Labour and Working Conditions Management Plan

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Document number: 1062-TGN-MNG-PLN-PJM-22-00010


Revision Date Issued by Checked by Approved by

Rev 3 08.05.2017 Butnaru Iulian Popescu Paul Ion Sterian

HSSE Manager Project Manager Director General

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author. The European Union and the Innovation &
Networks Executive Agency (I.N.E.A.) are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENTS .................................................................................................4
1.3 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................5
2. DOCUMENT PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 PURPOSE OF THE CESMPS ....................................................................................................................................5
2.3 PURPOSE OF THIS LWCMP ...................................................................................................................................7
2.4 SCOPE OF THE LWCMP ........................................................................................................................................7
3. KEY POLICIES, LEGISLATION, NORMS AND STANDARDS ..................................................................................... 8
3.1 OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................................................8
3.2 COMPANY POLICIES .............................................................................................................................................8
3.3 NATIONAL LEGISLATION AND PERMITS ...............................................................................................................8
3.4 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND COMMITMENTS ...........................................................................................9
4. LINKAGES TO OTHER TRANSGAZ DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................ 10
4.1 OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 LINKAGES TO OTHER CESMPS ............................................................................................................................12
5. ROLES AND RESPONSINILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................................................12
5.2 COMPANY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..........................................................................................................13
5.3 CONTRACTOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................14
6. MANAGEMENT, MITIGATION, MONITORING AND VERIFICATION .................................................................... 18
6.1 MANAGEMENT ACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................18
6.2 GENERAL MONITORING ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................20
6.3 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VERIFICATION MONITORING ......................................................................................21
6.4 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ......................................................................................................................22
6.5 TRAINNING ........................................................................................................................................................23
APENDIX 1 – GENERAL MITIGATION MEASURES AND MANAGEMENT ACTIONS .................................................. 25
APPENDIX 2-MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 35
APPENDIX 3-RELEVANT LEGISLATION .................................................................................................................. 46


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LWCMP-Labor and Working Conditions Management Plan
HSSE-Health, Safety, Security and Environment
PMU-Project Management Unit
CUP-Contact Unit Point
SoW-Statement of Work
CESMPs-Construction Environmental and Social Management Plans
F-ECSMPs-Framework- Construction Environmental and Social Management Plans
SNTGN-The National Company for Natural Gas Transport
PSD-Project Source Documents
KPI-Quality Performance Indicators
EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
HSE-MS-Health Safety and Environment-Management System
CHSMP-Community , Health and Safety Management Plan
ERMP-Emergency Response Management Plan
HSSMP-Health, Safety and Security Management Plan
CSR-Corporate Social Policies
GD-Governmental Decision
OJ-Official Journal
JOCE-Journal Official of Community European


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SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias (“Transgaz”, “the Company” or “the Beneficiary”), the licensed operator of the
Romanian National Gas Transmission System, is developing a 529 km natural gas pipeline between
Podisor in southern Romania and Horia in the west of the country (the “Project”). The pipeline, which for
much of the route will be buried and will upgrade or run alongside existing pipelines, represents the
Romanian section of the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria Natural Gas Transmission Corridor. In addition
to the pipeline itself, the Project will also require construction of three new Gas Compressor Stations (GCS)
at Podisor, Bibesti and Jupa, as well as a range of supporting infrastructure including block valve stations,
construction camps, pipe storage areas, watercourses and infrastructure crossings and access roads.

Whilst the majority of the route is on land currently used for farming, it does pass through a number of
specifically sensitive areas, including seven Natura 2000 Sites, and the nationally important Dinosaurs
Geo-Park. It also passes close to a number of sites of archaeological value including the ancient city of
Tibiscum near Jupa. In some of these areas, as well as near major roads and railways and for the 8 major
rivers, this will involve the use of horizontal directional drilling. In other areas in the mountains special
“hammering techniques” may also be applied.


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The Project is subject to various environmental and social requirements that are managed by the Company
through the implementation of its Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSE-MS)1. This
HSE-MS includes a specific Project Framework Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
(F-CESMP) as well as associated topic/activity specific Construction Environmental and Social
Management Plan (CESMPs). Operational phase ESMPs will be developed at a later stage prior to BRUA
operation. The overall approach to integration of the above documents is described in the F-CESMP
document itself.
The environmental and social commitments regarding the Labour and Working Conditions
Management Plan (LWCMP) can be found in Appendix 1 along with general mitigation measures and
management actions.


Documents will be managed and controlled by the Document Control and Archiving Compartment within
BRUA Project Management Unit. The methods for document management and improvement during the
construction phase will be described in the Document Guide to be developed by BRUA PMU.

The Beneficiary and the Contractors will establish contact point units to monitors actions, events and to
correct the errors at site level. All the proposed solutions will be reported to BRUA PMU, Management of
Change unit. This structure is responsible for decisions, under Project manager- management services
approval, for drawing procedures able to be applied on all sites or on specific sites, and for updating the
LWCMP documents. The Contractors will be responsible for assuring that all national legal requirements
related to labour and working conditions of all their employees and the employees of sub-contractors are
fully respected. The contractors will have to develop a workers accommodation plan that mush be
presented to Transgaz and approved by BRUA PMU prior to its implementation.


The overall purpose of the CESMPs is described in the F-CESMP Document. Labour and Working
Condition Management Plan (hereandafter LWCMP ) consolidates and specifies aspect-specific
commitments, actions and legal/permit requirements from key Project Source Documents and identifies:
• Required management actions to help mitigate Project impacts.
• Associated environmental and social monitoring requirements.
• Roles and responsibilities in respect of these management and monitoring measures.
• Competency and training requirements.
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for these elements for assessing performance.
• Verification procedures to ensure that objectives of the plan are met.

Integrated Management Manual Quality-Environment-Occupational Health and Safety, code MSMI-CMSSO Ed. 03/Rev.
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Where the LWCMP describes required mitigation and monitoring actions, responsibility for such actions is
allocated mostly to the contractors, but could also be allocated to Transgaz. In some instances actions are
described by cross-reference to other Project documents where this is appropriate.


BRUA project is a linear one which will involve the mobilitation of a large number of employees during a
limited period of time. Assuring good labour and working conditions for all persons whom will be engaged
during the BRUA implementatoin process is of high priority for Transgaz. The majority of employees will
belong to Trasgaz constractors or their sub-contractors. Still, Transgaz principles related to labour and
working conditions will have to be implemented by all parties engaged in the project implementation. The
accommodation will be the responsibility of the Contractors, which will have to draft their own plan in this
regard, in compliance to the national and international legislation and norms, but also to the current

The LWCMP represents an instrument that guides the Constructors, regarding the compliance with biding
documentations, in order to:
-respect labour and working conditions for all their employees and the employees of their sub-
- respect social and environmental conditions on sites and on work front;
-promote workers conditions and rules for health, safety and security;
-promote workers positive behaviour on the pipe route setlements;
-reduce negative impact of the Project;
In particular, the provision of this Plan shall meet national legislation and international good practice in
relation, but not restricted, to the following:
 Provision of all rights for all workers as envisaged in the national legislation
 All workers belonging to contractors and/or sub-contractors (and all other third parties) should be
legaly registered
 Development of a worker registration system that enables Transgaz to keep track of all workers on
each site and to identify the person (organization) for whom they are directly working
 Each contractor/sub-contractor should develop a register for all their workers. This register should
contain data such as: ame, age, sex, hours worked, wages, payments (including overtime
payments) made and any deductions made from their wages. The register should be in line with
national reguirements on registration of workers.
 Establishing a coherent and integrated grievance mechanism for all workers engaged in the BRHA
project (from Transgaz, its contractors and their sub-contractors)
 Development of a workers accommodation plan that should consider aspects such as:
o the provision of minimum amounts of space, heating, ventilation for each worker;
o provision of sanitary, laundry and cooking facilities and potable water;
o the location of accommodation in relation to the workplace;

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o any health, fire safety or other hazards or disturbances and local facilities;
o the provision of first aid and medical facilities;
There are several stages to the process of addressing issues raised by workers’ accommodation. These
 assessing whether housing is needed for the project and if so, what sort;
 assessing impacts on local communities and planning mitigation of potential negative impacts;
 awareness of the national and local regulatory framework;
 determining the standards to apply to the location of facilities, the construction of housing and
provision of facilities;
 managing accommodation.


