Dissolution Sink Conditions TA 1035 David Darling

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Safeguarding public health

Regulatory Expectations
of Presentation of
Dissolution Data
David Darling
Pharmaceutical Assessor

Medicines and Healthcare products

Regulatory Agency (MHRA), UK
September 2012


• Why Use Dissolution Testing?

• Dissolution Method Development and Validation

• Dissolution Data for Marketing Authorisation


• Dissolution Data to Support Post-Approval Changes

• Setting Release and Shelf Life Specification Limits

for Dissolution

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Why Use Dissolution Testing?

• Ultimate objective: to ensure adequate and reproducible

bioavailability without need for in vivo testing – need IVIVC
[IVIVC covered by later presentations]

• More common objective: to test drug release characteristics

of a formulation or batch under standard in vitro conditions

• Product development: formulation and process optimisation

• Routine QC: to demonstrate consistency of manufacture of

each batch and similarity to pivotal clinical batches

• To support changes in manufacture, formulation, site, pack

or scale-up
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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Pharmacopoeial method, unless justified

- PhEur 2.9.3 solid dosage forms
- PhEur 2.9.4 transdermal patches
- PhEur 2.9.25 medicated chewing gum
- PhEur 2.9.42 lipophilic solid dosage forms
- PhEur 2.9.43 apparent dissolution – powders & granules

• PhEur 2.9.3 (= BP Appendix XII B1)

- Text harmonised with USP and JP
- Linked PhEur 5.17.1: Recommendations on dissolution testing
· Experimental testing conditions
· Recommended dissolution media
· Qualification and validation
· Expression of dissolution specifications for oral dosage forms

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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Choice of Apparatus
- Depends on physicochemical characteristics of dosage form
- Apparatus 1: basket – capsules, tablets
- Apparatus 2: paddle - tablets, capsules
- Apparatus 3: reciprocating cylinder - bead-type MR dosage forms, soft capsules,
suppositories, poorly-soluble drugs
- Apparatus 4: flow-through cell – if change of pH needed; also as Apparatus 3

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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Investigate pH/media and sink conditions

- Drug substance solubility across physiological pH range
- Sink conditions: Dissolution medium volume ≥ 3 – 10 x saturation vol.
- Recommended media listed in PhEur
- For QC testing:
– Discriminatory and physiologically-relevant media
– Water to be used only if no pH influence on dissolution characteristics
– If drug poorly aqueous soluble, surfactant (e.g. SLS) is permissible (lowest
concentration to obtain sink conditions). Justify alternative additives (e.g.
enzymes). Avoid organic solvents!

• Investigate rotation speed

- ↓ speed → ↑ discrimination
- Too slow may lead to variable results (poorer hydrodynamics, coning)
- Apparatus 1: basket 50 – 75 – 100 rpm (BP prefers 100 rpm)
- Apparatus 2: paddle 50 – 75 – 100 rpm (BP prefers 50 rpm)
- Apparatus 3: reciprocating cylinder – dip rate
- Apparatus 4: flow-through cell – flow rate of medium Slide 6
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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Demonstrating Discrimination
- Above work may already demonstrate this
- Formulation and/or manufacturing process development work
– Tablet hardness trials
– Varying quantity of lubricant and/or lubricant mixing time

Dissolution conditions:
PhEur apparatus 1 (basket),
100 rpm, 1000 ml 0.1 M HCl
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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Potential Pitfalls
- For generics, US FDA Dissolution Database helpful, but…
– Check if applicable to formulation and justify suitability
– Example 1: Escitalopram oxalate tablets
· FDA database: Paddle, 75 rpm, 0.1 N HCl, 900ml
· Applicant’s data: > 90% dissolution after 5 minutes
· No discussion of why 50 rpm not investigated
· Escitalopram Tablets USP monograph method: 50 rpm
– Example 2: Lamivudine tablets
· FDA database: 100 & 150 mg – Paddle, 50 rpm, H2O (deaerated), 900 ml
· FDA database: 300 mg – Paddle, 75 rpm, 0.1 N HCl, 900 ml

