Incidence and Risk Factors of Neonatal Infections in A Rural Bangladeshi Population: A Community-Based Prospective Study

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Mitra et al.

Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6


Incidence and risk factors of neonatal

infections in a rural Bangladeshi
population: a community-based
prospective study
Dipak K. Mitra1, Luke C. Mullany2, Meagan Harrison2, Ishtiaq Mannan3, Rashed Shah4, Nazma Begum2,
Mamun Ibne Moin2, Shams El Arifeen5, Abdullah H. Baqui2* and For the Projahnmo Study Group in Bangladesh

Background: Infections cause about one fifth of the estimated 2.7 million annual neonatal deaths worldwide.
Population-based data on burden and risk factors of neonatal infections are lacking in developing countries,
which are required for the appropriate design of effective preventive and therapeutic interventions in
resource-poor settings.
Methods: We used data from a community-based cluster-randomized trial conducted to evaluate the impact
of two umbilical cord cleansing regimens with chlorhexidine solution on neonatal mortality and morbidity in
a rural area of Sylhet District in Bangladesh. Newborns were assessed four times in the first 9 days of life by
trained community health workers (CHWs) using a WHO IMCI-like clinical algorithm. Cumulative incidence of
the first episode of infections in the first 9 days of life was estimated using survival analysis technique
accounting for survival bias and competing risk of death before the occurrence of infection. A multivariable
generalized estimating equation log-binomial regression model was used to identify factors independently
associated with infections.
Results: Between 2007 and 2009, 30,267 newborns who received at least one postnatal assessment visit by a CHW
within the first 9 days of life were included in this study. Cumulative incidence of infections in the first 9 days of life was
14.5% (95% CI 14.1–14.9%). Significant risk factors included previous child death in the family [RR 1.10 (95% CI 1.02–1.19)];
overcrowding [RR 1.14 (95% CI 1.04–1.25)]; home delivery [RR 1.86 (95% CI 1.58–2.19)]; unclean cord care [RR 1.15 (95% CI
1.03–1.28)]; multiple births [RR 1.34 (95% CI 1.15–1.56)]; low birth weight [reference: ≥ 2500 g, RR (95% CI) for < 1500,
1500–1999, and 2000–2499 g were 4.69 (4.01–5.48), 2.15 (1.92–2.42), and 1.15 (1.07–1.25) respectively]; and birth asphyxia
[RR 1.65 (1.51–1.81)]. Higher pregnancy order lowered the risk of infections in the study population [compared to first
pregnancy, RR (95% CI) for second, third, and ≥ fourth pregnancy babies were 0.93 (0.85–1.02), 0.88 (0.79–0.97), and 0.79
(0.71–0.87), respectively].
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: [email protected]
International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health, Department of
International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 2 of 11

(Continued from previous page)

Conclusion: Neonatal infections and associated deaths can be reduced by identifying and following up high-
risk mothers and newborns and promoting facility delivery and clean cord care in resource-poor countries like
Bangladesh where the burden of clinically ascertained neonatal infections is high. Further research is needed
to measure the burden of infections in the entire neonatal period, particularly in the second fortnight and its
association with essential newborn care.
Trial registration: NCT00434408. Registered February 9, 2007.
Keywords: Neonatal infections, Risk factors, Bangladesh, Prospective study

