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The document discusses a Guns & Ammo magazine issue from December 2020. It provides information on new firearms, editorials, product reviews, and highlights of 2020.

Firearms featured include the Rock Island VRPA40 12 gauge shotgun, Colt Combat Elite 1911 pistols, Uintah Precision UP-15 bolt action rifle in 6mm ARC, and Kimber Triari micro 9mm pistol.

Editorials and articles discussed include pieces on shooting in Hornady's PRS match, three guns the author wishes were reviewed in 2020, and innovative thermoplastics. The 'Gun Room' and 'Rifles & Glass' sections are also mentioned.



g u ns an d m






P. 30
P. 56
P. 27 P. 17 P. 96
Shooting in Avient: 3 Guns I wish
Hornady’s PRS Innovative we reviewed
match. thermoplastics. in 2020.
Our optics are built to take a beating.
While others warranty failure, we
guarantee performance for life.


AB3 Hunter
GUNS & AMMO Decemb er 2020 | VO LU ME 64, NU MB ER 1 2 | PU BLI SH ED M ONTHLY


by eric r.poole



subscriber cover
features a new
AR-15 upper that
extracts the long-

range accuracy
potential from
Hornady’s 6mm
ARC. p. 30


2020 GUNS & AMMO
Uintah Precision’s Named for Rome’s warrior An introduction
UP-15 in 6mm ARC is elite, Kimber’s latest Micro The best of what’s to three distinct
the bolt-action rifle you 9 offers today’s defenders new and innovative two-tone Model
didn’t see coming. an option that’s ready and or 2020. 1911s from Colt.
by tom beckstrand able to answer the call. staff report by keith wood
by joe kurtenbach

reader blowback � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 10 rifles & Glass by Tom Beckstrand � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 27

editorial by Eric R. Poole � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 17 Proofhouse Rock Island Armory VRPA40 12 ga.� � � � � 86
Gun room by Garry James � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 19 Spent cases by Keith Wood � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 96

GUNS & AMMO Magazine, Copyright 2020 by Outdoor Sportsman Group®. All rights reserved.
CAUTION: Some advertisements may concern products that are not legally for sale to California residents or residents in other jurisdictions.
Guns & Ammo (ISSN# 0017-5684) December 2020, Volume 64, Number 12. Copyright 2020. Published monthly by OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP®, 1040 6th Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10018-3703. Periodical postage paid at
New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change (Form 3579) to Guns & Ammo, P.O. Box 37539, Boone, IA 50037-0539. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 500 R. 46 East, Clifton, NJ 07011.
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6 G &A decem ber 2 0 2 0
An Outdoor Sportsman Group® publication
PUbLISHer PreSIdeNT & ceO
Mike Schoby Jim Liberatore

Eric R. Poole PUbLISHING & brANded medIA
dIGITAL edITOr Mike Carney
Joe Kurtenbach eXecUTIVe VP,
Michael Ulrich Derek Sevcik
Michael Anschuetz Peter Watt
Garry James Deb Daniels
Craig Boddington Connie Mendoza
Tom Beckstrand Kyle Morgan
SeNIOr creATIVe dIrecTOr
Chris Cerino, Dave Emary, D. Faubion,
Mark Fingar, Brad Fitzpatrick, OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP,
Robert W. Hunnicutt, Kyle Lamb, DIGITAL
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Alfredo Rico, Jeremy Stafford, Jeff Simpson
Joseph von Benedikt, Keith Wood
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december 2020

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Bad to the Bone

Full tang stainless steel blade with natural
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• 12" overall length; 6 ¹⁄2" stainless steel full tang blade • Genuine bone handle
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10 G&A de ce mber 2020
R E AD ER WRITE US! “Letters,” Guns & Ammo, 2 News Plaza, 3rd Floor, Peoria, IL 61614, or email us at [email protected].
B L O WB ACK Please include your city and state of residence. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity.

was pleased that I decided NOVEMBER ’18

not to let this rifle go. The subscriber cover saw the
Chris Straka introduction of the Aimpoint
ACRO P-1. The ACRO was
Lawton, Michigan the first closed-emitter red
dot sight developed for use on
MISSING BALLARDS pistols. Being a closed system,
the sight’s casing protects
Col. Boddington’s “Sesqui- electronics from shock, debris
centennial” in the Octo- and moisture that would
ber 2020 issue of Guns & interrupt the LED projection
or distort sight picture.
Ammo marking Marlin’s
150th Anniversary was an
excellent article. It was
informative and interesting,
7MM REM. MAG., PLEASE but I’m baffled that there
I am an avid reader of your magazine and have two rifles was nary a peep about the
in 7mm Remington Magnum, which I enjoy shooting very many exceptional Ballard
much. My T/C Compass is very accurate, and I’ve been rifles made by Marlin. This
shooting paper at 100 yards without a problem. However, was a very bizarre omission.
I don’t see much information or specifications for this car- The higher-grade Ballards
tridge. I would also like to see some range and field data are at the historical pinnacle
on the 7mm Rem. Mag.’s long-range hunting capabilities. of American rifle building,
Maybe you could print an article on this topic. certainly of Marlin’s. Per-
Donald Schalk haps there is something I
Elgin, Illinois don’t understand? I knew. First, a Louisiana
Anonymous native, age 17, was a Marine
SAVAGE OWNER’S gan, at a hardware store. Dunsmuir, California on Guadalcanal between
MANUAL? We could shoot centerfire 1942 and ’43. He had been
I just finished the Janu- in the U.P., but in 1969, we JAPANESE RIFLES shot by a Japanese soldier
ary 2020 issue of Guns & moved to lower Michigan, I read with interest Garry armed with either a Type
Ammo. I must offer that I which rendered the firearm James’ article “Prevalence 38 or Type 99 and earned a
was most moved with Craig illegal for hunting. So, it in the Pacific” in the July Purple Heart. A combination
Boddington’s historical remained in the closet. In 2020 issue. James detailed of unspeakable Japanese
Savage article “1894” January 2018, I wrote Sav- the Arisaka Type 99 and brutality, the horrible condi-
because it mentioned the age Arms to try and obtain mentioned the manufac- tions and his wound instilled
Model 340. About 10 years an owner’s manual. They turer’s earlier Type 38 rifles an inconsolable and lasting
ago, after my father passed, replied and offered, “If you used throughout the Sec- hatred for both the Japa-
I inherited the Model 340D are looking for a man- ond World War. G&A’s next nese and the small-caliber
in .222 Remington with a ual that tells you how to month contained an identifi- Arisaka rifles. He wrestled
2.5X Bushnell scope. I had assemble and disassemble cation of a reader’s “Unusual with the hurt for the rest of
thought about letting it go, older Savage, Stevens or Arisaka Marking,” and the his life. The second connec-
but decided that I would Fox firearms, these are no September issue featured tion was my Uncle John. His
keep and shoot it for senti- longer offered or in print.” a reader letter about the Marine anti-aircraft battalion
mental reasons. I remember Do you know where I could Type 99. These reminded went ashore on Funafuti
my father purchasing it in find the information above? me of the experiences of Atoll on October 2, 1942,
1967 in Escanaba, Michi- After reading this article, I two Marine Corps veterans with two infantry compa-
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nies from 3rd Marines, a group of U.S. KEEP IT UP!

Navy Seabees and a detachment from As I read and hear about all the naïve
Navy Scouting Squadron 65. After he gun haters, I have to fight back the
landed, he was detailed to “mop up” water works. They are ignorant to the
the enemy forces. I recall seeing two facts about guns and why they are free
small black-and-white photographs of in this country. My relatives gave them-
several Japanese soldiers they encoun- selves to fight evil, and it’s because
tered. In one or both images, Arisaka the Second Amendment is the most
rifles were lying beside the corpses. important of the Constitutional
After G&A’s recent article and men- amendments. Tyranny is at our door.
tions, I decided to add a Type 38 and Such ignorance is being perpetuated
a Type 99 to my collection as salutes to by the lack of American history taught
my former acquaintance and relative. in schools. My family came to America
Thank you. These writeups have made on the Mayflower, while others were
the past come alive. already here. We need to protect what
John T. Stemple we have because when the Boomers
winter Haven, Florida are gone, the anti-gun agenda will
come like a thief in the night. So, keep
PRIMATIVE HUNTING it up Guns & Ammo! The only way to
I don’t subscribe, but a friend gives stop mass shootings is to stop making
me this magazine. I agree with Dennis ignorant children. Thank you Beck-
Vance’s letter in the September issue, strand, Wood, Poole, Stafford, SGM
“You Sick People” — to a point. Lamb, Nance, Emary, James and staff.
What’s happened to hunting with a Michael cumston
muzzleloader? Hunting is a complete Priest river, Idaho
disgrace these days. Consider the
plastic stocks, the powder, copper WHERE’S THE .38?
bullets and telescopic sights. All we For us older readers, please write a
now have is a single-shot rifle season! column on the .38 Special. I would
There is nothing primitive about hunt- like to see it rated as a defensive
ing with a modern muzzleloader, and round and read comments on today’s
yet some want to brag about getting handguns available for the .38 Spe-
a deer with one! Here in Virginia, cial, especially those offered by Smith
there are two muzzleloading sea- & Wesson, Colt and Ruger. Why did Scratch your AR itch! The editorial staff of
sons. I would like to see at least one the .38 die seemingly overnight? You Guns & Ammo has put together a one-of-a-
kind Gear Box with their favorite items from
become a primitive season. do your work, and I’ll do mine. You
their most recent testing and reviews. Bought
clyde Perdue write, and I’ll keep reading. At 84, separately, this box would cost over $74! Guns
blacksburg, Virginia I have been a subscriber for many & Ammo is offering this limited time Gear Box
for only $25!
years and plan to be for many more.
When sold out, they are sold out. Buy up to
SOLVING PROBLEMS J. S. knoerzer five and ship together for added savings.
In Guns & Ammo’s August issue, Dick Marshall, Texas
To purchase visit
Koch wrote that he doesn’t believe
any lawful firearms owner would have I AM SICK
a problem with registering the heart Dennis Vance’s “You Sick People”
of any weapon. I respectfully disagree. letter in the September issue needs
There are tens of millions of us in this to be answered. The 2nd Amendment
country. History has always shown us is not about hunting, unless your
that registration leads to confiscation. definition of “hunting” includes “all
And gun confiscation always leads to enemies, foreign and domestic.” Mr.
increased tyranny. If Mr. Koch is serious Vance is correct that I am “sick.” I am
about wanting to stop potential mass sick of the attacks on our gun rights BOOK OF AR-15, 2020 #3: VALUE $9.99
shootings, he should work towards the from both the Left and the “only REAL AVID AR-15 MICRO TOOL: VALUE $19.99
elimination of gun-free zones where for hunting” snobs on the right who OTIS BORE STICK CORROSION INHIBITOR: VALUE $4.99
almost all such crimes occur. claim to be “pro-gun.” As my old HORNADY RAPID RACK CHARGE ASSIST: VALUE $13.13
eric John bailey Navy chief used to say, “That is not THAT’S A TOTAL VALUE OF $74.08
olympia, washington acceptable!” Stop the attacks and YOURS FOR ONLY $25.00!
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d ec em b e r 2 0 2 0 G& A 15
Sacred Stone of the
read history. Mr. Vance, I suggest you
start with “The Federalist Papers.”
Perry Galloway
Southwest is on the
Bowie, Texas
Brink of Extinction
Gentlemen, with regards to Keith
Wood’s article, “2020 Best States for
enturies ago,
Tibetans and
“With depleting mines,
turquoise, the most
Concealed Carry” in the September Mayans considered
turquoise a gemstone sacred stone to the
issue, it made me depressed to see Navajo, has become
of the heavens,
how the U.S. Constitution is being believing the striking increasingly rare.”
violated. The 2nd Amendment is blue stones were B. ––
distinctly worded, saying “The right sacred pieces of sky.
of the people to keep and bear arms Today, the rarest
shall not be infringed.” Wake up and most valuable
America and stand up for your rights! turquoise is found
Jim Schaefer
in the American
Southwest–– but
Parker, Arizona the future of
the blue beauty
NO MORE .32? is unclear.
I recently purchased a new Charter On a recent trip to Tucson, we spoke with
Arms Professional revolver, a seven- fourth generation turquoise traders who
shooter. At the time, I also purchased explained that less than five percent of turquoise
two boxes of .32 H&R Magnum for my mined worldwide can be set into jewelry and
new gun and 100 rounds of .32 S&W only about twenty mines in the Southwest
supply gem-quality turquoise. Once a thriving
Long. It’s a good thing I did, too.
industry, many Southwest mines have run dry
Since then, I cannot find any .32 Mag- and are now closed.
num ammo in my area. I can under- We found a limited supply of turquoise from
stand the current shortages of 9mm, Arizona and snatched it up for our Sedona
.380 ACP and .45 ACP, but what’s with Turquoise Collection. Inspired by the work
the sold-out .32 calibers? I hope that of those ancient craftsmen and designed to
.32 Magnum ammo won’t be rele- showcase the exceptional blue stone, each
gated to being no longer available. It stabilized vibrant cabochon features a unique, Necklace
one-of-a-kind matrix surrounded in Bali enlarged
is a fine little round. What might your
metalwork. You could drop over $1,200 on a to show
input be on this situation?
Frankie Richeson
turquoise pendant, or you could secure 26 carats
of genuine Arizona turquoise for just $99.
color 26 carats
Englewood, Tennessee Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. of genuine
Due to the national social and polit-
If you aren’t completely happy with your
purchase, send it back within 30 days for a
Arizona turquoise
ical climate, as well as the long-term
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,
complete refund of the item price.
ONLY $99
Jewelry Specifications:
we believe that your local sources • Arizona turquoise • Silver-finished settings
are simply out of stock. It is not that
Sedona Turquoise Collection C.
ammunition manufacturers are intend-
A. Pendant (26 cts) $299 $99* Save $200
ing to cease production of .32-caliber
B. 18" Bali Naga woven
loads, but their efforts are working to
sterling silver chain $149
meet the constant demand for more
C. 1 1/2" Earrings (10 ctw) $299 $99* Save $200
popular rounds such as 9mm and 5.56
Complete Set** $747 $249 Save $498
NATO/.223 Remington, for example.
** Complete set includes pendant, chain and earrings.
When life in American returns to nor-
Call now and mention the offer code to receive your collecion.
mal, and tensions ease, you will even-
tually see ammunition manufacturers
setting up to load for more variety
Offer Code STC288-01 Rating of A+
Stauer ¨

14101 Southcross Drive W.,

and stores restocking their shelves. You must use the offer code to get our special price. Ste 155, Dept. STC288-01,
Until then, .32-caliber ammunition will * Special price only for customers using the offer code versus the price Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
be harder to find. — E. Poole on without your offer code.
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E DI TORI AL december 2020 G& A 17

PolyOne becomes Avient,

and it likely affects you.



