ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Question Paper Solution 2019

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ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Question

Paper Solution 2019

SECTION I (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [5]
(i) An electrolyte which completely dissociates into ions is:
A. Alcohol
B. Carbonic acid
C. Sucrose
D. Sodium hydroxide
(ii) The most electronegative element from the following elements is:
A. Magnesium
B. Chlorine
C. Aluminium
D. Sulphur
(iii) The reason for using Aluminium in the alloy duralumin is:
A. Aluminium is brittle.
B. Aluminium gives strength.
C. Aluminium brings lightness.
D. Aluminium lowers melting point.
(iv) The drying agent used to dry HCl gas is:
A. Conc. H 2 SO 4
B. ZnO
C. Al 2 O 3
D. CaO
(v) A hydrocarbon which is a greenhouse gas is:
A. Acetylene
B. Ethylene
C. Ethane
D. Methane

(b) Fill in the blanks with the choices given in brackets: [5]

(i) Conversion of ethanol to ethene by the action of concentrated sulphuric

acid is an example of ____________. (dehydration / dehydrogenation /

(ii) When sodium chloride is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid below
200oC, one of the products formed is ____________. (sodium hydrogen
sulphate / sodium sulphate / chlorine)
(iii) Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine to form ____________. (nitrogen /
nitrogen trichloride / ammonium chloride)

(iv) Substitution reactions are characteristic reactions of ____________.

(alkynes / alkenes / alkanes)

(v) In Period 3, the most metallic element is ____________. (sodium /

magnesium / aluminium)
(c) Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions: [5]

(i) Reduction of copper (II) oxide by hydrogen.

(ii) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on sodium hydroxide.

(iii) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc sulphide.

(iv) Ammonium hydroxide is added to ferrous sulphate solution.

(v) Chlorine gas is reacted with ethene.

(d) State one observation for each of the following: [5]

(i) Concentrated nitric acid is reacted with sulphur.

(ii) Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide.

(iii) Copper sulphate solution is electrolysed using copper electrodes.

(iv) A small piece of zinc is added to dilute hydrochloric acid.

(v) Lead nitrate is heated strongly in a test tube.

(e) (i) Calculate: [5]

1. The number of moles in 12g of oxygen gas. [O = 16]

2. The weight of 1022 atoms of carbon.

[C = 12, Avogadro’s No. = 6 x 1023]

(ii) Molecular formula of a compound is C 6 H 18 O 3 . Find its empirical

(f) (i) Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds: [5]



(ii) What is the special feature of the structure of ethyne?

(iii) Name the saturated hydrocarbon containing two carbon atoms.

(iv) Give the structural formula of Acetic acid.

(g) Give the appropriate term defined by the statements given below: [5]

(i) The formula that represents the simplest ratio of the various elements
present in one molecule of the compound.

(ii) The substance that releases hydronium ion as the only positive ion when
dissolved in water.

(iii) The tendency of an atom to attract electrons towards itself when combined
in a covalent compound.

(iv) The process by which certain ores, specially carbonates, are converted to
oxides in the absence of air.

(v) The covalent bond in which the electrons are shared equally between the
combining atoms.

(h) Arrange the following according to the instructions given in brackets: [5]

(i) K, Pb, Ca, Zn. (In the increasing order of the reactivity)

(ii) Mg2+, Cu2+, Na1+, H1+ (In the order of preferential discharge at the

(iii) Li, K, Na, H (In the decreasing order of their ionization potential)

(iv) F, B, N, O (In the increasing order of electron affinity)

(v) Ethane, methane, ethene, ethyne. (In the increasing order of the molecular
weight) [H = 1, C = 12]

