Research Paper

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I.Ê Introduction

A.Ê Background of the study

A computer virus is a potentially dangerous computer program designed with

the intent of corrupting data. Computer viruses are mysteriously hidden beneath seemingly

harmless programs, which explain the reason for their effective spread across the internet.

These malicious computer programs are designed to replicate themselves or insert copies of

themselves into other programs when executed within the infected program.

Since virus should be executed to have any effect, files that the computer

treats as pure data are safe. This includes graphics and sound files such as .gif, .jpeg, .mp3,

.wav, etc., as well as plain text in .txt files. Just viewing pictures and playing music won¶t

harm your computer because the computer virus should be in a form such as .exe program or

a word .doc file indicating the means of executing it. When you execute a program that was

been infected by a virus, the virus code will start to run on your computer system and thus,

will try to infect other computer programs.

An example of an email virus is the ILOVEYOU Virus which swept the

computing world on May 04, 2002. This was an incredibly simple virus that contained a

piece of code hiding inside an e-mail attachment. People who double clicked on the

attachment allowed the code to implement. The code will then spread copies of itself to

everyone in the victim¶s address book and will to infect files on the victim¶s computer.


Computer viruses are a very danger to the well-being of our society. Both the

government and the business community have already acknowledged the realities of this

virus. Viruses have cost corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions

millions of dollars to prevent, detect, and recover from computer virus attacks. Some viruses

have already destroyed computer systems and networks that provide vital communications

and life support.

B.Ê Statement of the Problem

It is important to know how a computer virus can spread in order to know how

it can be prevented.

This research study aims to answer the following questions:

1.Ê What is the reason why computer virus wants to infect


2.Ê What are the types of viruses?

3.Ê Why do viruses spread so easily across the internet?

4.Ê What preventive measures to be taken in order to avoid

computer virus from infecting one¶s computer?

5.Ê What will a computer user do in case his/her computer has

already been infected by a computer virus?


C.Ê Objectives

The objective of this study is to decrease the numbers of computer that has

been infected by computer viruses by giving them the idea on how a virus can spread

and function. Another objective we want to achieve is to share the information on

how we can treat a computer virus in case the computer was already infected.

All computer users worldwide and computer researchers will benefit from this

study. Computer users such as students can benefit from this study because almost all

the students worldwide are already using computer but some are still not aware of

how a virus can spread. Computer researchers on the other hand will also benefit

from this study for present and future researches.

D.Ê Definition of Terms

A virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer

without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.

Spreading is to distribute widely.

Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the

standard Internet Protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide.


A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of


An anti-virus is used to prevent, detect and remove malware, including

computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

A server is a computer program that delivers a service to clients.

Downloading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to


II.Ê Body

A. Spreading of virus can devastate a computer.

A computer virus has the ability to reproduce itself and attach to a program

file causing it to spread more. After which, it will spread again from one computer to another

causing devastation to other¶s computer. This can be done by a special code created and

distributed by the creator of the virus. A computer virus can be spread by means of

downloading files from the internet, by e-mail attachment and by sharing files from a

removable disk like a Universal Serial Bus (USB). The virus attached on emails is usually

disguising themselves as messages coming from their friends or family. Without any doubt,

they will open the email attachment comprising a computer virus that will infect the computer

and other computers as well.


In 1988 a student at Cornell University sent out a virus out by accident,

infecting more than 6,000 computers in minutes, nearly bringing the Internet to its knees.

More recently, the ³I Love You´ virus caused over $1 billion in lost productivity as it

crippled e-mail systems worldwide. Last year alone, 10,000 new viruses, worms and Trojan

horses were unleashed (³Learn,´ 2008, para. 4).

According to Brain (2000), viruses show us how vulnerable we are ± a

properly engineered virus can have a devastating effect, disrupting productivity and doing

billions of dollars in damages (para. 1).

When a computer was being infected by a computer virus, their computer runs

slowly than normal, their computer stops responding, their computer restarts without any

command from the user, applications on their computer don¶t work correctly and some files

are corrupted and inaccessible. Some of these are symptoms of a computer which is already

infected by a computer virus.