Background districts (Beanibazar, Zakigonj, and Kanaighat) of Sylhet

Globally, an estimated 2.7 million neonates (1–28 days) District in Bangladesh. Detailed design, procedure, and
die every year, and approximately 98% of these deaths major findings of the trial have been described elsewhere
occur in developing countries [1, 2]. Although neonatal [16, 17]. Briefly, the study evaluated the impact of two
mortality is declining, the rate of such decline has been regimens of umbilical cord cleansing (single application
slower than that observed for postneonatal and 1 to 4- and 7-day application) with 4.0% chlorhexidine solution
year-old child mortality [3, 4]. Thus, neonatal death is compared to dry cord care on overall neonatal mortality
increasingly becoming more important as a proportion and incidence of cord infections (
of under-five child deaths globally. In 2000, 38% of the identifier: NCT0043448). An estimated 546,000 popula-
under-five child deaths was due to neonatal deaths, and tion in 22 unions (the smallest administrative unit with
by 2013, this proportion became 44% [5, 6]. Infections ~ 25,000 populations with a first-level health facility)
including sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, and tetanus are participated in the study. The area was divided into 133
responsible for 22.2% of neonatal mortality globally and clusters, each served by a female community health
up to 50% of neonatal deaths in high mortality settings worker (CHW) and 4–5 village health workers (VHWs),
[7–9]. Neonatal deaths can be prevented with low-cost who implemented the interventions and collected data.
interventions at community and primary care facilities
[10, 11]. It has been estimated that timely identification Study procedures
and management of serious infections can reduce 20 to CHWs enumerated all households at the beginning of
55% of neonatal deaths with 90% service coverage, and the study and made a list of married women of repro-
further reduction can be achieved in conjunction with ductive age (MWRA) including their pregnancy status in
additional antenatal and intrapartum care [10, 12]. Re- the study area. They continued two monthly home visits
cent evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of simpler to update the list of MWRAs and to identify new
antibiotic regimens for management of newborn infec- pregnant women. All women identified as pregnant dur-
tions that can be delivered at the first-level health facil- ing the study period were invited to participate in the
ities has the potential to greatly expand access to care study. Those agreeing to participate provided data on
and reduce mortality [13, 14]. Data on burden and risk age, parity, date of last menstrual period, occupation,
factors of community-acquired neonatal infections in literacy, complete birth history, and socio-economic
developing countries are scant but are critically essential information of the household.
for designing and implementing targeted interventions CHWs delivered a package of maternal and neonatal
in such settings [15]. Using data from a large health interventions to all enrolled women during the
community-based study that evaluated the impact of two antenatal home visits made at 12–16 weeks and at
chlorhexidine cleansing of the umbilical cord on neo- 32–34 weeks of pregnancy. The intervention package in-
natal mortality and morbidity, this paper provides an cluded a supply of iron and folic acid, a clean birthing
estimate of incidence of clinically ascertained community- kit, messages on birth and newborn care preparedness
acquired neonatal infections in the first 9 days of life and (BNCP), and advice on essential newborn care (clean
identifies risk factors for infections in the first 9 days of life cord care, breastfeeding, and thermal care), and postna-
of neonates in a rural area of Bangladesh. tal danger signs [11, 17]. CHWs made six postnatal
home visits scheduled on days 1, 3, 6, 9, 15, and 28–35
Methods to deliver interventions and collect data. Physical assess-
Study design and participants ment for signs of clinical infections was performed in
This study uses observational data from a cohort of new- the first four visits. All live births in the study areas that
borns and their mothers that participated in a received at least one postnatal assessment visit by CHW
community-based trial conducted in three rural sub- in the first 9 days of life were included in this study.
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 3 of 11