– FDA database may simply reflect US originator formulation

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Dissolution Method Development & Validation

• Method Development Documentation:

- Describe above development work
- Justify conditions/method adopted
- Justify any method modifications during pharmaceutical development

• Method Validation (ICH Q2 (R1), CPMP/ICH/381/95)

…considered a method development

issue, but do not forget robustness

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Dissolution Data for Marketing Authorisation
Applications (MAAs)

• All relevant applications (new chemical entities & generics)

- Dissolution method development
- Dissolution method validation
- Dissolution data within batch analyses and stability studies
- Description and justification of any changes (dissolution method,
dissolution results, formulation, manufacture) through development
- Comparison of strengths
- Modified-release tablets/capsules: Effect of alcohol on dissolution rate
(EMA Q&A http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/regulation/q_and_a/q_and_a_detail_000072.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002c2b0#section6)

• Generics
- Comparison to reference medicinal product
- Biowaivers for multiple strengths
- BCS biowaivers [covered by next presentation]

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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs -
Comparison to reference medicinal product

• Advisable to investigate more than one batch of test and

reference products; must include bioequivalence batches
• Aim: To show similar in vitro dissolution under
physiologically relevant experimental pH conditions
• Investigate within pH 1 - 6.8 (normally pH 1.2, 4.5 and 6.8)
and QC media (if different)
• Additional investigations may be required at pH values in
which the drug has minimum solubility
• Use 12 units to enable statistical evaluation
• For each condition, present comparative dissolution profiles
(mean values vs. time) together with statistics (max, min,
mean, RSD; f2 similarity factor if calculated; individual values)
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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs -
Comparison to reference medicinal product

• Immediate Release Tablets/Capsules

- > 85% dissolved within 15 minutes: test and reference similar without
any further calculation
- ≤ 85% dissolved within 15 minutes: calculate f2 similarity factor (see
next slide)
• Modified Release Preparations
- Calculate f2 similarity factor (see next slide)
- More information later

• If comparative in vitro dissolution results of biobatches do

not reflect bioequivalence as shown in vivo, latter prevails.
BUT: address and justify possible reasons for discrepancy
• Final QC specification reflects biobatch dissolution value
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Similarity Factor (f2)

Defined as:
f2 = 50.log{[1+(1/n)∑t=1n(Rt-Tt)2]-0.5.100}
n is the number of time points
Rt is the mean % drug dissolved for the current formulation
Tt is the mean % drug dissolved for the changed formulation

• Minimum of 3 time points each of 12 individual values

• Not more than one mean value of >85% dissolved
• Relative standard deviation or C of V to be <20% for the 1st
time point and <10% from 2nd to last time point
• An f2 value of 50-100 suggests similar dissolution profiles
• Alternatively, can use model-dependent or model-
independent methods (to be justified & validated)
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Similarity Factor (f2) – Prolonged Release

• Minimum of 3 time points, but may be prudent to do more

- Particularly important if desired release profile not uniform
(e.g. immediate release outer coat and prolonged release core)
• If only 3 time points: expected to mirror final specification
time points (20-30% (dose dumping), 50% (defines profile), >80%)
• More time points = ↑ confidence of bioequivalence
- e.g. for once daily preparations (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 & 24 hours)

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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs –
Comparison to reference medicinal product:
Gastro-resistant preparations

• Compare dissolution profiles at PhEur conditions (2 hrs,

pH 1.2 → 45 min pH 6.8) and at more neutral pHs (2-5)
• Hence, at least two dissolution tests in two steps:
– 2 hrs pH 1.2 (‘fasted state’) → 45 min pH 6.8
– higher initial pH (‘fed state’), e.g. 2 hrs pH 4.5 → 45 min pH 6.8
• Initial step (pH 1.2 or 4.5): ≤ 10% dissolved
• Second step: Comparison of dissolution profiles to be
performed even if > 85% before 15 min. Hence, tight
sampling schedule recommended as profile comparison
(e.g. f2 calculation) required.
Ref. PKWP Q&A EMA/618604/2008 Rev.4
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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs -
Biowaivers for multiple strengths: Prerequisites