LWCMP purpose is to offer Transgaz the general and specific guidance for ensuring that all contractors will
be able to protect the workers’ rights, health, safety and security during the project implementation period.

LWCMP sets the norms and regulations that will have to be respected by all contractors which will work for
BRUA project. Also, there will be specific provisions for contractors that will organise worker’s
accommodations during project implementation. It also details the responsibiltiies of each party engaged in
this process and defines the monitoring and evaluation criteria for its successful implementation.


LWCMP defines the actions and measures necessary for:

o Ensure that the construction workforce required for the Project has suitable
accommodation options throughout the entire construction period;
o Ensure that the construction workfore has minimal impacts on the local and
regional communities, respect local culture and tradition, the social rules and legal frame;
LWCMP is developed:
 To outline actions necessary for the assuring that effective health, safety and security measures
are considered by all contractors within the workers accomodation facilities;
 To ensure that all international standards for working, living and welfare within a workers
accomodation facilitiy are met by all contractors ;
 To minimise the accidental and intended critical situations;
 To detail specific control measures to be implemented by Contractors (and subcontractors)
 To make sure that the requirements stated in the ESIA findings, Supplemental Environmental,
Assessment international standards, Romanian legislation, Lenders requirements and Project-
specific construction permits are considered by all contractors and sub-contractors
 To make sure that Transgaz internal policies and procedures are fully acknowledged and
respected by all contractors.
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All legislative frame, policies and standards were taken into consideration for drawing this Plan, in
order to promote best practices, to rise the efficiency and to answer to social and environmental
This section provides a summary of the policies, legal & regulatory requirements and other
applicable standards relevant to this LWCMP. These relate back to the Project Standards Document.
Where standards referred to below are inconsistent or contradictory, the Project approach is to apply the
most stringent standard unless otherwise expalined in the Project Standards Document. The Beneficiary
will finalise this documentation, before construction phase, under ESMPs provisions, bidding documents,
legal frame, EBRD recommandations and best practices identify on similary projects.
The Project’s management are working to draws the glossary for documentation, the Manager for
services being responsible.


Transgaz has adopted an HSE policy and a Corporate Social Responsibility as is mentioned on F-
CESMP, appendix1 and 2. These policies apply to Transgaz and all activities carried out by the Company
as part of this Project. The Beneficiary require with this Plan to the Contractors, to respect his policies for
health, safety, security and environment and also social policies, as follows:
-Integrated Management Manual on Quality-Environment-Health and Occupational Safety-Code: MSMI-
CMSSO Ed.03/Rev.0
-CSR Transgaz policies, regarding the relations with the local communities;
-Others requirements provided on biding documentation;


The Project (and all contractors) will comply with all relevant national regulatory requirements (including
specific permits – see below) as they apply to their activities. A summary of the most pertinent national
relevant to the environmental and social performance of the Project is provided in the Project Standards
Document, and also mentioned on each draws plan. All contractors are also required to comply with all
relevant national regulatory requirements. Whilst contractors are required to verify the latest regulatory
requirements themselves an indicative list of Romanian national legislation is provided on each plan
mentioned on F-CESMP.

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 Law no.319/14.07.2006 for Security and Safety on Labour-published on O.J. 646/26.07.2006.
The Law transpose EU Directive no.89/391/CEE published on JOCE no. L183/1989;
 Law 53/2003-Labour Code;
 Law 286/2009-Criminal Code;
 G.D no 1425/11.10.2006 Methodological norms for Law 319/2006.
 G.D. no 300/ 2006 security and safety regulations for temporary and mobile sites;

Others GD which transpose EU directives:

 GD nO.1091/16.08 2006, regarding health and safety conditions for work places.The Decision
transpose Directive no 1989/654/CEE, published on JOCE no. L 393/1989.
 GD no.1048/9.08 2006, regarding the use of protection equipments by workers on work places.
The Decision transpose Directive 89/656/CEE, published on JOCE no.L393/1989.
 GD Or. 493/ 12.04 2006, regarding working conditions under noise risk. The Decision
transposing Directive 2003/10/CE, published on JOCE no. L 42/2003.
 8. GD. no. 1.876/ 22.12 2005, regarding working conditions under vibrations risk. The Decision
transposing Directive 2002/44/CE published on JOCE no. L 177/2002.
Construction permits for the Project are issued by Romanian regulatory authorities. Key permits to be taken
into account by the Project and its contractors are listed below. Contactors must also ensure that relevant
requirements of the various construction-related permits for the Project issued by national (and local)
regulators are addressed. Any requirements arising from the revision/amendment of those permits will also
be applied. Key permits are summarised in the F-CESMP Framework Document.
o Construction Permits
o Building Permit
o Exhaustive Decision
o Environmental Agreement/Permit
o Archeological Discharge
o Urban Certificates


The international standards to be applied to the Project are categorised as follows:

• Relevant Lender standards (primarily the EBRD Performance Requirements).
• Relevant international industry practice guidelines,
• Relevant international conventions ratified by Romania.
• Relevant inter-governmental agreements ratified by Romania.
• Any other additional Project-specific standards adopted for the Project.
The full list of applicable standards is described in the Project Standards Document, and on sectorial
specific draws plans.

