Deposition of Michael Nelson

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The deposition transcript discusses a legal case involving the Valdosta school board and community divide. Michael Nelson, who works for the Touchdown Club, provides testimony about the school board candidate selection process.

The case involves the Valdosta school board and community divide. It appears to be a deposition related to another legal case involving the school board.

Michael Nelson works for the Valdosta High Touchdown Club. He provides background on himself and testimony in this deposition related to the school board candidate selection process.


Lowndes County - Superior Court

2/22/2021 11:00 AM
Beth C. Greene
Clerk of Superior State Juvenile Courts
Reviewed by: Lindsey Tutt



v. Civil Action No. 2020CV0534


EDUCATION, or in the Alternative,



COMES NOW Plaintiff and hereby files the following depositions:

1. Copy of Deposition of Michael Nelson taken February 19, 2021 in the case of
Alan Rodemaker v. Ernest James Usher, III, Superior Court of Lowndes County,
Civil Action No. 2020CV0630;

THIS THE 22nd day of February, 2021


BY: /s/ Sam D. Dennis

Sam D. Dennis
Georgia Bar No. 218315

BY: /s/ John D. Holt

John D. Holt
Georgia Bar No. 364323



BY: /s/ Brent J. Savage

Brent J. Savage
Georgia Bar No. 627450
Brent J. Savage, Jr.
Georgia Bar No. 940349
Samuel L. Mikell
Georgia Bar No. 241146
Page 1

Plaintiff, )
) 2020CV0630
Defendant. )

Deposition of MICHAEL NELSON, (via Zoom

conferencing) taken by counsel for Plaintiff, pursuant to
notice and by agreement of counsel, under the Georgia
Civil Practice Act, reported by Erika A. Sjoquist, CSR,
RPR, CRR, GA CCR 5991-4256-1008-8448, remotely via Zoom,
Savannah, Georgia, on Friday, February 19, 2021,
commencing at 1 p.m.

Transcript Prepared By:


McKee Court Reporting, Inc.

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Savage Turner Durham Pinckney & Savage



20 Alan Rodemaker, Plaintiff
Leah Rodemaker, Plaintiff's spouse
21 Jim Wilson, Attorney at Law
Jerry Lumley, Attorney at Law
22 Brandon Oren, Attorney at Law

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1 I N D E X
4 By Brent Savage 4
Signature of Deponent Waived
Certificate of Reporter 60
(The Reporter's Disclosure Statement is
9 attached at the back of the transcript.)
11 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
13 E X H I B I T S
16 1 Covid Warning Signs 13
17 2 "February 11th Board Meeting 14
7 Social Media Posts 55

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1 - - -


3 - - -

4 MR. SAVAGE: Usual stipulations suit you guys?

5 Brandon and Jerry?

6 MR. LUMLEY: Yes.

7 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.

8 - - -


10 being first duly sworn, testified as follows:

11 - - -



14 Q Mr. Nelson, I'm Brent Savage. We've never met

15 before a few minutes ago. I'm trying to help John and Sam

16 in this case. Thank you for coming.

17 Let me get a little background just so we can

18 start of start our record here.

19 Your name and where you work, sir.

20 A My name is Mike Nelson, and I work for the

21 Valdosta High Touchdown Club.

22 Q By way of background, are you a native?

23 A No. I'm originally from Charleston, South

24 Carolina.

25 Q Okay. How long have you been in Valdosta?

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1 A Since '66.

2 Q And what brought you here?

3 A My father.

4 Q Okay. Yeah?

5 A Family.

6 Q I gotcha.

7 How long have you been involved with Valdosta

8 High School football?

9 A About 19, 20 years.

10 Q And are you the director of the Valdosta High

11 School Touchdown Club?

12 A I am.

13 Q Tell me what that entails; just kind

14 background, what the Touchdown Club does.

15 A Well, fundraising mainly, you know, to support

16 our nutrition program for our football team is our primary

17 mission. But my job entails raising money, setting

18 fundraisers up, that kind of thing.

19 Q All right, sir. The money that is raised

20 through the fundraisers, you consider those private funds?

21 In other words, they are not taxpayer moneys. They are

22 moneys raised by the Touchdown Club?

23 A Right.

24 Q Okay. And as a head of the Touchdown Club,

25 tell me how long you've been doing that, roughly.

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1 A I've been doing this for about -- well, I've

2 been on the board for about 19 years. I was elected

3 president 2015, and I was made director 2017.

4 Q All right. And as the director and on the

5 board, did you have dealings with the head football coach

6 there?

7 A Oh, yes.

8 Q All right. The first thing I want to talk to

9 you about is Alan Rodemaker.

10 Do you know why he was non-renewed at the

11 beginning of 2020 as a head football coach?

12 A I have no idea.

13 Q Was this something that you dealt with on a

14 almost daily basis? I mean, the football program.

15 A Yes.

16 Q Did it come as a surprise to you or shock or --

17 maybe that's even a better word.

18 A Yes, it did.

19 Q Who wanted him out in your opinion?

20 A That's a good question. I think Warren Lee

21 maybe had a lot to do with this, but, you know, I don't

22 have any proof of that. I just feel like it.

23 Q Okay. Did you deal with Mr. Lee as the -- on

24 the Touchdown Club as well?

25 A Every now and then. Not often.

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1 Q Did he attend a lot of out-of-town games or

2 not?

3 A He -- maybe a few. I wasn't really looking for

4 him.

5 Q Okay. Mr. Lee's been on the board for a long

6 period of time.

7 Do you have a belief that he wanted a black

8 football coach --

9 A I did.

10 Q -- at Valdosta?

11 A I did.

12 Q And what's the basis of that belief?

13 A He expressed that to me.

14 Q Tell me what he said, sir.

15 A Well, he just -- you know, as far back as I'd

16 say 2010, he -- he expressed to me that we should have a

17 black coach --

18 Q Okay.

19 A -- and maybe two or three times after that, you

20 know. Just here and there.

21 Q Did he tell you why he wanted a black man as

22 opposed to a white man?

23 A No.

24 Q Do you know of any meetings among board members

25 outside of scheduled and noticed board meetings that took

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1 place about Coach Rodemaker?

2 A Through another party. I was told by a couple

3 of people they were invited to this thing.

4 Q Okay. Let's take a minute and talk about that

5 a little bit more.

6 Who was the other party that told you about

7 meetings with black board members dealing with Coach

8 Rodemaker?

9 A Shirley Hutchinson. We call her "Sweet Pea."

10 Q Okay.

11 A And Jeff Graham.

12 Q These guys will know who you are talking about,

13 but I don't.

14 Ms. Hutchison, does she work at the school or

15 how do you know her?

16 A She does a lot of cooking for our nutrition

17 program.

18 Q And Mr. Graham or Grant?

19 A Graham.

20 Q Okay. And tell me -- who is he? Just identify

21 him.

22 A He's just a fan that -- he -- you know, just

23 always been there.

24 Q Okay.

25 MR. LUMLEY: May I interrupt? We are getting

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1 broken up a little bit.
2 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, I'm sorry. Come over this
3 way.
4 MR. LUMLEY: Did you say Jim Graham or Jeff
5 Gray?
6 THE WITNESS: Jeff Graham, G-R-A-H-A-M.
7 MR. LUMLEY: What was the first name?
9 MR. LUMLEY: Okay. I think it's the --
10 THE WITNESS: I will try to talk a little
11 louder.
12 MR. LUMLEY: It's probably my equipment.
13 MR. SAVAGE: That's all right. We will get it
14 done.
16 Q Let me ask -- so flush that out a little bit
17 more for me.
18 These were meetings of black board members,
19 according to Mr. Graham and Ms. Hutchison?
20 A All they told me is they were invited to it.
21 Q Invited to?
22 A The meeting.
23 Q And they were going to talk among the black
24 board members about Coach Rodemaker?
25 A It was about Rodemaker for sure. This

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1 conversation was very short and brief. And they just, you

2 know, I asked them -- I don't even know how it came up.

