Influences On Quine

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W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F.

Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Willard Van Orman Quine's Philosophical Development in the 1930s and 1940s
Frederique Janssen-Lauret

Published in The Significance of the New Logic: A Translation of Quine's O Sentido da Nova Lógica (ed. and
tr. W. Carnielli, F. Janssen-Lauret, and W. Pickering), Cambridge University Press (2018), pp. xiv-xlvii.

1. History of Analytic Philosophy and Early Quine's Place Within It

W.V. Quine (1908-2000), pioneer of mathematical logic, champion of naturalism in philosophy of science
and epistemology, atheist, materialist, unifier of an austere physicalism with the truth of logic and
mathematics, globetrotter, polyglot, Harvard stalwart and celebrated naval officer, was both an establishment
figure and a free-thinking radical. Quine's life began shortly after the emergence of analytic philosophy. He
was soon to become one of its towering figures. Taught by A.N. Whitehead, interlocutor to Rudolf Carnap,
Alfred Tarski, and Ruth Barcan Marcus, teacher of Donald Davidson and David Lewis, Quine was at the
scene of the development of modern set theory, logical positivism, modal logic, truth-conditional semantics,
and the metaphysics of possible worlds. Hardly a significant new movement in analytic philosophy passed
him by. Yet Quine's relationship to many of these movements is surprisingly ill-understood. Everyone knows
that the logical positivists, including Quine's mentor Carnap, sought to place truth and meaning on a proper
scientific footing by countenancing only a priori analytic and a posteriori empirically testable statements as
properly significant. Quine, initially a devoted Carnap acolyte, soon developed reservations about the
dichotomy between analytic truth by definition and empirically testable synthetic truth. All scientific truths,
he famously argued in 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' (Quine 1951), rely upon both at once, and both are
revisable under sufficient theoretical pressure. Quine's rejection of the analytic-synthetic distinction was once
viewed as revolutionising philosophy of science and logic. But, strangely, these days Quine himself is
commonly portrayed as a flat-footed positivist, a deflationist, a behaviourist, an anti-metaphysician, whose
objections to modal logic turn on superficial scope errors.1 He has been a victim of his own success, his
smooth prose distilled into catchy slogans – 'the web of belief', 'the myth of the museum', 'to be is to be the
value of a variable', 'no entity without identity', 'gavagai!' – liable to be misunderstood out of context. A
highly original thinker who set himself against common analytic ways of speaking and thinking, Quine is
easily misread because his oeuvre is vast, systematic, and largely unconstrained by many of the conceptual
categories laid down by other analytic philosophers. To remedy misconceptions about him caused by out of
context readings of his work, we must consider Quine's writings and influences from a historical point of
view, extending the boundaries of the history of analytic philosophy to include the mid to late decades of the
20th century.

For such portrayals of Quine, see for instance Price 2009, p. 325-326, Shaffer 2009, pp. 348-361, Tahko 2011, p. 28.
For rebuttals of these, see Janssen-Lauret 2015, pp. 151-154 and Janssen-Lauret 2017, pp. 250-255.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Most research on analytic philosophy to date has concentrated on the early period, nearly all of it
centred around Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein, occasionally including Carnap and the Vienna Circle.
Recently some historians have ventured into scholarly work on Quine, especially on the early evolution of
his position on analyticity (e.g. Creath 1990, Ben-Menahem 2005, Mancosu 2005, Hylton 2007, Ebbs 2011).
Quine's previously unpublished lectures and records of his conversations with Tarski and Carnap, revealing
the development of his views in the forties, have begun to come out posthumously (Zimmerman 2008, D.
Quine and Føllesdal (eds.) 2008, Frost-Arnold 2013). But one significant text has remained entirely
unexplored. No one to date has paid any heed to Quine's fourth book on logic and its philosophy, a book
written with great urgency as he prepared to bid farewell to logic and philosophy whilst readying himself for
war in 1942, a book which he presented in a letter to Carnap as a major turning point (Quine 1990, p. 299).
How did it come about that none of those meticulous Quine scholars have cited, or even read, this
book? Because Quine wrote it in Portuguese, under the title O Sentido da Nova Lógica, during a visiting
professorship at the University of São Paulo. Anglophone philosophers have so far neglected it because they
could not read it. An English translation never appeared, apart from a few sections translated by Quine
himself, published in the Journal of Philosophy in 1943 as 'Notes on Existence and Necessity'. Although
generations of Brazilian logicians grew up with O Sentido da Nova Lógica (da Costa 1997, p. 688), and
Mario Bunge translated the book into Spanish (Quine 1958), Quine modestly declined to translate it into
English, claiming that the insights it contained had been supplanted by later, better worked out versions
(Quine 1997, p. 8). For contemporary philosophers and historians of analytic philosophy, by contrast, such
gradual shifts and their contribution to the development of Quine's mature views are part of the fascination
the book holds. A full English translation of it is now finally seeing the light of day. Walter Carnielli,
William Pickering, and I have jointly translated the book, which appears in this volume under the title The
Significance of the New Logic. In this accompanying paper I will draw out the main philosophical
contributions Quine made in the book, placing them in their historical context and relating them to Quine's
overall philosophical development during the period.
The 1930s and '40s were a time of great intellectual upheaval in the field of logic and its philosophy.
What Quine calls 'the new logic' in the title of this book – modern mathematical logic rather than the old
Aristotelian paradigm – was gaining momentum throughout Europe and the United States, being put to use in
a variety of different ways by analytic philosophers, mathematical logicians, pragmatists, logical positivists,
and the Polish School in their attempts to make sense of contemporary developments in science and
mathematics. Among the applications Quine mentions in the Introduction to this book are transfinite
mathematics, the logicist project, the incompleteness of arithmetic, proof theory, solutions to the set-theoretic
and semantic paradoxes, formal theories of truth, and new approaches to ontology. Quine had come to Brazil
to introduce these methods and their applications to philosophers and scientists there, for whom this was
entirely new territory.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Though written as a logic textbook, The Significance of the New Logic also contains intriguing
philosophical material. It is known, for example, for the first appearances of Quine's doctrine of pure vs.
impure designation – including his famous example of the impurely designative occurrence of 'Giorgione' in
'Giorgione is so-called because of his size' – which he excerpted for 'Notes on Existence and Necessity', and
of the virtual theory of classes, to which he was later to give a key role in Philosophy of Logic (Quine 1970)
and Set Theory and Its Logic (1963). Much of the emerging historical literature on Quine concentrates on the
evolution of the young Quine's semantic holism, his opposition to the analytic-synthetic distinction, and his
philosophical relationship with Carnap. Several careful historical-philosophical works chart Quine's
development from his earliest worries about analyticity in the 1930s, via the influence of Tarski in the '40s,
to his mature 'Two Dogmas' view of 1951 (Creath 1990a, Hylton 2001, Ben-Menahem 2005, Mancosu 2008,
Frost-Arnold 2011). Analyticity and Quine's rejection of conventionalism about meaning are among the key
themes discussed in this book. Quine clearly considered The Significance of the New Logic's sections on
meaning and analyticity to be of consequence, since he selected them for publication in 'Notes on Existence
and Necessity'. The ideas expressed in them also led to an intense exchange of letters between him and
Carnap on their semantic differences over the course of 1943 (Creath 1990a, pp. 295-377).
But, I will argue, this book is driven just as much by philosophy of logic and ontology. These too
were major motivating factors for the early Quine, though they have thus far not received as much attention
in the historical literature. Much of the content of The Significance of the New Logic is best understood by
considering Quine as part of a broader historical narrative, which I lay out in section 2; a précis of the main
philosophical moves of the book follows in section 3. Quine is presented as an interlocutor not only to
Carnap but also to Tarski, to Frege, to Quine's PhD supervisor Whitehead, and to Whitehead's co-author
Russell. Their three-volume magnum opus Principia Mathematica, inspired by Frege's new mathematical
logic and his logicist thesis that mathematics was reducible to logic, had been the subject of Quine's 1932
PhD thesis and of his first book based on that thesis (Quine 1934). He began to appreciate Frege, whose
work was difficult to get hold of in the US at the time, a few years later. Unlike Carnap, these early analytic
philosophers held that in addition to epistemology and the analysis of language, metaphysical questions
about existence and the nature of things were central to philosophy, too. The early Quine, I show, had much
in common with Carnap, but not anti-metaphysics. Young Quine inclined, as Tarski had done, towards the
modest metaphysics of nominalism, holding out hope for a unified science with a modest, concrete ontology
(section 4). In this book Quine also made refinements to, and developed further arguments for, his own
ontological views – including his four-dimensionalism – and his theory of ontological commitment (section
5). The crucial work on analyticity, modality, and impure designation familiar from 'Notes on Existence and
Necessity' is considered in its original Portuguese framing, and revealed to be entwined with Quine's
commitment to extensionalism, and his desire to avoid abstract posits such as propositions and modal
concepts (section 6). Lastly, I explore how his nominalistic leanings informed his philosophy of logic and

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

mathematics (section 7).