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) This question was attempted well by majority
of the candidates. Some candidates selected Suggestions for teachers
Carbonic acid instead of Sodium hydroxide. - Teach the concept of complete
(ii) Most of the candidates answered this question ionization and partial ionization with
correctly. A few chose Sulphur over Chlorine. examples to give the thorough
(iii) A few candidates made the error of selecting understanding of strong and weak
the option Aluminium is brittle. Most electrolytes.
candidates chose the correct option. - Explain the trends in the properties
(iv) A few candidates got confused between the of elements across a period/group
drying agent of ammonia and HCl gas and with reference to the variation in
selected CaO instead of conc.H2SO4. electronic configuration.
(v) Most candidates answered correctly, but some - Familiarise students with the role of
chose Ethane over Methane. each metal used in an alloy.
(b) (i) Several candidates were confused between - Make students aware of the impact of
dehydration and dehydrogenation. various gases on our environment.
(ii) Many candidates wrote Chlorine instead of - Explain the meaning of the terms
Sodium hydrogen Sulphate. with relevant examples.
Some made errors in writing the correct name - Emphasise on the variation of
by missing out the third word ‘sulphate’ which products when temperature
was printed on the next line. conditions change.
(iii) A large number of candidates did not select the - Advise students to reproduce the
correct option. word correctly from the choices
(iv) Most candidates answered correctly but some given.
wrote alkenes instead of alkanes. - Explain the logic behind the products
(v) Almost all candidates attempted this subpart formed in the reaction between
correctly. ammonia and chlorine with the
varying conditions, as to, which one
(c) (i) Most candidates wrote the balanced chemical
is in excess.
equation correctly. However, a few made the
- Explain the concept of saturation and
error of writing CuO 2 for copper (II) oxide
unsaturation to give them the
(CuO) and 2H instead of H 2 .
understanding of the type of reaction
(ii) Some candidates wrote the formula of the
(addition or substitution) that a
product as NaSO 4 .
particular organic substance would
(iii) Several candidates represented Zinc sulphide
incorrectly as ZnSO 3 or ZnSO 4 .
- Ensure students have clarity
Some carelessly used HCl instead of H 2 SO 4 .
regarding molecules, moles and
(iv) A large number of candidates made errors in
molecular weight.
writing the formula of ammonium sulphate or
- Acquaint students with the following
ferrous sulphate. In several cases, the equation
terms: number of moles, Avogadro’s
was not balanced.
numbers of atoms/molecules,
(v) Some candidates wrote the product as
C 2 H 2 Cl 2 instead of C 2 H 4 Cl 2 in the chemical Relative atomic mass (RAM),
equation. Relative molecular mass (RMM),
molar mass, molar volume, etc.
(d) (i) Many candidates either wrote the equation or
named the product formed instead of stating
the observation.

(ii) Several candidates incorrectly wrote the colour of copper as red or reddish or brown.
(iii) While most candidates answered correctly, some
common incorrect responses were as follows: - Drill in the minds of the students that
- Cathode diminishes in size. the Empirical formula can be
- Blue colour of copper sulphate fades. obtained from the Molecular formula
In a few cases, the change was noted without by reducing it to the simplest ratio.
mention of the electrode. Give relevant examples.
(iv) Instead of stating the test for the gas evolved, a - Point out to students that the carbon
large number of candidates identified it as H 2 . atom C with the double or triple bond
Some candidates stated that the gas burns with a or functional group, must be
blue flame instead of stating that a burning splint expressed in the lowest number.
is put off with a pop sound. - Stress on the difference between
(v) On heating lead nitrate strongly in a test tube, structural formula of alcohol and that
products formed were listed by many candidates of aldehyde. Give practice for
without any noticeable observations. greater clarity.
(vi) Some candidates wrote yellow precipitate of - Emphasise on the differences
PbO is obtained instead of yellow residue.
between saturated and unsaturated
(e) (i) Many candidates took the mass of one mole of compounds /that saturated have all
oxygen gas as 16 instead of 32 and hence, could single bonds and unsaturated ones
not calculate number of moles correctly. either have double or triple bonds.
In a number of cases, calculations for weight of - Advise students to draw comparative
1022 atoms of carbon were incorrect indicating tables which include name,
inadequate understanding of the concept. molecular formula, condensed
(ii) Many candidates attempted well barring some formula and structural formula of
who carried out elaborate calculations using various compounds differing in
percentage composition but ultimately could not functional groups.
write the empirical formula. - Advise students to use standard
(f) (i) (1) Most candidates attempted this part well. abbreviations and symbols only in
However, some were confused between answering the questions.
“yne” and “ene”. - Draw the attention of the students to
(2) In writing IUPAC name of the organic the two ways in which bond pair of
compound, many candidates wrote ethanol electrons is shared, with relevant
(alcohol) which was incorrect. examples.
(ii) Some candidates mentioned the presence of a - Advise students to read the questions
linear planar structure or three covalent bonds carefully, answer specifically, with
rather than presence of triple covalent bond. reference to what has been asked and
Some gave incorrect answers such as, to use the option given in the
unsaturated compound or, undergoes addition question paper while writing the final
reaction and so on. answer.
(iii) Most candidates answered correctly while some
stated it as ethene or ethyne instead of ethane.
A few candidates gave the general name for the
homologous series instead of specific name.
(iv) Several candidates wrote the structural formula of acetic acid correctly. However, some
candidates wrote the condensed formula of CH 3 and COOH.
(g) (i) Most candidates answered this question correctly. Some candidates wrote the abbreviation as