The reason why this virus had such a devastating effect to the computing

world was because it was fuelled by the human willingness to double click on the executable

programs not knowing the risk they are facing. A computer virus can be easily spread across

the internet because computer users nowadays tend to download computer programs from the

internet to get it free. However, the creator of a computer virus will abuse this kind of desire

of computer users worldwide. They will simply upload the file with the virus attach in it on a

specific site and place product names that will catch the eyes of the user.


1.Ê A computer virus can persist at nearly undetectable levels.

A computer virus can persist at nearly undetectable levels for a very long

period of time without dying out entirely. This unusual behavior takes internet outbreaks

difficult to predict and control. What they did is they reside in one¶s computer and wait for a

specific event to be activated. Some insidious programs prove immune to anti-virus software,

residing inside your computer for months or even years, collecting your personal information.

According to Ing (2005), the instructive code Trojan defies detection because

unlike most viruses and Trojans out there, each instructive code Trojan to date has been

specifically written for its victim and the targeted information it must access. Backstops or

instructive code Trojans are created to obtain specific files from a targeted computer or

network without detection. While it is improbable that the average computer user will

encounter a backstop, the threat is very real to government and corporate entities that

routinely use or create any form of proprietary, financial or competitive data (para. 3).

An instructive code Trojan is a very dangerous virus once it enters your

computer. This computer virus will live on your computer for how many months or even

years without any traces. After it successfully resides on your computer, they will start

collecting data without any consent from the user. The scariest part of this computer virus is

they are already stealing lots of information from you without you knowing even if you¶ve

already use preventive measure such as installing an anti-virus.

It is delivered to its target as a hidden file attachment to an expected

attachment, embedded in the body of an e-mail, automatically loaded from a webpage. The


target is known to frequent, or via external media such as a floppy disk or CD. In one case,

the instructive code was delivered on a music CD to an employee known to play music on her

laptop. Once she connected her laptop to the network, the instructive code transferred itself to

its target. Once on the target system, the code resides in a hidden file that cannot be viewed

on the system under regular default settings. The code then searches all files and folders for

occurrences of the specific keywords or phrases programmed into it. When matches are

found, copies of the data are made, compressed, encrypted and made into a hidden archive

file. After a predetermined time, the code automatically e-mails the entire file during a

routine e-mail session initiated by the target user. Once sent, the code deletes the hidden

archive and invokes a self-delete procedure to remove itself, leaving all other files and

programs intact. Thus, there is virtually no trace that the instructive code existed on the target

system (Ing, 2005, para. 4).

2.Ê A computer virus can make your files corrupted

A computer virus can corrupt a file once inside a computer. This virus can

make the files of the computer user inaccessible. After corrupting one file, it will infect

another file causing malfunction on a user¶s computer. Thus, the computer user will have no

option but to reformat his/her computer in order to use it again properly.

According to Hunton (1998), computer viruses are danger ± there¶s no

question about that. They can corrupt or erase data and even knock out a computer. But the

contagion risk to users, contrary to rumor, is not as serious as some would have you believe

(para. 1).


B. Use programs that can block viruses from infecting your computer.

In avoidance of computer viruses, it is essential to know what preventive

measures can be taken in order to protect your computer. There are many researchers who

have already created programs that can help you protect your computer from computer


1.Ê An anti-virus can protect your computer.

A personal computer should always be protected from viruses wanting to infect your

files. In order to do this, install an anti-virus on your computer. An anti-virus is designed to

protect you and your computer against known viruses. However, an anti-virus will not be able

to detect a virus that is newly been created. What anti-virus companies do is they¶re updating

their anti-virus so that next time that this virus invades one¶s computer, they will be able to

prevent it from infecting one¶s computer. With this, we must keep in mind that we should

always update our anti-virus everyday so that our anti-virus will be able to detect the viruses

that want to infect our computer.