2. The Historical Story: Early Quine and the Period Leading Up To The Significance of the New Logic
A deep admiration of Principia Mathematica had originally brought Quine to Harvard to work on a PhD
with Whitehead. Unfortunately Whitehead had lost interest in mathematical logic some years before, when
he had begun to devote himself to making sense of Einstein's general relativity by way of an involved and
idiosyncratic event ontology. The more metaphysically cautious Quine concentrated on purging the
Principia system of use-mention confusions. He completed his PhD on that topic, under Whitehead's rather
lax supervision, in just two years. At the suggestion of Feigl Quine then secured a postdoctoral grant to travel
to the European continent, in search of more like-minded spirits: the philosophers and logicians of the
Vienna Circle and Polish School, but most of all Carnap.
Carnap's philosophy was driven first and foremost by a quest to make sense, in a scientifically
respectable way, of truth, meaning, and justification as used in the empirical sciences and in logic and
mathematics. In addition, it was driven by anti-metaphysical attitudes. Opposition to metaphysics was
common among Carnap's colleagues of the Vienna Circle and the Polish School. It was motivated to an
extent by justified fears among those left-leaning intellectuals about metaphysics in the neo-Thomist,
Heideggerian, and Hegelian styles finding their way into and fuelling the rise of fascist ideologies on the
European continent (Uebel 2016 §2.3). Carnap also thought of anti-metaphysics as an outgrowth of his
semantic and epistemological project, his appeal to mathematical axioms as playing the role of implicit
definitions of mathematical terms (Creath 1990b, pp. 5-6). Quine had fallen under Carnap's spell because of
his semantics and epistemology. He admired Carnap's attempts to put logic and mathematics on a
naturalistically solid footing. He was less taken with Carnap's anti-metaphysical attitudes, which he came to
reject some time before he had articulated well-developed objections to Carnap's position on analyticity.
Quine shared Carnap's pragmatist sympathies and was not drawn to traditional metaphysics of the Platonist,
neo-Aristotelian, or Hegelian kind. Yet he took existence questions arising from science and mathematics
seriously. He did not consider them to be rendered meaningless or obsolete by Carnap's programme. In this
respect he resembled Frege, Russell, and Whitehead, as well as American pragmatists such as Peirce and
James, not Carnap. Perhaps Quine had failed to develop an anti-metaphysical streak in part because the
metaphysics of his culture of origin was much more sober and naturalistic than that of the cultures
surrounding Carnap. Whitehead's event-ontology, James's empiricist anomalous monism, and Russell's
project of logical construction, though not entirely Quine's style, were all informed by those philosophers'
respect for empiricism and science. Unlike Carnap, Quine did not have cause to associate metaphysics with
dangerous political authoritarianism. He always favoured a modest, empirically informed ontology.
In July 1934, some months before delivering the Carnap lectures (1990 [1934]) he was later to call
'abjectly sequacious' (Quine 1991, p. 266), Quine published his third journal article. It was his first

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

publication on a topic other than mathematical logic. Its title was 'Ontological Remarks on the Propositional
Calculus', and its aim was to undermine what he describes as Frege's and Wittgenstein's views that sentences
are the names of special logical posits, such as propositions or truth values. In 1936, in 'Truth by Convention'
he first published some of his reservations about analyticity. But those reservations were still fairly mild,
elaborating on a suggestion made in the first Carnap lecture that it is easy to add further truths to the category
of analytic stipulations (Creath 1990b, pp. 30-31; Ben-Menahem 2005, pp. 252-255). It would take him more
than ten years to come to an alternative account of meaning, truth, and justification. As we'll see in section 6,
by the time of The Significance of the New Logic Quine, though expressing some hesitation, continued to
draw on the notion of analyticity (Quine 1944, p. 150-153). By contrast, Quine's account of ontology evolved
far less hesitatingly, and more quickly. His theory of ontological commitment was almost fully formed by
1939. Two papers dating to that year express a version very close to the mature theory – except for some
modifications which this book sheds light on, discussed in section 5. While certain expressions designate
objects – these papers say – others, the syncategoremata, are meaningful without designating. If existentially
generalising on some expression is truth-preserving, that indicates that the expression designates an entity. In
this way we can dispel apparent difficulties about non-existence claims lacking subject matter, and
meaningfully compare the advantages of nominalistic vs. realistic languages (Quine 1966 [1939], Quine
1939a). The earlier of the two 1939 papers was not published until 1966, the Erkenntnis/Journal of Unified
Science volume it was due to appear in having been derailed by the Second World War.
The Nazi occupation which precipitated that war proved catastrophic for Quine's friends, the
members of the Polish School and the Vienna Circle. Many of them were Jewish, or left-wing and politically
active. Those who could fled to the US or UK. Several of those who could not were murdered by the Nazis,
such as the logicians Janina Hosiasson, Adolf Lindenbaum, Moses Presburger, and Mordechaj Wajsberg.
The Polish logicians had made a significant impression on Quine. Tarski's name occurs frequently in The
Significance of the New Logic. Lukasiewicz is also cited in its short bibliography. Another small sign of
Polish influence is Quine's use of Kotarbinski's term 'gnoseology' (meaning 'theory of knowledge'; see the
title of Kotarbinski 1966 [1929])2 to rebut Carnap's conventionalism (Quine 1944, p. 18).
Quine had looked on in horror as Hitler occupied more and more of Europe in the late '30s. He
regularly voiced his worries about their European friends in letters to Carnap, who had already emigrated to
the US in 1935 (Quine 1990, pp. 260-268). Tarski, who was also Jewish, arrived in 1939. He held a
temporary position at Harvard for some time, partly thanks to Quine's efforts (Quine 1990, p. 268). There he
discussed logic, meaning, truth, and mathematical finitism with Quine and Carnap in 1940-41. Carnap's
shorthand transcripts of their conversations have recently been deciphered, translated, and published (Frost-
Arnold 2013). Tarski maintained – with Quine, against Carnap – that some scientifically respectable sense
could be made of the old nominalism-Platonism debate (see also Quine 1990, p. 295). A truly nominalistic

Thanks to Thomas Uebel for bringing this point and Kotarbinski's book to my attention.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

mathematics, not invoking abstract numbers, sets, or expression types, might have to be finitist if there is a
finite number of physical things in the universe, which Tarski thought might be the case (Carnap 2013
[1940-41], p. 153). It follows that certain statements generally held to express analytic mathematical truths,
such as those expressing the existence of infinite sets or series, turn out not to be analytic after all.
Discussing these ideas with Tarski may well have sparked or encouraged Quine's idea that it is possible, not
only to add extra analytic stipulations to our theories as he had maintained in 1936, but also to subtract some
of them (Mancosu 2005, Frost-Arnold 2013 pp. 84-87). By the early forties Quine had not yet completely
given up on analyticity; it would take him another ten years to express in print the view that any stipulation is
potentially revisable.
As the war raged on in 1941 and '42, Quine was left with little time for philosophical research (Quine
1996, Preface). Having felt duty-bound to help defeat the Nazis, he had signed up for a technical assignment
in the US navy. His time was wholly taken up by a combination of teaching and preparing for his war work,
until he was offered, and accepted, a three-month visiting professorship in São Paulo. A keen amateur
linguist already proficient in French and German, Quine had picked up some conversational Portuguese
while on sabbatical in the Azores in 1938. He was allowed to defer his commission as a naval officer, and
flew to Brazil in May 1942. First he delivered a lecture, 'Os Estados Unidos e o ressurgimento da logica',
whose translation appears alongside the book in this volume, to the União Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos.
But his primary task was a Portuguese-language lecture course aiming to introduce the new logic to Brazil,
both its technical advances on the old Aristotelian logic and its potential for scientific and philosophical
applications. The philosophy he had lacked the time to work on began once again to fall into place. He
received significant help with the Portuguese from his Brazilian assistant, Vicente Ferreira da Silva, whose
book on mathematical logic (Ferreira da Silva 1940) he had previously reviewed, and who later became a
well-known existentialist (Quine 1997, p. 6). With Ferreira da Silva's help, Quine began to prepare the
lectures for publication in book form. He did so partly because he was keen to publish the new material and
to leave a legacy in Brazil, but also because the war had made him fear for the future of the Western world.
His three-month appointment and the looming Navy commission left Quine pressed for time. He wrote all
night. He lived off deep-fried street food. With days to spare, he finished correcting the proofs for O Sentido
da Nova Lógica (Quine 1997, p. 7). Quine's usually consummate attention to detail could not quite withstand
the pressure and the sleep-deprivation; the book contains some misprints and typographical errors, indicated
here in editorial footnotes and corrected in the text. There also appear to be some philosophical loose ends,
half-finished trains of thought never quite completed, or picked up in a modified form several years after the
war, when Quine's thinking had shifted to an extent. After completing the book, his technical work in the
Navy took up nearly all of his time and attention until the war ended. Quine worked, with dedicated groups
of mathematicians and cryptanalysts, on translating and analysing intercepted submarine communications –
apparently quite successfully, as he was highly commended by his admiral (Lodge, Leary, and Quine 2015,

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

p. 42).
Meanwhile the publication process of O Sentido da Nova Lógica dragged on, much to Quine's
annoyance. It was held up by bureaucratic interference, the non-existence of Portuguese-speaking
mathematical logicians to serve as plausible manuscript referees, and typesetting troubles. The first edition
was finally published in 1944, on the rather brittle paper which resulted from shortages during the second
world war. Copies are now very rare. A second edition followed in 1996, with a new preface by Quine, and a
third edition in 2016 (Quine 1996, Quine 2016). Our translation is based on the first edition, and references
to the text will be based on first edition page numbers, indicated in square brackets within the translation.