(ii) Instead of stating the general term ‘Acid’ many candidates gave the specific name of an acid
which were not acceptable.
(iii) Most candidates gave the appropriate term as electron affinity instead of electronegativity.
Some candidates simply written the abbreviation form of electronegativity.
(iv) Most candidates mentioned the process correctly. However, a few candidates confused it with
(v) Many candidates incorrectly termed it as polar covalent bond.
(h) In subparts (i) – (v), several candidates used the greater than (>) or less than ( ) symbols
incorrectly to arrange the given items according to the instructions given in the question, which
was not required.
Some candidates simply arranged the items given in subparts (i) – (v), in reverse order.
In subpart (v), some candidates made unnecessary use of formula instead of choosing the names

Question 1
(a) (i) D or Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH
(ii) B or Chlorine or Cl 2
(iii) C or Aluminium brings lightness
(iv) A or Concentrated H 2 SO 4
(v) D or Methane or CH 4
(b) (i) Dehydration
(ii) Sodium hydrogen sulphate or NaHSO 4
(iii) Nitrogen trichloride or NCl 3
(iv) Alkanes
(v) Sodium
(c) (i) CuO + H 2 Cu + H 2 O
(ii) 2NaOH + H 2 SO 4 Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O
(iii) ZnS + H 2 SO 4 ZnSO 4 + H 2 S ↑
(iv) FeSO 4 + 2NH 4 OH (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + Fe (OH) 2
(v) H 2 C = CH 2 + Cl 2 H 2 C – CH 2
| |
Cl Cl
C 2 H 4 + Cl 2 C 2 H 4 Cl 2

(d) (i) Reddish brown or brown gas of nitrogen dioxide is formed.
(ii) The black copper (II) oxide turns into a pink or reddish-brown substance.
(iii) The colour of the electrolyte remains blue / anode diminishes in size or becomes
thinner / cathode becomes thicker.
(iv) Brisk effervescence / A gas given out extinguishes burning splinter and itself burns
with pop sound.
(v) A decrepitating sound is heard / A reddish brown gas is given out / A yellow residue
is left behind.
(e) 12
(i) 1. Number of moles in 12 g of oxygen gas = 32 = 0.375 moles
12 ×10
2. Weight of 1022 atoms of C = 6 × 10
= 0.2 g
(ii) Its empirical formula is C 2 H 6 O

(f) (i) 1. Propyne

2. Ethanal

(ii) Triple bond between 2 carbon atoms / H – C C–H

(iii) Ethane


(g) (i) Empirical formula

(ii) Acid
(iii) Electronegativity
(iv) Calcination
(v) Non-polar covalent bond
(h) (i) Pb, Zn, Ca, K
(ii) Cu2+, H1+, Mg2+, Na1+
(iii) H, Li, Na, K
(iv) B, N, O, F
(v) Methane, ethyne, ethene, ethane

SECTION II (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 2
(a) Draw the electron dot structure of: [3]

(i) Nitrogen molecule [N = 7]

(ii) Sodium chloride [Na = 11, Cl = 17]

(iii) Ammonium ion [N = 7, H = 1]

(b) The pH values of three solutions A, B and C are given in the table. Answer the [3]
following questions:

Solution pH value
A 12
B 2
C 7
(i) Which solution will have no effect on litmus solution?