• Manufactured by same manufacturing process

• Compositions qualitatively same, quantitatively proportional
- i.e. ratio between weight of each excipient to active(s) same
- Immediate release products: coating components, capsule shell, colour
agents and flavours not required to follow this rule
• If deviation from quantitatively proportional, still considered
fulfilled if i) and either ii) or iii) below apply to strength used
in biostudy and strength(s) for waiver:
i. weight of active substance < 5% of tablet core / capsule content weight
ii. weights of different tablet core / capsule content excipients are the same and only
active substance weight changed
iii. weight of a filler is changed to account for change in amount of active substance.
Amounts of other tablet core / capsule content excipients should be the same.
• Linear pharmacokinetics (Non-linear: See guideline CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr)
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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs -
Biowaivers for multiple strengths: Investigations

• Investigate dissolution at same conditions as above

(i.e. as performed for test and reference biostudy batches)
• Demonstrate similarity at all conditions between additional
strengths and strength (i.e. batch) in biostudy.
- > 85% dissolved ≤ 15 min.
- > 85% dissolved ≤ 30 min (but not 15 min), ≥ 3 time points: 1st < 15 min, 2nd at 15 min
and 3rd when release close to 85%; calculate similarity factor (f2 or other justified)
• At pH values where sink conditions not achievable for all
strengths, dissolution may differ between strengths.
Demonstrate drug substance not formulation related by
comparing respective strength of reference product.
- In addition, similar profiles at same dose (e.g. two tablets of 5 mg
versus one tablet of 10 mg) could be compared.
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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs -
BCS biowaivers

• Covered by next presentation

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Dissolution Data for Generic MAAs –
Post authorisation requirements (if not in submission)
- Comparative dissolution profile testing on first three
production batches
– batch cannot be marketed until comparative dissolution profile
testing completed.
- Results to be provided at Competent Authority’s request,
or if dissolution profiles not similar, together with
proposed action to be taken

% Drug Released

5 10 15 30 45
Time (minutes)

Reference Product Test Product Production Batch 1

Test Product Production Batch 2 Test Product Production Batch 3

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Dissolution Data for MAAs
– Potential Pitfalls

• Record dissolution conditions on all documentation

- Development over years, but personnel change or confusion on inter-
departmental transfer
- Same pH but different results due to non-documented changes
· e.g. presence of surfactant, change in agitation speed or buffer composition

- Example: Dissolution results for clinical batch presented in

pharmaceutical development section (mean 98% (n=6), min 97%, max 99%)
≠ batch analysis section (mean 86% (n=6), min 74%, max 94%)
(Narrow therapeutic index drug, explanation currently awaited.)

• If reference = tablet, but generic = capsule (or v.v.),

paddle data at x rpm cannot be assumed to be equivalent to
basket data at same speed (different hydrodynamics)
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Dissolution Data for MAAs
– Potential Pitfalls (continued)

• Check consistency of data, consistency of story and

therapeutic relevance
- Example 1. 18 month batch stability results very consistent: n=6; min
100%, max 103%; yet 6 months: 66%, 77%, 79%, 81%, 88%, 103%
· Specification set at ‘≥ 60% (Q) at 45 min’ simply to meet results?
· Any account taken of nature of drug (narrow therapeutic index,
· Any comment on inconsistencies between data sets?
· Any cross-reference to development work findings (‘almost
complete release at 30 min’; test biobatch 103 – 107% at 30 min)?
· Any relevance of USP monograph limit of ≥ 85% (Q) in 30 min?

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Dissolution Data for MAAs
– Potential Pitfalls (continued)

• Check consistency of data, consistency of story and

therapeutic relevance (continued)
- Example 2. Innovator 600mg & 800mg: 100% dissolution, 45 min;
Test 600mg biobatch 63%, 45 min
· Lab scale test 600mg, 98% dissolution after 45 min
· What caused change? Scale-up issues?
· 800mg test biobatch (common blend) showed little difference on scale-up. Non-
homogeneous blend (one strength made first)? Difference in tablet punch tooling?

