Delivering Justice Test

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Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight

for Civil Rights—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word mistreated mean?

a put in a wrong place c doubted the truth
b estimated wrongly d treated badly

2 What does the word fulfill mean?

f take up all the space
g make something full
h do what is required
i cover a blank area

3 What does the word encouragement mean?

a support that inspires confidence
b something that restores health
c the ability to face danger
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d an unexpected meeting

4 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: enrolled officially or formally

• Verb: made a record of something

Which of the following words is defined above?

f fulfill h protested
g mistreated i registered

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5 Which word means almost the SAME as qualified?

a proper
b honorable
c capable
d remarkable

6 What does the word protest mean?

f put to test
g keep something safe
h admit something openly
i express disapproval of something

7 What does the word boycott mean?

a one sent to gather information
b the tendency of an object to float
c a refusal to do business with a group
d a member of the U.S. boys’ organization

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8 Which word has the OPPOSITE meaning of injustice?
f faithfulness
g fairness
h happiness
i kindness


2 Grade 4
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Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the

Fight for Civil Rights—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may look back
at the selection to help find the answer to each question.

1 What made Thursdays special for Westley?

a He got to see his mom.
b Old John would tell him stories.
c He got to eat at a lunch counter.
d It was his night to help his grandma make dinner.

2 Why did Westley and his grandmother leave the

department store without buying anything?
f They could not find what they were looking for.
g The saleswoman was disrespectful to them.
h People cut in front of them.
i The line was too long.

3 What was the purpose of the voter school?

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a to help people pass the registration test

b to teach people to read and write
c to hold meetings for the NAACP
d to tell people how to vote

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4 The sit-in protesters need to be trained

f to know what to expect when protesting.
g to ensure the cause was taken seriously.
h to see when violence was appropriate.
i to learn about the history of protesting.

5 What made the results of Savannah’s boycott special

compared to others in the United States?
a It was the first southern city to declare all its citizens
b Westley was the main organizer of the protests.
c Very few people were arrested in the protests.
d It focused on desegregating one place at a time.

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4 Grade 4

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