ON JULY 1, 2020, it was announced that PolyOne would process wasn’t practical or scalable until the scientists and
change its name to Avient, a new word for a new kind of engineers working at Avient developed special polymer
specialty materials company. Who are they? Besides devel- composites up to the task. As a result of Avient’s efforts,
oping and manufacturing thermoplastics that are widely polymer-case offerings are rapidly expanding and new
used by the automotive, aircraft and marine industries, benefits are being exploited. For instance, polymer cases
Avient’s polymers are also found in such benign products as cause less friction during extraction, reduce wear and keep
flexible toothbrushes, waterproof boots, solar panels, and chambers cooler. Cases are lightweight, can also be made
even casings on X-ray machines! You may not have realized biodegradable, and unlike metal cartridges they can’t be
that one company was behind so many everyday items, and reloaded and reused by enemy combatants who may scav-
it’s likely that you were not aware that enge them from the battlefield.
Avient also supports the firearm and As an industry insider, I’ve been
outdoor industries. following Avient’s efforts to develop
Located in Avon Lake, Ohio, Avient polymers to support the demand for
has a “challenge accepted” approach a polymer-case cartridge. The former
to developing next-generation PolyCase turned to PolyOne to devel-
materials. Avient creates sustainable oped the polymer-copper matrix used
material solutions for their customers, in Inceptor Ammunition’s ARX bullet.
which include manufacturers within the The U.S. Army’s Next-Generation
firearm industry. Challenges, therefore, Squad Weapon (NGSW) is a systems
become new opportunities. program, meaning that the contract
Do you shoot a firearm equipped will include a rifle, machine gun, sup-
with a recoil pad? There’s a good pressor and optic, as well as special-
chance that Avient formulated the ized ammunition. That system is based
polymers used in it to absorb and around a futuristic 6.8mm cartridge,
disperse a gunshot’s energy. Have you which will likely feature a polymer
noticed that many colored polymer case. Of the brands who submitted
stocks don’t fade overtime as they use bids to support NGSW, True Velocity
to? That’s another credit to Avient. and Winchester use uniquely formu-
Avient acquired Clariant’s Masterbatch lated polymers that were manufac-
division on the same day as their name tured, molded and shipped by Avient.
change, which merged Clariant MB Other companies are also exploring
and PolyOne Color and Additives into polymer-case cartridge technology
one business. Combined, this merger developed in partnership with Avient.
made Avient the leader of color and additive technologies. In the next year, you’ll see major brands unveiling low-cost
Where innovative manufacturers don’t have access or can’t ammunition for 5.56 NATO featuring Avient’s polymers in
afford to invest in their own polymer engineering, many their cases, for example.
turn to Avient to make ideas reality and reduce the risk of Though Avient may not be a household name among
wasting money on failed experiments and prototypes. firearm enthusiasts, it is nonetheless a major force that
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in incor- is shaping the future of outdoor products. The company
porating polymer components in ammunition manufacture. employs more than 100 scientists, mechanical and chem-
That’s no small feat considering the temperatures, pres- ical engineers, and has manufacturing facilities and com-

sures and environmental influences a cartridge is subject mercial associates in 45 countries. Avient’s global reach is
to. Jack W. Roske filed a patent for a plastic case joined unmatched in their category. You may not be familiar with
with a metal cup back in 1950, and there were other pio- the brand, but Avient is likely the biggest company behind
neers to lighten cases and make them disposable, but the the products you enjoy the most.
GU N ROOM december 2020 G&A 19

“It’s a tough call, but as the Colt has

always felt better in my hand, I believe
that’s the one I’d opt for.”


probably in the 1970s. It’s Navy .38, what American-

basically a version of Moss- made revolver would you
berg’s popular and highly take instead?
reliable Model 500 pump D.P.
gun that has been manu- Phoenix, AZ
factured in a large number
of variations from 1960 A: The Colt Model 1892
to date. Currently more New Army and Navy would
than 10 million have been certainly be down at the
produced. Value on your bottom of the list. The .38
friend’s piece (it’s undoubt- Colt chambering was just
edly a no-frills field model) so-so and the gun’s action
is between $175 and $225. was prone to going out
of order. Of the big-bore
RELIC REVOLVER BEST REVOLVER FOR American revolvers of the
Q: I was reading the latest issue that described a Colt THE PHILLIPINES period, the Colt Model
Frontier Single Action Army; interesting history. I decided Q: I know that this not the 1878 DA also had some
to see if you can help solve a mystery. My dad has this usual question that you questionable mechanics,
pistol and never told us about it or where it came from. get, but I have always had and the Merwin Hulbert
The only discernible marking was the “497” on the cylin- this interest in big-bore was not really all that handy
der. I’m sure there’s no market value, but I would be very revolvers of the late-19th to operate in a pinch. To
interested in any factual information. and early-20th centuries. my mind, the best Yankee
L.L. I was wondering, if you sixguns at the time were
Email were a young Army officer the Colt Single Action Army
in the late 1890s and you and the Smith & Wesson
A: Well, that old fellow ing the the proofmarks, it is received orders to transfer American or Russian. The
has seen better times, but difficult to be positive. to the Philippines, and you S&Ws were robust, cham-
it certainly exudes a lot did not trust the issued bered decent calibers and
of character. From what WESTERN FIELD Colt M1892 New Army and had the advantage of simul-
I can make out beneath 12 GAUGE
the pitting and rust, it is a Q: A friend asked if I could THE AUCTION BLOCK
European folding-trigger find any info on his Western Deer Gun
A rare and desirable Vietnam War-era Deer gun realized a respect-
double-action revolver Field/Montgomery Ward able $8,820, including premiums, at the August 13, 2020, Morphy
circa 1890 to 1930, or so. 12-gauge shotgun as to Auctions sale. Manufactured by American Machine and Foundry
I found several similar to manufacture and age? No Company in 1964, this single-shot 9mm pistol was designed to be
dropped to South Viet-
yours in the 1932 German photos were provided, only namese guerillas. Some
“WUM” catalog. Some had a “M550ABD” stamp and 1,000 were manufactured,
safety levers, others did not. H27XXXX serial number. though their existence has
been denied by the CIA.
Names ranged from “Con- E.M. Apparently, they were never
stabulary” through “Police” Email delivered as intended. Most
to “Bulldog.” From its look, were reported destroyed and
only a few remain. For more
I’m going to guess your gun A: Your friend’s Western information about this and
is most likely German, but Field M550ABD 12-gauge future sales, contact Morphy
it could also be Belgian or was manufactured by Moss- Auctions at 877-968-8880 or
even Spanish. Without view- berg for Montgomery Ward,
20 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n r oo m

taneous ejection. The SAA Armory. These had been

was simple, rugged and was gathered by the Ordnance
available in the most pow- Salvage Board in the 1920s.
erful military revolver round
of the period, the .45 Colt. S&W .300 WIN. MAG.
It’s a tough call, but as the Q: Please find the pictures
Colt has always felt better in of my .300 Win. mag.
my hand, I believe that’s the I came across this rifle
one I’d opt for. Plus, being earlier this year and I’ve
less complicated than the had a heck of a time trying
S&Ws, it would be easier to to find information on it.
deal with in the field should I took it to a local gun
it need to be repaired. My collector and he informed
barrel length of choice me that it’s a very rare rifle.
would most likely be 5½ with what I believe is an Could you please tell me
inches, though if I could original holster. Its serial more about it and what, if
only get a 4¾ or 7½ inch, I number is 1,263,XXX, anything, it’s worth? Thank
wouldn’t gripe too much. which is stamped “FJA” you for any information you
below the takedown lever. can provide.
RARE ITHACA/ It has “P” stamped near J.R.
COLT 1911A1? the magazine release and Email
Q: I have what I believe a “P” stamped on the slide
to be a somewhat rare forward of the rear sight. It A: Your Smith & Wesson
Ithaca m1911A1. A gun has an “o” stamped on the Model A in .300 Win. Mag.
aficionado buddy of mine right side triggerguard and was manufactured for S&W
told me that this 1911 a large bodied cross on by Husqvarna in Sweden
was one of a few that was the left-side triggerguard. sometime between 1969
produced in mid-1943 with It has a lightly stamped and 1972. The Model A
a Colt-supplied slide. The cartouche below the slide was offered in a number
story goes that Ithaca ran and aft of the right grip. of popular calibers from
short of parts and Colt fur- The barrel has an “F” nomenclature with the ram- .22-250 Rem. all the way up
nished the necessary parts stamped on the right-side pant horse in the middle. to 7mm Rem. Mag. and .300
needed to keep production lug, and a “P” stamped Any help with identification Win. Mag. The photos you
moving along. According on the left-side lug. The and value would be much sent indicate the rifle is in at
to my friend, they didn’t magazine is stamped with appreciated. least 95 percent condition.
make many of these with an “S” on the front lip of R.C. According to the Forty-First
the Colt furnished parts. the baseplate and “CS “ on Brownsville, Oregon Edition Blue Book of Gun
The gun, as you can see, the bottom. And of course, Values (bluebookofgun-
is in excellent condition the slide has all the Colt A: In late 1942 and early, it is worth
1943, to boost production, $425. Not a bad rifle for the
HOLLYWOOD HARDWARE Ithaca bought about 2,200 money!
Paramount “Potato Digger” M1911A1 slides and 7,000
When the United States entered World War I, film director and frames from Colt. Neither MARLIN 1891 .22 RF
patriot Cecil B. DeMille organized the Paramount Home Guard
to train and equip actors, stage hands and crews to help deal were marked by Colt. It Q: I would like any infor-
with the national emergency. Uniforms were supplied by Para- sounds to me like you mation you could give
mount’s costume department simply have a composite me about this marlin .22
and arms were supplied by
James S. Stembridge, founder of two guns, which is not lever-action rifle. The serial
of Stembridge Gun Rentals. uncommon with these. number is 72XXX. A letter
One of the pieces fielded by the Sometimes during repair or from the Cody museum
Guard was this Colt Model 1895
“Potato Digger” machine gun in cleaning, parts would get said it was shipped July 6,
.30-40 Krag. Though outmoded mixed and matched. The 1892. How many of these
by 1917, the belt-fed “Potato serial number of your pistol side-loaders were manufac-
Digger” provided practice and
familiarity with autos to the tyro is in the proper Ithaca range tured after the first 5,000
Hollywood warriors. Courtesy for 1943. As well, Ithaca that were made in 1891?
of Cinema Weaponry and the obtained 6,200 surplus A.W.
National Firearms Museum.
receivers from Springfield Email
22 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n r oo m

A: Approximately 18,650 The triggerguard and heel

Marlin Model 1891 lever plate are made of brass.
guns were manufactured on the left side of the
from 1891 to 1897. The frame is stamped “36 cal”
serial numbers ranged from but it’s actually a .38 rim-
about 37,500 to 118,000. By fire. There’s an old stage-
using a bit of arithmetic, it coach engraving on the
appears that 13,650 (give-or- cylinder. on the left side
take a few) would have been there are two patent mark-
made after the first 5,000. ings: “Pat. July 25, 1871”,
and “Pat. July 2, 1872”.
SNUBBY COLT The top of the barrel reads
CONVERSION “Colts PT. F.A. mfg. Co.” A: You have a conversion of 1880. Some were converted
Q: I have an old Colt, prob- followed by “Hartford, CT. a Colt Pocket Navy revolver. from earlier pistols while
ably a conversion of some uSA”. The wood grips have The Pocket Navy was intro- others were manufactured
type. Its serial number, three notches on the left duced as a percussion arm as original cartridge arms
36XX, is marked on the side and two on the right. in 1863, and made probably at the factory. Some 10,000
bottom of the frame at the The barrel is 3½ inches into the early 1870s. They 3½-inch versions were pro-
heel, again on the brass long. Can you help identify were converted to handle duced. Caliber was .38 Rim-
frame just in front of the this old gun? my dad got it self-contained cartridges fire and .38 Centerfire. From
triggerguard, on the main many years ago. He passed beginning in 1873 and the photos, it appears your
frame where it joins the away in 2004 but was were available in several gun is a complete, no-finish
barrel, on the bottom of always curious about this barrel lengths. The 3½-inch gun in fair condition. As
the barrel frame, and lastly revolver. round barrel was the most such it’s worth in the $750 to
on the cylinder just under M.Z common. Its dates of pro- $900 range, assuming it is
the “u.S. Patent” stamp. Email duction lasted until around operable.
24 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n r oo m


about a vintage firearm? Email
WINCHESTER 53s were serial numbered in would be appreciated. I am
Garry at garry.james@outdoor MODEL 53 AGE? the Model 1892 range. assuming “W.J. HAuCK”,, or send a description
with detailed photos to Gun Q: Could you please let me as that’s the name on the
room, Guns & Ammo, 2 news know when this Winchester HAUCK’S SPORTER receiver.
Plaza, 3rd Floor, Peoria, IL
61614. Please include your model 53 (caliber .32-20, MAUSER 98 W.D.
name and state of residence. serial number 963XXX) was Q: my father has decided to Email
Due to the volume of requests made? I inherited it from pass his guns on to me. He
each month, personal replies
are not possible. The most my father several years likes (as do I) old firearms. A: Your dad’s rifle is a
interesting or unusual queries ago. The action is smooth He bought a rifle from my custom sporter built on
are answered in Guns & Ammo
magazine. as oiled glass and far supe- mother’s uncle in 1982 who a World War I-vintage
rior to my model 94, which had it given to him in 1955 military Mauser Gewehr
was made around 1972. by his brother, my grandfa- 98 action. Workmanship
S.W. ther. my father was told it looks decent, though it’s
Virginia was made by remington, difficult to tell exactly when
so he just assumed it was it was put together. I would
A: The Model 53 Win- made of extra military parts think the 1930s is a good
chester lever-action was at remington after World guess. Wilbur Hauck was
manufactured from 1924 War I. Please correct me if a respected Arlington,
to 1932 as an attempt to I’m wrong; this is a mauser Vermont, gunsmith who
update the Model 1892. action and not an Enfield. operated his business for
Some 24,916 were built. Cal- my mother remembers driv- several decades. He is
ibers were .25-20, .32-20 and ing to Arlington, Vermont, undoubtedly the one who
.44-40, with the latter being with her dad to pick up the created your gun. Hauck
the scarcest and most desir- rifle in the mid-1930s. Any patented a single-shot rifle
able. Your particular gun information you could give action in the 1950s that was
was made in 1926. Model as to who built the gun highly regarded, too.


Introducing the new Mack-Daddy of pistol sight pushers, downgrading lesser instruments
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R I F L E S & GLAS S dece mber 2 02 0 G&A 27

And why every rifleman benefits.