3. The Significance of the New Logic: The Book and Its Content
What Quine called 'the new logic' was indeed rather new in 1942. Kurt Gödel's incompleteness proof,
published in 1931, was only eleven years old. One year earlier Susan Stebbing had published the first
accessible book on contemporary logic and its philosophy (Stebbing 1930). Tarski's work on truth dated
from 1933, but that was the Polish version; Quine and Carnap, who spoke German but no Polish, had had to
wait for the German translation of 1935. In his Introduction to this book Quine described the new logic as a
response to Cantor's advances in transfinite arithmetic (Quine 1944, pp. 12-14) and to Russell's paradox and
the related semantic paradoxes (Quine 1944, pp. 14-15). The need for a new philosophy of logic had also
become apparent. While we might previously have tried to identify logical (and mathematical) truth with
provability, Gödel's incompleteness result made that identification impossible (Quine 1944, p. 20). Quine
proposed instead a conception of logic as a universal science, one compatible with any area of enquiry. Such
a universal science would treat all subject matters, and all objects, equally.
The Significance of the New Logic has some areas of overlap with Quine's introductory logic
textbook Elementary Logic (Quine 1941) and with his expansive and technical Mathematical Logic (1940).
Like Elementary Logic and Mathematical Logic, it takes as a point of departure a tripartite division of logic
into the theory of composition (sentential logic), the theory of quantification (which together with sentential
logic yields predicate logic), and the theory of classes. The Significance of the New Logic is more ambitious
in scope and subject matter than Elementary Logic, which only covers the theories of composition and
quantification. But it differs from Mathematical Logic in being aimed at a non-expert audience. Convinced
of the new logic's potential for revolutionising science and mathematics, Quine took on the task of
introducing analytic philosophy neophytes not only to recent advances in philosophical thinking about
identity, existence, meaning, modality, and description, but also to the theory of classes.
The book's philosophical remarks on statements, in part I which focuses on the theory of
composition, have much in common with those in Elementary Logic. In both books Quine took statements,
the substituends for the ps and qs of sentential logic, to be declarative sentences with timeless verbs and
without indexicals, articulating a sort of precursor of his later account of eternal sentences (Quine 1941, p. 6,

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Quine 1944, pp. 26-28, Quine 1960, §§ 36, 40). In both books he appealed to pragmatic reasons to explain
away apparent paradoxes of the material conditional, a strategy we now associate with the later works of
Grice. Quine was an early adopter of this style of argument in Elementary Logic, though the argument in The
Significance of the New Logic is worked out in more detail: 'In practice we do not utter conditionals when the
truth values of their components are already known. But this does not stop us from identifying ‘if p then q’
with ‘~ (p • ~ q)’, because it is equally obvious that in practice we would not use a compound of the form ‘~
(p • ~ q)’, any more than ‘if p then q’, when we already know what the truth values of the components are ...
we could provide more information in less space by only affirming ‘q’ or denying ‘p’.' (Quine 1944, pp. 48-
49; cf. Quine 1941, p. 21). In both books he proposed to read 'or' as inclusive, but in this book he adds some
further arguments for that conclusion. They include one natural-language case due to Tarski (Quine 1944,
pp. 44-46), and further appeals to pragmatics: 'consider the expression ‘x ≤ y’ … ‘x < y’ and ‘x = y’ are in
themselves mutually exclusive, or incompatible … ‘~ (x < y • x = y)’ [is] added to the statement ['~ (~ x < y
• ~ x = y)'] with the inclusive sense to produce a statement with the exclusive sense. But this additional
conjunct is a known truth (given any x and y) that we can therefore freely insert or omit. To omit it is not to
deny it; we never say everything that we know' (Quine 1944, pp. 44-45). Quine's philosophical reflections
on quantification theory in part II do not go far beyond those of Elementary Logic, apart from a practical
application to insurance calculations also discussed in his 'Relations and Reason' (Quine 1939b). New
material on the philosophical applications of quantification appears in part III, including several forerunners
of arguments made famous by 'On What There Is' (Quine 1948). The technical treatment of predicate logic in
this book resembles Mathematical Logic more than Elementary Logic, using truth-table techniques for
sentential logic and matrices for quantification theory.
The Significance of the New Logic deploys a simplified version of the symbolism of Principia
Mathematica, with parentheses to avoid ambiguity, a single (universal) quantifier and two primitive sentence
connectives – the tilde for denial, and the Principia dot '•' for conjunction. (Apparently unknown to Brazilian
typesetters, the Principia dot comes out looking rather square and elongated in the first edition, and has
transmogrified into an underscore by the second.) All the other operators of predicate logic are defined in
terms of those three primitives; the primitive of membership is added in part IV. This system is austere, just
one step removed from the simplest possible system with just one primitive each for the theories of
composition, quantification, and classes – that is, the Sheffer stroke, universal quantifier, and membership
sign respectively. Quine impressed upon the reader how much can be proved within this tiny yet powerful
symbolism: in particular, the logicist conclusion of Principia Mathematica that 'every mathematical law is an
abbreviation of a logical law' (Quine 1944, p. 16).
Principia Mathematica also looms large in the philosophy this book contains, both with respect to its
treatment of intensionality and its treatment of classes. Quine sought to unite the logico-mathematical power
of Frege's work and of Principia with his preference for an austere extensional language (also see section 6).

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Frege had invoked abstract senses. Principia, at least according to Quine's interpretation of it, retained some
proposition-like entities under the guise of facts (Quine 1981 [1966], pp. 81-82). Quine wanted to steer clear
of such posits. The material excerpted for 'Notes on Existence and Necessity' is framed differently in this
book: as an explicit answer to Frege's use of senses as the referents of phrases in intensional contexts (Frege
1892). Quine felt he had made a great leap forward in The Significance of the New Logic by (tentatively)
invoking linguistic objects, words or sentences in quotation marks, instead of senses. Propositional attitudes
can then be accounted for – without violating extensionality – as attitudes to sentences, and necessity as
ascription of analyticity to a sentence. Progress in this area also informed Quine's account of ontology.
Names, too, are on occasion used in intensional contexts where they are not (or not purely) designative –
they do not designate a referent (or not only a referent), but a linguistic object. This, combined with Russell's
theory of descriptions, implies that ontological commitments cannot be incurred by the use of names, but
only by bound variables in existential quantifications: 'the pronoun is always the main vehicle of reference to
objects; this was made apparent by our reflections on the non-designative occurrence of names... now the
pronoun, which was already the main vehicle of reference, has become the only one' (Quine 1944, p. 174).
New arguments in favour of his theory of ontological commitment also appear in this book, forerunners of
arguments used in 'On What There Is', rebutting Meinongianism and propounding the univocity of
ontological vocabulary (see section 5).
The theories of composition and quantification were then, and are now, held to be logic
unequivocally. How to classify the third item on Quine's tripartite list, the theory of classes, was less
obvious. Frege, Russell, and Whitehead counted the theory of classes as logic, too; that assumption was
necessary to their logicist project. But Quine leaned towards considering the theory of classes part of
mathematics (Quine 1941, p. 3). Why, then, did Quine so boldly assert 'Pure mathematics is reducible to
logic' in this book (Quine 1944, p. 16), having previously attached more qualifiers to the logicist thesis
(Quine 1941, p. 3, Quine 1940, p. 5)? There is no explicit answer in this book. To an extent this is one of its
loose ends not fully tidied up before Quine was rushed to the end of his stay in Brazil, and thus to the end of
the book. An implicit answer may lie in Quine's virtual theory of classes (Quine 1944, pp. 218-223).
Frege's original version of the theory of classes had seemed simple, elegant, and intuitive. But it was
famously inconsistent. Assuming that for any specified condition a corresponding class exists, it entailed the
existence of self-membered classes – for instance, the class of all classes – as well as non-self-membered
ones – for instance, the class of all elephants. Russell's paradox loomed: the class of all non-self-membered
objects both is and is not a member of itself (Quine 1944, p. 15). A variety of restrictions on the conditions
which determine a class were proposed. Principia Mathematica's version deployed the theory of types to
yield the necessary restrictions, and reduced arithmetic to logic in that way. Yet it was criticised for relying
on two arguably non-logical axioms: the axiom of reducibility and the axiom of infinity, which states that
there are infinitely many things in the world. (As we saw above, this was an assumption Tarski had

