Itemi de Evaluare Limba Engleza Clasa A IX-a Sem. Al II - Lea

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Itemi de evaluare

Limba Engleza
Clasa a IX-a
Sem. al II - lea

I. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs given in brackets:

1. I ……………….. English last week. (to speak)

2. We ……………….. our parents yesterday. (to help)
3. The boys …………………… rugby last Saturday. (to play)
4. You ……………….. a long letter last week. (to write)
5. I …………………. A good cake yesterday. (to eat)
6. The children ………………… at the cinema last Friday. (to laugh)
7. We ……………….. at eight o’clock last Sunday. (to get up)
8. I ………………. In the sea last summer. (to swim)
9. You ………………. your new dress yesterday afternoon. (to wear)
10. The teacher………… us a new song yesterday. (to teach)
11. The girls ………………… all the questions last time. (to answer)
12. I ………………….. my old friend last Tuesday. (to meet)
13. You ……………….. the name of this man at last. ( to remember)
14. The pupils …………………….. this museum last month. (to visit)
15. We …………………. our dog in the forest last Sunday. ( to lose)
16. The boy on duty …………………. The blackboard yesterday. (to clean)
17. The kid ……………….. another toy. (to choose)
18. I ………………. A long poem last Wednesday. (to recite)
19. You ………………. Very good apples then. (to buy)
20. Father ………………….. a big fish last week. ( to catch)

II. Turn into Indirect Speech:

1. “ I am very tired today,” said John.

2. “ We have a large garden,” the children explained.
3. “ We are good at English, “ the girls told me.
4. “ My mother has a new blouse, “ Tom explained.
5. “ I live in a new flat, “ I told her.
6. “ We don’t work on a farm, “ the women explained.
7. “ She doesn’t speak English very well, “ Peter let me know.
8. “ I am not fond of tennis, “ Paul told his friend.
III. Translate into English:

1. Am cunoscut-o pe verişoara ta în 1988.

2. Când Peter era tânăr, alerga timp de o jumătate de oră în fiecare dimineaţă.
3. Când l-ai văzut ultima dată?
4. Am înţeles atunci cât de mult îşi iubea fratele.
5. E timpul ca ei să cunoască adevărul.
6. Aş fi de părere să te duci acolo cât mai curând posibil.
7. Mary recită poazii ca şi cum ar fi o mare artistă.
8. Ce oraş ai vizitat anul trecut?
9. De-aş şti adresa lui acum!
10. Aş dori să înţelegieţi această situaţie.

IV. Use the Past Tense Simple or the Past Tense Continuous of the verbs given in brackets according to
the meaning:

1. I ( to go) .................... to school yesterday when I ( to see) .................. a house on fire.

2. He ( to meet) ........................ her as he ( to cross) .......................the bridge.
3. The mouse ( to hide) .........................while the cat ( to watch) .............................. .
4. I ( to tell) ............................... him he should not read while he ( to eat) ........................ .
5. He ( to run) ........................ in the street when he (to fall) and ( to break) ...................... his leg.
6. She ( not to like) .............................. to play while others ( to work) ............................ .
7. When I ( to get up) ....................... this morning it ( to be) ................ so late that the sun
(to shine) ....................... high in the sky.

8. I ( to feel) ....................... ill when you ( to come) ........................... to see me, but I ( to feel)
..................... better when you ( to leave) ............................... .
9. He ( not to see) ............................ me as he ( to read) ...................... a book when I ( to come)
................................. into the room.
10. I ( to shout) ......................... to him to stop, but at the moment he ( to run) ............................... too
fast to hear.

V. Supply the correct present tense and explain your choice:

1. My cousins (to work) very hard: Thomas (to study) for an exam and Lucy (to practise) the piano for
the first concert.
2. „What your father (to read) when he is on holiday?” . „He (to read) detective stories, but now he (to
read) a science-fiction book.”
3. The pupils (to understand) now the use of the two present tenses?
4. As soon as Mary (to find) Michael’s address, she will write a long letter to him.
5. Everybody (to know) that the Danube (to flow) into the Black Sea.
6. You can’t talk to Jimmy now. He just (to see) some specialists at the moment.
7. Grandmother (to cook) in the kitchen now; she always (to cook) in the afternoons.
8. Four times twenty (to equal) eighty.
9. Look out! Something (to burn) over there!
10. The teacher generally (to sing) in English, but today she (to sing) in French.
11. That little boy who (to walk) past our gate (to live) next door.
12. We (to spend) this weekend in the mountains. We (to go) to the mountains nearly every week.
13. You always (to forget) where your keys are!
14. My aunt (to wear) that large hat because the sun (to shine) brightly today.
15. Trains (to travel) from Suceava to Bucharest in about 6 hours.

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