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Brick Calculator and

Installation Procedures
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Brick Calculator and Installation




Installation of Rotary Kiln Bricks BY RHI

Preparatory work 1/27/19, 15A33

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General information (lining chart, lining method, mixing ratio,
packing list, working instruction ..)
Technical meeting with bricklayers / contractors
Inspection of kiln shell in repair section
Safety instructions

Even after passing the most rigourous safety instructions keep

always your eyes open when entering and working inside the kiln!

Lining methods
DAT Bricking Rig
Pogo Sticks
Lining speed

DAT Bricking Rig

Safest lining method, adaptable for different kiln diameters, no
turning of kiln 1/27/19, 15A33

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Lining with a DAT Bricking Rig

Pogo Sticks

Low-cost method where „pogo sticks“ support the lining. No

pressurized air. No turning of kiln, wooden rig is not adaptable for
different kiln diameters.

Screw Jacks: Lining sequence 1/27/19, 15A33

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Advantages of screw jack method: Rapid set-up, low-cost
equipment with low maintenance costs. Recommended for
patchwork, small diameter kilns (Ø <4 m) and short sections (<4
running meters)

Glue method 1/27/19, 15A33

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Bolt method

Both the glue and the bolt method require a skilled workforce to
avoid safety risks. For gluing, kiln shell must be clean and dry;
low temperatures (<5°C) will retard hardening of the glue – follow
manufacturer´s instruction!

With gluing and bolting the kiln inner space is not obstructed by
bricking rigs, jacks etc. Kiln needs to be turned for completing 1/27/19, 15A33

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the rings.

Lining Speed
Safety first. Then quality. Then speed

The often cited rule of thumb:

Kilns with Ø 4m >>> 5 meters per shift (10 meters/day)

Kilns with Ø 5m >>> 4 meters per shift (8 meters/day)

must be seen as a minimum today: with detailed planning,

sufficient personnel and a skilled workforce 16-20 meters/day
will be lined without incurring quality

Bricks and mortar

Basic and alumina bricks
VDZ vs. ISO shapes
Clench vs. mortar lining
Metal sheets attached

Brick Shapes: VDZ vs. ISO

General recommendation: Use VDZ shapes for basic lining

and ISO shapes for alumina bricks
Note: For very large diameter kilns (Ø > 5.6m) ISO shapes are
recommended also for basic bricks, due to the greater taper,
which increases lining stability during kiln start-up .

VDZ linings have approx. 30% more brick joints which provides
increased flexibility and thermal shock resistance to the rings.
Basic bricks have cardboard attached to compensate for higher 1/27/19, 15A33

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thermal expansion. Alumina bricks are usually layed with mortar
to adjust greater dimensional tolerances of alumina brick.

Cardboards (basic bricks)

Attached on axial joint (thickness 1.5 mm). Burn-out of cardboard

is faster than thermal expansion of bricks, so great care must be
taken when turning the kiln during heat-up.

Metal sheets (magnesia chromite bricks)

Attached on radial joint of each brick (thickness 0.7 mm). Starts

to soften at approx. 600°C and to oxidise at >1000°C thus 1/27/19, 15A33

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forming a ceramic bond between bricks. Must not be confounded
with key shims which are driven in to tighten the rings.

Mortar lining

Mortar on the radial joints helps to even out surface irregularities

of bricks and to distribute stress evenly over the whole area. It is
therefore recommended for kiln sections with increased
mechanical instability or ovality (e.g. tyres, kiln drive, outlet).
Thickness of mortar joint should not exceed 1 mm.

Clench lining
For simplicity and speed of installation most basic bricks are
clench lined, i.e. without mortar or metal sheets.

