Letters Written by The Apostle Paul: Order, Structure, and Purpose

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Letters Written by the Apostle Paul


Some Key Thoughts The General Purpose
Forgiving others as Christ has forgiven us Gives an example of a godly attitude and demonstration of love through Paul's petition
The love of Christ at work
DEMONSTRATION (An appeal to a friend)
on behalf of the unprofitable runaway slave, Onesimus.


Defending the faith in word and example Provides instructions for church leadership with a charge to teach and defend
Church organization and leadership
UTILIZATION Sound doctrine “sound doctrine” and to admonish believers to zealously maintain
(Letters to individual church leaders) “good works” while looking for our “BLESSED HOPE.”


Serving the Living God while waiting for His Son from Heaven To encourage believers to live godly even while enduring times of persecution.
Correction and instruction about
EXPECTATION the rapture and how to live until that time Corrects false teaching concerning the rapture or “catching away”
of the “Body of Christ.”
(Letters to a questioning church)

Seeking those things which are “ABOVE” where CHRIST is seated Colossians warns against the danger of not holding fast to the Head of the Body.
A warning of lost rewards
CULMINATION 1-2 Warnings 3-4 Practice Because any departure from the truth will result in loss of rewards believers are
to set their "affection on things above, not on things on the earth".
(A letter to a wavering church)

The upward call of God “IN CHRIST” Philippians explains that true joy is found in serving Christ. Faithful service
A call to service
requires believers to be like-minded with Christ who was "obedient
SUBORDINATION 1-2 The mind of a servant 3-4 Application
unto death".
(A letter to a giving church)

Seated in the heavenlies with Christ and “IN CHRIST” Explaining the Body
Ephesians explains the heavenly position and oneness of the Body of Christ
1-3 Doctrine 4-6 Practice
EXALTATION (A letter to a stable church)
and challenges believers to live accordingly.

Not LAW, but “LIBERTY IN CHRIST” GALATIANS To rebuke and call the Galatian church to repentance for their
LIBERATION Reproof and correction for perverting the Gospel of Grace departure from the Gospel of Grace to return to the Law.
(A letter to a legalistic church)

Not human wisdom, but the “WISDOM OF GOD”
I & II CORINTHIANS To correct divisions among the brethren and the abuse of spiritual
SANCTIFICATION Reproof and correction for the abuse of our liberty in Christ gifts and immortality in the church at Corinth. Paul also defended
(Letters to a carnal church) his apostleship and taught on the resurrection.

The foundation of the revelation of the dispensation of The GRACE OF GOD IN JESUS CHRIST
RIGHTEOUSNESS: Not by works, but by “FAITH” Romans explains the “Grace of God” and the temporary
1-8 Doctrine 9-11 Dispensations 12-16 Practice
JUSTIFICATION (A letter to a far away church) setting aside of Israel.

The book of Romans gives us the fundamental truths necessary to understanding the plan and purpose
of the Dispensation of the Grace of God revealed through the Apostle Paul. These truths are found only
Berean Bible Institute
Graphic design by Christine Mulholland
in Paul’s writings and are essential to knowing in full the position, walk, commission, and hope of the Body of Christ. P.O. Box 587, Slinger, WI 53086

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