Representation and Stability Analysis of PDE-ODE Coupled Systems
Representation and Stability Analysis of PDE-ODE Coupled Systems
Representation and Stability Analysis of PDE-ODE Coupled Systems
Abstract: In this work, we present a scalable Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) based framework
to verify the stability of a set of linear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in one spatial
dimension coupled with a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) via input-output
based interconnection. Our approach extends the newly developed state space representation
and stability analysis of coupled PDEs that allows parametrizing the Lyapunov function on
L2 with multipliers and integral operators using polynomial kernels of semi-separable class.
In particular, under arbitrary well-posed boundary conditions, we define the linear operator
inequalities on Rn × L2 and cast the stability condition as a feasibility problem constrained by
LMIs. In this framework, no discretization or approximation is required to verify the stability
conditions of PDE-ODE coupled systems. The developed algorithm has been implemented in
MATLAB where the stability of example PDE-ODE coupled systems are verified.
1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, the linear ODEs are of the following form:
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bv(t),
Coupled Ordinary Differential Equations(ODEs)-Partial (1)
w(t) = Cx(t).
Differential Equations(PDEs) are useful to model systems
For s ∈ [a, b], the linear one dimensional PDEs are
that involve states varying over time as well as states
described in the following form:
varying over both space and time. Interaction among
systems that are governed by ODEs and PDEs appear ∂z(s, t)
ż(s, t) = A0 (s)z(s, t) + A1 (s) (2)
in multi-scale modeling of fluid flows, for instance in ∂s
Quarteroni and Veneziani (2003) and Stinner et al. (2014), ∂ 2 z(s, t)
the flow structures are the function of space and time; + A2 (s) + B1 (s)u(t),
however, they are driven by global flow pattern that is Z b
∂z(s, t)
only a function of time. They also frequently appear in y(t) = C1 z(t) + Ca (s)z(s, t) + Cb (s) ds,
thermo-mechanical systems (e.g. Tang and Xie (2010)) and a ∂s
∂z(s, t) ∂z(s, t)
chemical reactions (e.g. Christofides (2012)). A large class Bc col z(a, t), z(b, t), |s=a , |s=b = 0.
of these applications involves linear ODEs and PDEs that ∂s ∂s
are mutually coupled via inputs and outputs as illustrated Here, x(t) ∈ Rno and z(s, t) ∈ Rnp are the states of
in Fig. 1. the ODEs and the PDEs respectively. The models (1)-
(2) are connected by the signals col(v(t), w(t)) ∈ Rmo ×
Rpo and col(u(t), y(t)) ∈ Rmp × Rpp . In (1) A, B, C
are constant matrices of suitable dimensions. In (2),
u(t) y(t)
PDE A0 (s), A1 (s), A2 (s), B1 (s), Ca (s), Cb (s) are matrix valued
functions of appropriate dimensions and C1 is a constant
matrix. Bc ∈ R2np ×4np is required to have full row rank.
The interconnection between (1)-(2) is described by a
w(t) v(t) matrix L ∈ Rmo +mp ×po +pp that has full row rank and
ODE relates the interconnection signals with the help of the
following algebraic equation:
v(t) w(t)
Fig. 1. Interconnection between PDE-ODE models. =L . (3)
u(t) y(t)
In this paper, we develop a scalable approach to verify the constraints on these operators can be re-formulated as
stability of the coupled system in (1)-(2) that does not scalable Linear Matrix Inequalities(LMIs) that establish
depend on any discretization or approximation. Regard- the stability condition for PDE-ODE coupled system.
ing verifying stability, many methods used in the anal- h i
P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } (s) :=
ysis of Distributed Parameter Systems(DPS) rely on ei- z
ther application-specific analytical approaches(e.g. Nicaise Z b
et al. (2009)) or projection of the entire system onto a Px + Q(s)z(s)ds
finite-dimensional vector space as shown in Ravindran
Z s
a Z b
(2000), Das et al. (2018) and the references therein. Once Q⊤ (s)x + S(s)z(s) + R1 (s, η)z(η)dη + R2 (s, η)z(η)dη
projected to a finite-dimensional subspace, the reduced a s
order model is treated as a set of ODEs, and there are The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 pro-
many well-studied approaches to test for stability and de- vides a preliminary discussion on the notations, a model
sign controllers. However, discretization techniques for ap- of the PDE-ODE coupled systems and the Lyapunov sta-
proximating an infinite-dimensional system with a finite- bility theory. In Section 3, we define the class of opera-
dimensional model are prone to numerical instabilities tors P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } and derive its positivity condition
and other truncation errors. This results in large system as well as the composition and adjoint operations of these
matrices which often make them computationally demand- operators. In Section 4, the PDE-ODE coupled model has
ing. Moreover, these finite-dimensional approximations of been represented using the same class of operators. In
the DPS do not necessarily represent the behavior of the Section 5, the equivalent LMI conditions have been derived
original system to a required level of accuracy, thus the to verify the stability of PDE-ODE coupled system. In
properties, such as stability, robustness are not exact if Section 6, we numerically illustrate the methodology to
the finite dimensional approximation replaces the original verify the stability of example PDE-ODE coupled systems
model. Another approach frequently used in stabilization in MATLAB. At last, Section 7 provides some conclusions
and control of coupled PDE-ODE systems is the backstep- and directions for future research.
