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cover model

Alex Kierdorf-Robinson has had a far from easy

life. With parents suffering from addiction in her
home country of Sweden, she had to grow up
early – and fast. But rather than weakening her
resolve, Kierforf-Robinson used these challenges
to her advantage, and is now a Swedish-qualified
physiotherapist, group fitness instructor and
personal trainer for her own business, 360Health.
She spoke to WH&F about fostering a positive
attitude in the face of adversity, finding love, and
working to create a healthy and fit lifestyle.


Model: Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson // swedishalex.com // @swedishalex
Photographer: Jessica Apap // jessicaapap.com // @jessicaapap_photographer
HMU: Cynthia Smyth // cynthiasmythmakeup.com.au // @cynthiasmyth_makeup

ON CAREER physiological systems. It was during my years

I have always loved sports and training. It at university that I started my career as a
began with my passion for figure skating as a group fitness instructor. I started out teaching
child, followed by soccer in high school and old-school freestyle aerobics and step, but
then I joined the gym for the first time when have since moved more toward Les Mills pre-
I was 17. I remember walking into my first choreographed classes such as Bodypump,
group fitness class and thinking that one day RPM and Bodybalance. I also teach yoga,
I’d like to be an instructor on stage. It looked which I absolutely love!
like so much fun to teach, motivate and train
with a room full of people. ON FINDING LOVE
After school, I did a bit of travelling and It was during a study abroad in 2006
working before finally deciding to study that I met my now husband, Mark
physiotherapy in Gothenburg, Sweden. I had (@healthmanmark). We did long distance
always been fascinated by the human body for three years while I completed my
and movement; by its musculoskeletal and physiotherapy degree before I finally made

6 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
the move to the Gold Coast, Australia. These ON PERSONALITY court, but also a humble, intelligent, kind man
days I work as a personal trainer for our own I’d describe my personality as happy and with absolute integrity.
business, 360Health, that Mark runs with positive. I try my best to support and inspire
business partner Rob Quatro. I train people friends, family and people around me. I put a ON GOALS
of all ages and fitness levels, and enjoy helping lot of pressure on myself to perform, but I am Short term, I am looking forward to getting
clients rehabilitate and prevent injuries. I learning that I also need rest and time to look back into a full training load. I have been
also train clients preparing for bodybuilding after my body and mind. dealing with an injury in my elbow for about
competitions, as well as providing online My childhood was a tough one. I had six months now and it is continuously getting
coaching services. loving parents, but both suffered from better with rest and very specific rehab
addiction – so I had quite a chaotic life training, but I can’t wait to lift some heavy
ON PASSION & PURPOSE growing up and I pretty much looked after weights again.
My aim and goal in any field – whether it be myself from a very young age. I lost my Long term, I would like to become a
during PT, in the cycle studio or in a yoga mother when I was 18 and my father has person who inspires health and physical
class – is always to promote the benefits of since passed as well. I like to think these activity nationally and globally, through face-
physical exercise. In a society with so many life experiences have made me persistent, to-face meetings, coaching and group fitness.
lifestyle-related metabolic conditions, and strong and determined in life rather than Becoming a master trainer for group fitness
abundant healthcare and medicines to aid weakened me. instructors has always been a dream.
almost any condition, using exercise to
promote health is sometimes forgotten. I ON MY FAVOURITE EXERCISE
want to spread the knowledge that training It would have to be teaching a crazy, tough
can help treat and prevent a whole range RPM class! But I also love participating in
of ailments. group fitness and hot yoga classes.
I love what I do because I get to see so
many lives completely transformed in this ON MY FAVOURITE ‘TREAT’ MEAL
industry. And I’m not just talking about the A big bowl of pasta, I love it! And
physical transformations (which of course for a sweet treat anything including
are rewarding) but the changes to a person’s chocolate, lollies and ice-
quality of life: improved confidence and cream works!
motivation, better energy levels, and a better
social and family life too. ON MY ROLE MODEL
I think Roger Federer is an absolute
ON AN AVERAGE DAY legend! He is so much more than the
I get up early – usually by 4.30am. I train greatest of all time (GOAT) on the
clients or take a class or two until about HOW TO BE
lunch. Most afternoons I teach group fitness
as well.

I think it’s great that people want to get fit for
MOVE and eat most of my carbs during the first
summer. It’s a great time to start a new fitness Monday: teach RPM and Bodypump half of the day and around my training and
regime given you will likely have more energy classes. I do enjoy a treat here and there
Tuesday: resistance session and teach yoga
thanks to the light and warmth outside. as I have a massive sweet tooth! But I try
However, I always try to promote staying Wednesday: teach Bodypump and
to view treats as actual treats – something
fit and training year-round. Making your two RPMs to enjoy every now and then as part of an
healthy nutrition and training part of your Thursday: teach Bodybalance and RPM otherwise healthy diet. For me the 80/20
routine 365 days a year will ensure it feels rule works quite well: I eat 80 per cent of
Friday: resistance session and
natural and you will never have to struggle my meals for functionality and nutrition,
teach Bodybalance
making drastic changes to your physique and the other 20 per cent for taste
because of one season. Saturday: teach Bodybalance
and enjoyment.
Make the commitment. Set pen to paper Sunday: rest day, which normally includes
and write down your plan of attack. Set a long walk. BE
progress goals and when you want to achieve To relax and relieve stress I enjoy yoga and
them by. Make sure you stick to the plan and EAT Bodybalance classes. I find that it centres
keep yourself accountable – either by hiring I eat clean and nutritious foods for all my and grounds me, providing me a great
yourself a PT or coach, or telling your friends main meals. I include protein in every meal foundation to deal with life.
and family what you hope to achieve.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 7
december 2017

every 52


thrive 80
Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson shares
how she overcame a difficult childhood
to become a successful physiotherapist,
trainer and business owner

How to find your unique creative outlet

Top gifts for every fit girl’s
Christmas stocking

The active girl’s ultimate
adventure holiday

The hormones affecting your everyday
life – from how well you sleep to how
heavy you lift


How being ‘present’ when bringing
fork to mouth could help you eat less,
36 improve digestion and fortify your
relationship with food

8 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Why toning down your training
might be good for both your physical
and mental health
PLAN OF ATTACK Have your cake and stay lean too with
WH&F head trainer Alexa Towersey tricky If It Fits Your Macros science
and WH&F cover model Jenna
Douros show you how to maintain 86 SUMMER STAPLE
Learn how salmon can do wonders for
your fitness in minimum time with
your metabolism and taste buds
their four-week summer training plan
64 CELEB TRAINING DIARIES Which meat cuts will help build lean
Steal the training secrets of some of muscle and which are toxin-ridden
our fave Aussie personalities
70 EXPERT THINK TANK: Do you really know what’s in the food
How to maintain your gains and stay
you eat? Dodge the hidden cals, toxins
and sugars with our no-nonsense guide This Issue’s
lean – long term to reading product labels DIGITAL CONTENT
Warm apple pie protein balls and cool Raspberry & coconut bread
strawberry milkshake
There may be a reason you crave that
watermelon in the summer months.
Keep your health in check and taste
buds in love by eating what’s in season

The new yoga fad that has us hanging EXERCISE, NUTRITION AND
from ceiling beams LIFESTYLE TIPS


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Editor’s letter
w I was sitting at gate A18 of Phoenix
International Airport, Arizona, recently
when I met this woman with cherry hair. She
wandered over from the adjacent newsagent
and plonked into the chair beside me, her
waterfall of bright red curls falling across
her face. Two thoughts occurred to me in
that moment: a) she looks great – wish I
up on that stage to speak to over 200 people
with shoulders proud, back straight and a
zip in my step because I believed I looked
‘better’, which in turn made me feel ‘better’.
So if having a leaner body and glowing skin
come summer is what it takes for you to feel
confident, I can’t help but feel that that isn’t
to be judged either. So the ‘summer’ edition
had the guts to pull that off and b) I am of WH&F aims to split the difference (or at
so glad my hair is blonde right now. And least let me sleep at night). We understand
those two thoughts pretty much sum up the that social season is here, so don’t you dare
internal struggle I have with a concept that avoid a few extra margaritas (if you want
is repeated from online training program them) because you are scared of a piece
to senseless TV advertisement this time of of fabric covering only your privates (aka.
year: the cringe-worthy ‘summer body’. Half the bikini); instead, make the best use of
of me thinks: what even is a summer body? your time and maintain your health and
Am I supposed to be healthier, fitter and body composition by using our four-week
more conscious of my size/shape simply training plan (p. 52), learning to eat more
because the Earth happens to be tilted mindfully (p. 42) and understanding how
toward the sun? If I want a ‘bikini body’, I’ll to manage your calorie intake while still
put a bikini on my body. Done. Then there eating Christmas pud using tricky IIFYM
is the other half of me that acknowledges science (p. 80). And without meaning to
that summer means more days spent sound like a less articulate Yoda, I’ll leave
wearing fewer clothes (unless you feel like you with one last observation. That girl
sweating through your jumper), which with hair the colour of fruit: she woke up
also means self-consciousness is one morning, decided she wanted red hair
(socially constructed to be) and went on and dyed it. She rocks what
heightened. I also understand she has, looks beautiful being different and
that confidence is key: I wouldn’t know me – the blonde – from a
was in said Phoenix airport bar of soap. And that same girl with lush
because I was speaking at a locks is now inspiring the editor’s letter
fitness conference. The day of a national health and fitness magazine
I flew in, I went straight to on the other side of the world.
a photoshoot, meaning Just sayin’.
I had professionally
applied flawless make- Wishing you a confident month
up for both days of and a very Merry Christmas,
the media panel. As
someone who can
barely apply mascara
without stabbing
herself in the eye, I
felt incredible; there
is no denying that I got Katelyn Swallow // Editor

10 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


WH&F Head Trainer WH&F Associate Dietitian & Nutritionist
alexatowersey.com Beauty Editor rebeccagawthorne.com.au


Nutritionist Trainer Psychologist / Body
lucindazammit.com.au nichellelaus.com Image Expert

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Executive Editor // Rebecca Long National Advertising Manager // Erica Caldwell
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Editorial Assistant // Angelique Tagaroulias [email protected]
Copy Editor // Molly Morelli Advertising Manager // Aleksandra Blazeski
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Managing Editor // Ben Stone

David Goding, Raymond Viola, Ronelle
Richards, Hilary Simmons, Resa Zakants,
Chief Executive Officer // Silvio Morelli
Gracie Balev
General Manager // Ben Stone
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Online Editor // Christine Assirvaden PO Box 4075, Mulgrave, 3170
Web // womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Video Editor // Karl Nemsow
Articles published in this issue of Women's
PHOTOGRAPHY Health & Fitness are Copyrighted © 2017 and are
Cover Image published by Blitz Publications and Multi-media
Model // Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson Group Pty Ltd under licence from Bushi Pty Ltd.

Photographer // Jessica Apap

MARKETING Graphic Impressions Australia Pty. Ltd.
Marketing & Events Manager // Ph: (03) 9574 9211
Frances Ricchetti
[email protected]

Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Women’s Health & Fitness do not necessarily represent those of the
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Women's Health and Fitness is on newsstands in: With health food this good, who
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first word

Delivering bad news is never fun;
bearing bad news in a way that is
candid and direct with no leading
small talk is what most of us prefer. At
least that’s the findings from a study
out of Brigham Young University. The
researchers found that when delivering
bad news about a social relationship –
such as breaking up or firing someone
– simply saying “we need to talk”
followed by “I’d like to break up” is
best. Apparently most participants
valued clarity and directness over other
characteristics in receiving bad news.
Good to know.

The unhealthy Western diet of heavily processed
foods is contributing to mental health disorders
Needing a little daily inspiration? Send out
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would recognise: high in fruit and vegetables, 365 note cards for you to add a thankful
fish and healthy fats and low in processed thought to every day. We love the bronze
foods; we know that a well-nourished body
finishes for your desktop too. Ca-ute.
and brain is better able to withstand ongoing
$39.95, gratitudeglassjars.com
stress and recover from illness,” she says.
Rucklidge’s research has also found that taking
micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) can have
a positive effect on those suffering from stress,
anxiety, ADHD and mood disorders.

Look on the bright side

Seeing the glass as half full really does benefit our health according to
new University of Sydney Business School research. Positive thinking

quickens the recovery of seriously ill patients and helps disaster victims
to overcome the psychological impact of a traumatic experience. It’s
thought that thinking positively about your future is key to fostering
optimism. In one study, participants were given a hand-grip task and
researchers found that people squeezed the object longer and more
vigorously the more optimistic they were about their future.

14 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
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first word

Time-poor cyclists will be pleased by results
from Scotland’s University for Sporting
Excellence. They found that doing fewer
repetitions during a HIIT session may produce
better fitness gains than completing more reps.
The optimal number of supramaximal sprints
(a type of rep on a special high-intensity cycle
sprint) is just two, with each additional sprint
actually decreasing overall fitness improvement
by five per cent. Sometimes less really is more.

Pigeon stretch
Most of us spend our days
sitting, resulting in tight hip flexors.
Try doing a pigeon stretch a few times
a week to help loosen and free achy joints
and muscles.
1. Start on your knees on a yoga mat, with
your hands shoulder-width apart. SIXTY MINUTES


2. Move your left foot next to your right Exercising for just an hour a week
hand. Slide your right leg straight can prevent depression according to
back, keeping your hips in line with a landmark study in The American
your wrists. Journal of Psychiatry. The joint
3. Inhale, lift your chest up to lengthen study by the Black Dog Institute and
your spine. University of NSW analysed 33,908
4. Take a few breaths before returning to Norwegian adults over a period of 11
your start pose. Switch sides. years. The results showed that 12 per
cent of depression cases could have
been prevented if participants exercised
for just 60 minutes a week. Even more
alarmingly, people who reported doing
no exercise had a 44 per cent increased WORKOUT
The stick: lacking the motivation
chance of developing depression
to keep moving and sleep well
compared to those exercising one to
given the call of party season’s
two hours a week.
champagne cocktails.
TRAIN The fix: Fitbit’s new Ionic
YOUR MIND smartwatch may be just the
A study from the University of Kansas ticket. Boasting a range of new
has found that regular exercise can tech-heavy features, you can wear
boost your sense of self-control. In a it overnight to access intricate
pilot study, sedentary and overweight details of your sleep stages
men and women were told they would (including total hours of rest and
take part in a five kilometre run. All percentage of sleep in each phase
participants underwent training and filled – from deep sleep to light sleep
in questionnaires, including one on ‘delay and REM) while also tracking the
discounting’: a technique psychologists usual steps walked, floors climbed
use to assess someone’s ability to put off and calories burnt to a whole
new level of accuracy. Plus, it’s

pleasures now for greater enjoyment later.

water resistant and has a four-day
Participants that stuck with the training
battery life, so you can beach to
and attended all sessions had improved
bed without removing it from
self-control that continued for almost a
your wrist. $449.95, fitbit.com
month after the training finished.

16 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
first word

Adding sprouts to your summer salads
Breakfast might truly be the most important
meal of the day, with new research showing
that breakfast skippers are associated with
is a great way to boost nutrients; heart disease, particularly atherosclerosis – the
especially considering studies from hardening and narrowing of arteries due to a
the Journal of Agricultural and build-up of plaque. Published in the Journal of
Food Chemistry showed that baby the American College of Cardiology, the study
broccoli sprouts have 10 to 100 times examined the brekkie habits of 4052 participants
more cancer-fighting compounds and atherosclerosis was observed with much
than florets.
more frequency in participants who skipped or
consumed low-energy breakfasts. They were also
much more likely to lead an unhealthy lifestyle
Grow alfalfa or even sunflower including poor diet, frequent alcohol
sprouts on your kitchen consumption and smoking. Pass us
bench. All you need is a that omelette already!
jar, cheesecloth, bowl,
a rubber band and
the seeds. Add your
seeds to the jar, cover
with a cup of filtered
water and secure the
cheesecloth over the
jar neck with the rubber
band. Leave for 12 hours,
drain off the water, place the jar
in the bowl at a tilted angle and wait.
Rinse the sprouts every 24 hours and in
three to seven days the sprouts will be


Are you a thinker? A craver? A
socialiser? Maybe you’re a freewheeler
or just a keen foodie? The CSIRO have
analysed more than 90,000 Australian
ADD SOME AMINOS adults and concluded there are five
Want to feel fuller for longer? Try eating foods main diet-related personality types,
rich in amino acids. A group of cells in the with the report aiming to find why
brain known as tanycytes are stimulated by many people find it hard to maintain
amino acids. After eating, high levels of amino a healthy diet. “If you’re frustrated
acids in the blood and the brain are signals that by unsuccessful weight loss attempts,
give us the sensation of feeling full. In a study having a better understanding of your
out of the University of Warwick, published

personal triggers and diet patterns can

in the journal Molecular Metabolism, adding be the crucial piece of the puzzle,” said
amino acids directly to the brain caused the report co-author Dr Sinead Golley. To
tanycytes to respond after just 30 seconds. find out which diet type you are, visit
Amino acid-rich sources include apricots, diettypes.com.au
almonds, avocado, lentils and plums.

18 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


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first word

Even the most disastrously useless green thumb can now
grow their own eco-friendly produce from the comfort of
their own home thanks to cute new kits from Biome. The
UrbanGreens Grow Kits are themed to suit different palates
– including ‘Some Like It Hot’, which contains five types of
peppers, perfect for spicy food lovers – and comes with all
eds, growing discs, labels and
the essentials. Think pots, seeds,
on’t have the time? Just handball
mistake-proof instructions. Don’t

Choose to reuse the task to the kids come school

$24.95, biome.com.au
ool holidays.

Helping to fight the war on plastic no longer involves ugly

khaki and unfashionable fabrics thanks to the new range
of recyclable bags from Ulster Weavers. Made from sturdy
oil cloth, PVC and polyester, they come in a range of pretty
prints and designs, so you can shop in style while helping FRESH
the environment – #winning. Passiflora Cotton Oil Cloth BEV
Bag & Purse $49.99, available at albi.com.au Swap your usual sugary mixer this
summer for these lush new CHIA bevs,
made from hydrated versions of the seeds rich

dants, fibre,
in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants,
esium. Their
iron, calcium, protein and magnesium.
flavours even sound refreshing, including
nut water
orange and passionfruit, coconut
ink guava.
and mango, and feijoa and pink
Available in leading health food stores
and independent grocers in n Sydney,
& THREE-HERB PESTO Canberra, $4.99.
Serves six
You’ll love this healthier alternative to your traditional high-carb cuisine. Thanks to health
retreat experts Golden Door (goldendoor.com.au), these vegie ribbons with pistachio,
spinach and three-herb pesto will leave you with the taste of Italy’s best pasta – minus the
mountains of calories.
NEED » 1 cup packed basil leaves
Vegie ribbons » 1 cup packed flat-leaf parsley leaves
» 250g gluten-free spaghetti or other » ½ cup water
pasta shape (omit for a carb-free » 1 avocado (optional)
option) » Salt and pepper
» 1 zucchini, cut using a spiraliser
» 1 carrot, cut using a spiraliser DO
» 1 red capsicum, sliced finely to julienne 1. Cook pasta in a large saucepan of
» 100 baby spinach leaves, finely sliced boiling water according to packet
» ¼ cup finely diced herbs, such as basil, instructions, then drain.
parsley, thyme 2. Transfer to a large bowl and toss
» Finely grated zest of ½ lemon through zucchini, carrot, capsicum,
» Bush tomato pesto or pistachio, spinach, herbs and lemon zest.
spinach and three-herb pesto to serve 3. Place pistachio nuts, garlic and lemon
Pistachio, spinach and three-herb pesto juice in a food processor and combine
until smooth.

» ½ cup pistachio nuts

» 6 roasted garlic cloves 4. Add remaining ingredients and
» 1 tsp finely grated lemon zest and 3 process together until mix is well
tbsp lemon juice combined. The pesto should still be a
» 1 cup packed baby spinach or kale bit chunky but well blended.
» ½ cup packed coriander leaves 5. Serve together and enjoy.

20 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
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first word

Research published in the Journal of
Behavioral Decision Making has found
making an emotional response to failure
is more effective at improving your
results the next time you try, compared
to thinking about what went wrong. “I ETHICAL
do think people will be surprised that
allowing themselves to feel bad about a
failure can improve performance more Feel extra good about using these
than thinking about that failure in some stunning yoga mats made from
instances,” says study co-author and eco-friendly natural tree rubber and
Assistant Professor of Marketing and recycled plastic bottle microfibres.
Consumer Behaviour Noelle Nelson. “The Canadian founder and yogi Chad
kinds of thoughts people tend to come up Turner wanted to make an alternative
with – such as rationalising a failure – are from the traditional non-recyclable
yoga mats that often clutter landfill

sometimes counterproductive.”
– so you can downward dog with a
clear conscience. Starting at $60,


To bask in the sun. Derived
from the latin word
apricus, meaning ‘having
lots of sunshine’.

A study into wellbeing found that
sleep and sex are much better for
our wellbeing than a pay rise at work.
The Living Well Index by Oxford
Economics found that quadrupling
your income will only increase your
happiness slightly, and more happiness
is had from regularly sleeping well.

People feeling well rested with plenty

of sleep were up to 15 points happier
than those struggling with shut-
eye, while a bad sex life decreases
happiness significantly.


Turns out cavemen have more impact on our lives than just the Paleo diet. Researchers reporting
in the American Journal of Human Genetics have found that light affects our Neanderthal
inheritance – about two per cent of DNA in non-African people – which, in turn, contributes
characteristics such as skin tone, hair colour, sleep patterns, mood – and even if we smoke. So
NEANDERTHALS you can’t only blame Mum.

22 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
first word

You might have tried activated charcoal in your
latte to assist digestion and in your toothpaste
to whiten your teeth, but now you can also add
it to your skincare. Why? It acts as a magnet
to draw out oil and dirt that clogs pores –
which sounds gross but is actually ridiculously
satisfying. Our latest finds:

T new BLAQ Cleanse & Exfoliate Dual

Sided Wipes
W with activated charcoal will
remove make-up without leaving your
skkin feeling
feeli dry and irritated. First, use the
clea nsing sside to remove surface level make-
up and
annd dirt; next, flip it over to the exfoliating
deeper clean and to bufff dead skin
side for a de
$12.95, blaq.co
cells. $12.95

A healthy
healt summer glow is on our
Christmas wish list, and our latest
st comrade
COSMEDIX Detox Activated Charcoal al Mask
may be Santa’s best gift. Made from m a potent
combo of charcoal and kaolin clay, this skin
saviour will rid your face of daily pollution,
leaving you with a radiant complexion.on. $84.70,


The stick: Finding the time for a full

FUN IN ’Tis the season to be training outdoors and relaxing by the
pool in the sunshine. But before you don your bikini, make
skincare regime between morning
cardio, report deadlines and
THE SUN sure you pack: meal prep.
The fix: Fresh Face Skin’s
Overnight Healer. The serum
Solar D’s Everyday Active To keep your skin hydrated, provides an all-in-one
broad spectrum SPF 50 apply Glamourflage’s treatment formulated with a
sunscreen. It will protect FiFi Flame After Sun Icy blend of natural oils to assist
your skin from harmful UV Rescue following your in rebuilding and retaining
rays (while letting in all- day outdoors. Full of your skin’s natural oil
important vitamin D from soothing aloe vera and production; meaning you’ll
the sun). Plus it’s non-greasy, sea water, it replenishes wake up with clearer and
fast absorbing and suitable moisture and leaves your completely hydrated skin
for sensitive skin. skin feeling refreshed. $25, with half the work. $39.95,
$16.49 for 100ml and $22.95 glamourflage.com.au freshfaceskin.com.au
for 200ml, solar-d.com.au

24 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

C h ri s tm a s g if t


/BrazilianButterflyAustralia /brazilianbutterflyau
in the zone

CREATIVITY u n c o v e r e d
While you might not consider yourself to be creative compared
to the art class DUX – and flinch at the thought of picking up
a pencil to draw a tree – you might be the one coming up with
imaginative ideas in the boardroom. Creativity is multifaceted;
it’s about art, expression, innovation, communication, and
more. So how do you find your unique creative zone?
Angelique Tagaroulias asked the experts.

WHAT IS CREATIVITY? the way you dress, for instance. You can
Creativity is often associated with the art of organise paperwork in a clever way, be
painting or drawing; however, the Oxford innovative with your kitchen storage or your
dictionary defines creativity as the use home desk or take a different route to work.
of imagination or original ideas to create Constantinides finds her own creativity
something. So there’s much more to it than by letting go and thinking about how to do
just picking up a pencil. something better, while Kylie Monteleone,
Being creative can be about generating interior designer at Designbx (designbx.
ideas, as well as problem solving, viewing com), has a set formula.
things in different ways and finding “My formula to creativity is the ‘idea’
alternatives. It’s an attitude, a process divided by the ‘reason why’ the idea works
and an experience according to Chloe for its designated purpose. It’s a considered
Constantinides, creative director of Dapper process that provides a new solution to any
Apps and Kisanii Cosmetics (dapperapps. given problem,” she says.
com.au, kisanii.co).
“Creativity is about using your FOSTERING CREATIVITY
imagination to fuse together a new idea While you may not be the next Picasso,
or create a new thing, such as an object, there are different perspectives on what
business concept or picture. It is a very makes someone creative – it can be an
individual thing because you draw on your artistic flair, but also a cognitive process or
own knowledge and experiences to bring personality trait – and there are ways to get
about something original,” she says. your creative juices flowing.
“For me, creativity is more a state of “There are certain environments where
mind than something you do.” I feel more creative, usually involving

Your creative abilities are also playing music that I love, enjoying some
characterised by a love of learning and sunshine and feeling relaxed. I am probably
developing new ideas, openness, fascination at my most creative when I am happy
and good problem-solving skills. You can – it’s about feeling a sense of freedom,”
inject creativity into accounting or law or says Constantinides.