(ii) Which solution will liberate CO 2 when reacted with sodium carbonate?

(iii) Which solution will turn red litmus solution blue?

(c) Study the extract of the Periodic Table given below and answer the questions [4]
that follow. Give the alphabet corresponding to the element in question.
DO NOT repeat an element.


(i) Which element forms electrovalent compound with G?

(ii) The ion of which element will migrate towards the cathode during

(iii) Which non-metallic element has the valency of 2?

(iv) Which is an inert gas?

Comments of Examiners
(a) While a number of candidates drew the electron
dot structures asked for correctly, others
Suggestions for teachers
committed the following errors: - Clarify the difference between
(i) Candidates drew the orbit structure or showed electron dot and orbital diagram and
electron pairs along with the bonds. Some explain that after bonding, each atom
forgot the lone pair of electrons of N. must have an octet structure.
(ii) Electrons of sodium were not differently Compare dot structure with
represented from chlorine; transfer of electron structural formula for shared pairs.
and ion formation was not shown. A few Emphasise that lone pair must not be
candidates drew the orbital diagram instead of missed out.
the electron dot diagram. - Ask students to differentiate between
(iii) Coordinate bond was not shown by some
electrons of unlike atoms. Lay
candidates. Overall positive charge was not
emphasis on writing the positive
shown on the ion in a few cases. Some drew
the structure of ammonia instead of charge on the ion.
ammonium. - Show the association between pH
scale and the nature of substances
(b) Most candidates answered the pH value related
clearly to the students. Explain
questions correctly. However, some candidates
clearly the properties of acids and
failed to associate the nature of the substance with
the correct pH value. Some attached names to the alkalis.
solutions instead of using the symbols A, B and - Instruct students to read the
C. questions carefully and answer as per
instructions given. Guided practice
(c) Some candidates identified the elements instead
will assist students in performing
of using the given letters of alphabets. In a few
cases, the position of metals and non-metals was better.
not clear. Despite the clear instructions not to
repeat elements some candidates repeated certain

Question 2

(a) (i)



(b) (i) C / pH 7

(ii) B / pH 2

(iii) A / pH 12

(c) (i) B

(ii) A

(iii) E

(iv) F

Question 3
(a) Name the particles present in: [3]

(i) Strong electrolyte

(ii) Non- electrolyte

(iii) Weak electrolyte

(b) Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds using the reagent given in [3]
the bracket.

(i) Manganese dioxide and copper (II) oxide. (using concentrated HCl)

(ii) Ferrous sulphate solution and ferric sulphate solution. (using sodium hydroxide

(iii) Dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid. (using lead nitrate solution)

(c) Choose the method of preparation of the following salts, from the methods given in [4]
the list:

[List: A. Neutralization B. Precipitation

C. Direct combination D. Substitution]

(i) Lead chloride

(ii) Iron (II) sulphate

(iii) Sodium nitrate

(iv) Iron (III) chloride

Comments of Examiners
(a) Majority of the candidates named the particles
present in Strong electrolyte, Non-electrolyte and Suggestions for teachers
Weak electrolyte correctly. However, some - Discuss in detail the types of
candidates listed examples instead of stating the electrolytes on the basis of
presence of ions or molecules depending on the dissociation /ionization whether
type of electrolyte. complete/partial or no
(b) (i) Some of the candidates gave the equation dissociation/ionization.
instead of writing the observation to - Ask students to specify the effect of
distinguish between the given pairs of the reagent on both the substances
compounds. With the reagent given, the result when a single test is used.
of adding it to one substance was specified by - Supplement theory adequately with
several candidates but not for the other practical work, which may be done
substance. by the students themselves or
(ii) Some candidates interchanged the colours of through demonstration. Instruct
the two ions, ferrous and ferric. students to record observations.
(iii) White precipitate was mentioned by several - Never disregard the importance of
candidates but the effect of heat on both was practical work.
not mentioned.
(c) (i) Several candidates incorrectly chose
neutralization instead of precipitation.
(ii) Some candidates erred by writing precipitation instead of substitution.
(iii) This subpart of the question was attempted correctly by most candidates.
(iv) Most candidates attempted this subpart correctly.