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

denounced as intolerable at Harvard in 1941, and the young Quine had been inclined to agree.) In The
Significance of the New Logic, Quine opted for a restriction he attributed to von Neumann: 'certain classes
cannot belong to classes. We call elements all objects that are members of classes ... the new restricted
principle of abstraction will be that, given any matrix whose free pronoun is ‘x’, there is a class whose
members are exactly the elements (instead of ‘objects’, as earlier) that satisfy the matrix' (Quine 1944 p.
193). But Quine also added the virtual theory of classes – concisely expressed in a single section (Quine
1944, pp. 218-223) – which he regarded as a breakthrough because it allowed him to simulate quantification
over classes or sets. Initially the class membership notation had been introduced with variables of
quantification on either side, as in ‘x ε y’. But to say that x is a member of y is, prima facie, to affirm the
existence of both x and y. The virtual theory of classes sidesteps the question of the existence of classes by
dropping the primitive predicate of membership altogether. Instead certain set-theoretic principles are taken
to be definable in terms of schematic predicate letters, such as ‘f = g’ for ‘(x) (fx ≡ gx)’ (for monadic f and g;
‘(x) (y) (fxy ≡ gxy)’ for dyadic f and g, and so on up). The underlying principle is that statements of the form
'y is a member of the class of f things' – 'y ε x̂ fx' – are translated into the form 'fy', so that no variables range
over classes.
A virtual theory of classes will be weaker than the full theory of arithmetic (Quine 1944, pp. 222-
223). But for any finite collection of objects, each of which can truly be said to satisfy some predicate,
statements involving those predicates can be translated into set-theoretic language by means of the virtual
theory. Tarski, the year before, had instilled in Quine a desire to find a finitist mathematics, one that applied
exactly to the things contained within the physical world. It may be that Quine was hopeful that his virtual
theory of classes could help provide the physicalistic, finitist mathematics Tarski had longed for, avoiding
Russell and Whitehead's implausible claim that the existence of an infinite number of objects was a priori or
analytic. The war intervened, and by the time Quine returned to set theory, his commitment to nominalism
had waned. Finitist mathematics no longer seemed philosophically viable. Later on, Quine put the virtual
theory to good use elsewhere, in support of his position that logic proper, unlike set theory, has no ontology
(Quine 1970, pp. 66-68). That position, too, had already been apparent in The Significance of the New Logic,
where he credited to Tarski the insight that 'Whatever logic asserts is what can be asserted about the objects
of any of the sciences' (Quine 1944, p. 17). Quine took it to imply that logic cannot have an ontology of its
own. 'The theory of classes, in contrast with logic in the strict sense, implies an ontology' (Quine 1944, p.
190). His philosophy of logic was always deeply entwined with his views on ontology, although his the latter
grew more permissive over the years (e.g. his views on mathematical ontology discussed in section 7 below).
In this early period, Quine – perhaps partly under the influence of Tarski, whose name is frequently
mentioned in this book – still entertained the possibility of a nominalistic ontology.

4. Early Quine's Nominalistic Tendencies

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Even when he still favoured Carnap's views on language and epistemology, the young Quine had been
unimpressed with the positivistic contention that metaphysical claims lack meaning in any scientifically
respectable sense. Positivists held that all metaphysical claims and their negations were pseudo-statements,
not verifiable and therefore not capable of being properly speaking true or false. Quine had not adhered to
that doctrine even in 1934, in his 'Ontological Remarks on the Propositional Calculus'. Having raised the
metaphysical-sounding question 'what manner of things are these, whose names are sentences?' (1934, p.
472) he did not, as a positivist would have done, dismiss it as meaningless and unanswerable. He considered
some possible answers to the question – facts, propositions – before providing his own answer: there are no
such entities. To the positivist, a negative answer to an ontological question is as bad as a positive one. A
pseudo-statement and its negation are equally nonsensical; the nominalist is just as much of a metaphysician
as the realist. Even at this early stage, while still a self-professed Carnapian, Quine was flouting positivistic
proscriptions. Just like Frege or Russell, he engaged in ontological enquiry. Five years later, while still in
thrall to Carnap in many respects, he addressed positivist anti-metaphysics outright, and rebutted it: 'We are
tempted at this point to dismiss the whole issue between nominalism and realism as a metaphysical
pseudoproblem. But in thus cutting the Gordian knot we cut too deep' (Quine 1939a, p. 704). And by the
time Quine came to Brazil, he had explicitly made it part of his mission to explain the new logic's utility in
making ontology scientifically respectable again, aiming to answer 'even questions of an ontological nature
such as ‘What is there?’ and ‘What is real?’' (Quine 1944, p. 22), and to overturn 'the conclusions of the
Vienna Circle', as Chisholm notes in his review of Quine's lecture (Chisholm 1947, p. 484).
What alternative to positivist anti-metaphysics did Quine propose? A common theme throughout
Quine's body of work, early and late, is a modest, frugal, naturalistic account of metaphysics, concentrating
especially on assessing what existence claims we have reason to believe based on our best scientific theories
(Janssen-Lauret 2015, pp. 147-154; Janssen-Lauret 2017, pp. 250-255). But what kinds of things he admitted
as modest, empirically-based posits varied over the years. In these early works, Quine still harboured hope
that some form of nominalism, some philosophical view 'admitting only concrete objects' (Quine 1944, p.
180), might win the day. He still thought that a unified science drawing only upon nominalistic resources
might materialise, even though it appeared difficult to achieve. As he had said in 1939: 'nominalism can be
formulated thus: it is possible to set up a nominalistic language in which all of natural science can be
expressed' (1939a, p. 708).
The later Quine is sometimes interpreted as a nominalist because of his aversion to positing such
things as properties, propositions, and possibilia. But by that point, Quine himself had relinquished the label
of 'nominalist'. He took several of the positions he held to be incompatible with nominalism, especially his
commitment to abstract objects owing to quantification over numbers in physics (Quine 1981), and his
diffidence about the distinction between concrete and abstract objects following advances in field theory

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

(Quine 1976, p. 499). Even in the earlier works his nominalist leanings were rather tentatively expressed.3 In
The Significance of the New Logic, he stopped short of outright committing himself to nominalism. At
several crucial points he devoted space to discussing nominalists' commitments – refusing to posit numbers
at all, refusing to posit numbers which do not number any collection of physical objects (p. 161), having a
distaste for classes and properties (p. 180-183) – and treated them sympathetically. He remarked that
opponents of abstract objects might view the failure of the unrestricted principle of class abstraction, and
Gödel's incompleteness proof, as victories (Quine 1944, pp. 234-235). A few years later he was to cite
incompleteness and the class paradoxes as 'motivations for nominalism' (Quine 2008 [1946], pp. 18-19).
Still, back in the early forties, he also claimed that we must prioritise robust examination of the apparently
realist foundations of mathematics over our 'prior ontological dogma' (Quine 1944, p. 180).
There appears to be some echo of Carnap on the last page of this book, where some role is still
assigned to 'pseudo-statements' (Quine 1944, p. 235). But Quine's use of the label was misleading. The
statements in question are not metaphysical. Nor are they dismissed as useless. They are the statements of
classical mathematics, and the reason that they fall short of being statements is that although they are useful,
there are no abstract objects for them to be true (or false) about.
In The Significance of the New Logic and other nominalistically-inclined writings of the period
Quine gave no explicit argument in favour of nominalism, but wrote in his Harvard Nominalism lecture, 'I'll
put my cards on the table now and avow my prejudices: I should like to be able to accept nominalism' (Quine
2008 [1946], p. 9). These days, Quine's austere ontology is often attributed to an adherence to the maxim 'no
entity without identity'. But worries about identification were less central to Quine's opposition to abstract
posits in the early '40s. It is true that he notes that the identification criteria for classes are very clear, while
the answer to the question 'under what condition do two matrices determine the same attribute?' (1944, p.
182) is obscure. But the early Quine remained dissatisfied with classes despite their clear criteria of identity.
He complained that they, 'being abstract objects, are less clear and familiar than we might wish' (1944, p.
181). Later on in the book he attempted to do away with them altogether by means of the virtual theory. At
the time, his main objection to positing classes appears to have been their purported abstract nature rather
than their criteria of identity. In this respect his position at the time resembled classic nominalism more than
his mature views on ontology. It was only around the time of 'On What There Is' (1948) that concerns about
identification began to outweigh nominalistic factors in Quine's estimation. While in 1947, he had written off
possibilia as incompatible with materialism (Quine 1947, p. 47), in 1948 his main argument against
possibilia was that they lack clear criteria of identity (1948, p. 23). Generally, his reliance on criteria of
identity appears to have grown as his conception of objects became more structuralist over the years, viewing
posits increasingly as best explanations of intersections in our network of observations (Janssen-Lauret 2015,
pp. 155-157). By the early '40s Quine's justifications for preferring one range of posits over another had not

3 An exception is Goodman and Quine 1947, but since it is a joint paper, the more explicit expressions of nominalism
there may indicate Goodman's influence rather than a change of heart on Quine's part.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

yet reached that level of sophistication. He articulated no argument stronger than our finding concrete posits
more 'clear and familiar' than abstract ones (Quine 1944, p. 181). Since the early Quine showed no
inclination to doubt our right to talk about and assume the existence of physical objects like rivers (Quine
1944, p. 135-136) or horses (Quine 1944, p. 159-161), he may have been trying to dispense with the abstract
in a quest for ontological parsimony. A sparse nominalistic language in which to formulate a unified science
still seemed potentially within reach. Several of the moves made in this book make more sense when viewed
through this modestly metaphysical, nominalistically inclined lens.

