Multiple Choice Part 1 Chap 19
Multiple Choice Part 1 Chap 19
Multiple Choice Part 1 Chap 19
5. A company has set a target rate of return of 16% for its investment center. An investment center manager
in this company would
a. acquire assets that would increase divisional income by more than 16%.
b. sell all assets that do not generate divisional income of more than 16%.
c. acquire assets that would increase sales by more than 16%.
d. acquire any technologically advanced assets that would cause costs to be reduced by 16%
or more.
ANS: A DIF: Easy OBJ: 19-4
7. The Statement of Cash Flows may be superior to the cash budget as a performance evaluation measure
a. cash flows are shown on the accrual basis on the cash budget.
b. the cash budget does not include capital investments.
c. cash flows are arranged by activity.
d. of all the above reasons.
ANS: C DIF: Moderate OBJ: 19-4
8. The Statement of Cash Flows indicates the cash inflows and outflows from
a. investing, financing, and borrowing activities.
b. operating, investing, and sending activities.
c. merchandising, financing, and investing activities.
d. operating, investing, and financing activities.
ANS: D DIF: Easy OBJ: 19-4
9. Division A's investment in a new project will raise the overall organization's return on investment if
a. the return on investment on the new project exceeds the target return of the overall
b. the return on investment on the new project exceeds the return on investment of Division
c. the return on investment on the new project exceeds the overall organization's return on
d. Division A's return on investment exceeds the return on investment of the overall
ANS: C DIF: Easy OBJ: 19-4
11. ABC Corp. is composed of three operating divisions. Overall, the ABC Corp. has a return on investment
of 20%. A Division has a return on investment of 25%. If ABC Corp. evaluates its managers on the basis
of return on investment, how would the A Division manager and the ABC Corp. president react to a new
investment that has an estimated return on investment of 23%?
a. accept accept
b. accept reject
c. reject accept
d. reject reject
ANS: C DIF: Easy OBJ: 19-4
Profit Margin
Asset Turnover on Sales
a. Yes Yes
b. Yes No
c. No No
d. No Yes
14. Return on investment (ROI) is a term most often used to express income earned on assets
invested in a business unit. A company's return on investment would increase if sales
a. increased by the same dollar amount as expenses and total assets increased.
b. remained the same and expenses were reduced by the same dollar amount that total assets
c. decreased by the same dollar amount that expenses increased.
d. and expenses increased by the same percentage that total assets increased.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate OBJ: 19-4
15. A sub-unit of an organization is evaluated on the basis of its ROI. If this sub-unit's sales and expenses
both increase by $30,000, how will the following measures be affected?
16. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative to the use of ROI in evaluating the
performance of an investment center?