Question 3
(a) (i) Only ions
(ii) Only molecules
(iii) Both molecules and ions
(b) (i) On adding concentrated hydrochloric acid if a greenish yellow gas is evolved it is
Manganese dioxide.
If no gas is evolved it is CuO.
(ii) On adding sodium hydroxide solution if a dirty green precipitate is formed it is ferrous
sulphate solution.
If a reddish-brown precipitate is formed, it is Ferric sulphate solution.
(iii) On adding lead nitrate solution, if white precipitate is formed which dissolves on
heating, then it is dilute HCl.
If white precipitate formed does not dissolve on heating, it is dilute H 2 SO 4 .
(c) (i) B or Precipitation
(ii) D or Substitution
(iii) A or Neutralization
(iv) C or Direct combination

Question 4
(a) Complete the following equations: [3]

(i) S + conc. HNO 3

(ii) C + conc. H 2 SO 4

(iii) Cu + dil. HNO 3

(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the preparation of: [3]

(i) Ethene from bromoethane

(ii) Ethyne using calcium carbide

(iii) Methane from sodium acetate.

(c) Name the following organic compounds: [4]

(i) The compound with 3 carbon atoms whose functional group is a


(ii) The first homologue whose general formula is C n H 2n .

(iii) The compound that reacts with acetic acid to form ethyl ethanoate.

(iv) The compound formed by complete chlorination of ethyne

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) A large number of candidates made errors in
balancing of the equation and/or writing the Suggestions for teachers
products. Many candidates wrote SO 2 as a - Give adequate practice in writing of
product instead of H 2 SO 4. balanced chemical equations with
(ii) Although CO 2 was the product, several necessary conditions. Use of
candidates wrote H 2 CO 3. structural formulae for organic
(iii) Many candidates wrote NO 2 as a product
compounds will help students to
instead of NO.
write equations correctly.
(b) (i) In writing a balanced chemical equation for - Ask students to prepare a chart on
the preparation of Ethene from bromoethane, various homologous series with the
the formula for bromoethane was written as first member listed along with other
C 2 H 6 Br in place of C 2 H 5 Br by some properties.
candidates. - Ensure that students know the
Several candidates used chloroethane instead common names along with the
of bromoethane. IUPAC names, wherever possible.
(ii) In writing a balanced chemical equation for
the preparation of Ethyne using calcium
carbide, some candidates wrote the product as
CaO instead of Ca (OH) 2 .
(iii) The formula of sodium acetate was written incorrectly by some candidates.
(c) (i) Some candidates incorrectly drew the structural formula when the name of the organic
compound was asked.
(ii) Several candidates gave incorrect answers like, alkene, ethyne or acetylene.
(iii) For the compound that reacts with acetic acid to form ethyl ethanoate, reactants listed by
many candidates were incorrect.
(iv) Most candidates answered this subpart correctly. However, some candidates wrote incorrect
numbering of the C atoms having the chlorine atoms.

Question 4
(a) (i) S + 6HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 + 6NO 2 + 2H 2 O
(ii) C + 2H 2 SO 4 CO 2 + 2SO 2 + 2H 2 O
(iii) 3Cu + 8HNO 3 3Cu (NO 3 ) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O

(b) (i) C 2 H 5 Br + KOH C 2 H 4 + KBr + H 2 O

(ii) CaC 2 + 2H 2 O C 2 H 2 + Ca (OH) 2
(iii) CH 3 COONa + NaOH CH 4 + Na 2 CO 3
(c) (i) Propanoic acid
(ii) Ethene or ethylene
(iii) Ethanol or ethyl alcohol
(iv) 1, 1, 2, 2 – tetra chloro ethane

Question 5
(a) Give the chemical formula of: [3]

(i) Bauxite

(ii) Cryolite

(iii) Sodium aluminate

(b) Answer the following questions based on the extraction of aluminium from [3]
alumina by Hall-Heroult’s Process.:

(i) What is the function of cryolite used along with alumina as the electrolyte?