NOBODY WANTS TO SUCK. Get a bunch of guys It’s easy to dismiss an event like that as “just a competi-
together for a friendly shooting match and, sooner or later, tion,” or, as I’ve heard many in military and law enforcement
it’ll get serious. I’ve never known a guy to give even a circles say, “it’s different when the targets shoot back.”
friendly competition his half-effort. Those are both rationalizations that prevent the rifleman
The best way for all of us to get better as riflemen is to from ever progressing past his current proficiency level.
compete with One of my
others. I learned favorite inspira-
this lesson while tional quotes is
I was in the a little harsh, but
military. When it reads: “Don’t
I was on the com- be upset by the
bat pistol team results you didn’t
at West Point, get with the work
the matches we you didn’t do.” I
attended were didn’t get upset
against other ser- with my com-
vice academies, paratively poor
and the sport performance,
was still new. While the competition was serious for us, it because it provided me with the beginnings of an edu-
was a far cry from what occurred at the national level. Still, cation on what was possible with a rifle. Having my eyes
competition helped me identify areas where my shooting opened was a gift for which I was thankful.
needed improvement. This is an important lesson and one that I encourage all
My next foray into competitive shooting occurred when rifle shooters to learn, and learning it sooner is better than
I was a sniper team leader in 3rd Special Forces Group. My later. The best way to do this is to attend either a PRS or
teammate, Tung Nguyen, encouraged me to accompany National Rifle League (NRL) match. These matches occur at
him to the Army Small Arms championship where we shot the national level and draw talented shooters into a public
the long-range event. Tung won and helped re-kindle my event, shooters that would otherwise be invisible.
love for competitive shooting. I had the opportunity to attend the 2020 Hornady Pre-
I finally found the shooting competitions I most enjoy cision Rifle Challenge in Evanston, Wyoming. It reminded
when I attended my first Precision Rifle Series (PRS) match me of the first PRS match I attended several years ago. The
in 2013. It was a match held in New Mexico and some of difference this time was that I knew my lack of preparation
the guys I had never met before the match are still good was going to hurt me, so I went to the match to shake
friends to this day. out some new gear and reconnect with old friends. I shot
As I checked in to the match, I figured I would do well. in the Production class and finished in the top half, but it
I assumed that because I was a former sniper team leader was still one of my worst performances. However, pain is
and a Green Beret that I would finish in the top 20 percent, a wonderful instructor and painful lessons are most easily
even though I was new to this type of competition. It remembered. So, I thought I’d pass on a few lessons I
sounds ridiculous writing it now, but I certainly underesti- learned, or re-learned, during the course of that match.
mated the abilities of my fellow competitors. The more familiar a rifleman is with his rifle, the better
This match is where I learned my most valuable shooting he will perform with it, but simply possessing the rifle
lesson, and one that continues to serve me well to this day. for a long time is no guarantee of strong performance. I
I got crushed, and it was by a bunch of guys who had never attended this match with a new rifle that I borrowed just
served in the military or law enforcement. I learned I had no for the event, and it had an adjustable trigger that I set
idea how much I didn’t know until I saw scores of riflemen as light as I dared. By about stage three of the match, I
perform at a level I had never witnessed until then. realized that I had gone too light. Cycling the bolt quickly
28 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | r if l e s & GlA ss

would cause the sear to slip off the cocking piece, forcing
me to lift the bolt handle a second time before I could
fire the rifle. This is one of the reasons many “adjustable”
triggers on factory guns aren’t really adjustable. Many of us
want them as light as possible, but when a shooter tunes
the trigger down too much, he often wants to blame it on
the manufacturer. Most gunmakers don’t want the grief.
Rifle and optic issues are rare at the range, but com-
mon at PRS matches. If you’ve heard someone state, “my
rifle shoots just as well as that really expensive rifle,” it’s a
good indicator of someone who doesn’t know what they
don’t know. There’s a big
difference between a rifle the same principles.
that can shoot a few tiny For example, I was on a
groups at the range and bear hunt in Alaska recently
one that can do it all day, when an opportunity for a
for a couple days straight, shot presented itself. I was
in whatever conditions on one riverbank and the
mother nature serves up. grizzly was 410 yards away
Watching even high-dollar on a gravel bar. I could
rifles and optics struggle almost hear the start buzzer
under match-shooting sound in my head as I leapt
conditions is a great way to into action.
identify what expenses are I grabbed a set of
worth the money. shooting sticks that were
PRS matches like the Hornady Precision Rifle Challenge lying nearby and borrowed another hunter’s backpack.
are the best way to gain an education on how to shoot in I sat on a steep hillside, put the forend on the shooting
the field. Lying in the prone or shooting from a bench is sticks, leaned back against the hill and stuffed the back-
certainly convenient, but prone is rare on a hunt and I’ve pack under the stock’s toe. This was one of the most
never shot a game animal from a shooting bench. Both stable shooting positions I’ve ever had on a hunt and it
shooting positions are also rare in combat. was almost identical to many positions I’ve created at
Both hunting and combat require the shooter to PRS matches over the years. Those matches are where I
develop the best shooting position he can with whatever is learned to build positions this way.
immediately available. A PRS match allows the shooter to Spending the time and effort to get to a match is the
practice under stressful conditions and, more importantly, surest and fastest way to improve with a rifle. Know ahead
watch others do the same. Watching how the best shoot- of time that there’s a very high probability of being beaten
ers in the country quickly get stable and get hits on target by most of the competitors. However, if a guy watches and
is a real-time demonstration of what works in that scenario. learns from those competitors, he’ll come away a better
Over time, the new shooter learns to identify and apply rifleman for it.


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30 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0
d ecem b er 2020 G& A 31



WHEN I FIRST HEARD of a bolt-action AR-pattern rifle from Utah-
based Uintah Precision (pronounced “yoo-in-tuh”), I assumed it was
for states where freedoms are restricted. But, once I got my hands
on the UP-15 rifle, I knew that while those in regulation-happy
states will certainly appreciate the effort, so will everyone else.
32 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | no t An oth e r Ar

Despite its Ar-15-inspired parts and

appearance, the UP-15 offers the
upgrades and components sought by
precision-rifle competitors, including an
adjustable stock and premium barrel.


TYPE Bolt action

CARTRIDGE 6mm ARC (tested)
CAPACITY 5 rds. or 10 rds.
BARREL 22 in., 1:7.5-in. twist
OVERALL LENGTH 40.5 in. to 41.5 in.
WEIGHT 7 lbs., 8 oz.
GRIPS Ergo Deluxe
LENGTH OF PULL 13.5 in. to 14.5 in.
FINISH Anodized (aluminum)
TRIGGER Velocity Triggers, 3 lbs.
MSRP $1,675
Uintah Precision,
MANUFACTURER 435-738-2422,

AR Ergonomics Precision bolt-action rifles are hot right now also pairs well with anyone invested in standard AR-15-pattern
with the explosion of the Precision Rifle Series (PRS) and the rifles. Not only are the ergonomics the same, but many of the
National Rifle League (NRL). One of the trends moving into parts are as well.
the bolt-gun world is the presence of AR-15 ergonomics. With The UP-15 is a complete rifle that uses a standard AR-15
Barrett’s win as the Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) lower. This makes it simple for anyone looking to experiment
Mk 22 Advanced Sniper Rifle (ASR), SIG Sauer’s launch of the because they can purchase just the upper receiver, designated
long-awaited Cross ($1,779), and The Fix by Q ($3,299), AR “UPR15” ($1,088), and then drop it on their rifle. For reference,
ergonomics on precision rifles are becoming more popular. while the UPR15 pairs with any standard AR-15 lower and
The reason for this trend is obvious: generations of riflemen magazine, the company’s UPR10 ($1,875) functions with any
have been trained with and are familiar with the AR-15. It DPMS-pattern AR-10 lower and magazine. Quality magazines
makes it much easier to transition back and forth between semi- are plentiful and low-cost for both types of rifles. When pur-
automatic and bolt-action rifles if controls such as the magazine chased as a complete rifle, the UP-15 uses almost all of the same
release and safety are in the same place. The UP-15 tested here small parts as would be found in a generic AR-15 lower parts
no t ano ther ar | d ecem b er 2020 G& a 33

on closer inspection, the bolt handle and the receiver’s raceway the bolt is a three-lug design with a hook extractor and plunger-
cuts give away the fact that the UP-15 is no ordinary semiauto. style ejector (below). Very tight manufacturing tolerances mean
Uintah Precision also offers bolt-action UPr15 upper receivers. bolts are virtually interchangeable in Uintah Precision rifles.

kit. The only caution here is that some aftermarket triggers will Baker said, “Each of our bolts stays within a .001-inch toler-
work, and some won’t. ance. You can pull one bolt out of our 6.5 Creedmoor rifle and
stick it in a .308 Winchester rifle and fire it without concern.”
Bolt Details One of the first things I noticed about the UP-15 Tight tolerances are the key to the Uintah Precision bolts,
is the bolt. Removing the bolt is a simple process of sliding the and the company’s ability to hold consistent tolerances also
takedown pin out of the way, lifting the upper receiver away allows customers the option of ordering a spare bolt through
from the lower receiver, and then pulling the bolt out the back. the mail without worrying whether or not it will fit or change
There are a total of 10 parts to the bolt (that’s counting every the rifle’s headspace. It won’t.
pin, detent and spring), and anyone with a hammer and a pin The UP-15 has a three-lug bolt with 60 degrees of lift,
punch can completely disassemble it in about two minutes. which places the bottom lug at the 6-o’clock position when the
The easy maintenance of the UP-15’s bolt is a refreshing feature action is open. That lug location means the bottom lug is what
in the increasingly complex world. Most bolt-action rifles will engages rounds feeding from the double-stack magazine. This
have twice that number of parts in the bolt, and you’ll need a design gives lots of lug-to-cartridge engagement, meaning the
toolbox and customer support on speed dial for complete disas- odds of the bolt ever slipping up and over a round during feed-
sembly and reassembly assistance. The older I get, the less I like ing are almost zero. No two-lug action, and very few three-lug
having to find help to work on my rifles. I’d prefer to fix the actions, can make the same claim.
problem myself and not deal with the inconvenience of track- The UP-15 bolt has no firing-pin spring since it uses an
ing down a gunsmith, and then waiting to get my AR-15 lower receiver and an AR-15 trigger. Guns
rifle back. The UP-15 will appeal to anyone who & Ammo’s test rifle featured a 3-pound curved
shares this sentiment. unit from Velocity Precision Engineering ($150,
When I spoke to Jason Baker, Uintah Preci- This means there is no
sion’s rifle program manager, he revealed that the resistance when lifting the bolt after firing the
bolt is made from one piece of 4140 steel that rifle. There is, however, some resistance when
only sees a machine fixture one time. In one fell pulling the bolt rearward since that motion cocks
swoop, 22 tools make all the cuts to produce the hammer. Having no resistance when opening
a finished bolt. This is some manufacturing the bolt makes it possible to work the bolt
wizardry that results in highly consistent bolts. quickly without disturbing the shooting position.
34 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | no t An oth e r Ar

Standard chamberings are .223 Wylde, .224 Valkyrie, 6.5 Grendel the UP-15’s straight-contour barrel has a .810-inch diameter and
and .300 Blackout, but additional barrel options, including 6mm a recessed crown. the muzzle is threaded for a suppressor or
ArC (tested) with a 1:7.5-inch twist are also available. brake, and includes a knurled thread protector.

the Luth-Ar adjustable buttstock facilitates comb height and Both the upper and lower receivers are machined from U.S.-
length-of-pull fitment. It also includes ports for attaching a sling sourced 6061 aluminum. the UP-15 has a slightly flared magwell
and a hook for engaging the support hand or a rear-bag rest. and an integral, skeletonized triggerguard.

The best way to think of the they buy large quantities of it

UP-15 is as a custom-grade and match the tooling to the
barreled action attached to an steel. Each barrel is also stress
AR-15 lower receiver. How- relieved after the rifling has
ever, it has the added benefit been applied, a process that
of being easy to maintain and more persnickety manufactur-
utilizes easily sourced parts ers swear by.
from a robust aftermarket Once Uintah Precision
built around the AR-15. gets the barrel blanks from
Preferred Barrel Blanks, they
That barrel, though … The cut the contour, chamber and
barrel Uintah Precision crown. The standard contour
puts on the UP-15 comes Uintah puts on their barrel is
Disassembly follows the familiar two-pin procedure of most Ar-
from Preferred Barrel Blanks style platforms. From the factory, the UP-15 comes with Velocity a .810-inch straight contour
(, Precision engineering’s Curved Classic Ar trigger. that holds diameter all the
also a Utah manufacturer. way to the muzzle. The accu-
These are button-rifled barrels made from 416R stainless steel, racy achieved by G&A’s sample rifle was very good, proving the
and they can be chambered for any cartridge that fires out of an .810-inch straight contour offers an ideal blend of light weight
AR-15 and uses a standard bolt face. Preferred Barrel Blanks and consistent precision. The best five-shot groups for two
is one of a handful of barrel manufacturers that source their loads measured right around the .6-inch mark with the average
steel only from the United States. Additionally, the company best group across three loads measuring near .7 inch. Consid-
is very aggressive in its quality control procedures. They test ering factory ammunition and a brand-new barrel, I think that’s
not only for the straightness of the steel, but also its metallurgy excellent. I’d expect the group sizes to shrink .1- to .2-inch after
and purity. Once Preferred Barrel Blanks find steel they like, a couple hundred rounds pass through the bore.
36 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | no t An oth e r Ar

A 15-inch forend surrounds the test rifle’s 22-inch barrel, provid- Uintah’s UP-15 rifles ship with a 10-round magazine from either
ing M-Lok slots on the bottom and sides for attaching bipods Magpul or Alexander Arms, depending on chambering. For the
and accessories, as well as a full-length rail for mounting optics. 6mm ArC, Alexander Arms’ Grendel-pattern mag was included.

For those who prefer a change from the standard, Uintah A sensible selection when … Bolt-action AR-pattern rifles are
Precision does custom barrels for only a slight increase in cost. becoming increasingly numerous. One reason is the familiarity
If, for example, a customer wanted a 6mm ARC with a 26-inch most newer shooters already have with the AR-15. Another is
barrel, a faster twist rate and a heavy .9-inch straight contour, the easy maintenance a bolt-action AR offers. Spend five minutes
they would only be charged an extra $107 for the changes. Uin- on YouTube and a guy can swap out an AR trigger, an important
tah Precision can do any barrel length from 27 inches on down consideration since the trigger is the first component on any rifle
to as short as a person wants, and it can do .75-, .81- and .9- to fail. The UP-15 has the precision of a high-quality traditional
inch straight contours. This is a great way to experiment with bolt-action rifle, but pairs it with the simplicity of an AR-15.
new cartridges and twist rates without going broke. All barrels The final reason the UP-15 appeals to me is its modularity.
are finished with an 11-degree target crown at the muzzle, too. My dream UP-15 would be this 6mm ARC rifle with a LAW
Long-Range Accuracy. GUARANTEED.
Fiocchi’s Big Game rifle ammo combines the latest in
material and component technology with Old World
craftsmanship to deliver cartridge performance seasoned
hunters across the globe depend on. The Scirocco II Boat
Tail Spitzer bullets ensure long-range accuracy and reliable
terminal performance with every shot.


Big Game
38 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | no t An oth e r Ar

Tactical folding stock adapter. PERFORMANCE on target. A large part of the

This combination would offer VELOCITY GROUP GROUP noise an AR generates from
supreme portability thanks to LOAD (FPS) ES SD (IN.) (IN.) firing comes from the ejection
the folding stock, in addition Hornady Match 108-gr. ELD-M 2,734 21 8.3 .66 .8 port when the bolt cycles.
to all of the benefits listed Hornady Match 105-gr. BTHP 2,717 41 15.7 .68 .86 The UP-15 stays closed until
above. Since the rifle only Hor. Prec. Hunt. 103-gr. ELD-X 2,780 25 10.5 .95 1.07 pressure exits the muzzle and
weighs 71/2 pounds, it would notes: Accuracy is the average of five, five-shot groups at 100 yards. Velocity is the suppressor. Add a folding
average of five shots across a LabRadar chronograph placed adjacent to the muzzle.
pack and travel well. stock and the whole package
Should the owner want would fit inside a backpack.
a different handguard, any forend that attaches to an AR-15 The UP-15 is unique, but it has a number of features. It is not
upper receiver would fit this rifle. Configurations that would a traditionalist’s rifle, but it makes a fine choice for anyone that
prove popular would be a 9-inch barreled bolt-action AR pistol really likes AR-15s and want bolt-action precision. This is the
chambered in .300 Blackout. Once outfitted with a suppressor, only rifle that I’ve found that blends the best of both platforms,
there would be no more quiet way to deliver subsonic rounds and does so at a competitive price.

You’ve finally bought, built, customized your Dream Rifle. Before you hit the
range, make sure the scope on top does it justice. Brownells Match Precision
Optics are built to get the job done. Edge blackened glass, a first focal plane
reticle, solid repeatable tracking, made in Japan - everything long range shooters
demand. And it’s Guaranteed. Forever.® The price? Under $1,000.