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This Plan forms part of the Project HSE-MS as described in the F-CESMP. Where relevant the CESMP
should be read in conjunction with other HSES-MS elements including the ESMPs source documentation,
control documentation and the key HSE-MS documentation. These are described further in the F-CESMP
and illustrated in Figure 4.1 below:

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The Plan has to be read in conection with F-CESMP and:

- Contractors Management Plan;
- HSSM Management Plan;
- Road and Traffic Management Plan;
- Water Management Plan;
- Community Health and Safety Management Plan.
- Waste Management Plan;
-Polution and Prevention Management Plan;
-Hazardous Materials Management Plan;
-Culture and Heritage Management Plan



Operational procedures of cooperation between the reprezentatives oh the Beneficiary and the Contractor,
including for the activity within the site, will be established in the Statement of Work (hereandafter SoW), a
document that is attached to the trade agreement between the Beneficiary and the Contractor. Contact
Point Unit in each site, as it was defined in the Management Plan of Contractors, is the responsible
structure for implementing and monitoring the operational provisions of Work Statement and this Plan.
An integrated approach to workers accommodation management involves a range of stakeholders,
including the Company, the Contractors (and subcontractors), local authorities and the neighbor
settlements. Such a system therefore requires processes regarding management, information
dissemination, training, designation of responsibility, actions, monitoring, control, and corrective actions.
Generic roles and responsibilities for the Company and Contractors are detailed below. An initial split of
activities between key stakeholders is shown in Table 5.1 below with further information on specific
responsibilities for CESMP actions outlined in Appendices 1 and 2 to this LWCMP.
Table 5.1 Initial split of activities

Activities Beneficiary Contractors

HR analysis / manpower X x
Developmet and x
implementation of
Employment plan
Development and x
implementation of
retrenchment plan
Aproval of labour and x
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working conditions plans
developed by contractors
Management of workers’ x x
Assign responsible X
persons for HR,
community liaison and
worker’s accommodation
Dissemination of x x
Planning x
Monitoring x x
Training x x
Control and Audit x x
Corrective actions x
Management of x x


Transgaz HSE management roles and responsibilities during the Project construction phase are detailed in
the BRUA – UMP - Regulation of organization and functioning. Further information is also provided in other
documents listed in the F-CESMP document.
With regards to this LWCMP, Transgaz S.A. is responsible for key management activities including:
• Development of bidding conditions regarding workers’accommodation conditions;
• Professional training of its representatives on site;
• Monitoring, evaluations and audit;
• Management cooperation in case of incidents (including registration and communication of events);
• Monitoring of corrective operations.

Specifically within the Company the following roles and responsibilities will apply:
Role Responsibilities
Director general - Approves the Labour and Working Conditions Management
Site coordinator, and HSSE - Assures compliance of this Plan within the Project
Coordinator - Collaborates with - Are generally responsibles for the implementation of this
all Contact point representatives Plan, including for Contractor implementation hereof
- Develops, monitors and revises this plan
- Assures necessary training for BRHA PMU staff on social
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- Centralizes the information regarding the work and rest time
- Assures the availability of this Plan to all BRUA PMU staff
and Contractor staff
- Makes audits and periodical inspections to the main
Contractors for performance monitoring baselined on the
requirements herein
- Reports all risks, lack of conformities and incidents
- Prepares an annual report that includes details about
workers lives conditons and any incidents
- Periodically verifications of accommodation conditions
- Collect data from settlements
- Collaborate with local authorities
- Regular audits


Requirements for Contractors in relation to labour and working conditions as well as for workers
accommodation are defined in the relevant aconditions mentioned on 2.1-2.4 subchapter and on their
contracts and associated mandatory appendicies 1,2 ( defined also in tender documents) This requires
that each contractor shall develop a LWCMP (as part of the overall contractor implementation plan) that
shall be submitted to Transgaz for approval, and that the contractor shall ensure that the Plan is
implemented. In addition each Contractor is required to ensure that it meets all topic-specific requirements
outlined in the Plan that are relevant to its scope of work. The Contractor is also responsible for ensuring
that any relevant subcontracted work meet these requirements.
Worker camps and housing facilities should have a written management plan, including
management policies or plans on health and safety, security, living conditions, workers’ rights and
representation, relationships with the communities and grievance processes.
Part of those policies and plans can take the form of codes of conduct. The quality of the staff
managing and maintaining the accommodation facilities will have a decisive impact on the level of
standards which are implemented and the well-being of workers (for instance on the food safety or overall
hygiene standards). It is therefore important to ensure that managers are competent and other workers are
adequately skilled.

1. Draws management plans and policies especially HSSMP, ERMP,
2. Assign responsibilities related to human resources, management
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of the workers’ accommodation and community liaison persons that could
implement all the commitments as set in this management plan and other
social documents developed by Transgaz within the BRHA project
CONTRACTORS framework.

3. If contractors are being used, there are clear contractual

management responsibilities and monitoring and reporting requirements.
4. Charging fees for the accommodation or the services provided to
workers such as food or transport should be avoided where workers do not
have the choice to live or eat anywhere else, or if deemed unavoidable,
should take into account the specific nature of workers’ accommodation.
Any such charges should still leave workers with sufficient income and
should never lead to a worker becoming indebted to an employer.
5. The company or body in charge of managing the workers’
accommodation should have the prime responsibility for ensuring workers’
physical well-being and integrity. This involves making sure that the
facilities are kept in good condition (ensuring that sanitary standards or fire
regulations are respected for instance) and that adequate health and safety
plans and standards are designed and implemented:
• Health and safety management plans including electrical,
mechanical, structural and food safety have been carefully designed and
are implemented.
• The person in charge of managing the accommodation has a
specific duty to report to the health authorities the outbreak of any
contagious diseases, food poisoning and other important casualties.
• An adequate number of staff/workers is trained to provide first aid.
• A specific fire safety plan is prepared, including training of fire
wardens, periodic testing and monitoring of fire safety equipment and
periodic drills.
• Guidance on the detrimental effects of the abuse of alcohol and
drugs and other potentially harmful substances and the risk and concerns
relating to HIV/AIDS and of other health risk-related activities is provided to
workers. It is best practice to develop a clear policy on this issue.
• Workers have access to adequate preventive measures such as
contraception (condoms in particular) and mosquito nets.
• Workers have easy access to medical facilities and medical staff.
Where possible, female doctors/nurses should be available for female
• Emergency plans on health and fire safety are prepared.
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Depending on the local context, additional emergency plans are prepared
as needed to handle specific occurrences (earthquakes, floods, tornadoes)

6. Ensuring the security of workers and their property on the

accommodation site is of key importance. To this end, a security plan must
be designed including appropriate measures to protect workers against
theft and attacks. Policies regarding the use of force (force can only be
used for preventive and defensive purposes in proportion to the nature and
the extent of the threat) should also be carefully designed. To implement
those plans, it may be necessary to contract security services or to recruit
one or several staff whose main responsibility is to provide security to
safeguard workers and property. Before making any security arrangements,
it is necessary to assess the risks of such arrangements to those within and
outside the workers’ accommodation and to respect national legislation as
is mentioned on biding documentation, best practices, including EBRD
• A security plan including clear measures to protect workers against
theft and attack is implemented.
• A security plan including clear policies on the use of force has been
carefully designed and is implemented.
• Security staff have been checked to ensure that they have not
been implicated in any previous crimes or abuses. Where appropriate,
security staff from both genders are recruited.
• Security staff have a clear mandate and have received clear
instruction about their duties and responsibilities, in particular their duties
not to harass, intimidate, discipline or discriminate against workers.
• Security staff have received adequate training in dealing with
domestic violence and the use of force.
• Security staff have a good understanding about the importance of
respecting workers’ rights and the rights of the communities.
• Body searches are only allowed in specific circumstances and are
performed by specially trained security staff using the least-intrusive means
possible. Pat down searches on female workers can only be performed by
female security staff.
• Security staff adopt an appropriate conduct towards workers and
• Workers and members of the surrounding;
7. Freedoms and human rights of workers should be recognised and
respected within their living quarters just as within the working environment.
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The Contractors rules and regulations should be presented to Beneficiary, if
those exist, and should be reasonable and non discriminatory. It is best
practice that workers’ representatives are consulted about those rules.
Contractors’ rules and regulations should not prevent workers from
exercising their basic rights. In particular, workers’ freedom of movement
needs to be preserved if they are not to become effectively “trapped”.
• Restriction of workers’ freedom of movement to and from the site is
limited and duly justified. It is good practice to provide workers 24/7 access
to the accommodation site. Any restrictions based on security reasons
should be balanced by the necessity to respect workers’ freedom of
• Where possible, an adequate transport system to surrounding
communities is provided. It is good practice to provide workers with free
transportation to and from local communities.
• Withholding workers’ ID papers is prohibited.
• Freedom of association is expressly respected. Provisions
restricting workers’ rights on site should take into account the direct and
indirect effect on workers’ freedom of association. It is best practice to
provide trade union representatives’ access to workers in the
accommodation site.
• Workers’ gender and religious, cultural and social backgrounds are
respected. In particular, workers should be provided with the possibility of
celebrating religious holidays and observances.
• The work time is regulary on day time, from Monday to Friday and
no more 6 hours on Saturday. The Contractors will provide to Beneficiary
the work schedule, and respect Labour Code for details of work time and
payments rules;

