Economics Worksheets 1-Org and PRSTN

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Q1. Define the following terms:-

Variable ,Attributes, Classifications, Tabulation, Statistical Series,

Frequency, Class Frequency, Total Frequency, Frequency distribution, Class,
Upper & lower Limits, Class interval , Midpoint.

Q2. What are the different types of series on the basis of general

Q3. What are the 3 types of series on the basis of construction.

Q4. Define an array?

Q5. Distinguish between

(a) Discrete & continuous variable

(b) Discrete & continuous series
(c) Inclusive & Exclusive Method
(d) Simple & Cumulative series
Q6. Give the steps of Construction:-

(e) Discrete frequency distribution

(f) Continuous frequency distribution.
Q7. Give the 7 principles of grouping data.

Q8. Convert the following data into less than and more than series.


40-50 5
50-60 10
60-70 20
70-80 9
80-90 6

Q9 Prepare frequency distributions taking class interval of 10 from the

following data by a) inclusive and b)exclusive method

5, 16,17, 17 ,20, 21, 22,22,22,25,25,26,26,30,31,31,34,35,42,48

Q10 The mid points of a frequency distribution of a group of teenagers

are given below



A) width of the classes

B) the class limits



Q1. Define or explain briefly.

(a) Statistical Table

(b) Tabulation

(c) Time series

(d) Pie Diagram

Q2. Name 4 types of presentation

Q3. Give 2 object of Presentation

Q4. Ogives are also know as

Q5. Discuss the following :

(a) Objectives of Tabulation

(b) Parts of a Table (with diagram)

(c) Type of Tables

(d) Importance of graphs and diagrams

(e) Various types of one dimensional diagram

(f) Limitations of Diagrammatic Presentation

(g) Point to keep in mind while preparing a table.

Q6. Differentiate between:

(a) Graphs/ Diagrams

(b) Stub / Caption

(c) Subdivided/ Percentage Bar diagram

(d) Deviation /Broken Bar Diagram

Q7. How will a histogram be drawn if

(a) Class intervals are uneqnal

(b) Class intervals are inclusive

Q8. Give alternative terms for

(a) Multiple Bar Diagram

(b) Angular Diagram

(c) Sub-Divided Bar Diagram

(d) Time Series

Q9. Construct a pie –diagram to represent the cost of construction of a


Item Expenditure(%)

Labour 25

Bricks 15

Cement 20

Timber 10

Supervision 30

Q10. Prepare ‘Less than and ‘More than’ Ogives.

Classes Frequency

0-10 2

10-20 3

20-30 7

30-40 11
40-50 15

50-60 7

60-70 2

70-80 3

Q11. Under what condition is the use of a false-base line advisable? Give an
example of such data.

Q12. Draw a time –series graph:

Year Production of bulbs (Units)

1990 9900

1991 8650

1992 11700

1993 13300

1994 12000

Q13. Present the above data in bars and Q10 as a histogram.




1 mark question to be answered in one word/one sentence

Q1. Define an average .

Q2. What is meant by ‘Central Tendency’?

Q3. State two function of an average.

Q4. Name three measures of central tendency.

Q5. Give for formula Weight Arithmetic Mean.

Q6. What is Arithmetic Mean.

Q7. Name two types of arithmetic mean.

Q8. What is median?

Q9. What are quartiles?

Q10. What are percentiles?

Q11. What are partition Values?

Q12. What is mode?

Q13. Give the formula for finding the median in case of continuous series..

Q14. Give the formula for finding mode of a continuous series.

Q15. Age of 5 students is 22, 24,26,21,20.Find the modal age.

Q16. State the relative position of Mean median and Mode a) in a moderately
asymmetrical distribution b)in a symmetrical distribution.
Q17. Find the mean marks obtained by five students-45,50,55,35,50

Q18. Locate the Mode- 1,2,3,4,4,5

Q19. Locate the Median value – 12,6,18,14,8

Q20. Locate the Median Value- 12,6,18,14,8,10

Q21. Locate the First Quartile- 12,6,18,14,8

Q22. Locate the Upper Quartile- 12,6,18,14,8

Q23. Complete the following formula;

X=A+ fdx ?

