Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

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Using Modals and Talking About

Habits And Interest

General Objective : To talk about obligations and habits

Specific Objectives : To describe habits and interests
To use some modal auxiliaries in talking about
obligations and necessities
Grammar Points : Modals and Adverbs of Frequency

A. Modals
1. Definition
Modal verbs are verbs that are used in combination with other verbs to express ability,
possibility, permission, intention and obligation. These verbs are can, could, may, might,
must, ought, shall, should, will and would. Need can also act like a modal verb in certain

2. Meanings
Ability • They must be finished by now.
• She can speak Greek. • I must have left the folder in
• He can’t handle the contract, her office.
I’m afraid. • Fairly certain:
Possibility She should be here soon. The
• Speaking theoretically: report may not be ready on time.
Workers may/can experience Intention
fatigue. I might be ready to • Making offers:
leave at four. We could all be Shall I help you? I’ll tell her.
fired someday. • Expressing willingness:
• Speaking conditionally: If you will turn to page 12...
If we didn’t have all this work, Would you let me know?
we could all go on holiday. • Asking for permission:
Certainty Can I borrow your stapler? May
• Making logical deductions: I come in? Might I suggest ….

Verbs Use/meaning Example

Have to/must Obligation/ necessity I have to work five days a week
I must leave at 4 o'clock to catch my
Mustn’t Not permitted I mustn't smoke here --it's a non
smoking, office
Can (can't) Possibility I can meet you next week
Ability I can't swim
Permission Can I leave early
Request (informal) Can you help me please
May Permission May I smoke?
Could (couldn't) Request Could you tell me the address
Permitted (in the past) In my first job I couldn’t leave the
office early
Should Recommending/advising I think we should accept the
(shouldn't) proposal.

You shouldn't do that, it's not a good
Shall Suggesting Shall we finish now and go for a
Suggesting Shall I bring you the bill now Sir ?
Would Offering Would you like a coffee?
Would you like to eat ?
Would you like me to help you ?

The use of some modals is talking about :

1. Obligation
1.1 Strong obligation: He must wear a uniform every Monday.
To say strongly that something is You mustn’t litter here.
necessary (must) or unacceptable/not
permitted or dangerous (mustn't). 1.3 Suggestions:
Example: We use should (other modals) and shouldn't
Staff must report all suspicious activities. to give and ask for advice and make
I must be going. suggestions.
You mustn't eat poisonous fruits. Example:
You should call me.
1.2 Prohibition: We should wear formal clothes to the
To say a regulation, rules or warning. dinner,
Example: He shouldn't be late for meetings.
Unauthorized personnel may not enter. Should I apologize to. him?

2. Other uses of Modals

2.1 The use of should/shouldn't Example:
2.1.1 We use should to say that we think I think you should go on a training course.
something is the right thing to do. I don't think you should interrupt her.
Example: Do you think I should learn to speak the
We should do more to protect the local language?
You should always prepare a presentation 2.2 The use of Must/Mustn't and Have
in advance. to/Don’t have to
Yes, I think you should. In the affirmative, have to is similar in
meaning to must:
2.1.2 We often use I think or I don't think Example:
with should to say something is or You have to/must pay for food in shops,
isn't a good idea,


You don't have to wear a hat in this building

(It isn't necessary, but you can if you want to)

You mustn't wear a hat in this building.

(It is unacceptable or wrong to do it.)

+ I / You / He /She /It /We /They should go.
- I / You /He /She /It /We /They shouldn't (=should not) go
? Should I /you /he /she /it /we /they go?
Short answers
Yes, 1 /you /he /she /it /we /they should.
No, I /you / he /she /it/we /they shouldn't.

B. Adverbs Of Frequency (review unit 2)

Adverbs of frequency are often used to talk about one’s habits/routines:

and to say how often something happens, they are :

Never, rarely, occasionally, sometimes, often, usually, always

1. Position
We can put adverbs in different positions in sentences. There are three main positions
but also a lot of exceptions.
In English we never put an adverb between the verb and the object.
Example :
We often play basketball (correct)
We play often basketball (wrong)

The three main positions of adverbs in English sentences

1) Adverb at the beginning of a Example :
sentence The students often ride their
Example : bikes to campus.
Usually/often we go for a run We sometimes eat out
after work
3) Adverb at the end of a sentence
2) Adverb in the middle of a sentence Example :
comes before the main verb or after the I sleep all weekends sometimes.
verb to be.

Michael Dell’s working day

(From: The Times Magazine)
Michael Dell is chairman of Dell Computer Corporation in the US. For about 30
percent of his time he travels overseas and meets international customer. He usually
makes two or three trips to Europe and two trips to Asia every year.
When he is at his home in Austin, Texas, he always gets up at 5:30 a.m. He lives
with his wife, Susan, and their four children, who are all under the age of ten. His wife
owns a clothes shop in Austin.
In the mornings, he usually does exercises for an hour from 6:00 a.m. and then
drives to his office He arrives at 8:00 a.m. At his office he sometimes talks to customers
and makes plans for the organization.
He usually leaves the office at about 6:15 p.m. and has dinner with his family. He
always reads stories to his children and gets them to bed. He often spends time in the
evening writing e-mails. “Then I go to sleep, get up and do it all again. I seldom wake up
late” he says.
In his free-time he likes to go running and biking.

Answer the question below:

1. Who is Michael Dell?

2. How often does he go to Asia and Europe?
3. When does he always get up at 5.30 a.m?
4. Does is exercise every morning?
5. What time does he arrive at his office?
6. What does he do at his office?
7. Does he always have dinner with his family?
8. Who always reads to the children?
9. What does he do in the evening?
10. When does he go biking and running?



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