Training and quality assurance cases, the visits were made in the intervals, so during
All CHWs received in-house and competence-based the analysis stage, the actual age of newborns was calcu-
training for 6 weeks under the direct supervision of lated at the time of each visit for consistency. Assess-
trained physicians. The training sessions used a standard ment visits beyond day 9 are excluded from this analysis.
curriculum including skills development for behavior Clinical infections were defined as the presence of any of
change communication, delivery of BNCP and essential the seven signs (panel 1) on the day of assessment; these
newborn care, clinical assessment of neonates, and signs included the seven signs of the WHO recom-
identification and management of sick newborns using mended Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
the clinical algorithm. After the training, all CHWs were (IMCI) algorithm [18].
standardized for clinical assessment in Sylhet MAG Panel 1: Clinical signs used for CHW’s assessment in
Osmani Medical College Hospital, a tertiary care the study
teaching hospital serving the study population. Field data
quality was ensured through direct supervision by field – History of or observed convulsion
supervisors. Periodic supervisory visits and – Feeding difficulty confirmed by observation
standardization exercise sessions were organized to ensure – Respiratory rate 60 per minute or more
data quality. Data forms were edited by supervisory staff – Severe chest indrawing
for completeness, accuracy, and consistency. Data entry – Temperature ≥ 37.5 °C
system was designed with built-in range and consistency – Temperature ≤ 35.5 °C
checks. All identified incomplete or inconsistent data were – Does not move without stimulation
verified in the field by senior project staff.
Statistical analyses
Follow-up visits and data collection We estimated the cumulative incidence of neonatal
Exposure variables infections in the first 9 days of life and 95% confidence
CHWs collected information on exposure variables interval (CI) using a survival analysis technique. To
during antenatal visits and the first postnatal visit using minimize survival bias, we allowed late entry that babies
a set of questionnaires and assessment tools. Informa- entered the analysis at the age of first visit by CHWs
tion on socio-demographic and economic variables (age and contributed person time until the occurrence of the
at enrollment, educational status of women and their first episode of infection, death, lost to follow-up, or
husbands, basic housing structure, sanitation and source reaching age day 9. Death before the occurrence of
of drinking water, household assets, religion, household infection was considered a competing risk and was
size) and previous obstetric history were collected at adjusted in the estimation procedure, as a conventional
enrollment. Data on antenatal care, consumption of iron Kaplan-Meier estimator is likely to overestimate cumula-
tablets, TT immunization, and antenatal complications tive incidence in the presence of a competing risk such
(history of fever, severe abdominal pain, swelling of as death [19]. We used Stata command “stcompet”
hand, leg or face, vaginal bleeding, convulsion, severe written by Enzo Coviello for this purpose [20].
headache, blurring of vision) were collected from all Risk factor analysis was done using a log-binomial
women during antenatal visits and the first postnatal regression with a log link function and binomial family.
visit. Information on delivery characteristics (date and A generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach with
time of birth, birth attendants, place of birth, prolonged exchangeable correlation structure was used to adjust
labor, prolonged rupture of membrane, retained pla- for the clustered nature of the data [21, 22]. The CHW
centa, cord care), newborn characteristics (sex, birth working area was considered as the cluster in our
weight, gestational age at delivery, conditions of the baby analysis due to variation in case detection proportion by
at birth), and essential newborn care (clean cord care, CHWs. In case of convergence failure with log-binomial
breastfeeding, thermal care) were collected on the first model, a Poisson regression with a robust standard error
postnatal visit. was used [23]. Missing data of covariates were imputed
using the “hotdeck” method by cluster [24].
Outcome variable The exposure variables were grouped into (1) socio-
The primary outcome of the study was neonatal infec- demographic and household factors (maternal age, birth
tion during the first 9 days of life as clinically ascertained order, parental educational status, household crowding,
by the CHWs. During the postnatal visits scheduled on previous history of child deaths, household economic
days 1, 3, 6, and 9, CHWs assessed all babies who were status), (2) maternal factors (obstetric history, antenatal
alive on the day of the visits and recorded signs of care, delivery characteristics), and (3) newborn factors
infections and other illnesses. While most visits (sex, gestational age, birth weight, condition of the baby
happened as scheduled on days 1, 3, 6, and 9, in some at birth, essential newborn care). For measuring socio-
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 4 of 11

economic status, a categorical wealth index variable was Cumulative incidence of neonatal infections (Fig. 2)
created using information on ownership of durable in the first 9 days of life was 14.5% (95% CI 14.1–
household assets, source of drinking water, type of 14.9%), and in the first week of life, it was 13.4%
latrine, and characteristics of dwelling house using (95% CI 12.9–13.8%).
principal component analysis [25]. In our final Table 1 summarizes socio-demographic and household
model, variables related to the initiation of breast- factors and their crude association with neonatal infec-
feeding, oil massage, and delaying bathing the baby tions. Neonates in the lower four household wealth
were excluded as early morbidities are likely to nega- quintiles had increased risk of infections compared to
tively influence these newborn care practices [26]. those in the highest wealth quintile. Higher education
Data analyses were done in Stata (version 12) statis- levels of mothers (≥ primary) significantly decreased the
tical software [27]. risk of infection in newborns, but father’s education level
did not have any significant association. Babies born in
Results families with ≤ 0.5 bedrooms per person (a proxy of
Between June 2007 and September 2009, 35,908 live crowding) had a significantly higher risk of infection
births were recorded in the study population. CHWs compared to babies in families with > 0.5 bedrooms per
made at least one postnatal home visit in 33,138 babies person [RR 1.15 (95% CI 1.06–1.25)].
(92.3%), and of these, 2871 (8.66%) were excluded; 495 Table 2 shows maternal factors and their association
(17.2%) due to death before CHW’s visit; 581 (20.2%) with neonatal infections. Compared to babies born in
due to missing assessment data; and 1795 (62.5%) due to first pregnancies, third and higher pregnancy order
first postnatal visit after day 9. Overall, 3592 babies de- babies had a significantly lower risk of infection. Mater-
veloped first episode neonatal infections during the nal iron intake for ≥ 60 days during pregnancy was asso-
follow-up period (Fig. 1). ciated with lower risk of neonatal infections (RR 0.91;

