Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Molecular & Convective Transport
Ismail Tosun

Engr. Ayesha Raza 1

Molecular Transport and Convective Transport

 The total flux of any quantity is the sum of the molecular

and convective fluxes
Molecular Transport
The fluxes arising from potential gradients or driving forces
are called molecular fluxes
Molecular fluxes are expressed in the form of constitutive (or
phenomenological) equations for momentum, energy, and
mass transport
Convective Transport
Momentum, energy, and mass can also be transported by
bulk fluid motion or bulk flow and the resulting flux is called
convective flux
Molecular Transport

 If the gradient is momentum, then viscosity is defined by

the constitutive equation called Newton’s law of viscosity
 If the gradient is energy, then the thermal conductivity is
defined by Fourier’s law of heat conduction
 If the gradient is concentration, then the diffusion
coefficient is defined by Fick’s first law of diffusion

Viscosity, thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient



Absolute Viscosity

Kinematic Viscosity

 This equation is valid for flow of all gases and all liquids with
molecular weight of less than about 5000 and such fluids are referred
to as Newtonian fluids. Polymeric liquids, suspensions, pastes, slurries
are not described by this Eq. and are referred as non-Newtonian fluids

A Newtonian fluid with a viscosity of 10 cP is placed between two large parallel
plates. The distance between the plates is 4mm. The lower plate is pulled in the
positive x-direction with a force of 0.5N, while the upper plate is pulled in the
negative x-direction with a force of 2N. Each plate has an area of 2.5m2. If the
velocity of the lower plate is 0.1 m/s, calculate:

a) The steady-state momentum flux,

b) The velocity of the upper plate,
c) Parts (a) and (b) for a Newtonian fluid with p = 1 cP.

a) 1 Pa
b) -0.3 m/s
c) -3.9 m/s

 Why does viscosity increase in gas as
temperature increases?

 The critical temperature of a substance is
the temperature at and above which vapor
of the substance cannot be liquefied, no
matter how much pressure is applied

452 * 10 (-6) Poise

Rheological Behavior

Newtonian Fluids:

The viscosity is independent to the

Increase in the shear rate e.g. water

Non-Newtonian Fluids:

The viscosity changes with the

Increase in shear rate. It shows two
types of behaviors

Shear Thinning Behavior:

The viscosity decreases with the
Increase in shear rate e.g. most
polymers show this type of flow behavior. Therefore, they are called Pseudoplastic.

Shear Thickening Behavior:

The viscosity increases with the increase in shear rate (such materials are called Dilatan
e.g. conc. pastes
Rheological Behavior
Newtonian Fluids:

The viscosity is independent to the

Increase in the shear rate e.g. water

Non-Newtonian Fluids:

The viscosity changes with the

Increase in shear rate. It shows two
types of behaviors

Shear Thinning Behavior:

The viscosity decreases with the
Increase in shear rate e.g. most
polymers show this type of flow behavior. Therefore, they are called

Shear Thickening Behavior:

The viscosity increases with the increase in shear rate (such materials are called
Dilatants). e.g. conc. pastes

Bingham: Materials of this class don’t deform below a certain shear stress. Above
Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction

One side of a copper slab receives a net heat input at a rate of 5000W due to
radiation. The other face is held at a temperature of 35°C. If steady-state
conditions prevail, calculate the surface temperature of the side receiving radiant
energy. The surface area of each face is 0.05m2, and the slab thickness is 4cm.
For copper: k = 398 W/m.K

Fick's First Law of Diffusion

Diffusion coefficient of gases has an order of magnitude of 10-5 m2/s under atmospheric
conditions. Assuming ideal gas behavior, the pressure and temperature dependence of
the diffusion coefficient of gases may be estimated from the relation

Diffusion coefficients for liquids are usually in the order of 10-9 m2/s. On the other hand,
DAB values for solids vary from 10-10 to 10-14 m2/s.

Newton’s “law” of viscosity, Fourier’s “law” of heat conduction, and Fick’s first “law” of
diffusion, in reality, are not laws but defining equations for viscosity, µ, thermal
conductivity, k , and diffusion coefficient, DAB. Newton’s law of viscosity, Fourier’s law of
heat conduction, and Fick’s first law of diffusion, can be generalized as

The mass diffusivity DAB, the thermal diffusivity α= k/pCp, and the momentum diffusivity
(kinematic viscosity) ν = µ/ρ all have dimensions of (length)2/time. These transport
equations can also be expressed in the following forms:

The term µ/ρ is called momentum diffusivity or kinematic viscosity, and the term k/ρCp
is called thermal diffusivity. Momentum and thermal diffusivities are designated by ν and
α, respectively. Note that the terms ν , α, and DAB all have the same units, m2/s,
therefore transport equations be expressed in the general form as, 35
Since the terms ν, α,
and DAB all have the
same units, the ratio of
any two of these
diffusivities results in a
dimensionless number.
For example, the ratio of
momentum diffusivity to
thermal diffusivity gives
the Prandtl number, Pr.

The ratios of these

three quantities are
therefore dimensionless

Convective flux or bulk flux of a quantity is expressed as

When air is pumped through a pipe, it is considered to be a single phase and a single
component system. In this case, there is no ambiguity in defining the characteristic
velocity. However, if the oxygen in the air were reacting, then the fact that air is
composed predominantly of two species, O2 and N2, had to be taken into account.
Hence, air should be considered a single phase, binary component system. For a single
phase system composed of n components, the general definition of a characteristic
velocity is given by

where βi is the weighting factor and vi is the velocity of a constituent.

Total Flux

The ratio of the convective flux to the molecular flux is given by,

Since the gradient of a quantity represents the variation of that particular quantity over
a characteristic length, the “Gradient of Quantity/Volume” can be expressed as

The ratio of the convective flux to the molecular flux is known as Peclet number, Pe.
Therefore, Peclet numbers for heat and mass transfers are,


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