ping method, e.g. Krstic and Smyshlyaev (2008), Krstic
(2009) and Susto and Krstic (2010). The backstepping
technique does not require any discretization or approxi- 2. PRELIMINARIES
mation of the model; however, it does not allow us to utilize
Lyapunov theory to verify stability. Also, these methods 2.1 Notation
are neither generic nor scalable for a general class of PDE-
ODE coupled system. For convenience, we denote ∂x ∂ x
∂s := xs and ∂s2 := xss . We
On the other hand, using the extension of Lyapunov the- use Z to denote a field of integers. We use Sm ⊂ Rm×m
ory in infinite-dimensional space by Datko (1970), many to denote the symmetric matrices. We define the space of
attempts were made to use Sum-of-Squares (SOS) op- square integrable Rm -valued functions on X as Lm 2 (X).
timization methods for constructing Lyapunov functions Lm (X) is equipped with the inner product hx, yiL2 =
R b2 ⊤ n
for PDEs. Some of the notable works include but not a x (s)y(s)ds. For denoting the inner product in R ,
limited to Papachristodoulou and Peet (2006), Fridman ⊤
we use hx, yiRn = x y. The Sobolov space is defined by
and Orlov (2009) and Valmorbida et al. (2016). However, k
W q,n (X) := {x ∈ Ln2 (X) | ∂∂skx ∈ Ln2 (X) for all k ≤ q}.
these works cannot deal with a general class of coupled For an inner product space X, operator P : X → X is
PDEs that involve reaction, transport, and diffusion terms. called positive, if for all x ∈ X, we have hx, PxiX ≥ 0. We
From our lab, numerous problems related to the analysis of use P < 0 to indicate that P is a positive operator. We
stability and robustness and controller-observer synthesis say that P : X → X is coercive if there exists some ǫ > 0
are addressed in Meyer and Peet (2015), Gahlawat and such that hx, PxiX ≥ ǫkxk2X for all x ∈ X.
Peet (2017) etc. Recently, Peet (2018), Shivakumar and
Peet (2018) have developed a novel SOS framework for
representation, stability and robustness analysis for cou- 2.2 PDE-ODE Coupled System
pled PDEs with arbitrary boundary condition. These re-
sults provide a unifying framework and a computationally In this section, we elaborate on the description of the cou-
scalable method for the analysis of a large class of PDEs. pled linear PDE-ODE system.The system is represented
The contributions of this paper involve extending the as an interconnection between two systems; one of them is
representation and the stability analysis of coupled PDEs governed by a set of partial differential equations (PDEs)
to the case of linear PDE-ODE coupled systems. To while the other is governed by a set of ordinary differential
this end, we construct a quadratic Lyapunov function equations (ODEs). In the following subsections we briefly
x x describe the corresponding PDE and ODE model.
of the form V (x, z) = , P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } ,
z z
where P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } is a class of self-adjoint lin- A. ODE Model: The ODE model has the following state
ear operator on Rno × L2 . The criterion for the sta- space representation:
bility of the PDE-ODE coupled system is to search ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bv(t),
for a positive P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } that restricts the time (5)
w(t) = Cx(t),
derivative of the Lyapunov function to be negative.
We parametrize the multipliers and integral operators where x(t) ∈ Rno are the state variables, v(t) ∈ Rmo ,
of P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } with polynomial kernels of semi- w(t) ∈ Rpo are the interconnection signals. A, B, C are
separable class as in (4). We show that the positivity matrices of suitable dimensions.