8. Assure that provisions set in EBRD PR2 are incorporated along with the
national requirements related to labour and working conditions in all the
documents prepared by contractors and sub-contractors.

9. The contractor(s) must ensure that all workers on site are provided with
information on their terms and conditions, including hours, wages, breaks
and holidays, discipline and termination procedures in a language they
understand, and that all workers on site understand how to access an
easily-accessible, confidential process for making complaints about their

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The Beneficiary underline the obligation of Contractors to organize the prevention activities for
environmental incidents, professional disease, fire Actions Plan,
The Constructors have the obligations to organize training activities regarding prevention of
accidents and professional diseases, environmental incidents, and to organize action plans in case of
accidental pollution events, fire, natural calamities and professional accidents and diseases.
The Constructors have to undertake:
• Risks identification and evaluation;
• Draw-up measures accordingly on HSSMP, WaterMP, Emergency Response MP, Waste MP,
Culture and Heritage MP, Biodiversity MP, Community Health and Safety MP, Roads and Traffic MP;
• Periodically training and testing;
• providing personal protective equipment and check activities regarding use by all workers and also
by site visitors;
• In case of emergency situation, break the work decision and emergency Plan application;
• Periodically evaluation of technical parameters of means, instalations, devices, vehicles;
• Risk prevent measures implementation;
• Permanent monitoring of accommodation, sanitary and social conditions;
• Monitoring of social impacts on setlements, near sites;
• Permanent monitoring of water and air quality;
• Periodically monitoring of noise and vibrations on sites offices and work places, on site and on
proximity of sites;
• Surveillance and coordination of work activities;
• Appointment of HSSE, waste, technic and general coordinator site representatives;
• Appointment of staff for first aid rersponsabilities;
• Providing water sources, toilets, personal hygiene area, food preparation area, rest and leisure
areas on site;
• Working time on compliance with outside temperature, water resources, and individual protective
equipment, and also with payment procedures;
• To organize the collect and storage of waste and check periodically
• Periodically medical control for all staff.



The Plan was concluded to approach the followings:

 -obligations
 -data collection
 -monitoring
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 -verification
 -audit
 -colaboration
 -decisions
 -corrective actions
The general management actions are treated along with the mitigation measures, in Appendix 1. The
management actions and the mitigation measures are based on the commitments which every partie will
have; is easy to remark that the compliance of the Constructors with the conditions and the recommended
solutions are also measures to prevent and to improve semnificatively:
 -health;
 -safety
 -security;
 -satisfaction on labour;
 -social and economic comfort.
By the other side, the requirements reffering to permanent collaboration with the local communities,
management for waters and traffic, management for environment and waste, prohibition measures
regarding alcohol and drugs consume, prohibition measures regarding hunting and fishing, possibility to
use local facilities, are reasons for settlements satisfaction, and certain mitigation measures for the Project.
Not for the end, for Beneficiary safety and public image, is important that all asked and
recommended measures and conditions like on this Plan was mentioned.
All Constructor’s workers and Beneficiary’s representatives should be made aware of any rules
governing the accommodation and the consequences of breaking such rules.
Processes that allow for consultation between site management and the resident workers will
assist in the smooth running of an accommodation site.These may include a dormitory or camp committee
as well as formal processes that allow workers to lodge any grievances about their accommodation.
Workers’ living facilities have various ongoing impacts on adjacent communities. In order to
manage these, the Contractors have to promote a thorough Community Relations Management Plan, in
compliance with the socio-economic conditions of neighbouring settlements.
This plan will contain the processes to implement the findings of the preliminary community impact
assessment and to identify, manage, mitigate or enhance ongoing impacts of the workers’ accommodation
on the surrounding communities.
Issues to be taken into consideration, according with Stakeholders Engagement Plan, Roads and Trafiic
Management Plan, Health and Safety Measures Plan, Community Health and Safety Management Plan
and Emergency Respons Plan, include:
 community development – impact of workers’ camp on local employment, possibility of
enhancing local employment and income generation through local sourcing of goods and
services. Contractors should develop a Manpower study to identify the workforce needed during
the project implementation period, the type and number of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled
labour force expected to be recruited in each stage of the project implemetaiton period and the

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Rev 2
retrenchment period and conditions. Based on this study, and the results of the community
needs, the contractors will try to maximize local employmet.
 community needs – ways to identify and address community needs related to the arrival of
specific infrastructures such as telecommunications, water sanitation, roads, health care,
education, housing
 community health and safety – addressing and reducing the risk in the increase in
communicable diseases, corruption, trade in illegal substances such as drugs, alcohol, petty
crimes and other sorts of violence, road accidents
 community social and cultural cohesion – ways to mitigate the impact of the presence of
large numbers of foreign workers, often males, with different cultural and religious background,
ways to mitigate the possible shift in social, economic and political structures due to changes in
access to income generation opportunities.
 Retrenchment conditions – contractors will have to clearly indicate the conditions of
retrenchment from an early stage of the project. Due to its nature, the current project has a
limited duration and thus there will be cases of collective retrenchment. The contractors will have
to comply with all the provisions of Romanian labour legislation in respect to retrenchment and
the international best practices and IFI requirements.

1. Mechanisms for workers’ consultation have to be designed and implement. It is under provisions of Law
319/2006 to set up a review committee, which includes representatives elected by workers.
2. Processes and mechanisms for workers to articulate their grievances are provided to workers. Such
mechanisms are in accordance also, with EBRD standards.
3. Workers subjected to disciplinary proceedings arising from behaviour in the accommodation should have
access to a fair and transparent hearing with the possibility to contest decisions, under provisions of Law
53/ 2003-Labour Code.
4. In case conflicts between workers themselves or between workers and staff break out, workers have the
possibility of easily accessing a fair conflict resolution mechanism, under Labour contract provisions.
5. In cases, where more serious offences occur, including serious physical or mental abuse, there are
mechanisms to ensure full cooperation with the judiciary authority, under provisions of Law 286/2009-
Criminal Code.