3 Q Yeah. Okay. And did you attend those?

4 A Oh, no.

5 Q Okay. Do you know who did attend or who was

6 rumored to attend?

7 A I don't. I know there's a ton of rumors.

8 Q Okay. Let's explore those some. And I've had

9 this young lady down here and one other lady work for me

10 go through 15,000 posts on the event and 297s, you know.

11 And I'm going to show you some things here, but we will

12 get into that more.

13 Do you know which black board members attended

14 this?

15 A I do not.

16 Q Okay. But the subject was Alan Rodemaker?

17 A Oh, yes.

18 Q Okay.

19 A That's what I was told.

20 Q And did they tell you that the subject was to

21 follow Warren Lee's desires that they get rid of the white

22 coach and get a black coach?

23 A I don't know.

24 Q Fair enough.

25 Now, there are beliefs in this case that Warren

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1 Lee does not live within his district, right? Have you

2 heard those rumors?

3 A Yes.

4 Q And within his district would be him living on

5 -- I always get them mixed up, Magnolia or Orr Street,

6 which was in his district?

7 A I think it was more like Bunch, wasn't it?

8 Q Okay. Do you have any personal knowledge of

9 where he lives?

10 A Yes.

11 Q Does he live within his district, to your

12 belief?

13 A Well, all I know is -- about where he lives is

14 -- I've never seen a light on. Let's put it that way.

15 Q Have you looked?

16 A Yeah.

17 Q Have you driven by it?

18 A I've driven by his house a couple times.

19 Q With the intension of seeing whether, in fact,

20 he lives where he tells people he lives?

21 A Kind of -- I -- yeah.

22 Q Yeah.

23 And he has said in this case that he lived with

24 his wife, and that she -- that she lives outside the city.

25 He's testified that he's lived with his wife for the last

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1 10 years.

2 Any other information? Have you ever followed

3 Mr. Lee, just as a curiosity, to see where he was putting

4 his head down?

5 A Well, there was one night, uhm, I pulled up --

6 well, yeah. It was dark by then. I pulled up at the

7 intersection of North 41 and Val Del Road, and he was

8 right next to me. I was heading to Adel. And, uhm, I

9 wound up behind him as we went up by Smok'n Pig on -- what

10 is that Highway? -- 041, and he went down that road for a

11 good ways.

12 And I can't remember if it was before Hahira or

13 after Hahira, and he made a right turn, and I turned just

14 to see where the hell he was going. And he went down the

15 street for just a little ways and turned into a house and

16 parked in the garage behind the house.

17 I turned around and went on to where I was

18 headed.

19 Q All right. Do you consider Warren Lee to be a

20 racist?

21 A I do.

22 Q He believes blacks should get certain

23 advantages?

24 A I do.

25 Q This is, like -- I'm 67. I've practiced law

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1 for 42 years, so I've been around.

2 (Exhibit 1 marked for identification.)

3 Let me show you what's marked as Exhibit 1. Do

4 they have these exhibits?

5 MR. LUMLEY: I don't have any exhibits.

6 MR. SAVAGE: You've seen this one before? This

7 one. I'll send it to you.

8 MR. LUMLEY: I saw that.

9 MR. SAVAGE: But all make sure. We got some

10 other ones.


12 Q This is part of your school board. When we

13 attempted to serve legal process in this case, the process

14 server that Mr. Dennis used was confronted by these signs.

15 And part of the reason in these cases is gathering

16 information and part of the reasons these cases is to get

17 the full story out.

18 Were you aware that two school board members

19 had threatened to shoot and kill our process server if

20 they rang the doorbell?

21 A No, I was not.

22 Q Okay. And could you just read into the record

23 what that says? That's our process server going out there

24 to serve civil litigation.

25 A "No warning. Out of fear of the spread of

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1 Covid-19, all uninvited persons who not knock

2 on my door or ring my doorbell will be shot."

3 MR. LUMLEY: I object to the form of those

4 questions.

5 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah. Okay.

6 MR. LUMLEY: I hear your answer, but.

7 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah. I mean, it's just a script.

8 Can we stipulate that's disgraceful, or not?

9 MR. OREN: I object to the form of the

10 question.

11 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, okay.

12 (Exhibit 2 marked for identification.)


14 Q Exhibit 2, these are coming up, is a printout.

15 Do you recognize the person on that --

16 A I do.

17 Q -- print out?

18 Is that the Reverend Rose?

19 A Yes, it is.

20 Q Okay.

21 MR. LUMLEY: Will you hold that up, Mr. Nelson?

22 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah. They are coming up. Do you

23 want to take a second break? They will be coming up.

24 MR. LUMLEY: This is fine. Yeah.

25 THE WITNESS: Okay. Y'all good.

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1 MR. LUMLEY: Yes, sir.

2 MR. SAVAGE: They're easy to deal with,

3 especially since they shouldn't even be in this

4 deposition, but I want to --

5 MR. LUMLEY: That's why we're being so quiet.


7 Q Now, in this -- Reverend Rose is a leader in

8 the black community?

9 A Yes.

10 Q And he says in this statement (as read):

11 "Whites have made decisions on behalf

12 of the black communities for years. But when

13 a white man is dismissed all of a sudden -- all

14 of the sudden" --

15 I'm just reading the way he wrote it.

16 -- "hell all breaks loose. The black

17 members of the board will stand together and

18 reaffirm."

19 Do you consider Reverend Rose as leading the

20 black board members, suggesting to them everyone on the

21 board put on this -- everyone --

22 "Every member put on this board was

23 put on there by black folks."

24 I've never heard such a racist thing in my

25 life. I think if a white person had said that -- take a

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1 minute and look at what our friend --

2 A Reverend Rose is a friend of mine. I've known

3 him for a long time.

4 Q Yeah. Can you help me get over the racist --

5 A Okay. What was your question?

6 Q Have you seen this before?

7 A Well, I heard that statement at the last board

8 meeting for -- for Rod. I think that's what he said --

9 Q Right.

10 A -- at that meeting.

11 Q Black board members. You were put on there by

12 blacks. Vote your race. Vote against this white man.

13 Is that what you took from it?

14 A I can -- I can't remember, but I -- I can tell

15 you, I've known Reverend Rose for a long, long time. And

16 that's something he would say. I know he believes that.

17 Q Okay. Well, that's -- that's a shame.

18 A We've actually worked together on some

19 different issues.

20 Q Okay. Do you have a belief that Warren Lee

21 does not live in this district?

22 A I do.

23 Q What is that belief?

24 A I just don't believe that he does.

25 Q Now, Warren Lee... were you aware he had

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1 numerous complaints while he was with Georgia State Patrol

2 of threatening women, of various acts of misconduct,

3 having affairs while he is on the job?

4 MR. LUMLEY: Object to the form of the

5 question.

6 MR. SAVAGE: Let me finish my question.

7 MR. LUMLEY: I thought you were through.

8 MR. SAVAGE: No, no, no, no.


10 Q That -- that Williams reported him to the

11 Georgia State Patrol, Warren Lee. He's on the school

12 board. He's a leader of the pack here.