> 4.25” Commander slide
> Bobtail® frame
> Snakeskin front-strap
> American fag serrations
> Trijicon RMR®cc sight 3.25 MOA
> Ed Brown designed co-witness rear sight with front night sight
> FX slide cuts package
> Recessed slide stop with serrated pin & fush barrel with recessed crown
> Hand built using fully machined parts and backed by a Lifetime Warranty

40 G&A de ce mber 202 0

de cember 20 20 G&A 41




“IT’S BUILT IN AMERICA.” That’s one of the takeaways that in the U.S., and it’s moving in that direction with the Romeo2.
SIG Sauer wants us to understand about the new Romeo2 red- Nothing on the Romeo2 is sourced from China. Some small
dot optic, and that statement was emphasized during an inter- components such as resistors on circuit boards have to come
view with Andy York, president of the Electro-Optics Division from overseas, but SIG Sauer is stocking up on those specific
at SIG Sauer. “In fact, they are made in Oregon,” he specified. components so production would safely continue if the U.S.
Many optics are made overseas, which is a subject that is found itself in a another crisis. With those few parts in hand,
becoming important for concerned Americans who want this SIG Sauer can even make the small circuit boards for its optics.
country to support U.S. job growth and become less dependent
on other countries. In terms of optics, many intended for the Meet Romeo. The Romeo2 is SIG Sauer’s greatest red dot
commercial market come from Asia and feature pirated intel- to date. Designed for use on pistols, it can be installed as an
lectual properties, as well. The reason? Cost. Some manufactur- open-emitter, half- or a fully-sealed closed-emitter red-dot sight.
ers can produce all-American optics, but the price of a scope The half and fully-sealed configurations are protected by steel
jumps from $500 to $3,000 with other aspects being equal. shrouds. In the open-emitter configuration, the sight looks sim-
It’s that dramatic. The only customer that doesn’t hesitate to ilar to the Romeo1 with a larger window, similar weight plus a
pay the higher price is the U.S. government who even passed few new tricks. With the steel half-shroud installed, the dura-
the Berry Amendment in 1952 to require the Department of bility and protection is increased with the LED emitter exposed.
Defense (DOD) to give preference in procurement to domesti- Until now, the first and only closed-emitter sight for a pistol
cally produced or manufactured products. However, exception was the Swedish-made Aimpoint ACRO ($599). The Romeo2
and exclusion laws have also passed since to ensure sufficient includes an optional steel shroud and lens that encloses the emit-
quantity could be delivered without delayed production. ter to prevent dust, moisture and debris from interfering with
With factories in Arkansas, Oregon and New Hampshire, the emitter’s operation or collecting on the back of the lens when
SIG Sauer can design and produce every part of any product holstered. When completely shrouded, it’s also tougher against
42 G&A de ce mber 202 0 | siG sAu er ro m eo 2

Despite the romeo2 (near

right) being larger, the romeo2
and romeo1 (far right) feature
mounting holes and illumination
adjustment buttons in the same
location. The windage screw
on the romeo2 has moved to
the left side of the housing to
accommodate the push-button
ejection of the romeo2’s new
battery tray.

extreme impacts. It can endure the slide 10 feet on concrete, tortured, and the
recoil velocities of a 10mm, and offers MAGNIFICATION 1X
sight still works. Third-party lab testing
maximum water resistance and protection RETICLE 3 MOA or 6 MOA red dot
showed that the Romeo2 will withstand
from foreign objects. It is the first red-dot LENGTH 1.83 in.
all of the military’s requirements. It’s
optic to offer these protections in user- WIDTH 1.31 in.
now believed that a 10mm round’s recoil
convertible configurations. HEIGHT 1.24 in.
impulse is harder on a slide-mounted
WEIGHT 2.1 oz.
optic than .40 S&W, so SIG Sauer tested
Phase 3 “When we started this division MATERIALS Aluminum, glass, steel
it further with thousands of rounds and
6 years ago, we partnered with some of FINISH Matte black
experienced no failures.
the Tier 1 suppliers I had worked with in ADJUSTMENT
.6 in. at 100 yds. (1 click)
the past,” York said. “Let’s call that ‘Phase RANGE Innovative Features One issue with
1.’ Then the LE and military division of MSRP $780 red-dot sights on handguns has always
SIG Sauer wanted us to ruggedize the MANUFACTURER
SIG Sauer, 603-610-3000, been with changing the battery. With
optics so they could submit a complete the Trijicon RMR ($699), for example,
system for bid on military contracts. At you have to remove the optic to access
that time, we were still using an international supply chain. the CR2032 battery, which means re-zeroing once installed.
That was Phase 2. If you sit there with a clean sheet of paper, The ACRO’s CR1225 battery is easy to change, but hard to
ruggedize an optic from the ground up, that’s what the Romeo2 buy. Plus, the CR1225 has one-fifth the power capacity of the
is. It’s Phase 3.”
When SIG Sauer was developing the U.S. Army’s M17/M18
The romeo1 (left) was an
standard-issue pistol contract winner, there was no SIG affordable breakthrough to
Sauer E-Optic division. So, when the government advance the use of red-dot
wanted the slide to be machined to accept a red- sights on pistols. The romeo2
(left, bottom) shares the same
dot sight, SIG went with Leupold’s DeltaPoint footprint, but offers a larger
Pro footprint. window, unprecedented
“I didn’t have an optic that I felt com- modularity, next-gen tech and
toughness for armed
fortable having a soldier fight with,” York professionals and
recalled. “The Romeo2 is now that sight.” citizens.
The Romeo2’s footprint remains the
same, but features a pair of indentations
for pistols and adapter plates that have
bosses at the rear.
The Romeo2 has been repeatedly dropped from
ath r- ating at rfowl rs
Tough, Inertia-Driven® Stoeger Shotguns

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Serious waterfowlers choose Stoeger you want a gun that’s everything you are – tough, consistent
When cold wind is pelting your face with sleet and icicles and accurate. Ask your firearm dealer to show you a Stoeger
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functions reliably in extreme weather. Stoeger’s M3500 and the fit, balance and sturdy construction that make them the
M3020 semiautomatic shotguns feature our legendary Inertia logical choice for waterfowlers.
Driven® system and enjoy a solid reputation for affordable
dependability in a wide range of hunting conditions. Veteran
duck and goose hunters will attest to the way they resist water,
dirt and snow to deliver consistent patterns on-target, shot
after shot. Because when wings set and the birds are gliding in,

Shotguns • Pistols • Airguns

44 G&A de ce mber 202 0 | siG sAu er ro m eo 2

in addition to a steel half-shroud

(above), the romeo2 includes a
fully-enclosed steel shroud that
covers a sealed polycarbonate rear
window (above middle). it is easily
installed by hooking and camming
the shroud to the front of the
sight, and is secured by a pair of
T6 Torx screws.

CR2032. At a usable illumination The Romeo0 and Romeo1

setting, you have to change bat- feature an aspherical lens made of
teries more frequently than adver- polymer. They are clear, light-
tised. That said, law enforcement weight and help to keep cost
and military servicemen tend to down, but the Romeo2 features
change batteries more often than a glass-molded aspherical lens.
a manufacturer recommends any- Unlike complaints about other
ways. In fact, some police officers mini red dots where the clear
I’ve interviewed indicate they part of the lens may be a circle in
change batteries once a week to the center of the window, or the
be certain their electronics never outer edge appears magnified, the
go down on duty. To make battery Romeo2 was engineered differ-
changes quick and easy, SIG Sauer ently so that the entire lens is
cleverly designed a button at the clear, scratch resistant and void of
The romeo2 features a spring-loaded, o-ring sealed
rear of the Romeo2. Press it to battery tray that is release by a button at the right-rear distortion.
unlatch the spring-loaded battery of the sight. The sight is powered by a Cr2032 battery. Look under the front of lens
tray to change the CR2032 bat- and you’ll notice a U-shaped
tery without having to remove the sight and rezero. pocket. This pocket was designed to accept a clever blast shield
On a medium brightness setting, the advanced circuitry made of plastic. Two will be included, but none were available
manages a 20,000-plus-hour life for those not religious about for this review. Developed in response to the gas that comes out
changing batteries. That many hours translates to a little more the loaded-chamber indicator (LCI) behind the ejection port,
than 2 years of constant on, but the Romeo2 carries over this shield protects the Romeo2’s lens from the carbon film that
SIG Sauer’s Motion Activated Illumination, also referred to as dulls image quality. The Army wanted the M17 to have an LCI,
“MOTAC.” MOTAC has proven to increase practical battery and a little bit of gas escapes out of that. LCIs are an exhaust
life by shutting down the system when not in use. It instantly pipe that sits in front of the lens. After firing a magazine or two,
powers on illumination of the sight when it senses motion, and you can wipe any red-dot sight and see the difference.
the red-dot reticle remains on for 2 minutes after idle. The integrated rear sight is low and easily cowitnesses with
New to the Romeo2 is “Magnitac.” A magnet activates this standard iron sights unlike many others. It’s finely serrated at the
feature and turns on the red dot instantly. This technology is rear and given two black dimples that flank the notch, which
designed to work in conjunction with special holsters which can be painted if you prefer a three-dot iron sight setup. Further,
have a magnet built into the holster’s material. SIG Sauer is this rear sight encloses the clearly marked sight adjustments.
actively working with a number of holster makers to exploit The Romeo2 will be available with either a 3- or 6- MOA dot at
this innovation, and they’re doing it royalty free. Worth noting, 12 daylight and three night vision brightness settings.
the Romeo2 will come with a protective cover that shrouds the Many shooters will purchase the more affordable Romeo1
optic. The rubber cover will have a magnet to utilize Magnitac ($330), but the Romeo2 exists for those wanting the most
and guard battery life when the optic or pistol is stored. advanced, adaptable and rugged option currently available.
“The Beginner” Jack and His 10/22 ® Carbine

If you’re reading this, we are willing to bet that your first firearm experience was with a
Ruger® 10/22® rifle. And there is a good reason for that. Affordable, lightweight,
compact and easy to shoot, the 10/22® is the perfect choice for taking
first-time or beginner shooters to the range for a day of fun. When it
comes to their first rifle, don’t go with a copy - make it an original.

Ruger® 10/22® Carbine with Viridian® EON 3-9x40 Scope

T h e r e i s on ly On e 1 0 / 2 2 ®

46 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0
d ecem b er 2020 G& A 47



48 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | L A s t L ine : t he tr iAr i

A bushingless design, the Kimber

triari is disassembled by simply
removing the slide stop pin. note
the barrel’s integral feed ramp
and the kidney-shape cutout that
replaces the 1911’s swinging link.

IN THE MILITARY SYSTEM KIMBER option to be relied on when other

of the ancient Roman republic, safeguards have failed. Fittingly, it
TYPE Recoil operated, semiautomatic
citizen-soldiers comprising the is also equipped with high-quality
infantry corps were divided into components and purpose-driven
CAPACITY 7+1 rds.
three lines, the triplex acies, based features that, above all else, are
BARREL 3.15 in.
on their experience and the quality suited to the task of self-protection.
of their equipment. The hastati of
WIDTH 1.08 in.
the first rank were generally the Formation Originally released
HEIGHT 4.6 in.
youngest soldiers, strong and eager in 2017, with line extensions in
WEIGHT 1 lb., 1.5 oz.
but lacking in experience. Principes each year since, the hammer-fired,
Kimpro II, black (aluminum);
formed the second line, and these FINISH 9mm Micro 9 has been a popular
black oxide (stainless steel)
were men in their prime, well- Red fiber-optic post (front);
and successful series for Kimber.
equipped with some experience, green fiber optic, U-notch (rear) Notably, its achievement extends
and they could be relied upon to TRIGGER 6 lbs., 5 oz. (tested) beyond units sold, since it also
shoulder the weight of combat MSRP $788 played an important role in righting
and campaign. Finally, the last MANUFACTURER
Kimber Mfg. Inc., 888-243-4522, the ship for Kimber subcompacts
line was comprised of the triarii. after the lackluster performance of
Well-versed in war and utilizing the the striker-fired Solo. In fact, with-
best in arms and armor, the triarii served as a strategic reserve out the Micro 9, Kimber probably could not have launched its
and were relied upon to stand firm if the first lines faltered. In newest striker-based platform, the EVO SP, which has garnered
recounting desperate military struggles, the Roman historian acclaim from Guns & Ammo and the public, although that’s a
Livy left us the phrase, “Rem ad triarios redisse,” which translates story for another time.
“going to the triarii,” and speaks to the decisive nature of calling Returning to the subject at hand, the Micro 9 Triari is
in the elite last line. immediately identifiable as a scaled-down version of the Model
Few monikers are more fitting than Kimber’s Micro 9 Triari. 1911, though not without notable operational differences. It is
It is a pistol designed for that last desperate action, a final a single-action, recoil-operated semiauto with a hammer and a



50 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | L A s t L ine : t he tr iAr i

Despite the reduced size of the Micro 9 platform, the triari’s controls feel full-size and Fiber-optic pipes provide a two-tone sight
facilitate smooth operation. in particular, the safety flicks off with positive, but not picture where the red front dot nests
undue, force, and the slide stop has enough ledge to serve as an effective slide release. between two green dots at the rear.

manual thumb safety on the left side of the frame intended to

facilitate Condition One, cocked-and-locked carry. The barrel
is a 3.15-inch stainless steel pipe with left-hand rifling at a rate
of one twist in 16 inches. The barrel includes an integral feed
ramp and, rather than the swinging link of the 1911, features
a cam lug with a kidney-shaped cutout to initiate the barrel tilt
required during the loading cycle.
In terms of dimensions, the Triari with an empty magazine
stands 4.6 inches tall, has an overall length of 6.1 inches, and
weighs 1 pound, 11/2 ounces. The magazine is a stainless steel,
single-column detachable box with an extended polymer base
pad. The extension not only allows the magazine to hold seven
removing the slide reveals the hook-shape ejector that punches
rounds of 9mm — one more than the Micro 9’s closest com- out spent brass during cycling. in reassembly, the author noted
petitors — it also provides enough real estate for shooters to that it had to be manually depressed as the slide is returned.
achieve a full firing grip.
The Triari’s aluminum pipe in front and two green
frame and stainless steel slide fibers at the rear. All the sights
both feature corrosion- and are encased in robust steel
wear-resistant black finishes, housings, and the rear unit
They also incorporate full- features a flat forward edge
diameter texturing to improve to aid in one-hand operation.
purchase and aid manipula- Extra pipes are included with
tion. A geometric pattern is the gun and are easy to install
cut into the slide, fore and aft, if (or when) necessary.
in lieu of traditional cocking Finally, in terms of controls,
serrations, and the pattern is the Triari’s single-action trig-
repeated in the Micarta stocks ger exhibited an average pull
Although capacity is always a compromise with small guns,
and mainspring housing. It’s seven-plus-one rounds of 9mm is a reasonable loadout. the weight of 6 pounds, 5 ounces.
a smart design that precludes extended base pad helps to facilitate a full firing grip. Despite having a straight
some of the snagging issues trigger bar similar to a 1911,
associated with forward cocking cuts and aggressive checkering the Micro 9’s trigger pad does hinge slightly before moving
patterns. The frontstrap wears smaller hexagonal dimples that rearward, which results in a little take up before a clean break.
are similarly subtle, but provide a sure anchor for two of the There is no overtravel, and reset is short, tactile and audible.
shooting hand’s support fingers. Present on the left side only are a slide stop, checkered maga-
Sights are a dual-color, fiber-optic arrangement, with a red zine release and a small manual thumb safety. Additional safety


