Lab Report
Lab Report
Theoretical background
Boolean expression can be simplified or manipulated. Table below shows all the basic laws of
Boolean algebra. It helps to manipulate logic equations.
A Karnaugh map provides a pictorial method of grouping together expressions with common
factors and therefore eliminating unwanted variables. The Karnaugh map can also be described
as a special arrangement of a truth table
1. Simplify the equation
2. Fill truth table to represent the equation
3. Represent it on Karnaugh map
4. Simulate the equation on Proteus
5. Represent the equation on a bread board
When Proteus was used to represent the above design, the following circuit was obtained.
When the inputs which in this case are zeros and ones were changed to match decimal zero to sixteen,
the LEDs went on at different inputs as shown in the table above where Y is the output
Using the gates and inverters provided, the equation representation was done on the bread board. The
following figures show the circuit of the gates.
When the LEDs in Proteus were on, the output was one and when they were off, The output was zero.
Different inputs gave different outputs. This is shown in the truth table.