13 Clara Henderson, we believe, will testify in

14 this case that he has threatened and intimidated her, and

15 in this case, attempted to usurp power from church staff

16 members and gave a report of that to the Georgia State

17 Patrol.

18 Were you aware of that?

19 A No, I wasn't.

20 MR. OREN: Object to the form.

21 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.

22 MR. LUMLEY: I do too, Brent, to the extent

23 that I -- now that you're complete. If I interrupt

24 you, I apologize.

25 MR. SAVAGE: No, I don't care, Jerry. That's

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1 okay.

2 What we are going to do, at the end of this

3 deposition, is call on you, as lawyers for the board

4 and lawyers for board members, to launch an

5 investigation into Rush Propst, but I haven't gotten

6 there yet, about stealing money. And it's been

7 reported to the board 45 days ago.


9 Q Were you aware that when I talked to Mr. Lee

10 about, you know, ethics, about whether you have a coach

11 here who's had two families -- are you aware of that with

12 Mr. Propst?

13 A I am.

14 Q Yeah. Tell me about that. I mean, I don't

15 understand how a guy, who lost his job in Colquitt County,

16 got hired here.

17 Do you have an understanding of that?

18 A I do.

19 Q What is it?

20 A Somehow, Propst was able to find out who we

21 were interviewing and was calling certain people here in

22 Valdosta and getting word to these people that were going

23 to be interviewed that this place had a racist board and

24 all of this going on with Rodemaker and just kind of

25 poo-pooed on the whole thing and discouraged these people

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1 from coming here and interviewing. And eventually, Rush

2 was the last one standing.

3 Q Let's talk about that. Propst, your coach now,

4 it's -- I don't know how much pride Mr. Lee has. He is a

5 Rush Propst believer.

6 But what's he say about the board, that is led

7 by, in my opinion, Mr. Lee, trying to discourage

8 applicants from coming over here? What are you aware of

9 him saying to these prospective applicants?

10 A Rodemaker?

11 Q No, no. Propst saying to the prospective

12 applicants about the board that Mr. Lee represents, in my

13 opinion, the majority.

14 A Uh-huh.

15 Q What was he saying? You said something about

16 they are racist; Propst was getting out there and

17 discouraging.

18 A Well, actually, it wasn't Rush.

19 Q Who was it?

20 A He was having other people --

21 Q Oh.

22 A -- do that for him, and that's kind of how he

23 operates. He uses people.

24 Q All right. And what do you attribute to this

25 Propst-led effort? What statements -- what were they

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1 saying about this board that these lawyers represent?

2 A Pretty much what I just told you, you know; the

3 board was racist and that the community was divided. And

4 just -- pretty much, that's it.

5 Q Okay. Let met hop ahead, and then I'm going to

6 move back.

7 Are you aware of high school football coach

8 Rush Propst stealing money while he has been there? And

9 has this been reported to the board and to the

10 administration at Valdosta High School?

11 A Yes, it has by me.

12 Q Okay. And I guess Mr. Lumley, whom I have the

13 highest regard --

14 A Let me say this. I did not report this to the

15 board.

16 Q Okay. I know, but I'm asking them -- I have

17 high regard both for Brandon and for Jerry -- to launch an

18 investigation to report what you are about to hear to the

19 Georgia Department of Education and to launch a full scale

20 investigation here.

21 Let's talk about Mr. Propst stealing money here

22 in Valdosta.

23 A Okay.

24 Q How do you feel about that?

25 A Well, way back in -- I think maybe even before

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1 November, I was told by -- that we had a problem down

2 there at the Winn-Dixie here that Rush had a check made

3 out to him that should have been made out to the school

4 system.

5 Well, I didn't pay any attention to it because

6 that's not my business.

7 Q Right.

8 A But I go in that store every day. That's my

9 grocery store.

10 Q Okay.

11 A Then January the 6th, I get a phone call from

12 the president of the Touchdown Club telling me we got a

13 problem down at Winn-Dixie; that they paid for advertising

14 in the stadium that they never saw; that I needed to go

15 down there and talk to them, get with the manager.

16 And apparently, the whole thing was a scam

17 anyway. I don't know -- for y'all that don't know, we

18 have fake companies every year call local business and act

19 like they are with the school system.

20 MR. LUMLEY: What kind of companies?

21 MR. SAVAGE: Fake companies.

22 MR. LUMLEY: F-A-K-E. All right.

23 THE WITNESS: This whole thing started as a

24 scam to begin with. These companies will call local

25 businesses and act like they are with our school

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1 system and tell them that, you know, for X number of

2 dollars, we will put your logo on a calendar or send

3 out T-shirts, something like that.

4 Well, these companies called Winn-Dixie, said

5 that for $700 that we would put a sign in our

6 stadium.

7 Well, a couple of weeks later, I guess, I don't

8 know exactly how much later, the manager wanted to

9 send his payment of $700. So he calls a friend of

10 his, Phil Jones, who has a local sports radio show.

11 The manager of Winn-Dixie knew that Phil could get in

12 touch with Rush Propst to find out where to send the

13 check.

14 So Coach Propst sends word to make the check

15 out to him and gave him an address to mail it to.

16 Well, I checked out the address, and it was Coach

17 Propst's address in Moultrie, Georgia.

18 Now, the manager thought it was fishy -- he

19 should have thought that right off the bat -- decided

20 to make the check out to Rush Propst and United

21 Specialty Advertising, which was the fake company

22 that originally contacted Winn-Dixie. And the -- I

23 don't know if it was Stephanie Propst or Rush, but

24 they deposited that in their personal account and got

25 the money.

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1 Then once this all came to light, he decided to

2 write us a check to pay for it.

3 MR. LUMLEY: Who did? Propst?

4 THE WITNESS: We caught him.


6 Q He or Mrs. Propst put it in their personal

7 account?

8 A Yeah.

9 Q Kind of like stealing a pocket book and when

10 you've got the pocket book in the jail cell, well, you

11 say, "Let me give you the pocket book I just stole back."

12 A Well, when he got caught, he wrote a check.

13 MR. OREN: Sorry to interrupt, but who did the

14 check go to?

15 THE WITNESS: To Valdosta Touchdown Club.

16 MR. OREN: Okay. Thank you.

17 THE WITNESS: I made a deal with the Winn-Dixie

18 people. Give me $400. That will cover the cost of

19 making the sign, and I'll put you in a

20 thousand-dollar spot.

21 Then we went to Rush and told him what we were

22 having to do to make this good, and the

23 superintendent told him, "You need to write a check

24 to us, to the Touchdown Club."


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1 Q And the superintendent is Mr. Cason?

2 A Right.

3 Q When did this occur, roughly, just the

4 framework at the time?

5 A Well, when I first talked to Winn-Dixie and

6 discovered what went on, that was January the 7th. And

7 that's when I went to Dr. Cason's office and informed

8 Dr. Cason what was going on.

9 Q And what did you tell Dr. Cason on January 7th?

10 Basically what you told me --

11 A The same thing, yeah.

12 Q -- that Rush is taking money meant for

13 advertising for Touchdown Club and put it in his own

14 account?

15 A Uhm-hum.

16 Q What was Dr. Cason's reaction to that? Because

17 I like Dr. Cason, actually.

18 A I do too.

19 Well, Dr. Cason told me that he was going to

20 have to report this to the PSC because that, if he didn't,

21 he would -- his certificate would be at risk.

22 Q That acronym stands for what, PSC?

23 A Professional Standards Commission.

24 Q Okay. Is it your belief, knowing Dr. Cason to

25 be an honorable guy, that this was reported to Mr. Lumley

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1 and Mr. Oren's clients, the school board? I mean, he

2 would pass this on if this happened.