B. PDE Model: An operator based notation can be and
utilized to represent the PDE model in the following
abstract state space form: * 2
+ * +
ż(t) = Az(t) + Bu(t), x x x x x
(6) , P Ā + Ā ,P ≤ −γ ,
y(t) = Cz(t). z z z z z
For functions z : [a, b] × R+ → Rnp , u : R+ → Rmp , (13)
y : R+ → Rpp , the system operators A : L2 p [a, b] ⊃ DA →
np n n for all x ∈ Rno , z ∈ DA . Then (10) is exponentially stable.
L2 [a, b], B : Rmp → L2 [a, b] and C : L2 [a, b] → Rpp are
p p
Proof. Since T < 0, we can define a square root of T as R̂2 (s, η) = B2 (s)Q1 (η) + D(s)R2 (s, η) + C2 (s, η)S(η)
Z s Z η
U = [U1 U2 U3 U4 ].
+ C1 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ + C2 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ
T11 T12 T13 T14 a
Z b
T = 21 22 23 24 = U ⊤ U + C2 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ. (17)
T31 T32 T33 T34
T41 T42 T43 T44
U1 U1 U1⊤ U2 U1⊤ U3 U1⊤ U4 Proof. The proof can be found in the Appendix C.
∗⊤ U ⊤ U2 U ⊤ U3 U ⊤ U4 Notation 1. For convenience, we say
= 2 2 2
∗⊤ ∗⊤ U3⊤ U3 U3⊤ U4 P̂ , Q̂1 , Q̂2 , Ŝ, R̂1 , R̂2 = A, B1 , B2 , D, C1 , C2 (18)
∗⊤ ∗⊤ ∗⊤ U4⊤ U4
For x1 ∈ Rm and x2 ∈ Ln2 [a, b], let us define v(s) := U1 x1 + × P, Q1 , Q2 , S, R1 , R2 , (19)
(Ψx2 )(s), where
Z s if P̂ , Q̂1 , Q̂2 , Ŝ, R̂1 , R̂2 are related to A, B1 , B2 , D, C1 , C2
(Ψx2 )(s) = U2 Z(s) + U3 Z(s, η)x2 (η)dη and P, Q1 , Q2 , S, R1 , R2 according to (17) in Lemma 4.
Z b 3.3 Adjoint of The Operators
+ U4 Z(s, η)x2 (η)dη.
s Now, we also discuss the adjoint of an operator of the
D E class P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } and it is typically denoted by
v(s), v(s) P{P,Q 1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
Rm ×Ln
2 [a,b]
= hU1 x1 , U1 x1 iRm + hU1 x1 , (Ψx2 )(s)iRm Lemma 5. For any matrices P ∈ Rm×m and bounded
functions Q1 : [a, b] → Rm×n , Q2 : [a, b] → Rn×m ,
+ h(Ψx2 )(s), U1 x1 iLn2 [a,b] + h(Ψx2 )(s), (Ψx2 )(s)iLn2 [a,b] S : [a, b] → Rn×n , R1 , R2 : [a, b] × [a, b] → Rn×n , the
following identity holds for any x ∈ Rm , y ∈ Ln2 ([a, b]).
x1 x
= P ⊤ , 1 ≥ 0. D E
x2 {P,Q,Q ,S,R1 ,R2 } x2 Rm ×Ln2 [a,b]
x, P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } y m n
Hence P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } < 0. D
R ×L2 [a,b]
= P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } x, y n
, (20)
Rm ×L2 [a,b]
3.2 Composition of The Operators ∗
where, P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
= P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 } with
In this subsection, we show that the composition of two P̂ = P ⊤ , Ŝ(s) = S ⊤ (s),
operators of the class P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } also takes the same
structure and provide an efficient method to calculate it. Q̂1 (s) = Q⊤
2 (s), R̂1 (s, η) = R2⊤ (η, s),
Lemma 4. For any matrices A, P ∈ Rm×m and bounded Q̂2 (s) = Q⊤
1 (s), R̂2 (s, η) = R1⊤ (η, s). (21)
functions B1 , Q1 : [a, b] → Rm×n , B2 , Q2 : [a, b] → Rn×m ,
D, S : [a, b] → Rn×n , Ci , Ri : [a, b] × [a, b] → Rn×n with Proof. The proof can be found in the Appendix D.
i ∈ {1, 2}, the following identity holds Notation 2. For convenience, we say
P{A,B1 ,B2 ,D,C1 ,C2 } P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } P̂ , Q̂1 , Q̂2 , Ŝ, R̂1 , R̂2 = P, Q1 , Q2 , S, R1 , R2 , (22)
= P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 } , (16)
if P̂ , Q̂1 , Q̂2 , Ŝ, R̂1 , R̂2 are related to P, Q1 , Q2 , S, R1 , R2
where according to (21) in Lemma 5.