(ii) Why is powdered coke sprinkled on top of the electrolyte?

(iii) Name the electrode, from which aluminium is collected.

(c) Match the alloys given in column I to the uses given in column II: [4]


(i) Duralumin A. Electrical fuse

(ii) Solder B. Surgical instruments

(iii) Brass C. Aircraft body

(iv) Stainless Steel D. Decorative articles

Comments of Examiners
(a) In writing the chemical formula of bauxite, many Suggestions for teachers
candidates either wrote incorrect number of water - Give regular practice through class
molecules or did not write them at all. tests, games, quizzes to ensure that
In subparts(ii) and (iii), some candidates wrote students learn the details.
incorrect formulae. - Teach students metallurgy in detail.
(b) Most candidates answered this question correctly. - Frequently revise names of common
(c) Some candidates mismatched Column I and ores of aluminium, iron and zinc.
Column II, as they were not sure of the uses of - Discuss the questions based on the
alloys. extraction of aluminium from
alumina by Hall-Heroult’s process in

Question 5
(a) (i) Al 2 O 3 .2H 2 O
(ii) Na 3 AlF 6
(iii) NaAlO 2
(b) (i) Cryolite reduces the fusion temperature of the mixture / Cryolite increases the
mobility of the ions / increases the conductivity of the electrolyte / Acts as solvent
for alumina.
(ii) Powdered coke protects the graphite rods of the anode from oxidation by oxygen
released at the anode / Powdered coke prevents the loss of heat from the electrolyte.
(iii) Cathode
(c) (i) Duralumin: C or Aircraft body.
(ii) Solder: A or Electrical fuse
(iii) Brass: D or Decorative articles
(iv) Stainless Steel: B or surgical instruments

Question 6
(a) Identify the substances underlined: [3]

(i) The catalyst used to oxidise ammonia.

(ii) The organic compound which when solidified, forms an ice like mass.

(iii) The dilute acid which is an oxidizing agent.

(b) Copper sulphate solution reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to form a [3]
precipitate of copper hydroxide according to the equation:

2NaOH + CuSO 4 Na 2 SO 4 + Cu(OH) 2 ↓

(i) What mass of copper hydroxide is precipitated by using 200 gm of sodium

[H = 1, O = 16, Na = 23, S = 32, Cu = 64]

(ii) What is the colour of the precipitate formed?

(c) Find the empirical formula and the molecular formula of an organic [4]
compound from the data given below:
C = 75.92%, H = 6.32% and N = 17.76%
The vapour density of the compound is 39.5.
[C = 12, H = 1, N = 14]

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Most candidates identified the catalyst used Suggestions for teachers
to oxidise ammonia correctly. However, a
few candidates mentioned incorrect catalyst - Maintain a comparative chart for the
such as Fe/ V 2 O 5 /CaO. various processes consisting of
reactants, catalysts, temperature /
(ii) Almost all candidates answered correctly.
pressure condition, equation, etc.
(iii) Many candidates listed HCl or H 2 SO 4 as an
- Teach students the fact that only
oxidising agent instead of nitric acid.
nitric acid in dilute and concentrated
(b) (i) Some candidates used Gay Lussac’s law form can act as an oxidizing agent.
instead of mole concept or calculated the - Train students to answer the molar
molecular mass incorrectly. Some candidates relationship using the coefficients in
failed to use the stoichiometric coefficients the equation and compute the answer
i.e. 2 in the case of NaOH. accurately.
(ii) Most of the candidates attempted this part - Instruct students to focus on practical
well. work and the noting of results.
Some candidates incorrectly wrote the colour - Insist on stepwise working of
of the precipitate as brown or white. numerical problems and give
(c) Many candidates determined the empirical adequate practice.
formula correctly but failed in calculating the
value of n and hence, erred in the molecular