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52 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | L A s t L ine : t he tr iAr i


function and its utility as a defensive firearm for concealed

the triari’s slide and stocks feature a geometric texturing pattern
that is both distinctive and effective. the frontstrap, too, offers carry. If I’m honest, my expectations at the bench were limited.
improved purchase by way of small, hexagonal dimples. To my mind, the Triari had an uphill battle when engaging
25-yard targets: Small grip; short barrel; short sight radius; and
features include the internal larger, defense-style sights. I
disconnector and firing pin was shocked (and delighted)
block, as well as a safety when the little pistol began
notch in the hammer. printing beautiful groups at
As the Micro 9 is a bush- that distance. While individ-
ingless design, disassembly ual five-shot groups ranged in
is somewhat simplified. With size from 1.14 inches to 3.56
an unloaded gun, the slide is inches, the five-shot averages
pulled rearward to align its for two of the loads — Hor-
disassembly notch with the nady’s Critical Defense 115-
tab on the slide stop. Once grain FTX and Winchester’s
aligned, the slide-stop pin Defend 147-grain JHP —
can be pressed out, and the measured less than 2 inches,
slide assembly can be pulled and Federal’s Punch 124-grain
Fitting in the palm of the hand, the Micro 9 triari can also be
forward off of the frame. pocket carried. its thin profile and snag-free beveling facilitates JHP was close behind with a
From there, the recoil spring smooth presentations. 2.24-inch average. Only one
and barrel can be removed group measured larger than 3
from the slide. Reassembly is the reverse, but, mind the frame- inches, and the average of all 15 five-shot groups was just 2.06
mounted ejector which must be depressed as the slide is mated inches. These would be excellent results from a tuned full-size
to the frame. pistol, and are remarkable from a subcompact with iron sights.
On this count, the Triari answered the call and accorded itself
Maneuvers Testing of the Triari included both accuracy work with distinction.
as well as practical shooting drills to evaluate its mechanical With benchwork complete, my next priorities were to test
54 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | L A s t L ine : t he tr iAr i

reliability and utility. In addition to the previously mentioned smoothly with minimal muzzle rise, and proves that even in
ammunition, I also had on hand various and sundry leftovers subcompact platforms, all-metal guns hold an advantage in
from previous tests, everything from ball ammo to various hol- recoil mitigation over polymer-frame pistols. Micro 9s are rated
low points. I find it useful to test firearms, especially defensive for use with +P ammunition, and I included some in my testing
pistols, with a variety of loads in order to detect any preferences without issue. It’s worth mentioning, though, the owner’s guide
or problems with regard to states that a steady diet of +P
the gun’s ability to feed, fire PERFORMANCE could increase wear.
and eject. The Triari digested VEL. GROUP GROUP The last item I wanted to
everything I had on hand; it is touch on was reloads. Empty
Federal Punch 124-gr. JHP 1,020 31 10 1.63 2.24
not a picky eater. magazines drop free with-
Hornady Critical Def. 115-gr. FTX 1,034 25 9 1.14 1.94
I also conducted a number out issue, but during drills I
Winchester Defend 147-gr. JHP 890 55 18 1.18 1.99
of defensive shooting drills found that they occasionally
notes: Velocity is the average of 10 shots measured by a Caldwell Ballistic Precision
and came away with some G2 chronograph at 15 feet. Accuracy is the average of five, five-shot groups fired from get hung up on the shooting
25 yards on a bag rest.
observations that are worth hand and require a little help
sharing. Starting with draw, to fully evacuate the frame.
using a soft-leather pocket holster, I found the Triari was ideal I’ve found this to be a common occurrence with small guns.
for this method of concealed carry. Its thin, snag-free design The slide stop lever, which seems to be a full-size component,
and dehorned edges allowed for a surprisingly fast and smooth offers ample engagement surface, and I had no issues releasing
presentation. Once the gun was pivoted toward the target, the the slide on a fresh magazine using this method.
thumb safety could be disengaged with positive pressure, result-
ing in an audible click. I found the safety to be secure, ergonom- Triumph In an age of micro-compact, double-stack, polymer-
ically designed and quick to deactivate; the lever never felt too frame pistols, it is easy to dismiss the utility of an all-metal
small. Reactivating was a bit trickier, but for defensive use, the hammer gun that bears resemblance to a century-old platform.
former operation is far more critical than the latter. I know I did. Those guns have their advantages, but there is
Punching the gun out, I was able to find and maintain a high, simply no replicating the polished feel and rhythmic cycle
thumbs-forward grip despite the Triari’s reduced dimensions. of guns like the Model 1911 or the new Micro 9 Triari. That
And, although I typically prefer a plain black rear sight with a rhythm is an advantage. Like a drummer marking time on the
bright front, the red and green fiber-optic dots were fast and parade field, it is constant, reliable, and a foundation on which
easy to pick up. Despite being a three-dot array, they did not speed and precision can be built. Despite the size and weight
feel busy or crowded in the way that some white-dot arrange- limitations imposed by the realities of everyday concealed carry,
ments do. The contrasting colors work. I was also concerned Kimber still managed to incorporate good sights, a clean trigger
that the sights were a touch too wide for targets beyond 10 or and proven ergonomics into the Triari, and it gives no quarter
15 yards, but the accuracy results clearly say otherwise. when considering its accuracy and shootability. Intended to be
Perhaps the most surprising characteristic of the Triari was a constant companion and protector, the Micro 9 Triari stands
its mild recoil. In operation it feels like a bigger gun, cycles ready should awareness and avoidance fail.
A sonic boom and enormous muzzle flash hurls the exclusive
Armscor 22TCM cartridge downrange at a blistering 2000fps with
penetrating impact. Just as obvious is its light recoil and manageability.
As if you needed another reason, its 17-round magazine is
compatible with the entire TCM line, including rifles.
Thrill seekers, rejoice.
56 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0
d ecem b er 2020 G& A 57

The best of what’s new

and innovative for 2020.

GUNS & AMMO EDITORS, contributors and staff are set to

declare the firearms industry’s award recipients for 2020. New
for this year’s event are categories for technology and holsters.
Only products made commercially available since the fourth
quarter of 2019 (and were not considered for last year’s awards)
qualified for nomination. Products were evaluated and dis-
cussed by G&A’s staff through the COVID-19 pandemic, while
several editors and contributors managed to attend events held
around the world during the last 12 months.
Nominees’ products that were deemed to be all-new designs,
as well as those possessing the greatest potential impact to the
greatest number of readers were given additional merit when
scored. When having to decide between two otherwise equally
important new products, the more affordable choice broke
the ties in our voting. G&A acquired several samples of each
nominee throughout 2020 to achieve a representative evalua-
tion. Products that caused doubt in reliability or durablity were
eliminated from the list of candidates.
The winner for each category emerged from a point system
once three criteria were met: First, the product must have been
new and available for purchase in 2020. A line extension of
an existing product didn’t earn as many points as one pos-
sessing innovative features and engineering. Second, it must
have demonstrated quality and reliability to a degree that met
or exceeded its design objective. Lastly, the winner offered the
greatest appeal to the largest audience. G&A’s staff awarded
points after surveying in-store availability and confirming retail
pricing to ensure the product exists and offers great value.
To protect the credibility of the Guns & Ammo of the Year
awards, no manufacturers, advertisers or sales representatives
were informed during the selection process. What follows is the
ultimate list of 2020’s best new products.
58 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds

TYPE Recoil operated, semiautomatic
CAPACITY 11+1 rds.; 13+1 rds.
HEIGHT 4.2 in.
WIDTH .88 in.
WEIGHT 1 lbs., 2.2 oz.
FINISH Melonite (steel)
TRIGGER 5 lbs., 7.7 oz. (tested)
Ameriglo Pro-Glo (front); U-notch
(rear); removable optic plate (OSP)
SAFETY Trigger lever; striker block
HANDGUN OF THE YEAR MSRP $569 (Standard); $599 (OSP)
Springfield Armory, 309-944-5631,
Ammo’s December 2019 issue, and arrived at dealers shortly
after Guns & Ammo’s “First Look” digital preview on Septem-
ber 25, 2019, at At that time, the Hellcat
was ineligible for consideration due to its limited availability. In the last year, Springfield Armory has continued to expand
After 12 months on the market, the Hellcat has proved itself the Hellcat family by offering a Desert FDE-colored option that
accurate, reliable, versatile — and extremely popular. contrasts the black, Melonite-coated hammer-forged barrel and
The Hellcat was the first so-called stack-and-a-half carry pis- controls. The frame is molded in the Desert FDE polymer while
tol to offer both a Standard model and an Optical Sight Pistol the slide is given a rugged Cerakote finish for an attractive com-
(OSP) option capable of accepting a micro red dot sight. Many bination. We’re sure that this isn’t the last model to come from
have argued that the Hellcat put Shield Sights on the map, Springfield Armory wearing the Hellcat moniker.
making “RMSc” a familiar acronym among gun owners. Though During Guns & Ammo’s year-long evaluation of the Hellcat,
it is known that the Hellcat OSP accepted other miniature red we have sourced five Standard and OSP models for extensive
dots such as JPoint’s Micro Reflex and SIG Sauer’s Romeo0, the testing. These pistols shoot less-than-2-inch groups from a fixed
gun’s enthusiastic following pushed Trijicon to develop and rest at 25 yards with quality ammunition. Though we have shot
announce the RMRcc, which appeared first on Guns & Ammo’s thousands of rounds through our samples, we were impressed
website and social media pages on August 31, 2020. (And there to learn of Paul Carlson, owner of Safety Solutions Academy,
are other mini red-dot sight options on their way, too.) who pushed Hellcat serial number AT234795 to 20,000 rounds
The successful launch and positive reception of the Hellcat with support from Federal who supplied the 124-grain full-
immediately spawned aftermarket support. Besides holsters, we metal-jacket (FMJ) ammunition. Every round was captured on
saw unprecidented product offerings ranging from a selection camera and can be seen at
of Apex Tactical’s Action Enhancement Triggers to dedicated It will be difficult to argue against the Springfield Armory
laser sights and lights from Crimson Trace and SureFire. Hellcat and Hellcat OSP deserving this year’s Handgun of the

Springfield Armory smartly decided to include both an 11- Year honors. With or without a red dot, it continues to offer
round magazine and a 13-round magazine to one-up its chief great capacity, dependability and value for those who carry. ■
rival, the SIG Sauer P365. Aftermarket companies including
Hyve Technologies have added to that capacity by developing Log on to, select this firearm, pay a deposit and it will be
plus-one and plus-three baseplates that take the capacity of a at your local gun store in two days. when purchased from,
davidson’s guarantees to repair or replace this firearm for life.
13 rounder to either 14 or 15 rounds.
with RRA Six-Position Tactical CAR


1:9 Twist Barrel
Punching above its weight class, this new entry carbine
features a sleek monolithic upper receiver/handguard with
side and bottom MLOK® ports. This NEW RRAGE sets a
higher benchmark for all entry carbines to follow.




* Optics and scope mount not included. ROCKRIVERARMS.COM PERFORMANCE TUNED.
60 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds

TYPE Bolt action, alloy chassis
.270 Win., .30-’06 Springfield (tested),
.300 Win. Mag. (tested)
CAPACITY 5 rds (.270/.30-’06); 4 rds. (.300 WM)
Cold hammer forged, Crio treated;
22 in., 1:10-in. twist (.270 Win.)
22 in., 1:11-in. twist (.30-’06 Sprgfld.)
24 in., 1:11-in. twist (.300 WM)
OVERALL LENGTH 44.625 in. to 46.625 in.
WEIGHT 7 lbs., 4 oz. (tested)
Benelli Progressive Comfort; Comb-
tech combs; length-of-pull shims
TRIGGER 2 lbs., 12 oz., adj.; trigger spacers
FINISH Blued (steel); anodized (aluminum)
MSRP $1,699
BENELLI LUPO isn’t another new rifle based on the Mauser
98, Model 70 or Model 700 platform, but it is Benelli’s first
bolt-action. The Lupo, Italian for “wolf,” is a fresh approach
to the bolt-action rifle designed around an alloy chassis and
motivated by accuracy, artistic styling and proven felt-recoil-
reduction systems to deliver impressive performance.
Guns & Ammo was on the scene for the unveiling of the and absorb recoil. Regardless of caliber, charge of powder or
Lupo in Italy during late-October 2019. There, Editor Eric weight of the projectile, felt recoil feels the same from one shot
Poole demonstrated its accuracy potential by shooting a num- to the next. As a result, there is more control of the muzzle.
ber of sub-half-inch groups for an audience from 100 yards. Protecting the face from the uncomfortable vibrations of
There, they toured Benelli’s factory in the historic town of felt recoil, Benelli incorporated the Combtech cheek pad to
Urbino where they observed Italian Renaissance artist Raphael’s reduce facial impact. Combtech is another system borrowed
birthplace. Above Benelli’s state-of-the-art factory remains the from Benelli’s hard-working shotguns. Raised and extra-high
Academy of Fine Arts Urbino within the city’s towering walls Combtech cheekpieces are optionally available to adjust height
where several students shared their studies with the Lupo’s for use with high-mounted scopes.
designers to shape a functional masterpiece. The sculpted bolt sports three large locking lugs for a fast
The Lupo also benefited from the proven experience gleaned cycling 60-degree throw to drive cartridges positioned behind
from Benelli’s hard-use shotguns such as the Super Black Eagle the chamber for direct feeding into the chamber. The handle is
III. For having a chassis-based platform, Benelli was able to uniquely shaped to encourage quick action without interference
design a shim-and-spacer system for the Lupo that’s familiar to with the ocular lens housing of large-bodied scopes. The barrel
serious shotgunners who need to adjust drop, cast and trigger is threaded for muzzle devices and suppressors, free floating
reach. The trigger is yet another aspect that can be adjusted for and Crio treated to ensure its consistent performance.

preference; it can be tuned between 2.2 and 4.4 pounds. Better Built for comfort, the Lupo’s balance is perfectly centered in
fit translates to better control and increased accuracy. the hand at the magazine, while Benelli’s Airtouch Grip surface
The rifle also carries over the Progressive Comfort system provides a tactile and comfortable grip to hold firm.
and Combtech cheek pad, which was another modified element The Lupo possesses so many innovative features that, for its
proven with Benelli shotguns. Inside the Progressive Comfort price, earns it high value. No other new production rifle offered
module are interlacing fingers of proprietary synthetics that flex this level of performance and personalization. ■
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62 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds

TYPE Gas operated, semiautomatic
WEIGHT 8 lbs.
LENGTH OF PULL 141/4 in.
TRIGGER 4 lbs., 12 oz. (tested)
Hard case; shim and spacer kit;
three recoil pads and butt spacers;
ACCESSORIES Full (.695 in.); Modified (.705 in.);
SHOTGUN OF THE YEAR Improved Cylinder (.715 in.) chokes;
key lock; ear plugs
SAVAGE RENEGAUGE elevated the brand to a higher level in
MSRP $1,550
2020, and proved that it’s not just a company that makes rifles. Savage Arms, 413-568-7001,
Especially looking to attract turkey hunters and waterfowlers,
Savage Arms challenged its engineers to design a reliable oper-
ating system that would feed 23/4- and 3-inch loads. The result
was the Dual Regulating Inline Valve (DRIV) system, which is Underneath the receiver is the loading port for putting
a short-stroke piston system having two regulating valves on shells into the magazine tube. Unlike many guns, there’s plenty
either side of the barrel where excess gas is vented through of room to load the Renegauge without fear of cutting your
radial ports. thumb. The surfaces around the port are smooth and flat,
To keep the Renegauge at the chief engineer’s mandated 8 which was helpful when loading fast was necessary to keep up
pounds, the barrel was fluted to shave ounces. Uncommon with the action. The red follower was also beneficial in alerting
on shotguns headed to the hunting fields, the cuts give the the shooter when it was time to refill the tube.
Renegauge some unique styling. Notably, the barrel was also The stock was well thought out with palm swells on both
created from solid bar stock, then drilled, reamed and polished. sides of the grip, and interchangable recoil pads and cheek-
It’s a slow and expensive way to manufacture a barrel, but in pieces to adjust fit, length of pull and comb height. The pad-
the case of the Renegauge, it proved effective and accurate. ding’s rubber material is soft on the top, rigid on the sides and
Rather than chroming the bore, Savage also made the decision very comfortable against the shoulder. For most hunters, these
to Melonite the barrel, which has similar corrosion resistance features offer enough customization, but shims and spacers to
but doesn’t affect the inside bore diameter. adjust cast and length of pull are also included.
The bolt and carrier are chromed, however, and have been During Guns & Ammo’s evaluation, we determined that Sav-
interlocked and welded to one piece. Owners that have to age Arms succeeded in producing a shotgun that yields excep-
maintain two-piece bolt systems will rejoice when it’s time to tional accuracy and mild recoil. The weight certainly helps to
clean and assemble the gun. Like the barrel, the carrier is also absorb some of the recoil, but the innovative DRIV system does
fluted, and the rotary bolt head features two lugs and a large most of the work. Dressed in black or popular hard-use camou-

hook extractor for reliable evacuation of empty shells. flage coverings, the Renegauge is an American-made gun that
Not uncommon, the receiver is aluminum, and features con- still offers value in line with foreign competitors. ■
tours that make it easy to reach the controls, especially those
around the triggerguard. The controls, to include the knurled Log on to, select this firearm, pay a deposit and it will be
charging handle, bolt release, shell stop and crossbolt safety, are at your local gun store in two days. when purchased from,
davidson’s guarantees to repair or replace this firearm for life.
large and effortless to activate with gloved hands.

