Summative Test Mil (3rd-q2)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur



3rd Summative Test

2nd Quarter

Name: Section:

I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the dimension most related to the items below. Write text, audio, visual,
motion or manipulative. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

1. Rubik cube 11. infographics

2. truck 12. modelling clay
3. hip hop beat 13. mp3
4. script 14. century gothic
5. photograph 15. AAC
6. FLAC 16. zoom
7. rule of thirds 17. rolling shot
8. sans serif 18. haptics
9. game app 19. ttf
10. tilt 20. point of view

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Read the statements below, write YES, if the statement is true and NO, if the statement is false.

______________1. Multimedia refers to the combination of text, graphic, audio, animation and video that is delivered
interactively to the user electronically.
______________2. Digital technologies have found a home in the modern forms of digital orientation.
______________3. Digital theatre is a collection of work in an electronic format that showcases learning over time.
______________4. Museum refers to evidence related to courses taken, programs of study, etc.
______________5. Electronic media have assumed an ever greater presence in museums of science, technology,
natural history, and art.
______________6. Traditional media offers flexibility and new solutions to the problem of representing complex ideas
and processes.
______________7. Learning ePortfolios refers to portfolios which are typically created by a student as part of a
course as a way to demonstrate learning and the learning process.
______________8. Digital museum presents evidence of creativity and performance.
______________9. Digital museum is a platform that utilizes computer and information technology on which cultural
relics and historical collections can be preserved and displayed in digital format.
______________10. As time passed by, bringing technology allows people to experience first-hand information.

III. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before the number. STRICTLY NO
______1. What six elements can be combined to create multimedia?
A. Colour, hypertext, images, music, voiceover and video
B. Audio, hypertext, images, colour, music and animation
C. Text, links, animation, video, sound effects and music
D. Audio, images, animation, hypertext, text and video

______2. How can multimedia be displayed?

A. Magazines, television and books C. Magazines, newspapers and books
B. Computers, T.V's and Websites D. Computers, newspapers and Websites
______3. It is an element of multimedia that uses symbols, numbers and letters to display information.
A. Animation C. Text
B. Audio D. Video
______ 4. A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frame is known as a________.
A. Image C. Video
B. Graphic D. Animation
______ 5. Multimedia is mainly created for _______
A. teaching and learning C. advertising
B. entertainment D. all of these
______ 6. What is multimedia?
A. Multimedia is the presentation of information using images.
B. Multimedia is the presentation of information using a variety of forms.
C. Multimedia is the presentation of information in only one form.
D. Multimedia is the presentation of information through the media.
______ 7. Interactive multimedia allows the viewer of the multimedia presentation to control what and what sequence
the elements of multimedia are delivered.
A. True
B. False
______ 8. It is a navigation link from one website page to another.
A. Hypertext C. Homepage
B. Text D. Button
______ 9. A digital camera, computer monitor, microphone, keyboard and headphones are all examples of ________.
A. Software C. Multimedia
B. Hardware D. Presentation Tools

Student Signature: ____________________________

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