5. Ontology and Meta-Ontology

The Significance of the New Logic contains new material both on the topic of Quine's ontology – his answer
to the question 'what exists?' – as well as what has come to be called his 'meta-ontology' – his account of how
existence claims are attributed to speakers or theories – which Quine himself tended to call 'ontological
commitment', 'ontic commitment', or 'imputations of ontology'. Quine was physicalistically inclined; his
physicalism went hand in hand with his nominalistic sympathies. Although this book focuses on logic and its
philosophy, his physicalism is visible in his expressions of four-dimensionalism about ordinary objects.
Quine had first appealed to four-dimensionalism in 1939. Even then he had treated it as rather old hat, a
position obviously familiar to his audience: '[t]he four-dimensional spatio-temporal view of nature is a
device for facilitating logical analysis by rendering verbs tenseless' (Quine 1939a, p. 701). In The
Significance of the New Logic he went beyond that familiar point – 'Bucephalus is an extended portion of the
spatio-temporal world [with] a spatial extension of several hectoliters and a temporal one of several years …
far away from here' (Quine 1944, p.159) – and developed an early version of the position of 'Identity,
Ostension, and Hypostasis' (Quine 1953 [1950]). He deployed four-dimensionalism in giving an account of
the persistence of everyday objects. 'Consider the river. It is an extended object, in time as well as in space …
[it] remains the same river while it lasts; it remains the same identical totality of its various instantaneous
states' (Quine 1944, p. 136). Such persistence conditions are used in this book to demystify apparent puzzles
of change and identity over time. Later Quine saw them as contributing to a criterion of identity for rivers by,
as he put it in the later, further developed version, 'reading identity in place of river kinship' (Quine 1953
[1950], p. 66). In this book the notion of criteria of identity remains embryonic, not yet fully articulated.
Quine stressed that while nominalism is a constraining force on the nominalist's own ontology, it
does not constrain a Quinean meta-ontology. Ontological commitments can be incurred to numbers or
properties just as much as to rivers, horses, or particles; 'there is' and 'exists' mean the same whether the
purported objects are concrete or abstract. This argument, the argument from the univocity of ontological
vocabulary, is one of several arguments presented for the first time in this book which are clear precursors to
arguments made famous by 'On What There Is'. In this book, as in that paper, Quine held that ontological
vocabulary does not shift its meaning depending on what name or description it is concatenated with: '[t]hose

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

who doubt (3) [“There is such a thing as the number 9^9^9”] as well as those who accept (3), understand the
phrase ‘there is such a thing as’ in (3) in the same sense as in (1) [“There is such a thing as Bucephalus”] and
(2) [“~ there is such a thing as Pegasus”]' (Quine 1944, p. 161). Here, as there, he claimed that it is not
'exists' that has spatio-temporal connotations, but certain terms purportedly designating certain objects: '[t]o
deny that there is such a thing as Pegasus means that the object is not found in space and time, but ... only
because, if there were such a thing as Pegasus, it would be a spatio-temporal object' (Quine 1944, p. 161).
The example of the non-existence of a disease – where diseases are taken to be abstract objects – is
used in this book as well as in 'Designation and Existence', but in support of different conclusions. In 1939,
Quine had used the non-existence of the made-up disease hyperendemic fever to infer that 'understanding of
a term ... does not imply a designatum' (Quine 1939a, p. 703). In The Significance of the New Logic, by
contrast, he used the example to invalidate the distinction between existence (for concrete objects) and
subsistence (for abstract objects). He contended that the distinction is void because empirical facts can prove
the existence or non-existence of a purported abstract object: 'introduce the expression ‘Paraná fever’ as an
abbreviation of the expression ‘the sickness that annihilated the majority of the inhabitants of Curitiba in the
year 1903’. The question ... whether there is such a sickness as an abstract object – is resolved only by means
of the observation of nature ... Paraná fever does not exist – nor does it “subsist”, even as an abstract object'
(Quine 1944, p. 162).
One of the well-known arguments in 'On What There Is' appears to have been partly inspired by
Quine's assistant, the young Brazilian Vicente Ferreira da Silva. Objecting to the vague supposition that there
are different kinds of existence, or existence in a 'plurality of worlds' (Quine 1944, p. 161), Quine cited his
assistant's book as saying 'different forms of existence … are completely puerile' (Ferreira da Silva 1940, p.
33, quoted in Quine 1944, p. 161). Here as in 'On What There Is', Quine rebutted the potential reply that
Pegasus exists as a mental entity. 'The ideas of Bucephalus and Pegasus are not designated by the words
‘Bucephalus’ and ‘Pegasus’ in (1) and (2), but by other expressions: ‘the idea of Bucephalus’, ‘the idea of
Pegasus’' (Quine 1944, p. 160).4 All these new arguments in favour of a Quinean approach to ontological
commitment may be connected to his novel conception, first put forward in this book, of logic as the science
which applies to any domain of objects. Likewise, quantification may range over any domain of objects,
concrete or abstract (Quine 1944, p. 145). A logic-based approach to the ontological problem, Quinean
ontological commitment treats all objects, concrete or abstract, equally, just like logic itself treats all objects
Lastly, a significant meta-ontological shift taking place in the early 1940s was Quine's severing the
link between names and ontology. In Quine's first foray into ontology in 1934, he had focused wholly on
names as denoting terms. Without mentioning variables at all, he reached the conclusion that sentences do
not name any special logical posits. Such posits would, implausibly, turn rules of derivation into law-like

4 Frege also makes this point in 'Über Sinn und Bedeutung' (Frege 1892, p. 32), a paper which Quine cites as a
notable influence on this book (Quine 1944, p. 140).

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

statements about certain objects: '[o]nce we postulate entities whereof sentences are symbols, the logical
principles for manipulating sentences become principles concerning the entities – propositions – which the
sentences denote' (1934, p. 473). Logical rules are better understood as governing sentences themselves, not
objects to which sentences refer, and therefore 'the whole notion of sentences as names is superfluous'
(1934, p. 473). Although it speaks of names instead of variables, the paper prefigures several of Quine's later
ontological and meta-ontological convictions. Firstly, it shows him opposing positivist anti-metaphysics by
taking existence questions seriously. Secondly, when we see him opting for the existence of sentences rather
than propositions, his nominalistic and ontologically parsimonious tendencies are on display. Thirdly, it
reveals that even at this early stage he explicitly connected the answers to ontological questions with the
designating expressions of a true theory.
By the late 1930s Quine had begun to use the mediaeval term 'categoremata' for expressions which
designate objects, and 'syncategoremata' for terms which are meaningful without standing for something.
Proper names are a typical example of the former; typical examples of the latter are such things as brackets,
punctuation, and logical connectives. The mediaeval nominalism-realism debate was phrased in terms of the
question whether predicates were syncategorematic or categorematic. In 1939 Quine had still thought that
names were the expressions which revealed a theory's ontology. 'To ask whether there is such an entity as
roundness is thus not to question the meaningfulness of “roundness”; it amounts rather to asking whether this
word is a name or a syncategorematic expression' (Quine 1966 [1939], p. 197). He distinguished, then,
between apparent names and names 'in the semantic sense', that is, names with bearers. Only the latter stand
for existents. Only they, not apparent names, are relevant to ontology: 'the word “Pegasus” is not a name in
the semantic sense, i.e., ... it has no designatum' (Quine 1939a, p. 703). Although 'Existence and Designation'
contains the phrase 'to be is to be the value of a variable', and puts it to ontological use, at the time Quine still
spoke of genuine names being substituends for variables – the real word-world connection was still
presumed to lie with names. By the late forties, he had explicitly abjured any utility of proper names to
ontology. By that point, he took only variables, not names, are the paradigmatic categoremata: 'The use of
alleged names is no criterion, for we can repudiate their namehood at the drop of a hat unless the assumption
of a corresponding entity can be spotted in the things we affirm in terms of bound variables' (Quine 1948, p.
32). When and why did Quine's change of heart occur?
We first find Quine stating that names are inessential in Mathematical Logic, on the grounds that
they can always be converted into Russellian definite descriptions (Quine 1940, p. 151).5 The Significance of
the New Logic combines an expanded version of the Mathematical Logic argument with Quine's novel
distinction between occurrences of names which are purely designative, serving only to single out their
designata, and occurrences which are not purely designative. The latter do not merely talk about their
designata (if they have them at all), but say something about an expression they occur in. 'Giorgione is so-

