Stockpile Site Management Plan: Generic Shire Council
Stockpile Site Management Plan: Generic Shire Council
Stockpile Site Management Plan: Generic Shire Council
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Ed 1 / Rev 0 1 October 2008 <<New Plan OR Replaces Doc. No. OR ………….>> <<Engineering Director>>
Issue Date Revision Description Authorised by
Management Review
This Plan will be reviewed with Council’s Contract Environmental Management Plan.
Planned Scope Review By Review Record
Review Date Ref no. Date
1 October 2009 General Manager and <<XXX>>
1 October 2010
1 October 2011
______________________________ / /
General Manager Date
______________________________ / /
<<Engineering Director>> Date
______________________________ / /
Table of Contents
About this release.............................................................................................................3
Management Review........................................................................................................3
Endorsement of Stockpile Plan..........................................................................................3
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................4
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................6
2. Process Summary......................................................................................................7
3. Planning....................................................................................................................9
3.1. Need assessment...............................................................................................9
3.2. Site selection.....................................................................................................9
3.3. Risk assessment................................................................................................9
3.4. Stockpile Environmental Management Plan........................................................10
3.5. Licences..........................................................................................................10
4. Establishment..........................................................................................................11
5. Operation................................................................................................................11
5.1 General...........................................................................................................11
5.2 Records...........................................................................................................11
5.3 Maintenance....................................................................................................11
6. Inspection and Reporting.........................................................................................12
7. Decommissioning of Stockpile Sites...........................................................................13
Appendix A Environmental Risk Matrix for Stockpile Sites............................................14
Appendix B <<Generic SC>> Standard SEMPs...........................................................16
Appendices C to L Not Used..........................................................................................25
Appendix M Legislation..............................................................................................25
Last page.......................................................................................................................25
1. Introduction
<<Generic Shire Council’s>> Stockpile Site Management Plan (“Stockpile Plan”) has been
developed to assist in the site selection, establishment, operation, maintenance and
decommissioning of permanent and temporary stockpile sites for RTA works. It is part of
Council’s Contract Management System. Accordingly, the processes, controls and reporting
of that system apply.
It is adapted from the RTA document “Stockpile Site Management Procedure” of
30 November 2001.
The Stockpile Plan sets down how environmental and other risks will be identified and
assessed in selecting and planning stockpiles and how those risks are managed in the
operation, maintenance and decommissioning of stockpile sites.
This Stockpile Plan applies to both existing and proposed stockpiles for Services for the
RMCC which:
Store the following:
Select material and fill – such as sand and rock.
Topsoil, wood chips, mulch and waste vegetation.
Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) and Spoil - such as excavated
material ie. sediment and clays).
Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) – rotomilled material.
Concrete or asphalt – block material removed or excavated from pavement.
Pre-coat aggregate.
Asphalt – such as cold mix.
Road base.
Parked machinery and vehicles.
Construction material such as Jersey Kerbs & traffic signs and
General material such as timber, tyres, steel etc.
and which store waste materials less than 2,500 tonnes or 2,500 cubic metres,
whichever is the lesser.
Because further environmental assessments may be required, Council will seek the advice
from the RTA SEO (through the RTA Representative) regarding stockpile sites for work for
the RTA:
When the work not under the RMCC;
Where the environmental risk is classified as either Medium or High and the site is
not being decommissioned.
Where the site is:
On private property.
Used for compounds and camps.
For the storage of fuel and chemicals.
For the storage of any materials that are classified as hazardous, industrial or
liquid waste.
For waste material exceeding 2,500 tonnes or 2,500 cubic metres.
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Generic Shire Council: Stockpile Site Management Plan
The objectives are to:
Comply with the various environmental requirements of the RTA, DECC and other
statutory organisations and
Provide a process for identifying and managing environmental and other risks
associated with stockpile sites.
RTA Assistance
Note: the RTA SEO is available, in an advisory capacity, for inspections of stockpile sites and
for liaising with DECC and other statutory authorities if required.
If any stockpile for RTA work is assessed as having a Medium or High risk, RTA SEO must be
Temporary Stockpile Sites
Temporary stockpile sites are generally project related with their use limited to the duration
of a project. These stockpile sites will generally be established at the beginning of the
project and used throughout the project period. Once the project is complete the site is
usually de-commissioned and the land restored back to near its original condition.
Temporary stockpiles can be used for major development projects or works such as
rehabilitation/ restoration.
