Laboratory 7 Excel

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Laboratory Exercise 07: Excel 2010

Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: _______________________

Year & Section: ______________________________________________

I. Excel Basics

The Cell
Each rectangle in a worksheet is called a cell. A cell is the intersection of a row
and a column. Each cell has a name, or a cell address based on which column
and row it intersects. The cell address of a selected cell appears in the name box.
A group of multiple cells is known as a cell range. Rather than a single cell
address, you will refer to a cell range using the cell addresses of the first and last
cells in the cell range, separated by a colon.

Cell Content
Text Cells can contain letters, numbers, and dates.
Formatting Cells can contain formatting attributes that change the way letters, numbers, and dates
attributes are displayed. For example, dates can be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY.
Comments Cells can contain comments from multiple reviewers.
Formulas and Cells can contain formulas and functions that calculate cell values. For example,
Functions SUM(cell 1, cell 2...) is a formula that can add the values in multiple cells.

A. Working with columns, rows, and cells By default, every row and column of a new workbook is set to the same
height and width.
a. To modify column width
1. Position your mouse over the column line in the
column heading so the white cross becomes a
double arrow .
2. Click and drag the column to the right to increase
column width or to the left to decrease column width.
3. Release the mouse. The column width will be changed in your spreadsheet
Note: If you see pound signs (#######) in a cell, it means the column is not wide enough to display
the cell content. Simply increase the column width to show the cell content.
b. To modify row height
1. Position the cursor over the row line so the white cross
becomes a double arrow .
2. Click and drag the row downward to increase row height or
upward to decrease height.
3. Release the mouse. The height of each selected row will be
changed in your worksheet.
c. To insert rows
1. Select the row below where you want
the new row to appear.
2. Click the Insert command on the Home
3. The new row appears in your worksheet.
d. To insert columns
1. Select the column to the right of
where you want the new column to
appear. For example, if you want to
insert a column between A and B,
select column B.
2. Click the Insert command on the
Home tab.
3. The new column appears in your worksheet.
Note: By default, Excel formats inserted columns with the same formatting as the column to the left of
them. To access more options, hover your mouse over the Insert Options button and click the drop-
down arrow that appears.



e. To delete row
1. Select the rows you want to
2. Click the Delete command on the
Home tab.
3. The rows are deleted from your
Note: Same process when deleting
B. Wrapping text and merging cells
If a cell contains more text than can be displayed, you can choose to wrap the text within the cell or merge
the cell with empty adjoining cells. Wrap text to make it display on multiple lines of the cell. Merge cells to
combine adjoining cells into one larger cell.
a. To wrap text
1. Select the cells with text that you want to wrap.
2. Select the Wrap Text command on the Home
3. The text in the selected cells will be wrapped in
your worksheet.
Note: If you change your mind, reclick the Wrap
Text command to unwrap the text.

b. To merge cells using the Merge & Center

1. Select the cells you want to merge.
2. Select the Merge & Center command on
the Home tab.
3. The selected cells will be merged, and the
text will be centered.
Note: If you change your mind, reclick the Merge & Center command to unmerge the cells.
c. To access more merge options
Click the drop-down arrow next to the Merge & Center command on the Home tab. The merge drop-down menu
Merge & Center Merges selected cells into one cell and centers the text
Merge Across Merges each row of selected cells into larger cells; useful when merging content across multiple
rows of cells rather than creating one large cell
Merge Cells Merges selected cells into one cell
Unmerge Cells Unmerges selected cells

C. Formatting Numbers and Dates

One of Excel's most useful features is its ability to format numbers and dates in
a variety of ways. For example, you might need to format numbers with
decimal places, currency symbols ($), or percent symbols (%)
a. To format numbers and dates
1. Select the cells you want to modify.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Number Format command
on the Home tab.
3. Select the number format you want. For some number formats, you
can then use the Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal
commands (below the Number Format command) to change the
number of decimal places that are displayed.
D. Complex Formulas
Simple formulas have one mathematical operation, such as 5+5. Complex formulas have more than one
mathematical operation, such as 5+5-2. When there is more than one operation in a formula, the order of
operations tells us which operation to calculate first. To use Excel to calculate complex formulas, you'll need to
understand the order of operations.
The order of operations
Excel calculates formulas based on the following order of operations:
1. Operations enclosed in parentheses
2. Exponential calculations (to the power of)