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Dissolution Data to Support Post-Approval
Changes / Variation Applications
• What type of changes?
- Any change which could impact dissolution!
- Good starting point: EU Commission classification guidance on
· Which changes need comparative dissolution profiles
· Number and size (pilot or production scale) of batches required
· Type IA and IB changes (not Type II)
• Examples of changes
- Formulation
· Quantitative changes including coating weight
· Qualitative: Change of functional excipient (i.e. other than flavour or colour)
· Shape or dimensions of dosage form changed
- Manufacturing process
- Active or excipient specifications (e.g. particle size parameters)
- In-process controls or product specifications (e.g. tablet hardness)
- Source of active substance (case-by-case basis)

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Dissolution Data for Post-Approval Changes
– Potential Pitfalls
• Example: Orodispersible tablet
- Bitter tasting active
- Formulation not acceptable to patients
- Solution:
– Reformulate to minimise drug release in the mouth
– Claim (supported by data): Rapidly dissolves at gastric pH (1.2) releasing drug, but
does not dissolve at higher pHs, such as that of saliva (pH 6.8), preventing release
of the bitter drug in mouth


% Drug Released
80 Old Formulation
40 New Formulation
5 10 15 30 60
Time (minutes)

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Dissolution Data for Post-Approval Changes
– Potential Pitfalls (continued)


% Drug Released
80 Old Formulation
40 New Formulation
5 10 15 30 60
Time (minutes)


% Drug Released
80 Old Formulation
40 New Formulation
5 10 15 30 60
Time (minutes)

Taste masking issue solved, but…?

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Dissolution Data for Post-Approval Changes
– Potential Pitfalls (continued)
• Taste masked, but now absorption issue?
• Dosing instructions – with or without food
– Based on old formulation
– Inadequate bioequivalence and bioavailability data to support non-
applicability of dissolution findings in vivo
• Product status: not yet marketed in EU
• Solution: revise dosing instructions – take without food

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Setting Release and Shelf Life Specification
Limits for Dissolution
PhEur limits for oral dosage forms
• Conventional-release
– usually 1 time point
– ≤ 45 min, ≥ 80% (Q ≥ 75%)
• Prolonged-release dosage forms
– ≥ 3 time points:
• 20 - 30% (to exclude ‘dose dumping’)
• 50% (defines dissolution pattern)
• > 80% (ensures almost complete release)
- Guideline allows ± 10% limits at each time point

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Setting Release and Shelf Life Specification
Limits for Dissolution (continued)
PhEur limits for oral dosage forms (continued)

• Delayed-release, gastro-resistant dosage forms: ≥ 2 points in a sequential test

or 2 different specifications in a parallel test
– In a sequential test, 1st point represents an upper limit (≤ 10%) set after
1 h or 2 h in acidic medium (0.1 M HCl) and the 2nd (≥ 80%, Q ≥ 75%)
after a pre-set time (usually 45 min) in an adequate buffer solution
(preferably pH 6.8)
▪ PhEur 2.9.3: 2 h acidic medium, PhEur 5.17.1: 1 or 2 h acidic medium
▪ BP gastro-resistant monographs: 45 min – 2 h acidic medium
– Note omeprazole story (formulation: no protection in fed state)
▪ Need for pH 4.5 for 1st stage? (additional / alternative test?)

Limits should reflect pertinent data

– Development, scale-up, pilot & production-scale batches, stability data
– Also consider therapeutic use, therapeutic index, drug substance solubility

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Setting Release and Shelf Life Specification
Limits for Dissolution (continued)

Additional Considerations for Generics

• Must reflect bioequivalence study batch(es)
– Supported by batch analyses and stability data
• Note BP monograph conditions, e.g. Gastro-resistant Lansoprazole
and Omeprazole Capsules/Tablets: 1st stage pH 4.5, not pH 1.2
• USP monograph limits – not binding in EU, but may indicate what
originator product is capable of and could influence regulator

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Thank you
for your attention

Acknowledgements: Mr Malcolm Dash

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