26 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Try listening to a playlist of your favourite songs that make Research conducted by the Harvard Medical School found
you feel happy. A recent study published in the journal PLOS that sleep improves creative thinking and catnaps have even been
ONE found that music can enhance creativity. Researchers shown to help people retain and separate information and solve
investigated the effect of music on cognitive creativity by asking problems more effectively. So a quick snooze in the afternoon
155 participants to complete questionnaires after performing before getting back to work can be beneficial – and a good excuse
various cognitive tasks while either listening to music or in silence. to add a comfy futon to the home office.
Participants who listened to happy music came up with the
most original and useful solutions to a task and scored higher in
divergent thinking (the process of exploring a number of solutions CONSTANTINIDES’ TOP TIPS FOR
to generate creative ideas) compared to those who listened FOSTERING GREATER CREATIVITY AT HOME
to silence. » Natural light: a bright workspace makes you feel happy.
As many of us are visual beings, visualisation is a key ingredient » Plants: make a home feel alive and fresh.
in fostering creativity. » Music: make a playlist of your favourites.
» Flexible space: don’t restrict yourself in any way. Make sure
“I like to take in all of the information and visualise myself in
you have options on where to sit, how to work and what you’re
the situation requiring a solution. If it’s a home office requiring
looking at.
a refresh, for instance, I imagine myself working in the space,”
» Inspo: surround yourself with your mantra and objects
says Monteleone.
that inspire you. Quotes in frames and post-it notes on your
“I imagine the view out the window, the sound of the
computer are examples.
neighbour’s dog barking, the feel of the breeze coming through » Make it your haven: your home is your haven so make it feel
the door. From here, I’ll keep these emotions in the back of my that way. You should love your space and feel good when you’re
mind for a few days, rearranging the layout or style of furniture in it.
each time I think about it. Through exploring the experience » Step outside: don’t confine yourself to four walls. If you’re
in my mind I find a way to adapt a space before I make any not feeling creative, change your scenery. Grab a coffee, go do
recommendations. This ensures I’ve considered the solution as a workout or catch up with a friend to re-energise and you’ll feel
more than just a space that looks pretty.” more creative when you return.
» Be social: if you work from home, it is easy to forget to interact
with others, but it’s important to discuss, collaborate, share ideas
and be social because other people will fuel your creativity.


Creativity is a skill that can be developed and and shape and another was asked to organise
a process that can be managed. You might groups of nouns into categories then make
think that you weren’t born with a creative as many sentences from them as they could
bone in your body, but we all possess some to assess their innovative abilities. Those in
level of creativity. the organised information group also spent
Creativity is part nature and part nurture less time on their tasks, suggesting reduced
according to Constantinides. It’s about persistence: a key ingredient for creativity.
finding that sense of creativity within and “We can all learn to harness our creative
having the confidence to express it. essence by exploring differences to our
Even if you are creative by nature, your instinctive preferences,” says Monteleone.
environment might prevent you from “Exposing yourself to new experiences
reaching your optimal creative thinking. opens your mind to notions you may
For instance, research shows that structures have never considered before. These new
such as formal schooling can hinder rather experiences are often laced with different
than foster creative thinking. In a series of people, different cultures and different sights
experiments conducted by researchers at and, when combined, are the perfect recipe
the University of Toronto’s Rotman School for inspiration.”
of Management, participants displayed less You can find inspiration in unexpected
creativity and cognitive flexibility when asked places, so sitting in the same chair at the
to complete tasks using categorised sets of same desk in your home office might be
information compared to those asked to work preventing you from coming up with new
with items that weren’t ordered in any special and innovative ideas. Try stepping away from
way. For example, one group was asked to your computer screen to take a walk to the
organise a box of LEGO® bricks by colour beach or a museum.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 27
“I believe that the best ideas arrive when you can unwind, relax
and feel comfortable. I’m not suggesting we transform our
home offices into a yoga studio, but rather designate a creative
zone that reflects a space you are most comfortable in. Soft
seating and unstructured and organic shapes with mid-tone
colours are all great design features to include in this area,”
ACTIVITY CORNER says Monteleone.
Creative thinking processes can be learned and applied by » Lighting: natural lighting from windows and sky lights is
anyone. Constantinides suggests trying this activity to help find essential for a productive work space. If that’s not available,
your creative spark: LED globes are the closest artificial lighting to daylight.
» Give yourself a brief to begin with: this could be an » Comfort: there are many things in a home office that can
advertising brief for a television commercial, a website for a new cause distraction, so establishing a comfortable space is
company or brand, a story brief, etc. Set yourself a target to important in order to focus on tasks. Ensure the room is at a
come up with a certain number of ideas to suit the brief. comfortable temperature and that you have a comfortable
» Start with brainstorming words that relate to the topic: chair and desk to work at for optimal productivity.
write the words on a big piece of paper. List and group them into » Colour: this is the biggest mood changer. Consider the type
associated word groups (tip: use a thesaurus, rhymes, song lyrics of space you find most inspiring and lean on this colour palette
and famous quotes that relate to find more relevant words). for your home office. For example, if you love the beach, using
This builds a foundation for you to then come up with ideas. blue tones and white and natural timbers will create a space
» Continue to build on this with visual cues: gather photos, where you can channel your happy place and power through
videos and textures that relate to the the brief. work productively.
» Start to make connections to concrete ideas: if you find that » De-cluttered space: a cluttered space equals a cluttered
this starts to spark an idea but you’re not quite there yet, step mind, so storage is key. Depending on what tools you require in
away and come back to revisit and review your page. your home office, everything should have a place to call home
The more you fill your mind, the more chance you have of at the end of the work day so you can start fresh when you
coming up with richer ideas, says Constantinides. return. Wall storage solutions keep the floor open, giving the
illusion of more space.

WH&F Chicago Floor Lamp, $242.95,

PRODUCT zanui.com.au

PICKS Genius Notebook, $5,

FOSTER YOUR CREATIVITY inkandcarddesigns.etsy.com

Pearson Lantern (set of 2),

$99.95, zanui.com.au

Haus Paxx 2 Rectangle Frame

Copen Desk i898, $1650.00, Set in black/ashwood, $29.95,
satara.com.au beaconlighting.com.au

28 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Sportswear for
creatures on
two & four feet.

Summer Collection
just arrived.

A C T I V E C R E AT U R E S . C O M


Summer days call for pool parties and
barbecues where solid beats are essential.
Friendie’s AIR Live Rose Gold Wireless
Speaker and Powerbank is compact, water
resistant and projects high-quality sound,
so it’s perfect for entertaining at home or
when the squad’s on the move. $229.99,

deal for
This lightweight and collapsable duffle bag is ideal 3
both the gym and weekend getaways, featuring g an ACTIVE
internal storage pocket with snap closure for allll your CREATURES
pper Plus
knick knacks and a two-way exposed plastic zipper. Most dog mamas love spoiling
the pink is super cute. $59.95, theiconic.com.au their precious pooch, so ask
Santa for a gift for them (and
HERSCHEL CHAPTER TOILETRY BAG you) with these cute Active
To match your new duffle and keep bathroom Creatures’ bean bags and
essentials together, this Herschel Chapter Toiletry

ottomans for pets. The perfect

Bag is made from durable canvas, has tons of way for pups to relax next to
storage space, a carry strap and handle, and an Mum while she sips on her
internal mesh pocket to stow your lotions. $59.95, morning pre-workout coffee.
peppermayo.com.au $35, activecreatures.com

30 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

Cut the clutter in your skincare regime with BaliBody’s Golden Traveler.
Including a luxe creamy lotion, moisturising sunscreen, tanning oil and
BB cream zipped safely into a chic travel pouch, it’s ready to take on your
DYSON vacay. $105.95, balibodyco.com
Save your hair some e damage (and
some flyaways) these se balmy nights BEAUTIFULLY
rsonic hair
with a Dyson Supersonic 6 WELL BOX
trol settings
dryer. Its heat control
Beautifully Well Box is the
ensure your locks aren’t exposed
Christmas gift that keeps
peratures, and
to excessive temperatures,
on giving. A subscription
hite, fuchsia
it’s available in white,
gets you a curated selection
and purple to suitt every fit
of natural beauty, health
fashionista. $499,9, dyson.com.au
and lifestyle product,
delivered to your doorstep
every month.
m Not only is it a great
way to discover new products,
KITCHENAID but $1 from every box is donated
Make Christmas lunch healthier with The to a The
T Butterfly Foundation to
KitchenAid Stand Mixer. It now comes support people struggling with
with 15 universal attachments including eating disorders and body image
a vegie sheet cutter – creating ultra-thin issues. So it’s a present for two. $29,
sheets perfect for making wraps, lasagne, beautifullywellbox.com.au
pasta, sides and snacks. Zucchini lasagne
or noodles, cucumber wraps and sweet
potato chips are now 10 times easier to
make. Stand Mixer $899 and Vegetable
Sheeter Attachment $199,

The brand known for making you healthy on the inside now has the product set to
nourish your skin. The Swisse Gift Set includes a Manuka Honey Detoxifying Facial
Mask Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails+ 60 Tabs and the Swisse Deep Sea Hydrating
Mist Toner in a travel bag. It even sounds yummy. $34.95 (valued at $70), available
in Priceline and Chemist Warehouse. 

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 31

You’ll be social snap-ready with the latest
GoPro – the GoPro HERO6 is waterproof
and has exceptionally high image quality,
with loads of cool features including slow
motion playback of your highlights, night
mode and hands-free control. The new
Quik Stories app also makes it easier to
edit your content and share it directly
to Facebook and Instagram via your
smartphone. $749.95, gopro.com


The Brazilian Butterfly Essentials
range is made from soothing aloe
vera and tea tree oil and includes all
the body washes, lotions and scrubs
needed for your summer hair removal
and bronzing routine. Bring on
the beach. Starting at $18, THINGS BY BEAN
11 brazilianbutterfly.com We’ve discovered these super
cute festive cards. Armed with
TEFAL 12 a little bit of quirk, they’re sure
It can be hard to find time to meal
to put a smile on every dial this
prep in between gym sessions and
Christmas. $5.95 each or three
meetings. But Telfal Cook4me+
for $15, thingsbybean.com
pressure cooker makes creating
delicious meals oh-so-easy, featuring
150 in-built recipes using only six
ingredients, and a step-by-step
guide. It cooks by itself for the right
amountt of time and switches to
warm when ready – so even
the mostst incompetent chef
can gett it done. $399.95,

13 14
n’s Refresh Bottle BELKIN
doubles for
or hydration and The Belkin Fitness Armband for iPhone
caffeine hit purposes – it’s 7 and 7plus is the perfect stocking filler
insulated with a multi-flow for any fitness buff, featuring a slim and
lid to keep
p beverages cold breathable strap and built-in case. Quick
or hot, plus
us the double- and easy access to the iPhone makes
walled stainless
ainless steel it ideal for snapping a scenic photo or
provides insulation
nsulation to keep changing playlists on-the-go. It’s also sweat
water tasting
ting fresh. $49, resistant and easily hand washable. We
n.com.au love. $59.95, belkin.com.au

32 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
15 From gym to the office to the commute home,
L’URV a reusable coffee cup is an essential for every
This glittering leggings and active gal. Little Earth Nest’s Joco Reusable
crop combo looks like an Glass Coffee Cup is made from strong
outfit for a night on the borosilicate glass, which is resistant to shock
town, but wears like the and retains heat. It also has a fancy cyclonic
squat-proof activewear base that pulls sweeteners and sugar free
they are. syrups to the centre of the coffee where it can
then dissolve and balance flavour. Clever. From
ALL THAT $22.95, littleearthnest.com.au
High-waisted wet-look
leggings with flat seams and
inner leg panel for superior BRAUN
comfort, they’re made from This state of the art Silk Epil 9 epilation,
nylon compression fabric exfoliation and massage system makes DIY hair
designed to pull in the removal easy – meaning, smooth and glowing
silhouette and provide plenty skin with no expensive trips to the beauty salon
of support mid-deadlift. (if you can even manage to get an appointment
$109.00, lurv.com.au in December) required. $299, available from
Shaver Shop, braun.com
Add some sparkle to your
next sweat sesh (the prettier
kind) with the All That
Glitters Halter Crop. It even
18 Maintaining a fresh and glowing
complexion can be difficult during
boasts removable bust cups
the hot months, with skin often
within the super-flattering
dry and flaky thanks to our hot
halter. $79.00, lurv.com.au
Aussie sun. As the name suggests,
this Organic Peat Mask is made
from rare organic peat – filled
with reinvigorating ingredients
to detoxify skin, boost blood
circulation and restore the skin’s
natural pH level. Which basically
means you will feel a million bucks
after just one application. $106 for
100mL, vestigeverdant.com

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 33
promotional feature

The holiday season is finally
here, meaning you might
find yourself spending less
time at the squat rack and
more time by the pool
sipping on pina coladas.

And with Australia’s Physical
Activity and Sedentary
Behaviour Guidelines
recommending two-and Muay Thai martial art uses unique combat
a-half hours of moderate- techniques that require skill in both the body
intensity activity per week and mind. This full-body workout uses every
muscle, inducing rapid weight loss. And with
to help prevent weight gain, over 1,700 Muay Thai camps across Thailand
it’s important to find ways and many hotels offering classes, you can clear water under a tropical sun while
to have your cocktail and pretty much try it anytime, anywhere. exploring diverse countryside, a verdant
Rock climbing and abseiling are great jungle, limestone cliffs, intricate sea caves
keep active too. outdoor activities for testing your courage. and mangrove swamps. Koh Phangan is
These activities originated in Railay Bay in the ultimate paradise to explore. The island
the Krabi province, now known as a heaven offers beautiful hidden coves and beaches
THE SOLUTION? Book your fitness for rock climbers. The area is renowned for – a sight for sore eyes while you work your
escape to beautiful (and affordable)
its picturesque limestone cliffs set against arm muscles manoeuvring the kayak.
Thailand and get ready for a host of fun-
a white sandy beach and dark blue ocean. Cycling is a fun way to discover the
filled activities that will get your heart
Pure bliss. natural wonders, cultural treasures and
rate up in between soaking up rays – no
If you love snorkelling and scuba diving unique ways of life of Thailand. Getting
treadmill required.
– or would love to give it a go – Thailand your heart rate up with some steady-state
is the place to do it. With clear turquoise cardio while experiencing the Thai culture
seawater, magnificent coral reefs and an sounds like the ultimate workout for an
exceptional diversity of marine life, it’s no adventure seeker. Some sensational cycling
wonder the region is often referred to as ‘the routes include:
diver’s heaven’. The peninsula of Southern » Sam Praeng community in Bangkok
Thailand stretches between two oceans, » The bike route along the Chao Phraya
allowing diving in Thailand to be possible all River on the Thonburi side
year round. The Gulf of Thailand is suitable » Ayutthaya World Heritage bike route
for diving trips from April to October and » Sukhothai World Heritage bike route
the best period for diving in the Andaman If you’re a bit of a thrillseeker, you won’t
Sea is from November to April. pass up gliding down the zipline through a
Kayaking in Thailand is an amazing rainforest canopy. But safety first, of course
way to see spectacular scenery. Whether – you’ll be harnessed safely on either the
by sea or river, you’ll paddle over crystal- wooden walking platforms or the ziplines.

34 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


Interviews: Angelique Tagaroulias

from every
Think of your hormones as an email
system: they send messages to specific
cells or receptors and the cells respond to
their signal; and just as with discrepancies
with an email server, hormone
imbalances can cause issues – a whole
heap of ’em.
To delve deeper, WH&F rounded up
a variety of experts and asked them to
reveal the hormones they see commonly
out of whack in their clients’ bodies and
what happens as a result.
RUDY MAWER // Sports nutritionist and researcher // rudymawer.com

» Insulin
» Thyroid hormones

As we gain body fat or become less active
as adults, insulin sensitivity often declines,
functions. Lower levels of thyroid hormones,
resulting in hypothyroidism, can lower our
metabolism, making it harder to lose weight,
utilise nutrients, maintain energy levels and
recover from a workout.
Combined, impaired insulin function and
a slower metabolism caused by a decrease in
thyroid hormone levels can make it tough

leading to ill health and weight gain. to lose weight, reach your physique goals
Thyroid hormones control metabolism, and maximise health in general. Insulin and
weight gain and many other bodily thyroid hormones should be monitored and,

36 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
ON MUSCLE GAIN muscle for growth. Since insulin plays a role in
providing nutrients and stimulating the muscle
COMMON CULPRITS building process (known as protein synthesis),
» Oestrogen reduced effectiveness of this key hormone can
» Insulin present issues for maximising muscle growth.


These two hormones are integrally connected The best solution is resistance training,
with each other and with muscle growth – like a which is metabolically demanding. Muscle
domino effect, when oestrogen levels decline, so contraction that occurs with resistance training
does the effectiveness of insulin. helps nutrients to be shuttled into the muscle
Oestrogen tends to decline with age, resulting independently of insulin, helping to offset the
in a reduction in the production and relative consequences of insulin’s reduced effectiveness
effectiveness of insulin to drive nutrients to the as we age.

COMMON CULPRITS can help prevent high blood
» Oestrogen pressure and other heart-
» Progesterone related issues.


As ovaries age, the production Hormone replacement
of oestrogen and progesterone therapy (HRT) is one of the
while insulin function is harder to test from a blood test, you
decline. Oestrogen acts on best ways to at least postpone
can do a simple at-home test (which comes in a kit that can be
many tissues in the body, the adverse effects of reduced
purchased online) to monitor your fasting blood sugar levels in
helping to dilate blood vessels oestrogen and progesterone.
the morning. Blood sugar function is closely linked to insulin
for improved blood flow Maintaining a healthy diet
function, making it a clear marker.
and promoting a healthier and completing metabolically
Lifestyle drastically affects insulin function. While there are
balance of LDL (low-density demanding exercise can
genetic factors that will dictate baseline levels and associated
lipoprotein) and HDL also help prevent – and
conditions such as type 1 diabetes, generally it’s lifestyle decisions
(high-density lipoprotein) potentially reverse – negative
that cause type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
cholesterol. Progesterone cardiovascular effects
For instance, a bad diet including excessive amounts of
also plays a primary role in resulting from declines in
processed foods or long-term overconsumption of calories
dilating blood vessels, which oestrogen and progesterone.
will be one of the biggest drivers of impaired insulin function
and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Other factors such
as exercise regime, stress, sleep and body fat levels also affect
insulin function.
Nutrition largely affects thyroid hormones and metabolism, COMMON CULPRITS
with newer research showing every diet type impacts your » Thyroid hormones
thyroid, lowering your metabolism. Many people go on various » Oestrogen
diets – yo-yo dieting being a common one nowadays – that
negatively impact your thyroid hormones, making it harder to be CAUSES
successful with fat loss long term. Other issues such as iodine and Thyroid function and oestrogen levels decline with age and affect
selenium deficiencies, food intolerances, toxicity and hormone important processes such as metabolic rate, energy levels, alertness
imbalances also contribute. and wellbeing. When reduced, I often see clients experience
unexpected weight gain and intense fatigue.
Simple and sustainable lifestyle changes – including cutting back FINDING SOLUTIONS
on drastic diets, closely monitoring food intake, and performing Maintaining a healthy, nutrient-rich diet, regularly practising
high-intensity, metabolically demanding exercises such as high- metabolically demanding exercise and creating healthy habits to
intensity interval training (HIIT) – will both improve insulin improve metabolism and energy levels is imperative for long-term
sensitivity and help moderate weight gain. health and wellbeing.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 37
KATE JOHNSTON // Naturopath and nutritionist //
korewellbeing.com.au // @korewellbeing
» Human growth hormone (HGH)
» Thyroid hormones
ON FAT LOSS that imitates oestrogen), impaired
detoxification, low progesterone and
holding excess weight itself can produce HGH is required for muscle synthesis
» Cortisol
more oestrogen. Fat cells possess an and fat burning, and is impaired by lack
» Oestrogen
enzyme called aromatase, which convert of sleep (or quality of sleep). Women
testosterone to oestrogen, so the more fat will experience fluctuations of HGH
that exists, the more oestrogen you will throughout their menstrual cycle, so
Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands
produce, and the cycle continues. Excess aiming for balance across all female
during periods of prolonged stress. While
oestrogen can supress thyroid function hormones will support your ability to
this is purposeful when stress comes (which in turn slows the metabolism),
in short bursts, stress is often ongoing, increase muscle.
and has also been shown to prevent the T3 (the most active thyroid
leading to a chronically high cortisol oxidation of fat to use as energy.
level. Cortisol stimulates the release of hormone) is involved in not only
the mitochondrial function (energy
glucose into the bloodstream, which then FINDING SOLUTIONS production) within the muscles, but
stimulates the release of insulin – this aids » Reduce stress and make time for rest also its ability to signal an increase
the body to utilise glucose and fat storage. and relaxation. in protein synthesis. On the flip side,
This creates a vicious cycle where high » Increase your consumption of fibre and having an underactive thyroid can
cortisol leads to weight gain – particularly brassica vegetables (such as cabbage, cause fatigue, making it difficult to find
visceral fat around the abdomen – kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts). the energy to exercise.
promoting the release of more cortisol in These help to clear oestrogen from the
response to the same initial stress. body and support healthy metabolism. FINDING SOLUTIONS
Oestrogen is produced primarily by » Reduce sugar consumption to improve » Get at least seven to nine hours of
our ovaries and shouldn’t be too high or insulin sensitivity. quality sleep per night.
too low – balance is the key. Often in the » Get at least seven to nine hours of » Reduce stress levels and make time
clinic I see women with excess oestrogen, quality sleep per night. for relaxation.
which can impair their ability to lose » Minimise exposure to xenoestrogens, » Ensure adequate consumption of
fat. Elevated oestrogen can be due to a which are found in plastic food zinc, iodine and other trace minerals
number of factors, including exposure containers and commercial cosmetics to support thyroid health.
to xenoestrogens (foreign oestrogen and fragrances.

38 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
SYSTEM COMMON CULPRITS rhythm and is the master
COMMON CULPRITS » Progesterone hormone for sleep. Our modern
» Insulin » Melatonin lives and exposure to blue light
» Vitamin D via our phones, television and
CAUSES other backlit devices is wiping
CAUSES Progesterone is the hormone out this hormone, leading
Impaired insulin sensitivity affects metabolic health and produced by ovulation, to insomnia and impaired
increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. An increase in the catch 22 being that we sleep quality.
inflammatory cytokines (small secreted proteins released require progesterone to
by cells) and increased blood pressure place stress on blood ovulate. Progesterone has FINDING SOLUTIONS
vessels and drive atherosclerosis (a disease of the arteries) – many powerful benefits for » Reduce stress levels and
both factors that impact heart health. women’s health, including make time for relaxation.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone, not a vitamin, and immune modulation, reduced » Opt for non-hormonal
low levels are commonly associated with cardiovascular feelings of anxiety and PMS, contraception methods
conditions, including an increased risk of heart attack, and increased muscle growth such as a fertility monitor,
stroke and congestive heart failure. Vitamin D regulates and energy. Many women are condoms or the copper IUD.
blood sugar levels, improves insulin sensitivity and deficient in this hormone, » Avoid exposure to blue light
regulates blood pressure via the kidneys. often due to stress (elevated once the sun goes down – use
cortisol steals progesterone) a ‘night mode’ app on your
FINDING SOLUTIONS and the use of hormonal phone and computer and
contraception, which shuts off turn off screens at least one
» A balanced diet of quality protein and carbohydrates
ovulation and consequently hour before bedtime.
that’s low in refined carbohydrates and added sugar.
progesterone production. » Consume a fresh, wholefood
» Consume an abundance of brightly coloured vegetables
Melatonin is a vital hormone diet rich in B vitamins,
and some fruit to ensure high antioxidant status.
that regulates our circadian magnesium and zinc.
» Aim for 20 minutes (or less if you are fair skinned or
in the throes of a hot summer day) of sunshine per day
(ideally between 10am and 3pm) without sunglasses and
sunscreen to support the absorption of vitamin D.
» Consume oily fish, particularly sardines, which DR CRIS BEER // Holistic GP (Integrative medicine specialist)
are a rich source of vitamin D and help to // drcris.com.au
reduce inflammation.
» Cortisol
» Thyroid hormones

Ongoing high levels of stress elevate blood cortisol levels, which in turn
affects your ability to burn fat. Cortisol causes the body to hold on to fat
stores as a way of protecting the body against the effects of stress.
Thyroid hormones control metabolic rate, and as this hormone
balance is intertwined with cortisol levels, when stress is high,
metabolism can be negatively affected. So the higher your stress levels
and the more they prolong, the less likely you are able to burn fat.

Reducing stress levels is the most common solution, but is easier said
than done. A practical way to do this is with regular exercise – but
not intense exercise, which can put more pressure on cortisol levels.
Moderate-intensity interval training has been shown to help reduce
cortisol levels without adding excess strain on the body. Regular
mindfulness meditation and consistently getting a full night’s sleep
(seven to nine hours) will also help reduce stress levels.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 39
» Testosterone
» Insulin

When testosterone levels reduce due to ongoing high levels ON GENERAL
of stress or when the body becomes insulin resistant, the HEALTH
body finds it difficult to gain muscle and instead tends to
gain body fat (particularly around the mid-section). » Serotonin
Insulin controls blood glucose balance, and muscles » Dopamine
need a certain amount of glucose to grow. When the body
no longer responds to insulin the way it should due to CAUSES
repeated overindulgence, fatty liver disease, high levels of Serotonin and dopamine are the
cortisol and/or other hormone imbalance, blood glucose two brain hormones, also known
levels rise and the muscles are unable to utilise that glucose. as the ‘happy hormones’, and an
imbalance will affect overall health
FINDING SOLUTIONS and wellbeing.
Two solutions that help to improve testosterone levels and Serotonin regulates mood and
reduce insulin levels are exercising regularly, particularly a lack of can lead to anxiety and/
resistance training (with weights), and controlling blood or depression. Low dopamine
sugar levels. levels can lead to addictions and
Resistance training improves muscle growth, which in intense cravings.
turn boosts testosterone production and the utilisation of These hormones can be out of
blood glucose, which reduces insulin resistance. balance due to high stress levels,
Blood sugar levels can be controlled by eating regularly. poor-quality sleep, lack of sunshine
Eating small-portioned meals regularly (containing low and exercise, and poor gut health.
to moderate amounts of carbohydrates) will improve In terms of gut health, it is now
insulin levels and indirectly improve testosterone levels known that the majority of our
by improving liver health (poor liver health is linked to body’s serotonin is produced in
dysregulation of hormone production). Including protein our gut. So when our gut is not
with each meal will further stabilise blood sugar levels and functioning normally (which
insulin levels in the blood. usually presents as bloating,
constipation, diarrhoea and/
or abdominal discomfort), the
ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM production of serotonin declines,
COMMON CULPRITS leading to potential depression
» Noradrenaline
Reducing stress levels will reduce the
» Adrenaline
overproduction of these flight or fight FINDING SOLUTIONS
CAUSES hormones – again, often easier said Improve gut function by taking
These two hormones are often out of balance. than done. a good-quality probiotic, avoid
They’re part of the nervous system and act as Deep breathing will also help: practise processed and sugary foods and
an intrinsic component of the ‘flight or fight’ the 4,7,8 breathing method, which involves increase your daily intake of
system in the body, meaning that they help breathing in for four seconds, holding fibrous foods such as vegetables,
the body respond to sudden short bursts of for seven seconds and then breathing out whole grains and fresh fruit
stress. They act to increase blood flow, heart for eight seconds. Repeat this regularly (ideally fruits that have skins).
rate, breathing rate and overall cardiovascular throughout the day. Getting enough daily sun
output. Unfortunately, when stress is repeated Another useful technique is progressive exposure. For most of us this means
and/or consistently present, these hormones muscle relaxation. This involves progressively at least 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight.
are overproduced and can lead to strain on the and actively tensing and then relaxing each Exercising outdoors is a great way
cardiovascular system, leading to palpitations, muscle group from your toes all the way to to kill two birds with one stone and
shortness of breath and muscle tension (for your head and neck muscles; especially useful goes a long way to improve happy
example, intercostal muscle tension leading to before going to bed each night to help unwind brain hormone levels.
sharp chest pains, especially with exercise). the nervous system.