According to Wool (2008), anti-virus companies catch viruses ³in the wild´ and then

send them to isolated computer labs for study. The companies then determine the unique

patterns or ³signatures´ the malware creates. It is this signature that is sent as anti-virus

update to anti-virus subscribers. The problem is that updates take too much time to perfect

and then distribute, leaving a wide window of opportunity for computer villains to attack

(para. 6).


Anti-virus software resides in the active memory of your computer, and takes control

of it to alert you to an active virus that is present on your computer. If the anti-virus cannot

repair the infected file, it will quarantine the infected file or will give you the alternative of

safely deleting the file. An anti-virus may also be used to scan the file you wish to download

so that you will be rest assured that the file you¶re downloading is clean and virus free.

In choosing your anti-virus, it is essential to know the best anti-virus that one can

offer. Having a good anti-virus will prevent computer viruses from infecting your computer.

2.Ê A firewall can block viruses.

Firewall is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized

communications. It is a device configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt or proxy

computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other

criteria. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing

private networks connected to the Internet.

Firewall acts as a secure barrier between your computer and the outside world. It

monitors all traffic to and from your computer. Firewall also provides protection against

Trojan Horses because it blocks the unauthorized e-mailing of the key-log file to its intended


The primary task of firewall is to ensure that nothing private from the computer goes

out and nothing malicious virus comes in. That is, to ensure the security of the computer and

the computer user.


C. Computer reformatting can delete and prevent the computer viruses from spreading.

When a computer is infected by a computer virus that is hard to remove, the best way

to clean it is to reformat your computer. However, reformatting your computer will erase all

your data present on your computer. The best thing to do is to prepare a back up file in case

your computer has been infected by a strong virus so that when you reformat your computer,

the files that was been erased can be recovered.

The very essence of reformatting one¶s computer is to remove viruses which can¶t be

deleted by your anti-virus. In some cases, some anti-virus is outdated and that¶s why

computer viruses can¶t be detected and will start to infect your computer step by step. This is

the reason why computer users don¶t have any alternative left other than reformatting their


1.Ê Xeformatting can delete all the programs including those that have been infected by a

computer virus.

The advantage of reformatting a computer is it can clean all viruses present on

your computer. However, it will delete all your files on your computer. Computer users who

already experienced reformatting their computer due to computer virus are backing up their

files. The reason to this is so that their files can still be restored after reformatting one¶s


2.Ê Xeformatting the computer is the best way to remove a computer virus in case it

already infected almost all the files on your computer.


The best way to remove a computer virus is to reformat your computer in

order to get rid of it. If the virus infects many times already, it is already hard to remove the

virus. This is when reformatting your computer is already needed. After reformatting your

computer, your computer doesn¶t have any viruses left.

III. Conclusion

1.Ê What is the reason why computer virus wants to infect computers?

A computer virus has the motive of degrading one¶s computer system¶s

performance once it has been infected by a computer virus. A computer virus also wants to

steal your username and password from your computer without your consent. Thus, they

want to steal your whole information and your identity stored on your computer having the

motive of impersonating you.

2.Ê How can a virus be spread?

A computer virus can be spread by means of downloading files from the

internet, by e-mail attachment and by sharing files from a removable disk like a Universal

Serial Bus (USB).

3.Ê Why do viruses spread so easily across the internet?

A computer virus can be easily spread across the internet because computer

users nowadays tend to download computer programs from the internet to get it free.


4.Ê What preventive measures to be taken in order to avoid computer virus from

infecting one¶s computer?

In order to prevent computer virus from infecting one¶s computer, it is

essential to install a good anti-virus on your computer. Another way to prevent your

computer from viruses is by having a firewall on your computer so that it can block all

unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications.

5.Ê What can a computer user do in case his/her computer has already been infected

by a computer virus?

If a computer has already been infected by a computer virus, an anti-virus can

remove it once detected. However, there are some circumstances wherein an anti-virus cannot

remove the computer virus on one¶s computer. A computer user doesn¶t have any option but

to reformat his/her computer in order to remove all viruses on a computer.

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