Bricking procedure
Marking the axial line and radial lines (e.g., by Radialign)
Staggered vs straight rings
Ring closure (key bricks, position of key bricks,
jacking pressure …)
Key shims (position, thickness, drive-in procedure …)
Fit to old brickwork (L-shapes, position of cut / standard size
bricks …)
Re-shimming of old brickwork
Open axial joints in old brickwork – what is acceptable?
Preparing for warming-up

Marking the axial line and radial lines

Fixing the axial and radial lines by (a) level & plumb bob or (b) by
laser goniometer 1/27/19, 15A33

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Brick laying

Start rings according to the indicated mixing ratio

Knock the bricks in place with rubber hammer
Frequently check that rings are parallel to radial lines
Check always that cold face of brick is in full contact with
kiln shell 1/27/19, 15A33

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Recommended: Staggered lining

Tolerated: Straight lining 1/27/19, 15A33

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Two Taper System

Compare theoretical and actual mixing ratio in every ring,

document deviations!

Checking the mixing ratio 1/27/19, 15A33

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Ring Closure : Take great care to close every ring correctly!

(1) Tighten bricks with hydraulic jack. Maximum jack pressure

should not exceed 35-40 N/mm2 (~1/2 brick cold crushing
strength). During jacking knock bricks with rubber hammer 1/27/19, 15A33

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(2) Combine standard shapes and key bricks to obtain a straight
joint of 4-6 mm thickness. Never cut standard or key
shapes parallel to radial joint to fit the gap!

Avoid V- or Λ-shaped joints: Brickwork will always be loose, even

after shimming 1/27/19, 15A33

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(3) Inserting the last brick: In case the brick combination is
perfect without open joint, never knock with hammer onto the

(4) Staggered position of key bricks and key shims. Do not use
more than 2-3 shims per rings. Recommended thickness 2 mm.
Use pneumatic shim driver if available. Without shim driver, 3 mm
thick shims are acceptable. Phased (bevelled) shims greatly
facilitate driving in. Drive in not more than one shim per joint.

What´s wrong? 1/27/19, 15A33

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(5) After releasing the bricking rig (or srew jacks), rings must
remain in contact with kiln shell

New lining meets old lining

After breaking out the bricks, the old lining remaining in the kiln
has to be fixed by angle irons welded onto the kiln shell. Remove
concretions on axial joint of old lining (arrow) by grinding tools,
not by hammer 1/27/19, 15A33

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Whenever possible do not cut the first ring, install cut bricks
between full rings.

Use long bricks (L shapes) to fill gap of 200-300 mm. With

standard shape bricks, never use bricks <100 mm. Compound
lining enhances stability. Document position of cut rings. 1/27/19, 15A33

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Do not cut magnesia bricks with water! Wet magnesia bricks will
probably hydrate during kiln heat-up

Re-shim open radial joints in old brickwork to avoid any risk of

brick slip during kin heat up.

Open axial joints in old brickwork: fill gaps up to 60 mm wide with

ceramic blanket. If gap is >60 mm, remove adjacent ring and fill
in cut long shapes.

Preparing for kiln heat-up 1/27/19, 15A33

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After closing the last ring and removing the bricking rig, screw
jacks etc., turn the kiln at lowest speed by 180° and check the
lining for open joints, sagged rings. If necessary, tighten rings
with additional key shims.

Compare theoretical and actual number/shapes of installed

bricks. Document deviations from theoretical number.

In case of nose ring castables, follow drying instructions of


Specific lining situations

Deformed kiln shell
Correcting rings in radial direction
Partial repairs (patching)
Retaining rings
Veitsch-Magotteaux retaining ring system (VMRRS)
Nose ring
Cone sections

Deformed kiln shell

Always a challenge for bricklayers. Level out deformed shell with

mortar or castable. If necessary, cut bricks to fit best onto the
kiln shell. 1/27/19, 15A33

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Not recommended: To fill V-shaped joints with mortar or
castable. Crushing strength of thin layers of mortar and
castables is much lower than strength of bricks

Bricks over welding seams

Never prepare bricks by chipping with hammer – if necessary use
brick saw

Correcting rings in radial direction 1/27/19, 15A33

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Use mortar or ceramic paper of max. 2 mm thickness. Steel
shims are NOT recommended.

