CH 4 Worksheets-Practice Muscluoskeletal-1

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Worksheet 4A: Skeletal

New Combining Form, Prefix, and Suffix Handout

Directions: For each combining form, prefix, and suffix below write out its meaning. Then locate a new
term from the chapter that uses the word part and its meaning.

Combining Forms
Meaning New term from Chapter Term Meaning
1. ankyl/o stiff joint ankylosing spondylitis Inflammatory spinal condition
2. arthr/o joint osteoarthritis Arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones and joints
3. articul/o joint articular joint
4. burs/o sac bursa small fluid-filled sac
5. carp/o carpus carpals make up the wrists

6. cervic/o neck cervical neck

7. chondr/o cartilage hypochondriac Left lateral region

8. clavicul/o clavicle Clavicular pertaining to clavicle or collar bone
9. coccyg/o coccyx Coccygeal pertaining to coccyx
10. cortic/o outer layer cortical bone dense outer surface of bone that forms a
protective layer around the internal cavity
11. cost/o rib intercostal between the ribs
12. crani/o skull cranial skull
13. femor/o femur femoral Pertaining to the femur
14. fibul/o fibula fibular Pertaining to the fibula
15. humer/o humerus humeral Pertaining to the humerus
16. ili/o ilium iliac Pertaining to the ilium
17. ischi/o ischium ischial Pertaining to the ischium
18. kyph/o hump kyphosis Abnormal increase in the curvature of the thoracic spine
19. lamin/o lamina laminectomy Removal of the vertebral posterior arch
20. lord/o bent backward lordosis Abnormal increase in the forward curvature
21. lumb/o loin lumbar lower part of the back

22. mandibul/o mandible mandibular Pertaining to the mandible

23. maxill/o maxilla maxilla jawbone

24. medull/o inner region medullary inner region

25. metacarp/o metacarpus metacarpus between wrist and fingers

26. metatars/o metatarsus metatarsus between ankle and toes

27. myel/o bone marrow osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone and bone marrow.
28. orth/o straight orthotic Orthopedic appliance
29. oste/o bone osteoarthritis Arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones and joints

30. patell/o patella patella kneecap

31. ped/o foot,child orthopedics diagnosis and treatment of conditions of “he

musculoskeletal system;
(Continued )
Combining Forms
Meaning New term from Chapter Term Meaning
32. pelv/o pelvis pelvic region where the pelvis is

33. phalang/o phalanges Phalanges fingers

34. pod/o foot podiatry treatment of disorders of the feet

35. pub/o pubis pubis pubis
36. radi/o radius Radius Forearm bone on thumb side of lower arm
37. sacr/o sacrum Sacrum Sacrum
38. scapul/o scapula scapula scapula
39. scoli/o crooked scoliosis Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
40. spondyl/o vertebrae spondylolisthesis The forward sliding of a lumbar
vertebra over the vertebra below it
41. stern/o sternum sternum sternum
42. synovi/o synovial membrane synovial membrane synovial membrane
43. synov/o synovial membrane synovial membrane synovial membrane
44. tars/o tarsus Tarsus between the limb and metatarsus

45. thorac/o chest thoracic region chest

46. tibi/o tibia tibia tibia

47. uln/o ulna ulna ulna

48. vertebr/o vertebra vertebra vertebra
49. fasci/o fibrous band fascia striated muscles
50. fibr/o fibers fibrous has fibers

51. kinesi/o movement kinesiology science that studies movement

52. muscul/o muscle muscular dystrophy Inherited disease causing a
progressive muscle degeneration
53. my/o muscle myopia nearsightedness
54. myocardi/o heart muscle myocardium heart muscle
55. myos/o muscle polymyositis inflammation of many muscles
56. plant/o sole of foot plantar flexion Bending sole of foot
57. ten/o tendon tendon tendon
58. tend/o tendon tendinous Pertaining to tendons.
59. tendin/o tendon tendinitis Inflammation of a tendon
60. -blast immature osteoblasts immature bone cells
61. -clasia to surgically break arthrodesis surgically break

62. -desis to fuse arthrodesis stabilize a joint by fusing the bones together
63. –listhesis slipping spondylolisthesis The forward sliding of a lumbar
vertebra over the vertebra below it
Combining Forms
Meaning New term from Chapter Term Meaning
64. -porosis porous osteoporosis Decrease in bone mass
65. –asthenia weakness myasthenia Muscle weakness
66. -kinesia movement bradykinesia Having slow movements
67. -tonia tone atonia The lack of muscle tone.