Finely tuned to deliver the ultimate peace of mind, the Taurus® 856 and 856 Ultra-Lite
small-frame revolvers are now equipped with Viridian® Red Laser Grips.

64 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds


HORNADY 6MM ARC was introduced by Guns & Ammo’s less powder. Downrange, the 6mm ARC carries enough velocity
Rifles & Optics Editor Tom Beckstrand on June 3, 2020, at and energy to be effective beyond 1,000 yards, and that’s really and Guns & Ammo’s YouTube page. The the point for those interested. (We’ve tested it to 1,200 yards,
name “ARC” stands for “Advanced Rifle Cartridge,” and it was which is amazing for any AR-15-pattern rifle or caliber.)
adopted by an undisclosed Special Operations unit prior to its Though somewhat similar wildcat cartridges have existed in
public reveal, only the second time a new cartridge’s announce- competition circles going back to the early 1970s, dimensions
ment was preceeded by the military’s adoption. (The first was vary. With the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’
Hornady’s .300 PRC in 2018.) The 6mm ARC is that unit’s Institute (SAAMI) approving the 6mm ARC on January 20,
replacement for the 7.62 NATO in combat operations. As we 2020, dimensions for the cartridge are standardized, meaning
have seen, Hornady has become the U.S. government’s trusted that they will be consistent among ammunition manufacturers.
go-to company for developing innovative solutions for unique For this reason, the 6mm ARC is safe, affordable and more
missions. The new 6mm ARC is such an example. practical to obtain as pre-packaged ammo or to handload.
Military and long-range AR-15 enthusiasts have explored Due to the 6mm ARC’s overall length (OAL) of 2.260 inches,
7.62 NATO-footprint platforms to improve on the range and the cartridge does not exceed the OAL limitations of an AR-15
500- to 600-meter effectiveness of the 5.56 NATO cartridge. magazine, even when loaded with heavier and longer 108-grain
Some have employed new rifle designs, while others tried new and 110-grain bullets. This has always been a design challenge
cartridges. AR-10-pattern rifles have enjoyed relative interest for many new rounds. And for sportsman, the 6mm ARC meets
for the last 15 years for this reason, but others have instead the minimum 6mm bullet-diameter requirements enforced by
modified the AR-15 action to fire more powerful cartridges. several states for deer hunting.
The 6mm ARC is on the latter path, which keeps host guns and The 6mm ARC holds a lot of promise. The list of companies
ammunition supplies lighter, more economical and easier to chambering the 6mm ARC continues to grow as ammunition

standardize for manufacturing, procurement, logistics and use. and barrels become more available. Unexpectedly, we’ve already
The 6mm ARC offers shooters many advantages. To start, seen several bolt-action rifles being developed by various man-
the 6mm ARC is better suited than most 6mm and 6.5mm ufacturers to chamber the 6mm ARC. Just you wait and see. ■
cartridges to optimize very low-drag (VLD) projectiles that
improve stability and range. Plus, the barrel life for a 6mm ARC FOR MORE INFORMATION
hornady, 800-338-3220,
chamber is similar to one in 7.62 NATO because it’s burning
66 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds

1-8x24mm; 2.5-20x50mm;
SECOND FOCAL 2.5-20x50mm; 4-32x50mm
NIGHTFORCE NX8 is a new line of scopes that borrows .25 MOA or .1 MRAD per click
lessons learned from the company’s NXS scopes, which has WINDAGE .25 MOA or .1 MRAD per click
served military marksman for 20 years as well as serious long- FC-MIL/MOA (1-8X);
range shooters for just as long. The NXS solidified Nightforce Mil-CF2, MOAR-CF2

Optics’ reputation as an uncompromising premium scope 8.7 in. (1-8X); 12 in.

(2.5-20X); 13.5 in. (4-32X)
company, which kept its innovative products priced out of
17 oz. (1-8X); 28.6 oz.
reach for the majority of shooters. About a year ago, Nightforce WEIGHT
(2.5-20X); 28.9 oz. (4-32X)
rolled out the NX8 family to offer a more affordable mid-priced EYE RELIEF 3.5 in. to 3.7 in.
scope than it had before. It started with a 1-8x24mm, but by MSRP $1,750 to $2,100
August 2019 Nightforce had announced two new additions, a MANUFACTURER
Nightforce Optics, 208-476-9814,
2.5-20x50mm and a 4-32x50mm.
Despite borrowing the NXS’ legacy for durability and easy
of use in adverse climates, the NX8 actually offers better image
quality than the NXS. The NX8 lenses benefit from new lens force set the lenses in a bedding compound to prevent move-
composition and coatings. Nightforce incorporated the same ment under impact, and strengthened the maintube by machin-
extra-low dispersion (ED) glass found in the company’s ATACR ing it about three times as thick as other brands’ standard
line, but they developed the rest of the scope in a way to keep maintube. This thickness protects the NX8 from damage caused
costs below that of the ATACR, which ranges $3,100 to $4,600. by rough handling or over-tightened rings. When you know
Summarizing the NX8, Rifle & Optics Editor Tom Beck- this and then see a YouTube video of a Nightforce employee
strand said in his review, “There are few guarantees in the hammering a nail into a tree stump before installing it to a
world of riflescopes, but one guarantee is that there is no rifle and successfully shooting an exploding target, it’s easy to
such thing as a cheap, lightweight, extremely durable, short, understand how this additional weight benefits these scopes.
high-magnification scope with a large objective lens. Only During Guns & Ammo’s year-long evaluation of the NX8 line,
when you’re willing to spend more than $1,500 and carry a we found excellent accuracy with turret adjustments and the
20-ounce-plus scope does the above combination become pos- zero stop. We appreciated the illuminated first-focal-plane (F1)
sible.” Beckstrand concluded, “[The NX8] represents excellent reticles. The reticles’ subtensions were correct at every power.
value for the performance and features that come with the On August 5, 2020, Nightforce launched its second focal plane

purchase price.” (F2) extension to the NX8. The F2 scopes are ideal for hunters
At the expense of a small weight penalty, Nightforce added and shooters who prefer the reticle to stay consistent in size
an additional lens in the objective lens group. Adding that extra throughout the magnification range. Either way, the Nightforce
lens also corrected typical degradations that happen when an NX8 family is an investment in your shooting that can take a
optics company shortens a scope. To protect its glass, Night- rifle’s long-range performance to a new level. ■
SIG SAUER worked with Avient to develop
their first-of-its-kind P320 TXG tungsten
infused grip module to deliver perfectly
balanced weight without compromising
comfort or performance.

We’re a new kind of specialty materials

company, ready to tackle the world’s most
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68 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds


SILENCERCO OMEGA 36M is a two-piece modular design
with a completely welded core. The rear core contains Cobalt
6 and Inconel baffles to provide extreme wear resistance under
high heat and heavy fire. The front core features a new light-
weight 17-4 baffle design that saves weight while still offering
high wear resistance against high temperatures and sustained
durations of fire. The outer tube and lock ring is made of
titanium. Not only does the lock ring prevent the tube from
loosening, it reduces weight when compared to products using
other materials. The Omega 36M is finished with a black Cera-
kote for as much durability as a finish can offer a hot can.
The Omega 36M is a centerfire suppressor rated to support height sights are usually required for use on handguns with
minumum-length 10-inch barrels for 5.56 NATO/.223 Reming- threaded barrels, but the Omega 36M yields an average of
ton chambers, 16-inch barrels for 7.62 NATO/.308 Winchester 128.9 decibels (and up depending on the cartridge) at the muz-
and 20-inch barrels for .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 zle when in use. The trade-off is worth it.
Lapua Magnum. The same suppressor can also go from use on For its $1,187 suggested retail, the Omega 36M scored high
magnum rifles to 9mm pistols or sub-guns. The Omega 36M is for its performance on the range across multiple platforms, and
compatible with all of SilencerCo’s Charlie and ASR accessories, for the modularity. Guns & Ammo’s reviewers noted that they
as well as direct-thread barrels and the 9mm three-lug mount. were able to easily adapt its length for each host firearm. The
For its length, which ranges 5.1 inches to 7.6 inches for max- bottom line is that the Omega 36M is 2020’s most versatile,
imum sound reduction, and it’s weight, spanning 9.2 ounces multi-caliber suppressor that’s rated for full-auto use. ■
to 161/2 ounces, this suppressor maximizes flexibility across
multiple platforms like no other introduced since. FOR MORE INFORMATION
silencerCo, 801-417-5384,
The Omega 36M has a 1.57-inch diameter, so suppressor-
Get the best magazine as well as the top gear to scratch your
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70 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds


FEDERAL FIRESTICK has the potential to revolutionize the
the world’s oldest long gun: the muzzleloader. Arguably, not
since Tony Knight revealed the MK-85 in-line muzzleloader
in 1985 has there been as significant of a development among
those who hunt with blackpowder as this.
The FireStick encapsulates the propellant charge, which is
inserted from the breech and requires the shooter to insert a
209 shotgun primer (not included). Of course, the bullet still
has to be loaded from the muzzle. For centuries, shooters and
firearm manufacturers have worked to develop clever ways to
keep blackpowder dry. With this, the powder charge stays dry
because the FireStick is impervious to moisture. from other brands, Traditions and Federal Ammunition part-
Federal Ammunition loads Firesticks with Hodgdon’s clean- nered to carefully develop a successful pairing.
burning Triple Eight powder in two pre-loaded charge levels: The NitroFire is a .50-caliber muzzleloader with a 26-inch
100 or 120 grains, one colored red, the other orange. Tight barrel and Traditions’ Elite XT trigger system. The NitroFire’s
tolerances ensure a consistent burn and the FireStick can also action can be opened with the crossbolt safety engaged, which
be removed quickly, simply and safely if it has to be pulled out allows the shooter to safely load or unload and view the cham-


from the action. There’s no need to fire the rifle to unload it. ber. The NitroFire starts at $549. More information on the rifle
FireSticks are sold in 10-count packs for $27, and to benefit can be found at ■
from this innovative development, you’ll need two additional
things: a 209 shotgun primer, and a Traditions NitroFire rifle. FOR MORE INFORMATION
federal Ammunition, 800-831-8100,
Though we expect additional muzzleloading firearms to follow

The Gun Tool™ AMP is a creatively reinvented line of multi-tool’s
for guns. With transformer-like functionality, AMP packs serious
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R E A L A V I D . C O M
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72 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Gu n s & Am mo of th e yeA r AwArds


LOCKDOWN PUCK is a $110 security monitoring device
that sends notifications and provides control of your valuables
through the Lockdown Logic App. Using the free app, you can
check temperature and humidity around the Puck, set mini-
mum and maximum thresholds, as well as alarms to notify you
of environmental changes or movement.
G&A’s staff initially evaluated the Puck on our gun safes,
which indicated when the door was opened or closed. How-
ever, when considering that it can be mounted using the
supplied screw-to-almost anything bracket, integrated magnet
or gravity, it became quickly apparent that the Puck is just as
useful in securing vaults, doors, vehicles and so on. One editor USB power cord, a magnetic door sensor, a mounting bracket
learned that the Puck could be placed within luggage and be and hardware, and four AA batteries for backup if the cord is
notified if his bags were being tampered with in a hotel room. disconnected. The App can be used with multiple Pucks and


At the touch of a button, the Puck guards anything that devices for individual status checks, arming and disarming. You
matters to you. It features built-in Wi-Fi that instantly com- can also customize notifications, so you’re never left unaware. ■
municates through the Lockdown Logic App. It can also be
connected to other smart home and Lockdown devices to keep FOR MORE INFORMATION
Lockdown, 800-451-6797,
valuables safe and secure. The Puck comes with a 9-foot Micro




g uns & a mmo of t h e yea r award s | d ecem b er 2020 g& a 73


1791 GUNLEATHER ULTRA CUSTOM is an effective and
fun way to concealed carry. Within the cowhide is a mold-
able technology called “Memory-Lok.” When properly heated
to around 175 degrees, the Ultra Custom becomes soft and
pliable. With an appropriate-sized handgun inserted, you can
form the leather around the gun’s contours and indentations
for a tight fit. A beveled-point tool is provided to better shape
the holster around the gun. As the leather cools, the Memory-
Lok hardens to a Kydex-like rigidity, and holds the shape for a
flawless fit. If you need to change pistols to another of a similar
size, simply reheat the material, insert a new gun and remold it.
1791 Gunleather offers the Ultra Custom Concealment Holster The Ultra Custom proved exceptional as an inside-the-
in six sizes to accept almost any model of carry pistol. waistband (IWB) concealment holster and was worn for nearly


The process of molding and remolding the Ultra Custom 3 months during its review. It’s adjustable for cant and grips the
holsters was unexpectedly fun. Editors used a culinary sous gun tightly inside a belt. Draw times from concealment that pro-
vide water bath, vacuum-sealed the holster in a plastic bag and duced an A-zone hit at 7 yards averaged only 1.4 seconds.
warmed it to 175 degrees — exactly. This procedure produced
the best results, which were safer, cleaner and more consistent FOR MORE INFORMATION
1791 gunleather, 800-407-1791,
than trying to heat the holster in an oven. (Don’t heat the gun.)
74 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0

1911s FROM COLT.
d ecem b er 2020 G& A 75
76 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Co m b At E litE


TYPE Recoil operated, semiautomatic
CAPACITY 9+1 rds.
HEIGHT 5.75 in.
WEIGHT 2 lbs., 9.6 oz.
MATERIAL Stainless steel
GRIP Colt G-10 panels
TRIGGER 4 lbs., 13 oz.
Frame-mounted, ambi manual lever;
beavertail grip safety; firing pin block
TT Elite; black Ionbond, brushed
stainless-steel flats
SIGHTS Novak LoMount, three-dot tritium
MSRP $1,399
Colt’s Manufacturing Company, LLC,


for more than a century, Colt has been the standard by which LOAD (FPS) ES SD (IN.) (IN.)
other companies’ products are compared. Colt isn’t resting on Wilson Combat 115-gr. XTP JHP 1,283 58 19 1.74 1.78
its history, though. The epochal Hartford, Connecticut firm’s Colt National Match 124-gr. FMJ 1,179 73 23.9 2.5 3.17
offerings continues to evolve to meet the needs of shooters. Colt’s Fed. Premium Syntech 147-gr. FMJ 1,080 58 17.3 1.43 1.7
current catalog of Model 1911s is arguably the most diverse ever Notes: Accuracy is the average of five, five-shot groups from a sandbag rest at 25 yards.
with 57 different variations available. Among those options is the Velocity is the average of five shots recorded by an Oehler Model 35P chronograph.