Fig. 1 Study profile

Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 5 of 11

95% CI 0.85–0.97) compared to iron intake for < 60 days

during pregnancy. Delivery by a skilled attendant signifi-
cantly lowered the risk of neonatal infections compared
to deliveries by unskilled attendants (RR 0.80; 95% CI
0.72–0.90). Home-delivered babies had a higher risk of
infection compared to facility-born babies [RR 1.60
(1.37–1.85)]. Those who reported that the birth atten-
dants washed their hands before delivery had a lower
risk of infection. Babies whose mothers had retained pla-
centa experienced a significantly higher risk of infection
(RR 1.50; 95% CI 1.28–1.75).
Table 3 shows newborn factors and their association
with neonatal infections. Multiple birth outcome babies
had a significantly increased risk of infection [RR 2.47
Fig. 2 Cumulative incidence of neonatal infections in the first 9 days (95% CI 2.18–2.80)] compared to singleton babies.
adjusted for competing risk of deaths Lower birth weights significantly increased the risk of
infections. Compared to ≥ 2500 g babies, RRs (95% CI)
were 6.50 (5.74–7.47), 2.55 (2.29–2.83), and 1.20 (1.12–
1.29) for < 1500, 1500–1999, and 2000–2499 g babies,

Table 1 Association of socio-demographic and household factors with neonatal infections

Characteristics Neonatal infections in first 2 weeks (n = 30,267)
Number Infections Percent RR 95% CI
Household wealth quintile
Lowest quintile (poorest) 6089 755 12.4 1.16 1.04–1.29
Second lowest quintile 6020 749 12.4 1.16 1.05–1.29
Middle quintile 6052 731 12.1 1.12 1.02–1.24
Second highest quintile 6053 744 12.3 1.14 1.03–1.26
Highest quintile (richest) 6053 613 10.1 1.00
Islam 28,934 3445 11.9 1.00
Others 1333 147 1105 0.98 0.84–1.15
Mother’s age
< 25 years 9994 1291 12.9 1.00
25–29 years 10,220 1098 10.71.0 0.85 0.79–0.92
30–34 years 6180 746 12.1 0.97 0.90–1.06
35 years and above 3873 457 11.8 0.96 0.87–1.06
Mother’s education
Below primary level 15,266 1911 12.5 1.00
Primary and above 15,001 1681 11.2 0.93 0.87–0.99
Father’s education
Below primary level 17,607 2147 12.2 1.00
Primary and above 12,660 1445 11.4 0.98 0.92–1.04
History of child death
Yes 7499 938 12.5 1.07 0.99–1.15
No 22,768 2654 1179 1.00
Sleeping room per person
0.5 or less 24,854 3014 12.1 1.15 1.06–1.25
Higher than 0.5 5413 578 10.7 1.00
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 6 of 11