40 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au



in ng


42 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Eating mindfully is having a moment. For years now we have
heard about its benefits for health and wellness – from alleviating
digestive issues and enhancing weight loss to managing binge
eating and helping to treat eating disorders. But while mindful
eating is a relatively straightforward concept – chew slowly, pay
attention to your body’s cues, be ‘present’ while eating – it is not
a diet. Confused yet? With Christmas (and more than one guzzled
ham) just around the corner, Hilary Simmons took another look at
mindful eating’s core principals.

W While mindful eating can help you

to tune in to your natural feelings
of fullness and hunger, or make
you more aware of food-related
patterns of thought, losing weight is
not necessarily the number one reason
to eat mindfully; therefore, adopting it
as a strategy may be of no real advantage
for those with weight-loss goals in mind.
Even during the silly season. So what can
it do for you and your health – both now
and in the long-term?
This involves engaging with all the five
senses – taste, smell, touch, sound and
sight – and paying attention to your own
bodily sensations, such as hunger or tension,
before, during and after eating.
But before you start to worry that you
don’t have time to consciously savour the
rich aroma and soothing warmth of every
cup of coffee you drink – or give up your
love of cosying up on the couch with your
dinner for a TV show binge – don’t worry.
It’s a common misconception that mindful
eating means eating in a very minimalistic,
while scrolling through Facebook alongside
your colleagues.
According to psychologist
Dr Kiera Buchanan, who specialises in eating
disorders and mindful eating, bringing a
sense of mindfulness to meals is simply about
removing the guilt and rules from eating;
it’s about focusing on your physical and
emotional needs as well as the food on your
plate. It is perfectly possible to eat mindfully
while in the company of others, or while
engaging in another activity, such as watching
television or listening to a podcast. The
THE ORIGINS OF monk-like manner. Think slowly munching
a salad while sitting solo at a dining room
key is being aware that you’re eating while
preoccupied rather than consuming food
MINDFUL EATING table as opposed to scoffing a sandwich unconsciously because you’re distracted.
The term ‘mindfulness’ itself comes
from a word in the Pali language of
ancient India that can be loosely
translated as ‘awareness.’ It
Mindful eating is different from intuitive eating, despite the terms often being used
describes the practice of
interchangeably. Mindful eating, at its core, focuses on how we eat rather than what
purposefully focusing
we eat. With intuitive eating, the focus is less on how we eat than on how we respond
your attention on the
to bodily signals in order to achieve alignment between mind, body and food. Both
present moment and has
strategies play an important role in establishing a healthy diet and a healthy relationship
its roots in Buddhism.
with food. The practical difference is that mindful eating revolves around the actual
Mindful eating is essentially
eating experience, whereas intuitive eating is more concerned with how we process and
about eating with awareness
respond to bodily messages about hunger and satiety.
and paying attention to your
Both mindful eating and intuitive eating involve practising inner awareness at the
body’s signals.
same time as eating foods that both satisfy nutritional needs and are enjoyable. Still
In other words, it’s not what you eat,
sound kind of the same? Well, yes. This is because both ‘how to eat’ philosophies share
it’s how and why you eat. Mindful eating
the aim of helping people achieve their wellness goals long rather than short term – over
is a way of eating your food so that you
a lifetime rather than a few weeks.
are truly aware of the experience of eating.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 43
According to a 2015 Swiss study found that they were more likely to eat
published in the international research ‘congruently’ – in other words, to take a
journal Appetite, your eating habits are bite within five seconds of the other person
unknowingly guided by your personality taking a bite. A 2012 study published in
traits. Your neuroses, in other words, could the Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology
be partially responsible for your love of found that those who score high on
Cadbury chocolate. sociotropic tests – that is, are too heavily
This means that mindful eating could be invested in interpersonal relationships –
more beneficial for some personality types tend to overeat in social situations to make
than others, as certain characteristics are the people around them feel comfortable.
considered ‘risk factors’ for an unhealthy The take-home? Knowing yourself – a
lifestyle featuring a distinctly ‘mindless’ diet. fundamental principal of mindfulness
For instance, conscientious people are less – could be key to maintaining a healthy
likely to eat sugary food, sensitive people are diet rather than just how good you are at
more likely to engage in ‘emotional eating’, counting calories or avoiding the ‘wrong’
and people-pleasers eat more on average types of foods.
than those less concerned with the opinions
of others. Research suggests that extroverted
people are more likely to eat out frequently THE MISSING LINK
and are also more likely to help themselves Understanding the mind so often means also understanding the
to larger portions. body – particularly when it comes to mindful eating.
As we know from numerous social “We live fast-paced lives, often fuelled by sugar, caffeine, and
psychology studies, people tend to mirror stress,” says nutritionist, author and holistic health coach Lulu
the eating patterns of those they are with. Cook. “We can get caught in lifestyle patterns in which we are
A 2011 British study of young women running on automatic, and this typically will not lead us toward
reliable signals from our bodies in those overloaded moments.
Our bodies and cravings can mislead us into seeking out fast,
easy calories that are soothing and release certain feelgood
hormones such as serotonin – until our blood sugar crashes,
and we feel cranky and hungry again.
Recent research published in BioEssays by the US National
Library of Medicine revealed that even our gut microbiota
influences our cravings. When we habitually consume diets high
in refined carbohydrates such as sugar, we are selectively feeding
microbes that will then clamour for more of the sweet stuff.
“On the other hand, a diet high in prebiotic foods such
as asparagus, apples and barley (which feed our healthful
bacteria) will feed a different community of gut bacteria that
trigger cravings as well – for more vegetables and nutritious
wholegrains,” says Cook.
The logical conclusion seems to be that mindfulness in
eating is inseparable from mindfulness of biology, and that it
may be possible to actually train your body so that it clamours
for prebiotics rather than sugar.
“We have evolutionary development to thank for being
‘wired’ to seek out high-energy/high-calorie foods that will
sustain us through times of deprivation,” says Cook.
“There are triggers which can promote this biological
tendency to stockpile our personal energy reserves (i.e. fat),
such as being confronted with a wide variety of foods at the

same time: a feast as opposed to a famine. We might experience

this at a holiday buffet, or dining in a social setting with other
eaters whose meal-time plans lean toward indulgent rather than
healthful, or – and especially – at Christmas.”

44 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
The most important thing to remember “We can support ourselves in advance
while navigating the bowls and trays of the hectic holiday season by committing
of goodies at Christmas parties and to cultivate mindfulness now,” says Cook.
celebrations is that there’s more to eating “It’s considered a practice because it’s not
mindfully than just making ‘good’ food something we ‘get right’ the first time we
choices. It’s about fully appreciating try it. It takes regular, consistent attention
whatever it is you’re eating – whether that’s to begin to shift out of our reactive,
a Nutella doughnut or an Israeli grain salad. busy mindsets toward a sense of more
“Although it too has been bastardised calm, spacious awareness of each passing
by the diet industry, mindful eating was moment. For most of us, it will remain a
not intended as, nor is it, a dieting tool to practice rather than a destination we ever
lose weight,” says Dr Buchanan. “In fact, reach – and that’s okay. The more you
it’s the opposite. It’s not about changing practice, the stronger your connection with
or controlling anything, but rather about your mind and body becomes.”
bringing a sense of mindfulness to meals to
help step away from the shame, guilt and
self-criticism often associated with food HOLIDAYS
that in turn can create unhealthy eating
behaviours. Mindful eating is only a pipe
Eat mindfully during the silly season
dream during the silly season if it’s being (and beyond) with our experts top tips:
used as a tactic to control eating, which is » Set simple, achievable goals: such
not very mindful at all.” as eating vegetables in two of the
“We can always eat mindfully no matter meals you consume every weekday
what the occasion or setting,” says Cook. in December, or drinking a glass
“It does not have to take extra time or of water for every two or three
special effort – no one need even know alcoholic beverages.
about it – and we can do it with any type » Keep up your usual healthy habits:
of food we put on our plate – even truly throughout the silly season and
indulgent holiday treats. By bringing check in with yourself throughout
our full attention and appreciation to the day, noticing your feelings of
whatever we are consuming, we give excitement or stress, and choosing
ourselves the gift of enjoying those an intention of compassion that
special bites. The bonus is that we may will be crucial when it comes to
find ourselves satisfied with less when we the craziness of family, feasting
are eating mindfully, and therefore get and feelings. You don’t have to
to enjoy those seasonal specials without be mindful with every bite you
derailing all of our good intentions.” consume – and letting go of that
expectation can actually help
Eating mindfully over Christmas is not
you achieve balance without
as challenging as it sounds. When you’re
even trying.
out and about celebrating, try to take
» Practise knowing your limits.
account of all your senses as you eat. How
Finding a healthy, sustainable
does the food taste? What’s its texture?
weight range and diet is grounded
What flavours can you identify? How does in self-acceptance. Ultimately,
it smell? Slow down and fully appreciate you shouldn’t use Christmas as an
what it is you’re eating and try to focus excuse to eat poorly for two weeks
on soaking in all the things your senses (or more!), but remember to cut
can pick up. This may sound aspirational, yourself some slack. Working with
especially if you’re knocking back a few our bodies instead of against them
Proseccos, but try to chew slowly and is the key to creating practical and
make truly conscious decisions about food lasting change, and living a life of
instead of just dipping into bowls of lollies mindful balance.
or chips because they’re within arm’s reach.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 45




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yYou may be on holiday from work, but that

doesn’t mean time is suddenly abundant.
In place of emails, angry bosses and after-
hour meetings comes the visiting in-laws,
travels (if you’re lucky) and boozy Christmas
parties. So where to fit the gym sesh?
Knowing what you ‘can get away with’ in
terms of your body composition and health
is paramount this time of year. And rather
than feel guilty about a fitness schedule de-
load, you will be happy to hear that taking
a breather can actually be beneficial to

your goals.

46 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

The good news is that toning down your training during the
festive season can actually benefit – rather than diminish – your
health, says nutritionist, trainer and founder of Balance Fitness
and Nutrition Brooke Turner (balancefitnessandnutrition.
com.au); but this depends on the duration of your sabbatical,
along with your activity levels and nutrition. For example, MINDSET & HORMONAL BENEFITS
someone who trains six days per week taking a six month “A lot of women put pressure on themselves to be hitting certain
break is different to slowing it down for a couple of weeks over exercise and physique goals, and believe taking a break will
Christmas. Plus, your ability to retain muscle mass and cardio cause them to lose all fitness. But this isn’t true. Your muscles
fitness differs from person to person and depends on how hard won’t shrink overnight and as long as you are doing some kind
you’ve been training. of movement, you will maintain your cardio fitness. Plus, a short
Generally, between one to three weeks’ break is break can give you a newfound motivation to hit the gym when
okay – although tapering, rather than halting, movement you do go back,” says accredited exercise physiologist Sarah
is recommended. King (skactive.com.au).
“Tapering refers to the reduction of exercise before “Exercise is a stress on your body, and a short break can
a competition or race, believed to be essential for best lower inflammatory hormones such as cortisol. This is important
because too much of this hormone can wreak havoc on your
performance. Taper periods can range from one to three
health, causing weight gain around your waistline and an
weeks – about the timeframe that you would want to increase
increased risk of diabetes.”
your training so you don’t lose excessive strength and fitness,”
And you don’t need six days of high-intensity training to
says Turner.
reap benefits in the mental stakes. Research suggests that
“All of life’s stressors, including the stress generated from
even a single bout of exercise can lead to substantial mood
exercise and inadequate rest, compound. Tapering your improvements. A study published in the British Journal of Sports
training for a period of time can have beneficial effects on your Medicine found that 30 minutes of walking and interval training
hormones, mindset, recovery and reaching your goals.” per day for a period of 10 days resulted in a significant reduction
But again, this depends on the individual – in depression in suffering individuals.
especially mentally.
“My clients often tell me that even a period of a week PHYSICAL BENEFITS
without exercise has a negative impact on their mood, anxiety Many women overtrain and undereat in pursuit of the ‘perfect’
and stress levels,” adds clinical psychologist Dr Yuliya Richard body, which can cause plateaus and even weight gain. In this
(bluehorizoncounselling.com.au). instance, a reduction in training can help prevent burnout,
rebalance hormones vital to a lean body composition and allow
muscles to repair and recover.
“If you undertake regular exercise for periods of time, your
body adapts to the forms of training, the energy systems
targeted and you may notice a plateau in your strength, fitness,
and weight loss or performance goals. This is also the case when
overtraining,” says Turner.
“Taking a period of time to ‘tone down’ your training allows
your body’s adaptive mechanisms to reset, ridding it of fatigue
and allowing full recovery. Research has shown that periods
of de-loading followed by a return to training actually result in
increased weight loss and support strength and fitness gains.”
Reducing your training can also help to rebuild and boot your
immune system through longer periods of rest and decreased
stress on the body.
“When the immune system is responding, it floods
overworked areas of the body with fluid to help cushion those
areas. This can lead to increased risk of injury and inflammation,”
says Turner.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 47
When setting your bare minimum exercise
goals, think health – first. Especially given
the likelihood of booze and processed foods
making a significant entrance into your diet
this time of year.

GUIDELINES: are a good starting
point, recommending 150 to 300
minutes of moderate intensity physical
activity – or 75 to 150 minutes of
vigorous intensity physical activity – or
the equivalent of the two, combined BARE MINIMUM FOR
with two strength sessions per week,
for maintaining good health. MAINTAINING BODY COMPOSITION
Why? The research tends to back
their advice, with multiple studies
showing that regular sweat sessions
STUNTING FAT GAIN “There’s a common misconception
As your activity levels decrease, your that your workout will burn huge
not only help to combat obesity and
energy needs will drop, so keeping your amounts of calories, but it’s actually
cardiovascular disease, but also improve
body fuelled with nutritious food is key. only five to 10 per cent of your energy
cognitive function. Researchers at the
Turner recommends reducing your carb expenditure,” says King.
University of British Columbia found
and calorie intake to match a decreased
that aerobic exercise boosts the area
training load, teamed with higher fats Your total daily energy expenditure is
of your brain responsible for verbal
and protein in order to maintain your comprised of four components:
memory and learning. Think fast-paced
body composition. » your basal metabolic rate
walking, stair-climbing, swimming,
“Higher fat and protein in your diet » non-exercise activity thermogenesis
squash and even dancing.
will assist in boosting your energy levels, (the energy you use when you fidget
support the absorption of important and move)
FROM THE TRAINER: Being active
nutrients, and contribute to balanced » the thermic effect of food (energy you
on all (or most) days – with a mix of
hormones and recovery of your joints and use to break down chicken and brown
cardiovascular and strength training – is
muscles. During periods of decreased rice into energy your body can use)
ideal, agrees Turner. She recommends
activity your body predominantly uses » exercise activity thermogenesis (the
performing cardio four days and strength
fats as its main fuel source. It also requires energy you burn working out)
training two days per week for the
a decent amount of fat to stay lean,”
average woman to maintain optimal
says Turner. “So when you slow down your
health. Even on the holidays.
“Eating adequate fat and protein workouts, your daily energy needs aren’t
How? This should be a mix of low-
while reducing carbs during your periods significantly different,” says King.
intensity steady state (LISS) cardio
of lower activity can lead to happy Try a short HIIT session the morning
with a perceived exertion of five to
hormones, improved metabolism, fat loss after a boozy night to eliminate toxins
seven (a steady-paced walk where
and maintained body composition in the and metabolise the alcohol. Research
you can still carry a conversation) and
long run.” published in the Journal of Obesity
high-intensity interval training (HIIT)
As much as Christmas pudding and indicates that high-intensity intermittent
with a perceived exertion of seven to
cold beers in the sun are difficult to pass training (HIIE) can reduce subcutaneous
nine (think any aerobic exercise that
up, try to limit processed foods, sugar (situated under the skin) and abdominal
get’s the heart rate up). Add two load-
and alcohol consumption, which all lead fat. Women who completed a HIIE
bearing sessions per week (weights,
to an increase in blood sugar levels, training program of three 20-minute
strength training or bodyweight
inflammation and weight gain. sessions per week for 15 weeks lost
exercises) to improve cardiovascular
The good news is that a reduction in significantly more subcutaneous fat than
fitness, reduce lifestyle-related diseases
training won’t necessarily wreak havoc on a group who did a steady-state aerobic
and maintain a healthy weight.
your calorie deficit. exercise program.

48 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
You generally lose your conditioning and cardiovascular fitness
more quickly than your strength. While conditioning dips after
about 14 days of inactivity, expect your strength to hold out for up
to three weeks, says Turner. And if you’re concerned about losing
your muscle mass, you can rest assured that once you recommence
training as usual, muscle memory will assist in restoring your gains.
“Muscle memory lives in the brain rather than in the muscles, and
is built through repetition over time – it’s an acquired skill that has
been practised for so long that it seems innate (similar to tying your
shoelaces or riding a bike),” says Turner.
“It may still take some time to reach your previous levels of
strength, fitness or shape but if you’ve put in the work, you will reach
your pre-inactivity levels faster than if you were starting from scratch
on your training journey.”

Hitting key body parts once to twice a week will help maintain
lean muscle mass – and you don’t necessarily need to step foot


in a gym. Grab yourself a set of resistance bands and dive into
this circuit every few days to target large muscle groups and
incorporate compound movements:
3-5 rounds // 35 seconds on, 15 seconds off // 1-minute rest after
each round: O
» Walking lunges
» Tricep dips
» Air squats or drop squats
» Plyo push-ups
» Walking plank I
While short and sharp training circuits are efficient ways of
burning calories during and post-workout and maintaining lean
muscle mass, they cannot be sustained long term; the higher
intensity can be hard on your body and joints, making you more
prone to injury. So be sure to adhere to your usual resistance
program after your three-week break, and ensure adequate recovery.


Fat maintenance during the holidays
doesn’t necessarily require hours in-
gym. In conjunction with good nutrition, M A INTA INING M OTIVATIO N
King recommends peripheral heart
action (PHA) training. I LI K E TO
“Essentially, PHA training is super-
setting upper and lower body strength
The key is to tone down rather than
exercises. By doing this your blood
completely halt your exercise regimen,
constantly has to move from your arms
but maintaining motivation during
to your legs and back again so your
times of temptation generally comes
heart rate remains high, improving
down to how you think about your
your cardio fitness while you tone up,”
training. If heading for the bench press
says King.
doesn’t excite you, you’ll likely forego
Try the following circuit workout exercise for the call of cosmos.
recommended by King to keep excess
holiday fat off while maintaining fitness Follow the experts’ top tips for
– no equipment needed, a simple one maintaining motivation:
to do from your hotel room: » Look on the bright side: “The
Set a timer for 45 seconds with 15 relationship you have with exercise
seconds’ rest and transition, cycling will depend on how you prioritise
through the exercises below. Aim for it and whether toning down your
three to four rounds. training will have positive effects
» Bodyweight squats or not. If you view exercise as
» Tricep dips punishment or to purely burn calories
» Step-ups (place one of the hotel rather than seeing it for its mental
chairs against a wall) and physical health benefits, then
» Push-ups you’re less likely to enjoy it and
» Lateral lunges remain consistent. When you value
» Bicycle crunches and enjoy exercise – you prioritise it,”
FOR A says Turner.
HEART » Develop an exercise routine before
WORKOUT summer hits so motivation isn’t an
issue next season: “The development
of positive habits and routines is
BARE MINIMUM FOR MAINTAINING important for mental wellbeing,
with a holistic and flexible approach.
CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS Ideally, a good exercise routine
should be sustainable and easily
The America Heart Association recommends “Doing sprint interval training, such as modified and adapted to take life
at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity 30 seconds of all-out effort, followed by a changes into account, and having
aerobic activity at least five days per week for short recovery can tax your system enough a number of different activities you
maintaining cardiovascular health. to maintain your fitness or VO2max,” participate in can help,” says Richard.
she says.
» Modify your routine: King suggests
HOLIDAY SHORTCUTS “But if you don’t like going super hard
experimenting with outdoor activities
Interval training can be an efficient way to and fast, a longer, more moderate session
during this time that take advantage
maintain fitness levels, with higher intensities such as cycling or jogging for 20 minutes
of summer’s social theme and heat.
meaning your muscles and heart work might be a better option.”
Think learning to surf or a game
harder in a shorter – more efficient – amount Turner agrees that Tabata and HIIT
of beach volleyball with friends.
of time. workouts can aid in conditioning the
Try mixing up such activities with
King suggests Tabata, which involves four anaerobic system necessary for maintaining
bootcamps, walking, swimming,
minutes of working as hard as you can for cardio fitness, but a steady walk or jog will
running, yoga, Pilates and gym
20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. If also do the job. Finding a balance of cardio
sessions; this way you have options
you’re left totally spent, you should reap the that you enjoy will see you on the path to
depending on the season and
same benefits as a longer duration steady- successfully reaching and maintaining your
weather moving into the new year.
state cardio sesh. health, aesthetic and performance goals.

50 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


Models/Trainers: Alexa Towersey (@actionalexa) &

Jenna Douros (@jennalouise_jl)
Photographer: Jason Lee // @jasonminilee
Wearing: Douros – P.E. Nation // Towersey – Heroine Sport
(shoes by Athletic Propulsion Labs) via Stylerunner

52 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
This workout program is fat loss focused,
utilising a combination of full body
resistance-based exercises, high-intensity
intervals and core control. We wanted to
give you the biggest bang for your training
buck – to make sure that you really can have
your cake and eat it too while maintaining a
solid base of strength and conditioning!
All of the prescribed exercises can be
performed anywhere and anytime, requiring
only a pair of dumbbells (DBs or KBs), and
your own body weight. So there really are
no excuses.


MONDAY Resistance Dumbbell

WEDNESDAY Resistance Dumbell
FRIDAY Resistance Dumbell
SATURDAY HIIT & Core (Optional)
SUNDAY Playtime/Rest


2 rounds 3 rounds
90-sec rest 70-sec rest

4 rounds 5 rounds
45-sec rest 30-sec rest

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 53

Perform the set number of repetitions 1

for each exercise – A1 through A5 –
back to back, with only transition for
rest in between exercises. Rest 30 to
90 seconds at the end of each round.
Repeat for a total of 2 to 5 rounds. If
you don’t have a pair of DBs/KBs, you
can use a pair of filled water bottles.
Focus on control and precision
for each exercise; you should never
sacrifice form for speed or load.
Think about keeping your core
engaged throughout by drawing the
bellybutton to the spine, and always
think about the alignment of your
body: simple things such as ensuring
the knees track your second and third
toes or keeping your weight on your
heels for all standing exercises can
make a huge difference.

NOTE: step forward into

the lunge with the leg
opposite to the hand
holding the dumbbell.

Set yourself up for a squat with
feet slightly turned out and
just wider than hip distance,
weight on the heels with the
dumbbell in the right hand.
Keeping the chest proud and
the knees tracking the toes, sit
down into your squat, touching
the dumbbell to the ground,
directly underneath your
shoulder. Drive up through the
heels, bringing the dumbbell
up to your shoulder and step
forwards into a lunge, reaching
the dumbbell overhead. Step
your foot back to the initial
squat position and repeat. 2 3

54 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

Holding the
dumbbells, start in a straight arm
plank position with hands directly
underneath the shoulders, and legs
hip-distance apart. Complete one
rep of a push-up (chest to ground)
and then turn into a side plank
position on the blades of your feet,
reaching the dumbbell up to the
ceiling. Come back to centre and
alternate sides. Keep the bellybutton
drawn in throughout and the glutes
tight to support the lower back. You
can regress the exercise by using
body weight only, or performing
either the push-up or the entire
movement on your knees.

2 3

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 55
1 2

Start by standing upright with feet
together, holding the dumbbell in
front of your chest. Take a wide
step to one side, sitting back and
down into a lateral lunge. Drive
off the heel and come back to
the centre before stepping across
and behind with the same leg
into a curtsy lunge. Step back
to centre and repeat. Make sure
the hips and shoulders face
forwards throughout.
3 4

56 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
end of year
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Start upright, holding the
dumbbells in each hand, with the feet set up as
if for a squat position. Squat down, placing the
dumbbells on the ground and jump back into a
plank position. Perform a row on each side by
pulling the wrist to the rib. Jump the feet outside
the hands into a squat position, chest up. Drive
through the heels, bringing the dumbbells to
your shoulders before pressing overhead.

NOTE: when performing

the rows, try and stay in
the plank position with
minimal hip movement;
keep the elbows tight to
your body and the abs
drawn in. The wider the
leg placement, the easier
it is to maintain balance.

4 5

58 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

Lie on your back, holding the dumbbell across
your hip bones. Bring the soles of your feet
together and allow the knees to drop out. Imagine the ribs
are down, connected to the pelvis and have a slight posterior
tilt. Push through the blades of the feet, driving the hips up to
the ceiling, and bringing the knees together at the top of the
movement. As the hips come down, the knees fall open again.
Really focus on squeezing the inner thighs and glutes at the top
of the movement.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 59
These HIIT circuits are designed to get
your heart rate high and burn max calories
while improving your muscle endurance
and cardiovascular fitness. It requires only
your body weight, so you can perform
the workout literally anywhere. Complete
all exercises back-to-back, as quickly as
1 2
possible, with only transition time as rest.
At the end of the round, rest for 30 to 90
seconds. Complete 2 to 5 rounds.