Permanent stockpile sites are generally required for continuing maintenance operations and
have a much longer life than temporary stockpiles. The control measures required at these
sites are more permanent in nature and will vary according to the changes in the types of
material stored on the site as well as the surrounding environment.
Any temporary stockpile site established for a particular project and not decommissioned
once the project is complete is then classified as a permanent stockpile site.
2. Process Summary.
Obtain any licenses
Consult RTA SEO required
(Refer to Section 3.5
Establish stockpile
(Refer to Section 4)
Inspect stockpile in
accordance with SEMP
(Refer to Section 6)
Is there an alternative
site that is less NO
environmentally Decommission stockpile in
sensitive? accordance with Section 7
Select alternative
Seek assistance of
3. Planning
The cost of additional haulage due to selection of an existing stockpile will be weighed
against the cost of establishment, maintenance and de-commissioning of a new site.
The cost of dealing with public complaints will be taken into consideration in both the new
stockpile and existing stockpile cases.
Traffic control
Stormwater run-off and erosion.
Flora and Fauna.
State Environmental Planning Policies.
Regional Environmental Plans.
Contaminated land.
Residential areas.
Aesthetic effect
If required, further details of the factors are available in the RTA document “Stockpile Site
Management Procedure”.
Where there is uncertainty in determining the nature of the site, the RTA SEO will be
consulted (through the RTA Representative) to assist in determining the level of risk
associated with the stockpile.
If the answer was “No” to all of the above then the site is of low risk, the “RTA’s REF for the
Establishment and Management of RTA Operated Stockpile Sites” applies and Council’s
standard SEMPs can be used.
If the answer to any of the above was “Yes” then the site is of Medium or High risk and the
RTA SEO must be consulted.
The type of environmental controls required will depend on the location, surrounding
environment and material being stored at the stockpile site. The environmental safeguard
matrix (see Section Appendix A) details the minimum safeguards required for different
stockpile materials.
Council’s standard SEMPs are shown for different environmental conditions and materials in
Section Appendix B.
Through the RTA Representative, Council will seek RTA SEO review all SEMPs.
The environmental controls for a particular stockpile site may change during operation
depending on the type of material being stored at any particular time. Any change in use
will be reflected where required in the SEMP for a stockpile site. The revised SEMP will be
forwarded to the RTA SEO through the RTA Representative.
3.5. Licences
Under recent amendments to the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, certain
activities on stockpile sites may require an environment protection licence.
In circumstances where more than 2,500 tonnes or 2,500 cubic metres (which ever is lesser)
of waste is being stored at any one time, or more than 30,000 tonnes is being stored
annually, a licence may be required and discussions should be sought with the RTA’s
Regional Senior Environmental Officer.
Where VENM is being stored or aggregate is imported preparation for a forthcoming project,
a licence will not be required.
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Generic Shire Council: Stockpile Site Management Plan
4. Establishment
Construct the stockpile site in accordance with the SEMP and any Traffic Control Plan.
New and existing stockpile sites will be signposted to identify their locations. The
signposting will assist in identifying RTA assets and the identification of where materials will
be delivered, and may have a notice to ban unauthorised dumping.
5. Operation
Operation of the stockpile site involves managing the materials on site and implementing the
appropriate control measures to ensure impacts on the environment are being minimised
and that the stockpile site is being maintained.
5.1 General
The amount of material that can be stockpiled at a particular site varies depending on the
following factors:
Size of the stockpile site.
Height restrictions.
Type of material being stockpiled.
The reason/s or objective/s for establishing the stockpile site and
If there will be any activity occurring on the site other than stockpiling, specifically
crushing, grinding and separating material into different sizes or reprocessing in any
way, and the amounts being crushed, grinded, separated or reprocessed.
The scope of the SEMP covers only the quantity and type of material set down in the SEMP.
If the stockpile site is to be used in any other way, a site specific REF and SEMP will be
drawn up for that activity.
5.2 Records
The relevant person controlling the stockpile site, for example the
<<Engineering Director>> will ensure:
a register or similar records of all types and quantities of material incoming and
outgoing as well as where re-use or recycled material is being used and
Inspection Records are kept (see Section 6).
5.3 Maintenance
The maintenance requirements of the stockpile site are detailed in the SEMP and will be
modified as required.
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Generic Shire Council: Stockpile Site Management Plan
Inspection of stockpile sites will be incorporated into the Routine Inspection calendar in
order to:
Monitor the effectiveness of the control measures and to ensure the environmental
impacts are being minimised.
