Exp 5

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1. Compare thin layer chromatography from column chromatography and differentiate them from
paper chromatography.
- The key difference between the three is based on the type of stationary phase used in the
chromatography technique.


- uses alumina or silica gel - uses a column packed with - uses a cellulose paper as
as its stationary phase a suitable matrix material as its stationary phase
its stationary phase
- is a chromatographic - uses a column packed with - is a chromatographic
technique based on solid- a matrix that is used to technique used to separate
liquid adsorption of separate molecules mainly compounds based on the
molecules. based on their size, affinity liquid-liquid adsorption and
or its charge. solubility of the compound.

2. Differentiate eluate and eluent.

- Eluate is the combination of the mobile phase and the analytes. Eluent is the portion of the
mobile phase, which carries the sample components with it; it moves the analytes through the

3. Why is it important to equilibrate the developing chamber before chromatography?

- Without the equilibration, the more volatile components will evaporate faster than the less
volatile ones into the air space above the mobile phase as it starts to move up the plate. It is
important So that when you put your TLC plate in the chamber, the solvent will flow up without net
evaporation from the plate, giving you a more reliable retention factor.

1. What are the colored pigments found in red siling labuyo and malunggay leaves? Draw the
- Siling labuyo has a red colored pigment, while in malunggay leaves have green. The pigments of
siling labuyo leaves are Carotene, Zeaxanthin, Lutein and Cryptoxanthin, and Anthocyanin. The
pigments of malunggay leaves are Xanthophylls, Chlorophyll A, and Chlorophyll B.

Pigments in Siling Labuyo:

Pigments in Malunggay leaves:

2. Looking on the structures, identify which is the most and least polar.
- Because of the presence of pyrrole ring, -CHO and -CO2Me group, Chlorophyll B will be the most
polar. While carotene is the least polar since it’s a hydrocarbon, and have no polar group.

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