Kick-sits x 20
Start in a bear position, hands directly under
shoulders and elbows/knees hovering
approximately an inch off the ground,
under hips. Keep both hands planted on the
ground while you thread one leg though
to the opposite side until your hip taps the
ground. Bring your leg back through the
same way and repeat on the opposite side.

Plyo Push-tucks x 10
Start by lying on your belly with your hands 3
flat on the floor, tucked just under your
shoulders. From this position you want PLYO PUSH-TUCKS
to push your body up into a raised plank
position while simultaneously tucking both
knees towards your underarms. Return the
same way and repeat for a total of 10 reps.

In and Outs in Squat Position

on Toes x 20
Start in a squat position. Now raise up
onto your toes before jumping both feet
out wide and back in again. That’s 1 rep.
Wall Walks x 8
Start by lying on your belly with your feet
touching a wall and hands above your head.
From this position, reverse/push your body
up the wall, walking your hands all the
way in so that your chest meets the wall.
Return the same way and repeat for a total
of 8 reps. You ould regress this exercise
to reverse burpees, where you just place
your hands on the ground as if for a regular
burpee and jump your feet up the wall.

Travelling Mountain Climbers x 10

each direction
Just like your standard mountain climber;
the difference being you will move left for
10 reps and right for 10 reps.

60 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

1 2


1 2

3 4




A strong core will support everything
else you do, but when most people
think of the core they only think of the
abs. The core includes all of the abs
(deep and superficial) in addition to
the muscles of the hips and lower back.
These four exercises are designed to
target as much of the core as possible.
When combined with the flexion,
extension and rotation exercises in
the DB Complex and HIIT workout,
you have a very comprehensive
workout plan. Where possible, think of
squeezing the inner thighs together
and drawing the pelvic floor in and up
(think holding your pee mid-flow) – this
is the most surefire way to activate
the midline and the ‘lazier’ lower and
deep transverse abdominals. We don’t
just want a washboard stomach on
the outside, we want a corset on the
inside. You can do the exercises in any
order but I like to start with the lower
abs (reverse crunches) and finish with
a neutral spine (reinforcing correct
posture for the day).
1 2
PROGRESSION: Lying on your back, lift your legs in the air with your knees slightly bent. Place your
WEEK 1: 1 SET | WEEK 2: 2 SETS hands on the floor beside you. Without momentum, use your lower abs to slowly
WEEK 3: 3 SETS | WEEK 4: 4 SETS curl the hips off the floor as if you want to touch your toes to the ceiling. Slowly
lower them back to the starting position. This is one rep.

Sit down on the
mat with your
knees bent, your
hands hugging
your knees and
lift your feet off
the floor. Open
your arms, extend
your legs as long
and as low as
possible without
arching your back.
Lift your torso,
bend your knees,
and return to the
1 2 starting position.

62 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
1 2
Lie on your back and raise your legs 90 degrees.
Spread your arms straight out to your sides for
support. Rotate your legs to one side, stopping
short of touching the floor. Rotate to the other
side. Try and reach the top hip on the rotation
while keeping the opposite shoulder on the
ground to make sure you’re not only working
the abs but getting a great stretch through the
upper (thoracic spine). As you improve, bring
your arms closer in to your body so they offer
less stability. 3

1 2 3
The goal is to maintain a solid plank
position throughout the whole exercise
and to not let your hips sway. Start on
your elbows and toes. Keep your hips as
still as possible, push up with one hand,
then the other, until you are propped
up in a push-up position. Lower back
down to your elbows one arm at a time.
Halfway through, change your leading
arm so you strengthen the other shoulder
as you press up to your hands. Note:
hand placement should be where your
elbows were – don’t cheat the movement
by just trying to straighten your arm.
4 5

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 63

When your body is your business, you have
no choice but to implement an epic training
regimen. We asked some of Australia’s
top athletes, TV personalities, models and
personal trainers about their personal exercise
plans and got our resident WH&F training
expert Sofia Toumbas (@thethaigress) to
explain how you can train like them too.

Laura Henshaw
kicgirls.com // @laura.henshaw (Instagram) //
@keepitcleaner (Instagram)


If you asked me three years ago, I would have said being fit
was all about achieving ‘model measurements’. But I now
understand that having extremely defined abs, hitting my
‘goal weight’ or having a thigh gap (which is genetically
impossible for me anyway) is not what will bring me
happiness. I am not as slim as I used to be, but I am now
happier than ever.


As long as I feel healthy and confident, I am happy! I

naturally have quite a sporty build. We all have insecurities
but I am really trying to focus on what I love about my
body. Instead of trying to change anything, I just dress in
what I feel confident in. I think confidence is the most
powerful thing you can have.

64 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
I work out six days a week for around 30 to 40 minutes
per session.
Jaz Correll
I always change up my routine to make sure I forgo
boredom or plateau, combining HIIT, boxing, strength
madstrengthtraining.com // @jazcorrell (Instagram)
and running. And this is exactly what we replicate on our
online fitness program KIC because we find it gets the best
ON MY REASONS FOR as hyperextension, Bulgarian split
results. I love to sweat when I train as it makes me feel the
KEEPING FIT squats, leg press, lunges, stiff-legged
Running my own fitness/health deadlifts and calf raises.
best afterwards; there is nothing better than being filled
company means that I need to set an » Tuesday (back and shoulders):
with endorphins. Running is great for your legs, boxing for
example of what real health looks Using a similar format, I start my
your arms and core, and HIIT I love because it is a full-body
like for my clients and followers. I upper body days with a heavy
workout and it keeps your metabolism firing all day.
want to show women that the best compound movement, such as chin-
way to look fit and healthy and ups, and then do higher rep ranges
1. DON’T WAIT FOR MOTIVATION: I think people assume achieve their body composition goals of other back exercises paired with
that they can’t move their body every day because they aren’t is to actually BE fit and healthy! I shoulders. I love training this way
motivated enough. If I waited for motivation to work out I don’t believe in giving advice that I because I get a great pump!
would NEVER work out. Don’t think about it: just get up and wouldn’t be prepared to follow.
» Wednesday (full body/arms/
do it. I am also more productive at work
chest): I start off with a close-grip
when I am at my healthiest. I find
bench press and EZ bar curls. Then
them off as you get through them. And if you think of that the best part about improving
I move on to lighter weights/higher
cancelling a session, ask yourself if you would cancel on a your health is the flow-on effect it
reps of arms, shoulders and abs in a
meeting with someone else. has in other areas of life, such as
circuit style.
work (even if you’re not in the fitness
3. PLAN YOUR WORKOUTS: There is nothing worse than » Thursday (rest + light
industry) and relationships.
going to the gym and not having a plan and wasting an exercise only)
hour walking around. I love following our KIC workouts at
the gym because I don’t have to think; I just get there, turn ON MY AESTHETIC GOALS » Friday (booty): This leg day is
it on and go! It’s totally cliche but right now I also very glute specific. It starts
am focusing on growing my booty. with heavy sumo deadlifts and
Hamstrings is also a focus as I find then I move on to rack pulls and
USE IT TOUMBAS’ TWO CENTS this the most difficult area to activate higher reps of leg curls, sumo
and grow. squats on the Smith machine and
BEST FOR: Training for your goal is paramount for
calf raises.
results. In order to select the appropriate training
ON MY TRAINING » Saturday (back and shoulders)
modality, your goal needs to be clear, measurable and
I train five days per week for 1.5
attainable. Laura’s goal is probably one of the easiest » Sunday (rest/outdoor
hours per session.
goals to cater her training to because her motivations exercise only)
Training for me is predominantly
are intrinsic; she seeks a feeling rather than a result.
strength/resistance based. I mix up
HITT TRAINING: Fat loss seems to be the most
my program every four weeks to ON MY TOP TRAINING TIPS
common result of HIIT training performed correctly. 1. ‘ALWAYS SOMETHING’ IS
avoid hitting a plateau and to keep it
When performed at maximal efforts, HITT training BETTER THAN ‘ALL OR NOTHING’:
interesting for me. At the moment,
has been said to provoke excess post-exercise oxygen You are super motivated, hit the gym
the goal of my program is focused
consumption (EPOC). When you feel breathless after a hard for two weeks and then miss
hard session, the body needs as much oxygen as it can
on hypertrophy, with an element of
a few days and you’re right back to
get to restore its levels within the body. Like a car engine strength training at the start of each
where you started. Sound familiar?
remains hot after a long drive, so does your body in a workout. I add a bit of cardio in here If this is you then I recommend
bid to restore homeostasis (balance). In this restorative and there throughout the week. The committing to going to the gym four
phase the metabolism is still quite fired up, which purpose for this is not fat loss (I lift to five times per week for a minimum
provokes your body to keep burning calories after the weights for that purpose) but because of 15 minutes per session. This helps
session has finished. I enjoy the rush of endorphins. create a habit without it being too
HITT training is one of the most time efficient training Cardio is my ‘me time’. overwhelming or daunting.
styles. It can go from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, but » Monday (legs): I begin with a 2. BUILD A STRONG FOUNDATION –
to make it an effective use of time, intensity needs to 5x5 of heavy low bar squats. This FIRST: Learn to train with perfect
increase as the duration of the session decreases; so is the strength element which will technique and THEN you can
those 10-minute sessions need to be performed at stimulate and force my legs to grow. train hard.
maximal levels to promote the EPOC effect. You need to
I follow this up with exercises that 3. DON’T BE SCARED
be gasping for air by the end!
target my glutes and hammies, such TO LIFT WEIGHTS!

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 65
BEST FOR: A strong booty is not muscle hypertrophy because
just an aesthetic goal; having you can increase total training
strong glutes sets a foundation volume for a specific muscle group
for the rest of your body and its and raise the intensity without
structural balance. The glutes are overtraining. There are three
the largest muscle in the body, so if elements that need to be present
they aren’t strong, the supporting to build muscle: muscle tension,
muscles overwork and eventually metabolic stress and muscle
cause chronic injuries such as damage. Split programming allows
back pain. What I really like about you to ensure all three elements
Jaz’s current training protocol is are present in your session without
that she is not only focusing on totally fatiguing the body.
building the muscle itself, but she’s STRENGTH APPLICATION (5X5
also developing neural efficiency PROCOTOL): This is probably my
through heavier loading to make favourite part of Jaz’s training
the muscle stronger. There are two and can be applied to any
different training modalities to use resistance workout regardless
because these are two different of whether it is a split program
goals – used together. or full body program. The 5x5
SPLIT PROGRAMMING: Means method is famous in the strength
you are basically training different and conditioning world as one
muscle groups in different sessions. of the most reliable methods of
For example, you can split a building strength. It is easy to
program into upper body and lower remember and easy to perform.
body; into pull and press; or you can However, it is recommended for
do muscle group splits, such as legs, intermediate and advanced lifters
chest and back. Split programming who have developed proper lifting
is prescribed predominantly for technique already.

Georgia Love
@GeorgieALove (Twitter) // @georgiealove (Instagram)

ON MY REASONS FOR KEEPING FIT to looking and feeling great, so I still do lots of
Most of what I do is on television and in the cardio and weight training; it’s not just my core
public eye, so that certainly motivates me to getting strong!
maintain a healthy and fit physique. But more  
importantly, with my days being so busy, eating ON MY TRAINING
well and exercising keep me healthy and my I exercise at least four times a week for 45
body running properly given I have no set minutes to an hour per session.
routine. Also, as ambassador for Palmer’s skin  I love F45 at the moment, so I do three to
care, it’s important to keep my skin glowing five classes per week. I find HIIT training really
and fresh! beneficial for mixing in both cardio and weight
  training, and the classes are completely different
ON MY AESTHETIC GOALS every time, so I’m never bored.
My tummy is and always has been my ‘problem I’m also loving boxing! I do an hour session
area’, so that’s always my focus when I work out. once a week and it’s such a great workout
But I believe in general fitness being the key without really feeling like you’re working out. It’s

66 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Brigitte Saunders
@brigxx (Instagram) // @brigittesaunderspt (Instagram) BEST FOR: Brigitte engages in an effective
and diverse range of activities that not only
ON MY REASONS FOR KEEPING FIT generally train from 45 minutes to an hour work with her strengths, but encourage
I teach up to 12 sessions a day plus train each session and on average I do six sessions system progression. Two to three heavy
myself as well – it’s a lot! I need all the a week. Sunday is usually active recovery: weightlifting sessions per week is ideal for
energy I can get to run at my peak, so a perhaps a walk or some release work on anyone to implement into their training
healthy diet, exercise and sleep all contribute the roller. protocol because this is where the body
to making sure I feel 100 per cent every I like to mix up my training to keep my makes its biggest transformations. Using the
day to deliver nothing short of the best to body guessing and my mind challenged. I big compound movements at a relatively
my clients. train weights two to three times per week, challenging load teaches the muscles how to
When you’re living a fit and healthy mixing it up with boxing, Pilates and HIIT move, communicate and work coherently.
lifestyle, it will show. Not only do you feel workouts. This seems to be the right mix for FOAM ROLLING: Foam rolling is a necessity
fabulous, you look it! My job as a trainer me to maintain strength, a low body fat level if you are extremely active, and is essentially
is to motivate men and women to lead and a solid level of fitness.  a self-regulated massage using a roller of
a healthier life, so it’s paramount I’m a   varying degrees of firmness. The firmer the
reflection of what I preach. ON MY TOP TRAINING TIPS roller, the deeper the massage.
1. ENJOY, FIRST: Find something you actually Generally, those who suffer from training-
ON MY AESTHETIC GOALS ENJOY doing. induced tendinopathy are referred to foam
I am quite tall for a girl, so my limbs are long rolling sessions to release the muscle belly
2. SLEEP WELL: Get your eight hours’ sleep
and lean, and I am very much a ‘work with and stimulate the sensory receptors in
and drink water.
the tendon attachments. When tendons
what you got’ kind of gal. If I had to name 3. PLAN IT OUT: Schedule your workouts in become inflamed and tight, they pull on the
a body part I’m working on, I’d have to say your calendar so you are accountable. joints, causing posture and alignment to
legs; I love working on them! Making them
shift, which, over time, can become chronic
stronger comes hand in hand with them
issues. By integrating foam rolling into your
looking sexier – I am a sucker for a good set
cool-down, you will be able to progress
of legs! in your lifts and maintain your mobility to
better perform. Adding an extended roll and
ON MY TRAINING   release in your cool-down will also stimulate
I try and do something every day. I usually a flush-out of any lymphatic byproducts in
only do two to three hard sessions per week the muscle tissue.
to allow time for my body to recover. I

also great for stress relief. I also try to

do one to two Pilates or Barre classes USE IT TOUMBAS’ TWO CENTS
so I get a more relaxed core workout.
  BEST FOR: Georgia is filling her week workout – but having done a few myself,
ON MY TOP TRAINING TIPS with a range of activities that require I can attest to the fact that it hurts! The
1. FIND A WORKOUT OR TYPE OF various types of fitness. The combination foundations of Barre class stem from
EXERCISE THAT YOU GENUINELY of HIIT training, boxing, Pilates and Barre the strength and conditioning that ballet
ENJOY: Don’t push yourself to do a provide a well-rounded base to ensure dancers do in order to progress. It is
spin class if you hate spin. If you find her cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal an excellent activity to build muscular
something you love, you’ll find yourself systems are pushed to progression. The endurance and strengthen commonly
looking forward to going and that’s tummy commonly holds more fat in women weak areas of the lower limbs that cause
when you get great results. than other areas due to natural reproductive chronic back pain, such as the glute
necessity. Maintaining a variety of high- medius and lateral chain of muscles. It
2. MIX IT UP: Don’t only run or only box.
intensity activities – both conventional HIIT also teaches engagement of the pelvic
Your body gets used to doing the same
training strategies in addition to challenging floor through dynamic movement and
thing all the time.
weight training – may help mobilise fat works toward ideal posture. However, if
3. SLEEP CAN BE JUST AS storage, but we cannot necessarily ‘torch’ your goal is to tone up and grow some
IMPORTANT AS EXERCISE: Don’t wake the belly region exclusively. The key is muscle, Barre class generally won’t
yourself up super early to go to the gym usually nutrition. induce the physiological reactions
if you’re exhausted – it won’t do you any
BARRE: Barre classes fly under the radar required to do so due to low loading and
good. Good sleep and a good diet are
and tend to be categorised as a ‘female’ very high repetitions.
just as important as training.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 67
Tara Rushton
@TaraRushton (twitter) //
@tararushtonfox (instagram)


Working in such a dynamic and fast-paced
environment and travelling interstate every
weekend requires energy and a sharp mind.
When I nourish my body and mind with
healthy, organic food, drink lots of water,
exercise at least three times a week and get
enough sleep, I find I execute my job well.

I’m currently working on my arms
– in particular my triceps. I get to about
three tricep push-ups before waving the
white flag.

I have just been introduced to ‘Megaformer’
classes, which I can only describe as
‘turbo-charged’ Pilates! I was sore for a
week after my first workout. It’s a mix of
intense core and resistance training as well
as cardio, which burns calories and sculpts
the body. I am trying to do three to four of
these sessions a week, each of which last
50 minutes.
I am a sporty person by nature – be it
playing football with my team, running
twice a week or taking boxing classes at the USE IT TOUMBAS’ TWO CENTS
gym. I’ve found Pilates classes have had BEST FOR: Pilates and centring activities tilt naturally without overcompensation
the most positive impact on my physique will allow Tara to unwind and reconnect from tight hips or the lower back, and
personally. It makes me feel toned, strong with her body. People who live busy encourages the body to move better. The
and I really enjoy doing it. schedules and train hard often forget to calmness and anti-stress mechanisms of
check in with their bodies. Tara has found Pilates have been shown to reduce anxiety
ON MY TOP TRAINING TIPS an activity that aligns with what she needs and allow participants to focus on the
1. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU and what she does so she can perform in present, which is part of the reason why
SMILE: Whether that be a park walk with her life and work to the best of her abilities. Pilates is often grouped with yoga as a
your best friend, a dance class or an ocean PILATES: Physiotherapists recommend restorative practice.
swim – just getting out and about and being Pilates to patients who suffer from There is no question that Pilates will
active is key. chronic back pain, injuries and a lack of increase core endurance; however, it is
2. FIND A ROUTINE: Pop 30 or 40 minutes fundamental core strength. Due to our not proven to be effective in increasing
aside in your day to make it happen. mostly sedentary workstations, these full body strength. To achieve full body
conditions are very common and enhance strength, you need to participate in an
3. BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Everyone has
our natural forward pelvic tilt, which activity that trains for it specifically and
an individual fitness or weight goal and
adds pressure to the lower back. Pilates puts stress on the nervous system. Pilates
you have to find what suits you and take it
revolves around teaching people how to cannot provide enough stimulus for this to
at your own pace. Change doesn’t happen
use the core muscles (not just the abs) happen – this is where additional weight
overnight, but get yourself into a routine
when producing movement; this in turn training and loading of the muscles needs
and make small adjustments to reap the
enhances posture, allows our pelvis to to occur.
benefits in the long run.

68 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Jane-Anne Claxton
ATHLETE & HOOKIN2HOCKEY AMBASSADOR GIVE: Adding one or two reps makes
@janeclax (Instagram & Twitter) the difference.
2. YOU NEED REST DAYS: Your body
ON MY REASONS FOR KEEPING FIT range of skills (physical, tactical, technical)
cannot be pushed all the time.
I think a lot of athletes would agree that in order to be successful.
3. REWARD YOURSELF: I believe you
when you feel physically and mentally
need to indulge occasionally. You are
fit, you perform at your best. You have ON MY TRAINING
human, after all, so don’t be afraid of
an entirely different level of confidence I exercise five days a week (Wednesday and
sweet treats. Just be smart about your
when you take the field knowing you’re at Sunday are our rest days), for an average
choices, amounts and timing.
the top of your game. It helps with injury of four hours per day if there is a pitch
prevention; the more robust your body is, and gym session, or 2.5 hours for just a
the less niggles you will experience along pitch session. On Saturdays, we are usually
the way. involved in our local club competition and
during off-season we will play intra-squad
ON MY AESTHETIC GOALS ‘mini games’ to replicate being ‘in season’.
Hockey requires strength, endurance Currently, the team is split into three
and explosive speed, so there’s a lot of groups to work on our physical ‘weaknesses’:
components to develop. Currently, I am so some focus on endurance training, others
working hard on building my agility on strength and heavy lifting, and mine is
(footwork). This will hopefully help with more high-intensity agility training. We
staying in defensive contests, turn of speed do this three times a week. Plus, gym and
and elimination skills. As a sport, there are conditioning during pitch sessions. There is
so many physical attributes required to play no one-size-fits-all approach – everyone gets
hockey at an elite level and that’s what makes to work on their weaknesses to hopefully
it such a great game; you need a diverse develop into holistic athletes.


BEST FOR: An athlete’s training is a full-time how we move very often in everyday life, but
commitment. Athletes tend to train twice or is crucial for the development of our lateral
even three times per day, including their game/ muscles. It is safe to say a lot of lower back
sport-specific training, and I have seen many pain and hip mobility can be attributed to
of the non-athlete try to train as intense as weak lateral muscles. Adding exercises that
them to their own detriment. That said, taking involve ladders or fast footwork can also help
aspects of an athlete’s training program such develop strength in muscles that support the
as Jane’s may help the general population joints, so later in life if you lose your balance,
challenge themselves and their abilities. you should be able to catch yourself without
Training for performance is getting more popping your kneecap. Speed training mixed
support in the fitness industry, encouraging with reactive drills can also heighten your
everyday people to train for a performance ability to respond to stimuli.
goal rather than an aesthetic goal: whether it Many trainers use agility ladders and
be hitting personal bests, powerlifting, crossfit, cone drills as part of their warm-ups or
marathons, etc. Measuring performance is a conditioning and sometimes use them as
great way to keep your mind focused on the fitness tests. Adding one or two of these
activity rather than the result. performance-based activities can provide
SPEED AND AGILITY TRAINING: This style of more of a challenge to test your fundamental
training drives the metabolism and enhances movements and are often more fun than
movement. Our bodies are designed in a way conventional training. Boxing, for example,
that allows us to move in multiple directions. is a great combination of speed, agility and
Moving from side to side, for example, is not reactive training.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 69

Personal trainer and founder of
Creating Curves
alexatowersey.com // @actionalexa 
QUALS: BSc Biology and Psychology,
Post Grad Dip. Sports Management
and Kinesiology, NASM, Gym
Jones Certified Instructor, Precision
Nutrition, Bio Signature
E X P E R T T H I N K TA N K EXPERIENCE: 15+ years



Interviews: Katelyn Swallow TIPS

70 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Vision PT master trainer Master trainer Trainer and founder of Result Founder and head coach of Ally’s
visionpt.com.au/studios/ thethaigress.co // Based Training gyms Angels & Alphas
brighton // facebook.com/daniel. @thethaigress rbtgyms.com allysangels.com.au //
tramontana QUALS: Master Trainer QUALS: Cert 3 and 4 in Fitness, @allysangels_fitness
QUALS: Vision Master Trainer, (Cert 3 and 4 Fitness) CHEK Institute Certified Coach, QUALS: Qualified Personal Trainer
IAPC Certified, MP Level 3 EXPERIENCE: 8+ years Poliquin Level 3, AOK Health and Sports Nutritionist, WBFF Pro
Transformation Specialist Corrective Exercise Specialist, Fitness Diva
EXPERIENCE: 8+ years FMA Strength Institute Level 3, EXPERIENCE: 10+ years
Australian Strength Coach Level 2
EXPERIENCE: 15+ years

As a trainer specialising in female fat loss, I’ve been
longer it takes to come off, the longer it will stay off. It’s
truly a case of slow and steady wins the race.

privy to all the ‘shredding’ strategies under the sun. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY
It’s clear that we as a gender have a much greater Your body is incredibly astute. It knows what it likes
psychological attachment to both food and exercise – and doesn’t like. It’s also a great communicator. It will
and not necessarily a positive one. If I had a dollar for tell you in no uncertain terms whether it enjoyed that
every time I’ve had a client tell me about their ‘Monday’ bread you just ate or that hardcore training session you
diet, I’d be a millionaire! just did. The problem is we are so conditioned to listen
It’s taken me close to 20 years to understand that to everybody else that we don’t pay attention to what
my body is on its very own individual journey and our own bodies are saying. For me, hitting the notorious
the biggest lesson I’ve learnt is that sometimes less dirty thirties changed a lot of things: hormone balance,
really is more. My top tips for staying physically and moods, energy levels, recovery time and rate of fat loss,
psychologically on top of your game year round are less to name a few. I couldn’t understand why the same
about taking action and more about understanding your principles I applied in my teens and twenties – calorie
body and how it reacts to your mindset. Healthy mind counting and high volume high-intensity training – no
equals healthy body – and vice versa. longer worked. In fact, it had the opposite effect on
my body. These days, I am healthier, happier and, as a
AVOID DEADLINE DIETING by-product, leaner when I focus less on training and
Deadline dieting is a mindset that is inspired by some more on stress management. Sleep is my secret weapon.
day in the future, when you’ve lost all the weight you When I get good-quality sleep, I’m happier. When I’m
want to lose and you can focus on keeping it off. No happier, I make better decisions. When I make better
longer will you have to count calories or spend hours in decisions consistently, I create healthy habits that last
the gym; you’ve got the body you want, so all the hard a lifetime.
work is done, right? Wrong. The problem with deadline
dieting is that it more than likely involves some sort of DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY
extreme action; in the case of a lot of my female clients, As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to the realisation that the
overtraining and undereating. In my experience, the happier I am, the leaner I am. It’s as if my body is a small

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 71
child: the more I’m unhappy with it, the
more I stress about it doing something; the
more I argue with it, the more extreme and
negative my behaviour and my self-talk is –
the more rebellious it becomes. I’ve gotten
into a habit of using positive affirmations.
My favourite at the moment is ‘My body is
a furnace, it burns whatever I eat.’ What you
believe, you achieve.

You can allow coaches, trainers,
nutritionists, friends, partners and families
to help you to set up healthy habits, but
ultimately you need to be accountable to
yourself and honest when it comes to your
behaviour. After all, no one wants to see
results more than you do. I encourage all my
clients to begin their journeys with a lifestyle
diary, where they record their food, water,
training, sleep and relaxation. It’s not about
judgement, it’s about awareness and the
ability to identify self-sabotaging patterns.
By keeping track of decisions you make in
your day-to-day life in response to different
stressors, you can start preparing strategies
to set yourself up for long-term success.

