Urban War CLAU-Team Actions (1st Edition)
Urban War CLAU-Team Actions (1st Edition)
Urban War CLAU-Team Actions (1st Edition)
(order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Rod Grant
CLAU-Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .015
Recruiting your CLAU-Team . . . . . .015
CLAU 'Pilots' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .015
CLAU Upgrades & Downgrades . . .015
Team Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .015
Gladiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .016
Junkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .018
Syntha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020
Triads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .022
VASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .024
Viridian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .026
Koralon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .028
Warp Strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .028
Armoury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .030
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
CLAws of steel der of the Triad attackers broke and ran - the surviving
few marines gunning them down from behind.
Nissa gritted her teeth as the proximity tell-tales The exultant shouts of the marines sputtered
screeched warning in her ear, and the cool ocean across her comm's channel, and Nissa grinned
green of her cockpit flashed a crimson warning. She despite herself. It was a far cry from the days when
skewed left, the massive polysteel and durolon frame she'd first been assigned as a Land-Pilot, plucked from
of the CLAU mimicking her instinctual reaction with Welther's Reach Naval Academy along with ninety
cumbrous exactitude, and crashed completely through percent of her graduating class. The girl she had been
the display windows of a shop front. The sounds of had loved nothing more than to fly, and it had always
shattering 'plaz filled the night. Behind her a rocket been her dream to see the stars, to pilot Wildcats for
corkscrewed past to slither down the street, leaving a the VAF Navy out in the cold deep. She'd been damn
hissing smoke trail like a grey serpent in its wake. good at it, too, but not the best. The VAF had need of
The damn Triads must be on to their flanking pilots for a new program, and most of her peers grew
move. Cursing, Nissa signalled a warning to nervous when they noticed that it wasn't the very best
Lieutenant Hines - a tight data-burst of her team's pre- that were selected, but everyone else.
assigned three-digit code for hostile contact - and She'd hated them at first - Capital Light
kicked-up the speed of her CLAU. She waded through Armoured Units - massive, clumsy, land-locked. Hated
the orderly aisles and digi-kiosks and colourful holo- the idea of being just another grunt like the millions of
displays that comprised the shop's interior, shattering rifle-jocks already wearing a VAF uniform. Hated being
or crunching underfoot anything that stood in her way. denied the stars. But all that changed - the apparently
It was a thrilling sensation of power, one that Nissa still clumsy suits that gained in grace as their pilots gained
enjoyed despite the racing of her heart and present in skill, the esprit de corps that developed amongst this
combat alertness. new elite of the VAF and, there was no denying it, the
The Sabre stomped through the building, utter sense of power and strength that came in the
Nissa electing to cut across into a side street and con- wearing of several dozen tonnes of animate polysteel.
tinue her advance along a route where her Strike Team Nissa had come to love the CLAUs, from the simula-
could more easily support her. They were a mixed tors and trainer models to the fearsome Tomahawk,
team of specialists, each hand-selected for a mission but it was with the Sabre that she found her true apti-
against a troupe of Gladiators raiding in the vicinity of tude.
Actraec's Stair. But the scum hadn't been where the For it turned out Nissa was a natural killer.
sat scans indicated, and Hines had ordered a recon of "Sabre-One to Sceptre, grid eight encounter
the area out to three klicks. Talcor's Interdicts were the with HMG team repulsed, repeat, repulsed small gang
first to encounter the Triads, and only one survived the Triad foot soldiers. Am in pursuit. Your orders, over?"
attack at the hands of their winged ambushers. Nissa lumbered down the street with all the speed she
The hard recce had turned into a pitched could muster, the crunch of her Sabre's heavy feet on
battle. the road surface and the soft whine of its hydraulics
Nissa's Sabre lumbered through the wreck of the only sounds coming in on her external pick-ups.
the shop, the sounds of a million kinds of breaking sur- Then, with a burst of static, Sergeant
rounding her like a concert of destruction. She hardly Willoughby broke through on her feed. "Abort. Nissa,
paused when she came to the far end of the shop and you hear me? Sabre-One? Sceptre . . . Hines KIA.
its solid block wall. Raising one massive, vibro-scythed Abort and return immediately grid twelve. Repeat
arm, she sliced a perfect gash through the wall and abort, Sabre-One. Position overrun." Above the
then threw the bulk of her machine against it, emerg- sergeant's voice Nissa could hear heavy gunfire and
ing on the other side in a burst of dust and crumbling the shouts of men and women. "Enemy has a battle-
plastiment. suit, type unknown. Tomahawk-One destroyed, Pilot
And in the middle of a desperate hand-to- Bindahar KIA. Repeat - "
hand combat. "Willoughby, this is Sabre-One aborting.
