Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solutions at High Temperatures
Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solutions at High Temperatures
Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solutions at High Temperatures
21 7,389
3 authors:
Roberto Fernández-Prini
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
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Electric conductivity is a classical experimental technique which
has proved to be a very precise and flexible tool for the determination of
the transport and thermodynamic properties of dilute electrolyte solu-
tions. Its success also depends on the fact that the available theoretical
treatments for symmetric electrolytes are able to describe precisely the
concentration dependence of the dilute solutions. (1) More recently the
theory of electrolytic conductivity has been extended (2~) to unsymmetri-
cal electrolytes and mixtures of electrolytes; its performance for mix-
tures of electrolytes containing unsymmetrical electrolytes has been
tested at room temperature. (4) Thus, electrolytic conductivity can be an
important tool for the study of the behavior of aqueous electrolytes at
high temperature. This field was explored many years ago by Noyes, (s)
after that there were important contributions from the schools of E.U.
Franck, C6)of S. W. Benson, ~ W. L. Marshall (g) and W. Lindsay. (9~These
pioneering studies were devoted essentially to the study of associated
electrolytes and since they were previous to many of the more m o d e m
theories, they were not able to extract information on the association
constants of slightly associated electrolytes.
To get the full advantage of the conductivity measurements it is
necessary to have an overall precision better than 0.1 percent. With this
purpose we have designed and built a DC conductivity apparatus and air
oven which enabled us to accomplish such a goal) 1~ Here we report the
results obtained for NaOH dilute aqueous solutions up to 150~ The
limitation in the upper temperature that could be studied in this work
was the result of the materials used for the gaskets which prevent leaks
and electrically insulate the electrodes.
In order to study aqueous systems at high temperature, it is con-
venient to use metal vessels to contain the solutions, but this is likely to
introduce spurious components in the equivalent circuit of an AC
measuring system thus complicating the determination of the electrical
resistance o f the solutions. For this reason we favored the use of the DC
conductivity technique which had been introduced by Gunning and
Gordon ~ to study solutions at room temperature and shown to be a
good alternative to the standard AC measuring method in terms of the
attainable precision. A drawback of this technique is that it requires the
use of reversible electrodes, so that the measured electric resistance is
only related to the ohmic component and no faradaic resistances con-
tribute to it. In our case we decided to employ as the measuring revers-
ible electrodes, platinum disks covered with platinum black, the solu-
tions were saturated with gaseous hydrogen to guarantee reversibility of
the electrochemical reaction leading to charge transfer at the electrodes.
Only a brief account of the conductivity setup is given here since
it has been described in detail elsewhere. (12) The cell consists o f five
platinum disk electrodes insulated with teflon gaskets and pressed be-
tween anodized zircalloy rings. The resistance of the passivation layer
on the surface of the zircalloy was more than a thousand times bigger
than the highest resistance measured in the solutions. Each of the five
platinized platinum electrodes were sandwiched between two teflon gas-
kets and introduced between two zircalloy cylinders, thus forming the
conductivity cell illustrated in Fig. 1. The two extreme electrodes were
used to introduce a DC-electfic pulse in the cell; the three intermediate
NaOH Conductivities 1205
Teflon Insulation
Zircalloy Rings
were carried out at 1.6 MPa; the pressure was monitored downstream
with a calibrated pressure transducer (T).
Sodium hydroxide solutions were prepared by decomposition of
sodium mercury amalgam in water under an inert atmosphere. The mer-
cury employed to prepare the amalgam was purified using standard
procedures involving a nitric acid treatment, an alkaline oxidation and
finally vacuum distillation. The amalgam was prepared by electrolysis
of an aqueous solution having 40 wt. percent of NaOH (Mallinckrodt
pro analysi) using the purified mercury as cathode and a platinum foil
anode. An approximately 0.1 molar sodium hydroxide stock solution
was obtained after the amalgam was completely decomposed in water.
This stock solution was weight titrated with 0.1 molar potassium
biphthalate using a digital analytical balance, weighing burettes and a
pHmeter. The titrations were carded out in a closed cell flushed with
CO2-free nitrogen. The solutions which were studied were carefully
prepared by weighing the appropriate amount of stock solution under a
controlled atmosphere. The solutions were hydrogenated before they
were injected into the conductivity cell to reduce the bias potential be-
tween the measuring (reversible) electrodes.