3 A I thought he would probably go to the school

4 board and the PSC.

5 Q Okay. Has anybody other than Dr. Cason talked

6 about it?

7 A Nobody.

8 Q Any school board members, whether black or

9 white, come forward to you and say, "This is very

10 troubling for us"?

11 A Well, I wanted to go to a school board member,

12 but Dr. Cason advised me not to talk to any school board

13 people.

14 Q Do you know this has been referred to the

15 district attorney?

16 A I do not.

17 Q Okay. Now, let's get beyond the Piggly Wiggly?

18 A Let me say --

19 MR. LUMLEY: Winn-Dixie. Wait a minute.

20 Winn-Dixie.

21 MR. SAVAGE: Huh?

22 MR. LUMLEY: It's Winn-Dixie.

23 MR. SAVAGE: What do you mean?

24 MR. LUMLEY: It's not Piggly Wiggly.

25 MR. SAVAGE: Oh, Winn-Dixie. Okay. Well, I

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1 get confused. I'm excited to have the truth come out

2 and -- I'm sorry.

3 MR. LUMLEY: That's okay.

4 MR. SAVAGE: I've done this a long time. I

5 should be more professional.

6 MR. LUMLEY: Yeah.

7 THE WITNESS: Let me say the manager at

8 Winn-Dixie is reluctant to go forward with this

9 because he's afraid he's going to get in trouble with

10 his company.

11 MR. SAVAGE: Okay. All right.


13 Q Well, let's talk about what -- when Warren Lee

14 voted yes and Ms. Shumphard and Ms. Howard --

15 Is that your client, other client, Jerry? I

16 get them confused.

17 MR. LUMLEY: Ms. Brown.

18 MR. SAVAGE: Ms. Brown.

19 MR. LUMLEY: Warren Lee and Ms. Kelisa Brown.

20 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.


22 Q When they voted to have Rush -- what was --

23 what I take from Mr. Lee's view here is he doesn't give a

24 damn about ethics. He doesn't give a damn about, you

25 know, being on the Board of Education as far as holding

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1 high standards as long as we win football games, as long

2 as we win football games.

3 Now, with Mr. Propst, what did you know, as a

4 person in this community, about his background prior to

5 him being hired? Let's talk about wives and girlfriends.

6 We will break it down.

7 A I mean, I know what everybody else knows. I

8 mean, I hear it like everybody else has heard it; through

9 ESPN, newspaper articles, you know.

10 Q Three kids and a wife in Birmingham.

11 MR. LUMLEY: Before you move on, I want to

12 object to that prior question.

13 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.

14 MR. LUMLEY: I object to the form of it.

15 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, that's fine.


17 Q You know, at some point, this is -- this has

18 got to embarrass everybody. It embarrasses me to be in a

19 country that's -- where our school boards are. But, you

20 know, I don't have a vote down here.

21 Now, how about three kids and a girlfriend over

22 here in Georgia. Were you aware of that? She's now his

23 wife, right?

24 A Yes.

25 Q Okay. Have you heard and assume that the

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1 school board knew about this?

2 A Yeah. They had to have known it.

3 Q Yeah.

4 A The whole country knew it.

5 Q Yeah.

6 How about his dealings with Colquitt County?

7 As far as whether he was terminated there, was that

8 well-known in this community?

9 A Yes.

10 Q And the basis of him being terminated there,

11 what did you understand?

12 A Well, I really -- I've heard so much out of

13 Colquitt, I really don't know exactly why they let him go.

14 I mean, there's so many rumors and innuendos flying around

15 about Rush. I mean, there's no doubt he was a handful.

16 Q Yeah, I'll say.

17 I would like get to see -- who is his ex-wife

18 over there. Shirley is his wife presently, correct?

19 A Stephanie.

20 Q Stephanie is the ex-wife over there.

21 Did she change her last name or she still has

22 the last name "Propst." Do you know?

23 A The present wife?

24 Q No. The second one. The one in Birmingham.

25 A Oh, I don't -- I don't even know. I don't know

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1 anything about that lady.

2 Q Okay. We are going to loop back. I want to

3 talk about break into Los Angeles, the kid that plays

4 quarterback for the University of Southern California,

5 Garcia.

6 A Jake Garcia.

7 Q Yeah. Did he end up here in Valdosta?

8 A Oh, yeah.

9 Q Do you know anything about Rush Propst paying

10 for his parents to come over here?

11 A Well, he facilitated that.

12 Q Okay. Let's talk about that. What do you know

13 about Propst dealing with Jake Garcia and how did the

14 University of Miami come in?

15 A Well, he asked me to come up with $2,500 a

16 month for him for four months.

17 Q Propst said this to you, personally?

18 A Oh, yeah.

19 Q Wow.

20 A Two players.

21 Q Okay.

22 A Had me raise 2500 a month cash for Jake Garcia

23 and $850 a month cash for Amari Jones.

24 Q Amari Jones is a quarterback out of Kentucky?

25 A No. He's a quarterback out of Atlanta.

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1 Q Atlanta, okay.

2 And what was this -- what was this funny money?

3 A "Funny money" is the way he liked to call it.

4 Q Yeah.

5 And what was the purpose of this money, the

6 2500 for the Garcias and 850 bucks for the quarterback

7 from Atlanta? I thought he was from Kentucky.

8 A To pay rent.

9 Q Pay rent for the parents?

10 A For the family.

11 Q Yeah.

12 Do you know whether this has been reported to

13 the administration?

14 A No.

15 Q Okay. Well, we will get it over to them this

16 week to see whether they will do anything.

17 A Thank you.

18 Q And we will give a copy to Mr. Lumley and

19 Mr. Oren with the hope -- and I have high respect for

20 them. I'm not being flippant.

21 MR. LUMLEY: Let me assure you I'm going to

22 report it. And I am going to report it to the

23 Georgia High School Association as well.

24 MR. SAVAGE: Good.

25 MR. LUMLEY: I'm going to tell them they need

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1 to come see this witness.

2 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, good.

3 MR. LUMLEY: That's all I can do. I don't know

4 why y'all haven't done it already. That's got to be

5 reported. I'm going to do it.

6 MR. SAVAGE: Well, you know, I don't represent

7 the guy.

8 THE WITNESS: I'm glad to hear that.

9 MR. SAVAGE: I never met him until 10 minutes

10 before the deposition, Jerry.

11 MR. LUMLEY: Well, I don't understand.

12 MR. SAVAGE: Don't be mad at me.

13 MR. LUMLEY: Your client is a certificated

14 teacher in Georgia. He has a duty to do that.

15 MR. SAVAGE: Well, how do you know he knew

16 about it?

17 MR. LUMLEY: I don't know why it hasn't been

18 done.

19 MR. SAVAGE: Don't accuse him of that.

20 MR. LUMLEY: It needs to be done just as this

21 witness said it happened.

22 MR. SAVAGE: Nobody knew what he's going to say

23 until he said it.

24 MR. LUMLEY: Well, he said it. I'm reporting

25 him as well.

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1 MR. SAVAGE: Especially not representing Warren

2 Lee, come after us for ethics.

3 THE WITNESS: I'm not a certified teacher. I

4 don't have any certificate.

5 MR. LUMLEY: I'm talking about Coach Rodemaker

6 is a certified teacher.

7 MR. SAVAGE: How do you know -- I'll shut up.

8 MR. LUMLEY: He heard just like I just heard

9 it.

10 MR. SAVAGE: How do you know?

11 MR. LUMLEY: I am assuming he's going to report

12 it now just like I'm going to report it.