The marines were outnumbered three to one, Confirm, contact Oni battlesuits? How many - "
their heavy machine gun position overrun by blade "Negative, Sabre-One. Battlesuit type
armed gangers. They must have been sent up here to unknown," Nissa thought she could hear fear in the
establish a field of fire, and Nissa almost felt sick at the voice of the normally stoic sergeant, "It would seem
thought that Lieutenant Hines' careful plans had come the Triads now have a CLAU of their own, pilot. Sabre-
undone so thoroughly that the elements of his Strike One return immediately to grid twelve."
Team were now completely unaware of each other's "On my way Willoughby, Sabre-One out."
positions. Nissa turned the metal beast back along the way she
She waded into the Triads, kicking the first had come, and relayed her orders to the marines she
across the street to land thudding against a groundcar, had just saved. As they hurried back along the street,
slashing low through a cluster of three or four in an they were met with unexpected gunfire from buildings
explosion of blood, and crouching to flash her great, on both sides of the lane.
blade-arms again and again through the melee, sever- More Triads poured into the street as small
ing torso from hip, hip from leg, arm from body. Heads arms fire pattered off her Sabre's polysteel skin. Nissa
rolled in the street and red mist danced off the knife- snarled and swiped at the nearest gangers, cursing
edges of her rapidly vibrating scythes as the remain- the world-be-drowned Triads and their network of
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
CLAU-Team Actions
This supplement introduces massive battlesuits, In the following pages you'll find:
robots and warbeasts to your games of Urban War.
Known collectively as 'CLAUs', or Capital Light • Profiles of the CLAUs and their weaponry, and
Armoured Units, these huge engines of destruction details on how to recruit your CLAU-Team.
open up a whole new range of strategies to you in • CLAU Pilots: If a battlesuit is wrecked the pilot can
your quest for battlefield domination. jump free and carry on the fight.
CLAUs fight as part of CLAU-Teams, and these are
• Team Upgrades: Some factions gain new weapons
the next step up from a basic strike-team, supplying to help them take on enemy CLAUs.
you with heavy hitting firepower in a flexible and • New rules, including a tweak to the turn sequence
resilient package. Your aim is to build a balanced fight- to simulate the heavy lumbering nature of CLAUs.
ing force containing a mix of CLAUs and regular troop- • New special rules, updates to existing rules, and a
ers. The CLAUs provide its punch, but the importance couple of alternative rules for you to try out.
of the rest of the team shouldn't be overlooked. • Stat cards for each new troop type, and damage
Though extremely powerful, CLAUs are also very counters for the CLAUs.
inviting targets, and your skill in providing them with
support will be core to your success.
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
New Rules & Updates In effect this extends the standard Urban War activa-
tion sequence by adding orders for the heavies to the
bottom of the list. As usual, all models with orders of
Activating 'Heavies' (SZ 6+ models) higher priority must activate and complete their
This is an addition to the Activation and Activation action(s) before any models with the next lower prior-
Sequence rules on pages 15 and 16 of the Urban War ity order can be activated. See below.
rulebook (English language version).
Priority 1: Over-watch
Very large vehicles and creatures (like CLAUs for Priority 2: Snap-fire
example) are more cumbersome than their smaller Priority 3: Lock-fire
counterparts. Their sheer bulk means that they are Priority 4: Snap-fire (Heavies)
likely to be slower to react, slower to change direction, Priority 5: Lock-fire (Heavies)
and slower to bring their weapons to bear. We class
As usual, in each part of the sequence (i.e. Over-
such models as 'Heavies', and unless otherwise stat-
watch, Snap-fire, Lock-fire etc) the 'first player', as
ed in their profiles all models with a size stat of 6 (SZ
decided by the initiative roll, is the first to do something
6) or more fall into this bracket.
with his or her models.