Combat Elite line of handguns. The Combat Elite series offers

Government-, Commander- and Defender-size 1911s designed Pioneering gunsmiths such as Armand Swenson pushed John
with defensive carry in mind. These all-steel handguns possess all Browning’s design toward perfection, and manufacturers slowly
of the features one expects of a quality, modern 1911, and G&A took notice. The new Combat Elite pistols are built with many
tested examples in every size. of those evolutionary enhancements included. For example, the
There was a time that seri- high undercut frames’ front-
ous shooters had to send off log on to, select this firearm, pay a deposit and it will be
strap and mainspring hous-
a 1911 to custom shops that at your local gun store in two days. When purchased from, ings are machine checkered
Davidson’s guarantees to repair or replace this firearm for life.
specialized in hand-fit tuning. at 25 lines-per-inch for a pos-

Premium parts for those who

demand more than the status quo.
78 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Co m b At E litE


TYPE Recoil operated, semiautomatic
CAPACITY 8+1 rds.
HEIGHT 5.75 in.
WEIGHT 2 lbs., 6 oz.
MATERIAL Stainless steel
GRIP Colt G-10 panels
TRIGGER 5 lbs., 12 oz.
Frame-mounted, ambi manual lever;
beavertail grip safety; firing pin block
TT Elite; black Ionbond, brushed
stainless-steel flats
SIGHTS Novak LoMount, three-dot tritium
MSRP $1,399
Colt’s Manufacturing Company, LLC,


itive but minimally-abrasive BEST AVG.
finishes on the market, Ion-
grip. All three guns are fit LOAD (FPS) ES SD (IN.) (IN.) bond is also incredibly thin,
with extended, ambidextrous Fed. Premium Syntech 230-gr. FMJ 761 58 16.4 1.69 2.35 so it is suited for guns built
thumb safeties, and the grip Hornady Amer. Gun. 185-gr. XTP JHP 933 34 13.1 1.47 2.4 with tight clearances. Once
safeties are of the protective Colt National Match 230-gr. FMJ 731 22 7 3.08 3.11 finished, the flats of the frame,
beavertail style. Each Combat Notes: Accuracy is the average of five, five-shot groups from a sandbag rest at 25 yards. slide and hammer are sanded,
Elite model is fit with Novak’s Velocity is the average of five shots recorded by an Oehler Model 35P chronograph. which reveals the stainless
LoMount tritium night sights, steel grains underneath and
which are dovetailed into the slide and drift-adjustable for creates a two-tone look. The internal working surfaces of the
windage. Ejection ports are lowered and flared to help facilitate guns remain coated, which is a good thing.
reliable function. All of the Combat Elite models wear angled rear cocking
Aesthetically, all three guns in the Combat Elite series are serrations, which were first seen on National Match guns in
constructed with the same basic design elements. Each model the 1960s. All three come with black G-10 grips that are half-
is built from stainless steel and then finished in a matte-black textured and scalloped to create a thumbrest on the left panel.
Ionbond. Ionbond is a Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coating Colt incorporated the Series 80 safety mechanism, which
that is regarded for its wear and friction resistance. Unlike other has appeared in most of Colt’s 1911s since the early 1980s.
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80 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Co m b At E litE


TYPE Recoil operated, semiautomatic
CAPACITY 8+1 rds.
HEIGHT 5.25 in.
WEIGHT 2 lbs., 2.4 oz.
MATERIAL Stainless steel
GRIP Colt G-10 panels
TRIGGER 4 lbs., 6 oz.
Frame-mounted, ambi manual lever;
beavertail grip safety; firing pin block
TT Elite; black Ionbond,
brushed stainless-steel flats
SIGHTS Novak LoMount, three-dot tritium
MSRP $1,399
Colt’s Manufacturing Company, LLC,

There are two main elements of the Series 80 guns relevant to pin block in the slide as an additional safety measure if the gun
shooters. The first is a half-cock notch that allows the user to were dropped. Though Series 80 pistols are often maligned for
lower the hammer without firing the pistol inadvertently. The their creepy triggers due to the safety levers and plunger, I don’t
trigger is pulled and then released while the hammer is lowered feel there is much of a practical difference on Colt’s stock guns.
manually. The hammer comes to rest a fraction of an inch from
the firing-pin stop and, when the trigger is pulled a second Combat Elite Government This is a full-size Model 1911 with
time, the hammer falls to rest. Series 80 guns also use a firing- a 5-inch barrel. It’s available in either .45 ACP or 9mm. I tested
S A R C O , I N C.
T H E L E A D I N G S U P P L I E R I N F I R E A R M S . PA R T S . AC C E S S O R I E S .
E S T.
W E S P E C I A L I Z E I N ‘ H A R D T O F I N D ’ P A R T S !! FR O M AK TO Z AS TAVA. . .



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82 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | Co m b At E litE

the latter. Nine-millimeter 1911s have become quite popular not chambered for .45 ACP, remember that Colt introduced the
in recent years due to their lighter recoil and less-expensive .38 Super in the 1930s, and 9mm 1911s have been extant since
ammunition. However, before you reject the notion of a 1911 1949. Although many probably aren’t looking for an all-steel,
COLT COMBAT ELITE DEFENDER full-size, single-stack 9mm for everyday carry, the Combat Elite
BEST AVG. is nonetheless well-equipped for the job. I wouldn’t hesitate
LOAD (FPS) ES SD (IN.) (IN.) to carry it as a primary handgun, but it would also make for a
Wilson Combat 115-gr. XTP JHP 1,135 40 12.6 2 2.19 great practice pistol before wearing a full-size 1911 in .45 ACP.
Colt Defense 124-gr. JHP 1,170 87 27.3 3.65 4.19 Though I’ve seen many 1911s deviate from some of the
Fed. Premium Syntech 147-gr. FMJ 976 60 19.3 2.83 3.57 traditional design elements, the Combat Elite Government is
Notes: Accuracy is the average of five, five-shot groups from a sandbag rest at 25 yards. built the way Browning intended it. The 5-inch National Match
Velocity is the average of five shots recorded by an Oehler Model 35P chronograph. barrel uses two locking upper lugs and is not integrally ramped,
instead relying on the original feeding
arrangement that combines a ramped
frame and a generous radius at the rear
of the chamber. The extractor is internal,
and the ejector is fixed. The only real
twist is a dual recoil spring arrangement
that reduces felt recoil and extends
spring life. This feature appears on both
the 9mm and .45 ACP versions.
The high undercut below the trigger-
guard on the Combat Elite Government
allows for a high grip on the gun. Com-
bined with the stainless steel construc-
tion, dual springs and 9mm chambering,
it was extremely controllable and pleasant
to shoot. The trigger measured consis-
tently at just under 5 pounds with only

Easy-On, Easy-Off the slightest hint of creep. The sights were

excellent; highly-visible and not prone to

Snow Plow snagging on clothing or slicing skin. Like

all good 1911s, this was an incredibly
shootable handgun. I experienced only
Perfect for Homeowners!
one malfunction: a failure to feed from
Do it yourself and SAVE. slide lock with Federal Premium’s Syn-
Pays for itself quickly if you currently tech FMJ ammunition early in the evalu-
hire a plow. Don’t struggle snow- ation. With two of the three loads tested,
blowing your entire driveway.
particularly the Wilson Combat 115-gr.
For TRUCKS XTP, accuracy was very good. Magazine
and SUVs. capacity is 9-plus-1 rounds.
Attaches to a front
receiver hitch
(included). Combat Elite Commander Colt first
Automatically produced the aluminum-frame Com-
engages when you drive
forward and releases when you reverse.
Works on gravel or pavement. Locks in travel position.
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d ec em b e r 2 0 2 0 G& A 83

mander back in 1950. They combined

a full-size grip with a more-concealable
4.25-inch barrel. The all-steel Combat
Commander has been around since 1970
and has long been a favorite of mine.
G&A’s Combat Elite Commander came
chambered in .45 ACP, and is virtually
identical to the Government Model
except for its shorter barrel and slide.
I’ve shot my share of Commander-
length 1911s and own a couple, but
this was the first I’ve used with dual
recoil springs. The reduction in recoil
was significant. I’m not going to say that
it was like shooting a 9mm, but it was
close. Overall, it left me impressed and
proved to be 100 percent reliable with
each of the three loads that I used during
my testing. This was the Goldilocks gun
for me: not too big, not too small. It’s just
right. Though the trigger on the Com-
mander measured slightly heavier than
on the Government, its was cleaner with
no discernable creep in contrast.

Combat Elite Defender The smallest

pistol in the Combat Elite trio is the
Defender, which is a half-inch shorter
than the old Colt Officer’s ACP. It is
available in both .45 ACP and 9mm, and
I tested the latter. With a 3-inch barrel
and a grip that is a half-inch shorter than
the Government or Commander models,
the Defender is more easily concealed.
Despite the shorter frame, there is still
sufficient room for a full grip, though
you do lose one round of magazine
capacity. It offers eight-plus-one rounds
of 9mm and seven-plus-one in .45. The
mainspring housing is also grooved
instead of checkered due to its polymer
The Defender shares identical controls
13 open 84 G& A d ecem b er 2020
8 Y ed
ea fo
rs! r

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p p  t N wO
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by NGC
 C t fi “G t uth
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’ L m t fi c h u h

’ b g d al
H ?H ’
with its big brothers, making it an ideal
®J carry pistol for those who are accus-
G : tomed to shooting 1911s. Though it is
“I ’ y fi quite similar from the shooter’s perspec-
g qu f tive, the Defender is a different animal
M g T p
pc y g h than the larger models, mechanically-
h fi speaking. For starters, the Defender uses
h u M g h a cone-shaped barrel that eliminates the
f m h U T u yH u p
y c pp u y” J G
Don’t Miss Out—Order Now! traditional bushing at the muzzle. The
R Defender also uses a dual recoil spring
q ? $ ’
R ” with a two-piece full-length guiderod.
p NG It is a similar setup to the recoil spring
Morgans from the New Orleans Mint
I 59 N ’ L arrangement found on newer-model
p L
Glocks, and it does a nice job of miti-
N ” I
G q gating recoil. The front of the Defender’s
p p slide has been side-milled with an angu-
lar cut, giving it a different profile than
The U.S. Treasury Hoard fi p the other two pistols in the series, also.
F I 9 q Though the Defender in .45 ACP is
p pp probably a handful to shoot, the 9mm
q !
full, unop n d bag ” version was very controllable. I did
A experience a few reliability issues, the
1882-O Morgan Silver Dollar NGC Certified
p BU from the Great Southern Treasury majority of which appeared to be ammo-
H p Hoard — $99 ea. related. Colt’s Defense ammunition
” (made by DoubleTap) uses a jacketed
FREE SHIPPING on 2 or More! Limited time
The Great Southern Treasury Hoard only. Product total over $149 before taxes (if any). hollowpoint bullet, the shape of which
T anoth r 5 Standard domestic shipping only. Not valid on
previous purchases. must be incompatible with the Defend-
’ fi
p er’s feed ramp profile. The first round
Call today toll-free for fastest service
in each magazine would hang up and
!W p
p N fail to feed. I also experienced several
G p NG
Offer Code MSH265-01 instances where the case failed to extract
p G Pl a nt on th cod wh n you call with this ammo, creating a double feed.
T H ” Each time, the case had to be removed
using a rod. Sticky cases are indicator • 14101 Southcross Dr. W., Suite 175
Dept. MSH265-01, Burnsville, MN 55337 of high pressures expanding the brass
excessively. I do not believe that the
G ® fi T
p G gun was at fault since it performed well
p P fi p p p
fi A p p p p G ’ T with other loads. Be sure that your gun
/ 7 ; p p G ’ R
P © G A
d ec em b e r 2 0 2 0 G& A 85


in Texas
FOR $269! by Texans.

functions with your ammunition before

you carry it.
Though both the Government and
Commander Elites exhibited excellent fit
and finish, the Defender was a bit on the ROUGH NECK ROWDY GRIZZLY
loose side. There was some minor slide
rattle, and noticeable barrel squat. Barrel
9mm $
2.5 inch barrel 269 45LC/.410 $
3 inch barrel 299 45LC/.410 $
3 inch barrel 377 HOLSTER

squat is the result of the barrel’s bottom 817-573-4445

lugs having excessive clearance from the
slide stop. Colt National Match barrels,

which are standard on both the Govern-
ment and Commander Combat Elites,
have oversized lower lugs that eliminate
this play. The problem with barrel squat
8 CIGARS only $ *

is that it can cause vertical stringing,

which is exactly what I encountered with
the Defender on paper. An oversized
slide stop, available from various parts
sources, might cure this ailment.
I bought my first new Colt 1911,
a Series 80 Gold Cup, some 25 years
ago, and I have watched the company’s
quality steadily improve since the ’90s. Visit: CigarsIntl. m/
Colt’s investment in modern machining Ent r mpl t w b a r ss

centers, combined with decades of insti- 1- -2 -279

It m #: C 9- P
tutional knowledge have the company
building some of its best pistols ever. The I 1 :
M •H M •A
Combat Elite series is a classic example V z •S P z •B • CA

of an attractive, functional and well-built

line of handguns.
For a company that has been making
the Model 1911 this long, it might be
tempting to remain stationary. Thankfully,
that is not the case. The Combat Elite $
series respects the proud lineage of Colt’s
1911 pistols, but does so with tasteful
touches that keep the platform relevant in
* $ 99

today’s competitive market.

3 0
86 G&A d ece mber 2020

PR OOF HOUS E Rock Island Armory VRPA40 12 ga.

Despite the afford-

able retail price,
the VRPA40 is a
well-equipped pump
action. The barrel
sports a red fiber-
optic rod up front
and interchangeable
choke tubes.

Great for defense or

high-volume compe-
tition shooting, the
VRPA40 incorpo-
rates an adjustable
rear ghost-ring aper-
ture sight behind
a rail for mounting

As on most pump
guns, the trigger
assembly can be
removed for main-
tenance. Note, how-
ever, the absence of
a shell carrier and
the presence of a
polymer magazine
well and mag release
de cember 20 20 G&A 87

ROCK ISLAND ARMORY’S VR LINE That may not seem like a dramatic change
redefined semiauto shotgun design, and of course, but it represented the first major
this year the company is adding a pump- departure from a traditional pump-action
action variant to the family. Known as the shotgun design in more than a century.
“VRPA40,” Rock Island’s slide-action scat- Rock Island’s VRPA40 is the latest box-
tergun also breaks new ground by offering magazine-fed pump gun, but it’s priced
shooters a magazine-fed pump shotgun at considerably lower than either the Reming-
a very affordable price point. ton or the Mossberg. The Remington 870
It’s remarkable how little pump shotguns DM (Detachable Magazine) carries a starting
have changed since the 1880s, and a defin- MSRP of $529, while the Mossberg 590M
ing characteristic of pump guns since their Mag-Fed has a retail price of $721. Rock
earliest days is a tubular magazine under Island Armory’s VRPA40 is only $399.
the barrel. Tube magazines offer a conve- For that money, you’d expect the VRPA40
nient solution for ammo storage, but they to be a stripped-down gun with few acces-
are slower to reload than firearms with sories, but that’s not the case. In place of
removable magazines. A few years a traditional bead front sight, the VRPA40
ago, Remington and Mossberg comes with a fiber optic front and an adjust-
addressed this concern able ghost ring rear sight with protective
with the launch of the shields flanking the aperture. The rear sight
box-magazine-fed is attached to an eight-slot top rail that
Model 870 and offers roughly 3½-inches of mounting space
Model 590, for attaching a reflex sight, too. There’s also
respec- an 11-inch vented aluminum heat shield
tively. mounted over the top of the barrel.


