1.72
Lower Arm, Left *420-7000-1 1.35 +/- 0.10 1.33 1.36 1.35
Lower Arm, Right *420-7000-2 1.35 +/- 0.10 1.34 1.37 1.36
Hand, Left 420-7231-1 0.38 +/- 0.10 0.35 0.46 0.41
Hand, Right 420-7230-2 0.38 +/- 0.10 0.35 0.47 0.41
Upper Leg, Left *420-5000-1 5.90 +/- 0.15 5.89 6.02 5.96
Upper Leg, Right *420-5000-2 5.90 +/- 0.15 5.89 6.02 5.96
Lower Leg, Left *420-5000-1 4.92 +/- 0.15 4.83 4.96 4.90
Lower Leg, Right *420-5000-2 4.92 +/- 0.15 4.97 4.97 4.97
Foot, Left 420-5500-1 0.90 +/- 0.05 0.90 0.90 0.90
Foot, Right 420-5500-2 0.90 +/- 0.05 0.92 0.88 0.90
TOTAL WEIGHT 420-0000 77.61 +/- 2.00 77.15 78.08 77.62

CERTIFICATION consequences in their proposed FMVSS applications.

With this in mind, the tests are generally designed to
All regulated dummies are subjected to a series of load the dummy at a range similar to what it is
tests in order to ensure that their components are expected to undergo in the proposed application. The
functioning properly. These tests are typically certification tests are also intended to monitor the
conducted immediately before and after an FMVSS responses of components that may have a tendency to
test is conducted to support the validity of the test deteriorate over time. Some typical certification tests
results. The certification tests by and large evaluate include:
the dummy’s components that have important

• head drop relegated to the status of design guidelines, which are
• neck flexion and extension used in the development of the design, but not
• thorax impact required for certification purposes. As a result, all of
• knee/femur impact the certification tests would be dynamic impact tests
• torso flexion – a heel of foot impact; a ball of foot impact; and an
inversion/eversion impact.
Generally, by the time the Agency begins the
federalization process, a preliminary set of After establishing the test procedures, the next step
certification procedures have been developed. was to determine the response corridors. To
NHTSA must then acquire or fabricate any new accomplish this, multiple leg samples were acquired
equipment required to conduct the tests. The process from several manufacturers and each leg was
of evaluating the certification test procedures can subjected to three repeats of the test procedures.
then be initiated. This includes assessing: From the data collected, the mean values of the
• Test procedures. Can the set-up be significant responses were computed. Finally, the
repeatably achieved? Are the speeds response corridors were constructed using a tolerance
realistic? Is the test user-friendly? of 10% of the mean response value - the upper limits
• Response corridors. Can the dummy meet were set at 110% of the mean and the lower limits
the corridors? Are the corridors reasonable were set at 90% of the mean.
approximations of the loading that the
dummy will experience in its intended The final step is to document the certification test
application? Are the corridors within the procedures in sufficient detail including:
dummy’s mechanical limits and the • identification of the components included in
instrumentation capacities? each test
• Repeatability and reproducibility. Does • a description of the test set-up geometry,
each dummy provide repeatable responses? speed, and orientation
Do all of the dummies respond similarly? • a diagram which supports the text
description of the set-up
In some cases, as with the Thor Lx and FLx advanced • definition of test probe properties including
instrumented lower legs, the Agency has led the geometry and mass moment of inertia
development of the design, independent of broad • clearly stated response requirements
industry involvement. In this instance, there were no
preliminary set of certification procedures and thus The Federalization requirement of developing
the Agency independently developed procedures and certification procedures and response requirements is
response corridors. achieved through lab testing as shown in Figure 4.