Question 6
(a) (i) Platinum or Pt.
(ii) Acetic acid or ethanoic acid or CH 3 COOH
(iii) HNO 3 or nitric acid.
(b) (i) RMW of NaOH = 40, Cu(OH) 2 = 98
∴ 2 x 40 g precipitate = 98 g
∴ 200 g precipitate = 80
= 245 g

(ii) Pale blue

(c) Element % Atomic Relative no. of Simplest Ratio
composition weight atoms
C 75.92 12 75.92/12 = 6.32 6.32/1.26 = 5

H 6.32 1 6.32/1 = 6.32 6.32/1.26 = 5

N 17.76 14 17.76/14 = 1.26 1.26/1.26 = 1

Empirical formula is: C 5 H 5 N
Empirical formula weight = 60+5+14 = 79

𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤 𝑡𝑡 2×39.5 9
n= 𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤 𝑡𝑡
= 9
= 9

Molecular formula = C 5 H 5 N

Question 7
(a) Name the gas evolved in each of the following cases: [3]

(i) Alumina undergoes electrolytic reduction.

(ii) Ethene undergoes hydrogenation reaction.

(iii) Ammonia reacts with heated copper oxide.

(b) Study the flow chart given and give balanced equations to represent the reactions [3]
A, B and C:

Mg 3 N 2 NH 3 NH 4 Cl

(c) Copy and complete the following table which refers to the industrial method for [4]
the preparation of ammonia and sulphuric acid:

Catalytic equation
Name of the compound Name of the process
(with the catalyst)

Ammonia (i)__________ (ii)__________

Sulphuric acid (iii)__________ (iv)__________

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Some candidates wrote the name of the gas
evolved on electrolytic reduction of alumina as Suggestions for teachers
CO 2 instead of O 2 . A few candidates wrote the
symbol of nascent oxygen, that was not - Train students to learn the reactions
acceptable. in terms of reactants, products,
(ii) Several candidates wrote H 2 is evolved in the conditions, equations and
hydrogenation reaction of ethene, which was an observations.
incorrect answer. - Give enough practice to students in
(iii) In the reaction of ammonia with heated copper writing the different types of
oxide, the gas evolved was incorrectly written as balanced chemical reactions.
N, NO or NO 2. - Explain to students that a metal
(b) After studying the given flow chart, many candidates nitride with warm water gives metal
gave correct balanced equations to represent hydroxide and ammonia; an
reactions A, B and C. However, in some scripts ammonium salts reacts with an alkali
following errors were noticed: and gives NH3 gas.
• For reaction A, MgO was written as the product - Motivate students to prepare
instead of Mg (OH) 2 comparative charts, power point
• For reaction C, some candidates failed to use an presentations or quizzes, etc to study
alkali. facts.
(c) The table referring to the industrial method for the - Clarify industrial methods for the
preparation of ammonia and sulphuric acid was preparation of ammonia and
completed correctly by a number of candidates. sulphuric acid thoroughly.
Some common errors made by candidates: - Give frequent revision tests.
(i) Name of the process was incorrectly written as
Ostwald’s process/Baeyer’s process
(ii) The catalyst listed was platinum/nickel, etc.
(iii)Haber’s Process was written instead of Contact
(iv) Incorrect equation was given.

Question 7
(a) (i) Oxygen gas or O 2
(ii) Ethane gas or C 2 H 6
(iii) Nitrogen or N 2

(b) A. Mg 3 N 2 + 6H 2 O 3Mg(OH) 2 + 2NH 3

B. NH 3 + HCl NH 4 Cl
8NH 3 + 3Cl 2 6NH 4 Cl + N 2
C. NH 4 Cl + NaOH NaCl + NH 3 + H 2 O Or with any other alkali.

(c) (i) Haber’s Process

(ii) N 2 + 3H 2 �⎯⎯� 2NH 3
(iii) Contact Process
(iv) 2SO 2 + O 2 �⎯⎯⎯⎯� 2SO 3 Or 2SO 2 + O 2 �⎯⎯� 2SO 3

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