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Understanding Stuck Messages (Addendum) : Paul O'Donnell and Ty Shrake

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IBM Software Group

Understanding Stuck Messages


Paul O’Donnell and

Ty Shrake

WebSphere® Support Technical Exchange

IBM Software Group

 Introduction
 Overview of Message Flow
 Message Producers and Consumers
 Message Driven Bean Basics
 MDB Transactionality
 How Message Driven Beans Work
 Resource Adapters
 Inside onMessage()
 Message Accumulation
 Identifying the Problem
 Resolving the Problem
 Javacores
 Message States
 Summary

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Messages “stuck” on a destination is one of the most common
problems customers encounter in messaging systems. In most
cases this results in messaging stacking up or accumulating on a
destination and a failure to process business data. This presentation
will explain why message accumulation occurs and how to
troubleshoot this type of problem.

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Overview of Message Flow

When messages are stuck on a queue it is important to have a basic understanding of
message flow in your environment. In 99% of all cases the message flow is very similar
to the flow shown below:

Application Server

JMS Provider EJB Container

JMS Message
Message Send Consume Driven
Producer Bean

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Message Producers and Consumers

Messages are created in Producer applications. Once the message is created the
application sends the message to a destination. This process usually works fine and
is rarely problematic.

Most problems with messages involve the message Consumer application, which is
supposed to ‘consume’ (remove) the message from the destination and process the
business data in the message. Most investigations into message ‘stuck’ on a
queue/destination should start with the Consumer application, not the Producer. In
Websphere Application Server message consumers are almost always Message
Driven Beans.

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Message Driven Bean Basics

When investigating messages that are stuck on a queue or are accumulating on a queue it helps
a great deal if you understand what Message Driven Beans are and how they work.

A Message Driven Bean (MDB) is a special case of an Enterprise Driven Bean (EJB). There
are 3 types of EJBs: Session Beans, Entity Beans and Message Driven beans.

 Session Beans: Session beans are Java applications that service a single client. There are 2
kinds of Session beans: Stateless and Stateful.

 Entity Beans: An entity bean is simply a representation of a thing, such as a book or CD.

 Message Driven Bean: A Message Driven Bean (MDB) is a special case of EJB. It is usually a
fairly small application whose purpose is to receive (consume) messages from a messaging

Note: All EJBs run inside the EJB Container. The container manages each bean and ensures
the bean can access the services provided by the application server environment.

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Message Driven Bean Basics

An MDB is an application whose purpose is to receive (consume) messages from a
messaging system.

Once the MDB consumes the message it will perform a small amount of work on the message
and then pass the message data to a larger application (like a Session bean that performs the
heavy duty work, such as storing the message data in a database, etc...) MDBs are specifically
designed to take the messaging load off of larger applications that are busy with business logic,
database updates, order confirmation, etc... And to simplify the coding of consumer applications.

Important Features of MDBs:

1. MDBs do not need any connection code to consume messages.

2. All MDBs have a method named onMessage().
3. MDBs run inside an EJB Container

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Message Driven Bean Basics

Most developers use Eclipse to create MDBs for WAS. Many times they use Rational Application
Developer (RAD), which includes Eclipse and WAS.

When you create an MDB there are 2 basic parts:

 onMessage() method. This is the method (code) that will process the message that is passed to
the bean. Many times this code will call other beans.

 The Deployment Descriptor (DD). The DD is an XML file named ejb-jar.xml. This is the main
configuration file for the MDB and holds various properties and behaviors for the MDB.

After you create your MDB you must deploy it (install it) into WAS. Once deployed the EJB
Container will use the ejb-jar.xml file to associate (bind) the MDB to the correct JMS resources.

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MDB Transactionality
The Deployment Descriptor of an MDB (ejb-jar.xml) holds important information about how the
bean behaves and what resources it will use. One of the items in the DD is the transactionality
the bean will use. There are 2 basic options:

1. Container Managed – This means that each message consumed by the MDB will be part of a
transaction created and managed by the EJB container. This is the best option to use.