Community relations plans addressing issues around community development, community needs,
community health and safety and community social, environmental and cultural cohesion have to be
permanently monitored.
Community relations plans include the setting up of a liaison mechanism allowing a constant
exchange of information and consultation with the local communities/authorities, in order to identify and
respond quickly to any problems and maintain good working relationships. The Beneficiary will continue to
maintaine well inform about the Project all pipeline route setlements and local authorities, and to check,
with the Contractor’s representatives, the compliance with prohibited measures promoted, regarding:
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Rev 2
-social behaviors of workers;
-not allowing ilegally hunting and fishing;
-open fire use;
-disturbance of public order
The execution manager is in charge of implementing the community relations management plan
and liaising with the community. The monitoring responsabilities will be nominated on plan.
Additional issue
The beneficiary have to analyse the offerts in compliance with all mentioned conditions and
measures and to decide according with.
The Beneficiary’s representatives on sites - Managers for execution phase (pipeline and
compressive station), HSSE coordinators, geodesists, archeologists, hydrologist and biodiversity experts -
have to monitor the sites’ activities, in order to decide the operational corrective measures and to report
information and events to UMP-BRUA.
At the level of the BRUA headquarter, the Manager for services and HSSE manager are
resposibles for all data analyse and draws decision in compliance with the needed, after HR experts
Alcohol is a complex issue and requires a very clear policy set by the workers’ accommodation
management. On site areas and work places areas, the holding and consume of alcohol is stricted
prohibited. The Contractors have to define the policies regarding the consume of alcohol on rest time,
quantity, places and responsabilities.


Management System verification monitoring requirements, as detailed in the F-CESMP Document, are
divided into three levels as shown in Table 6.3 below:
Tier Objective Responsibl Description
Tier 1: Transgaz Transgaz These audits are aimed at assessing the Transgaz HSSE
management management system elements and assessing their continued
system audits suitability throughout the project life cycle.- Anually
Tier 2: Transgaz Transgaz These audits are undertaken by the Transgaz BRHA team to
CESMP audits confirm compliance by the Company and its contractors with
the CESMPs-Each semestry
Tier 3: Contractor self- Contractor These audits are to be undertaken by contractors to confirm
audits compliance by themselves and their sub-contractors with the
CESMPs and their own HSSE management systems. The
managing contractors shall ensure that audit reports are
provided to Transgaz-Each quarter

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Rev 2
In addition to the above, there are also expected to be regulatory audits and lender compliance monitoring
visits. The nature and structure of these will be confirmed with regulators and lenders


Both the General Monitoring and the Management System Verification Processes require robust Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) to be developed. These are quantitative or qualitative measurements used to
gauge performance over time and can be used to assess the effectiveness of control measures. The KPIs
considered relevant to this LWCMP are shown in Table 6.4 below.
ID KPI Target/Action Monitoring Associated
Threshold Measure mitigation
KPI- Number of non- Minimise and continued See verification All measures
LWCMP compliance with the improvement column of Appendix identified in
01 requirements of this plan 1 Appendix 1

KPI- Number of non- Minimise and continued See Appendix 1,2 As identified in
LWCMP compliance with project improvement ‘KPI’ column of
02 standards identified Appendix 1
during monitoring
KPI- Number of incidents Zero See Appendix 2 N/A
LWCMP reported (accident or
03 occupational disease)

KPI- Number of workers or Minimise and continued See Appendix 2 All measures
LWCMP settlements complaints improvement identified in
04 Appendix 1

KPI – Lost of human lives None N/A

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Rev 2
KPI- Number of trained person Maximise and See Appendix 1,2 All measures
LWCMP and means for continued improvement identified in
06 intervention Appendix 1,2


Contractor is bound to assign one person from their own employees that would track and assure fulfillment
of the workers’accommodation obligations,. The assigned person(s) need to have proper knowledge and
skills as well as educational background on: HSS, including for social conditions and conflict resolution.

Induction training
All contractors will have to conduct an induction training to all their employees and the employees of all
their sub-contractors. The induction training will focus but not limit to following items:
- health and safety regulations for on site and workers accommodation
- social aspect – rules and regulations on community relationship and workers’ code of conduct
- environmental aspects – rules and regulations related to environmental protection measures
- HR aspects
- grievance mechanism.
The Beneficiary and Contractors coordinators on site, will verify permanent the knowledge of regulations
and also will check how all workers respect them,

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Apendix 1 – General Mitigation Measures and Management Actions

Ref Topic/ Objective Mitigation Measures, Management actions and In the Resp Owner Verification Commit
Aspect Commitments plan monitor (C/T) Process ments
LWCMP All overall Comply with all mitigation measures included in the All CPU C Permanent 1
- 001 Environmental Agreement Plans
LWCMP All Record For the pre-construction stage when work sites will be T C/T Permanent 287
- 002 Preconstru in place for each sector there will be a protocol that
ction will establish as accurately as possible the
Pipeline environmental load, based on standardized forms
route (standard-forms), with aerial photographs or
conditions photographic images taken from the ground, which
will act as control elements. For each site during the
growing season (May-September the ecological
structure and functions of the site will be accurately

LWCMP All Prevention The equipment shall be brought to the site in perfect WMP, HSSE+ TS- C Permanent 87
- 003 state of operation, the technical revisions and oil HSSM T/C
exchange being already made ,ERM

LWCMP All Prevention Monitoring the meteorological bulletins meant to take All SS-T C Permanent 31
- 004 the equipment outside the areas which could be Plans
flooded, in case of high waters

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LWCMP Throug Environme Prohibit all cutting of wood by workers. SS+HSSE- C Permanent 328
- 005 hout nt C/T

LWCMP all Environm Educate workforce on preventing bush fires. Ensure SS+HSSE- C Periodically/We 341
- 006 ent bush fires are not used as a land clearance method C/T ekly
LWCMP all Work Construction will only take place during daylight HSSM SS+HSSE- C Permanent 393
- 007 safety hours, if the activities are not continuos or execution C/T
time is not enough
LWCMP Local Prevention Implement measures to reduce the impact on socio- CHSS SS –C/T C Permanent 172
- 008 Comm for safety economic environment even before the start of works MP,
unities and (setting deviation routes, installation of sound- HSSM
security deadening panels, demarcation and installation of P,
Warning elements related to the area of the works, RTMP
provision of alternative network of utilities, etc.)
LWCMP Entire Environme Strictly prohibit fishing at watercourses (EXCEPT CHSS SS – C/T C Periodical 188
protection FULLFILLED).
LWCMP all Labor Although BRHA’s work force is not meant to CHSS SS C/T C Periodical 279
- 010 conditions incorporate any workers outside of the ethic MP
demographic already presented within the local
communities within the pipeline sphere of influence,
strict adherence to the Worker’s Code of Conduct that
will be developed by Transgaz will aid in mitigating
any unforeseen issues regarding community
LWCMP Throug Environme Implement and enforce hunting ban on the workforce CHSS SS+ER – C Permanent 325
protection FULLFILLED).