Though unwieldy, heavies in general have
just as wide a choice of orders and actions as smaller
models do; they just take a little longer to initiate them. Summary of Game Turn Sequence
This tends to delay their activities till the latter part of Marker Phase
a game turn, and the following rules apply. - Remove remaining over-watch counters
• Unless given over-watch orders, heavies become - Remove shock counters (one per model)
eligible for activation only after all other smaller - Remove miscellaneous effect markers
models (i.e. SZ 5 or less) have been activated and
completed their turns. Orders Phase
To each model (unless shocked):
• If given snap-fire orders, they become eligible for
- Issue over-watch order, or
activation after all the smaller models with lock-fire
orders have completed their turns. - Issue snap-fire order, or
- Issue lock-fire order
• If given lock-fire orders, they become eligible for
activation after all the heavies with snap-fire orders Activation Phase
have completed their turns. - Roll for initiative
- Reveal over-watch
- Activate snap-fire
- Activate lock-fire
- Activate snap-fire (Heavies)
- Activate lock-fire (Heavies)
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
‘Heavies’ as Priority Targets If the close combat you intend to shoot into involves
This is an addition to the Target Selection rules on any of your own models, then the model you intend to
page 23 of the Urban War rulebook (English language shoot with must first pass a command check, your
version). troops being naturally reluctant to endanger their com-
rades. If the check is failed it hesitates and doesn't
Because of their sheer size and powerful aspect, shoot, and its action is wasted. Otherwise follow the
'Heavies' (SZ 6+ models) are a particularly threatening procedure below to determine which model will be the
presence on the battlefield. Accordingly, enemy mod- target of your shot.
els tend to afford them a higher priority when it comes
to selecting a target, and the following rule applies. 1. Nominate one of the enemy models as your pre-
ferred target; it must be in LOS, but does not have
• If faced with a mix of both heavies and smaller to be the nearest one.
models within the same range band, then even if
the smaller models are closer, the nearest heavy
2. For each model involved that's in range and LOS of
can be selected as the priority target. No command
the shooting model roll 1d10, and the one with the
check is required.
highest score will be the target for your shot. Apply
a modifier of +1 per point of its SZ stat to each
Shooting into a Close Combat models roll, and in addition apply a modifier of +1
This updates and replaces the rules for shooting into per point of the shooting models CAL to that of the
a close combat on page 28 of the Urban War rulebook preferred target.
(English language version).
3. Having decided the eventual target, roll to hit and
Shooting into a close combat can have unintended damage it just as you would normally. If shooting
consequences. They're confused affairs, with combat- with a directly placed template weapon, then as
ants lunging and ducking in all directions, so there's a usual, the template must be placed so that the tar-
chance that shots fired into them will miss their intend- get model is at least partially within the intended
ed target and hit one of the other combatants instead. target area.
If the combat doesn't involve any of your own models
this isn't much cause for concern, but if some of yours
are involved, you could end up gunning them down
instead of the enemy. Whether there are any friendly
models involved, the size and number of the combat-
ants, and the training and experience of the shooter,
all have a bearing on determining which of the models
will be your eventual target.
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CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Strike Rank: Who strikes first It's more than likely that sometimes opposing models
This removes the 'Roll for First Strike' rule from the will have the same strike rank, in which case they
close combat sequence, and replaces it with the 'strike make their attacks simultaneously. For simplicity, it's
rank' comparison used in Metropolis. It removes a die usually best for one player to roll their attack dice, and
roll, so speeds things up a little and reduces the ele- determine the damage caused, before their opponent
ment of chance. does so. We usually let the player whose model initi-
ated the combat go first, but it's entirely up to you. Any
The order in which models get to make their close models that are killed or destroyed, but that were eli-
combat attacks is decided by their 'strike rank'. Models gible to fight, are still allowed to roll attack dice before
with a higher strike rank than their opponent have a being removed from play.
distinct advantage in close combat, they attack before
them, and so have a chance of destroying them before First strike bonuses
they can respond. As you know, first strike bonuses in Urban War: Strike-
Experienced and battle-hardened troops are Team Actions are always stated as applying to the d10
more likely to strike the first blow than less competent roll for first strike, and converting these over to the
opponents, and this is reflected in their strike rank. A strike rank system is a breeze. Simply read any bonus
models basic strike rank is equal to its CAL stat, so a to the 'd10 roll' as a direct bonus to the 'strike rank'.
model with CAL 0 has a basic strike rank of 0, and a See the following examples.
model with CAL 1 has a basic strike rank of 1, and so
on. A models basic strike rank can be modified by Charging: It's stated that this gives a model 'a +3
variety of things, for example by its weapon or if it bonus to its d10 roll for first strike'. Simply read this as
charged. This is all covered shortly, however the fol- 'a +3 bonus to its strike rank'.
lowing rules always apply.
