Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOY 3
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOY 3
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOY 3
year te
Listening 4 Alan Tuuring was a fafamous Britissh ___________;
he creaated the worldd’s first compputer.
1 Listen to tthe interview
w. What is Claudia’s
C job
b? 5 Sean makes
m a lot off _________ __ when he plays
2 marks) his drum
ms in his rooom.
__ ___________
P English
2 Listen aga
ain. Answerr the questio
ons. (8 mark
1 How does Claudia feell about her joob? 6 Complete the dialogu
ue. (10 marks
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ A: Excuse me, I want tto visit the To
ower of Londdon.
2 What is sp
pecial about Claudia’s
C band? What’s the (1) ________ way to get
g there?
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ B: You (2) _______ takke the train.
3 How manyy hours doess Claudia pra actise with the
e A: That’s a good (3) ________. Whe en’s the nextt
orchestra o
on a typical day?
d train?
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ alf an hour aat 13.30.
B: It’s in ha
4 What doess Claudia usu ually do on Saturdays?
S A: How (4)) _______ dooes the journ ney take?
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ B: It takes about 20 miinutes
A: How (5)) _______ doo the trains leave?
y B: They go o every 15 mminutes.
3 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks) Grammar
G r
1 Jessica caame _______ ____ in the sailing
on; she was just behind th he winner. 7 Write senttences using g the promp
pts and the
2 My dad’s bbrother’s dauughter is my __________ _. correct forrm of the veerbs. (10 ma
3 The _____ ______ on New Year’s Eve are brightt be be go go must
and beautiful in the skyy. They are very
v loud. 1 I / _____ / Germany / last year
4 I need somme ________ ___ so my sk kin doesn’t ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
burn. 2 Today / ____ / cold / day / of / thhe year
5 The jazz ___________ were amazin ng; their mussic ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
was lively and fun. 3 I / think / ____ / hot / this summe er
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 Read
R the des
scription and write the correct
c word
5 marks) 4 You / __ ___ / switch off / your / phones / on /
1 feeling sadd because yoou aren’t withh other peop ple
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________ ___
5 We / __ ___ / go / thee cinema / tonnight
2 an adjectivve to describ
be a type of fo
ood that is
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
good for yoou ________ ____
3 astronautss in space flo
oat because there
t isn’t an
ny 8 Complete the sentencces with the
e correct verrb.
of this ___
_________ (10 marks)
4 you use thhis to changee the channels on your TV V 1 Jeff ________ his bikke to school every day. He
_________ ___ wants to o be healthyy!
5 you use it to take pictures and you can put the 2 I ________ a new tabblet yesterdaay.
pictures onn your tablet or laptop __
__________ 3 We ___ _____ Frenchh at school at
a the momen nt.
4 I think they _______________ the match 2–0 0
5 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (10 marks)
1 We took __
__________ on o our holidaay to Africa
5 Paul ________ go too the beach with
w his friend ds
because wwe wanted to o see the anim
tomorro ow.
2 Beth keeps money in herh ________ ___.
3 I used a __
_________ to t draw on thhe walls of m
bedroom. It’s in the shape of a flow
1 1
year te
9 Write
W the words in the co
orrect orderr to make
questions. Th
hen write shhort answerrs. (10 marks
s) A Great British Adven
1 bread / theere / Is / any ? Sir Ranulph Fiennes iss a famous British adventturer
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ who becam me famous inn 1979, when n he and twoo
_________ __________ _ () other men travelled aroound the worrld entirely byy
2 you / Are / China / from m? land. The Transglobe
Expedition toook three yeaars to
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ complete and
a the threee men becam me the first pe
_________ __________ _ () to do this. In 1984, the Guinness Book of World d
3 there / Weere / a / lot / people
p / at / of
o / party / Records na amed Fiennees the greate est living
the ? explorer. He
H crossed A Antarctica on foot in 19922 and
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ he discoveered the lost ccity of Ubar in Oman, whhich
_________ __________ _ () was underground for neearly 2,000 years.
y When
n he
4 go / Did / K
Karl / to / work / Saturday y / on ? was 65, Sir Ranulph beecame the olldest British
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ person to climb
c Mount Everest. He has overcom me
_________ __________ _ () many extre emes to becoome one of the greatest
5 go / Can / to / concert / I / the / on / night / explorers in the world.
Saturday ?
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ The Sportsman
_________ __________ _ () Mike Horn is a modern South Africa an adventure er. In
1999, he trravelled arouund the worldd on foot, by boat,
nsolidatiion on skis andd by bike. Hee travelled ac
cross South
America on n foot and Affrica by bike.. He led the
10 Complete
C the
e second seentence so that
t s
it means Pangaea Expedition,
E a four-year yoouth expedition
he same as the first. Us
se the correc
ct form of th
he around thee world. Younng people ag ged 13–20 fro om
w in brackets. (10 ma
around thee world had thhe opportuniity to join Mikke
1 Tigers in In ndia are under threat beccause people e during his journey.
j Mikee’s wanted to o raise
kill them. ((danger) awareness s of conservaation and pro otection of the
Tigers in In ndia ______ ___________ __ because o of environment.
2 Harry doessn’t really likee chocolate. (crazy) A Brave Teenager
Harry ____ __________ _____ chocollate. Abigail Sun
nderland is aan American explorer. In
3 The ticket to London iss £20. The tic cket to Bath is January 20010, at sixteeen years old,, she set sail
£10. The ticket to Manchester is £3 30. (cheap) around the
e world, alonee, in her boa
at Wild Eyes. Six
The ticket to Bath is the _________ _________. months later, in June 22010, a storm
m hit and
4 Mark starte ed travelling when he wa as eighteen. damaged the
t boat. Abi gail was safe e but
(home) unfortunate
ely her attemmpt to becomme the youngest
Mark ____ ___________ ____ when heh was person to sail
s around thhe world cam me to an end.
eighteen. She wrote a blog and a book aboutt her journeyy.
5 Indian food ot of spices. (spicy)
d has got a lo
Indian food d _________ _________. 2 Read the text
12 t again. A
Answer the questions. Write
complete sentences.
s (8 marks)
ading 1 What was
w unusual aabout Sir Ranulph Fienne es’s
journey around the w world?
d all of the people in th
11 Read the text. What do he
___________ ___________ ___________ ____
e in common? (2 marks
texts have s)
2 Why waas Sir Ranulpph’s trip to Oman
O importa
___________________ ___________ ___________ __
___________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 What was
w the aim oof the Pangae ea Expeditio
___________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 Why diddn’t Abigail ccomplete herr journey?
___________ ___________ ___________ ____
1 2
year te
13 Write
W about a famous ex xplorer or ad
frrom Spain. Describe who they are,, what they
did and why they are greeat. Use the prompts to
help you. Wrrite about 12
25 words. (10 marks)
P 1
ntroduce the person.
P 2
D theirr expedition((s). Where did they go?
W did they go with?
P 3
S why theyy are great.
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
_ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
_____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Consolidation
C n _____ /10 Rea
ading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100
1 3