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LWCMP Entire Environme Prohibiting weapons/ hunting for Project personnel, CHSS SS+ER SE C Periodically/eac 208
- 0012 Project nt including subcontractors, both on site and while MP -C/T h quarter
protection travelling to and from Project work areas

LWCMP Throug Communit Minimise exploitation and destruction of resources CHSS SS+HS SE C Permanent 17
- 0013 hout y safety present and associated secondary impacts MP C/T

LWCMP Perma Labor Continual reinforcement of the Worker’s Code of HSSM SS+HS SE C Bidding period 281
- 0014 nent conditions Conduct for permanent staff, most specifically in P
change areas influenced by staff of the 3 compressor stations
due to

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LWCMP all Labor General construction hours will be in accordance with HSSM SS+HS SE C Permanent 246
- 0015 conditions the guidance of the planning permission document P + AE – C/T
(Condition 6). Limited to:
between 07:30 and 17:30 Monday to Friday;
between 07:30 and 13:30 Saturdays; and,
no operations on Sundays and during bank/public
holidays, except situation when schedule ar type of
activities involves continuos work, but with legal
Prior liaison with the Romanian Planning Authority
regarding any requirements for out of hours work for
Health and Safety, or emergency reasons;
Appropriate complaint procedure to ensure complaints
are logged, investigated and resolved; and,
Control of noise introduced into site induction to
ensure that all operators on site, including contractors,
are working in such a way to minimise noise.
LWCMP Throug Prevention The acquisition of chemicals for which the supplier ER - C/T C Permanent 85
- 0016 hout may provide the proof of their pre-registration with the
European Chemicals Agency shall be pursued

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LWCMP All Waste Contractors will draws-up its own Waste Management WMP ER - C/T C Periodically/eac WM 001
- 0017 Manageme plans based on selective collection of waste for h semestry
nt recycling / recovery / disposal; These will cover the
Principles following ‘good site practices’ to reduce the risk of
impacts arising from waste management activities:
• develop inventory of likely wastes;
• identification of local waste management facilities;
• waste minimisation principles;
• maximise reuse/recycle opportunities;
• waste segregation (liquid and solid/reusable and
• waste collection, storage and transfer;
• specific disposal procedures for all waste steams
identified including waste transfer notes if moved to a
licensed offsite facility;
• auditing and reporting procedures; and
•measures to be taken after construction works are
completed, so as to assure the disposal and turning
into value of all waste from the construction sites,
including the waste resulted from the removal of
temporary structures.
LWCMP All Waste Hazardous waste or hazardous materials will be WMP ER C/T C Periodically WM 002
- 0018 Manageme collected selectively at the site organization will be
nt handed over authorized operators There will be no
Principles incineration of hazardous waste on site.
Containers of hazardous waste will only be moved or
transferred to the site by qualified personnel using
appropriate equipment and vehicles
LWCMP All Waste Personnel involved in waste management will benefit WMP ER C/T C peridocally WM 003
- 0019 Manageme from regular training, specific to each product and
nt where relevant including general requirements for
Principles hazardous waste management

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LWCMP All Waste For each contract, the waste management solution WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 004
- 020 Manageme will be assessed, and contracts with entities entrusted
nt with these responsibilities for each type of waste
Principles separately will be elaborated.
Operators will keep track of the waste.
LWCMP All -Waste The proper waste management will be put in WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 005
- 0021 areas, Manageme place.Particular attention will be directed to the
but nt household or those containing food scraps. Waste
especia Principles from the work fronts will be stored in bins provided
lly with trash bags and will be removed daily to the site
areas organization. At the site organization collection points
with will be arranged provided with containers for each
large type of waste. For household waste a metal container
mamm with a tightly fitted lid will be used
LWCMP All Waste Contractors will reporting types and quantities of WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 006
- 0022 Manageme waste and the route followed by these. A strict
nt management record shall be maintained by monthly
Principles completion of the waste management papers, per
types of identified waste- per HG 856/2002
(Government Decisions) on waste management
record keeping, a strict record of the waste
management will be kept by monthly filling of waste
management data sheets, by type of identified waste,
according to the model set out in Appendix 5 of this
LWCMP Site Waste For the reduction of the volume of waste required to EMP ER C/T C Periodical WM 007
- 0023 organiz Manageme be stored and transported the sites management will
ation nt be equipped with metal can and plastic container
Principles (PET) presses, paper shredders;

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LWCMP All Waste Waste, excavation or any material is not to be WMP ER – C/T, C Periodical WM 008
- 0024 Manageme spilled/disposed/abandoned of in forest areas. SS C/T, TS
nt C/T

LWCMP All Waste Waste will not be stored in the proximity of WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 009
- 0025 Storage watercourses or protected areas;
LWCMP All Waste Both in the site establishment and corresponding WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 010
- 026 Storage stations will be established clearly defined areas
designated for controlled and safe waste storage;
LWCMP All Waste Store all food and food waste securely to prevent WMP ER C/T + C Permanent WM 011
- 0027 Storage supporting populations of opportunistic species (which SS C/T
could include non-native invasive fauna).
LWCMP All Waste The selective collection of waste, temporary storage WMP ER C/T C Periodical WM
- 0028 Storage and final evacuation under safety conditions, full 012
recycling of recyclable waste, taking into
consideration that the waste degrade the landscape
on large areas
LWCMP All Waste The selective collection of the generated waste, WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM
- 0029 Storage temporary storage in special areas and delivery to the 013
authorized operators for valorization/elimination
LWCMP All Waste The waste shall be collected selectively in containers WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM
- 0030 Storage and they shall be temporary deposited in specially 014
arranged places

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LWCMP All Waste Each category of hazardous waste will be stored WMP ER C Permanent WM 015
- 0031 Storage separately, based on physical and chemical C/T+HSSM
characteristics, and depending on compatibility and C/T
nature of extinguishing substances which may be
used for each category in case of fire;Any containers
used for the collection and storage of hazardous
wastes must be compatible with the waste they
contain and will be kept safe and sealed, properly
marked and labelled or accompanied by specific
documents according to the regulations on hazardous
waste. Such containers shall be inspected periodically
to ensure their tightness and that they are kept safe.
Containers should not be stored on the roads, traffic,
pedestrian or any point that could affect emergency
LWCMP All Inert waste from excavations will be recycled for HMMP ER C/T+TS C Permanent WM 016
- 0032 Manageme covering the pipe or will be used for temporary road C/T
nt of Non- works, platforms, etc.
LWCMP All Any metallic waste will be stored in specially ER C/T C Permanent WM 017
- 0033 Manageme designated places, taking in account periodic recovery
nt of Non- in specialized units based upon a contract;
LWCMP All Waste Waste management will be done in strict compliance WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM
- 0034 Manageme with Law No 211/2011 on waste regime 018

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LWCMP All Waste Waste storage in any water courses is prohibited WMP ER C/T+TS C Permanent WM
- 0035 Storage C/T 019

LWCMP All Waste The transport / handling of waste generated and WMP ER C/T+TS C Allocated WM 020
- 0036 Manageme dangerous materials will be made in such a manner C/T construction
nt as not to cause pollution of soil, surface waters and time
Principles groundwater
LWCMP All Waste As regards the household and similar waste, special WMP ER C/T+TS C Permanent WM 021
- 0037 Manageme areas for temporary deposit shall be set and contracts C/T
nt shall be concluded with the waste management unit
Principles from the closest locality in order to eliminate these
types of waste
LWCMP Accordi Manageme Contractors, based on its plans for waste HMMP ER C/T+TS C/T Permanent WM
- 0038 ng to nt of Non- management, will provide transportation to C/T+HSSM 022
tender Hazardous approximately 115 000 tons of deployed rock to C/T
docum Waste achieve the route of the pipeline (amount calculated
ents by the designer), which will not be reused to
strengthen and restructure the route of the pipeline, in
areas authorized the estimated distances of 10-20 km
maximum. The contractor will be required to dislodge
and break rocks to size that allows the transport
volume and quantity effectively and safely for the
prevention of accidents respectively tumbles of rock
or overturning vehicles.
LWCMP All Waste tyres will be collected separately from other WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM
- 0039 Manageme wastes and will be turned into value by via licensed 023
nt of Non- transporters in accordance with the regulation

