Music: First Quarter Module 2: Week 6 Music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Periods

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First Quarter
Module 2: Week 6
Music of Medieval, Renaissance,
and Baroque Periods
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur

Name: ______________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________
Grade & Section: _____________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Duration K-12 CG
Standards Standards Learning Competencies Code
The learner… The explains the Week 2 MU9MRB
learner… performance practice -Ia-h-2
demonstrates (setting, composition,
understanding performs role of
of selected composers/performers,
Quarter characteristic songs from and audience) during
1 features of the Medieval, Medieval, Renaissance
Medieval, renaissance and Baroque periods;
Renaissance and baroque
and Baroque periods a)
period music Chants;
c) excerpts
d) chorales;




Life and works of the artists of the Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque Periods

Let’s Learn This

The first three periods of Western music

history fall into the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. Each era has its own
characteristics, historical and cultural background.

A type of Medieval music is the Gregorian chant, used primarily in early Christian churches.

Music during the Renaissance became an important leisure activity. Members of the upper
class should have been trained in music. Imitation Polyphony is a hallmark of Renaissance

The Baroque era features magnificent and elaborate decorations of sculpture, theater, art and
music. Music genres that flourished in the Baroque era were Concerto, Fugue, Oratorio, and
Let’s Try This

Musical Artists from Western Classical Eras

Before we start the discussion:
Let us first determine who our artists are through answering the activity below, by
determining who the artist in the picture is and in what Era he belongs.
Giovanni Palestrina

Johann Sebastian Bach

Antonio Vivaldi

Adam de la Halle

Thomas Morley

George Frideric Handel

Let’s Study This
Famous Musical Artist of the Medieval
Period (700 – 1400)
Medieval music includes solely vocal music, such as Gregorian chant and
choral music (music for a group of singers), solely instrumental music, and music that uses
both voices and instruments (typically with the instruments accompanying the voices). The
Gregorian chant was sung by monks during Catholic Mass.

Adam de la Halle
France (1237-1288) also known as Adam le Bossu. The oldest
secular composer Was a French-born trouvere, poet and
His works:
Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion , La Chanson du roi de Sicile

Famous Musical Artists of the Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600)

The style of renaissance church music is described as choral polyphony (polyphonic,
counterpoint, contrapuntal), meaning more than one part. Homophonic means moving in
chords. Monophonic means one melody line. Choral polyphony was intended to be sung a
cappella (without instruments). The main forms were the mass and the motet. They had four
parts, based on modes, but composers gradually added more accidentals.
Giovanni Palestrina Rome - (1525 - February 2, 1594)
The greatest master of Roman Catholic church music. Majority of
his compositions are sacred music. Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus
Mass is held up as the perfect example of counter-reformation
style He was committed to sacred music and has a keen interest in
satisfying the desires of church leaders in the 16th century.  His
career reflects his commitment to the music of the church. Was an
organist and choir master at both the Sistine Chapel and at St.
Peter’s.  His first book MASSES became popular and was
greatly appreciated by Pope Julius III.

Thomas Morley Norwich, East England - (1557-1602)

A singer in the local cathedral and became master of Choristers.
The famous composer of secular music. Received his bachelor’s
degree in Oxford and became an organist at St. Paul’s in London.
His musical transalpine a collection of Italian madrigals was
published by Nicholas Yonge that made significant contribution
to the history of music.
His works:
Fire, Fire My Heart, Sing and Chant it, Fantasie, April Is In My
Mistress’ Face, It Was a Lover and His Lass
Famous Musical Artists of the Baroque Period (1685-1750)
It was during the 17th Century that the system of modes has finally crumbled away.
By adding accidentals, the Major/Minor key system developed. The 17 th Century also saw the
invention of several new forms and designs, such as:
- Opera - Suite
- Sonata - Fugue
- Oratorio - Concerto

Johann Sebastian Bach Germany – (March 21,

1685 to July 28, 1750)
He came from a family of musicians. He was taught how to
play the violin by his father, but he was orphaned at the age of
10. His brother, a church organist provided for him. He was a
religious man, known for his compositions by organ, orchestra
and oratorio. His most important and long terms position was
as “cantor” at St. Thomas Church. His works include:
Brandenburg Concertos (concerto Grosso), Fugue in G minor
Mass in B minor, Works for clavichord and harpsichord,
Cantata 208 and 211, Fugue in G minor

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Venice to Vienna - (1678-1741)

Nicknamed the “Red Priest” recognized as Italian Baroque
composer, catholic priest, and a virtuoso violinist. known
mainly for composing instrumental concertos, especially for
violin, as well as sacred choral works.
entered the priesthood and ordained in 1703. well-known for
giving the strings a major role in his compositions.
His work includes: The Four Seasons – this composition is a
series of four violin concerti depicting each of the seasons
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

George Friederic Handel

Germany, (February 23, 1685) London, (April 14, 1759)
He was the second son from the second marriage of a pastor.
At age 7, he gained access to a church organ and started to
play. He was then remembered for his operas and oratorios. He
became England’s favorite composer.

He lost his eyesight in 1753. When he conducted his oratorio,

Samson, a few in the audience were unaware that he had lost
his eyesight. The Messiah is Handel’s most famous creation
and the very well known. The Hallelujah chorus is part of
Handel’s Messiah.
Let’s Test Ourselves

1. This means one melody line.
2. Sung by monks during Catholic Masses.
5. The greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music.
7. This is what Church music is classified as.
3. Johann Bach's longest and most important position.
4. He became the "Cantor" at St. Thomas Church.
6. Master of Choristers.
8. By adding these, Major/Minor keys were developed.
9. A secular vocal music composition of the Renaissance Era
10. Also known as the Red Priest.

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Let’s Do This
Activity 2. Story Telling
Instructions: Narrate the life and works of your chosen artist as if you are telling a
(Time limit 3-4 mins.) Take a video using your phone.
Criteria Remarks
Knows the story The student knows the story well, has
oviously practice telling the story, uses _____/ 5
no notes, speaks with confidence.
Voice The student always speaks loudly,
slowly, and clearly. _____/5
Pacing The student tells the story at the
appropriate pace, depending on the ____/ 5
story line
Body language Moves body and hands to impove
telling story ____/5

Questions to reflect on
1. In choosing an artist, what did you consider?
2. What message can you draw from the life of your chosen artist?
3. Would you live a life in the shoes of your chosen artist? Why?

Let’s Remember This

 Famous composer of the Medieval Period

Adam de la Halle, the oldest secular composer.

 Renaissance Period

Giovanni Palestrina the greatest master of Roman Catholic church music.

Majority of his compositions are sacred music.

Thomas Morley -a singer in the local cathedral and became master of


 Baroque Period

Johann Sebastian Bach, his most important and long terms position was as

“cantor” at St. Thomas Church

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi ("The Red Priest") because of his red hair, a virtuoso


George Friederic Handel is remembered for his operas and oratorios.

Answer Key

Secondary School Teacher III
Division of Davao del Sur
Teacher III

Illustrator: MARVIN C. LINOGAO

Teacher I

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