Keeping the weight off has a lot to do desire? What does that ‘successful’ version athlete for a peak athletic performance,
with how you lost the weight in the first of them do on a daily basis? What do they race, event or similar. In this case, there
place. In the words of author and popular say to themselves, what do they eat, how needs to be a clear understanding and
motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “If you do they train and who do they surround recognition that to achieve such an ‘out of
want to have more, you have to become themselves with? the ordinary’ outcome, the approach may
more. Success is something you attract The best long-term success will come not be sustainable for the long term. There
by the person you become. For things to from developing the habits you’ll inevitably is certainly a time and a place for an all-
improve, you have to improve. For things to need to maintain your weight loss while or-nothing approach – when going hard
get better, you have to get better. For things losing weight. If you follow an extreme, is a great strategy. But without integrating
to change, you have to change. When you unsustainable or strict diet, it’s unlikely this into the ‘bigger picture’, you’re setting
change, everything changes for you.” you’ll be able to keep this up in the long yourself up for failure in the future.
A successful transformation requires term. And once you reach your goals, you Secondly, having many clear goals in
a good set-up. I work with clients on will have to learn a whole new approach to place to measure success is paramount. I
who’ll they’ll need to become to pursue keep the weight off. can’t tell you how many times I see clients
and accomplish the goals they set for Begin with a complete and wholefood making unbelievable transformations to
themselves rather than focus on what diet; build exercise into your day in a way both their bodies and lifestyles but never
they’ll need to do. They probably already that is not only realistic but also – to a really have the reference points in place to
know how to eat well, run and lift point –enjoyable; and learn how to make appreciate what they have accomplished.
some weights to a degree. What are the allowances for recovery and recuperation. If these are clear, specific and abundant
behaviours they’ll need to adopt, learn In some cases, the goal is not a then you’ll be able to celebrate your
about or refrain from to achieve what they sustainable goal; for instance, training an positive changes.

72 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
or nutrition protocol to build them up to
maintenance without completely losing
grip. However, a trainer can only provide so
much. If the client is not mentally prepared
or willing to participate, it will end in
tears. Understanding what you need for
yourself to stay within your training and
nutrition parameters will allow you to play
to your strengths. If you know you lack
accountability, make sure you train with a
coach more frequently in the aftermath. If
you need another goal, choose your next
goal well before you complete your first one.
Be prepared. But also be prepared to face
the reality of physiology. In the afterglow
of any weight cut, it is natural for the body

Summer is fast approaching and the stress
to put on some weight in pursuit of a new
maintenance goal. The scale may increase by
two to three kilos. However, your trainer is
to obtain a less-fluffy ‘summer body’ is in there to ensure that it is not all body fat, but
many people’s tunnel vision. However, the also some well-earned muscle.
self-fulfilling prophecy of ‘summer body’ How fast you lose the weight may also be
literally only lasts for that: summer. One a prediction of how fast you will put it back
issue I find with many people who embark on. I have seen clients who drastically cut
on a summer body transformation is the calories, overtrain and hit their goal weight
limitation of the goal itself: why only for in less time, and as a result experience the
summer? There is a huge difference between repercussions of weight regain in a much
intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and the faster time frame. Steady weight loss allows
former is a much more powerful motivator the body to adapt to a new baseline steadily
than the latter. without thinking that you are trying to
» Tip 1: keep a high level of Intrinsic motivation comes from the starve it. When the body thinks it’s going
accountability present long after feeling you get throughout the process of into starvation mode, any additional food
you’ve lost the weight. Support is achieving a goal. It comes from a deep- you put into it will be held on to in a bid to
an integral part of what I would seated desire to change and the process itself prevent further starvation.
determine to be a success: personal often provides that validation, e.g. feeling
training sessions, dates with accomplished when you can deadlift 100kg.
training partners, couples exercising Extrinsic motivation only focuses on KEY TIPS
together, close friends and fitness how the activity will get you to your goal. TO IMPLEMENT:
groups who set and achieve their When trainers encourage you to ‘fall in love » Try to look past just a weight loss
goals together enjoy a much higher with the process’, they are trying to awaken goal. Set a performance goal;
rate of success – both initially and in that intrinsic drive that will encourage you whether it’s hitting a personal best
the long term. to outtrain and outeat your self-limiting in your lifts or running time to pull
» Tip 2: track and measure, track transformation time. focus away from body weight. The
and measure, track and measure. I encourage my clients to work toward aesthetics will be a side effect of
Don’t stop just because you have a measurable performance goal – such your efforts.
reached your goals. By consistently as a personal best – to align their focus » Ask your trainer or coach to
checking in with yourself – or with how they feel. How they look will provide you with a maintenance
better yet employing someone to program to help build you up and
be a side effect of their efforts. This also
do so – you’ll detect and minimise remain accountable afterwards.
establishes a positive relationship with
any weight gain before it becomes » Understand how you work best and
exercise to encourage longevity. Like in any
a much bigger problem. Don’t play to your strengths.
relationship, if you don’t try to get to know
expect your mindset, subconscious » Have another goal ready to go!
it and appreciate it, it will never work in the
thoughts and habits to change » Enjoy the process. Really take
long term.
as fast as your body does. These into account how you feel during
things take time, effort, hard work Good trainers will usually provide and after your training to fuel the
and determination. their clients with a post-goal training and/ intrinsic motivators.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 73
to 300 calories below maintenance. And
if you’d like to gain weight, consume 200
Beach season is well and truly here and we to 300 more calories than you burn. There
all know what that means: we will soon be are various apps that make it easy to track
sipping bevvies while enjoying the summer your calorie intake. Two good options are
sun, longer days and warmer nights. But it also MyFitnessPal and Cron-o-meter.
means something else: less clothing.
Being the dedicated gym goer that you
are, you are no doubt preparing for that well
high-protein diet is one of the easiest
(and tastiest) ways to prevent your weight
in advance. You watch your diet like an eagle
from rebounding. Why? Because your
and you hit the gym hard – harder than usual.
food reward system has a strong appetite
Attaining your dream body shape is, however,
for protein. Protein raises various satiety
only one part of the challenge. The other hormones – including GLP-1, peptide YY,
struggle is maintaining your ‘summer body’ and cholecystokinin – and reduces the
once the pressure of the beach season is over. hunger hormone ghrelin. Therefore, a high-
So, to prevent your hard efforts from going protein diet automatically decreases your
to waste, here are the top three tips to avoid total energy intake.
weight gain post-summer: One study found that when participants adjust your thought processes to recognise
raised their protein intake from 15 per
that healthy choices feel right – to ensure
1 STAY ON TRACK: even the most
determined gym junkies can find
themselves sidetracked once summer
cent to 30 per cent of their daily calorie
consumption, they ate on average 441 fewer
the choices don’t end up feeling like a
punishment, hard work or unsustainable.
calories a day. This led to the subjects losing
comes to an end. Working out and eating
Mindset is much like a muscle that can
a significant amount of weight (5kg in 12
right often take a back seat (if they don’t be trained and developed. A large part of
weeks) just by eating more protein.
go right out of the window). our focus with the clients is acknowledging
To preserve your aesthetic post-weight the ‘why’ and focusing daily on the
loss, you must stay on track with your improvements that adopting a healthier
workout and nutrition plan; this means lifestyle will bring to them and their
making sure your plan is sustainable in the
first place, as the more drastic the plan,
Where do you think 99 per cent of a body
loved ones.
My top five tips for achieving a total
the more dramatic the effects of going cold transformation happens? At the gym? On body and mind transformation as part of a
turkey. Having an accountability partner can your plate? No, it happens in your mind. sustainable lifestyle:
also be very helpful, especially if he or she Every single weight loss strategy has its » Change in goals: finding your purpose –
has the same goals as you and is dedicated the ‘why’ – rather than simply wanting to
own set of positives and negatives, but none
to reaching them. lose weight. 
of them will be successful unless you get your
» Developing a healthier, positive outlook
mind right first. Without the proper inward
2 KEEP COUNTING: weight gain after
summer is common. Why? Because
people start eating more calories. And it
focus and intention, the outward results
simply won’t be achieved.
on weight loss: finding success in each
goal and looking for improvements is a
more strategic approach than beating
I often see clients who present a
doesn’t matter if that happens consciously yourself up over your ‘failures’.
or not. If you consume more calories than determination to ‘fix themselves’ and have » Rethinking rewards and punishments:
you burn, you will gain weight. self-talk that is ‘trouble-spot’ focused rather finding non-food-related rewards.
To prevent yourself from overeating, than a conversation of personal development, » Throw out the calendar: patience is
count your calories and macros and adjust growth, sustainable health and quality of life. important. Stop focusing on the long-
your energy intake to your goal. If you The main reason why most diets fail has term goal and instead focus on the
want to sustain your weight, eat at calorie nothing to do with the diet or the food, but 24 hours in a day and be present in
maintenance. So, each day, you consume how we process the situation. Aiming for each moment.
the same number of calories as you burn. If a ‘summer body’ is setting yourself up for » Throw out the scale: a number on the
you want to lose weight, eat between 200 failure because it is based on the premise that scale does not define your worth.
we set up restrictions on food, training and
lifestyle before the ‘bikini season’. Improving your mindset will take
To achieve body transformation success perseverance, talking to yourself positively
we need to look at it as a lifestyle for a greater (even through the tougher times) and finding
version of ourselves versus a restrictive a silver lining in every single situation. That’s
diet with a deadline-focused goal, which what it’s going to take to stay motivated and
is inevitably what we detest. You need to that’s what a winning mindset is all about.

74 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


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Carbs: 5g // Calories: 91

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$39.95, activatednutrients.com

76 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
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1. Combine all ingredients in a blender
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NUTRITION (per smoothie))

Protein: 19g // Fat: 5g //
Carbs: 16g // Calories: 213g


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Some of you may have seen your favourite composition goals – whether that be weight
fitness YouTubers or social media buffs loss, gain or maintenance.
using the IIFYM method before – weighing “Macronutrients are the major nutrients
out their food and calculating their that we need within our diet to survive
consumables via a smartphone app – but and flourish. They include protein,
what does IIFYM actually mean? carbohydrates and fats,” says nutritionist
IIFYM stands for ‘if it fits your macros’ Jessica Cox. “When someone talks about
(macros meaning macronutrients) and is ‘fitting your macros’, this means that
a way of managing daily calorie intake via they are following a dietary plan that has
hitting particular macronutrient targets (in been made to allow certain amounts of
grams or as a percentage of your overall protein, carbs and fats within their day of
diet) in order to reach particular body food intake.”


Carbohydrates are made up of starches, cellulose and sugars.
Essentially, starches (a group of sugar molecules stuck together)
are broken down into sugars after ingestion and used for energy
production. From a nutritionist’s perspective, we often label carbs
as simple or complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrate foods are broken down and absorbed quickly,
as they often don’t contain much fibre to slow down the absorption
process. An excess intake of these carbs means your body can
only use so much for fuel before it needs to ‘store’ the extra sugar
molecules – generally as fat.
Complex carbs take longer to break down due to their high fibre
content, meaning they are used for more long-lasting sources of
energy and are therefore not stored as easily (unless eaten in excess).
They are also a rich source of B vitamins and minerals.
Protein foods are broken down into Some nutritious sources of carbohydrates are:
amino acids in the body. They are » all fruits and vegetables (low in starch is best)
large complex molecules made up of » cereals and grains such as whole wheat, rye, rolled oats, buckwheat,
a sizeable array of amino acids and quinoa, amaranth, spelt, brown rice, wholewheat pasta, wild rice,
they are essential building blocks barley, sweet potato, potato and legumes
for metabolism, muscle strength,
hormone function, enzyme function and
immune health. FATS be consumed from specific food sources
Fats are broken down into fatty acids and then digested to make them readily
Some nutritious wholefood sources of (triglycerides) in our bodies and are vital available. Trans fats are the fats we need
protein are: for brain function, cell membrane health, to avoid, which are created through
» seafood, meats, eggs skin health and immune function. Types overheating volatile oils.
» nuts and seeds, legumes and pulses, of fats include saturated, polyunsaturated
tofu, tempeh Some nutritious sources of wholefood
and monounsaturated fats. With fats being
» dairy – (cow/goat/sheep), bocconcini, fats include:
quite high in calories (nine calories per
feta, ricotta, cottage cheese, cheddar » seafood, especially salmon, tuna,
gram compared to the four found in carbs
and other cheeses that have not been sardines, calamari and other oily fish
and protein), it’s important we are mindful » olive oil, flaxseed oil, macadamia nut oil,
heavily processed
of fat intake; however, eating quality fats coconut oil, cold-pressed avocado oil
daily as part of a balanced dietary intake is and other nut and seed oils that have
very advantageous. Essential fats (omega not been heat treated or refined
3 and omega 6) cannot be made in the » raw nuts and seeds and their butters
body from simply constituents; they must » avocado and coconut

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 81
Cox says a macronutrient balanced diet DOES IIFYM WORK?
is essential for daily function. While the IIFYM way of eating is most While this style of eating requires a lot
“A balanced intake of macros also commonly used by fitness competitors – of pre-planning, the use of kitchen scales
ensures stable energy levels without the ups where physique and body fat percentage and regularly monitoring food intake
and downs of omitting a macronutrient. management plays an important role in the and calories, Cox says a macronutrient
For instance, if we remove carbohydrates, outcome – the method has become popular balanced diet will work for the majority
this often reduces readily available fuel and with the general public over the last few of people in regards to stable energy levels
also removes a lot of starchy fibres that years, especially given the rise of calorie and and wellbeing.
keeps us fuller for longer. Without enough macro counting apps such as MyFitnessPal “If followed with nourishing food (lots of
of one of the macronutrients in our diet, and Lifesum. vegetables, quality grains or pseudo grains,
we most often find we’ll experience fatigue, These types of apps use your weight, root vegetables, variety of protein and fats)
sugar cravings and hormonal disruptions,” height, age, frequency and intensity of then it should provide a very nutrient-
she says. exercise to calculate the number of macros in dense diet that we can essentially thrive on,”
grams and calories you should be consuming she says.
each day, based on the outcome you are after. However, Cox warns that IIFYM is
IIFYM’s proponents claim that balancing not always the answer for underlying
macros ensures you consume the correct issues pertaining to weight loss, fatigue,
levels of protein, carbs and fat to maintain or immune irregularities and gut issues.
build lean muscle, chew into fat stores and There can often be other factors at play
have the energy to get through your training that need to be identified and treated by a
sesh – without the usual pitfalls of old-school qualified professional.
calories in versus calories out dieting. “When we put restrictions on our diet
Unlike ‘clean eating’ protocols, IIFYM and use a calculator to determine ‘how
dieters also allow for ‘treats’. Rather than much of this’ and ‘how much of that’, it
necessarily avoiding particular foods, they can become restrictive and cause anxiety
instead ensure the foods they eat meet their around food,” says Cox.
prescribed macro ratios. For example, that “I believe – and have seen with clinical
70g cinnamon donut will cost you about 28g experience of over a decade – that learning
of carbs, 4.5g of protein and 14.3g of fat from to eat a macronutrient balanced diet is
your daily macro allowances; so simply enter integral for people as the foundation of
it into your phone ap and ensure the meals nutritional education. However, people
for the rest of your day don’t push you over need flexibility within this so that they can
your carb/protein/fat limits. adapt the way they eat to suit their needs.” 

82 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

Sponsored athlete and trainer Daisy
Magee competed in her first bodybuilding
competition last year. She had to follow
a strict IIFYM for 20 weeks before the
big day.
“When I decided I wanted to compete,
I hired a coach. My coach is a qualified
nutritionist and she taught me how to
prepare for my first bodybuilding show,”
says Magee.
“IIFYM allows me to create a plan and
structure it around my day and work. It
helps me to keep on track while having a
balanced diet full of a variety of foods. I
usually have plenty of vegetables (green
especially), high-protein lean meats such
as chicken breast, rump and occasionally
fish, and healthy fats such as nuts, oils
and avocado.”
Magee says she occasionally enjoys a
doughnut on weekends too.
Magee’s normal daily intake (off-
season) is about 2300 calories; macro-
wise that’s 115g–130g protein, 300g
carbohydrates and 57g fats. During her last
The IIFYM way of eating has come The suggested macro ratios for IIFYM
stages of comp prep (the week before),
under fire by many nutrition experts via calorie counting apps is 35 per cent or
her calories were reduced to 1300, with
due to its ‘one size fits all’ approach. 40 per cent protein, 50 per cent to 40 per
just 90g of carbs per day.
Accredited practising dietitian and exercise cent carbs and 15 per cent or 20 per cent
“Broccoli was removed from my diet
due to bloating and carbs went down to
physiologist Dr Cam McDonald says the fats, but Dr McDonald says some people
as low as 90g in order to pump up the standard equation used by calorie counting aren’t designed for these ratios. Both Cox
muscles ready for show day,” she says. apps to calculate energy intake is 70 per and McDonald also believe that outside
“Preparing for a competition is more cent wrong. influences such as stress levels, genetics,
a mental game than anything else. It “One theory is not right for history, hormonal issues, gut health and
requires 100 per cent dedication. For me everyone. Long term you want to look external factors need to be taken into
it was 20 weeks of no social life, feeling at a personalised program, including consideration before constructing a macro-
alone and everyone telling me I was crazy, micronutrients and macronutrients,” and micronutrient balanced meal plan.
and taking my prep meals wherever I went. he says. “These types of apps give users the wrong
“The sacrifice is so worth it when you impression that weight is the only thing that
look in that mirror on show day, though.” MACRONUTRIENTS matters: some people are naturally bigger
Outside of competing, Magee still Macronutrients are the chemical substances boned and are designed for more fat, and
follows the IIFYM way of eating to manage (fat, carbohydrates and protein) for growth have bigger muscle. That is not taken into
her weight and keep her energised and other human body functions. They consideration here,” says Dr McDonald.
throughout her training, but her plan is a contribute to the bulk energy needed for “Nor do they distinguish good calories
lot more balanced. our metabolic system; therefore, larger from the bad; to them a calorie is a calorie
“A restrictive comp diet is definitely not quantities are needed. no matter where it comes from – for
sustainable long term; by the end of my example; chocolate cake equals avocado –
20 weeks I felt tired, weak and completely
MICRONUTRIENTS and that’s not right at all. People need to
drained. I was thankful it was over and I
Micronutrients are the chemical substances be educated.”
could once again be eating a balanced
(vitamins and nutrients) for various While it’s not recommended to
IIFYM diet,” she says.
functions of the body, growth and disease implement a restrictive IIFYM diet, Dr
“I highly recommend anyone who is
prevention. They are essential for overall McDonald says if you’re doing it right (under
looking for results to seek professional
health. They provide the required co- the guidance of a health professional), have a
advice and guidance – especially when it
comes to competing.” factors for human body metabolism to be personalised plan and you’re getting the right
carried out. amount of nutrients daily, it can be done.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 83



divvy your macros
Common fitness folklore Work out what number AS A GENERAL RULE:
up into your meals
and expert opinion of kilojoules you need to » CARBS: 1 gram = If you aren’t getting the
over the course of
usually suggest you be eating to maintain or roughly 16kJ (4 calories) results you are after, your
a day. Many of the
divide your macros as per lose weight – depending » PROTEIN: 1 gram = IIFYM approach may
the below ratios: on your goal. You can roughly 16kJ (4 calories) require some tweaking.
apps will be able to
» PROTEIN: 35 per cent work out your basal » FATS: 1 gram = Common culprits include:
calculate the grams
or 40 per cent metabolic rate using the roughly 37kJ » Overestimating or
of carbs, protein
» CARBS: 50 per cent numerous calculators (9 calories) underestimating your
and fats in common
or 40 per cent online to work out the Work out how many grams kilojoule needs.
foods, so you can
» FATS: 15 per cent or calories you burn at of carbs, protein and fats make a plan for » Overestimating or
20 per cent least. You will need to you need to consume each your day. underestimating your
be in a small calorie day to meet both your
In other words, 35 per macronutrient servings
surplus (slightly above macro percentage ratios
cent of your calories per meal/food: for a few
your BMR) for weight and kilojoule goals.
should come from protein, days or a week, go back to
gain or a small calorie
50 per cent from carbs weighing foods whenever
deficit (slightly below
and 15 per cent from fats. possible and tracking
your BMR) if your goal
Tweak the ratios moving them within your app,
is weight loss.
forward to see what instead of guesstimating
works best for you. the amounts.

84 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

promotional feature

If you’re keeping an eye on your
waistline this festive season, you might
want to include salmon at family lunch.
Extremely versatile, it can be paired

with your poached eggs for breakfast,
diced into your salad or steamed with
vegies for dinner. Plus, it’s packed with
nutrients and provides an excellent
source of high-quality protein, helping
to boost your metabolism and increase
satiety. So it’ll keep both your taste buds
HUON SALMON and tummy satisfied for longer. For this
POKE BOWL BY SCOTT GOODING recipe or more delicious ways to enjoy
Serves 1
your Huon Salmon, check out their
NEED recipe collection online or on Instagram:
huonsalmon.com.au // @huonsalmon
» 1 garlic clove,
1. Combine all the 4. Once boiling, remove
finely chopped
ingredients for the pot from the heat and
» 1cm ginger,
dressing and whisk/ set aside
finely chopped
stir. Set aside and allow 5. Allow the fish to cook for
» 1 chilli, finely chopped
the flavours to infuse 8 to 10 minutes depending
» 2 limes, juiced
– adjust accordingly to on the size of the fillet
» 1 tsp fish sauce
get the right balance 6. Meanwhile, arrange the
» ½ tsp honey
of spice, sour, salt and other ingredients in
Bowl sweet flavours the bowl
» 1 x 140g fresh Huon 2. Bring a pot of salted water 7. Once cooked, remove the
Salmon portion, to boil fish from the water and
poached and 3. Place the salmon portion pull the meat apart and
pulled apart in the water and return to place in the bowl
» ½ avocado, sliced the boil 8. Drizzle with dressing
» 1 carrot, grated/
» ½ cucumber, chopped
» ¼ red cabbage,
finely chopped
» ¼ bunch coriander,
roughly chopped
» 1 long red/green chilli,
finely chopped TIP for an
» Handful of even quicker
spinach leaves dinner: leave salmon
» 1 shallot, raw as Scott has
finely chopped done here!
» 1 tbsp sesame seeds

86 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au


Words: David Goding

88 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
While a staple of the majority of fit-focused diets (more protein,
please!), meat – specifically, the amount of saturated fat it contains –
has received a bad rap in recent years. But several recent studies have
found that the nasty link between sat fat and the risk of heart disease
isn’t as conclusive as once thought; while other studies have found that
yes, replacing saturated fat sources with poly- and mono-unsaturated
fats may lower the risk of heart disease in some people, the biggest leap
– in the wrong direction – occurs when saturated fats are replaced by
refined carbs. A moderate intake of saturated fat isn’t going to kill you.
Besides, meat is far more than just its fat content.
“As much as dairy isn’t just calcium and whole grains aren’t just
fibre, red meat isn’t just saturated fat,” says Melissa Hartwig, sports
nutritionist and co-author of It Starts with Food. “Many people think
of micronutrients, some of which you simply can’t effectively get
from plants.”
That said, meat’s benefit to your health and physique will depend
on the type and quality of the cuts you select.
“Fat is not unhealthy; just like protein, it’s an essential part of our
diet and nutritional needs,” says Dr Vincent Candrawinata, a clinical
nutritionist and food scientist from the University of Newcastle.
“However, when it comes to calorie control, limiting the choice of meat
to a leaner one is important because most cooking methods will add
oil or fat.
“The most important thing when choosing the meat – especially
from a fatty animal – is the cut. Pork belly and pork tenderloin
come from the same animal but their nutritional profiles are
of meat, seafood and eggs as protein, but meat is also a dense source significantly different.”


The biggest issue for meat-eaters is the shear But if liver isn’t your thing, white meat
volume of choice available. While variety comes a close second in the health stakes.
is key to ingesting a range of nutrients and “White meat from chicken and turkey
boycotting boredom, deciding what you’re are regarded as the superheroes of meat
going to have for a healthy dinner can be because of their versatility, high protein and
downright confusing. low-fat content,” says Candrawinata. “Per
“Liver, eggs, oysters, mussels, sardines and 100 grams, turkey breast has 104 calories,
other organ meats are incredibly nutritious 17 grams of protein and only two grams of
foods,” says Sylvia North, a dietitian and fat. Chicken breast has 124 calories per 100
integrative nutritionist with Fearless grams, 20 grams of protein and three grams
Nutrition. “By not eating these foods you can of fat.”
be totally cheating yourself of many health- Put these stats up against pork tenderloin
promoting nutrients. I often refer to liver as at 143 calories per 100 grams, 21 grams of
natural B vitamin complex because it provides protein and 5 grams of fat and trimmed
all the Bs. These foods are also incredibly rich beef at 201 calories, 20 grams of protein and
in highly bioavailable minerals, meaning our 13 grams of fat, and you can see why white
body absorbs them easily.” meat is so popular.
Liver is quite possibly the ultimate Other ‘wild’ meats or game such as
king of meats. With high levels of protein, kangaroo, camel, venison – even crocodile
iron and zinc, and containing a host of – can provide a lean, low-fat alternative.
vitamins and minerals including vitamin Camel, for example, contains less than a
A, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and B12, third the fat of beef, and crocodile contains
folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, copper double the protein of chicken but with less
and selenium, it has rightful claims of being fat, making it a popular choice within the
a genuine superfood. bodybuilding community.