68. ab- away adrenal relating to the abdomen

69. ad- toward adrenal toward the kidney
70. circum- around circumduction Movement in a circular direction
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.

Medical Term Word Part Analysis

1. osteocyte osteo bone cyte cell , mature bone cell
2. osteoblast osteo bone blast immature immature bone cell

3. articular articul joint ar relating to a joint or the joints

4. kyphosis kypho hump sis Abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine
5. scoliosis scolio crooked sis Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
6. orthotic ortho straight tic pertaining to Orthopedic appliance
7. osteogenic osteo bone genic producing
8. osteomalacia osteo bone malacia abnormal softening Softening of the bones
9. osteoporosis osteo bone porosis porous Decrease in bone mass producing a thinning and
weakening of the bone
10. spondylolisthesis spondylo vertebra listhesis slipping The forward sliding of a lumbar vertebra over
the vertebra below it
11. osteoarthritis osteo bone arth joint ritis inflammation arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones
and joints
12. systemic system system ic pertaining to spread throughout
13. arthrography arthro joint graphy process of recording Process of Xraying a joint
14. arthroscopy arthro joint scopy process of visually examining Examination of the interior of a
15. arthroplasty arthro joint plasty surgical repair joint repair
16. myoneural myo muscules neural nerves relating to both muscles and nerves
17. electromyography electro electricity myo muscles graphy process of recording Study and record of
the strength and quality of muscle contractions as a result of electrical stimulation.
18. atrophy a without trophy development lack or loss of normal development
19. pseudohypertrophic pseudo false hyper excessive trophic pertaining to development of muscular
dystrophy in which the muscles become swollen with deposits of fat and fibrous tissue.
20. fibromyalgia fibro fibers my muscle algia pain condition with widespread aching and pain
in muscles and soft tissue
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The four classifications of bones by their shape are long, short, flat and irregular
2. Dense and hard exterior surface bone is called cortical or compact bone.
3. A head is a large, smooth, ball-shaped process on the end of a long bone.
4. The bones that form the central axis for the whole body are part of the Axial skeleton skeleton.
5. The pectoral girdle consists of the clavicle and scapula
6. The most common type of joint in the body is a synovial joint.
7. Visceral muscle is another name for smooth muscle.
8. skeletal muscles are voluntary.
9. abduction is movement away from the midline.
10. A tendon anchors a muscle to the bone.
Word Building
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. cartilage softening chondromalacia
2. fusion of a joint arthrodesis
3. pertaining to between vertebrae intervertebral
4. bone and cartilage tumor Chondrosarcoma
5. pertaining to the femur femoral
6. pertaining to the breast bone sternal
7. lack of tone Hypotonia
8. study of movement Kinesiology
9. incision into fascia fasciotomy
10. record of muscle electricity Electromyography
q. 1. clavicle
o 2. phalanges
g. 3. exostosis
a 4. orthotic
i. 5. comminuted
c 6. greenstick
t 7. HNP
y. 8. subluxation
l. 9. RA
w. 10. spina bifida
v 11. osteoporosis
s. 12. prosthesis
r 13. crepitation
f. 14. DXA
b 15. reduction
h 16. NSAIDs
k. 17. contracture
u 18. spasm
p 19. fibromyalgia
d 20. carpal tunnel syndrome
j. 21. torticollis
e 22. adhesion
m 23. MD
n. 24. sprain
x 25. tenodesis
New Word Parts Practice
Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided.
1. arth/o joint