Melee Weapons: It's stated that they 'confer a +3
• Models close combat attacks, and any resulting bonus to their users d10 roll for first strike'. Simply
damage, are made in descending strike rank order. read this as 'confer a +3 bonus to their users strike
So for example, models with a strike rank of 4 roll rank'.
to hit and cause damage, before those with a strike
rank of 3. And so on down. Strike First Special Rule: It states that 'a model gains
a +3 bonus to its d10 roll for first strike'. Simply read
this as 'a model gains a +3 bonus to its strike rank'.
• Models that are killed or destroyed become casual-
ties immediately. If destroyed by an opponent with
Naginata Polearm: Its special rules state that it 'con-
a higher strike rank, such a model loses its oppor-
fers an additional +3 bonus to d10 roll for first strike'.
tunity to make an attack.
Simply read this as 'confers an additional +3 bonus to
the users strike rank'.
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Drop Trooper
This updates and replaces the Drop Trooper special
rule on page 36 of the Urban War rulebook (English
language version).
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Models with this special rule build up a lot of impetus
when they charge, so can 'shunt' or stagger smaller
enemy models if they contact them. This allows the
charging model to force its way deep into a group of
the enemy in an attempt to contact as many of them
as possible. As it moves through the group, any mod-
els it contacts along the way are carried, or 'shunted',
along with it.
Shunting is only possible if the charging
model is also at least 2 SZ points larger than its target,
for example a model of SZ6 can shunt enemy models
of SZ4 or smaller. Assuming this is so, make the initial
charge to contact just as you would normally, moving
the charging model into contact with an enemy model,
and the following rules apply.
Long Reach Diagram
CLAU model A can allocate its close combat attack to models B • After charging to contact, the shunting model can
or C, as it is in base contact with model B, and model C is also
move any remaining unused charge distance, plus
in contact with it.
an additional distance equal to half its MV stat in
If CLAU model A has more than one attack, and its first one inches, in order to try to contact one or more addi-
destroys model B, it can still allocate any further attacks to
model C, because model C was in contact with the destroyed
tional enemy models. The model initially contacted,
model at the start of the combat. and any others contacted along the way, remain in
contact and move along with it.
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CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
CLAU ‘Pilots’
If you take a look at their profiles you'll notice that
many CLAUs can be upgraded by adding a combat-
trained 'pilot', or operator, examples being the
Gladiator Beastmaster and the VASA Mechsoldat. If
you decide add such an upgrade, then if the CLAU is
destroyed the pilot will survive to carry on the fight*. As
you'd expect, the pilots CAL stat is identical to that of
their CLAU, and the following rules apply.
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
team upgrades
Vulcan Gladiator
Options Cost Modifier
Add Thermite Darts 4 6 N/A N/A
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CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Talon Cyclosynth
Critical Hits
Cyclosynths, or C-Synths, are massive robotic
When a Talon or Pyro takes wounds there's a chance
weapons platforms. In essence they are the Syntha
that something critical was hit. To check for this roll
version of the CLAU (Capital Light Armoured Unit).
1d10 and refer to the table below. Don't roll for each
Larger even than Macrosynths, they boast powerful
wound it suffers, just roll once for all the damage it
weaponry and very heavy armour, and are more than
sustains from any single unit in a round of shooting or
capable of going toe to toe with Koralon Drakes or
combat. The effects of each critical hit are permanent,
enemy CLAU battlesuits.
but are not cumulative. Further hits in the same loca-
The Talon Cyclosynth is configured for close
tion have no additional effect.
combat and is deadly to opponents of all sizes. It's
armed with a pair of large three fingered claws that D10 Score Critical Hit Effect
deliver a powerful crushing grip. As if this wasn't 1-5 None
enough the Talon carries a huge generator on its back, 6 Armour damaged: Heavy Armour reduced by 2 points.
and the claws also administer a massive electric 7 Structural damage: T stat reduced by 1 point.
shock with every blow. 8 Weapon(s) damaged: -1 DAM penalty on all attacks.
9 Sensory systems damaged: AS and SH stats reduced
by 1 point.
5 5 7 7 4 5 6 4 0
10 Minor SPOMM damage: Immune to Shock lost.
Equipment Cost
2 Electro Claws (see special rules) 128 N/A N/A N/A
Special Rules
Heavy Armour (+4), Immune to Panic, Immune to
Shock, Impervious, Lethal Strike (x2), Long Reach,
Multiple Attacks (x2), Shunt, Slow Strike, Sweep
Talons cannot evade.