2. Component or Bean Managed - This means that the MDB itself is responsible for any
transactions. This option should generally be avoided.

This is worth knowing because the State of a message on a destination is often determined by
these choices.

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How Message Driven Beans Work

When we talk about Message Driven Beans we often say that they “consume messages”. This
is true but the situation is a bit more complex than this.

When discussing MDB message consumption we must break the process down into 3 parts:
The Destination, the Resource Adapter and the MDB. MDBs do not have any connection code
in them the way normal, standalone JMS applications do. Instead, a Resource Adapter
connects to a destination on behalf of the MDB. The Resource Adapter listens on the queue
for messages and, when a message arrives, it passes it to the MDB. When a message
arrives on a destination the Resource Adapter gets a copy of the message from the destination
and then calls the onMessage() method of the MDB. The onMessage() method takes a
Message object as an argument (onMessage(message)). In other words, the Resource Adapter
delivers the message to the MDB. So when we talk about MDB message consumption what
we are really talking about is message delivery to an MDB. More on Resource Adapters

As noted before, once the MDB has the message it usually extracts the data (payload) and then
passes the data to another bean for processing.

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Resource Adapters
A Resource Adapter (RA) is a program that connects to a JMS destination, listens for
messages arriving on that destination, and then passes the messages to the onMessage()
method of the MDB using that RA.

The RA is configured by an Activation Specification (AS). The AS is just a configuration object

that tells the RA what destination to connect to and how to manage message delivery to the
MDB. The AS is stored in JNDI. When the Resource Adapter starts it reads the AS connection
information and uses that to actually connect to the destination.
EJB Container
JMS Provider
Resource Adapter onMessage( )

The Resource Adapter gets the Activation

Specification definition from JNDI and then uses that
Specification JNDI
to connect to the correct destination. The AS also
configures the message delivery options in the RA .

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Inside onMessage()
MDB’s that consume JMS messages have a method named onMessage() in their code. There
are other methods as well (beyond the scope of this education) but onMessage(0 is the only
method we are concerned with. The onMessage() method takes a Message object as its
argument, as follows:


In the MDB code the basic onMessage() method looks like this:

public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) {

Your business code goes here…

} //end onMessage()

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Inside onMessage()
The code inside the onMessage() method processes the message data. In most cases the data
inside the message goes through a little processing and then other business objects (EJBs) are
called for additional processing. For example…
Which calls into
another EJB
MDB may call
into another EJB EJB 1 EJB 2

onMessage() {
All of this code must execute Which calls into a
Your code completely before the next database that returns a
message can be delivered to result back up the
} the MDB chain of calls

MDB may call

directly into a Database Database
database and get a
result returned

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Inside onMessage()
It is crucial to understand that once the code inside of onMessage() is executing the thread the
MDB is running on is owned by that code. We are outside of SIB code at this point. When the
message data is passed from the MDB to a database or another EJB or anything else all of that
code must successfully execute and return (complete). Once all of that code completes then,
and only then, will the onMessage() method return (complete). It is not possible to deliver
another message to the MDB until onMessage() returns. If there are any problems anywhere in
the chain of code then onMessage() may not return. If onMessage does not return, or takes a
long time to return, then messages might accumulate on the destination the MDB consumes
messages from.

Also note that if a problem occurs it may not be the MDB itself, it might be a problem in an
EJB that was called, or a database issue.

As we’ll see later in this presentation, Javacores can reveal if an MDB is having trouble
processing a message.

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Message Accumulation
Now that we know that an MDB has messages delivered to it by a Resource Adapter. And we
also know that once the message is delivered to the MDB the MDB owns the message and the
thread and that all processing inside of onMessage(), and anywhere called from inside of
onMessage(), must complete before a new message can be delivered to the MDB. In a perfect
system each message that arrives on the destination will be instantly consumed by an MDB.
The message will be delivered to the MDB, the MDB will process the message and then return
control back to the EJB Container, allowing the next message to be delivered. This usually
happens in a matter of milliseconds.