2. carp/o carpus

3. cost/o rib
4. lord/o bent backward
5. scoli/o crooked
6. medull/o inner region
7. myel/o bone marrow
8. lumb/o loin
9. thorac/ chest
10. spondyl/o vertebrae
11. fasci/o fibrous band
12. myos/o muscle
13. plant/o sole of foot
14. tend/o tendon
15. kinesi/o movement
16. fibr/o fibers
17. my/o muscle
18. synovi/o synovial membrane
19. orth/o straight
20. circum- around
21. -tonia tone
22. -asthenia weakness
23. -desis to fuse
24. -clasia to surgically break
25. -listhesis slipping
Practice Labeling Diagram
1. Skull
2. Sternum
3. Ribs
4. Thoracic vertebrae
5. Lumbar vertebrae
6. Ilium
7. Pubis
8. Tibia
9. Fibula
10. Tarsus
11. Metatarsus
12. Phalanges
13. Maxilla
14. Mandible
15. Scapula
16. Humerus
17. Ulna
18. Radius
19. Sacrum
20. Coccyx
21. Carpus
22. Metacarpus
23. Phalanges
24. Ischium
25. Femur
26. Patella
Practice Labeling Diagram

Directions: Label the parts of a long bone.

1. Proximal epiphysis
2. Diaphysis
3. Distal epiphysis
4. Articular cartilage
5. Epiphyseal line
6. Spongy bone
7. Compact bone
8. Medullary cavity
Word Building Practice

Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below.

1. fusion of a joint arthrodesis

2. inflammation of a bursa Bursitis
3. surgical repair of cartilage chondroplasty
4. incision into the skull craniotomy
5. surgically break a bone Osteotomy
6. surgical removal of synovial membrane Synovectomy
7. pertaining to wrist carpal
8. pertaining to ilium Iliac
9. pertaining to kneecap patellar
10. pertaining to upper jaw maxillary
11. pertaining to tailbone coccygeal
12. pertaining to chest Thoracic
13. abnormal condition of hump Kyphosis
14. porous bone Osteoporosis
15. vertebra slipping spondylolisthesis
16. inflammation of bone and joint Arthritis
17. process of recording a joint arthroscopy
18. inflammation of fascia fasciitis
19. pertaining to muscle myofascial
20. muscle disease Muscular dystrophy
21. inflammation of many muscles Polymyositis
22. abnormal tone Dystonia
23. slow movement Bradykinesia
24. excessive development hypertrophy
25. inflammation of a tendon Tendinitis
Abbreviations Practice

Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands.

1. AE adverse event
2. BK bradykinin
3. BDT Bone Density Testing
4. DJD Degenerative joint disease
5. DXA bone densitometry
6. Fx Fracture
7. HNP Herniated nucleus pulposus
8. NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
9. ORIF Open reduction and internal fixation
10. RA Rheumatoid arthritis
11. THA Total hip arthroplasty
12. TKR total knee arthroplasty
13. UE upper extremity
14. LE lower extremity
15. ortho straight
16. JRA Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
17. Ca Cancer
18. L1 lumbar vertebrae 1
19. C2 axis – second cervical vertebra of the spine
20. T3 Triiodothyronine
21. MD Doctor of Medicine
22. IM intramuscular
23. EMG Electromyography
24. DTR deep tendon reflex
25. CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chapter Review
PART I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the correct answer.

1. The medical term for the end region of a long bone is

a. diaphysis.

2. Which bone is NOT found in the appendicular skeleton?

d. sternum

3. Most of the joints found in the human body are what type?
b. ball and socket joints

4. The medical term for a fracture that does not break through the skin is
a. closed.

5. The term meaning movement toward the midline is

a. abduction.

6. A specialist in treating disorders of the feet is

c. podiatrist.

7. An inherited disease causing progressive muscle weakness and atrophy is

a. myasthenia gravis.

8. The medical term for the removing of muscle tissue for pathological examination is
d. polymyositis.

9. The surgical term arthrodesis is defined as

a. surgical fusion of a joint.

10. The condition that involves an abnormal lateral curve of the spine is
d. scoliosis.

PART II: Matching

Directions: Match the term with its definition.
j 1. fixation
c 2. laminectomy
i 3. bone scan
a 4. osteoarthritis
f. 5. talipes
d. 6. oblique
e 7. Collé
h. 8. atrophy
g. 9. lateral epicondylitis
b 10. ganglion
PART III: Abbreviations
Directions: Write the full meaning of the following abbreviations.
1. DXA bone densitometry
2. C2 axis – second cervical vertebra of the spine
3. RUE right upper extremity
4. DTR deep tendon reflex
5. OA osteoarthritis

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