Table 2 Association of pregnancy and delivery characteristics Table 3 Association of newborn characteristics with
with neonatal infections neonatal infections
Characteristics Neonatal infections in first 2 weeks (n = 30,267) Characteristics Neonatal infections in first 2 weeks (n = 30,267)
Number Infections Percent Risk ratio 95% CI Number Infections Percent RR 95% CI
Pregnancy order Single/multiple birth
First 5523 729 13.2 1.00 Singleton 29,558 3386 11.5 1.00
Second 5831 705 12.1 0.91 0.83–1.00 Multiple birth 709 206 29.1 2.47 2.18–2.80
Third 5187 592 11.4 0.85 0.77–0.94 Gestational age at birth
Fourth or higher 13,726 1566 11.4 0.85 0.79–0.92 < 35 weeks 2693 442 16.4 1.44 1.31–1.58
Iron consumption during pregnancy 35–36 weeks 3546 415 11.7 1.04 0.95–1.15
Less than 60 days 12,349 1597 12.9 1.00 37 weeks or more 24,028 2735 11.4 1.00
60 days or more 17,918 1995 11.1 0.91 0.85–0.97 Sex of the baby
ANC from qualified provider Male 15,646 1880 12.0 1.00
Yes 16,056 1867 11.6 1.07 0.99–1.14 Female 14,621 1712 11.7 0.97 0.92–1.03
No 14,211 1725 12.1 1.00 Birth weight
Antenatal complications < 1500 g 210 142 67.6 6.50 5.74–7.37
Yes 6161 793 12.9 1.07 0.99–1.16 1500–1999 g 1369 357 26.1 2.55 2.29–2.83
No 24,106 2799 11.6 1.00 2000–2499 g 8386 1040 12.4 1.20 1.12–1.29
Birth attendant* 2500 g or higher 20,302 2053 10.1 1.00
Skilled 3118 269 8.63 0.80 0.72–0.90 Birth asphyxia
Unskilled 27,149 3323 12.2 1.00 Yes 3427 709 20.7 1.87 1.73–2.03
Place of delivery No 26,840 2883 10.7 1.00
Home 27,882 3430 12.3 1.60 1.37–1.85 Sterile cord cutting and tying
Facility 2385 162 6.8 1.00 Yes 26,291 3122 11.9 1.08 0.98–1.18
Washed hands before delivery No 3976 470 11.8 1.00
Yes 29,138 3415 11.7 0.83 0.71–0.96 Non-study substances on cord
No 1129 177 15.7 1.00 Yes 1779 236 13.3 1.05 0.92–1.20
Prolonged labor No 28,488 3356 11.8 1.00
Yes 2708 328 11.8 1.08 0.97–1.20 Dried within 30 min
No 27,559 3264 12.1 1.00 Yes 25,719 2893 11.3 1.00
Prolonged rupture of membrane No 4548 699 15.4 1.18 1.08–1.28
Yes 2082 276 13.3 1.08 0.96–1.21 Wrapped within 30 min
No 28,185 3316 11.8 1.00 Yes 25,321 2828 11.2 1.00
Retained placenta No 4946 764 15.5 1.20 1.10–1.31
Yes 753 150 19.9 1.50 1.28–1.75 Breastfed within 1 h
No 29,514 3442 11.7 1.00 Yes 18,329 2093 11.4 1.00
*Health care providers including physicians, nurses, and paramedics and No 11,938 1499 12.6 1.05 0.98–1.13
midwives who have midwifery training for at least 6 months are considered as
skilled birth attendants Oil massaged within 1 h
Yes 3292 437 13.3 1.11 1.00–1.23
respectively. Asphyxiated babies had 1.87 (95% CI 1.73– No 26,975 3155 11.7 1.00
2.03) times higher risk of infections than babies with no Delayed bath for 1 day
signs of asphyxia at birth. Yes 26,519 3084 11.6 1.10 0.99–1.21
Table 4 shows the results from a multivariable GEE
No 3748 508 13.6 1.00
log-binomial model. Model 1 is the full model with all
covariates, and model 2 is the final model excluding
variables based on collinearity and reverse causality. RR (95% CI) of the second, third, and ≥ fourth preg-
Higher pregnancy order significantly decreased the risk nancy babies were 0.93 (0.85–1.02), 0.88 (0.79–0.97),
of infections. Compared to the first pregnancy babies, and 0.79 (0.71–0.87), respectively. Babies born in
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 7 of 11