Removing of expansion cardboard is NOT recommended.

NOT recommended: To remove cardboards 1/27/19, 15A33

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Retaining Rings
For simplicity, two retaining rings (50 x 50 mm) are

Use standard shapes if possible, avoid cutting. A 50 mm step in 1/27/19, 15A33

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the outlet section usually does not obstruct clinker flow

Accepted: Cut bricks at the outlet side. Always cut basic bricks

Accepted: To avoid brick cutting and in case an existing retaining

ring is not removed, it can be covered by castable. Insert plastic
between brick and castable!

The combination of retaining ring and castable (with metallic

anchors) provides very high stability. Spiralling in front of the
retaining ring is made more difficult with a compound lining of
standard bricks and 300 mm long bricks

For severe lining thrust, RHI has developed a special retaining

system: the Veitsch Magotteaux System. It consists of
honeycomb cast iron segments supplied by Magotteaux,
Belgium, and special shaped ANKRAL R2 bricks.

Cone section

Recommended: special shapes to fit as tight as possible to the

kiln shell. Use as little mortar as possible in radial joint –brickwork 1/27/19, 15A33

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in cone section should not be compressed

Not recommended: standard shapes plus mortar and cut bricks

in the lower and upper end of cone

Consult drawing for position of axial expansion joints

Kiln start-up
Warming-up curve
Burn-out of cardboards
Re-shimming in case of warm-up interruptions
Shut-down procedure

Warming-up curve

Burn-out of cardboard between 200-800°C is more rapid than

thermal expansion of magnesia bricks, so turn kiln at lowest
speed. Monitor temperature difference between tyre and kiln
shell (<160°C) and tyre migration. 1/27/19, 15A33

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In case heating-up has to be interrupted and kiln must be cooled
down, check lining stability before relighting the kiln. If
necessary, re-shim loose sections of the lining.

This may happen with a bad installation ….

Shut-down curve should follow heat-up curve in the reverse

sense. Entering the kiln before 24 hours after shut-off will prove
difficult because of red hot coating firmly attached to lining.

Breaking down and emptying the coating during cool-down by

turning the kiln at highest speed is definitely NOT recommended.
It may twist the lining, crush the bricks at the retaining rings and
deform the outlet segments.

General storage instructions
Shelf life (basic bricks, aluminous bricks, mortar)
Hydration of magnesia bricks
Wet bricks, wet lining sections 1/27/19, 15A33

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Check materials upon arrival for transport damages.

Store refractory materials under roof in ventilated, dry rooms and

protected against rain, splashing water, snow etc. from all sides.

Under tropical conditions, open plastic shrink wrapping to avoid

condensation of water within the pallet.

Maximum shelf height

Maximum shelf life

Fireclay and alumina bricks are not susceptible to hydration and

can be stored indefinitely.

Mortar should not be stored at customer´s warehouse for more

than 12 months.

Magnesia bricks are susceptible to hydrate, especially under

tropical conditions and when made from high purity, synthetic

Hydration of magnesia bricks

Radial cracks (arrows) are an inequivocal sign of hydration;
hydrated bricks cannot be used anymore. 1/27/19, 15A33

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Hydration of magnesia bricks

Wet bricks and wet lining sections

Magnesia bricks which have become wet must be stacked openly

and ventilated at ambient air temperatures until dried completely.
Do not use hot air, do not expose wet bricks to the heat radiated
from the kiln shell. After drying, check bricks carefully for radial
cracks.New lining sections which have become wet must be
removed and replaced by dry bricks.

Wet bricks must be removed! 1/27/19, 15A33

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Installation report – highly recommended!
Basic data (start and finish of works, rings and brick grades
installed, position of brick grades, lining method etc.)
Theoretical vs. actual mixing ratio per ring, number of key
shims per ring
Remarks (e.g., deformed kiln sections, cut sections)
Final inspection of the installation



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