“As a consumer, don’t simply purchase your meats based on their Developing an ongoing dialogue with your butcher can help. Talk
look, perceived flavour and flashy advertising,” says JR Fletcher, a to them about your requirements; for example, if you’re after high
nutritionist and founder of Nutritiontastic. “The healthiest meats protein or low fat, be sure to discuss your options.
come from grass-fed animal livestock which has been raised happily Identifying the leanest premium cuts comes down to four things: a
and humanely on pasture. Because the animals you are eating lived fine meat grain, not a loose one; little connective tissue; a single muscle
happily and consumed nature’s plant matter, in turn you will consume group within the cut (or as few as possible), and lean to medium
the nutrients they ate. amount of marbling. Marbling is representative of fat content, and
“Organic and lean meats are the foremost nutritional profiles you because this can also indicate flavour, many chefs see this as desirable.
should look out for. Try to purchase your meats from your local farm “From a health perspective, a good cut must have minimal fat, so
or butcher instead of the supermarket. Locally sold meat is generally of even when you choose beef sirloin, duck or chicken thigh, make sure
higher quality.” you trim the fat,” says Candrawinata.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 89
Fish has been long lauded as the healthiest consuming them is that they take a very
‘meaty’ option, with some of the healthiest long time to disappear. For example, the
of the world’s diets centred around biological half-life of cadmium is 30 years.”
seafood, including the famously long- So which fish are okay to eat and which
living Okinawans. But are fish really all should we be steering clear of?
they’re cracked up to be? “The more a species is a carnivorous
“It’s full of proteins, omega-3, the predator, the higher up it is in the food
polyunsaturated fats that we all know chain and the more likely it is to be
help tackle depression, and yet contains contaminated,” says Dr Khayat. “Salmon,
relatively few calories,” says Dr David red tuna, and swordfish, which are high up
Khayat, author of The Anti-cancer Diet. on the food chain and are fatty fishes, are
Unfortunately, in some fish these most dangerous for our health.”
health-giving properties are severely “There are other types of fish, also
compromised by chemical contaminants, high in omega 3, that generally contain far
including arsenic, dioxins, PCBs and less mercury, such as mackerel, anchovies
heavy metals, including lead, mercury and sardines.”
and cadmium. Canned tuna tends to have less harmful
“For many years we’ve been polluting contaminants as a tuna steak, as they
our oceans, our fish have become polluted are generally sourced from smaller tuna
from them, and in turn we’ve been varieties, such as the skipjack (which
polluting ourselves by eating this seafood,” may or may not be specified on the can).
says Dr Khayat. “There’s a huge number of Canned wild Alaskan salmon is also a
these pollutants and a major problem with good option for similar reasons.

Aside from the aforementioned
contaminated seafood, you might want
to think twice about your consumption
of processed meats – sausages, ham, How you cook your meat goes a long way several holes for the fat to escape during
bacon, and deli meats such as salami to determining its ultimate health status. steaming or roasting, but not to the point
and cabana. In fact, the World Health Stuffed with camembert and deep fried, and where the meat becomes tough. You can
Organization take processed meats so
your original lean breast quickly goes from choose to not eat the skin – or if you do,
seriously that they have tagged them
wholesome goodness to a potential heart the majority of the fat would have dripped
as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning they
attack on a plate, making even bacon look away anyway.
are known to cause cancer. Numerous
like a health food. “It is also very important to not roast,
studies back this up, proving that
“Some cooking methods render the fat bake or barbecue your meat until it’s charred
consumption of processed meat
increases the risk of cancer, particularly
and therefore allow for a fattier cut of meat or burnt. Doing so creates a wealth of free
cancer of the stomach and bowel. Not to be used,” says Candrawinata. “On the radicals. But don’t start declining all your
great news for bacon lovers. other hand, when working with lean meat, invitations to barbecue parties; just watch
choose the cooking method that won’t out for excessive charring. Fortunately, too,
“Bacon and sausage often contain
toughen the meat. For pork tenderloin, for our gut and intestinal lining actually has
just as much fat as protein, and if
example, slicing it thinly for a quick stir fry the ability to renew itself. Taking a potent
that meat is coming from the factory-
farming system, that fat contains gives you that tender succulent texture.” broad-spectrum antioxidant also helps your
a whole lot of potentially toxic by- As far as healthiest cooking methods, body fight off nasty free radicals.”
products,” says Hartwig. steaming and roasting are your number one And don’t forget to eat meat with plenty
and two. of vegies, particularly leafy green ones.
“As with all protein, the quality of
“This is especially true for chicken This combination actually changes the
the meat and the manner in which it
and turkey breast,” says Candrawinata. biological and metabolic effects of the meal,
was processed determine how healthy
the end product will be.” “I recommend that you don’t remove the counteracting potential harm and imparting
skin during preparation, but instead poke its own wealth of goodness.

90 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Chicken and turkey, trimmed of fat, are satiating than the other macronutrients.”
widely considered the weight loss meats, Protein naturally complements exercise
particularly when steamed, roasted, and famously enhances body composition,
poached or stewed. Lean pork and fish but more is not necessarily better.
also provide excellent options and enables “You can do as much exercise as you
enough variety that you wont stray too far like but it’s like trying to build a wall
from the good stuff. without bricks – you can’t increase your
Getting your macro ratios right is muscle mass if you don’t have adequate
also important. protein in the body,” says Melanie McGrice,
“The optimal kilojoule range of protein a dietitian and director of Nutrition Plus.
is 15–25 per cent, with 45–65 per cent “And if your kilojoule intake is too low,
carbs and 25–30 of fat,” says dietitian Dr your body will use some of your muscle
Alan Barclay. mass for energy rather than building up
“That allows people to have a lean muscle.”
Mediterranean-style diet or an Asian-style Bodybuilders push their protein levels
diet – to give you two extremes. Providing to extremes, and ideally put it to good use,
you exercise, you will gain muscle eating with regular strength training sessions.
this way.” “Sure, it can work for hardcore
And muscle burns fat, even long after bodybuilders; but for the general public
you’ve packed up your gym bag and are or someone who is doing a weight
sitting at home in front of the couch. Too session twice a week who thinks they
little protein in your diet makes weight can eat as much protein as they like
loss extremely difficult. and not gain fat but gain muscle, that
“There’s emerging evidence that if is definitely not the case. If you eat
you do under-eat protein, you’re going to too much protein you can put on fat
overeat carbohydrates and fat,” says Dr rather than muscle. Not all protein
Barclay. “That’s because protein is more automatically converts to muscle.”

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 91
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w w w. f i t n e s s g e n e s . co m

You might be making all
the ‘right’ nutrition choices
completely unaware of the
additives that lurk beneath
the surface of the food
products you consume,
causing everything from
weight gain to behaviour
issues. David Goding takes
you through reading food
labels 101.

94 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
o One look at any pre-packaged item of
processed food and there’s likely to be a string
of numbers, acronyms and pharmaceutical
terms that, at face value, don’t appear to belong
in said food item. So, what are these food
additives doing there? Are they necessary?
And what, if any, should we be avoiding?
Their purpose usually revolves around
appearance, taste and economics. Yes,
acidity regulators, firming agents, anti-
caking agents, colourings, emulsifiers,
foaming agents, flavour enhancers, glazing
agents, humectants and sweeteners all have
developers and manufacturers and whether
there is a definite need for the additive.
“Another cause for concern is the fact
that even the additives that have undergone
safety testing are only ever tested on animals
and only tested singly – not in combination
with other additives.”
And additives rarely appear alone. In
fact, there’s usually so many of them, you
could be forgiven for thinking that someone
is being deliberately confusing – an effective
way of ‘burying’ any suspect ingredient. The
health claims of the product can provide an
their role, but they don’t always have our even better smokescreen.
best interests at heart. Processed cheese, for “Industry greatly amplifies the claims of
example, may contain as little as 10 per cent nutritional science through its advertising
actual cheese. The rest is additives. and, through its sponsorship of self-serving
“Manufacturing standards vary from nutritional research, corrupts it,” says Michael
country to country and it is nigh impossible Pollan, author of In Defense of Food. “The
to monitor the safety of additives used in predictable result is the general cacophony
processed foods,” says Bill Statham, author of nutritional information ringing in our
of The Chemical Maze, a guide to food ears and the widespread confusion that has
additives and cosmetic ingredients. “Approval come to surround this most fundamental of
is based largely on an assessment of the creaturely activities – finding something good
documentation provided by the additive to eat.”


You’ve picked up the appealingly colourful
package, flipped it over and started examining the Most of our salt
nutritional label – or the ‘nutro’ as it’s known in consumption comes
the trade – for the product’s content breakdown. not from added salt at
What should you be looking for? the dinner table but
“Check the 100g columns
from hidden salt within
for protein, fibre, sugar and Serving per pack: 1 Serving Size 100g
products we buy, so make
calories/kilojoules,” says Energy (kj) 1730 a quick check of sodium
Larina Robinson, dietitian
Protein (g) 76.5 levels. You shouldn’t be
from The Body Dietetics.
consuming more than
“You want more protein and Carbohydrates (g) 8.3
2.5g of salt or 1000mg of
fibre, less sugar and calories. sugars (g) 6.4
sodium per day.
To make sure the serving Fats (g) 6.2
size you’re going to eat saturated (g) 4.4
will satisfy you, check the
Soduim (mg) 155.0
‘per serve’ column to make
sure it has 10g or more of Dietary Fibre (g) 4.2
Then check the
protein if it’s a main meal, INGREDIENTS: Then move onto the ingredients fibre content.
or 5g or more for a snack. list, which always lists in order of highest amounts “High fibre foods
Manufacturers set the serve down to the least. help you feel full for
size of their own products so “If a food lists sugar or glucose as the first longer, so for snacks
these will vary from brand to ingredient, it is best avoided,” says Claire Ratapu, aim for 3g or more
brand. Often, they add more nutritionist and fitness expert at Vision Personal per serve, and main
serves per pack to make it Training. “You will also see ingredients you meals go for 6g or
look better to the consumer recognise and ones that you may not. These are more,” says Robinson.
at a quick glance, so don’t foods that are either not in their natural state and
get caught out.” listed under a different name or a manufactured
one. Ingredients you recognise are always the
best bet.”

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 95
Number one on the list of additives to avoid are
the nitrates and nitrites group according to Sally
Garrard, sports dietitian and exercise physiologist.
“Epidemiological studies have found that
higher intakes of nitrates – which are converted
to nitrosamines in the body – will increase
an individual’s risk of cancer,” she says. “The
numbers of the nitrate group are 249–252. You
will find these in cured meats – think ham, salami,
bacon, mince, sausages, kabana – where they are
used as a preservative to improve shelf life and
enhance colouring.
“Another group I’m not a fan of are flavour
enhancers. These don’t have any detrimental health
effects, but they get our taste buds used to highly
flavoured foods, with the consequence that non-
flavour-enhanced foods lose their appeal. Flavour
enhancers encourage overconsumption and in a
world where it is a battle to maintain an intake that
is appropriate, I believe these are problematic.”
The most infamous flavour enhancer of them all,
monosodium glutamate, is still alive and well, and
inhabiting a host of packaged foods, from instant
noodles to snack foods and frozen dinners.
“MSG should be avoided as it switches off the
The term ‘free sugar’ sounds great – until you realise what it means. It refers
brain’s ability to say ‘I’m full’, and so increases the to the amount of sugar found in food, so it doesn’t include naturally occurring
risk of obesity; its associated health concerns are sugars found in fresh fruit, vegetables, milk and honey. Since you are actually
diabetes and heart disease – particularly with the paying for it, in more ways than one, the ‘free’ is a bit of a misnomer.
types of foods these enhancers are added to, which “Currently there is no guideline on how much sugar is too much, yet society
are also high in trans-saturated fats,” says Ratapu. is easily overconsuming sugar at an alarming rate,” says Ratapu. “The World
“Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, Health Organization recommends that your overall intake of free sugars should
should be limited in the diet, so diet drinks or food be less than 10 per cent of your overall diet, and stated that a reduction to five
products should generally be limited to less than per cent of diet, or approximately six teaspoons daily, would have additional
40mg per kg of bodyweight. Those with a condition health benefits.”
called phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid Restricting your free sugar to six teaspoons a day equates to only 25g of
aspartame entirely.” the sweet stuff, which isn’t a lot. A standard can of Coke, for instance, hits you
Then there are the all-pervasive colours and dyes with 39g, or 9.3 teaspoons. While fruit is partially exempt from this standard
that make our food look so pretty. Tip – if it looks scrutiny, it doesn’t quite get off scot-free. In concentrated juice form its sugar
too good to be true, it probably is. content is close to those found in soft drinks. Dairy, too, doesn’t always get a
“Many of the food dyes should be avoided, clean bill of health; for although lactose is a naturally occurring sugar in milk,
particularly for children, as they can affect which makes the sugar content appear higher, the added sugar can’t be so
behaviour and induce hyperactivity and lack of easily ignored.
concentration,” says Ratapu. “Those to avoid “Aim for a yoghurt or milk product where sugar or syrup isn’t one of the top
include blue (E133), red (E124), yellow (E110) and three ingredients on the list,” says Robinson.
yellow tartrazine (E102).”

96 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Food companies have entire marketing departments to evoke the idea in the consumer that this product
whose job it is to catch your attention and persuade you comes with a healthier edge than others alongside it.
to put their item in your shopping trolley. And they’re A quick scan of the ingredient list should reveal its
extremely good at their job. true colours.”
“It’s very easy for food manufacturers to mislead Serving size manipulation is common, with the aim to
consumers by coming up with all sorts of weird and deliberately confuse or mislead. After all, they don’t really
wonderful names for nutrients that consumers have want you to understand that there are three to four serves
a belief to be ‘bad’,” says Garrard. “For example, most in one chocolate bar. Low fat terminology can also hide
consumers will have an understanding that added something more sinister – or be completely meaningless.
sugar is going to be a product with low nutritional “Low fat items are hit and miss,” says Robinson. “If
value. However, when the sugar is called ‘organic brown it’s low in fat naturally, or has had fat content removed
rice syrup’, many consumers will overlook this. And without much else done to it – for example low-fat
numerous snack products – that promote themselves as yoghurt – then that’s fine. But more often than not,
being a healthy product – have this as the number one they add in a bunch of extra additives to give the same
ingredient on the list. mouth-feel, texture and consistency that fat would, or, in
“Another marketing trick of the food industry is the the case of sweets, they make it taste ‘better’ by adding
use of landscape/farming imagery or natural packaging more sugar.”


The brains trust behind that breakfast cereal in your pantry
are, fortunately, restricted in what they can and can’t claim,
as set out by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand
(FSANZ). You can’t, for instance, state that a food ‘lowers
your cancer risk’ unless you have the evidence to back it up.
But there’s still a bit of wriggle room.
“Health claims relating to disease states and risk factors
for chronic disease must be proven and backed up by
scientific research,” says Robinson. “Nutritional claims
such as low fat and no added sugar must meet a particular
set of standards. Before recent times, the claims could be
manipulated to make the product sound better than what
they were, but new legislation is cracking down on this now,
making it harder for manufacturers to mislead us.”
But where there is a will there is a loophole – and
marketers will gladly use them.
“Manufacturers can choose whether to show additives
by name – often scientific and unfriendly – or by number
– something we are more likely to read over and miss,”
says Statham. “They are also only required to show the
compound ingredient and not what makes it, and can
legally leave off any item that amounts to less than five per
cent of the total volume.
“The ingredients panel of most labels amounts to around
10 per cent of the total label size, so there is great scope for
on-pack marketing messages to convince us of a product’s
validity, or simply divert our attention from the real and
hard data they are legally required to provide us with.”

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 97
Going chemical free sounds daunting but is
really about simplifying what you eat, or, as
Pollan says, “If it came from a plant, eat it; if
it was made in a plant, don’t.”
In fact, Pollan goes even further, saying
that: “If you’re concerned about your
health, you should probably avoid products
that make health claims. Why? Because a
health claim on a food product is a strong
indication it’s not really food, and food is
what you want to eat.”
Once you have adopted a more analytical
and aware approach, it quickly becomes a
habit, says Statham.
“What might seem an overwhelming
task at the outset quickly becomes second
nature,” he says. “Label reading over time
becomes instinctual and has the effect of
making shopping a much simpler task. You
will find yourself skipping whole aisles in
the supermarket and shopping in an entirely
new way. When you are able to make choices
to avoid harmful additives and chemicals,
there is a natural return to the ‘source’; we
get back to basics and a simpler way of
eating and living.
THE CHANGING FACE “Label reading need not be complicated
Food standards bodies are indeed getting wise to some of the and in a world where chemical development
marketing tricks out there, just as we are becoming increasingly and usage is growing exponentially, it is
aware of what is healthy and what isn’t. increasingly necessary for us to be enquiring
“There are definitely more processes in recent years that about what we put in and on our bodies.”
allow for less manipulation and human interference with the
original wholesome products,” says Robinson. “However, this
technology is going to take some time to filter out into the
major manufacturers. It’s another great reason to shop local
and support the little guys, who can be flexible and quick to
adapt to the new processing options.”
Many manufacturers are adopting a healthier approach to
product development, at least when starting out.
“I see a lot of great new brands coming to the market, with
wholesome products, but after successes there, they tend to
become less healthy,” says Garrard. “There is only so many tubs
of natural yoghurt you can sell. So, when it comes to expanding
their ranges, the only way to do it is to create something with
lower nutritional values; ie. it will have added sugars and fats
that the company’s entry level product didn’t have.
“To me, the answer is that you don’t hold any brand of
food too closely to your heart. Just because they start out well,
doesn’t mean subsequent items in their range will be of that
standard. Read the ingredient list and don’t waste time with
the number panel. When the ingredient list follows the rules
mentioned, you’ll likely have a good product on your hands.”

98 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
feed your skin
this summer
hero ingredient

It can be hard to resist a slice of buttery banana bread with your INGREDIENTS
afternoon cuppa – and why should you, when you can make » 2 ½ cups of almond flour
» 1 tbsp buckwheat flour
your own squeaky clean version. You don’t even have to be a » 1 tsp chia seeds
baker, with this simple recipe courtesy of sugar-, dairy- and » 1 tsp cinnamon
gluten-free Heilala Vanilla Extract. Perfect for office snack-time » 1 tsp GF baking powder
» ¼ tsp sea salt
or to serve the squad during your weekend chinwag. RRP $13.99 » 1 tsp Heilala Vanilla Pure
(50ml), heilalavanilla.com.au Vanilla Extract
» 4 free range eggs, beaten
» ¼ cup coconut oil
» ¼ cup rice malt syrup
» 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (ACV)
» 1 cup raspberries
» ¼ cup coconut flakes

1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. Combine flours, chia seeds,
cinnamon, baking powder and salt in
a large bowl.
3. Add the Heilala Vanilla Pure Vanilla
Extract, eggs, oil, rice malt syrup and
ACV and mix thoroughly.
4. Carefully fold in the berries and
coconut. If the mixture is very
thick, add a cup of water and mix
thoroughly. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
5. Spoon mixture into lightly greased
bread tin.
6. Bake for approximately 30 minutes
or until a skewer inserted comes
out clean.
7. Best served warm.

100 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

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While many of us can attest

to craving more raw and

fresh foods during warmer
months – cue juicy slices of
watermelon and zesty summer
salads – we don’t quite make Hippocrates once said: “Whoever wishes are – at least to an extent – environmentally
the connection between these to investigate medicine properly should conditioned and met by the consumption of
proceed thus: in the first place to consider fresh, seasonal produce.
cravings and a shift in Mother
the seasons of the year and what effect each
Nature’s menu. Far beyond of them produces.” EVOLUTIONARY EATING
simply tasting good (in and As the father of medicine was alluding, When it comes to seasonal eating, the view
eating what’s in season (known as seasonal of evolutionary adaptation is applied by
out of a cocktail), eating what’s
eating) is a highly intuitive means to anthropologists and nutritionists alike.
in season can offer a host of sustenance and vitality, as well as disease Research from the Institute of Social and
benefits to your health. prevention. It’s thought that the behaviour Cultural Anthropology at Oxford University
taps into innate biological intelligence that has found that “seasonality is a fundamental
Words: Gracie Balev we aren’t necessarily aware of, but that environmental factor in mammalian, and

dictates out palates. On a physiological level, primate ecology, and hominid evolution”
as the climate changes, the body’s nutritional and that “human feeding adaptations
requirements will shift to adapt, maintaining are likely to have arisen in the context of
homeostasis or balance, and overall resource seasonality.” As we have evolved
wellbeing. In short, our nutritional needs over the past 200,000 years to consume

102 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
foods that will support our survival needs under sodium levels combined with low hydration levels is a
specific living conditions at any given time, the theory very dangerous situation and can lead to a condition
posits that because our bodies are sensitive to climactic called hyponatremia.”
change, they have adapted to respond best to what is In addition to rehydrating, the body will also seek to
seasonally available. protect itself from the detrimental effects of time spent
“As human beings, we are strongly influenced by in the harsh Aussie sun, ushering cravings for plant
our environment, including the change of seasons. foods rich in flavonoids – a class of compounds known
Seasonal appetite change may certainly be accounted for for their ultraviolet UVB photoprotective properties. A
by evolutionary adaptation,” says naturopath Amanda 2008 study published in the Journal of Natural Products
Harasym of Elevate Sydney Clinic. assessed nutritional compounds quercetin and rutin
“Humans have evolved to consume certain foods at as agents that could be potentially used in sunscreen
appropriate times of the year to provide our bodies with products. The study concluded that both flavonoids
adequate nutrients to survive in the face of seasonal gave sun protection factor (SPF) values similar to that of
changes. In the spring and summer, raw, fresh, leafy, standard sunscreen ingredients and also provided a non-
cooling foods flourish. This includes vegetables and negligible level of photoprotection in the UVA range. So
fruits such as apricot, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, while we aren’t suggesting you ditch your sunscreen, the
beet, Swiss chard, kale, cherries, parsley, dandelion study results do help to explain that insatiable appetite
greens, kiwi, leek, lettuce, nettle, spinach, pea greens, for summertime cherries and berries. Once again,
and strawberries. These foods are light and detoxifying, seasonal food cravings emerge to support and protect
perfect for preparing your body for summer.” the body’s delicate physiological balance under changing
So, when the cravings kick in this summer, know that conditions, and that fruit salad-topped cup of frozen
it may be more than just social or cultural conditioning yoghurt you just can’t get enough of becomes an even
chiming in to inspire your next meal – it might just be a greater hero.
matter of evolution.
COOL AS A CUCUMBER Diversifying your diet via seasonal eating appears to
Consider this scenario. It’s a long summer day and also diversify your health. By eating what is seasonally
you’ve been frolicking outdoors in 30-degree (plus) heat available, we are more likely to experiment with new
from sunrise at 5am right through to sunset at 8pm. kinds of produce and broaden our eating horizons,
Your seasonal fruit salad and froyo cravings are more consequently expanding our range of consumed
than just a matter of taste – they’re a matter of biology. nutrients, according to dietitian Anthony Glanville, also
The temperature soars, the days get longer and the of Elevate Sydney Clinic.
sun’s rays are felt more intensely as summer settles “Many people in Australia eat a very narrow
into full swing. Culturally, this means more time spent spectrum of foods. Repeating meals and not varying
outdoors, increased physical activity and plenty of ingredients means you may be missing out on key
socialising. Physiologically, our bodies call for support nutrients in your diet. Eating more seasonally means
through these changing conditions and turn to nutrition that you will ingest a wider variety of vitamins, minerals
– specifically in-season wholefoods. This is where your and nutrients,” says Glanville.
summertime food cravings stand justified for helping “Additionally, some studies have suggested that
to balance your body’s key physiological processes, exposing yourself to a wider variety of foods is
including temperature, metabolism, pH and blood sugar. important for your microbiome (gut flora/bacteria),
A study published in the Yale Journal of Biology encouraging the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.”
and Medicine concluded that “food intake appears to This nutritional advantage is amplified by
be controlled as if it is a mechanism of temperature the fact that in-season, locally sourced fruits and
regulation” and that the “food eaten appears to be vegetables are often higher quality than remotely
determined, at least partly, by the organism’s ability to sourced goods that are not in season. A 2008 study
dissipate the heat of food metabolism”; demonstrating published in the International Journal of Food Science
why summer heat could compel us to choose fresh and and Nutrition compared the vitamin C content in
cooling seasonal food to keep the body in balance. conventionally and seasonally grown broccoli at the
These foods also boast higher water content, as the same stage of ripeness and freshness from varied
body seeks hydration to counter the loss of electrolytes supermarkets in Northern New Jersey, USA. Broccoli
during physical activity and sun exposure. collected out of growing season was found to contain
“When active outdoors, our bodies sweat, losing half the amount of the vitamin C as the same variety
fluid and electrolytes. It is not uncommon for people when picked during its prime season of growth.
to crave either sweet or salty foods as the body seeks to Similar results have been produced when comparing
replace sodium and electrolytes,” says Harasym. “Low seasonally picked versus out-of-season spinach and

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 103
endive, with naturally produced pigments
indicating crops should be picked when in season
to ensure maximum nutrient content, including
levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals.
“Fresh, seasonal food hasn’t been stored for
long periods and therefore generally contains
a higher amount of nutrients, particularly
antioxidants, which can decrease with time spent The
in cold storage,” says dietitian for Shift Nutrition following is
Skye Swaney, who advises her clients to opt for a list of some of the
seasonal produce where possible.
“Seasonal produce tends to also taste better, SUMMER’S wholefood goodness that
is now in season, and some of
which encourages us to eat more of it.”
That said, Swaney notes that many frozen
BEST PICKS the ways these offerings are
nutritionally loaded to prime
fruits and vegetables are snap frozen immediately your body for another
after picking, so are generally just as nutritious as stunning Aussie
fresh varieties. 

Combining seasonal foods to create whole meals
as much as possible is a terrific way to allow FRUITS
seasonal nutrition to support your physiology, Apricots, berries, These tasty summer fruits are hydrating, packed with
according to Harasym. She encourages her melons, nectarines, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as
clients to have fun and get creative with seasonal peaches, plums, quercetin and rutin, as well as collagen-boosting vitamin C,
wholefoods for an optimally nourishing and strawberries to protect our skin from sun damage and the inflammatory
enjoyable summer diet. effects of excessive heat. They are also naturally cooling and
“A delicious, seasonal lunch might be a fresh provide quickly absorbed energy to fuel increased outdoor
salad, mixed with arugula leaves, dandelion greens, physical activity, in the form of natural sugars. These sugars
and lettuce, sliced apricots and strawberries,” says contain low GI levels and a steady metabolism is supported
by high amounts of fibre.
Harasym. “Top this with green peas, dressed in a
refreshing tahini, lime, honey and ginger dressing, VEGETABLES
eaten with your choice of a lean protein.” Asian vegetables, Boasting high levels of water content to help quench thirst,
celery, cucumbers, these summer vegetables are loaded with antioxidants
You can find a full list of what’s in season in lettuce, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, and other antioxidant
your area at seasonalfoodguide.com, which mushrooms, okra, compounds such as apigenin, luteolin, and kaempferol,
also lists details of local farmers’ markets parsley, zucchini, to combat oxidative stress from outdoor activity, sun
throughout the country. radish, rhubarb exposure and higher body temperatures. They also
“[Farmers’ markets] have fresh, seasonal induce detoxification enzymes, stimulate the immune and
produce, which typically lasts longer and tastes digestive systems through high amounts of fibre, regulate
better. Local foods are harvested at the peak metabolism through an abundance of B vitamins and
of their season when their nutritional content effectively reduce inflammation.
is at its highest and delivered to markets Beans, beetroot, This group of summer vegies are hailed for their ability to
shortly after,” says Harasym – so you really cabbage, eggplant detoxify the digestive tract with ample amounts of fibre, and
are getting the best for your body, not to for their high levels of antioxidants that neutralise the free
mention your buck. “If you eat in season and radicals produced when playing in the summer sunshine.
shop at local markets, you are supporting your Collagen-boosting vitamin C once again helps to keep our
local farmers, making a positive contribution skin and tissue structures formed and firm, while electrolyte
towards the local business community as well. minerals such as potassium and magnesium help to keep
This too will save your wallet some extra cash, the body hydrated.
and market foods are often far less expensive Red capsicum, These bright red beauties are loaded with high
(especially organic) in comparison to big- tomatoes concentrations of lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat
name supermarkets.” the age-accelerating effects of free radicals from sun
As you gradually incorporate more seasonal exposure – with the ability to devour more than 10 times
foods into your diet, you’ll find that health more oxygenated free radicals than vitamin E – and are
aligns with harvest and you’ll identify new known to protect against a variety of cancers, including skin
opportunities to seriously savour your summer. cancer in summertime.