3. Multiplication and division, whichever comes first

4. Addition and subtraction, whichever comes first
a. To create complex formula using the order of operations
1. Click the cell where you want the formula
result to appear (F11, for example).
2. Type the equals sign (=).
3. Type an open parenthesis, then click the
cell that contains the first value you want
in the formula (F4, for example).
4. Type the first mathematical operator (the
addition sign, for example).
5. Click the cell that contains the second
value you want in the formula (F5, for
example), then type a closed
6. Type the next mathematical operator (the multiplication sign, for example).
7. Type the next value in the formula (0.055 for 5.5% tax, for example).
8. Click Enter to calculate your formula. The results show that $2.12 is the tax for the nursery order.
E. Working with cell References
Excel will interpret cell references as either relative or absolute. By default, cell references are relative
references. When copied or filled, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns. If you
copy a formula (=A1+B1) into row 2, the formula will change to become (=A2+B2).
Absolute references, on the other hand, do not change when they are copied or filled and are used when
you want the values to stay the same
a. Relative references
By default, when you copy a formula (=A1+B1) into row 2, the formula will change to become
b. Absolute References
There may be times when you do not want a cell reference to change when copying or filling cells.
You can use an absolute reference to keep a row and/or column constant in the formula.
An absolute reference is designated in the formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede
the column reference, the row reference, or both.

F. Basic Functions
A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order. One of
the key benefits of functions is that they can save you time because you do not have to write the formula
yourself. Excel has hundreds of functions to assist with your calculations.

Parts of function
The order in which you insert a function is important. Each function has a specific order—called syntax—which
must be followed in order for the function to work correctly. The basic syntax to create a formula with a
function is to insert an equals sign (=), function name (SUM, for example, is the function name for addition),
and argument. Arguments contain the information you want the formula to calculate, such as a range of cell

a. Working with Arguments



Arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Individual values or cell references inside the parentheses are
separated by either colons or commas.

 Colons create a reference to a range of cells.

For example, =AVERAGE(E19:E23) would calculate the average of the cell range E19 through
 Commas separate individual values, cell references, and cell ranges in parentheses. If there is more
than one argument, you must separate each argument by a comma.
For example, =COUNT(C6:C14,C19:C23,C28) will count all the cells in the three arguments that
are included in parentheses.
b. To create a basic function in Excel
1. Select the cell where the answer
will appear (F15, for example).
2. Type the equals sign (=), then
enter the function name (SUM,
for example).
3. Enter the cells for the argument
inside the parentheses.
4. Press Enter, and the result will appear.
c. Using AutoSum to select common functions
The AutoSum command allows you to automatically return the results for a range of cells for common
functions like SUM and AVERAGE
1. Select the cell where the answer
will appear (E24, for example).
2. Click the Home tab.
3. In the Editing group, click the
AutoSum drop-down arrow and
select the function you want
(Average, for example).
4. A formula will appear in E24, the
selected cell. If logically placed, AutoSum will select your cells for you. Otherwise, you will need to
click the cells to choose the argument you want.
5. Press Enter, and the result will appear.

Activity (Individual):

With the use of MS Excel. Create your own class record with computation of the grade of the 10 students.

a. Grading System
Written Works 20%
Performance Task 50%
Examination 30%
Final Grade 100%
b. Field for written works and Performance Task must at least 5 columns.
c. Field for Examination at least one column.
Don’t depend on this example. Make your own style
and creation. Make it more creative and Think beyond
the box.
Your grade is not always based on what you see, it is
based on how you create and how you learn new
things on your own. Good Luck! 

Save it as LastName_FirstName_Lab7.xlsx in your flashdrive then submit until October 5, 2018.


Maximize the use of EXCEL 30%

Creativity 30%
Content & Presentation 30%
Organization 10%


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