To establish certification procedures for the Thor TASKS

Lx/FLx lower legs, the Agency developed Dummy Lab Sled Crash
Inspection Testing Testing Testing
preliminary test procedures based around the
following biomechanical response requirements:
• quasi-static response characteristics for:
o axial loading at the heel (force-deflection) Certification
o dorsiflexion/plantarflexion response

(torque-angle) Durability
o inversion/eversion response (torque-
angle) R&R
• dynamic response characteristics for
o axial loading at the heel (force-deflection) Biofidelity
o dorsiflexion response (torque-angle)
After fabricating the necessary hardware, a
preliminary test procedure was developed for each of TIME →
these biomechanical requirements. Initial testing, Figure 4. Certification requirement is satisfied by
however, revealed that the quasi-static testing was the Lab testing.
time consuming and difficult to set-up. Further
development led to a dynamic inversion/eversion test
procedure and thus the quasi-static tests were


A dummy intended for use in an FMVSS crash test

must be durable on several levels. To be valid as a
regulatory test instrument that makes measurements
to be used to pass or fail a vehicle it is desirable,
although not necessarily mandatory, that the dummy
survives the crash event intact and still be able to
make accurate measurements. This durability is
normally ascertained by performing dummy
certification tests both before and after the crash test.
It is important to recognize that a dummy used in
FMVSS testing is intended to identify those vehicles
having unacceptable occupant protection capability Figure 5. Ten-year-old dummy thorax impact.
and to provide data to indicate whether or not the
vehicle fails the crash performance test. The dummy
needs to be durable at, and above, the failure injury be disassembled to ascertain if the reason for the
criteria levels. This is likely to be at the upper end of change is breakage or wear. If breakage or wear of a
the dummy’s mechanical and electronic limitations. dummy part is found, a decision must be made as to
Further, the use of dummies in New Car Assessment whether this is a tolerable situation and parts should
Program (NCAP) testing at high crash energy levels be replaced as routine maintenance or an intolerable
requires a dummy to be durable well above the situation requiring either dummy modification or
FMVSS crash test energy level. Finally, for cost abandonment as a candidate test device.
reasons it is desirable that a dummy be sufficiently
durable to be used for many years in many tests with When an intolerable durability problem is observed,
only a reasonable level of maintenance and repair. the dummy manufacturer and the dummy designers
are generally contacted in an effort to resolve the
It is interesting to note that in addition to the issue in the optimum manner: modification of the
durability requirements discussed in the previous dummy, the test procedure or the maintenance
paragraph, a dummy is expected to be sensitive to procedure. With relatively new dummy designs it is
variations in crash loading ranging from low energy not uncommon to discover durability problems due to
levels to high energy levels and to distinguish among extensive repeat testing of the dummy.
good and poor restraint systems of widely varying
design. Note that at this point a modification to the dummy
may be required and the certification testing will
Certification Testing likely have to be repeated with the new part, which
may be a prototype. This is the same iterative
Dummy durability assessment begins with process discussed previously. When this occurs the
certification laboratory testing. A typical thorax NHTSA evaluation testing has effectively become
certification test setup is shown in Figure 5. The part of the development process. It should also be
dummy designers generally provide certification test noted that repeat certification tests with multiple
procedures and performance specifications, as was dummies will provide repeatability and
discussed in the previous section. These reproducibility data.
recommended test procedures serve as the starting
point for assessment of dummy durability. The High-Energy Laboratory Testing
recommended certification tests will be performed
repeatedly on several dummies, preferably made by Following satisfactory performance in the
different manufacturers. This testing will also serve certification testing, sets of high-energy certification
as repeatability and reproducibility testing, as will be tests are performed. These high-energy tests
discussed in the next section. typically involve raising the kinetic energy of the
impact in order to expose the dummy to impact
As the evaluation progresses, the dummy will be severities slightly greater than those that might be
visually inspected after each test for damage or expected in crash tests. Care must be taken in
excessive wear. Should a change in response data be selecting which tests should be performed, e.g., a
observed, either sudden or gradual, the dummy will high-energy chest impact to the Ten-year-old dummy
might be excessively severe for a dummy intended to

be loaded with a three-point belt restraint in a booster Crash Testing
seat. Also, the process of careful inspection and
possible modification is again followed with the Crash testing in the anticipated FMVSS configuration
possibility of iteratively repeating previous tests is the final phase of durability assessment. If a
always present. dummy is to be used in NCAP testing, the higher
energy crash test would be performed on the
Out-of-Position Testing assumption that a durable dummy at NCAP speed
would also be durable at the lower FMVSS crash
In the case of small adult dummies or some child speed.
dummies, out-of-position (OOP) testing is performed.
In these cases the OOP tests are performed with Federalization Requirement
known aggressive airbag restraint systems to assure
that the dummy can withstand severe loading to the The Federalization requirement for dummy durability
head, neck and thorax. Figure 6 is an example of the is satisfied by laboratory testing, sled testing and
Ten-year-old child dummy in the head-to-bag OOP crash testing (See Figure 7).
Dummy Lab Sled Crash
Inspection Testing Testing Testing