Ensure the requirements and inspection frequencies of the RMCC (see RTA M1
Clause 4.7.2 and M30 Clause 33.6) are being met.
The frequency of inspection will be discussed with the RTA Representative and will reflect
the each stockpile’s location, material being stockpiled, surrounding environment and any
specific issues associated its site. That is, stockpiles with a higher level of risk, such as those
located near bushland or a watercourse will be inspected more frequently than those
situated in disturbed areas and with a low level of risk.
A checklist that captures all of the requirements associated with the stockpile site needs to
be established in order for an inspection to occur effectively. The SEMP for a particular site
and the environmental safeguard matrix (Section Appendix A) will be used to prepare an
inspection checklist. The example SEMPs (Section Appendix B) include example inspection
checklists of the kind that will be used for the stockpile site. The checklist will include
inspection of:
the surrounding environment particularly native vegetation and nearby waterways to
ensure no degradation has taken place;
environment control measures such as erosion and sedimentation control devices,
pits and catch drains;
impervious bunding;
the boundaries, to ensure that material has not encroached outside the stockpile site
impacts on residents;
illegal dumping;
height of vegetation (sightlines and fire risk);
other site-specific environmental issues and
housekeeping: mowing, litter removal, vermin control, illegal occupation etc
Any issues that are observed during the inspection will be dealt with in accordance to a non-
conformance procedure. Any issues that arise which were not covered in the original
requirements will be managed as corrective action requests to improve either
implementation or the documentation.
De-commissioning of stockpile sites after use will be conducted to reinstate the stockpile site
to near natural conditions. As some used stockpile sites end up as illegal dumping sites,
measures will be undertaken to deter such activities by the prudent use of appropriate
planting, earth mounds etc.
Council uses the following example Stockpile Environmental Management Plans (“SEMP”) as
models when developing of SEMPs for new or existing stockpile sites. The example SEMPs
detail environmental control measures for stockpile sites located at a variety of surrounding
environments and stockpiling different materials.
Council will adapt the examples and adopt a combination of control measures from the
examples which best suit the environmental and materials to be stockpiled.
(direction of flow)
Hard Stand
Entry / Exit
Pre-coat Aggregate
RAP Parawebbing
Princes Highway
5. Stockpile location and Identification
Region: Southern
Road Name and Number: Princes Highway
Road Lock
Stockpile Identification Code SR-PH-No7
3. Operating Instructions:
Max height of material/s stockpiled 3 metres
Instructions for delivery of material Delivered at stockpile number SW-NH-020
Quantities of recycled material that can be stockpiled. No limit
Quantities of inert waste that can be stockpiled. <2,500 tonnes or cubic metres which ever is lesser at any
one time or <30,000 tonnes per year
Material that can be stockpiled on site with appropriate Wood chip, Mulch Topsoil, Waste Vegetation
controls Select Material, Fill, VENM, Road Base
Asphalt, Concrete, RAP,
Construction & General Material
Machinery & Vehicle Parking
Materials that required to be stabilised or covered if Wood chip, Mulch Topsoil, Waste Vegetation
stockpiled longer than one month. Select Material, Fill, VENM, Road Base
Normal Operating Hours Monday to Friday - 7.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday – 8.00am to 1.00pm
Work Outside Normal Hours Follow RTA Procedures for Working Outside Normal Hours
4. Maintenance:
Maintenance Checklist Date Name Comments
Check sediment fence
Check Parawebbing
Check for weeds in stockpile site and materials
Check material on site is stockpiled appropriately
Check entry/exit hard stand area
Ground vegetation in stockpile site is <0.5 m high
No vermin or pests
No illegal occupation or illegal uses
(direction of flow)
Hard Stand
Entry / Exit
RAP Sediment
and vehicle
Newell Highway
5. Stockpile location and Identification
Region: South Western
Road Name and Number: Newell Highway
Road Lock
Stockpile Identification Code SW-NH-020
4. Maintenance:
Maintenance Checklist Date Name Comments
Check sediment fence
Check for weeds in stockpile site and materials
Check material on site is stockpiled appropriately
Check exit hard stand area
Ground vegetation in stockpile site is <0.5 m high
No vermin or pests
No illegal occupation or illegal uses
(direction of flow)
Jersey Kerbs
Open Drain
Hume Highway
(direction of slope)
Earth Mounds
Pacific Highway
Appendix M Legislation