Z b
Z b
Q̂1 (s) = AQ1 (s) + B1 (s)S(s) + B1 (η)R1 (η, s)dη In this section, we utilize the class of operators defined by
Z s s P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } to uniquely represent the system (10) in
terms of the variables x and zss replacing z.
+ B1 (η)R2 (η, s)dη,
a Lemma 6. Suppose x ∈ Rno and z ∈ W 2,2 [a, b] and
Z s
Bc col(z(a), z(b), zs (a), zs (b)) = 0,
Q̂2 (s) = B2 (s)P + D(s)Q2 (s) + C1 (s, η)Q2 (η)dη
a with Bc ∈ R2np ×4np has full row rank. Then
Z b
x x
+ C2 (s, η)Q2 (η)dη, = P{I,0,0,0,G1 ,G2 } , (23)
z zss
* +
x x x x
= P{I,0,0,0,G3 ,G4 } , (24) V (x, z) = , P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } , (36)
zs zss z z
with X
G1 (s, η) = Ba (s, η) + (s − η)I, (25) such that P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } is self-adjoint, i.e.,
G2 (s, η) = Ba (s, η), (26) P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } = P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R ,R } .
1 2
Proof. The time derivative of the Lyapunov function is Lemma 4. For any matrices A, P ∈ Rm×m and bounded
* +
x x functions B1 , Q1 : [a, b] → Rm×n , B2 , Q2 : [a, b] → Rn×m ,
, P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } Ā
z D, S : [a, b] → Rn×n , Ci , Ri : [a, b] × [a, b] → Rn×n with
* X i ∈ {1, 2}, the following identity holds
x x P{A,B1 ,B2 ,D,C1 ,C2 } P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
+ Ā , P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 }
z z = P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 }
* X
+ where
x x Z b
= P{U1 ,V1 ,V2 ,Y,W1 ,W2 } , P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 }
zss z P̂ = AP + B1 (s)Q2 (s)ds,
X a
| {z } Z b
* + Q̂1 (s) = AQ1 (s) + B1 (s)S(s) + B1 (η)R1 (η, s)dη
x x s
+ , P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } P{U1 ,V1 ,V2 ,Y,W1 ,W2 } . Z s
z zss
| {z X
} + B1 (η)R2 (η, s)dη,
:=Γ2 Z s
(B.4) Q̂2 (s) = B2 (s)P + D(s)Q2 (s) + C1 (s, η)Q2 (η)dη
Now, taking two individual terms separately and substi- a
Z b
tuting the identity (23) we obtain + C2 (s, η)Q2 (η)dη,
x ∗
Γ2 = , P{I,0,0,0,G 1 ,G2 } Ŝ(s) = D(s)S(s),
+ R̂1 (s, η) = B2 (s)Q1 (η) + D(s)R1 (s, η) + C1 (s, η)S(η)
x Z η Z s
P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } P{U1 ,V1 ,V2 ,Y,W1 ,W2 } . (B.5)
zss + C1 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ + C1 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ
* X a η
+ Z
x x b
= , P{K,L1 ,L2 ,M,N1 ,N2 } . + C2 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ,
zss zss
X s
Similarly R̂2 (s, η) = B2 (s)Q1 (η) + D(s)R2 (s, η) + C2 (s, η)S(η)
* Z s Z η
x + C1 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ + C2 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ
Γ1 = P{U1 ,V1 ,V2 ,Y,W1 ,W2 } ,
zss a s
Z b
x + C2 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ.
P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } P{I,0,0,0,G1 ,G2 } . η
* Proof. Suppose
x ∗
= , P{U (B.6) x
zss 1 ,V1 ,V2 ,Y,W1 ,W2 }
P{A,B1 ,B2 ,D,C1 ,C2 } P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } 1 (s)
x x
P{P,Q,Q⊤ ,S,R1 ,R2 } P{I,0,0,0,G1 ,G2 }
. = P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 } 1 (s)
* + Let
x ∗ x
= , P{K,L 1 ,L2 ,M,N1 ,N2 } z P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } 1 (s) =
zss ss x2 y2 (s)
Now, using the adjoint operation of the operators, we Rb
where y1 = P x1 + a Q1 (s)x2 (s)ds and y2 (s) = Q2 (s)x1 +
obtain* Rs Rb
+ S(s)x2 (s) + a R1 (s, η)x2 (η)dη + s R2 (s, η)x2 (η)dη.