FUNCTIONS Certification





Figure 6. OOP testing for the Ten-year-old child TIME →

dummy. Figure 7. Durability requirement satisfied by the
lab, sled, and crash testing.

Sled Testing
Sled testing of the dummies is performed at FMVSS
and at NCAP crash test energy levels. For frontal Repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) are
dummies sled testing is normally performed in a sled important considerations in the evaluation of a
buck modeling a typical vehicle in the current fleet. dummy. In the context of dummy evaluation,
For side impact dummies sled testing is normally repeatability is defined as the similarity of responses
performed in a flat wall sliding hard-seat type buck from a single dummy when subjected to multiple
with and without wall padding. For child dummies repeats of a given test condition. Reproducibility is
the stylized FMVSS 213 bench seat is normally used defined as the similarity of test responses from
with a Child Restraint System (CRS) or a booster multiple dummies when subjected to multiple repeats
seat. Note that the sled testing used to assess dummy of a given test condition. Any ATD that is to be used
durability may also be used to assess dummy for federal regulatory testing must have an acceptable
repeatability and reproducibility. level of R&R to ensure confidence in the responses
provided by the dummy.
Among other considerations, the typical sled testing
matrix will be designed to subject the dummy to R&R analysis requires the replication of tests on
various seating positions and test conditions that may multiple samples of a dummy, preferably samples
expose potential weaknesses of the dummy design. from multiple manufacturers. Clearly, the R&R
results will depend largely on the dummy’s ability to
provide similar responses to each test. However,

several external factors may also play a role in the Table 2.
R&R results, such as the repeatability of the Assessment of CV Scores.
dummy’s setup or the impact speed. In order to
provide a meaningful R&R analysis, control of the CV Score Assessment
test conditions must be exercised. Component tests, 0 – 5% Excellent
such as the certification tests, are more readily >5 – 8% Good
controlled and thus may be expected to provide the >8 – 10% Marginal (Acceptable)
best estimates of a dummy’s R&R. Sled testing >10% Poor (Unacceptable)
provides an efficient alternative to vehicle crash
testing and offers insight into the dummy’s this scenario, a poor CV score may not provide
performance as a complete system. Full vehicle sufficient reason for concern. Consideration must
crash testing does not provide a desirable also be given to the magnitude of the response. If the
environment for R&R testing as the variation in mean response is small, then even a small number for
structural materials of the crash vehicle are difficult the standard deviation can result in a large CV. This
to account for. consideration is closely related to the first one, in that
responses which exhibit a low mean generally have
Additionally, the severity of the test conditions less relevance to the given test condition.
utilized for R&R assessment must also be considered.
For example, if the test conditions are so severe that As an example, the agency recently initiated an
the responses are near or beyond the dummy’s evaluation of the EuroSID-2re (ES-2re) dummy. To
mechanical limits or electronic capacity, then the that end, the ES-2re was subjected to repeated
corresponding R&R analysis may not be meaningful. certification and sled tests to establish its
Consider a dummy that is mechanically limited to 50 repeatability and reproducibility as a test tool.
mm of rib displacement. The rib is impacted
repeatedly and the dummy measures rib To assess the ES-2re’s R&R in certification tests, two
displacements of 50 mm for each test. The analysis sample dummies were each subjected to five repeats
would indicate excellent R&R; however, due to the of each of the certification tests. The response data
dummy’s mechanical limitations, it is unknown was collected and filtered according to the test
whether this response is truly repeatable. A better procedures. Next, statistical analysis of the response
evaluation might seek to impart, for example, 40 mm criteria resulted in CV scores of repeatability for each
of rib deflection so that the mechanical limits are not dummy and reproducibility for both dummies. Table
approached. 3 presents a summary of the ES-2re’s R&R analysis
for certification tests. It is observed that the vast
A quantitative assessment of R&R is achieved using majority of the responses would be considered
a statistical analysis of variance. The coefficient of excellent, with only four CV scores falling in the
variation (CV) is a measure of variability expressed ‘good’ range and just one score in the ‘marginal’
as a percentage of the mean. CV is calculated range.
according to the formula below:
σ The Federalization requirement for repeatability and
CV = × 100%
X reproducibility is satisfied by laboratory and sled
testing (See Figure 8).
σ = standard deviation of responses BIOFIDELITY
X = mean of responses
Biofidelity is a measure of how well a dummy
replicates the response of a human. If a dummy
Historically, NHTSA has categorized the CV scores replicates the human response quite well, it is said to
according to Table 2. have good biofidelity, or be quite biofidelic.
Although not a requirement in Part 572, the dummy’s
There are several considerations that must be taken biofidelity is an important consideration in the
into account when CV scores are interpreted. One decision of whether or not the dummy is suitable for
such consideration would be the relevance of the incorporation into Part 572.
response. For example, the lateral shearing forces
measured in a dummy designed for frontal impacts
are generally considered to be of less significance. In