But what if messages start to accumulate or stack up on the queue? This is usually the first
hint to a customer that something isn’t working correctly. There are generally 2 causes of
message accumulation:

1. Message consumption by the MDB is slower than message production to the destination. In
other words, messages are sent to the destination faster than they can be removed by the
MDB. Alternatively the MDB may not be running at all.

2. The MDB is having trouble processing a message and is effectively stopped.

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Identifying the Problem

In order to determine which of these 2 conditions is happening you must first view the messages
on the destination. You can do this in the WAS Administration Console by navigating as follows:

Service Integration > Buses > YOUR_BUS > Messaging engines >
YOUR_MESSAGING_ENGINE > Queue points > YOUR_QUEUE_POINT (Runtime tab) >

Here you will find the list of messages currently on the queue (destination) you are interested in.
Ideally there should be zero or nearly zero messages on the destination. Notice there are several
columns displayed for each message. Message State is the most important column. The most
common states are:

 Available
 Removing
 Locked
 Unlocked

There are other states as well that will be discussed at the end of this presentation.

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Identifying the Problem

When you have messages stuck on a destination the most important things to observe are:

 The first message at the top of the queue

 The value in the State column
 The value in the Transaction ID column (blank or non-blank)

JMS messaging is First In, First Out, (FIFO) which means that the message displayed at the top
of the message list is the next message to be consumed. In many cases this message will show
some non-Aveilable state while all other messages below it show Available. Focus on the top

The State column will show the current state of the message. Ideally this state should only last a
few milliseconds. When messages show the same state over a long period of time it indicates a
problem with the message consumer application (MDB).

There may or may not be a transaction ID (some consumers are transacted, some are not). The
important point is that of a message is transacted and is stuck you may be able to manually roll
back the transaction. It is unlikely that you will be able to manually commit it.

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Identifying the Problem

In this example notice that the messages have a State of Available and there is no Transaction
ID. This means the messages are available to be delivered to an MDB. If the list of messages
changes over time then the message ARE being delivered. If the list does not change then it’s
likely there is a problem with the MDB itself.

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Identifying the Problem

If the list is constantly changing (messages are being delivered to an MDB) but the list continues
to grow in size (the total number of messages on the destination is increasing) then this
indicates that messages are arriving on the destination faster than they can be removed. This
can often be corrected by increasing the Maximum concurrent MDB invocations per
endpoint in the Activation Specification used by the MDB. The default value is 10.

Note: Changing this value will require a restart of your messaging cluster.

This means that up to 10 instances (copies) of the same MDB can run simultaneously. While 1
instance of the MDB is busy processing a message one another instances can consume the
next message. This can greatly increase the rate of message consumption. Each MDB instance
runs on a different thread. Using more than 1 MDB instance is sometimes called MDB

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Identifying the Problem

If the messages on the destination are not moving, in other words the same messages remain on
the queue for long periods of time, then either the MDB is not running or it is running but has
stopped processing messages.

1. If the MDB is not Started the messages will show a State of Available. The current status of
the MDB can be checked in the WAS Administration Console here:

Applications > Application types > Websphere enterprise applications > YOUR_MDB

Check the Application Status column. If the MDB is not Started try manually starting it from
this console panel.

2. If the MDB is Started then check the State of the messages on the destination.

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Identifying the Problem

Many times, when an MDB is Started but messages are not being consumed from the
destination, the list of messages will show at least 1 message in a Removing state and it will
have a Transaction ID, as follows:

This means that the message is currently being removed from the destination under a transaction
that hasn’t completed. This often indicates a problem with the MDB.

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Identifying the Problem

Sometimes the list of messages will show at least 1 message in a Locked state with no
Transaction ID, as follows:

This message is most likely being consumed by a non-transacted MDB. If this message stays
in this state for a long period the MDB is the most likely cause.