5 Quine's argument here is of dubious validity. For details, see Janssen-Lauret 2016, pp. 597-601.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

called because of his size' says something about the name 'Giorgione', as well as about the artist Giorgione.
'Pegasus does not exist' says something about the term 'Pegasus' – namely, that it does not designate. It does
not say something about the winged horse Pegasus – in particular, it does not attribute the special attribute of
non-existence to him – because there is no such horse. Quine started out by distinguishing, as he had in 1939,
between names in the semantic sense, which always designate, and terms which look like names but may or
may not designate, which he called substantives (Quine 1944, p. 158). But he began to prepare the ground to
admit only one kind of substantive: the pronoun. 'It is not the mere use of a substantive, but its designative
use, that commits us to the acceptance of an object designated by the substantive' (Quine 1944, p. 165). With
that distinction in place, Quine was in a position to dispense with names for the purposes of ontology.
One key difference between occurrences which are purely designative and occurrences which are not
is that the former do allow for existential generalisation, but the latter do not. Apparent names can have non-
designative occurrences; variables in existentially quantified claims cannot. So only bound variables in
existential quantifications are truly categoremata; names are not. Quine then proceeded to introduce a
convention for eliminating names altogether: convert them all into descriptions. Descriptions, in turn, are
analysed in the Russellian way as quantifier phrases beginning with existential quantifiers. Thus they wear
their ontological commitments on their sleeves. Some names already have a descriptive matrix associated
with them but, Quine argued, even if the names are primitive, they can easily be transformed into a
descriptive matrix. We turn the name into a verb, such as 'europizes' for 'Europe', or 'pegasizes' for 'Pegasus'.
Quine had arrived at the more familiar formulation of ontological commitment: 'All objects remain as before,
but contact between objects and language is concentrated in the pronoun. The ontology to which a given use
of language commits us simply includes the totality of objects within the range of the quantifier.' (Quine
1944, p. 175).
But the Significance of the New Logic position is to an extent unstable. It has trouble accounting for
certain parts of the logic of identity. Although it is a logical truth that everything is identical to itself, it is
always logically possible for two things satisfying all and only the same predicates and descriptions to be,
nevertheless, distinct. As Barcan Marcus pointed out, the equivalence expressed by means of two
descriptions is weaker than that expressed by two names flanking the identity predicate. Although in natural
language we might write 'The author of Jane Eyre = the older sister of Emily Brontë', its underlying logical
form is really '‘∃x((Ax ∧ ∀y(Ay → x = y)) ∧ ∃z(Sz ∧ ∀w(Sw → z = w)) ∧ x = z)’. Only variables appear next
to the identity sign in that sentence. Names can also flank the identity sign – as in 'a = b' – but descriptions
themselves cannot. Barcan Marcus argued that this was because descriptive vocabulary and names have
importantly distinct logical roles. Descriptive vocabulary employs predicates to ascribe characteristics. Even
if certain predicates are uniquely satisfied, from a logical point of view, predicates have a semantic role
which enables them to apply to more than one thing. By contrast, names have the special semantic role of
referring directly to individuals; therefore they can only apply to one thing. Jointly with identity, names can

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

be used to express sameness of thing. Descriptions only encode sameness of characteristics, which does not
logically guarantee sameness of thing – even if in certain cases it is sufficient to infer sameness of thing
(Barcan Marcus 1961, p. 310). Quine's 1940s position is vulnerable to the objection that it leaves no role for
the logical truth that indiscernibles can always be distinct.
Quine's mature position circumvented this objection by combining the dispensability of names with
an idiosyncratic interpretation of the identity predicate. The later Quine replied to Barcan Marcus that
according to his view, the identity sign is not a logical predicate, expressing sameness of thing. It is a dummy
predicate expressing, for each language, indiscernibility with respect to all the predicates of that language
(Quine 1961).

6. Impure designation, Quotation, Modality and Extensionality

The historical context, and early Quine's nominalistic leanings, also help us understand the connections
drawn in this book between impure designation, quotation, modality, and analyticity. Although nowadays all
of these are considered separate, mostly independent matters, in Quine's early work they are all are deeply
entwined. Much of the work on impure reference, analyticity, and modality is already familiar to us because
it was published in 'Notes on Existence and Necessity'. It is also well-known for its key influence on the
debate between Quine and Carnap on semantics and analyticity. Quine's fledgling ideas sparked a large
volume of correspondence between the two over the following year, all the more remarkable because Quine
was kept very busy with his work for the US Navy (Creath 1990a, pp. 294-377). But again there is also an
ontological side to the story. Quine's fast-evolving thoughts on quotation, designation, modality, and
analyticity are tied together by their links to his account of ontological commitment and his own ontology. In
addition, there are under-explored historical connections, not only to Principia but also to Frege.
Despite Quine's PhD and early publication record being focused on mathematical and philosophical
logic, he had not had much exposure to Frege's work until the late 1930s, because it had not been widely
available. We know that Quine must have looked at the Grundgesetze in the early '30s, since he cites it
briefly (1934, p. 472). Still, Quine had not formed a full picture of Frege's importance to the field until he
started adding historical notes to his Mathematical Logic manuscript. Even then, he only had limited access
to Frege's writings. He could not find a copy of the Begriffsschrift in all of North America (1986a, p. 21).
Nevertheless during his stay in Brazil Quine still appears to have been much struck by Frege. His assistant,
Vicente Ferreira da Silva, had clearly noticed, as he gave Quine a portrait of Frege as a present. Years later
Quine still reminisced about the sad loss of that picture on his flight home (Quine 1986a, p. 24). Frege's
influence is also palpable in The Significance of the New Logic. Where 'Notes on Existence and Necessity'
starts off with some brief philosophical remarks on identity and Leibniz's law, in the Portuguese original the
material is framed in explicitly Fregean terms instead. There is a footnote attributing the 'essential content'
(Quine 1944, p. 140) of the sections on impure designation and modality to 'Über Sinn und Bedeutung'

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(Frege 1892). Quine's efforts can be seen as an attempt to preserve Frege's insights compatibly with his own
nominalist ontological sympathies.
Part III starts off on a pro-metaphysical, anti-positivist note with a rebuttal of early Wittgenstein's
treatment of identity. The philosophy of logic of Wittgenstein's Tractatus, according to which all logical
truths were mere tautologies and all philosophy a critique of language, had been enthusiastically endorsed by
the philosophers of the Vienna Circle – especially by its 'right' wing, headed by Schlick and Waismann –
who assigned mathematics to the realm of the tautologous, too (Uebel 2017, pp. 705-708). The early
Wittgenstein had held that statements of identity are either empty or nonsensical, claiming we could not
sensibly say that two things are the same, and only rather pointlessly say that one thing is one and the same.
Quine swiftly dismissed him as 'not distinguishing carefully between objects and their names' (Quine 1944,
p. 137), countering that it is perfectly sensible and not at all pointless to concatenate two distinct names of
the same thing with the identity sign. Demystifying metaphysical disputes by carefully separating word and
designatum is a crucial theme of these discussions, and also a principle central to Quine's views on ontology
and meta-ontology. We saw above that he disavowed ontological commitment in cases where apparent
names do not occur designatively. His answer to a host of confusions about metaphysical topics was to
distinguish clearly between occurrences of substantives which are designative and those which are either
non-designative or not purely designative.
In this book, Quine can be seen to be grasping towards an extensionalist theory. His preference was
for a science stated wholly in extensional terms, on the model of the extensional theory of mathematics
(Quine 1944, p. 158). Quine developed an analogy between statements of ontology, where the validity of
existential generalisation indicates the assumption of an entity, and extensional statements, where
quantification into a certain context yields sensible results and substitutivity of co-referential names is truth-
preserving. As Frege had pointed out, Leibniz's law fails in contexts where we attribute propositional
attitudes; we cannot freely substitute co-referential expressions for each other in those cases. Frege
concluded that in such contexts, what is referred to is not what the referent would have been in extensional
contexts, but rather the expression's sense. Abstract Fregean senses were unattractive posits to Quine, given
his nominalistic leanings. He undertook to explain matters using only the less controversial posits of physical
objects and human language. Although he was pleased with the suggestions he made in this book (Quine
1996, p. 7), they are often made rather tentatively (Quine 1944, pp. 144, 149). Some were later embraced
enthusiastically, some were adapted to account for later development of his views.
While the ontological motivation was significant for Quine, there is one probable additional
influence, namely Principia Mathematica's referential transparency. Although it is not discussed in this
book, Principia's solution to substitution failures is closer to Quine's than Frege's. Russell and Whitehead
had called an occurrence 'referentially transparent' just in case nothing is said of it, but by means of it
something is said of something else (1964 [1910], Appendix C). Quine was later to embrace their