Table I. Solvent Properties at 1.6 MPa
The cell constants had values of 4.0045 and 4.0020 cm -x with an
uncertainty of 0.05 percent. The bias potentials between pairs of
electrodes, which were monitored before and after each determination of
the difference in their electric potentials, were about 0.5 mV and were
determined within 10 percent. Table II reports the measured conduc-
tivities of NaOH at 75, 100 and 150~ The performance of the conduc-
tivity cell improved at temperatures higher than 75~ mainly due to
smaller bias potentials.
In order to fit the experimental data we have used the well proven
expansion of the Fuoss-Hsia equation (FHFP) (17) and also the Lee and
Wheaton complete equation (LW) c2~which is the most successful of the
available equations for the general case of dilute electrolyte mixtures/4~
Ion association cannot be neglected for NaOH at temperatures above
1208 Bianchi, Corti, and Ferndndez-Prini
where 1~ is e2/e&T and the other symbols are described in the original
paper. (2) The conductivity of the NaOH solutions were calculated from
the ionic conductivities using
0,5 h -- I I ' I
75 ~
0.0 O
100 ~
</ 0.0 ,b " ~
0.5 - - " ~ ' - I J L
150 ~
e._ @
0.0 8 - v
-0.5 1 t
0 5 10 15 20 25
It is highly rewarding to verify ( cf Fig. 2 and Table II) that the
conductivity parameters of the equations corresponding to two different
theoretical treatments agree so closely. This is in contrast with the usual
discrepancies that have been reported to exist among different theoreti-
cal treatments,m It is clear from Table III that the data for NaOH at
75~ may be considered to correspond either to a dissociated electrolyte
or to a slightly associated electrolyte.
Figure 3 shows the Walden product as a function of temperature
for sodium hydroxide. We have also included the data previously
reported by other authors(s'9~ at higher temperatures. The Walden
products for NaOH are compared in the same figure to the HC1~176
and NaC1(9) data. As expected, the Walden product for NaOH has a
1210 Bianchi, Corti, and Ferndndez-Prini
103C A~ d KA c5 Ref.
oC Molar S-cm2-mol"1 nm dm3-mol S-cmZ-molq
15 1.3-18.0 205.68 +-0.02 0.358 a 0.08 12
25 1.3-18.0 249.32+-0.02 0.354 a 0.06 12
50 0.8-17.6 364.58+-0.03 0.356 a 0.11 12
75 1.0-19.2 484.01+-0.07 (0.384) 0.30+-0.02 0.09 12
1.7-15.5 484.42+0.2 (0.384) 0.5+-0.1 0.45
100 1.6-15.3 603.57+-0.5 (0.404) 0.8+-0.2 0.91
150 1.8-14.6 827.03+ 0.4 (0.449) 2.9 + 0.2 0.65
15 1.3-18.0 205.65:1:0.02 0.403 a 0.07 12
25 1.3-18.0 249.29+0.01 0.388 a 0.05 12
50 0.8-17.6 364.55+_0.03 0.370 a 0.I0 12
75 1.0-19.2 483.93+-0.06 (0.384) 0.22 + 0.02 0.09 12
1.7-15.5 483.46+-0.2 (0.384) a 0.64
1.7-15.5 484.37+-0.2 (0.384) 0.4+-0.1 0.43
100 1.6-15.3 603.49+-0.3 (0.404) 0.8-+0.2 0.94
150 1.8-14.6 826.90+ 0.4 (0.449) 2.8 +-0.1 0.69
For NaOH association, the distance between ions in the ion pair
was found to be 0.32+0.02 nm at 100~ and 0.23+0.02 nm at 150~
The value for 100~ is somewhat larger than the sum of the crystal-
lographic ionic radii (0.235 nm). Thus, as expected, the NaOH(aq) ion-
pair does not appear to be a solvent separated ion-pair.
NaOH Conductivities 1211
4.5 "
~:: 2.5
2.0 O A
1.5 ~TA
1.0 V ~, y
I I -i mL
0 5O 100 150 200 250
T~ ~
Fig. 3. Walden product for different salts as function of the temperature. NaOH: o,
Marsh and Stokes Ref. 13; m, Quist and Marshall Ref. 8; A from Ref. 9; V, this work;
NaC1; le, from Ref. 9; HC1; o, Strong, Ref. 19; A, Frantz and Marshall, Ref. 20, l , from
Ref. 9.
- - I t I
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
]o~ K/T
model, a value considered too large since it would imply an ion pair
separated by more than one solvent molecule.
The high temperature cell is now being modified so as to replace
with ceramics the teflon gaskets which have seriously limited the
highest temperature at which our cell may be used.
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