TASKS Until recently, NHTSA assessed dummy biofidelity
Dummy Lab Sled Crash based on subjective, qualitative analysis of dummy
Inspection Testing Testing Testing
data fit within cadaver response corridors. Two
methods are currently available for assessing the
biofidelity of a dummy in side impact testing: 1) the
Certification ISO 9790 Biofidelity Classification System [4] and 2)
the Biofidelity Ranking System developed by Rhule

Durability et al in 2002.

R&R Although the ISO Biofidelity Classification System is

well known and accepted within the biomechanics
Biofidelity community, it contains several subjective features
that limit its capability for impartial evaluation of the
biofidelity of dummies that are to be considered for
incorporation into Part 572. The ISO System utilizes
Figure 8. The Lab and Sled testing satisfy the R
& R requirement.

Table 3. ES-2re Certification Test R&R Analysis

(ref. Docket # NHTSA-2004-18864-15).
Dummy Dummy Both
Test/Criteria S/N 070 S/N 071
CV (%) CV (%) CV (%)
Head Drop
Peak Resultant Acceleration 1.1 1.6 5.4
Neck Flexion
Flexion Angle 0.9 0.5 0.9
Time of Flexion Angle 2.3 2.7 2.4
A Angle 0.7 0.5 0.9
Time of A Angle 2.2 1.4 1.8
B Angle 0.7 0.5 0.9
Time of B Angle 1.6 2.6 2.5
Shoulder Impact
Impactor Acceleration 2.7 9.3 6.9
Thorax – Rib Impacts
Upper Rib Def. - 815 mm Drop Height 1.5 3.9 3.1
Middle Rib Def. - 815 mm Drop Height 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lower Rib Def. - 815 mm Drop Height 0.4 0.0 0.5
Abdomen Impact
Maximum Impactor Force 2.1 2.0 1.9
Time of Max. Impactor Force 0.7 1.2 1.1
Maximum Abdomen Force 6.9 3.8 6.4
Time of Max. Abdomen Force 1.7 1.0 1.6
Lumbar Spine Flexion
Flexion Angle 0.8 1.4 1.1
Time of Flexion Angle 1.7 1.9 1.7
A Angle 0.9 1.5 1.5
Time of A Angle 1.4 2.3 1.8
B Angle 0.3 1.3 0.9
Time of B Angle 1.8 .7 1.3
Pelvis Impact
Maximum Impactor Force 3.5 1.3 2.8
Time of Max. Impactor Force 3.1 4.4 3.6
Max. Pubic Symphysis Force 4.0 1.1 3.1
Time of Max. Pubic Symphysis Force 3.4 4.6 4.2