13 THE WITNESS: Good. That's what we want.

14 MR. LUMLEY: How come you haven't done it?

15 THE WITNESS: I told my superintendent to do

16 that.

17 MR. LUMLEY: About Garcia.

18 THE WITNESS: I went to my superintendent on

19 January 7th. I told him about Winn-Dixie, I told him

20 about Garcia, and I told him about Amari --

21 MR. LUMLEY: Okay.

22 THE WITNESS: -- for the sole purpose of this

23 being reported.

24 MR. LUMLEY: I can promise you, I personally

25 will report it.

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1 THE WITNESS: Well, I'm happy to hear that.
2 MR. SAVAGE: Well, you can take Mr. Lumley at
3 his word.
4 MR. LUMLEY: And it will be done.
5 MR. SAVAGE: Don't get after me and Alan
6 Rodemaker. We never heard this in our life. So, I
7 mean, who would imagine that your people are on the
8 school board supporting a man like this.
9 MR. LUMLEY: We are --
10 MR. SAVAGE: He's fast. He said he wants to
11 you fast track the report, and I'm sure Mr. Lumley
12 will do that.
13 MR. LUMLEY: It will be this afternoon.
14 THE WITNESS: Oh, thank you.
15 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.
16 MR. LUMLEY: I don't have a choice.
17 THE WITNESS: I'm glad you don't.
18 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, no kidding. You are a
19 breath of fresh air. That's what I call you. All
20 right.
22 Q Now, so that -- Dr. Cason has -- you told him
23 about this situation with Jones and Garcia back in the
24 beginning of January, that area?
25 A January the 7th.

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1 Q Okay.

2 A I can even tell you what time.

3 Q What time?

4 A 10:30.

5 Q Okay. Have you heard any more from the school

6 board about that?

7 A Haven't heard a word. They've not returned my

8 phone calls. They've not tried to call me. I go to

9 Winn-Dixie every day, and I've asked the manager, it's

10 probably a week ago, has he heard from our school system.

11 No, he hasn't.

12 I talked to Phil Jones, the person that the

13 manager went to, to find out where to send the check. He

14 hadn't heard from anyone either.

15 That's why I'm happy to hear Mr. Lumley is so

16 anxious to report this. I thought it would be done on

17 January 7th.

18 MR. LUMLEY: I have an obligation. I'm not

19 anxious.

20 MR. SAVAGE: Well, it's an interesting

21 dichotomy between you're gaining this information

22 representing a school board member and reporting the

23 school system. But God bless you.

24 MR. LUMLEY: Yeah.

25 MR. SAVAGE: Now, I would withdraw. I mean,

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1 I'm serious, Jerry. I love you.

2 MR. LUMLEY: You will withdraw, what?

3 MR. SAVAGE: Well, you are reporting your

4 client. I mean, the school board, ultimately, who

5 hires and fires this stuff. Ostensively, they have

6 known about it a month.

7 MR. LUMLEY: I'm not reporting my client. I'm

8 just reporting what I've heard. Who that falls on, I

9 don't know.

10 MR. SAVAGE: Well, you got the right to hire

11 and fire. That's what you've been saying here.

12 MR. LUMLEY: I don't represent the school

13 system.

14 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, yeah. Well, okay. Look.

15 I'm only saying because I like you, and you know that

16 down in your heart. You may forget it some days, but

17 you know that.


19 Q Yeah. Okay. Now, after Alan Rodemaker is

20 non-renewed, do you know anything about the attempt to

21 hire a black man, Maurice Freeman, as football coach of

22 Valdosta High School?

23 A What I know is rumor.

24 Q Go ahead.

25 A I just heard that they attempted to hire him,

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1 and that he was not interested in the job. And

2 eventually, he was talked into putting his application in

3 a week before the interview started. And then the Sunday

4 before the week that the interview started, that he pulled

5 his application.

6 Q Okay. I understand he had a good team at

7 Brooks County?

8 A He's got a good team. He and his wife both

9 have a good paycheck. And I mean, he really would have

10 been leaving a really good situation.

11 Q That's before they ran into my client, the

12 Benyard brothers.

13 A I don't know who they are.

14 Q They are the guys in Irwin County.

15 A Oh, yeah?

16 Q They are good.

17 A I know they are.

18 Q One of them is good. He even got shot when he

19 was an 11th grader. That's why I know them. Shot by a

20 police officer over there, his son. So he's a great kid.

21 Now, any other African Americans that you know?

22 I mean, what -- what -- the school board has said -- and

23 what people have taken -- are advancing as defense is --

24 we hired a white man, Rush Propst, and we are proud of

25 that hire. And we -- we're here to win football games.

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1 So why do you think that we are racist?

2 Were there any other black coaches that you

3 know of them interviewing?

4 A I know that they -- we had, uhm, several lined

5 up. I don't know if they ever got to interview or not. I

6 mean.

7 Q Reed from north Georgia?

8 A That's a white man.

9 Q Okay.

10 A John Reid.

11 Q I was thinking of Kasim Reed.

12 A Oh, Kasim?

13 Q Maybe I got the wrong last name.

14 A No, I think you are right.

15 MR. LUMLEY: Mayor of Atlanta.


17 MR. SAVAGE: They want him to be the coach.

18 You guys want him to be the coach.

19 MR. LUMLEY: Fine.

20 MR. SAVAGE: You don't know.

21 MR. LUMLEY: There's a John Reid, though.

22 THE WITNESS: Yeah, there is a John Reid we

23 were interested in that was at Rome and still at

24 Rome.

25 MR. LUMLEY: Yeah.

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1 MR. SAVAGE: Right.


3 Q Let's move forward to -- suffice it to say, are

4 you aware, by being affiliated the quarterback club, that

5 a number of black candidates were attempted to be

6 interviewed for the job before Propst shows up?

7 A The way this works is there's a committee, and

8 that committee, uhm, is sworn to secrecy. So, you know,

9 anything you hear, it's really not fact or you shouldn't

10 consider it fact.

11 I mean, what we are hearing is what Rush Propst

12 was digging up and feeding our community. You know, he

13 was sabotaging our search from day one.

14 Q That's unbelievable. Calling the people that

15 are sticking with him, at least this week, racists; that

16 this is a racist board, which I'll subscribe to among the

17 -- if they follow Reverend Rose. "Vote your color." I've

18 never heard anything like that in my life. "Vote your

19 color." "Vote black."

20 That he was sabotaging your recruit; he being

21 Rush Propst.

22 A So what is it you want to know?

23 Q What do you know about that?

24 A I mean, like I've said, somehow he would find

25 out who we were going to interview and get word to these

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1 candidates that that this was not the place to go, you

2 know.

3 I guess some came and interviewed. I don't

4 know. I do know there were some that pulled their

5 application. And eventually, Rush was the last man

6 standing. And I think that's when everybody kind of got

7 on board with him, including me. I mean, there just

8 wasn't any other place to go.

9 Q Well, he's a winner.

10 A Well, he's a winner if he cheats. I don't

11 think he's a winner if he plays the game right.

12 Q Doesn't apparently matter to the certain

13 members of the school board?

14 A It matters to me, and I never realized that

15 like a do now.

16 Q Let's move on with Coach Propst and the six

17 kids. That's a lot of money to come up with.

18 Do you think that's why he steals?

19 A Yes. I think he's under a lot of pressure from

20 his health, from finances. I mean, he's in a bad, bad

21 shape.

22 Q Well, let's talk about other things.

23 Recruiting players. Do you know anything about that

24 beyond paying rent for a quarterback out of Atlanta's

25 family and the quarterback out of California? You know,

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1 making sure their rent was paid. Do you know anything

2 about him recruiting players?