Table 4 Risk factors of neonatal infections from multivariable GEE log-binomial regression
Risk factors Model 1 (full) Model 2 (final)
Risk ratio 95% CI Risk ratio 95% CI
Household wealth quintile (ref: highest quintile)
Lowest quintile (poorest) 1.05 0.95–1.17 1.04 0.94–1.16
Second lowest quintile 1.06 0.96–1.18 1.06 0.96–1.17
Middle quintile 1.03 0.93–1.14 1.02 0.93–1.14
Second highest quintile 1.08 0.98–1.19 1.07 0.97–1.19
Non-Muslims (ref: Muslim) 0.96 0.84–1.10 0.96 0.84–1.10
Mother’s age (ref: < 25 years)
25–29 years 0.94 0.87–1.02 0.94 0.87–1.03
30–34 years 1.10 1.00–1.21 1.10 1.00–1.21
35 years and above 1.08 0.96–1.22 1.09 0.96–1.23
Mothers primary or above (ref: below primary) 0.94 0.87–1.02 0.94 0.87–1.02
Father’s primary and above (ref: below primary) 1.08 1.00–1.16 1.08 1.00–1.16
Pregnancy order (ref: first pregnancies)
Second 0.93 0.85–1.02 0.93 0.85–1.02
Third 0.88 0.79–0.97 0.88 0.79–0.97
Fourth or higher 0.79 0.71–0.87 0.79 0.71–0.87
History of child death (ref: no history of death) 1.10 1.02–1.19 1.10 1.02–1.19
≤ 0.5 room per person in the house (ref: > 0.5) 1.14 1.04–1.26 1.14 1.04–1.25
Antenatal iron consumption for ≥ 60 days (ref: < 60 days) 0.96 0.89–1.03 0.96 0.89–1.03
ANC from qualified provider (ref: no) 1.11 1.03–1.19 1.11 1.03–1.19
Antenatal complications (ref: no complications) 1.01 0.92–1.10 1.01 0.92–1.10
Home delivery (ref: facility delivery) 2.13 1.73–2.62 1.86 1.58–2.19
Skilled birth attendant (ref: unskilled attendant) 1.19 1.01–1.40
Washed hands before delivery (ref: no) 0.92 0.77–1.09
Prolonged labor (ref: no) 1.04 0.93–1.16 1.04 0.94–1.16
Prolonged rupture of membrane (ref: no) 1.02 0.91–1.14 1.02 0.92–1.14
Retained placenta (ref: no) 1.15 0.98–1.35 1.14 0.96–1.34
Non-study substances on cord (ref: no) 0.96 0.85–1.09 0.96 0.85–1.09
Non-sterile cord cutting and tying (ref: sterile) 1.13 1.02–1.25 1.15 1.03–1.28
Multiple birth (ref: singleton birth) 1.33 1.15–1.55 1.34 1.15–1.56
Female baby (ref: male baby) 0.96 0.90–1.02 0.96 0.89–1.02
Gestational age at birth (ref: ≥ 37 weeks)
< 35 weeks 1.09 0.99–1.19 1.08 0.99–1.19
35–36 weeks 0.97 0.87–1.07 0.96 087–1.07
Birth weight (ref: ≥ 2500 g)
< 1500 g 4.70 4.01–5.51 4.69 4.01–5.48
1500–1999 g 2.15 1.92–2.41 2.15 1.92–2.42
2000–2499 g 1.16 1.07–1.25 1.15 1.07–1.25
Birth asphyxia (ref: no birth asphyxia) 1.66 1.51–1.82 1.65 1.51–1.81
Dried baby after 30 min (ref: < 30 min) 0.93 0.66–1.30 0.94 0.73–1.20
Wrapped after 30 min (ref: < 30 min) 1.20 0.96–1.51 1.19 0.95–1.49
Breastfed after 1 h (ref: within 1 h) 0.96 0.84–1.09
Oil massaged within 1 h (ref: no massage within 1 h) 1.03 0.91–1.16
Bathed baby within 1 day (ref: delayed bath for 1 day) 1.01 0.78–1.32
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 8 of 11