assigned weights for the response measurements, test Table 5. Internal Biofidelity Ranks for the ES-2re
conditions and body regions. The weights were and SID-HIII. (ref. Docket NHTSA-2004-18865-8)
determined by averaging results of a poll of the ISO INTERNAL BIOFIDELITY ES-2re SID-HIII
members. Since the responses of the poll may or
may not be in line with the philosophies of the Overall Rank with abdomen n/a n/a
NHTSA, and since all body regions must pass their Overall Rank without
individual injury criteria in an FMVSS test, all body 1.6 1.9
regions should be equally weighted when assessing Head Rank 1.0 1.1
dummy biofidelity. Moreover, the dummy responses 1
are subjectively assigned a numeric value based on Thorax Rank 1.9 2.22
the qualitative assessment of the data fit within the Abdomen Rank n/a n/a
cadaver corridors. Pelvis Rank 2.0 2.53 3

As the Biofidelity Ranking System [5] quantifies the n/a - not applicable (No human subject internal
biofidelity of a dummy in an objective manner, it was force data for comparison with the ES-2re; SID-
used by NHTSA to evaluate recent dummy HIII dummy does not make a measurement in the
biofidelity. The Biofidelity Ranking System is abdomen.)
comprised of multiple tests of various types that have re - rib extensions
associated human response corridors. Each test is 1. Upper & lower thorax rib deflections & T-12
assigned a test condition weight in an objective lateral acceleration
manner that gives the highest weights to those tests 2. TTI
that are most representative of the intended dummy 3. Pelvis lateral acceleration
test environment and that have response corridors
developed from a large number of human subjects. The biofidelity requirement is satisfied in lab and
For each measurement of each test, the dummy and sled testing as shown in Figure 9.
human responses are compared over time and their
differences quantified, where a lower number TASKS
indicates better response similarity between the Dummy Lab Sled Crash
dummy and human. External and Internal biofidelity Inspection Testing Testing Testing
ranks, which are both deemed equally important for a Drawing
dummy to possess, are computed to assess the overall
biofidelity of a dummy. Certification

As an example, the ES-2re dummy biofidelity was Durability

evaluated and found to be relatively good when
compared to the SID-HIII, which is currently in Part R&R
572. Tables 4 and 5 show the External and Internal
Biofidelity ranks, respectively, for the ES-2re and Biofidelity
Table 4.
External Biofidelity Ranks for the ES- TIME →
2re and SID-HIII. Figure 9. The lab and sled testing satisfy the
(ref. Docket NHTSA-2004-18865-8) biofidelity requirement.
2.6 3.8
Head/Neck Rank 3.7 1.0
Shoulder Rank 1.4 5.1 When a dummy is federalized it is necessary to
document how the dummy is assembled,
Thorax Rank 2.9 6.1 disassembled and inspected so that contractors who
Abdomen Rank 2.6 3.0 perform the FMVSS tests can put the dummy and its
instrumentation together appropriately. This
Pelvis Rank 2.7 3.8 document, referred to as the Procedures for
re - rib extensions Assembly, Disassembly and Inspection, or PADI, is

incorporated by reference into Part 572. The PADI TASKS
serves as a manual that illustrates how the dummy is Dummy Lab Sled Crash
Inspection Testing Testing Testing
put together and taken apart, as well as where and
how the instrumentation is installed, and where to
route the sensor cables within the dummy. It also
includes procedures for inspection to aid in Certification
determining if certain parts are worn or damaged and

need to be replaced. Durability

Procedures for measuring external dimensions, R&R

segment weights and sensor output polarity for the
dummy and free air resonant frequency and mass Biofidelity
moment of inertia of the certification probes are also
integral parts of the PADI. PADI