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Resolving the Problem

The following slides will discuss solving stuck messages in 6 common scenarios:

 Messages are Available but moving slowly

 Messages are Available and not moving

 Messages are in a Removing state with Transaction ID but moving slowly

 Messages are in a Removing state with Transaction ID but not moving

 Messages are in a Locked state with no Transaction ID but moving slowly

 Messages are in a Locked state with no Transaction ID but not moving
 Messages are in a Locked state with Transaction ID but moving slowly

 Messages are in an Unlocked state with no Transaction ID but not moving

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are Available but moving slowly:

Interpretation: Messages are being consumed by the MDB but at a slow rate.

Possible Solution:

 Try increasing Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Check MDB performance by adding timestamps to the MDB source code or gather 3
Javacores at about 30 second intervals to see where the MDB is spending time.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are Available and not moving:

Interpretation: The MDB may not be started.

Possible Solution:

 Check the state of your MDB and make sure it is in a Started state.
 Manually stop and restart your MDB
 If the procedure above does not work and the MDB is Stared, gather 3 Javacores against
the PID of the server hosting the MDB.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in a Removing state with Transaction ID but moving

Interpretation: Messages are being consumed by the MDB but at a slow rate.

Possible Solution:

 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 Check MDB performance by adding timestamps to the MDB source code or gather 3
Javacores at about 30 second intervals to see where the MDB is spending time.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in a Removing state with Transaction ID but not moving:

Interpretation: Messages are being consumed by the MDB but at a slow rate.

Possible Solution:

 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 Check the state of the transaction and try to manually complete the transaction by
navigating in the WAS Administration Console as follows:

Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [Content
pane] server_name > [Container Settings] Container Services >
Transaction Service > Runtime > Manual transactions - Review

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Resolving the Problem

To list the resources used by a transaction, click the transaction local ID in the list displayed.

To act on one or more of the transactions listed, select the check boxes next to the transactions
that you want to act on, then use the buttons provided. You can either manually Commit or
Rollback the transaction.

 If the procedure above does not work gather 3 Javacores, at 1 minute intervals, against
the PID of the server hosting the MDB.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in a Locked state with no Transaction ID but moving

Interpretation: Messages are being consumed by the MDB but at a slow rate.

Possible Solution:

 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 If the procedures above do not work gather 3 Javacores against the PID of the server
hosting the MDB.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in a Locked state with no Transaction ID but not moving:


 The message has been passed to a consumer, and that consumer has not yet completed.
 The message has been passed to a consumer, and that consumer has completed but we
haven't tried to remove the message yet.
 The message has been passed over the network to a client application pre-emptively (up
to 1 per client with read-ahead disabled, and many more if read-ahead is enabled) - the
client has not yet consumed it.

Possible Solution:

 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 If the procedures above do not work gather 3 Javacores against the PID of the server
hosting the MDB.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in a Locked state with Transaction ID but moving slowly:


 An application has consumed the message with a transaction, and is performing some
processing that is taking a long time to complete (or it may have deadlocked).
 A transaction has become in-doubt (one of the resources managers failed during the
prepare phase or between prepare and commit), and the transaction manager has not
been yet able to contact the messaging engine and tell it whether to commit/rollback the

Possible Solution:

 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 18)

 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 If the procedures above do not work gather 3 Javacores against the PID of the server
hosting the MDB.

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Resolving the Problem

 Messages are in an UnLocked state with no Transaction ID but not


 No thread is listening for messages on this destination.

 The match criteria of all the consumers for this destination do not match the message.
 All consumers for this destination are pointing at a different partition of the destination in a
WLM environment.
 All consumers are maxed out processing messages and can't accept new ones (this would
normally happened when we have a mix of locked and unlocked messages).