In close combat the Talon attacks with two electro
claws: To Hit 0, DAM ST+0, 1 handed, Armour
Piercing 3, Melee.
Options Cost Modifier
Upgrade to Heavy Armour (+5) 14 N/A N/A N/A
Pyro Cyclosynth
Pyro Cyclosynths play a supporting role in Syntha
assaults. They are armed with Plasma Cannons that
are accurate, have a respectably long range, and
boast good armour piercing qualities alongside their
devastating antipersonnel capability.
Unlike the Talon Cyclosynth, the Pyro is not
ideally suited to close combat, especially against large
heavily armoured opponents. Against smaller oppo-
nents though, its sheer size and strength, coupled with
its long reach and tough armour, enable it to more
than hold its own.
5 5 7 7 4 5 6 4 0
Equipment Cost
Plasma Cannon 90 N/A N/A N/A
Special Rules
Heavy Armour (+4), Immune to Panic, Immune to
Shock, Impervious, Lethal Strike (x2), Long Reach,
Shunt, Slow Strike, Sweep Attack.
Pyro Cyclosynths cannot evade.
In close combat the Pyro Cyclosynth attacks with its
powerful manipulator arm: To Hit 0, DAM ST+0.
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Talon Cyclosynth
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
koralon Options
CLAUs: Venom Drake, Spore Drake
Critical Hits
Venom Drake When a Drake takes wounds there's a chance that
Koralon Drakes are massive heavily armoured crea- something critical was hit. To check for this roll 1d10
tures that outsize even the mighty Broodmasters. and refer to the table below. Don't roll for each wound
They are implacable in their purpose and can shrug off it suffers, just roll once for all the damage it sustains
vast amounts of small arms fire, so are best tackled at from any single model in a round of shooting or com-
range with dedicated anti-tank weaponry. bat. The effects of each critical hit are permanent, but
The Venom Drake is a truly fearsome close are not cumulative. Further hits in the same location
combat opponent, armed as it is with gigantic razor have no additional effect.
sharp coraline mandibles. In addition it can spray
extremely corrosive venom from its mouth, so even D10 Score Critical Hit Effect
are still at serious risk, especially if lightly armoured. 6 Armour damaged: Heavy Armour reduced by 2 points.
7 Severe wound: T stat reduced by 1 point.
AS SH ST T W CD SZ MV CAL 8 Weapon(s) damaged: -1 DAM penalty on all attacks.
6 4 7 7 4 3 6 4 0-1 9 Sensory organs injured: AS and SH stats reduced by
Equipment Cost by 1 point.
CAL 0 CAL 1 CAL 2 CAL 3 10 Minor 'brain' injury: Immune to Shock lost.
Venom Spray 121 161 N/A N/A
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CLAU-team actions
Venom Drake
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
armoury tive shooting both the shooting model and the target
model must be at least twice as far from the interven-
Cobra Rocket Launcher ing object as the object is high.
Cobra Rocket Launchers are heavy multi-barrelled
weapons that are carried by large Triad battlesuits. Grenade Launcher GL-AP Rocket
Their purpose is anti-personnel, and when fired they AP (armour piercing) rockets are bulky fin stabilised
launch three high explosive rockets in rapid succes- rounds designed for use with standard issue grenade
sion, in order to saturate the target area. The rockets launchers. Though less accurate than normal antiper-
are fin stabilised and have a very flat trajectory, so are sonnel rounds, and with a shorter effective range, they
remarkably accurate up to quite long ranges. provide infantry with a lightweight anti-tank solution.
CC Short Medium Long Extreme The warheads are shaped charges that maximise for-
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam ward punch and eliminate wasted radial blast.