3 A Well, I'll just tell you, I guess he'd been

4 here maybe two or three weeks. I was in his office. I

5 went in there to find out about how he wanted the

6 Touchdown Club organized. And I knew it was much

7 different than what he had in Moultrie, and he gets up

8 from his desk, walks around, and shuts the door.

9 He says, "Now, I don't know how you are going

10 to feel about this, but I want to be truthful. We need

11 some funny money."

12 Q Funny money.

13 A And I said, "How much funny money you need?"

14 He goes, "I don't know; 10, $15,000. I always

15 need to keep at least $10,000 cash right here in my desk

16 drawer." And he says, "Now there's some things you can't

17 know about; only me and one other person."

18 Q Who is that?

19 A I -- I think the other person was the wallet in

20 his back pocket, to tell you the truth. But...

21 Q Oh, gosh.

22 A Anyhow, that's just how it all got started.

23 And, you know, it's -- it was just a mess. I just... I'd

24 say that I got caught up in it.

25 Q Okay.

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1 A I never been asked to do those kind of things,

2 by Rodemaker, Gillespie, Tomberlin, Darlington, O'Brien,

3 all these coaches I worked with in the past. Just --

4 Q Funny money?

5 A Funny money.

6 Q Now, how about recruiting players? Do you know

7 anything about that?

8 A That's what he does. I mean, he's trying to

9 turn us into a recruiting machine. I mean, he's told me,

10 he's talking to as many as 15 people, 15 kids all over the

11 country.

12 Q Trying to get them down here to play with the

13 Wildcats?

14 A He's got college recruiters helping him.

15 Q From what universities?

16 A All of them. All -- they are from all over.

17 Q This funny money aspect, did he implicate any

18 college coaches to do the same thing?

19 A No. They never talked to me. Well, do we have

20 to go there?

21 Q That's okay. They can't ask you any questions,

22 so?

23 MR. LUMLEY: I would like an answer to that.

24 THE WITNESS: I'm not going to give it. Lock

25 me up.

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1 MR. LUMLEY: I don't have the authority to lock

2 you up.

3 THE WITNESS: That's good to hear because I'm

4 not going to answer that question.

5 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.

6 MR. LUMLEY: That's fine.


8 Q Did Coach Propst discuss with you about raising

9 or getting money for payment of players and families?

10 A Only as far as for their rent. But of course,

11 you know, shortly after that, we fell out over that. Once

12 I got into it, I didn't like it.

13 Q Right. He wants to get rid of you, doesn't he?

14 A Oh, yeah. He's trying to get rid of me.

15 Q And what is it? Is she the second wife? What

16 number is she?

17 A The second wife.

18 Q The second Mrs. Propst.

19 A Yeah. He tells me that's not the case. But,

20 you know, he says one thing, but he walks another way.

21 I've been watching the way he walks and quit listening to

22 the way he talks.

23 Q Uhm-hum.

24 A So, yeah, I believe he's trying to take down

25 our Touchdown Club that's been here for over 70 years.

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1 And I think he's trying to take me down for his wife to

2 have my job, which only pays $500 a week. I don't know

3 why the hell he's going to so much trouble.

4 Q Funny money.

5 A I think it's -- the end game for Rush Propst is

6 to be able to get his hands on cold cash.

7 Q Now, do you know of any recordings about

8 Propst's ideas to raise funny money, things of that

9 nature?

10 A Let's skip that one.

11 Q Okay.

12 A We will bring it out of him, maybe, but not

13 right now.

14 Q Okay. Do you know of any complaints about

15 Coach Rodemaker prior to his nonrenewal? Did you hear

16 people complain about him as president of the Touchdown

17 Club? Do you know the reputation of Rodemaker?

18 A Oh, yeah. He's great to work with. I miss him

19 a lot.

20 Q And do you have an opinion as to whether he was

21 non-renewed because of his race? And I will tell you, we

22 have had some testimony from Bill Love, the former

23 chairman of the board -- you know Bill -- that he believes

24 Coach Rodemaker was non-renewed because he's a white man.

25 And also from Kelly Wilson, who I think is heroic, to

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1 stand up; that that was a factor in him being non-renewed,

2 that he was a white man?

3 A It sure looks that way. I mean --

4 Q Is that your belief as part of the Touchdown

5 Club?

6 A Until I see some facts to prove otherwise, I

7 mean, it just looks that way. I mean, I never knew him to

8 be that way. And I mean, Rod and I were pretty close, and

9 we met almost on a daily basis, you know.

10 I don't think he was racist, and I don't see

11 just -- I don't understand why they let him go. I never

12 heard a reason really. Of course, you know, if you -- I

13 talk to my friends in the black community. They say it

14 wasn't racism. I talk to my friends in the white

15 community. They say it is racism.

16 Q Have you talked to Reverend Rose about this?

17 A I have.

18 Q And what does he say? He is saying, "Vote your

19 color, man."

20 A Reverend Rose has really never commented on

21 that. His comment is pretty much what -- what you got

22 right there is, you know, when a -- a white man gets

23 hired, all hell breaks loose. But a black, you know,

24 that's his deal.

25 Q It go beyond that in this Exhibit 2. Black

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1 members of the board will stand together and reaffirm.

2 Black power.

3 A As far as my conversations with Reverend Rose,

4 it was more about when, you know -- everybody raises hell

5 because a white man got fired and not a black man. It

6 really never went much further than that.

7 Q But he tells these board members, who listen to

8 him -- I mean, he's an influential man, is he not, sir?

9 A Well, not so much.

10 Q In the black community, he is?

11 A Not so much.

12 Q Well, he says every one -- every one of the

13 members put on this board was put there by black folks.

14 That's going beyond, you know -- well, they just complain

15 when a white man gets fired, not like they used to with

16 black. He says that everybody's put here by black folks

17 and you should remember that.

18 A Uhm-hum.

19 Q Wow. Now, let's talk -- you know, my opinion,

20 a non-issue --

21 MR. SAVAGE: I filed my motion, Jerry, you will

22 get it, about the alcohol issue.

23 MR. LUMLEY: I just haven't seen it.


25 Q How about Propst getting out there and taking

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1 private money for alcohol for a restaurant? Have you

2 heard about that? I've heard rumors about he and his wife

3 getting out there, spending 60 bucks --

4 A That was --

5 Q -- on alcohol and leaving a 35-cent tip.

6 A 37 cents; cut him short.

7 Q And that was paid for by private funds? A

8 booster?

9 A Yes. This happened the night before last.

10 Wednesday night. A booster --

11 Q Yeah.

12 A -- was in a local restaurant. Rush and

13 Stephanie came in. The booster sent his waitress over to

14 Rush and Stephanie's table and told them that he was going

15 to get the tab. Enjoy your meal. And, uhm, when my

16 booster got the tab, it was 60-something dollars, mostly

17 alcohol. He's telling me this. I didn't see it.

18 Q Okay.

19 A And that the bartender and everybody at the bar

20 was real upset about it. They were visibly intoxicated

21 when they walked out. And, you know, he had to drive to

22 Moultrie to go home. So if they were intoxicated -- and

23 plus, they were wearing Wildcat stuff sitting in there,

24 drinking, getting shots and just made everybody mad. The

25 whole restaurant was aware of it before the evening over.

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1 That's really -- outside of that, I haven't really heard

2 anything else around here yet.

3 Q We talked about him stealing the money that got

4 replaced after the superintendent went to him.

5 Are you aware, through rumor or otherwise,

6 about him owing a bunch of money over there in Moultrie?