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Resolving the Problem

Possible Solution:

 Make sure the Activation Specification for the MDB is configured correctly
 Increase Maximum MDB Concurrency (see slide 19)
 Manually stop and restart the MDB
 If the procedures above do not work gather 3 Javacores against the PID of the server
hosting the MDB.

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In situations where messages are not moving off of a destination (customer often describe them
as being “stuck” on the queue) it is usually a good idea to gather Javacores. Javacores are a
‘snapshot’ of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that show what each thread in the JVM is doing.
For stuck messages Javacores should be gathered against the JVM running the MDB. A
sequence of 3 javacores, about 1 minute apart, should be gathered. On Unix systems the basic
command to gather a Javacore is:

kill -3 PID

More detailed instructions can be found here:



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A good tool for reading Javacores is the IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java. You
can find it here:


When you use this tool, and you suspect that an MDB may be hung or unresponsive, you will be
looking for a thread that has onMessage() in the call stack. The following example shows that
after a message is delivered to onMessage() the MDB becomes unresponsive because it is
waiting on a database. This is a typical example of why messages get stuck (and accumulate) on
a destination. If the MDB has to wait forever on the database no new messages can be delivered
to the bean. In the example the important highlights are in red. The slide after that will walk you
through the analysis of this call stack.

The pattern you are looking for is this: A thread that shows the onMessage() method is stuck
in exactly the same spot in all 3 javacores. That almost always means the MDB is hung.

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"Default : 0" (TID:0x000000001A774400, sys_thread_t:0x0000000019544630, state:B, native ID:0x0000000000003566) prio=5

22 at com/company3/common/jdbc/SimpleDataSource.popConnection(SimpleDataSource.java:566(Compiled Code)) < HANG
21 at com/company3/common/jdbc/SimpleDataSource.getConnection(SimpleDataSource.java:222)
20 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/transaction/jdbc/JdbcTransaction.init(JdbcTransaction.java:48)
19 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/transaction/jdbc/JdbcTransaction.getConnection(JdbcTransaction.java:89(Compiled Code))
18 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/mapping/statement/MappedStatement.executeQueryForObject(MappedStatement.java:120)
17 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/impl/SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForObject(SqlMapExecutorDelegate.java:518)
16 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/impl/SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForObject(SqlMapExecutorDelegate.java:493)
15 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/impl/SqlMapSessionImpl.queryForObject(SqlMapSessionImpl.java:106)
14 at com/company3/sqlmap/ernie/impl/SqlMapClientImpl.queryForObject(SqlMapClientImpl.java:82)
13 at com/company1/foo/data/service/impl/company3/company2DataServiceImpl.upsertServiceRequestStatus(Bytecode PC:120)
12 at com/company1/foo/services/messaging/tasks/company2/company2SrTask.refreshSR(Bytecode PC:127)
11 at com/company1/foo/services/messaging/tasks/company2/company2SrTask.doWork(Bytecode PC:292)
10 at com/company1/foo/services/messaging/service/XmlTextMessageService.onMessage(Bytecode PC:121)
9 at com/company1/foo/services/messaging/ejb/TheConsumerBean.onMessage(Bytecode PC:108) <<< Enter onMessage() !!!
8 at com/ibm/ejs/container/MessageEndpointHandler.invokeMdbMethod(MessageEndpointHandler.java:1014(Compiled Code))
7 at com/ibm/ejs/container/MessageEndpointHandler.invoke(MessageEndpointHandler.java:747(Compiled Code))
6 at $Proxy7.onMessage(Bytecode PC:18)
5 at com/ibm/ws/sib/api/jmsra/impl/JmsJcaEndpointInvokerImpl.invokeEndpoint(JmsJcaEndpointInvokerImpl.java:201)
4 at com/ibm/ws/sib/ra/inbound/impl/SibRaDispatcher.dispatch(SibRaDispatcher.java:768(Compiled Code))
3 at com/ibm/ws/sib/ra/inbound/impl/SibRaSingleProcessListener$SibRaWork.run(SibRaSingleProcessListener.java:584)
2 at com/ibm/ejs/j2c/work/WorkProxy.run(WorkProxy.java:419(Compiled Code))
1 at com/ibm/ws/util/ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1473(Compiled Code))

Read from bottom to top!