- - 0(x3) 5 -1(x3) 5 -2(x3) 5 - -
Type: Armour Piercing 3
Type: 1 handed, Ranged Template. Special Rules: DAM 6. -1 Penalty to hit. Cannot fire
Special Rules: Circular Template. beyond medium range. Low trajectory projectile - if
All three shots do not have to be fired at the same tar- used for speculative shooting both the shooting model
get model; you can spread the second and third shots and the target model must be at least twice as far from
on to different models. To be valid as a target for such the intervening object as the object is high.
a spread over shot, a model must be within 4 inches
of the preceding target model, and also within range Hattori Longsight
and LOS of the shooting model. The Hattori Longsight is a type of autopistol that's
increasingly popular among Triad hit men and
Dragon Spitfire Warhead
enforcers. It sports a very long barrel and a removable
Spitfire Warheads are armour piercing rocket muni-
clip-on butt, so can outrange most other handguns
tions for use in Dragon Rocket Launchers. Whereas
while remaining fairly easy to conceal. Initially pro-
standard antipersonnel rockets are fired in volleys in
duced by the Hattori family, a notorious manufacturer
order to saturate an area, spitfire warheads are fired
of black market weapons, the design has been widely
singly at an individual target. As is usual with armour
copied by competing underworld weaponsmiths.
piercing rounds, on detonation the warhead's destruc-
tive power is focussed forward, with a minimum of CC Short Medium* Long Extreme
wastage through radial blast. To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam
0 4 0 4 -1 3 - - - -
Type: Indirect Fire, Armour Piercing 3
Special Rules: DAM 5 (x2). Cannot fire beyond long Type: 1 handed
range. Low trajectory projectile - if used for specula- Special Rules: * Only available with lock-fire orders.
tive shooting both the shooting model and the target
model must be at least twice as far from the interven- Howitzer TMT
ing object as the object is high. The Howitzer TMT (short for Task Modified Type) was
developed specifically for use by the largest type of
Erg Equalizer battlesuit, the Capital Light Armoured Unit. Taking a
Known affectionately as Erg Equalizers, shotgun pis- standard field howitzer as a starting point, its design-
tols are heavy revolvers that fire standard riot shotgun ers modified it heavily, both for improved portability
ammunition. Robust and easy to maintain, they're and increased antipersonnel effectiveness. Like all
often issued to Junkers officers, military police, and howitzers, it fires high explosive shells in a high arc,
front line armoured vehicle crews. dropping them down on the target from above. Though
CC Short Medium Long Extreme it can be used against close range targets, it's not real-
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam ly calibrated for this kind of work so tends to be some-
+1 4 +1 4 - - - - - - what inaccurate.
CC Short Medium Long Extreme
Type: 1 handed
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam
Special Rules: None
- - -2 7 -1 7 -1 7 -2 7
Field Howitzer FH-AP Shell Type: 2 handed, Indirect Fire, Ranged Template,
AP (armour piercing) shells allow howitzers to double Armour Piercing 1
up as anti-tank guns. Fired in a relatively low trajecto- Special Rules: Large Circular Template.
ry, on detonation AP rounds generate almost no radial
blast. Instead their destructive power is focussed for- Invictor Anti Tank Rifle
ward, punching through armour plate as though it The 'Invictor' anti tank rifle gains its name from the
were paper. company that originally developed it, the Invictor Arms
Type: Indirect Fire, Armour Piercing 4 Company. The VASA design brief required a light anti-
Special Rules: DAM 6 (x2). Cannot fire beyond long tank gun that could be carried by CLAU class battle-
range. Low trajectory projectile - if used for specula- suits, and though the gun design was eventually
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CLAU-team actions
approved, the Invictor Arms Company did not manage CC Short Medium Long Extreme
to gain sole production rights, and many different com- To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam
panies now also manufacture them. As highly mobile - - 0 6 0 6 -1 6 - -
anti-tank weapons go, these are among the most pow-
Type: Mounted, Ranged Template, Armour Piercing 2.
erful available, only being outclassed by much heavier
Special Rules: Large Circular Template.
vehicle mounted guns.
CC Short Medium Long Extreme Rotary Cannon
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam Rotary Cannons are huge multi barrelled guns with an
- - 0 7(x4) 0 7(x4) -1 7(x4) - - extremely high rate of fire. The vast weight of these
Type: 2 handed, Armour Piercing 4 weapons and the sheer volume of ammunition they
Special Rules: None require means that they are usually mounted on vehi-
cles or very large battlesuits. They operate much like
gigantic chain guns and are primarily anti-personnel
Mini-MLRS AP Missile
weapons, however their power and volume of fire can
Though the Mini-MLRS is essentially an anti-person-
enable them to take down quite heavily armoured tar-
nel weapon, if need be it can also be used to launch
AP (armour piercing) missiles. Launched singly, rather
than in the area saturation volleys that are usual with CC Short Medium Long Extreme
the standard anti-personnel munitions, they widen this To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam
weapon system's battlefield role. - - 0(x6) 6 -1(x6) 5 - - - -
Type: Mounted
Type: Indirect Fire, Armour Piercing 3
Special Rules: None
Special Rules: DAM 6 (x2). -1 penalty to hit. Cannot
fire beyond medium range. Low trajectory projectile -
if used for speculative shooting both the shooting
Sniper Rifle SR-AP Grenade
model and the target model must be at least twice as A rifle grenade clips over the muzzle of a standard rifle
far from the intervening object as the object is high. and converts it into a makeshift grenade launcher.