7 A Oh, yes.

8 Q Tell me about that a little bit.

9 A Well, I just know that, uhm, he owes a lot of

10 money. I know that he has his check is garnished, and I

11 understand there's several people in line for that

12 garnishment.

13 Q Okay.

14 A I know that -- and he told me that he was so

15 broke that a local businessman over in Moultrie was paying

16 his mortgage in Moultrie, 2500 a month, and his rent here

17 in Valdosta in the high end area, Timberloo (phonetic),

18 1800 a month.

19 Q That's nice there. Did he have a booster

20 paying for that?

21 A No. This is somebody out of Moultrie paying.

22 Q Yeah. A booster over there; gets them to do

23 it. Now, let me look at this, and I'm kind of going

24 around a little bit. I've got about five more minutes,

25 and then we will take a break.

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1 A Good. I need a cigarette.

2 Q Okay. I'll go out there and smoke one with you

3 just for companionship. I don't smoke, but --

4 MR. LUMLEY: I didn't think Brent smoked.

5 THE WITNESS: My mouth is watering for one

6 right now.


8 Q Were you aware of the situation where Warren

9 Lee was written up by the Georgia State Patrol about a

10 complaint from a temp; he took 20,000 bucks from her and

11 had an affair with her while he was married?

12 A No. I never heard anything about that.

13 Q It's dated 2006. Had Warren Lee ever told you

14 what he expects to accomplish as a board member? I mean,

15 a good friend, Mr. Wilson here, we go back to history and

16 stuff. I mean, does he ever talk to you about, you know,

17 that the United States is supposed to be a shining light

18 on the hill, according to the Tocqueville, things like

19 that? Has he ever told you about the high aspirations he

20 has? I guess he wants a black man to be the --

21 A No; never talked to him, like, on those -- no.

22 Q Okay. Other than Mr. Lee, is there anybody

23 that you believe is not in their district and essentially

24 lying to the voters of Valdosta saying, "I live in the

25 district where I'm voted in, but, in fact, I don't live

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1 there"? Anybody other than that not have a proper address

2 when they apply and vote?

3 A Are you talking about a present board member?

4 Q Yes.

5 A Not that I'm aware of. But I do want to say

6 something about Warren that makes me think that maybe he

7 is a little on the racist side.

8 A few years back, I had to raise -- I guess

9 it's about a half-million dollars for our Jumbotron. And

10 I went to companies, like Coca-Cola, Wiregrass, Houston

11 Clinic, you know, large companies that I thought would

12 have that kind of money to help us out with.

13 When I went to the Board of Education to

14 present this to them, Warren piped up and asked me, "How

15 many black advertisers are on that sign?"

16 And I said, "None."

17 And he goes, "Well, how come you didn't go to

18 any black businesses?"

19 And I was, like, "Well, I'm looking for 25,

20 $30,000. I wasn't thinking about a color. I was thinking

21 about who would have that kind of money."

22 And so, he kind of raked me over the coals in

23 front of the Board of Education.

24 Q What do you say about that? I mean, you are

25 trying to raise the money to get the Jumbotron in there

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1 that really -- most of the players are black, so it helps

2 them. What does he do to rake you over the coals that

3 way?

4 A Well, I think because there's -- you know, he

5 said there's no black advertisers. And in fact, I -- you

6 know, one of our board members, who did purchase an ad on

7 that thing for $30,000, said to him, "Well, Warren, I'll

8 sell you mine." And Warren declined to purchase.

9 Q Were you aware that Bill Lott (phonetic), in

10 his testimony, said he had been there, personally, privy

11 to Warren Lee, and heard him saying, "We got to get us a

12 black coach," that he said that.

13 A I wasn't aware of that. But Warren has said

14 that to me.

15 Q Yeah, yeah.

16 Now, what --

17 MR. SAVAGE: Jerry, do you know the name of the

18 fraternity -- I'm just trying to get a little help

19 here -- that Mr. Mitchel and all them belong to? Is

20 it Omega Psi Phi?

21 MR. LUMLEY: I don't know, Brent.

22 MR. SAVAGE: Okay.

23 MR. LUMLEY: I was asking you if that was the

24 --

25 MR. SAVAGE: That was Mr. --

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1 MR. LUMLEY: It's in one of the depositions.

2 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah.


4 Q You know, when you non-renew a man, who's won a

5 state title -- a lot of my questions are about whether or

6 not they non-renewed; fair, black, white or in between.

7 Did the board ever tell you? Did they ever

8 tell the folks why they non-renewed him?

9 A No.

10 Q Now, these rumors that I've asked the lawyers

11 for the board members and the board to take a position to

12 put out a press release to say that these rumors that have

13 been put out in the wake of our nonrenewal are false, they

14 declined to do that so far. But -- that Alan Rodemaker

15 was involved in taking 40,000 bucks.

16 A I doubt that.

17 Q Yeah. I mean, did you ever have any problems

18 with Alan Rodemaker that you are having with Rush Propst;

19 that he wanted funny money?

20 A Oh, no.

21 Q That he was paying for good football players'

22 families to move to this community and paying their rent?

23 A No, no, no, no. Never anything like that from

24 any coach I've ever worked with. This is the first time

25 I've ever run into this kind of stuff.

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1 Q Yeah. But I mean, this is being tolerated by

2 the board down here. I'll make the assumption that they

3 are good --

4 A Well, I don't know that the board is aware of

5 it.

6 Q Well, they will be. But they are -- they -- I

7 have enough respect for Dr. Cason that if you told him, at

8 the beginning of January, that Propst is stealing money,

9 putting it in his personal account --

10 A Well, I told him about that business at

11 Winn-Dixie.

12 Q Yeah; that he put the money in his own account.

13 A Uhm-hum.

14 Q Well --

15 A At that time, I didn't know where the money

16 went. I just told him what the situation was, and Rush

17 had a check made out to him that should have been made out

18 to the Touchdown Club.

19 Q Okay. And there were these situations with

20 money being spent on Garcia and Brown. Is Brown the

21 quarterback's name?

22 A Uhm-hum.

23 Q Has he gone to the University of Kentucky? Is

24 that why I'm confused.

25 A No. He's got another year left.

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1 Q Is he still here?

2 A Yep.

3 Q Oh, man. This is -- this is unconscionable.

4 This is amateur sports.

5 Any of that with Alan Rodemaker; suggesting

6 that we need funny money to get us some players?

7 A Oh, Rod?

8 Q Did Alan Rodemaker ever say that?

9 A No. Matter of fact, Rod used to always say,

10 "We are going to win with the guys we raised." I've heard

11 him say that several times.

12 Q Yeah. Did you used to attend practices from

13 time to time? Attend practices?

14 A Who? Me?

15 Q Yeah.

16 A All the time.

17 Q Was Alan Rodemaker -- there's some complaint

18 from Warren Lee. I don't put much stock in what Warren

19 Lee says. But he said that he's tough on the players,

20 Rodemaker. And he was headed with Propst -- I mean,

21 head-butting, hasn't he?

22 A Well, that's football coach training, but

23 besides that, he head-butted a guy with a helmet on.

24 Split his head wide open.

25 Q Well, I mean, but that --

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1 MR. LUMLEY: Not a player, a coach.

2 THE WITNESS: Look, I'm a football guy and

3 that's nothing to me.


5 Q But Mr. Lumley's client takes great exception

6 to that.

7 A Well, Mr. Lumley may. But I don't.


9 Q His client said that he, Alan, was too tough on

10 the football players, and that he yelled at a coach at a

11 game. I guess he said it was over -- I asked him, "Has he

12 ever seen Nick save it?"