TYPE Pump action
5+1 rds. (nine- and 19-round maga-
zines are optional)
7 lbs., 6 oz. (unloaded,
5-round magazine inserted)
LENGTH OF PULL 14.25 in.
Adjustable aperture (rear);
fiber optic (front)
STOCK Black synthetic
FINISH Anodized black
ACCESSORIES Cylinder, Modified and Full chokes
MSRP $399
Armscor USA/Rock Island Armory,
88 G& A dec em b er 2 0 2 0 | R oc k Is lAnd A R m oRy VRPA 40

The box-fed VRPA40 doesn’t need its lower tube for ammo storage, With detachable magazines capable of holding 19 shells, fast, high-
but it still guides the sliding forend. A knurled magazine cap aids volume shooting becomes part of the VRPA40’s appeal. Fittingly, the
disassembly, and the shotgun features a forward sling mount. shotgun’s barrel is equipped with a ventilated heat shield.

In many regards, the VRPA40 follows the typical pump- extracted shells free from the action. Because it is maga-
gun design formula. The 7075 T6 aluminum receiver zine fed, the VRPA40 lacks the carrier traditionally found
houses a 3-inch chamber and an ejection port on the right on tube-fed pumps, and the follower of the magazine tilts
side. The polymer slide handle is attached to twin action slightly upward at the front to ensure that shells, which
bars instead of the single action bar found on early pump are picked up by the forward stroke of the bolt, chamber
shotguns. The VRPA40’s slide handle rides on an under- smoothly in the gun. The magazine itself is made from
barrel tube just like traditional pump actions, however. metal and has a broad baseplate that makes it easy to
Removing the trigger group is fast and easy thanks to a grasp and remove quickly, and it can protect the magazine
single cross pin that is countersunk into the left side of the should it be dropped to the ground during a reload. The
receiver. Simply push the pin through the receiver and the magazine housing is also made of polymer, and is part
trigger assembly and magazine housing will drop free. of the trigger assembly. Unlike some mag-fed pumps, it
Made in Turkey, VRPA40 shotguns come with 20-inch doesn’t look like a bolted-on afterthought. Rather, it fits
smoothbore steel barrels with interchangeable choke nicely with the profile of the gun.
tubes. Three choke tubes are included — Cylinder, Mod- If you are used to standard pump-gun controls, the
ified, and Full — and the constriction can be determined VRPA40 may initially baffle you. Instinct tells you to reach
by looking at the notches in the muzzle portion of the toward the front (as on a Remington) or rear (as with a
tube: five notches indicate Cylinder constriction, three for Mossberg or Winchester) of the triggerguard to release the
Modified, one for Full. And the barrel is held in place by a bolt. Instead, the bolt release is located on the right side
knurled forend cap with a sling stud. There’s a correspond- of the receiver just below the ejection point at the junction
ing rear sling stud in the polymer buttstock. of the receiver and the magazine housing. It’s shaped like
The VRPA40’s bolt has a single, spring-operated an oversized slide stop on a pistol and works in the same
extractor mounted on the right side of the bolt body. manner. It requires a downward push to open the VRPA40’s
There’s a channel in the action. Magazine releases
bolt that allows an ejector BUY IT NOW! aren’t standard equipment
log on to, select this firearm, pay a deposit and it will be
mounted to the left side at your local gun store in two days. When purchased from, on most pumps, but Rock
davidson’s guarantees to repair or replace this firearm for life.
of the receiver to knock Island Armory placed
R ock I sland aRmo Ry V RPa4 0 | d ecem b er 2020 G& a 89

The detachable magazines hold

more rounds and offer faster
reloads than traditional tubes.
Rock Island Armory offers five-,
nine- and 19-round boxes for its
VR family of shotguns.

the mag
on the
right side
of the gun
just ahead of
the triggerguard.
The layout may take
some getting used to for overall length measured 41 inches. That makes
pump shotgun fans, but AR the VRPA40 slightly longer and heavier than
shooters will love the design of other defensive long-guns such as Mossberg’s
the mag release; it looks, feels and MVP Scout rifle at 63/4 pounds and 371/2 inches, and
functions like the controls on your AR-15 Ruger’s AR-556 at 61/2 pounds and 351/2 inches with
rifle. The magazine release is large and easy the stock extended. The advantage of the VRPA40, by
to find, and the aluminum box magazine falls free comparison, is load versatility and price.
from the gun for faster reloads. As you read this, don’t forget the VRPA40’s price com-
The polymer forearm measures 71/2-inches long, roughly pared to other guns. Some new shotguns don’t offer much
11/2-inches wide and comes with aggressive, rearward- in the way of accessories, but the VRPA40 utilizes the same
angled cuts for a positive grip. The buttstock is polymer magazine as Rock Island’s VR60 and VR80 shotguns, so
with a widened comb and a generous ventilated recoil pad there are 9 and 19 shot options immediately available. The
that is slightly curved to rest comfortably on the shoulder. accessory rail on top will also accept most popular optics.
It’s effective at absorbing recoil. That extra padding is
especially beneficial when firing heavy loads because the on the Range Smoothbore slug guns aren’t particularly
VRPA40 weighs just 6.9 pounds without the magazine. Add known for accuracy, but the VRPA40 performed well off the
a full five-round mag and the weight jumps to just more bench at 50 yards. Firing three different reduced-recoil slugs
than 8 pounds. Length of pull is roughly 14.25 inches and by Fiocchi, Remington and Hornady, the VRPA40 produced
90 G&A d ecemb er 2 020 | Rock Isl An d ARmoRy V RPA4 0

Controls include a magazine release that is similar in design, and

location, to the button on AR-pattern rifles. The bolt release is less
familiar, and is also located on the right side of the receiver.

The gun’s bolt uses a single extractor that proved capable and reli-
able even under the stress of fast-paced courses of fire and a long day
at the range firing a mixed bag of 12-gauge ammunition.

three-shot groups ranging from 1.61 inches to just larger

than 4 inches at that distance.
Guns & Ammo’s staff shot everything from light and
affordable #8 target loads to slugs and buckshot through
the VRPA40. We were surprised by how comfortable the
gun was to shoot. The front of the mag well is concave
and offers a hold point for the support hand when firing off
sandbags. The widened comb helped distribute recoil. If
you’ve shot slug guns from a bench, you know that sight-in
sessions with slugs can be a brutal affair. With the three
slug loads tested, however, the VRPA40 was actually pleas-
ant! Even small-statured shooters were able to handle the

AR-15/M16 | .308 AR | AK-47/AK-74 | HK | Steyr AUG | SIG Sauer

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Three choke tubes were included with a the VRPA40: Cylinder, Mod-
ified and Full. Notches — five, three and one, respectively — on the
top lip of the tubes identify the different constrictions.
Roc k I sl and a Rmo Ry V RPa40 | decemb er 2020 G& a 91

recoil from (light) slugs in this gun.

After accuracy testing, Guns &
Ammo’s staff headed to the patterning
boards with a box of high-brass upland
ammo. We set up a sheet at 40 yards The VRPA40 makes
and used Federal’s high-velocity Wing- use of a polymer
buttstock with a
Shok #6 paired with a Modified choke traditional sporting
and fired at a central aiming point. We profile. The stock is
then repeated the process four more capped by a generous
recoil pad, which is
times to determine the VRPA40’s point always appreciated on
of aim (POA) versus point of impact a 12-gauge shotgun.
(POI). On average, the VRPA40 put
91 #6 pellets in a 21-inch-diameter
circle at 40 yards, and 157 pellets in a
30-inch circle. Based on the average
pellet count for a 11⁄8-ounce load of #6
shot (225 pellets), roughly 70 percent
of the original shot payload struck
within the 30-inch circle. The VRPA40’s
out-of-the-box point of impact was
slightly low and left, but the advantage
of adjustable sights is that POI can be
corrected by the shooter. The average
maximum pellet-to-pellet spread with
a modified choke at 40 yards mea-
sured just more than 42 inches. With
the Cylinder choke in place, maximum
pellet spread with the Federal #6 load
exceeded the size of the paper at 48
inches. With the Full choke in place,
maximum spread was just more than
37 inches, and when we overlaid a cut-
out of a turkey head on the target, 26
pellets were in the vital zone. Hence,
the VRPA40 is a suitable gobbler gun
as well as a home defense or one part
of a competitive 3-Gun rig.
After pattern testing was complete,
we moved on to the timed portion
of Guns & Ammo’s test. For that, we
set up 10 clay targets on a bank; five
on the left side and five on the right.
Using #8 target loads, the object was
to see how quickly we could break the
five clays on the left bank, perform
a magazine change, and shoot five
targets on the right bank. Gunwriter
Brad Fitzpatrick’s fastest time to break
all 10 clays (with a magazine change
in the middle) was 12.3 seconds. His
average run time of 14.1 seconds was
for three rounds. When he transi-
tioned to low-recoil slugs, the average
time jumped to just more than 15
seconds for the same course of fire.
Everything changed when Fitzpat-
92 G &A de c em b er 2 0 2 0 | Ro c k Is l An d AR m oRy VRPA40

Despite the gun’s ability to chamber 3-inch shells, the

19-round magazine only accepts 23/4-inch shells. However,
that’s not really a bad thing. Firing 20, 3-inch, 12-gauge
magnum rounds without stopping would be sadistic
regardless of gun weight.
Overall, we were quite impressed by the VRPA40’s per-
formance. Reliability was very good, and some concerns
that the single extractor might be a problem when firing so
many rounds quickly were unfounded. This gun runs. Except
for one instance when there was a double feed while firing
Remington’s low-recoil slugs, there were no issues with
cycling or firing.
The overall quality
rick switched to the PERFORMANCE of the components
19-round detachable WEIGHT VEL. GROUP GROUP is great for this price
LOAD (OZ.) (FPS) ES SD (IN.) (IN.)
box magazine. Elimi- point. Other than a
Fiocchi Exacta Aero-Slug 23/4 in. 1 1,088 74 23 1.61 2.28
nating the need for a few soldering marks
Horn. Amer. Gun. Reduced Recoil Slug 23/4 in. 1 1,227 34 12 2.2 2.49
mag change dropped where the lug meets
Remington Managed Recoil Slugger 23/4 in. 1 1,132 91 27 2.86 3.34
his average 10-shot the barrel, finish was
notes: Accuracy results are average of three, three-shot groups at 50 yards from a fixed rest. Velocity is
time to 8.2 seconds. the average of 10 shots recorded by a Shooting Chrony digital chronograph placed 10 feet in front of excellent, too.
the muzzle.
Worth noting, the 20- Many shotguns,
inch, 19-round mag- particularly hunting
azine turned the 8-pound VRPA40 into one that weighs and clay target guns, are nose-heavy. This added weight
nearly 11 pounds. It’s not the most nimble setup, but recoil at the front of the gun helps smooth out a shooter’s swing,
was virtually nil. Plus, you’ll shoot it empty before your and it’s a byproduct of the pump gun’s tubular magazine.
arms grow tired. By moving the weight of the loaded shells to the middle,

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20 15
25 19

26 21
16 15

21¼-IN. INNER CIRCLE: 91 (40%)

30-IN. OUTER CIRCLE: 66 (30%)
TOTAL HITS: 157 (70%)

the VRPA40 balances between the

hands, which is better for a defensive
shotgun. This balance allows for faster
target transitions and quicker target
acquisition. Unless you’re planning to
Not Imported! THE BEST RANGE, HOME, use the VRPA40 to shoot doves, you’ll
Made In USA! TRUCK OR BUG OUT BOX appreciate how this gun handles.
The VRPA40’s controls took some
Don't settle for less! getting used to, but after our range
USGI Military PA-108 FAT-50 Ammo Can With sessions, we grew accustomed to
Heavy Duty Magazine Holder.
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Protect your expensive, vulnerable, vital magazines the two five rounders, the nine-round
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mag and 19 rounder — performed
FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS! well. They all secured in place with
an audible click. Our one complaint
W W W. T E X M A G B O X . C O M about the magazine is that the rim of
the shell being loaded has a tendency
FROM THE EDITORS OF to hang up on the forward portion
GUNS & AMMO OVER $74 of the brass on the shell below it.
OF GEAR FOR ONLY $25! The remedy is to press down on the
VISIT loaded shell and slip the next one fully
into position before releasing spring
tension, which isn’t always convenient.
Still, the magazines worked without
issue and stood up to mistreatment.
♥ Bob (FL) 10X reorder “Your scientific ‘magic trick’ Anyone who appreciates the
does seem to work. I give 10X credit as one of simplicity and low cost of ownership
the things I did that helped save my marriage.” of a pump gun should consider Rock
♥ Gary (VA) 5 orders “I love the 10X product. Island’s shotguns. It’s impossible to
It seems to make a difference! I am married. I
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96 G & A december 2020 SPEN T CA SES

Looking back at missed opportunities.



TO SAY THAT 2020 has been “interesting” is an under- Germany, and each Korth revolver is inspected and tested
statement. The firearms industry was not immune to forces by Nighthawk before it ships. The NXS embodies words
of the global COVID-19 pandemic and, within weeks of like “precision fit,” “smooth trigger” and “outstanding
the new product announcements at January’s SHOT Show, accuracy.” Walnut grips, a black DLC finish and a one-
some areas in manufacturing came to a halt. An unprece- of-a-kind machined barrel shroud combine modern and
dented demand for anything related to personal defense traditional elements to make a bold statement. Though
was brought on by civil unrest, and now the stress sur- these guns don’t have the usual classic looks, I would love
rounding the presidential election has resulted in a perfect the opportunity to get to know one. $5,299
storm of product scarcity. Because of these events, and
the space constraints of a print magazine, Guns & Ammo Dan Wesson DWX ( My last
didn’t get to test every new firearm worthy of being wish could be a racegun. The DWX was designed with
reviewed. Therefore, these are the dreamguns I IPSC and USPSA matches in mind. The Dan
would have liked to evaluate in 2020, but never Wesson DWX combines features of two of
got the chance to. None of these are inexpensive the most popular practical shooting pistols of
but, hey, it’s a wish list. all time: the 1911 and the CZ-75. The DWX

uses a 1911-style single-action fire control

Cabot Guns Nero ( Cabot is mechanism in a 19-round-capacity frame for
known for producing some of the most inter- non-stop action. Dan Wesson gave the DWX
esting and expensive 1911s. These are works a great trigger and safety from their 1911s,
of art including one-off guns made of mete- and merged the ergonomics and capacity of
orites, stunning Damascus and grips made the legendary CZ. The Dan Wesson brand is
from desert glass. The Nero, however, is a owned by CZ, so the marriage makes sense.
less exotic example that’s more appropriate The DWX is available in 9mm or .40 S&W,
for everyday carry. This is the company’s first the latter allowing shooters to make Major
gun specifically designed for shooters who Power Factor in sanctioned matches.
like to train. Full-size and Commander-length With its bright red anodized flat
pistols are available, and the components are aluminum trigger, matching grips
machined and precision ground in-house from stain- and magazine basepad, there’s
less steel billets finished in a black Diamond-Like nothing traditional about this
Coating (DLC). The Nero includes a flat trigger, an gun’s appearance. The looks suit
elective integrated frame rail and a unique ejector its purpose — to win. $1,799
that is machined in place. The only part on this
pistol that isn’t black is the red fiber-optic front
sight. Accuracy is guaranteed to be 11/2 inches at 25
yards, or 1-inch with an upgrade. $4,500

Korth NXS 8-Shot .357 Magnum (nighthawkcus- As I’m passionate for revolvers, I would
have loved to give this eight-gun a workout.
Korth revolvers are considered the finest made,
and Nighthawk Custom’s reputation for cus-
tom handguns speaks for itself. Stainless-steel
machined parts are hand-fit by a single gunsmith in
Rapide Black Ice

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