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LWCMP All Waste The management of the waste from the packages WMP ER C/T C Permanent WM 024
- 0040 Manageme shall be accomplished according to the provisions of
nt Law no. 249/2015
LWCMP All Waste Will not be removed or incineration of hazardous WMP ER C/T+SS C Permanent WM 025
- 0041 Manageme waste on site C/T

Legend: ER-Environmental Responsible, TS-Technical Supervisor, SS-Site Supervisor, HHSE-Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Coordinator, T-
TRANSGAZ, C-Contractor

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1 Verification of Comply with all mitigation measures included N/A All Project 3/ EBRD Permanent LWCMP -
compliance in the Environmental Agreement 01
LWCMP Registering For the pre-construction stage when work sites Recorded All Project 4/Legal frame Permanent LWCMP
- 0001 and on site will be in place for each sector there will be a situation 05
verification protocol that will establish as accurately as /operative LWCMP
possible the environmental load, based on situation 06
standardized forms (standard-forms), with
aerial photographs or photographic images
taken from the ground, which will act as control
elements. For each site during the growing
season (May-September) the ecological
structure and functions of the site will be
accurately determined.

LWCMP Workplace The equipment shall be brought to the site in Technical On-Site 4/Legal frame Permanent LWCMP
– 0002 inspection perfect state of operation, the technical parameters 01
revisions and oil exchange being already LWCMP
made 03
LWCMP Information Monitoring the meteorological bulletins meant Statistics and On work 3/EBRD Permanent LWCMP
– 0003 activities to take the equipment outside the areas which estimation place and 01
could be flooded, in case of high waters accommodat LWCMP
Page 35 of 47 Document No. 1062-TGN-MNG-PLN-PJM-22-00010 Rev 2
ion place 04
LWCMP Workplace and Prohibit all cutting of wood by workers. N/A On-site and 3/EBRD Permanent LWCMP
– 0004 vicinity work areas 05

LWCMP Verification od Educate workforce on preventing bush fires. N/A On site 3/EBRD Periodically/ LWCMP
– 0005 the training’s Ensure bush fires are not used as a land vecinity Weekly 05
fulfillment clearance method

LWCMP Worktime Construction will only take place during Time measure Work places 3,4/EBRD, Weekly LWCMP
– 0005 daylight hours, if the activities are not Legal frame 01
continuos or execution time is not enough LWCMP
LWCMP Verifying the Implement measures to reduce the impact on N/A All Project 1,3,4 Periodicaly LWCMP
– 0006 implementatio socio-economic environment even before the 01
n of the start of works (setting deviation routes, LWCMP
measures installation of sound-deadening panels, 03
provided by demarcation and installation of Warning LWCMP
the Plans elements related to the area of the works, 04
provision of alternative network of utilities, etc.) LWCMP
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LWCMP Verifying the Strictly prohibit fishing at watercourses N/A Vecinity of 1,3 Permanent LWCMP
– 0007 fulfillment of (EXCEPT WHEN ALL LEGAL CONDITIONS work places 05
LWCMP Planning Although BRHA’s work force is not meant to N/A All Project 3 Permanent LWCMP
– 0008 incorporate any workers outside of the ethic 02
demographic already presented within the
local communities within the pipeline sphere of
influence, strict adherence to the Worker’s
Code of Conduct that will be developed by
Transgaz will aid in mitigating any unforeseen
issues regarding community disturbance.
LWCMP Verifying the Implement and enforce hunting and fishing N/A All Project 3 Periodical LWCMP
– 0009 fulfillment of ban on the workforce.(EXCEPT WHEN ALL 01
instructions 05
and periodical
LWCMP Inspections Prohibiting weapons/ hunting for Project N/A All Project 3,4 Periodical LWCMP
– 00010 personnel, including subcontractors, both on 01
site and while travelling to and from Project LWCMP
work areas 02

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LWCMP Training and Minimise exploitation and destruction of N/A All Project 3,4 Permanent LWCMP
– 00011 surveillance resources present and associated secondary 02
impacts LWCMP
LWCMP Training and Continual reinforcement of the Worker’s Code Test All Project 3,4 Periodically/e LWCMP
– 00012 surveillance of Conduct for permanent staff, most ach quarter 02
specifically in areas influenced by staff of the 3 LWCMP
compressor stations 05

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LWCMP Surveillance General construction hours will be in N/A All Project 3.4 Permanent LWCMP
– 00013 accordance with the guidance of the planning 01
permission document (Condition 6). Limited to: LWCMP
between 07:30 and 17:30 Monday to 02
Friday; LWCMP
between 07:30 and 13:30 Saturdays; and, 03
no operations on Sundays and during LWCMP
bank/public holidays, as is possible. Not 04
applicable for continuos operation or in period LWCMP
when is necessary to recuperate time 05
schedule. LWCMP
Prior liaison with the Romanian Planning 06
Authority regarding any requirements for out of
hours work for Health and Safety, or
emergency reasons;
Appropriate complaint procedure to ensure
complaints are logged, investigated and
resolved; and,
Control of noise introduced into site induction
to ensure that all operators on site, including
contractors, are working in such a way to
minimise noise.
LWCMP Surveillance The acquisition of chemicals for which the N/A Tender 3,4 Bidding LWCMP
– 00014 supplier may provide the proof of their pre- time/on site period 01
registration with the European Chemicals LWCMP
Agency shall be pursued 05

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LWCMP Planning/Mana Contractors will draws-up its own Waste Legal queries All Project 1,2,3,4 Permanent LWCMP
– 00015 gement/Surveil Management plans based on selective 01
lance collection of waste for recycling / recovery / LWCMP
disposal; These will cover the following ‘good 03
site practices’ to reduce the risk of impacts LWCMP
arising from waste management activities: 04
• develop inventory of likely wastes; LWCMP
• identification of local waste management 05
facilities; LWCMP
• waste minimisation principles; 06
• maximise reuse/recycle opportunities;
• waste segregation (liquid and solid/reusable
and recyclable);
• waste collection, storage and transfer;
• specific disposal procedures for all waste
steams identified including waste transfer
notes if moved to a licensed offsite facility;
• auditing and reporting procedures; and
•measures to be taken after construction
works are completed, so as to assure the
disposal and turning into value of all waste
from the construction sites, including the waste
resulted from the removal of temporary
LWCMP Management/ Hazardous waste or hazardous materials will Legal queries All Project 1,2,,3,4 Permanent LWCMP
– 00016 Surveillance be collected selectively at the site organization 01
will be handed over authorized operators LWCMP
There will be no incineration of hazardous 03
waste on site. Containers of hazardous LWCMP
waste will only be moved or transferred to the 04
site by qualified personnel using appropriate LWCMP
equipment and vehicles 05