Utilising a 'bullet thru' design, which means that the
grenades launch is triggered by firing a standard
Naginata Flame Blade
round that passes through its centre, they add to a sol-
A 'Flame Blade' is a thermite charge attachment that
diers mid-range capability.
can be fitted to the business end of a naginata, effec-
One of the most commonly issued types is the AP
tively converting it into a makeshift thermite lance.
(armour piercing) variety, which uses a shaped charge
Rammed into contact with an opponent the explosive
to punch through armour plating.
tip detonates automatically, and can cause grievous
damage to even the most heavily armoured of targets. Type: Armour Piercing 3
The detonation causes no damage to the weapon Special Rules: DAM 5. -2 Penalty to hit. Cannot fire
itself, the charge being shaped to focus the blast for- beyond medium range.
ward into the target. The only real downside is that
when fitted, the weight of the charge makes the nagi- Spore Launcher
nata somewhat unwieldy. Spore Launchers are large gun-like appendages that
CC Short Medium Long Extreme sprout from the 'arms' of Koralon Spore Drakes.
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam Operating much like a mortar or howitzer, they fire a
0 5(x2) - - - - - - - - large hard-shelled spore in an arcing trajectory. On
impact the spore explodes scattering a mixture of
Type: 2 handed, Armour Piercing 4 razor sharp shards and corrosive liquid over a wide
Special Rules: At the start of a close combat, before area.
rolling for first strike, you must choose either to attach On examination of the recovered remains of
the Flame Blade or not. If you choose to attach it use a Spore Drake, scientists have discovered that they
this profile, if not use the standard naginata profile. have special sacs at the rear of their body that enable
them to 'grow' a constant supply of fresh ammunition.
Plasma Cannon From battlefield observations it appears that fresh
Plasma Cannons fire a searing hot ball of plasma that spores are generated very quickly, indicating a mas-
expands rapidly on impact, with an effect very much tery of biological processes far beyond our own capa-
like a powerful high explosive. Unlike conventional bility.
anti-personnel weapons though, the nature of their
CC Short Medium Long Extreme
payload also gives them a good degree of armour
To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam To Hit Dam
piercing capability. Like all plasma weapons they
- - -1 6 0 6 -1 6 - -
require a large power pack and heavy shielding, mak-
ing them extremely bulky. For this reason they're usu- Type: N/A, Indirect Fire, Ranged Template, Armour
ally vehicle mounted, or carried by huge Cyclosynths. Piercing 1, Corrosive (treat as Incendiary)
Special Rules: Large Circular Template.
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
CLAU-team actions
Frank Magaw Jr. (order #2255404)
The Claws Are Out!
CLAU-Teams in Urban War
This supplement introduces massive battlesuits, robots and warbeasts to the Urban
War game.
Known collectively as 'CLAUs', or Capital Light Armoured Units, these huge engines of
destruction are guaranteed to play a decisive role upon the battlefield. They open up a
whole new range of strategies to you, and demand attention from your
Though they're the focus, CLAUs don't make the rest of your team obsolete, their roles
might have changed, but each individual still has an important part to play
z Details on how to build your team, which must include a mix of CLAUs and normal
troopers. 750 points is the standard game size, and the total model count is no
more than a standard Urban War strike-team
z A simple tweak to the standard Urban War turn sequence to simulate the heavy
lumbering nature of CLAUs. Though powerful, they benefit from infantry support
z CLAU 'pilots'. Battlesuit wrecked? Warbeast given up the ghost? No problem, the
pilot can carry on the fight!
z An array of powerful new CLAU weapons, and to help them cope with this new
threat, new weapons for the rest of your team. Examples include the Koralon Warp
Strike, the Sticky Bomb, and the Thermite Dart
z New Special Rules, updates to existing rules, and a couple of alternative rules for
you to try out
z Stat cards for each new troop type, and damage counters for the CLAUs
To use this supplement you will need Urban War: Strike-Team Actions.