13 And he said, "Well, he ain't a Wildcat coach."

14 And I asked him, "Why do you tolerate Rush

15 Propst"?

16 A I never seen Warren at a practice. So I don't

17 know how Warren could ever comment about what Rod or any

18 other coaches do, and I never seen him at a practice.

19 Q Yeah. Okay. In any of these things, did --

20 was it raised that Mitchell, Hudson, you know, school

21 administrators are members of Phi Beta Sigma? One of

22 their slogans is "Buy black and pay it back." Is that

23 kind of consistent with what Lee is doing when he says we

24 are the blacks?

25 A I don't know.

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1 Q Were you aware that Warren Lee, as a member of

2 the board, insisted on passing on applications that in the

3 upper right-hand corner -- and this is after the order to

4 desegregate -- that in the upper right-hand corner, "C"

5 for Caucasian or "A" for African American, so he knew what

6 color people he was going to --

7 A I am not aware of that.

8 Q Yeah. This $40,000, has that propagated

9 throughout the community that Rod stole money when -- that

10 he gets on a podcast with thousand of hits saying he's got

11 firsthand information?

12 A I saw that podcast.

13 Q And it's crazy, isn't it?

14 A Yeah, it is. It's -- it's -- that didn't

15 happen.

16 (Exhibit 7 marked for identification.)

17 Q Yeah. But can you imagine saying stuff like

18 that? It's horrible. And then we got Jerry Hadley, and

19 him saying that he's got -- "it's blowing in the wind," I

20 guess is what he said, the money that he was taking,

21 things of that nature.

22 Uhm, where am I here? Here we go. Jerry

23 Hadley. This is the kind of stuff that you propagate when

24 you say or hire people with a secret wife and three kids

25 because all we care about is winning and get rid of Alan

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1 Rodemaker.

2 Were you aware that in the community, Jerry

3 Hadley was putting out on the worldwide web?

4 A Are they talking about Rod here?

5 Q Yeah. They are lying about him.

6 A Well, I can guarantee you...

7 Q Crazy, isn't it? That's Exhibit 7. Just so we

8 have a record of it.

9 "Well, the news that broke said coach used

10 school money and misused at least $40,000 and had -- and

11 had mouth -- mouth school."

12 I just need to catch up. I'm a bad generation

13 for this lingo. And had mouth school?

14 MR. LUMLEY: Can you hold that up so I can see

15 it?

16 MR. SAVAGE: Yeah, we will in a minute. You

17 can't read anyhow. It's your e-mail.


19 Q "And had mouth school while interviewing with

20 Lowndes and Colquitt for jobs." So basically --

21 A I mean, I don't know what that means. I'm

22 older than you are.

23 Q No, you are not.

24 A I am.

25 Q Well, it's nice of you to say.

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1 A 65.

2 Q 67.

3 A Oh, two years.

4 Q That's why we understand each other.

5 A Well, I don't understand that.

6 Q Were you aware that Dr. Cason and

7 Dr. Richardson, both of whom I think very well of --

8 A I --

9 Q They are the last hope.

10 A I love Dr. Richardson.

11 Q They are the last hope of the school -- has

12 said they don't know of anything that Alan Rodemaker did

13 wrong.

14 A Yeah.

15 Q Whatever happened to Hal Mumme? I'm just

16 interested.

17 A What do you mean, what happened to him?

18 Q Well, he was in there running with Rush.

19 A Yes.

20 Q What happened to him?

21 A We didn't feel like he was the guy, even though

22 Rush was the other choice. We felt like it was that bad.

23 Q That's amazing to me. I mean, if I were

24 Mr. Lumley -- and I kind of think like him -- I would want

25 to know what we know concretely about Propst, who has been

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1 hired by the racist board -- his words, not mine -- that

2 he's gone around, getting potential candidates through

3 surrogates, saying, "You don't want to -- that job," with

4 an ulterior motive; that he wants to be the last guy

5 standing; Propst, that he uses surrogates to report to the

6 board that hired him was a racist scrooge. That's what

7 you are telling me, isn't it?

8 A Say that again.

9 Q He used surrogates, other people?

10 MR. LUMLEY: Not me. Not me. Propst.

11 MR. SAVAGE: You are like Trump. You think

12 people is talking about you all the time.

13 MR. LUMLEY: Well, you did say "if I was

14 Mr. Lumley."

15 MR. SAVAGE: I would want to know about this.

16 Considering he can't ask any questions, I'm trying to

17 go ahead.


19 Q That he is using surrogates -- he being Rush

20 Propst -- is using people, because he knows he's being

21 interviewed, to contact the interviewees and saying, "This

22 racist board is somebody you don't want to work for."

23 That's what you told me, is it not?

24 A Yeah. I mean, they would probably tell him

25 anything now. Obviously, I was not there when these

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1 people made the phone call, but somehow they were picking

2 these candidates off. And I know they were telling them

3 that they had to have been talking about our Board of

4 Education, and they had to have been talking about the

5 community divide. You know, anything they can think of,

6 I'm sure they said to run these applicants off. They were

7 dropping like flies, one right after the other.

8 Q Yeah. Well, I don't blame them.

9 A I wouldn't -- don't blame them either, you

10 know.

11 MR. SAVAGE: Why don't we take a break.

12 Madam Court Reporter, can I get an expedited

13 copy? I would like to file this transcript on

14 Monday, and I'll pay for it.


16 - - -

17 (Whereupon, deposition proceedings

18 were concluded at 2:11 p.m.)

19 (Signature has been waived by the parties.)

20 - - -






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1 C E R T I F I C A T E



4 I, Erika A. Sjoquist, Certified Court

5 Reporter for the State of Georgia, do hereby certify:

6 That the foregoing deposition was taken

7 before me on the date and at the time and location

8 stated on Page 1 of this transcript; that the witness

9 was duly sworn to testify to the truth, the whole

10 truth and nothing but the truth; that the testimony

11 of the witness and all objections made at the time of

12 the examination were recorded stenographically by me

13 and were thereafter transcribed by computer-aided

14 transcription; that the foregoing deposition, was

15 typed, is a true, accurate and complete record of the

16 testimony of the witness and of all objections made

17 at the time of the examination.

18 I further certify that I am neither related

19 to nor counsel for any party to the cause pending or

20 interested in the events thereof.

21 Witness my hand, I have hereunto affixed my

22 official seal this 22nd day of February, 2021, at

23 Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.

24 ________________________________
25 GA CCR 5991-4256-1008-8448

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3 Pursuant to Article 8.B. of the Rules and
Regulations of the Board of Court Reporting of the
4 Judicial Council of Georgia, I make the following
I am a Georgia Certified Court Reporter. I
6 am here as an employee of McKee Court Reporting, Inc.
7 I am not disqualified for a relationship of
interest under the provisions of O.C.G.A. Section
8 9-11-28(c).
9 McKee Court Reporting, Inc. was contacted
by Savage Turner Durham Pinckney & Savage to provide
10 court reporting services for this deposition.
11 McKee Court Reporting will not be taking
this deposition under contract that is prohibited by
12 O.C.G.A. 15-14-37(a) and (b).
13 McKee Court Reporting, Inc. has no
exclusive contract to provide reporting services with
14 any party to the case, any counsel in the case, or
any reporter or reporting agency from whom a referral
15 might have been made to cover the deposition.
16 McKee Court Reporting, Inc. will charge its
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17 and a financial discount will not be given to any
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18 agreed on a case-by-case basis.
______________________________ Date: 2/22/21
GA CCR 5991-4256-1008-8448

McKee Court Reporting, Inc.

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