x x
, P{K,L1 ,L2 ,M,N1 ,N2 } Then,
zss zss
* + x1
x x P{A,B1 ,B2 ,D,C1 ,C2 } P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
+ ∗
, P{K,L (B.7) x2
zss 1 ,L2 ,M,N1 ,N2 } z
X y1 z1
* + = P{A,B1 ,B2 ,D,C1 ,C2 } (s) =
x x y2 z2 (s)
= , P{K̂,L̂,L̂⊤ ,M̂ ,N̂1 ,N̂2 } . Rb
zss zss where z1 = Ay1 + a B1 (s)y2 (s)ds and z2 (s) = B2 (s)y1 +
X Rs Rb
with D(s)y2 (s) + a C1 (s, η)y2 (η)dη + s C2 (s, η)y2 (η)dη.
Finding the composition is a straight-forward algebraic ∗
= P{P,Q x, y , (D.1)
1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
operation. We do this by expanding each term separately. Rm ×Ln
2 [a,b]
Firstly, ∗
where, P{P,Q = P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 } with
Z b Z b 1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 }
B1 (s)y2 (s)ds = B1 (s) Q2 (s)x1 + S(s)x2 (s) P̂ = P ⊤ , Ŝ(s) = S ⊤ (s),
a a
Z s Z b Q̂1 (s) = Q⊤
2 (s), R̂1 (s, η) = R2⊤ (η, s),
+ R1 (s, η)x2 (η)dη + R2 (s, η)x2 (η)dη ds. Q̂2 (s) = Q⊤ R̂2 (s, η) = R1⊤ (η, s).
a s 1 (s), (D.2)
Seperating the terms involving x1 and x2 (s), we obtain Proof. We use the fact
Z b ! Z b that for any scalar
a we have
⊤ x1 y1
z1 = AP + B1 (s)Q2 (s) x1 + Q̂1 (s)x2 (s)ds a = a . Let x = and y = .
x2 (s) y2 (s)
a a
| {z } Then
P̂ D E
x, P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } y
where Rm ×Ln
Z b Z b Z b
Q̂1 (s) = AQ1 (s) + B1 (s)S(s) + B1 (η)R1 (η, s)dη = x⊤1 P y1 + x⊤1 Q1 (s)y2 (s)ds + y2⊤ (s)Q2 (s)x1 ds
Z s s a a
Z b Z bZ s
+ B1 (η)R2 (η, s)dη + x2 (s)⊤ S(s)y2 (s)ds + x⊤2 (s)R1 (s, η)y2 (η)dηds
a a a a
Z bZ b
Next, we expand the terms of z2 (s) and specifically collect + x⊤2 (s)R2 (s, η)y2 (η)dηds
the terms having x1 . We obtain a s
Z b Z b
Z s
= y1⊤ P ⊤ x1 + x⊤ ⊤
1 Q2 (s)y2 (s)ds + y2 (s)Q⊤ 1 (s)x1 ds
B2 (s)P + D(s)Q2 (s) + C1 (s, η)Q2 (η)dη x1 a a
a Z b Z bZ s
= Q̂2 (s)x1 + y2⊤ (s)S ⊤ (s)x2 (s)ds + y2⊤ (s)R2⊤ (η, s)x2 (η)dηds
a a a
Next, grouping the terms having x2 (s) we obtain Z bZ b
+ y2⊤ (s)R1⊤ (η, s)x2 (η)dηds
D(s)S(s)x2 (s) = Ŝ(s)x2 (s). a s
Z b Z b
Similarly, we can group the terms involving x2 (θ) as = y1 P̂ x1 + x⊤1 Q̂1 (s)y2 (s)ds + y2⊤ (s)Q̂2 (s)x1 ds
Z s a a
Z b Z bZ s
B2 (s)Q1 (η) + D(s)R1 (s, η) + C1 (s, η)S(η) + y2⊤ (s)Ŝ(s)x2 (s)ds + y2⊤ (s)R̂1 (s, η)x2 (η)dηds
a a a a
Z s Z η
Z bZ b
+ C1 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ + C1 (s, θ)R2 (θ, η)dθ + y2⊤ (s)R̂2 (s, η)x2 (η)dηds
a s
η a D E
Z b = P{P̂ ,Q̂1 ,Q̂2 ,Ŝ,R̂1 ,R̂2 } x, y
Rm ×Ln [a,b]
+ C2 (s, θ)R1 (θ, η)dθ x2 (η)dη D E 2
s = P{P,Q1 ,Q2 ,S,R1 ,R2 } x, y n
Z s Rm ×L2 [a,b]