104 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Wellness ben
e efits includ
d e:

Hydration Taste Healthier Gut V tality

devil’s advocate

Devil’s Advocate:


106 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
WORLDWIDE AND THE ROAD TEST “The heart is rested during inversions
PRACTISED BY THE Hatha, hot, vinyasa, yin: all variations of and blood flow improved – great for
yoga involving bending, stretching and deep improving circulation and heart health.
LIKES OF MICHELLE breathing; and now aerial yoga – where Getting in and out of inversions develops
OBAMA FOR ITS you perform yoga poses and inversions both core and upper body strength. We
MEDITATIVE EFFECTS, suspended off the ground in a silk sling – design classes to strengthen weaker areas
CAN PERFORMING the newest kid on the yogi block. and release tighter areas for an improved
SIMILAR POSES There’s no denying yoga’s health benefits, overall physical condition and posture,”
SUSPENDED ABOVE both physically and mentally. Recent research says LeFevre.
indicates that during a typical yoga sesh, To be honest, I had mixed feelings of
THE GROUND BY A natural substances are released in the brain intrigue and fear on my way to Body Flow
SILK SCARF BE JUST that act as antidepressants, while regular yoga Yoga to try the intro aerial yoga class. But
AS GOOD – AND SAFE practice also increases strength, balance and the moment I walked into the beautifully lit
– FOR YOU? WH&F flexibility, calms the mind and reduces stress. cream and beige studio and was greeted by
JOURNALIST ANGELIQUE That said, if you’re looking for a solid the friendly studio manager and instructor,
TAGAROULIAS HIT UP calorie-burning workout, I wouldn’t rely my fear quickly subsided. I complete a form
on yoga alone. A recent research review and discussed any health issues or injuries
HER LOCAL AERIAL YOGA conducted by the American College of to identify any potential risks: anyone with
STUDIO TO FIND OUT. Sports Medicine found that the intensity of extremely high or low blood pressure,
Words: Angelique Tagaroulias holding most yoga poses during a typical heart disease, severe osteoporosis or bone
Photography: Body Flow Yoga yoga session is classified as ‘light intensity’ weakness, recovering from recent surgery,
and doesn’t meet the recommended 30 glaucoma, pregnancy, severe flu or sinusitis
minutes of moderate-intensity physical is not allowed to join the class. I was,
activity on most days, required for thankfully, given the all clear.
maintaining good health. It’s recommended you eat more than two
Which is probably why I’ve never been hours prior to doing aerial yoga to allow
much of a yogi myself. I’ve tried it once food to digest (wouldn’t want your eggs
or twice, but would much prefer a more Bene from brunch to come up – or down
intense run along the beach to the beat of in this instance); also, to listen to your body
Calvin Harris than performing downward and not stay inverted if you feel dizzy at any
dogs. But a quick Instagram stalk of women stage. I took off my shoes and socks and it
hanging upside down in pretty purple slings was time to begin.
and I was adequately curious. Beyond the The intro class spends time showing
basic benefits of yoga practice, the advanced students how to use the silk correctly, and
movements and greater degree of stretch how to safely enter and exit basic aerial yoga
available to the aerial yogi means it offers postures. Basic mindfulness and breathing
added profits. techniques are also explored.
“Aerial yoga provides a traction Despite the relatively short history
extension for many areas of the body. This of aerial yoga, our class was a full one at
can be helpful for people who suffer from 15 people.
spinal, neck and lower back pain due to We began by getting a feel for the silk
compression from poor posture and a and learning how to pull ourselves into it.
sedentary lifestyle,” says Sophie LeFevre, To begin with, I sat in the silk like a child
yoga teacher and owner of Body Flow Yoga on a swing and looked up at the beam to
(bodyflowyoga.com, @bodyflowyoga). which the thick rope was attached; as if
“It assists with joint stability. For reading my mind, the instructor assured
example, in a posture known as back wrap, us the silk can hold up to 300 kilograms
the pelvis is supported and stabilised while of weight (phew) and I was instantly
the spine is extended. Because both joint grateful for my naturally slight frame. The
compression and instability can cause pain, apparatus is approved by an engineer and
PAGE FOR aerial yoga can assist these problems.” checked daily to ensure safety. The silk
AERIAL YOGA Decompression that occurs from fabric is washed every week, but more often
inverted postures has a multitude of healing during warm weather, so all equipment is
benefits according to LeFevre. squeaky clean.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 107
I completed my first inversion with no
real problem – not saying it was as easy as
buttering bread, but with assistance from
the instructor I did it. I experienced slight
dizziness and a stinging sensation in my
hips from the pressure of the silk in the first
couple of minutes, but once my mind and
body adjusted to being upside down, any
discomfort disappeared. After I mastered
my first inversion (and we were only
inverted for a couple of minutes at a time),
I felt a sense of satisfaction and was eager to
try more.
As the class progressed, my confidence
grew, and I even broke out into a sweat at
one point while trying to hold up my body
weight. You use your arms a lot to hold on
to the silk and hold yourself up, and it also
provides a great core workout. The session
ends with savasana (resting pose).
“Savasana involves lying with your body
fully wrapped and supported off the ground
in the aerial silk. It helps you to achieve a
healthier, calmer and more focused energy,”
says LeFevre.
It allows your body and mind to let go –
a relaxing and vital part of any yoga practice.
It’s pure bliss.

I walked out of the yoga studio feeling
energised and happy that I had achieved
something I never imagined possible. I slept
well that night and woke up feeling fantastic.
The front of my hips were a bit sore but I
guess it’s like lifting a barbell – your body
needs to get used to the pressure with
regular practice.
“We vary the length of time people are
in inverted poses and increase this slowly
as people become more experienced and
skilled. The body will adapt to whatever
we do with it and it’s important that people
build their competence safely,” says LeFevre.
“Ongoing sessions develop the variations
on the basic postures, including more
challenging postures and transitions
between postures.”
Would I go back? For a $30 casual visit,
maybe not. But for the monthly membership
of $27 to $40 to practise more aerial yoga
moves and upgrade to a more advanced
class, why not? Now that I’ve mastered the
intro class, I’m keen to push my body (and
mind) to its limit.

108 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
The experts weigh in…

Senior physiotherapist and owner of
BodyWorx Physiotherapy

ON WHAT IT IS ON EFFECTIVENESS give you feedback or options throughout

Aerial yoga combines traditional postures, While traditional yoga has been shown the class to avoid injury. One of the biggest
stretches and movements with the to help improve mobility, state of mind reasons we treat injuries of group fitness
suspension and support of a sling of stretchy and strength, there isn’t much evidence participants is because the instructor wasn’t
fabric. When correctly installed, the slings relating to aerial yoga. But it’s reasonable made aware of existing injuries so wasn’t able
can comfortably and safely support the to think that some of these benefits might to modify an exercise for the individual.
weight of most adults. be seen from doing aerial yoga. Provided
it is done in a safe environment with a ON RISKS
ON HOW IT WORKS good instructor, aerial yoga is a fun way to There are a few definite contraindications,
Aerial or zero gravity yoga involves challenge your fitness. including:
performing various poses similar to » If you experience dizziness or nausea
traditional yoga using a loop of stretchy ON SUITABILITY with inversion or bending forward.
fabric connected to the ceiling. The sling Aerial yoga is not suitable for everyone; » If you have unstable blood pressure or
supports body parts, enhancing the effects of it comes with some cautions and major heart issues.
your stretch or posture, and adds increased contraindications. However, the vast majority » Osteoperosis – this is not absolute but
difficulty through instability. of reasonably healthy people should be able check with your GP first.
to participate without much risk of injury. It’s » Major musculoskeletal injuries such as
ON BENEFITS always recommended you check with your muscle strains or joint sprains. It’s best
Experienced aerial yoga instructors can GP or physiotherapist for specific advice to check with your physio to ensure this
use the sling of material in multiple ways, before commencing a new form of exercise. won’t affect your rehabilitation.
including: » It’s best not to commence new exercises
» To amplify/modify the target of a stretch ON SAFETY during pregnancy. Even if you’re
or pose. This may increase the effects of Overall, aerial yoga is safe – provided it’s experienced with yoga, train with
the posture, and modify target muscles conducted by a qualified and experienced caution when performing end of range
and joints. trainer in a well set up studio. It is always movements due to the relaxing effects of
» Remove the impact and weight bearing recommended that before trying any hormones during pregnancy.
from injured or unstable joints. For advanced options that you participate in a » If you suffer from uncontrolled hyper
example, many older people with severe learner’s class. If this is not an option, make flexibility of your joints or have suffered
arthritis in the ankles and knees may sure you arrive early to the class and speak multiple previous dislocations (especially
struggle to attain some of the warrior with the instructor, making of mention any in the shoulders), then extra caution
or lunge positions in traditional yoga, specific problems or injuries so that they can should be taken.
but utilising the sling removes some
weight from the lower limbs to make it
more achievable.
» Increases difficulty by adding instability
to the strength portion of the program
and utilises suspended body weight for
added pressure on stretches. But this
is for more advanced participants who
already have good core control, body
awareness and flexibility.

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 109
Holistic health coach and
yoga instructor
// @kirstenscotthealth
ON WHAT IT IS » Neurotransmitters that boost
Aerial yoga is a new type of yoga that uses brain power are released through
a silk hammock as a tool to help students inversion therapy.
achieve more in-depth traditional yoga » The nervous system calms while inside
positions. The weight of the body is either the hammock cocoon, providing
partially or fully supported by the hammock stress relief.
as you move through a variety of yoga » Improves posture by re-aligning the spine.
postures, including inversions, hip openers, » Improves joint mobility
hamstring stretches and restorative postures. and decompression.
» Improves immune function.
ON HOW IT WORKS » Boosts mood by having fun.
You sit on a soft, fabric hammock that looks
similar to a long scarf. They’re made from ON EFFECTIVENESS
special high-density nylon material that For me, aerial yoga is similar to normal
can support over 2,000 pounds (450kg), yoga; but I find it more effective, fulfilling
so there’s no need to worry about tearing and calming.
the fabric. The hammock is held up by ON SAFETY
carabiners, support chains and webbing ON SUITABILITY Aerial yoga is a safe form of exercise when
straps, which can be adjusted for height and Anyone can attend if they are mindful of taught by a certified aerial yoga instructor.
better manoeuverability. their own conditions. I recommend extreme Your instructor will be able to tell you how
caution to people who have a head cold or to perform aerial poses properly so that
ON BENEFITS sinusitis, very high or low blood pressure, you don’t injure yourself. As you are only
» Improves flexibility and artificial hips, are pregnant, get vertigo or suspended three or so feet from the ground
increases strength. faint easily, have recently undergone surgery during aerial classes, the risk of injury from
» It relieves back pain. When hanging or a head injury, had botox injections falling is minimal. However, there are risks
upside down there is no compression (within six hours), or suffer from glaucoma, associated with hanging upside down for
on the spine, lengthening the ligaments heart disease, osteoporosis, bone weakness, too long.
to help relax your muscles and elongate cerebral sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome or
the spine. severe arthritis. ON RISKS
Of course, no reputable yoga instructor is
going to keep you upside down for longer
than is healthy, but you should be aware of
the health risks associated nonetheless. Most
benefits of aerial yoga can be experienced
after only a couple of minutes of inverting, but
the general rule is that you can remain in an
inversion for as long as you are comfortable.
For a beginner, it might be wise to start with
shorter durations and increase over time.

110 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

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What’s included: seven nights’ rock climbing and rice field treks, access to steam, sauna and pool, and services of a
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COMO Shambhala Estate
access to fitness facilities, and hydro
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pool, relaxation room, Hammam and
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We love: the wonderful nearby
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Marbella Club

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$$$$: Splurge = From $4,220pp twin share for seven nights the quality of services, food and pamper options at your disposal.
Experience the rhapsody of Mediterranean life at the golden mile What’s included: seven-night stay in a private villa, daily
of Marbella. Originally a royal private residence on the sparkling breakfast, a wellness program, complementary attendance to
Spanish Costa del Sol, this luxurious hideaway is a picture of regal group classes, a variety of thalasso-inspired spa treatments and
sophistication. Apart from its beauty, Marbella Club is an idyllic unlimited access to the thalasso pool.
oasis to retune your senses and focus on your wellbeing. With a We love: the idyllic location is only a 15-minute stroll along the
variety of health programs, from fitness to detox breaks, Marbella beachfront to the chic boutiques and traditional tapas restaurants
Club’s top health experts will ensure that you receive personalised of Marbella.


$$$: Indulge = From $2,435pp twin share for seven nights
A holistic haven perched on the captivating island of Koh
Samui, Kamalaya is a natural drawcard for those seeking an
away-from-it-all wellness break. This luxury health resort is
equipped with all the right tools to help you recharge and reset;
whether you need to detox, destress or simply kick-start healthy
living, Kamalaya is the place to go. With a range of programs
focusing on life enhancement and mentoring, you’ll be set on
the right path in no time. Healthy spa cuisine and specialised
treatments inspired from East to West work hand in hand with Thanyapura
each bespoke program to give you the results you seek.
What’s included: seven nights’ accommodation,
comprehensive wellness program, private consultation, full
board including standard beverages, return $$: Indulge Lite = From $1,430pp twin share for seven nights
shared transfers, spa treatments, access Top-notch in all aspects, Thanyapura in Phuket is the retreat
ADDED you need for a complete body and mind reset. For the athletic
to steam cavern, swimming pool
VALUE OFFER: type, this destination is the perfect holiday jaunt, armed
and gym, and complementary
Book seven nights with world-class sports facilities and coaches to mentor you
attendance to yoga classes,
through Health and Fitness throughout your stay. Its clientele speaks for itself – don’t be
meditation and more.
Travel (healthandfitnesstravel. surprised if you find yourself training amongst Olympic athletes
We love: Kamalaya is
com.au OR call 1300 551 from all over the world. For those in search of healing and
a powerhouse of wellness 353) and receive a
knowledge. Join one of the many tranquility, Thanyapura also has your back. A separate garden
complementary wing caters for guests who are on a health program, providing
lectures at the retreat to teach you massage.
new ways of healthy living. an ambient setting to fulfil whatever wellness aspirations you
may have.
Kamalaya What’s included: seven nights’ accommodation, full
board, return private transfers, a holistic health program,
complementary attendance to sports and fitness classes, and
access to the gym and spa facilities.
We love: Thanyapura seeks to inspire a healthier and more
positive lifestyle in a conducive environment, with personalised
coaching and only the best wellness technology.

114 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Marbella Club


OF 2017
wing. Ultra pigmented, it offers 24-hour
REALLY HAVE A 25,000 flawlessness. Smudgeproof, creaseproof,
waterproof – sheer proof that it works!
Foundation, $68.00
3. The Ordinary Foundation, $12.90
FROM THIS RANGE (mecca.com.au)
ARE SOLD EVERY 2.5 It’s a known fact that
This cult favourite foundation line
Australia is the third-largest
SECONDS? BEHOLD has taken the cake this year when
market in the world for
THE BEAUTY BLACK NARS, so we totally
it comes to being brandished
HOLE YOU WON’T WANT 2 a ‘best seller’ in the land of the
get why this
3 Hemsworth brothers (ahem,
TO EMERGE FROM: foundation
Australia). It has a 25,000 wait
WHAT SOLD (AND SOLD- is a surefire
list brimming with beauty
sell-out. In
OUT) THIS YEAR IN fact, to date,
junkies – a testament to its OTT
AUSTRALIA. popularity. Both foundations
Mecca has
come in 21 shades and have an
Words: Kristina Ioannou sold 4600 litres
SPF of 15.
of it. Crazy.
4. Too Faced Better Than Sex
2. Inglot AMC Eyeliner
Mascara, $33 (mecca.com.au)
Gel, $28 (inglotcosmetics.

Call it the unicorn of eye make-

up, this intensely black, volumising mascara
Inglot’s top seller is perfect 4
from Too Faced is all you’ll ever need in
for creating intense eye
your lash wardrobe to achieve lashes
designs, especially the
that are separated, coated and curled to
universally adored
voluptuous perfection.

116 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
5. Napoleon Perdis Auto Pilot 10. Ardell Glamour
Pre Foundation Skin Primer, $59 Wispies Lashes, $10.99
(napoleonperdis.com.au) (priceline.com.au)
Year in, year out, this priming If you’re having a browse
wonderprod reigns supreme. It on Insta, you’ll notice that most of the beauty gang
creates the perfect landing for are tagging Ardell in all of their make-up selfies.
your make-up, and is bursting For good reason too – this pair of Wispies is one of
with the likes of vitamin Ardell’s highest selling styles and perfect for those
E, chamomile and yarrow of us not blessed with Bambi lashes.
extracts to keep skin soft,
6 11
supple and hydrated 11. Benefit Watt’s Up! Cream Highlighter,
prior to painting $53 (benefitcosmetics.com.au)
your face. A cult favourite and used on many a
celebrity face, this illuminator still remains
6. Urban Decay Naked3 one of 2017’s bestsellers. It leaves skin
Eyeshadow Palette, $83 with a subtle pearly glow, goes on sheer
(mecca.com.au) and works on any skin tone. Blend with
If you’ve ever watched a beauty
7 the warmth of your fingers for a soft,
tutorial on Youtube, you’ve 12 powdery finish that leaves behind a
probably seen an Urban Decay Eyeshadow champagne-tinged hue.
Palette floating around. With no signs of
slowing down in the popularity department, 12. Physicians Formula Murumuru Butter
you’ll covet this carefully crafted selection Bronzer, $29.95 (priceline.com.au)
of rose-hued eyeshadows, which are game- A quick Google and you’ll be met with hundreds
changers when it comes to creating endless of reviews all singing praise over this skin-
sultry eye looks. perfecting bronzer. Featuring ultra-refined
pearl and soft-focus pigments that smooth
7. Marc Jacobs Beauty Re(cover) skin’s texture, brightens skin tone and delivers
Perfecting Coconut Setting Mist, $61 a gorgeous bronze glow, you’ll be left feeling
(sephora.com.au) like a Brazilian bombshell.
A 24-hour make-up setting mist that
hydrates while giving skin a fresh, dewy glow? 13 13. Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure,
Inspired by Marc Jacobs’ love of coconut water, $14.95 (priceline.com.au)
this refreshing spray contains five coconut We say: skip the salon, get the results. Don’t
actives and coconut-derived fragrance for a settle for just colour when you can get a base coat,
delicate, delicious experience (it will even sing strengthener, growth treatment, salon-inspired colour,
the song Coco Jumbo if you ask it to!). top coat, chip-resistance and a gel finish all in one
bottle thanks to Sally Hansen’s bestselling superhero.
8. Maybelline Tattoo Brow 3 Day Gel Tint,
$24.95 (priceline.com.au) 14. Luk Beautifood Lip Nourish Lipstick, $29.95
Given brows are still trending in a big way, 14 (lukbeautifood.com)
this brow gel offers an innovative solution to Lip balms and lipsticks that don’t make your pout
keeping one’s arches looking fierce: it’s a peel- flaky and dry are few and far between. So there’s a
off formula that tints brows for up reason why this balm-to-lipstick formula is taking over
to three days and gradually the beauty world. Made entirely from food-based
fades over time. Formulated ingredients, it’s 100 per cent natural and comes in a
with royal jelly and aloe range of 12 delicious shades that range from sheer to
vera, your furry caterpillars pigmented. The best bit? Kourtney Kardashian and
will be left filled in and the cast of Modern Family are huge fans!
well conditioned.
9 15. Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector, $68
9. Laura Mercier Secret (sephora.com.au)
Concealer, $40 (adorebeauty.com.au) Want to nab yourself a quick 8 hours’ sleep minus
A household name, Laura Mercier’s Secret the actual snoozing? Mix this into your foundation or
Concealer is still topping the beauty ranks. Moisture rich, dab along the high planes of the face – it’ll leave
it’s designed specifically for under and around the eye 15 you with the kind of glow that will trick people
area to conceal discolourations and dark circles without into thinking you’re well rested and bright eyed,
settling into fine lines and wrinkles. bushy tailed. Keep ’em guessing!

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 117
3. Fudge Clean Blonde Violet Shampoo,
$16.55 (ry.com.au)
Blondies have been rejoicing over this 2
1. Sugar Bear Hair Capsules, $38.55 superhero all year long, which is the perfect
(sugarbearhair.com) partnership to neutralise and cleanse the
Scroll through your Instagram feed hair while removing unwanted yellow and
and chances are you’ll see a model or a brassy tones from blonde strands.
Kardashian with one of these vitamins
sticking out of their mouths. The brand’s 4. Bumble & Bumble Pret a Powder, $39
Instagram page boasts a modest 1.6 million (mecca.com.au)
following and sells loveable, blue edible Two words: instant texture. It’s equal parts 3
bears that promise stronger and thicker dry shampoo, style extender and volume in
hair. Sold! a pinch and one of Mecca’s highest rating 5
hair prods.
2. Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3, $49.95
(ry.com.au) 5. Kevin Murphy Angel Wash, $38.95
The perfect follow-on from Olaplex No. 1 and (kevinmurphy.com.au)
No. 2 salon treatments, bestselling Olaplex Meet the one product your hair needs to
No 3. works by repairing hair through stay soft and shiny year-long. It cleanses hair
neutralising pH levels in the broken bonds without stripping and contains aloe, iris and
of the hair shaft. Your hair will remain soft, lavender to gently protect the tresses. All
smooth and less frizzy for mane perfection. hail Kevin Murphy! 4

4 7


acids known to recharge and replenish skin, 6. Clinique Dramatically Different
Maracuja Oil works to rejuvenate and deliver Moisturising Lotion, $49 (clinique.com.au)
an even-toned complexion while its infusion A skincare staple that has been proven an
1. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5, of vitamin C creates the appearance of absolute necessity year in, year out. Clinique
$12.90 (ry.com.au) brighter skin. devotees will swear it’s transformed their
Currently, a product is selling every 2.5 skin, and thanks to its light texture and
seconds globally from The Ordinary’s range. 4. Alpha-H Liquid Gold, $59.95 (ry.com.au) nourishing feel, it’s in a league of its own.
Gulp. Using a range of different molecular There’s a reason why beauty junkies are
sizes, this hyaluronic powerhouse ensures raving about this skincare hybrid on all of the 7. Simple Cleansing Wipes, $6.99
that HA is delivered at various levels of the online forums: it works! A pioneering cult- (priceline.com.au)
skin, supported with the addition of vitamin favourite skin resurfacing treatment, it works These soft wipes are 100 per cent alcohol
B5, which also enhances surface hydration. overnight by stimulating healthy cells and free and provide an easy one-step cleansing
radically improving the appearance of tired routine. Their popularity stems mainly from
2. Blaq Mask Tube, $29 (blaq.co) skin, sun damage, pigmentation and wrinkles. their affordability and the fact that you can
On a pursuit to perfect, poreless skin sans cleanse, tone and freshen your skin for a
blackheads? Minimise your mirror time with 5. L’Ocittane Shea Butter Hand Cream, $44 smooth, soft finish in a snap.
this Insta-famous activated charcoal mask (au.loccitane.com)
designed to target toxins and draw out You can bet that this bestselling balm 8. Herbivore Blue Clay, $31 (sephora.com.au)
impurities – instantly. from L’Occitane will save your hands from Hello, magical unicorn mask! Cambrian
unnecessary dryness. The soothing blend blue clay, a rare clay found in Siberian
3. Tarte Maracuja Oil, $56 (sephora.com.au) is chock-full of honey and almond extracts, lakes, is coveted for its skin-balancing and
Apparently this is one of Sephora’s hottest coconut oil and shea butter to leave hands complexion-clarifying properties. And check
skincare prods of 2017. Rich in essential fatty feeling supple, smooth and scented. out that packaging. Exotic!

118 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
3. Clarisonic Mia2, $219 (mecca.com.au)
No doubt you’ve seen these plastered around the interwebs this year.
Effortless and compact, Clarisonic Mia 2 is a unique cleansing device
Real Techniques Stippling Brush, $24.99 that features two speeds and a one-minute pulsing T-Timer to guide
(priceline.com.au) your cleansing routine and equip you with skin worthy of a selfie.
Beauty bloggers are swearing by this 3
brush, which has the ability to 4. Slip Silk Pillowcases, $79.95 (queen size) (slip.com.au)
transform cakey foundation Given that you spend a third of your life in bed and have slept for an
into a seamless, flawless average of 20 years by the time you are 60, it’s no wonder these silk
base thanks to dual-
pillowcases are so popular. Anti ageing, anti sleep crease, anti bed
fibre bristles. head: these are all you need as you head off into the land
of nod.
2. Kevyn Aucoin The Eyelash
Curler, $30 (mecca.com.au) 5. Ghd Platinum Styler Hair Straightener, $259 (ry.com.au)
An award-winning cult beauty tool; from 4 Everyone wants beautiful shiny hair. If you struggle with thick,
the slim stainless steel frame and unique curly tendrils that are hard to manage but you’re worried about
rounded rubber pad to its one-of-a-kind damage caused by harsh heating tools, the ghd Platinum
individually crafted shape, Kevyn Aucoin styler is the answer to all of your beauty prayers.
has perfected the art of beautifully curling
lashes without damaging or bending
the lashes themselves.

