# the counters/formulas
# the MOClass (eg UtranCell, IubLink, RncModule)
# the time: h (aggregate on hour), d (aggregate on day), a (aggregate on the whole
period). If nothing specified there is no time aggregation, each ROP period is
displayed separately.
#Note1: The pmdiff flag has to be specified for Cello counters
#Note2: It is possible to specify a mapfile that can specify any MO aggregation
# See the example report at the bottom of this file "RNC UtranCell Cluster
RRC Performance"
# In that example, each line of the mapfile would look like:
reportName eUtranCell SDR Ver.2 (During Active only) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP
X counter
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell CSFB Counter (Using Release Redirect) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP
by ROP (11)
X counter
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell User DL Throughput (kbps) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (12)
X counter
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Cell DL Throughput (kbps) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (13)
X counter 08CellDLThp,pmPdcpVolDlDrb,pmSchedActivityCellDl,Den_CellDLThp
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell User UL Throughput (kbps) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (14)
X counter 09UserULThp,pmUeThpVolUl,pmUeThpTimeUl,Den_UserULThp
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Cell UL Throughput (kbps) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (15)
X counter 10CellULThp,pmPdcpVolUlDrb,pmSchedActivityCellUl,Den_CellULThp
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell DL Traffic Volume (Mbyte) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (16)
X counter 11DLPay,pmPdcpVolDlDrb
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell UL Traffic Volume (Mbyte) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (17)
X counter 12ULPay,pmPdcpVolUlDrb
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Session Setup Success Rate (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (21)
X counter 16SSSR,01RRCSR,02ERSR
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell CSFB Counter (Preparation) (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (23)
X counter
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Cross Feeders Check (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (34)
X counter Rank1,Rank2,Rank3,Rank4
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Accessibility: Paging and Random Access (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP
by ROP (40)
X counter PAGING_discardrate,RACH_DecodingRate
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell RETAINABILITY: Drop Rate (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (43)
X counter Ret_ERAB_DropRate,Ret_ERAB_DropRateeNB,Ret_ERAB_DropRateMME
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell RETAINABILITY: Drop Seconds (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (44)
X counter Ret_ERAB_DropSec,Ret_ERAB_DropSeceNB,Ret_ERAB_DropSecMME
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell RETAINABILITY: MME Releases (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (46)
X counter pmErabRelMme,pmErabRelMmeAct
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell RETAINABILITY: ERAB ACTIVE (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (47)
X counter pmErabRelAbnormalEnbAct
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell RETAINABILITY: ERAB CAUSES (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (48)
X counter
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell Mobility: Intra LTE (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (49)
X counter Mob_IntraLTE_SuccessRate,Mob_IntraLTE_Preparation,Mob_IntraLTE_Execution
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time
reportName eUtranCell INTEGRITY: Packet Loss (Telkomsel KPIs), ROP by ROP (52)
X counter Integrity_PacketLossRate_DL,Integrity_PacketLossRate_UL
Y mo EUtranCell.DD=([^\s,=\t]+)
Z time