If the dummy appears to be a reasonable tool for use TIME →

in FMVSS and NCAP testing with regard to Figure 10. The experience gained in all phases of
durability, biofidelity, repeatability and the evaluation process contributes to the PADI.
reproducibility, the documentation of the PADI
becomes necessary. Since project engineers and
technicians become expert at assembling and SUMMARY
disassembling the dummy as the dummy evaluation
progresses, it makes sense to document the A dummy that is a candidate for incorporation into
procedures for assembly, disassembly and inspection part 572 49 CFR for potential use in a FMVSS
after most of the evaluation is complete. performance standard must undergo a rigorous
evaluation process: this process is often referred to as
The PADI is organized into sections for each body the Federalization process. This process is a
segment: head, neck upper torso, lower torso, arms, standardized set of inspections and tests that result in
legs and feet. Each section contains procedures for quantified measures and corresponding
removal of the segment from the dummy, documentation of the dummy’s assembly and
disassembly, inspection, assembly and attachment to disassembly, drawing package, certification test
the dummy. Exploded views of the body segment procedures, durability, repeatability, reproducibility
with its individual parts identified help to illustrate its and biofidelity. Although no two dummy designs are
construction. A table in each section identifies the identical and; therefore, no two dummy evaluation
parts of the body segment, with part number and title processes are identical, the skeleton of the process
that match those of the Drawing Package. The and the expectation for performance of the dummy
dummy is disassembled from the head down in a remain constant.
piecewise fashion, with instructions, figures, and
photographs shown to illustrate each step of the It is important to recognize that a critical aspect of
disassembly. Specific instructions on inspection of the evaluation process is the assessment of dummy
parts for wear and replacement are included, as well suitability for the intended use. For example, a
as procedures for assembling the segment and dummy designed for frontal impacts may not provide
attaching it to the dummy. meaningful responses when tested in a side impact
condition. This suitability evaluation is part of the
Once the disassembly, inspection and assembly entire process although it is not specified as an
sections are complete, then the instrumentation evaluation task. Further, it is important to be
installation and sensor cable routing sections of the constantly aware of dummy behavior that is not
PADI are written. These sections are also separated suitable or human-like but may not be exposed in the
by body segment with photographs to illustrate scheduled testing. A recent example of this type of
specific steps to be taken. non-suitability was the lateral load path caused by the
ES-2 back plate. This non human-like load did not
Experience obtained during all phases of the become evident except after extensive crash testing
evaluation process - inspection, lab testing, sled with multiple vehicles.
testing and crash testing - contributes to the
development of the PADI (Figure 10). Many new dummies are being developed by
committee or consortium (HIII Ten year-old, SID IIs

and WorldSID) and it is important for those
organizations to realize that the products of their
extensive efforts must still undergo the rigorous
Federalization process if the dummy is to be
considered for use in the FMVSS. Further it is
required that NHTSA possess, without restriction of
any kind, an accurate and complete drawing package
for the dummy for incorporation into part 572 by

Similarly, vehicle manufacturers can be assured that

a dummy that is incorporated into part 572 has been
rigorously evaluated and is a dependable and reliable
test tool that can be used in regulatory compliance
testing (FMVSS), market incentive testing (NCAP)
and will also be useful for research testing in other
test configurations.

The details of the Federalization process outlined

here will be continually updated as new techniques
are developed and new biomechanical data becomes
available. Examples of this are the Bio Rank
approach [5] recently developed to quantify the
assessment of biofidelity and the ongoing
development of R&R procedures that are time history
based rather than maximum value based.
Nonetheless, the essential framework of
Federalization will remain and the need to rigorously
evaluate a dummy before it is used in testing will


[1] Highway Safety Act of 1966, Public Law 89-564

[2] Chrysler Corporation v. Department of

Transportation, 472 F.2d 650 (1972), pg 659-693;
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit,
December 5, 1972.

[3] Anthropomorphic Test Device for Dynamic

Testing SAE J963, SAE Recommended Practice,
Society of Automotive Engineers, June 1968.

[4] International Standards Organization, “Technical

Report 9790: Road Vehicles – Anthropomorphic Side
Impact Dummy – Lateral Impact Response
Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the
Dummy,” American National Standards Institute,
New York, NY, 1999.

[5] Rhule, H., Brunner, J., Bolte, J., Donnelly, B.,

Maltese, M., Eppinger, R., “Development of a New
Biofidelity Ranking System for Anthropomorphic
Test Devices,” Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol. 46


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