12 15

9. Frank Body Original Coffee Scrub, $16.95 soothed, and softer feeling. Pair with your 14. SK-II Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser,
(frankbody.com) favourite lipstick bullet and you’re good to go. $95 (sk-ii.com.au)
We doubt this invigorating in-shower body Ah, SK-II: what would we do without you?
scrub will ever go out of style. Made from 12. Mario Badescu Facial Spray, $9 Skin wouldn’t glow as much, that’s for sure.
ground coffee beans, the scrub is dark brown (mecca.com.au) This bestseller has a natural rose scent
and has a soft, grainy feel. It’s also pretty True story: this is the highest-selling facial and cleanses impurities around and inside
pungent – which is a good thing (if you like mist at MECCA in 2017. Why? It’s the ultimate pores while enveloping your skin with silky
coffee). Tackling everything from dry skin to pick-me-up, formulated simply with fragrant smoothness. Perrrrfect.
stretch marks, it’s got our stamp of approval. herbal extracts and rosewater to soothe
15. Antipodes Kiwi Seed Oil Eye Cream, $58
dehydrated, tight and uncomfortable skin.
10. Murad Blemish Spot Treatment, $32 Safe for all skin types thanks to a gentle and
Antipodes sells three of this natural kiwi seed
(sephora.com.au) non-irritating formula.
eye creams every five seconds. Wowsers! The
A solid pick for most skin types, this
luscious yet light eye cream creates a cooling
fast-acting spot treatment reduces the 13. Bali Body Tanning Body Oil, $23.95 (au.
and soothing sensory experience thanks to
appearance of breakouts and supports balibodyco.com) ultra-rich vitamin C from the seed of New
healing of blemishes. See ya later, spots. The thought of slathering oil all over your Zealand kiwifruit, carrot seed oil, aloe gel and
body in the sticky, humid summer may sound 100 per cent pure
11. Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask, $38 uncomfortable, but this silky-smooth tanning avocado oil.
(sephora.com.au) oil dries without leaving a sticky residue
Can’t stand a parched pout? Bite Beauty’s behind and provides skin-loving benefits
lip mask improves the texture of lips so that while enhancing your skin’s natural hue. Plus,
they’re more hydrated, healthier looking, it smells awesome!

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 119
FRAGRANCE 1 4. Jo Malone London Lime Basil & Mandarin
Cologne, $198 100 ml (jomalone.com.au)
With a celebrity stamp of approval against its

1. Le Labo Santal 33, $389 (mecca.com.au)
name, this is kind of what 2017 has
Don’t let the hefty price tag deter you. You’ll whandfmaged
been smelling like – peppery
adore this signature unisex scent with notes
basil and aromatic white thyme, womenshealth
of iris, spice and violet, perfect for making a
3 bringing an unexpected twist to andfitness
lasting impression.
the scent of limes on a
2. Byredo Gypsy Water, $245 100ml Caribbean breeze. 
(mecca.com.au) 2
The number 1 selling fragrance across 5. Calvin Klein Obsessed
all MECCA stores and online, Byredo for Women, $99 125 ml
has created a household name for (myer.com.au)
itself. In particular, Gypsy Water helps You’ll want to get your
you tap into your inner bohemian pretty paws on this
with a vivacious, woody aroma laced modernised oriental
with bursts of citrus, incense, pine fragrance with top
and orris. notes of cedar
leaves, a heart of
3. YSL Black Opium, $165 50ml (myer.com.au) black vanilla and
Steal the night with YSL’s bestselling Black a base of amber.
Opium. Long lasting, daring and sultry, it’s for the One spritz is all
gal who lives a life of passion and confidence. you need.

4 5

120 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
stay fresh, naturally

The double mineral salts in BODY CRYSTAL, kill the bacteria on

your skin which cause body odour. This invisible layer of protection
on your skin is a safe and effective way to stop odour before it starts.
Available unscented or with fresh fragrances, BODY CRYSTAL is safe
for sensitive skin and leaves you feeling fresh and clean all day.
Find BODY CRYSTAL at leading supermarkets in the deodorant
section and at most good health food stores and pharmacies.


A to


122 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
If you’vee ever glanced at the ingredients
list of one
likely been
skincare bottles, you’ve
ne of your ski
en exposed tto barely pronounceable
logy and a name
skin woee under the su
na for just about every
sun. For the average
person, this can all be quite overwhelming
– especially if your main
simple skincare regime
m goal is to seek out a
regim minus the headache.
To give you a push in the right direction,
we’re shedding light o on what it all means
with a little help from the certified skincare
pro’s. Look at it as a li
because when it comes
little beauty vocab lesson,
com to keeping your skin
The best (and easiest)
way to remember
what these little guys
are is to envision
them as Pac-Man-like molecules
that destroy and neutralise pesky
free radicals. “Antioxidants not
only help to combat visible signs
of ageing, they also assist with
a more youthful appearance
while revitalising dull-looking
skin,” says Mel Driver, director of
Embalm Skincare (embalmskincare.com.
When it comes to skin
barrier health, nothing
beats vitamin B3 or, as it’s
most commonly known,
niacinamide. “It has been proven to boost
the production of ceramides and fatty
acids, which are important in keeping
your skin’s protective barrier healthy,”
in check, understanding
u de sta d g iss half
c ec , understand a tthee batt
e. says Aaron Breckell, co-founder of Happy
au The best way to up your antioxidant
Skincare (happyskincare.
intake is through a topical skincare regime
com.au). “The essential
an a balanced diet containing fresh,
building block of glowing
organic foods such as carrots, pumpkin,
skin, vitamin B3 also
sw potato and kale.
reduces redness and boosts
hydration.” On the other
T GO-TO: Lavera Regenerating Facial
O $29.95 (sproutmarket.com.au)
Oil, end of the spectrum is
vitamin B5. “Also known as
panthenol, it’s a humectant

COLLAGEN that can help stabilise the
Because collagen provides skin barrier, soothe redness
structure to the skin, when the and stimulate healing
production of it starts to slow process,” says skincare expert
with age, it can show by way Helen Dao (befraiche.com).
of wrinkles
wrin and weaker joints. “Collagen is
the most
mo abundant protein in the body, so THE GO-TO: Happy Skincare
it’s no wonder iit’s so important forr healthy skin,” Over The Moon Rich Repair
says naturopath Fay Halkitis from m Luna Beauty & C
Cream, $30.95 (nourishedlife.
Apothecary (lunanaturopath.com).
(lu ). co
Halkitis says that
th while you can find nd
skincare products, it is best
collagen in some skinca est

consumed in the form of bone broth or a good
Pigmentation found
quality gelatin powder.
under the eyes can be
characterised by shadows
THE GO-TO: Mesoestetic Collagen 360 Serum,
cast by puffy eyelids
$129 (advancedcosmceuticals.com.au)
an hallows. “These can develop as part
of ageing, poor circulation, diet, a lack of
sle a sluggish liver and lack of iron,”

EXFOLIATE explains
ex organic facialist Lindy Bekerman
“Exfoliation is the fastest way to slough (heavenlyrituals.com.au).
(h “A cold compress
away dead skin cells and bring a of herbal teabags and a lightly textured eye
healthy glow to the skin by stimulating cream
cree with ingredients such as licorice root
collagen,” says Driver. Whether you optt and
nd vitamin K help with blood circulation
for a scrub, pair of exfoliating gloves or a polishing gel, around
arro the eye area. Foods such as leafy
with a little bit of friction you can see your dead skin vegetables,
veg seaweed and strawberries can
rolling away. Work in circular motions all over the face also
als aid in lightening dark circles from the
to gently exfoliate at least twice a week. Easy peasy. inside
ins out.

THE GO-TO: Skinfood Exfoliating Scrub, $14.00 THE

TH GO-TO: Lancôme Advanced Génifique
(goodstuffonline.com.au) Yeux,
Yeu $102 (lancome.com.au)

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 123
If clear skin nirvana sounds dreamy,
especially if you’re acne prone, then
Fraxel – a fractional laser – may just be
the skincare godmother you’ve always
wanted. “It’s a laser skin resurfacing device that produces
thousands of tiny, precise holes in the skin, which
reduces unwanted pigmentation such as brown and
ageing spots,” says Dr Sean Arendse, medical director
and cosmetic physician at Flawless Rejuvenation. “It also
minimises skin imperfections such as large pores and
scars, improving overall skin tone and texture.” It ain’t
cheap, but worth it.

THE GO-TO: Flawless Rejuvenation Skin Clinic, (03) 9827

5246 (flawlessrejuvenation.com.au)

works as a

humectant HYDRATION
on the skin, Sure, drinking eight glasses of water is considered
meaning it attracts water from an ideal feat in the pursuit for optimum
the air and seals it in,” explains hydration, but when it comes to keeping the skin
Bekermen. “It’s quite gentle super soft and supple, Halkitis claims it all starts
and can stimulate the skin cells with a good cleanser. “Hydration actually starts at the cleansing stage
to rejuvenate, which is why it’s of your skincare routine – your cleanser should be purifying but
used as an ingredient in many gentle enough that your skin doesn’t feel tight or dry afterwards,”
skincare products.” Look for she says, recommending that oilier skin types reach for water-based
moisturisers containing this serums, which are great at hydrating and d protecting the skin in the
skin-saving component. lightest way possible.

THE GO-TO: The Body Shop THE GO-TO: Andalou Naturals Coconut Water Firming
Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner, Cleanser, $14.95 (nourishedlife.com.au)
$19 (thebodyshop.com.au)

Brandished as the ultimate
mate skin

IRRITANTS booster, jojoba oil is Mother Nature’s
Every ingredient – even n those perfect healing ingredient.
dient. “It is rich
that are natural and organic
ganic in vitamin A, as well as fatty acids
– have the potential to cause a omega
omeg 6 and 9, all of which contribute bute toward
reaction, which is why Breckell skin strength and cell renewal,” says ys Driver.
stresses the importance of testing any new product on a small area Halkitis
Halk agrees that it is perfect at helping our
first. “Though there are some regular offenders when it comes to skin’s natural healing system. “It has as a very close
causing irritation, strong surfactants like SLES and SLS, preservatives affinity to our skin since it’s nearlyy identical to
and fragrance, including some essential oils, are all irritation’s usual the molecular structure of our own n sebum,” she
suspects,” he says. “Search for soothing ingredients that are barrier- says. “It’s also naturally antibacterial,
al making it a
repairing to reduce symptoms such as redness and inflammation.” great choice for acne-prone skin.”

THE GO-TO: Embalm Luxurious Face Cream, $37.95 OUR GO-TO: Happy Skincare Laugh Out Loud Active Jojoba,
(embalmskincare.com.au) $38.95 (nourishedlife.com.au)

124 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
This naturally
clay mineral
is sometimes
known as China clay and tends

to be white in colour – kewl, eh? “It can LASER
be used by all skin types to cleanse, tone, There are many
remove impurities, stimulate and exfoliate,” different types of lasers
says Breckell. “It is a main player in face masks that can be used to
but it is also now found in many natural treat a variety of skin
deodorants due to its odour-absorbing and conditions. “Anything from reduction
balancing properties.” of pigmentation, blood vessels and fine
lines, lasers can also be used for tattoo
THE GO-TO: Woohoo Body All-Natural removal, wart removal, fungal nail
Deodorant Paste, $17.95 (woohoobody.com.au) infections and removal of birth marks,”
says Dr Arendse.

THE GO-TO: NeoSkin, (03) 9421 1212


Fact: a great face
oil can help with a

Though it multitude of skincare
Much like the aforementioned
sounds a bit concerns. “Your skin
exfoliant technique with
nightmarish, has natural lipids as part of its makeup and they are vital for
a bit of extra pizzazz,
skin needling healthy and balanced skin, so it makes complete sense to restore
microdermabrasion is a non-
is actually quite beneficial for the your skin’s natural oils with something from the plant kingdom,
invasive procedure that propels
skin. According to the experts, especially since as we age, our natural lipid levels drop,” says
fine granules on to the skin
this regime improves penetration Breckell. “Good plant oils are nutrient goldmines because they’re
surface while simultaneously
of active ingredients by up to 40 high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids
applying suction. “It works
per cent more effectively than 3, 6, 9 and including the lesser-known omegas 5 and 7.”
by causing a small amount of
trauma to the skin, allowing the simply massaging the serum
directly into your skin. “It causes THE GO-TO: Curelle Cacay Oil, $49.95 (nourishedlife.com.au)
skin to repair itself in a more
organised fashion to create controlled microscopic wounds
younger, healthier looking skin,” and pinpoint bleeding, which

elicits the body’s own wound- PEPTIDES
says cosmetic nurse practitioner
healing response, releasing the These bad boys – which are actually a chain
Katherine Millar-Shannon
skin’s own cellular chemical of amino acids or small proteins – come
(duquessa.com.au). “The
messengers, promoting healing, with a wealth of benefits. “When collagen
skin will almost immediately
increasing collagen production breaks down in the skin, short fragments of
appear smoother, healthier
and resulting in overall amino acids, peptides, are formed,”
and rejuvenated,” she says. A
improvement of skin texture,” explains Dao. “Since our collagen
machine is generally used to
says Dr Arendse. You can opt cannot be fully replaced over time,
buff and polish the skin in-salon
for an in-salon treatment or at- one strategy to reverse the signs
or you can purchase at-home
home device. of ageing is to apply products that
microdermabrasion kits for a
contain peptides, as it tricks the
gentler DIY approach.
THE GO-TO: Synergie Skin skin into thinking that it has lost
Rejuvaderm Home Roller, $99 collagen and needs to produce more.
THE GO-TO: Synergie Skin
(synergieskin.com) Thus the skin will look more supple
Medi Scrub, $79 (synergieskin.
and firmer.”

THE GO-TO: Dermalogica Super Rich

Repair, $128 (dermalogica.com.au)

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 125

Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of instant
Dermatologists everywhere
gratification to achieve the skin of
swear by retinol and
our dreams. Cue: face masks. These
research over the past 30
skin-salving powerhouses can help to
years backs up its brilliance,
moisturise, even out skin tone, tighten pores
proving that it can tackle a ton of skin
and extract impurities from deep within the
concerns including wrinkles, pigmentation
skin – all in as little as 10 to 15 minutes. Last-
and acne. “Retinol is a form of vitamin A that
minute skin rescue coming right up!
is the most talked about and the most
utilised in anti-aging skin products,”
THE GO-TO: Snow Fox Arctic Breeze Detox Mask, $10
says Dao. “When applied on the skin,
it is converted into retinoic acid, which
works hard to combat free radicals,

stimulate cell turnover and boost

“This is a beta collagen production; thus increasing
hydroxy acid that skin firmness and giving skin a
has the ability to youthful appearance.”
exfoliate the surface
TREATMENTS THE GO-TO: Neutrogena Rapid
of the skin and the inside of the
Just like exercise, Wrinkle Repair Anti-Ageing
pore lining,” explains Bekerman.
the results from Day Moisturiser SPF15, $39.99
“Either synthetic or found
skin treatments (neutrogena.com.au)
naturally in willow bark extract, it’s
are cumulative.
a must-have for skin smoothing,
“Regular facial
keeping blackheads away and for

treatments every four to six weeks UV PROTECTION
treating keratosis pilaris.” UV protection is non-
will target cells at turnover,” says
Halkitis. “They are fabulous for negotiable. Duh. Sunscreen
THE GO-TO: Medik8 beta Gel, $79.50 should be applied at least
boosting circulation, enhancing
(medik8.com.au) 30 minutes prior to sun
lymphatic drainage,
purifying and hydrating exposure to allow it to be fully absorbed,
the skin and can also be and reapplied frequently. Halkitis cites

VITAMINS a form of stress relief, the importance of drawing sun protection
Research shows that certain soothing the nervous concurrently from our diet. “UV protection
nutrients are essential for system.” If you don’t have starts with a high antioxidant diet that
preventing and reversing many the coin to dish out on includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables,
signs of ageing. While a healthy regular treatments, try which provide the body an abundance of
diet is essential to keep skin luminous, applying creating an at-home day phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and vitamin E,
vitamins topically can deliver maximum spa with luscious body boosting the immune system naturally,” she
benefits according to Breckell. “Everything from oils and bath soaks. explains. “Topically, a non-nano zinc oxide-
brightening to improving texture and tone to based sunscreen is best as it stays close to the
eradicating breakouts can be achieved,” says OUR GO-TO: Lux surface of the skin and reflects UV.”
Breckell. Use a variety in your skincare routine Aestiva Gypsy Oil, $33
such as vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K as (luxaestiva.com) THE GO-TO: MooGoo Anti-Ageing Face
well as zinc and omega fatty acids. Cream SPF15, $34.90 (moogoo.com.au)

THE GO-TO: Endota

Spa Multi-Vitamin
We’re all for smile lines and wrinkles that boast a life well
Treatment Oil, $50
lived, but when it comes to the kind that emerge from
lifestyle stressors, excessive sun exposure and poor dietary
choices, we say – smell ya later! “Wrinkles are caused by
the breakdown of collagen and elastic in the skin,” says Bekerman. “A two-way
approach of good internal health, targeted skincare that contains antioxidants and
the use of sun protection assists in the prevention of wrinkles.”

THE GO-TO: Ocinium Metamorphis Multi-Vitamin Cream, $120 (ocinium.com)

126 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au

X Say what? We
know. It sounds
kind of like a
space alien, but
Dr Arendse describes xanthophyll
to be “a plant pigment that
functions as an antioxidant in the
skin, commonly used to reduce
sun damage”. “By consuming
plenty of xanthophylls you can
ttake full advantage of their
aantioxidant properties and keep
yyour body’s cells safe from free
rradicals,” adds Shannon-Millar.
IIndoor Protective Day Crème,
$$95 (bioelements.com)


Y “Youthfulness isn’t just a tub of

goop – it’s a healthy state of mind
too,” says Bekerman. “We cannot
stop ageing, but we are in control
of whether we remain youthful as we age and our
thoughts play a big part in that.” With that said,
pairing positive thinking with a tub of youth-
inducing goop doesn’t hurt either!
THE GO-TO: Enbacci Age Revitalising Eye SPELT GRASS - BARLEY GRASS
Defence Cream, $88, enbacci.com
Here at Gelpro we have combined our original, almighty
Peptipro Collagen with your daily dose of greens to bring you
our Organic Supergreens Collagen Formula! Our superstar
line up uses greens that are known to be alkalising, nutrient
dense and loaded with vitamins and minerals. The perfect

addition to your daily juice or smoothie!
When it comes to sending
a smattering of pimples to “We use young leaves that are cold pressed, not juiced
exile, the gold-standard to retain full nutrient spectrum”
topical acne fighters are
retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic
acid. Prescription medication is also + Collagen Protein + No Carbs, Fat or Sugar

widely used in more serious cases. Our + Organic Australian Greens + Preservative Free

advice? Resist the urge to squeeze and leave

extractions to the professionals.
+ Cold Pressed + Great in Smoothies & Juice

THE GO-TO: Paula’s Choice Clear Extra

Strength Daily Skin Clearing Treatment
with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, $28


If you’re looking for a little something to Is the taste of tap water preventing you Looking for a tastier source of protein than
satisfy your sweet craving post-dinner, from meeting your daily two-litre goal? your stock-standard French vanilla whey?
we’ve got you sorted with this perfect We have the solution: Pure Water Systems This WPI Honeycomb by Protein Supplies
brew. Planet Organic’s Rosehip Hibiscus Counter-Top Water Filtration System. Its Australia is perfect for supporting fast
herbal blend is a fruity infusion with a water filter cartridge is made from the post-workout recovery – returning your
pleasant sweet and sour flavour – healthier latest in carbon block filtration technology, body from a muscle-wasting (catabolic)
than a sweet lolly but just as tasty. It’s meaning your water will come through with to muscle-building (anabolic) state – and
blended from the finest certified organic a reduced level of chlorine, chemicals and is also suitable for cooking and baking. It
rosehips, loaded with vitamin C and rich other water nasties. It’s portable, so perfect absorbs quickly, is low in fat and carbs, and
in antioxidants to help boost immunity. for both the office (ask the boss) and home, is 99 per cent lactose free – good news for
Refreshing, satisfying and a healthy choice. and you won’t need to call the local plumber your digestive system. You’ll be skipping
RRP $5.95, planetorganic.com.au to help with installation – you can install it straight past the Crunchie aisle once you’ve
directly onto the tap in two easy steps. Win! tasted this.
RRP $149, purewatersystems.com.au RRP starting at $44.95,

128 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Sweet-toothed ladies behold: if you love
ice-cream on a summer’s day as much as
we do, you’ll love Cocofrio’s organic and
dairy- and gluten-free coconut milk ice-cream.
It’s made from natural ingredients and is also
vegan and fructose friendly to suit all dietary
requirements. Plus it comes in a variety of
mouth-watering flavours including hazelnut,
choc-coconut, choc-raspberry ripple, iced-
coffee, mango and salted caramel. Yum.
RRP $11.95-$12.95, cocofrio.com.au

Spatone® 100 per cent natural
liquid iron supplement.
Available in 28 sachets or 14 sachets
from selected health food stores
and pharmacies.
RRP $36.25 (28 sachets) or
RRP $24.15 (14 sachets), for
more information go to


If you don’t want to risk it all for a tan, Eco ’Tis the season to be merry – which might Balmy nights tend to see us ditching the
Tan’s lightweight Cacao Tanning Mousse also mean working extra hard at the gym warm vegie stir-fries for cool salad wraps.
is our pick in the self-tanner stakes. Its to keep your body composition in check. But if you’re watching your waistline
ingredients list reads more like your fav Enter Proganics Organic Whey: this protein between Christmas parties and carb-filled
cocktail (think aloe vera, cacao, coffee, powder will boost your daily protein intake dinners, Mission Foods’ low carb wraps
blood orange, ginger and mandarin) than and assist with muscle recovery. It’s low might be the top pick for you. They’re also
a cosmetic product. So you’ll get that carb and gluten free, and did we mention low in sugar and an excellent source of
luxurious deep bronzed look from just one tastes and smells delicious? Add to your fibre and protein, while still tasting like your
application – minus any artificial orange post-workout smoothie while on-the-go or average gourmet wrap. Enjoy.
dyes or synthetic fragrances. Certified in your superfood smoothie bowl for your RRP $4.99, available in Woolworths,
organic and all. protein fix (and extra taste). Your body (and Facebook: @missionfoodsau
RRP $34.95, ecotan.com.au taste buds) will thank you.
RRP $54.99, proganics.com.au

www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au 129
last word

Carol Morris &

Elizabeth Chapman
Running a business while working a day job, caring for toddlers and leading a fit and healthy
lifestyle is something that sisters Carol Morris and Elizabeth Chapman have mastered. They chat to
WH&F about ‘doing it all’, including bringing the Lunette menstrual cup to Oz and their mission to

empower women to talk openly about periods and good health.

In 2007 Elizabeth received an email from parents had us all heavily involved in sports.
a friend titled ‘I’ve got a secret I want to They instilled a strong sense of wellbeing TALKING TREATS
share’, and containing a link to Lunette
menstrual cups; her friend had discovered
in us and we’ve maintained a good level of
fitness as adults.
What’s your favourite summer holiday
this revolutionary solution to pads and We are now both parents who work in
tampons, and before long we had tried the physically demanding jobs, and are involved
Carol: I love cold, diced pawpaw
Lunette silicone menstrual cups ourselves. in team triathlons. We train on most days
with squeezed lime and a sprinkle of
They were totally life changing but weren’t and ensure we fuel our bodies for peak
sliced almond.
available in Australia, so we decided to do performance and fast recovery.
Elizabeth: a glass of Tia Maria and skim
some research and go through the Australian Health and fitness provides us with
milk on ice.
medical approval process to bring Lunette to stress relief and acts as a mood stabiliser.
Australian shores. Carol juggles a clinical role in a busy
Who inspires you most?
Because of the emotional, financial, physiotherapy centre, running Lunette, family
Carol: Heli Kurjanen, our Lunette
environmental and social impacts of commitments and manages to fit in two gym
founder in Finland, is my current
menstruation, our mission is to encourage workouts, a two-kilometre swim, one yoga
inspiration. She is so passionate about
honest conversations about women’s health. session and at least two 40-minute walks the brand and what it stands for, and
Periods can get in the way of everyday life per week. spoke at the recent UN summit about
activities and Lunette’s vision is to inspire Elizabeth works shift work as a nurse women and menstruation.
women to reach their full potential every and takes care of three daughters who have
Elizabeth: I’m inspired by my children
day of the month. Using a menstrual cup many after school activities while running
and their generation who are working
is almost like you don’t have your period, Lunette, making training hard to fit in to toward environmental change and are
without using hormone pills or harsh her schedule. But by sharing ‘taxi runs’ with accepting of diversity. This generation
chemicals from sanitary items. her husband, she still fits five or six sessions are open minded and proactive and I
We have also just launched the in per week, including swimming, cycling, can’t wait to see how they continue to
Sustainable Period Project, a grassroots walking, running and weight training. work toward making positive changes to
educational resource kit to be sent to all current global and environmental issues.
high schools in Australia and New Zealand.
Through collaboration with other sustainable What is your mantra?
sanitary companies, the resource kit will Carol: I often get overwhelmed by
teach teenagers about sustainable sanitary the amount of work there is to do on
options, including organic cotton pads spreading the word on sustainability and
and tampons, cloth pads, period undies period positivity. Mother Teresa has a
and menstrual cups. Today’s youth are beautiful saying: “I alone cannot change
very forward-thinking, and making them the world, but I can cast a stone across
feel empowered by their sanitary choices the water to create many ripples.”
is a massive step toward period positivity Elizabeth: One of my daughters is
in Australia. inspired by the late Steve Irwin. His motto
Working in the medical industry has is “Push it to the limit”, which I love.
shown us that health cannot be taken for
granted. We grew up in a large family and our

130 www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au
Power through
your period!

Don’t stop when your period starts.

starts Live life to the fullest,
all month every month with the Lunette menstrual cup.
œĘåĹƼŅƚųĵŅĹƋĘĬƼāŅƵ±ųųĜƴåŸØƼŅƚŸĘŅƚĬÚĹűƋ 100 per cent hypoallergenic medical silicone,
have to put your healthy, active life on hold. The it’s comfortable, economical and can be worn
Lunette menstrual cup makes managing your for up to 12 hours before emptying. No more
period a whole lot easier, so you don’t have to! frantic dashes to the shops when you’ve run out
The hygienic and easy to use alternative to pads of supplies or trips to the bathroom to check
and tampons, the Lunette is changing the way yourself – Lunette has you covered.
we perceive and manage our periods. Made from

Go to www.lunette.com.au to get yours now!

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