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LWCMP Training and Personnel involved in waste management will Test On-site and 1,2,3 Periodically/e LWCMP
– 00017 asessment benefit from regular training, specific to each out-site ach semestry 05
product and where relevant including general responsibles LWCMP
requirements for hazardous waste 06
LWCMP Periodical For each contract, the waste management Legal queries All Project 1,2,3 Periodically LWCMP
– 00018 inspections solution will be assessed, and contracts with 01
entities entrusted with these responsibilities for LWCMP
each type of waste separately will be 05
Operators will keep track of the waste.
LWCMP Periodical The proper waste management will be put in N/A All Project 1,2,3 peridocally LWCMP
– 00019 inspections place.Particular attention will be directed to the 01
household or those containing food scraps. LWCMP
Waste from the work fronts will be stored in 05
bins provided with trash bags and will be
removed daily to the site organization. At the
site organization collection points will be
arranged provided with containers for each
type of waste. For household waste a metal
container with a tightly fitted lid will be used
LWCMP Inspections on Contractors will reporting types and quantities Legal queries All Project 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00020 site and of of waste and the route followed by these. A 01
registers strict management record shall be maintained LWCMP
by monthly completion of the waste 05
management papers, per types of identified
waste- per HG 856/2002 (Government
Decisions) on waste management record
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keeping, a strict record of the waste
management will be kept by monthly filling of
waste management data sheets, by type of
identified waste, according to the model set
out in Appendix 5 of this enactment;
LWCMP On site For the reduction of the volume of waste N/A All project 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00021 surveillance required to be stored and transported the sites 05
management will be equipped with metal can
and plastic container (PET) presses, paper
LWCMP Surveillance Waste, excavation or any material is not to be N/A Forest areas 1,2 Permanent LWCMP
- 00022 spilled/disposed/abandoned of in forest areas. 02

LWCMP Inspections Waste will not be stored in the proximity of N/A Watercourse 1,2 Periodical LWCMP
- 00023 watercourses or protected areas; s area 02
LWCMP Inspections Both in the site establishment and Legal queries Site area 1,2 Periodical LWCMP
- 00023 corresponding stations will be established 04
clearly defined areas designated for controlled LWCMP
and safe waste storage; 05
LWCMP Surveillance Store all food and food waste securely to Legal queries Site area 1,2 Permanent LWCMP
- 00024 prevent supporting populations of opportunistic 02
species (which could include non-native LWCMP
invasive fauna). 05
LWCMP Surveillance The selective collection of waste, temporary Legal queries All Project 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00025 storage and final evacuation under safety 02
conditions, full recycling of recyclable waste, LWCMP
taking into consideration that the waste 05
degrade the landscape on large areas
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LWCMP Surveillance The selective collection of the generated Legal queries All Project 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00026 waste, temporary storage in special areas and 05
delivery to the authorized operators for
LWCMP Inspection The waste shall be collected selectively in Legal queries All project 1,2,3 Periodical LWCMP
- 00027 containers and they shall be temporary 05
deposited in specially arranged places
LWCMP Surveillance Each category of hazardous waste will be Legal queries All Project 1,2,3,4 Permanent LWCMP
– stored separately, based on physical and 02
00028 chemical characteristics, and depending on LWCMP
compatibility and nature of extinguishing 05
substances which may be used for each
category in case of fire; Any containers used
for the collection and storage of hazardous
wastes must be compatible with the waste
they contain and will be kept safe and sealed,
properly marked and labelled or accompanied
by specific documents according to the
regulations on hazardous waste. Such
containers shall be inspected periodically to
ensure their tightness and that they are kept
safe. Containers should not be stored on the
roads, traffic, pedestrian or any point that
could affect emergency exits;
LWCMP Surveillance Inert waste from excavations will be recycled N/A Sites and 3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00029 for covering the pipe or will be used for pipeline 05
temporary road works, platforms, etc. route

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LWCMP Workplaces Any metallic waste will be stored in specially N/A Sites and 3,4 Permanent LWCMP
- 00030 inspection designated places, taking in account periodic pipeline 05
recovery in specialized units based upon a route

LWCMP Surveillance Waste management will be done in strict Legal queries All Project 1,2, Permanent LWCMP
- 00031 compliance with Law No 211/2011 on waste 04
regime LWCMP
LWCMP Surveillance Waste storage in any water courses is N/A Watercourse 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00032 prohibited s proximity 04
LWCMP Surveillance The transport / handling of waste generated Legal queries All Project 1,2,3 Permanent LWCMP
- 00033 and dangerous materials will be made in such 04
a manner as not to cause pollution of soil, LWCMP
surface waters and groundwater 05
LWCMP Surveillance As regards the household and similar waste, N/A Site area 1,2 Permanent LWCMP
00034 special areas for temporary deposit shall be 04
set and contracts shall be concluded with the LWCMP
waste management unit from the closest 05
locality in order to eliminate these types of
LWCMP Surveillance Contractors, based on its plans for waste N/A Lot 2 1,4 Allocated LWCMP
- 00035 management, will provide transportation to construction 01
approximately 115 000 tons of deployed rock time LWCMP
to achieve the route of the pipeline (amount 02
calculated by the designer), which will not be LWCMP
reused to strengthen and restructure the route 05
of the pipeline, in areas authorized the
estimated distances of 10-20 km maximum.
The contractor will be required to dislodge and
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break rocks to size that allows the transport
volume and quantity effectively and safely for
the prevention of accidents respectively
tumbles of rock or overturning vehicles.

LWCMP Surveillance Waste tyres will be collected separately N/A All vechicles 1,2 Permanent LWCMP
- 00036 from other wastes and will be turned into value tyres 05
by via licensed transporters in accordance LWCMP
with the regulation 06

LWCMP Surveillance The management of the waste from the N/A All Project 1,2,,4 Permanent LWCMP
- 00037 packages shall be accomplished according to 02
the provisions of Law no. 249/2015 LWCMP
LWCMP Surveillance Will not be removed or incineration of Legal queries On-site area 1,2,3,4 Permanent LWCMP
- 00038 hazardous waste on site 01

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 Integrated Management Manual on Quality-Environment-Health and Occupational Safety-Code: MSMI-CMSSO Ed.03/Rev.0

 CSR Transgaz policies;
 Others requirements provided on biding documentation;
 Law no.319/14.07.2006 for Security and Safety on Labour-published on O.J. 646/26.07.2006. The Law transpose EU Directive
no.89/391/CEE published on JOCE no. L183/1989;
 Law 53/2003-Labour Code;
 Law 286/2009-Criminal Code;
 Law no. 249/2015;
 Law No 211/2011 on waste regime;
 G.D no 1425/11.10.2006 Methodological norms for Law 319/2006.
 G.D. no 300/ 2006 security and safety regulations for temporary and mobile sites;

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 GD nO.1091/16.08 2006, regarding health and safety conditions for work places.The Decision transpose Directive no 1989/654/CEE,
published on JOCE no. L 393/1989.
 GD no.1048/9.08 2006, regarding the use of protection equipments by workers on work places. The Decision transpose Directive
89/656/CEE, published on JOCE no.L393/1989.
 GD Or. 493/ 12.04 2006, regarding working conditions under noise risk. The Decision transposing Directive 2003/10/CE, published on JOCE
no. L 42/2003.
 GD. no. 1.876/ 22.12 2005, regarding working conditions under vibrations risk. The Decision transposing Directive 2002/44/CE published on
JOCE no. L 177/2002

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