Q24. Give the formula for calculating arithmetic average of a continuous

series with assumed mean,

Q25. How are quartiles calculated in a continuous series?

Q26. Calculate median in a moderately asymmetrical distribution if mode is

83 and arithmetic mean is 92 .

Q27. If mode the median are 63 and 67 respectively, calculate arithmetic


Q28. Values of median and mean are 26 and respectively, calculate mode.

Q29. Can mode be located graphically?

Q30. How is arithmetic mean of a grouped frequency distribution

Calculated? Explain with the help of direct and indirect methods.

Q31. The median of a series is 10. Two additional observations, 7 and 20 are

added to the series. What will be median of new series?

Q32. If the arithmetic mean of a series is 28, what will be the resultant mean
if each item of the series is increased by 3, decreased by 5, divided by 4
or multiplied by 10
Q33. Average daily wage of 50 workers of a factory was Rs.200. each worker is
given a raise of Rs.20 What is the new average daily wage?

Q34. Show that the algebraic sum of deviations of given set of a given set of
observations from their mean is zero.

Q35. Explain any one disadvantage of arithmetic mean as a measure of

central tendency.

Q36. What relationship exists between Mean , Median and Mode in case of a
symmetrical distribution?

Q38. What relationship exists between X, M and Z in a moderately negative

skewed distribution?

Q39. Define upper quartile.

Q40. Define lower quartile.

Q41. In a town 25% of the person earned more than Rs.45000 whereas 75%
earned more than Rs. 18000. Calculate Q1 and Q3.

(3/4 Marks)

Q1. Explain the characteristics of a good average.

Q2. What is arithmetic mean? Write two merits of arithmetic mean.

Q3. Mention any three merits of Median

Q4. Define Mode. What are its merits?

Q5. “Arithmetic Mean is affected by very large and very small values but
Median and mode are not affected by them.” Explain.

Q6. Show the sum of deviations of the value of variables from their
arithmetic mean is equal to zero.

Q7. Compare Mean, Median and Mode as measures of Central Tendency

Q8. Comment whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) The sum of deviation of items from median is zero.

(ii) An average alone is not enough to compare series.

(iii) Arithmetic mean is a positional value.

(iv) Upper quartile is the lowest value of top 25% of items.

(v) Median is unduly affected by extreme observations.


ASSIGNMENT- 4 TOPIC - Indian Economy On the Eve of


Short Answer Questions

Q1. What was the purpose of British colonial rule in india?

Q2. Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capitaincome during the colonial

Q3. Which is regarded as the defining year to make the demographic transition from its first to the
second stage?

Q4. When was India’s first official census operation undertaken?

Q5. When was TATA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY9TISCO incorporated?

Q6. What was the motive behind the infrastructure development during the British rule?

Q7. What was the objective of the Britishers to develop roads in India?

Q8. When were railways introduced in India?

Q9. During the British rule what percentage of India’s population lived mostly in villages and
derived livelihood from agriculture?

Q10. Did ’commercialization of agriculture’ contribute positively during British rule?

Q11. Name the main items of India’s exports and imports during British rule.

Q12. During colonial rule with which country did India have more than half of its foreign trade?

Q13. During British rule what was estimated

(a) Overall literacy level (b) female literacy

(c) Infant mortality rate (d) life expectancy


Q14. What was the focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India?
What was the impact of these policies?

Q15. Explain in brief the state of agricultural sector during the colonial period?

Q16. Explain the exploitative nature of zamindari system during the British rule?

Q17. Explain in brief the state of industrial sector during the colonial period?

Q18. What was the two-fold motive behind the systematic deindustrialization affected by the
British in pre independence India?
Q19. Throw light on the state of India’s foreign trade during the colonial period . How did it lead
“to drain of Indian Wealth?”

Q20.Comment on Demographic Condition of Indian Economy at the time of independence.

Q21.Describe in brief the nature of occupational Structure in India on the eve of independence .

Q22.Comment on the state of infrastructure during the colonial period .

Q23.Were there any positive contributions made by the British in India? Discuss.

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