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terminology, although by that point he applied it to contexts rather than occurrences (Quine 1953, p. 124).
Like Quine in this book, and unlike Frege, Russell and Whitehead use a characterisation which implies that
the the difference lies in whether the occurrence in question is wholly in the object language, being used only
to denote or connote, or whether it in any way relies upon either the form of the expression itself or the form
of the sentence in which it occurs. Like Quine's, Russell and Whitehead's characterisation leaves room for
cases which rely on the reference as well as the form of an expression, although Quine is the only one among
them who presents a worked-out version of such a case. Quine's version of the doctrine in this book suggests
explicitly what Principia hints at: that non-purely designative occurrences – or in middle-Quine parlance,
opaque ones – have an element of quotation to them.
The simplest such case is the straightforward quotation context, such as '“Leibniz” has exactly seven
letters'. Here the opposite of referential transparency is true: something is said of the name, and the name is
not used to say something of something else. That is, it occurs non-designatively. The statement quoted
above is equally true whether the name stands for anything or not. Substitution of co-referential names fails:
Leibniz was also called Gottfried, but '“Gottfried” has exactly seven letters' is false. Existential
generalisation fails, too: '“Something” has exactly seven letters' is equally false. As we've seen, non-
existence claims also contain non-designative occurrences of substantives. In 'Pegasus does not exist', the
substantive 'Pegasus' is not used to say something of something else. But something is said of the
substantive: that it does not name anything. Intersubstitutivity does not apply where there is no reference,
and existential generalisation fails spectacularly, yielding the nonsensical 'There is something such that it
does not exist'.
The case of 'Giorgione is so-called because of his size' is different. Here 'Giorgione' is used
designatively. It is used to truly say something of something else, namely of the painter Giorgio Barbarelli,
known as 'Giorgione', or 'big George', because he was large. Everything true of Giorgione must, by Leibniz's
law, remain true if we refer to him by his last name. But Barbarelli is not so-called because of his size. The
first quoted sentence of this paragraph becomes false upon substitution of co-referential terms, and
meaningless upon existential generalisation on 'Giorgione'; there is no sense to be made of 'Something is so-
called because of its size'. The occurrence of 'Giorgione' within the first quoted sentence has a dual role:
something is said of it – that it applies by virtue of its referent's size – and by means of it something is also
said of something else, because it singles out Giorgione. What is said of the painter in question is true not
only because of what he is like but also because of the form of his name, since the Italian suffix '-one'
connotes largeness. The occurrence is designative, but not purely designative. We need quotation to make
clear what the point of the sentence is. When it is fully spelled out as 'Giorgione was called “Giorgione”
because of his size', substitution of co-referential names and existential generalisation once again yield
sensible results. 'Barbarelli was called “Giorgione” because of his size' and 'Someone was called “Giorgione”
because of his size' are both true.

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

Quotation contexts can also be brought in to account for propositional attitude ascriptions. Suppose
Philip knows Marcus Tullius Cicero only as 'Cicero', and is unaware of the English version of his nomen
gentile. Then substituting 'Tully' for 'Cicero' in 'Philip believes that Cicero denounced Catiline' yields a
falsehood – even though Quine optimistically entertained 'no doubt' at all that Philip does believe that of
Cicero (Quine 1944, p. 143). Existential generalisation is also problematic: 'there is something such that
Philip is unaware that it denounced Catiline' is not obviously a true statement about Marcus Tullius Cicero.
How are we to interpret the that-clause in the first quoted sentence of this paragraph? Frege had held that it
refers to a sense, an abstract propositional object. But Quine preferred to avoid abstract objects, and would
rather continue on the path that had worked so well for him in explaining the Giorgione case: appealing to
both the form of the expressions and their designata. 'Philip believes that Cicero denounced Catiline' likewise
says something of 'Cicero denounced Catiline' as well as of Cicero and Catiline. Quine speculated that the
real logical form of 'Philip believes that Cicero denounced Catiline' might be 'Philip believes the sentence
“Cicero denounced Catiline”'. He was later to endorse this line wholeheartedly (Quine 1970, p. 14).
Lastly, Quine extended the quotation-context analysis to include modality. He tentatively put
forward the suggestion that even modality might be quotational, if defined in terms of analyticity. In that
case '□p' might be rendered as an instance of the schema 'x is analytic', where 'x' is replaced with a quotation-
name of the sentence substituted for 'p' in '□p' (Quine 1944, p. 151). Modal statements, then, would simply
be claims about sentences, too. But by invoking analyticity, Quine had gone beyond comfortably
physicalistic talk of expressions and their spatio-temporal designata. It had become necessary to talk about
meaning. As his account of meaning underwent a sea-change between this book and his mature period, this
part of the account did, too. While Quine held firm to his quotation analysis of propositional attitudes, his
account of modality eventually expanded to make some limited sense of essence (Janssen-Lauret 2017, pp.
261-262). The quotation analysis of 1944 blocks all quantification into modal contexts, and Quine continued
to maintain that such quantification made no sense in 1951 (p. 22). Under the influence of Barcan Marcus
(1947, 1961, 1967), Quine grudgingly began to admit that such quantification was coherent. Even essence,
he eventually conceded, was not a wholly incoherent notion, merely an inconstant one, varying with the
context of enquiry (Quine 1960, p. 199; Quine 1976 [1972], p. 52). So the analysis of modal sentences was
modified more than any of the other quotation-based analyses presented in this book owing to shifts in
Quine's semantic views.
The topic of meaning, and especially analyticity, was one Quine had been dancing around since the
beginning of The Significance of the New Logic. We can see from his letters of the following year that part of
his struggle was his re-evaluation of Carnap's views. There are clear signs that he was further separating
himself from his teacher in this book. In the Introduction Quine had claimed to have 'expressed doubt that …
conventionalism has any meaning at all' (Quine 1944, p. 19) in 'Truth By Convention' – a rather stronger
statement than he had actually made in 1936. Again, there are also ontological concerns – which Carnap

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

would not have countenanced – driving Quine's fast-evolving attitudes towards analyticity. Even between
writing the book and translating himself Quine's convictions appear to have grown stonger. In the original
book, he had said: 'what the meaning of an expression is – what kind of object – is not yet clear; but it is
clear that, given a notion of meaning, we can explain the notion of synonymity easily as the relation between
expressions that have the same meaning. Conversely also, given the relation of synonymity, it would be easy
to derive the notion of meaning in the following way: the meaning of an expression is the class of all the
expressions synonymous with it. Perhaps this second direction of construction is the more promising one'
(Quine 1944, pp. 149-150). By 'Notes on Existence and Necessity', the 'Perhaps' had become a 'No doubt'.
The quotation also shows Quine clearly expressing unease about construing meanings as a special kind of
object. His idea that presupposing symonymity as primitive and explicating 'meaning' in terms of it might
provide an alternative to taking meaning as primitive, presumed explicable by positing meanings, is also
likely to be explained by his opposition to positing abstract objects.
Part of the growing rift between Quine and Carnap on analyticity was forged by their diverging
positions on extensionality. Here it was not just Quine who changed his mind, but Carnap, too. Having
originally agreed with Quine that only extensional languages were acceptable, in 1938 Carnap had begun to
dabble in intensional metalanguages, citing his principle of tolerance. Quine, having heard of this through
Hempel, shot off a rather ill-advised letter telling Carnap 'your principle of tolerance may finally lead you
even to tolerate Hitler' (Quine 1990, p. 241). Carnap was provoked enough to depart from his usual mild-
mannered style in his reply, comparing the anti-intensional philosopher to 'an entomologist who refuses to
investigate fleas and lice because he dislikes them' (Carnap 1990, p. 245). Quine could not dissuade him
from continuing down an increasingly intensional path, culminating in his advocating modal logic (Carnap
1947). In The Significance of the New Logic, Quine made his opposition to intensional constructions
apparent, but was less clear on what his argument against them was. He stated that intensionality is not
needed in mathematics, that intensional contexts are difficult to formulate 'clearly and exactly' (Quine 1944,
p. 157) and that they have the same defects as quotation contexts. Again it appears plausible that Quine's
views were motivated by ontology. In their subsequent correspondence, Carnap dismissed Quine's syntactic
objections as fallacious. In his replies it soon came out that Quine's real underlying reservations stemmed
from his nominalistic sympathies. He objected to the idea that in modal contexts we quantify over concepts
(Quine 1990, p. 326) and, after some debate, admitted that Carnap's view was coherent, but maintained that it
implied an ontology of abstract intensions (Quine 1990, p. 371). In other words, intensional languages had
ontological commitments which were an affront to his nominalist leanings. This point would subsequently
make it into print a few years later, when Quine complained that 'modal logic is committed to an ontology
which repudiates material objects' (Quine 1947, p. 47).
In this book Quine laid the groundwork for his distinction between the theory of meaning and the
theory of reference. In 1934, he had lacked that distinction, but appeared to be grasping around in the dark in

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

search of it when he said: 'the sentence as a whole is to be taken as a verbal combination which, though
presumably conveying some manner of intelligence (I write with deliberate vagueness at this point), yet does
not have that particular kind of meaning which consists in denoting or being a name of something' (Quine
1934, p. 474). In 1939, he moved closer to the issue by deploying the mediaeval distinction between
categoremata and syncategoremata, and making the distinction between understanding the meaning of a term
and knowing its designatum. But in this book Quine added to the distinction between designation and
meaning – 'only [names] designate, whereas perhaps all words and other more complex unities capable of
figuring in statements have meaning' – the idea that meaning should be explained in terms of synonymity,
which in turn 'calls for a definition or a criterion in psychological and linguistic terms'. At this point he had
not yet written off the theory of meaning as inherently confused, as he was to do later. But he was beginning
to draw a distinction between extensional semantic relations such as designation and satisfaction, and what
he viewed as the more nebulous, psychologically-based type of meaning. In his first letter to Carnap upon his
return from Brazil, he identified as the chief disagreement between them 'your failure to keep meaning
distinct from designatum', claiming that that distinction would 'have obviated the seeming advantages … of
intensional contexts' (Quine 1990 p. 299). Again part of the motivation appears ontological, as well as
epistemological and semantic. Quine was opposed to the intensional for ontological reasons. Talk of
designation, truth-functions, and satisfaction may have been attractive to him because it is able to focus
squarely on the two physicalistically acceptable levels of concrete designata and concrete utterances of
statements, as long as we avoid impurely designative occurrences in which the two levels are confused.

7. Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics

Quine's evolving views on ontology, as well as his evolving views on meaning, are also key to understanding
his account of philosophy of logic and mathematics in this book. For some years, he had been torn between
his great admiration for Principia Mathematica, which says that all arithmetic is just logic abbreviated, and
his distrust of the abstract objects posited by mathematics and therefore, according to Principia, by logic.
Quine was dissatisfied both with the realism of Russell and Whitehead about such objects and with the
deflationary solutions proposed by the members of the Vienna Circle, who took an anti-metaphysical stance
or, appealing to the Tractatus, maintained that logical and mathematical truths are mere tautologies.
As a result it may strike us as odd to find Quine writing in the Introduction to The Significance of the
New Logic that logicism is true, and subsequently declaring in the final section of the book that mathematical
theories are mere tools, consisting of pseudo-statements which are not truly true or false. These claims are
among the philosophical loose ends the book contains – Quine did not pick them up again upon his return to
philosophy. Over the course of the forties he changed his mind on the issue, and he had moved away from
the lines of thought expressed in this book by the time the war had ended.6 But they are instructive from a

6 Although there is some resemblance here to the views expressed in Quine's joint paper with Goodman from 1947,
which presents 'the sentences of mathematics merely as strings of marks without meaning', that paper justifies the

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

historical point of view, because they point to the influences other philosophers, especially Tarski, had on
Quine at the time and reveal a gradual shift in his philosophical allegiance away from Carnap. When Quine
began his PhD work in 1930, he might have supposed, for a hopeful year or so, that a kind of formalism
would allow him to endorse the mathematical logic of Principia without its abstract ontology. Such a
potential strategy is described in this book as identifiying logical (and, assuming Principia is correct,
mathematical) truth with provability (Quine 1944, p. 20). But Gödel's 1931 result established that such a
formalist strategy is doomed to fail. In this book Quine presupposed (as he had in 1940, pp. 1-7) that any
specification of logical truth will have an element of the semantic to it. Logically true statements are those
which remain true under any substitutions of other terms for their non-logical terms – as Quine put it, those
in which only logical vocabulary occurs essentially. That characterisation of logical truth still contains the
term 'true', in 'remain true'. Such uses of 'true' or other semantic terms, e.g. 'occurring essentially', cannot be
reduced to pure syntax or paraphrased away. Appeals to the purely formal, conventional, or notational
features of expressions are, as Gödel had shown, insufficient to determine logical or mathematical truth. The
formalist line seemed dead in the water to Quine. Yet his nominalist leanings meant that he continued to
resist the abstract ontological commitments of the Principia system. In The Significance of the New Logic
Quine deployed insights he derived from conversations with Tarski to forge a new kind of synthesis, if a
rather uncomfortable one, between his dedication to mathematical logic and his desire for a parsimonious,
concrete ontology. His appeal to the usefulness and pseudo-truth of mathematics can be viewed as a sort of
instrumentalism about infinitistic mathematics.
In the Introduction to this book, Quine endorsed Tarski's conception of logic as 'the common
denominator of the special sciences' (Quine 1944, p. 17). Elaborating on this idea, Quine characterised logic
as a completely general science whose truths apply to any domain of objects. As becomes apparent only
much later in the book, such a characterisation appears to render logic innocuous from a nominalistic point
of view. If logic is the most general theory, compatible with the content of any special science (Quine 1944,
p. 17), then it is equally compatible with theories which posit only a finite number of things. A tension
between this conception of logic and that of Principia now comes into focus for us, although Quine waited
until the end of the book to discuss it. The Principia system presupposes the Axiom of Infinity, and thus an
infinite number of things in the universe. In 1941, of course, Tarski had vigorously maintained that that
presupposition was intolerable. Quine had tended to agree with Tarski. Carnap, in his discussion notes, had
attributed to Quine the idea that perhaps non-finitistic mathematics might stand to finitistic mathematics as
observation sentences stand to theoretical physics (Carnap 2013 [1940-41], p. 150). A view with some
similarities to that idea is sketched in the final section of The Significance of the New Logic. Quine proposed

intelligibility of mathematics primarily based on the 'syntactical or metamathematical rules governing those marks'
(Goodman and Quine 1947, p. 111). By contrast, this book invokes 'pseudo-truth' and appeals to more semantic and
world-based considerations such as the utility of mathematics (Quine 1944, p. 235), i.e. the applications to natural
science emphasised earlier on in the book (Quine 1944, p. 21).

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

that classical mathematics could not strictly speaking be held true, given Gödel's proof, but ought to be
treated as a useful tool, yielding 'ideograms' which look and behave in most respects like statements (Quine
1944, p. 235). His mature philosophy of mathematics was, of course, rather different, abandoning both the
logicist and the nominalistic tendencies he expressed in this book. Quine's early-forties philosophy of logic
does have crucial similarities with his mature philosophy of logic, such as the conception of logical truths as
those truths which remain true under all lexical substitutions (Quine 1970, p. xi). But he was to hold firm to
the (Tarskian-inspired) philosophy of logic he put forward in The Significance of the New Logic, and this
would lead Quine to abandon his logicist leanings.
Although Quine stated in the Introduction that logicism is true, he wavered on the question over the
course of the book. Earlier on he described Russell's paradox, which involves sets or classes, as 'purely
logical' (Quine 1944, p. 15) and called '(y) (z) (w) ~ ((x) xz > w • ~ yz > w)' a logical truth (Quine 1944, p.
95). But towards the end of the book we see him slide from his former characterisation of logic as the theory
whose truths apply to any domain of objects to a characterisation according to which logic is the theory
without its own bespoke ontology. We might have expected to find him describing the theory of classes as
something other than logic because logic does, but the theory of classes does not, apply to absolutely any
domain of objects, since certain classes cannot belong to classes (Quine 1944 p. 193). Instead, Quine's
argument is that the theory of classes comes with a vast, abstract ontology. 'The theory of classes, in contrast
with logic in the strict sense, implies an ontology. It does not imply an exclusive ontology, as it imposes no
restrictions on the type of objects remaining, the so-called “individuals”; but it implies a positive ontology of
classes. This implication of an ontology of abstract objects is, although indispensable to classical
mathematics, repugnant to many thinkers' (Quine 1944, pp. 190-191). The theory of classes, then, belongs
not to logic, but to mathematics. But Quine's virtual theory of classes comes to his rescue, allowing logic in
the strict sense to do a substantial part of the work generally assigned to the theory of classes, while still
avoiding any special logical ontology. Only certain parts of mathematics can be tamed in this way. The
virtual theory is not strong enough to legitimate all of classical mathematics.
The Significance of the New Logic ends with a description of Gödel's proof and Quine's estimation of
its philosophical significance. Again, Quine stressed that the proof entailed that neither logical nor
mathematical truth could be taken to consist in provability. 'No formulation of the notion of theorem can
cover all of the true statements that can be formulated even in this very restricted notation of elementary
arithmetic, without also covering false statements. The same is true a fortiori for our logical notation, since it
is capable of expressing arithmetic and much more.' (Quine 1944, p. 234). He pointed out that even the
potential infinite is affected by this problem. (Carnap's notes from the previous year reveal that both Quine
and Tarski had qualms about the potential infinite and Carnap's reliance on a notion of possibility (Carnap
2013 [1940-41], p. 157).) Quine then described the upshot of Gödel's proof as a 'victory for those who
obstinately refuse to recognize abstract objects' (Quine 1944, p. 234), because, he claimed, it points to a

W.V. Quine's Philosophical Development, F. Janssen-Lauret, in The Significance of the New Logic, CUP 2018

conception of mathematics as a useful tool 'without content in the full sense' (Quine 1944, p. 235).7 Instead
of a theory composed of true or false statements, mathematics draws 'ideograms [which] behave as though
they have meaning [because of our] use of the methods of the theory of quantification (whose meaning still
remains unquestioned) in deriving theorems from the axioms we assume' (Quine 1944, p. 235). The book,
then, ends on a note best described as a kind of instrumentalism about classical mathematics. Mathematics is
justified by its usefulness, presumably the 'fruitful applications to the natural sciences' he had invoked earlier
in the book (Quine 1944, p. 16). But the statements of classical mathematics, which presuppose infinite
ranges of abstract objects, are not taken to truly (or falsely) describe anything of an abstract nature. As he
grew out of his finitistic and nominalistic inclinations, Quine swore off the instrumentalist treatment of
mathematics. Still, there are some points of contact with his mature philosophy. Although Quine's later
indispensability arguments do admit the existence of abstract, mathematical posits, their justification still
invokes their usefulness to the natural sciences – specifically, to physics. The mature Quine no longer
abjured the literal truth of classical or infinitistic mathematics generally. Accordingly, his nominalistic
leanings of the 1930s and '40s had dropped away. Nevertheless, even in his later period he held firm to the
idea that higher set theory, which has no applications, is merely recreational (Quine 1986b, p. 400).

I am grateful to the audience of the Glasgow conference 'Quine: Structure and Understanding', and to Greg
Frost-Arnold, Paul Gregory, Fraser MacBride, Douglas Quine, and Thomas Uebel. This research was
supported by a CAPES postdoctoral grant.


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