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Javacore Analysis:

We start from the bottom and read up:

 On line 4 notice the SibRaDispatcher. This is the SIB Resource Adapter.

 On line 6 we see the first mention of onMessage().
 On lines 7 and 8 we see the EJB Container prepare to call onMessage() of the customer MDB.
 On line 9 we see that onMessage() is called. The method is in a customer class (MDB) named
TheConsumerBean. We are now in customer code!
 Notice that from lines 10 to 13 the package name is “com/company1” and we are no longer in “com/ibm”
code. This means we are now in code from the company1 company (company1.com).
 Notice from lines 14-22 the package name is “com/company3”. This again is not IBM code.
 Notice that on line 19 “jdbc” appears in the call stack. JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity.
This means the customer code is now connecting to a database.
 In line 22 the code is now in popConnection() , which is non-IBM code. This is where the hang occurs.

If at least one other javacore shows this same thread in the exact same code (if they show
exactly the same stack with popConnection() at the top), this MDB (TheConsumerBean) likely
isn’t consuming messages. The MDB is hung in popConnection() (at the top of the call stack). The
MDB is probably waiting for a response from the database, so interaction with the database, not the
MDB, is the real problem. The connection to the database should be investigated.

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Message States
The following is a list of ALL possible message states, although the states we have already
discussed are the most common. The most common states are in red.

 Available The message is available for consumption.

 Locked The message is currently unavailable. The message is in this state temporarily, possibly
because it is being consumed by a non-transacted consumer.

 Unlocked There is no message listener running. The match criteria of all the consumers for this
destination do not match the message. All consumers for this destination are pointing at a
different partition of the destination in a WLM environment. All consumers are maxed out
processing messages and can't accept new ones (this would normally happened when we have
a mix of locked and unlocked messages).

 Remote lock The message is currently locked to a consumer attached to another, remote,
messaging engine in the bus. The message will remain locked until the remote messaging
engine responds with a decision on the message. If the remote messaging engine is stopped, the
message will remain locked until the messaging engine is restarted. A corresponding message
request for a "known remote queue point" will identify the remote messaging engine that is
making the request.

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Message States
 Removing The message is currently being removed under a transaction. The message will be in
this state until the transaction commits or rolls back. If this state persists, investigate the state of
the transaction identified by Transaction ID.

 Committing The message is currently being added under a transaction. The message will be in
this state until the transaction commits or rolls back. If this state persists, investigate the state of
the transaction identified by Transaction ID.

 Pending retry The message is currently unavailable before being eligible for a retry. This might
be because a message-driven bean is configured to delay failing message retries.

 Blocked This message is currently unavailable because the message point is blocked by the first
message on the queue. The first message has reached its maximum failed delivery limit but no
exception destination is configured. Identify the first message and resolve the problem that is
preventing it from being consumed.

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Message States
One additional, though rare, message state that you may see is Pending acknowledgement.
This state can occur on a Remote Publication Point when a message is sent between 2
Messaging Engines. This state means that the sending Messaging Engine is waiting on the
receiving Messaging Engine for acknowledgement that the message was received.

If this state occurs make sure all messaging engines are Started and operating correctly. If
necessary you may be able to solve the problem by stopping and restarting the Messaging
Engines, one at a time, in the messaging cluster.

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This presentation is designed to help you understand and investigate why messages are stuck or
accumulating on a destination. A basic understanding of how MDBs work was presented,
including an overview of onMessage() and the importance of understanding what onMessage()
does. This was followed by a discussion of message states and how to interpret them.

Lastly, Javacores and their importance was discussed, including an example that shows a typical
hung MDB scenario and how to interpret the call stack.

It is hoped that this presentation will help you deal with stuck messages in the future!

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