families with a previous history of child deaths were Previous death of a child in the family is an established
more likely to develop infections [RR 1.10 (95% CI 1.02– risk factor for child death [33]. However, reports on its
1.19)]. Neonates born in crowded families (≤ 0.5 association with immediate contributors of neonatal
bedrooms per person) had increased risk of acquiring deaths are mixed. One study in Nepal did not find any
infections [RR 1.14 (95% CI 1.04–1.25)]. Receipt of association between previous child deaths and asphyxia-
antenatal care from qualified providers during pregnancy related neonatal death [34]; however, other studies
increased the risk of infections in the neonates [RR 1.11 showed its association with preterm birth or small for
(95% CI 1.03–1.19)]. Home-born babies had a signifi- gestational age [35, 36]. With this study, now we show
cantly higher risk of infections compared to facility-born that previous child death is associated with early neo-
babies [RR 1.86 (95% CI 1.58–2.19)]. Non-sterile cutting natal infections. Density of people in the household has
and tying of the umbilical cord significantly increased also been shown to increase the risk of child mortality in
the risk of neonatal infections in the study population different settings [37, 38]. Our data show that < 1 room
[RR 1.15 (95% CI 1.03–1.28)]. Multiple birth babies had per two persons significantly increased the risk of neo-
a significantly higher risk of infections [RR 1.34 (95% CI: natal infections. Increased density of people in the
1.15–1.56)] compared to singleton babies. Lower birth household represents overcrowding, which contributes
weight significantly increased the risk of infections. to the transmission of infections through respiratory
Compared to ≥ 2500 g babies, RR (95% CI) for < 1500 g droplets [39, 40]. We found an increased risk of infec-
babies was 4.69 (4.01–5.48), 2.15 (1.92–2.42) for 1500– tions in babies born to mothers who received at least
1999 g babies, and 1.15 (1.07–1.25) for 2000–2499 g one antenatal care (ANC) visit from a qualified provider
babies. Babies born with signs of birth asphyxia also had compared to babies whose mothers did not receive any
a higher risk of infections [RR 1.65 (95% CI 1.51–1.81)]. ANC visits from qualified providers. This finding contra-
dicts the generally held belief that ANC reduces the risk
Discussions of neonatal infections and mortality [41]. This could
We report high cumulative incidence (14.5%) of infections have resulted from misclassification between routine
as ascertained by CHWs in four scheduled postnatal visits ANC and care seeking for antenatal complications, as
in the first 9 days of life in our study population. We also both data are collected as maternal reports. Home-
demonstrate that multiple socio-demographic, household, delivered newborns were at greater risk of developing
maternal, and newborn characteristics are significantly infections compared to facility-born babies in our study
associated with neonatal infections. These data come from population, which is consistent with the findings from
a well-defined large (n = 30,267) population-based birth other studies [42, 43]. Although home-born babies
cohort in a rural area of Bangladesh. Comparison between received their first assessment visits by CHWs much
estimates of clinical neonatal infections estimated in dif- earlier than the hospital-born babies (median age at first
ferent studies is challenging due to the use of variable visit in home-delivered babies 15 h compared to 78 h in
clinical algorithms, duration of follow-up, and frequency facility-born babies), the association remained significant
of assessment. Our estimate is higher than the previous even after adjusting for age at first visit. Prolonged
estimates from the same setting. Baqui et al. (2009) duration of labor and prolonged rupture of membrane
reported 5.6% incidence of very severe disease and 11.2% (PROM) were not associated with neonatal infections,
possible very severe disease in the first week of life from although others have found that these conditions are
this study area [28]. Although the estimates appear similar, associated with newborn infection [44, 45]. Failure to cut
the duration of follow-up, frequency of assessment, and and tie the umbilical cord aseptically increased the risk of
clinical algorithms are different. Estimates from India, infections significantly. This supports that the clean cord
Nepal, and Pakistan used a similar clinical algorithm but practice can prevent neonatal infections and deaths in set-
used variable follow-up duration and assessment schedule tings where most births occur at home [46]. In this study,
ranges from 5.0 to 11.0% [29]. babies born in multiple births were at higher risk of infec-
Our data shows that higher birth order decreased the risk tions compared to singleton babies, which is consistent
of neonatal infections, which is consistent with the findings with the reports in previous studies [47]. We did not find
from other studies. One study from Sweden reported an any elevated risk associated with male sex as reported in
odds ratio of 0.56 (95% CI 0.45–0.70) for multiparity com- earlier studies [31, 48]. Gestational age at birth was not
pared to primiparity [30]. Another study in Nepal found associated with neonatal infections in the adjusted model,
babies born to primipara mothers had a higher risk of but birth weight was highly associated, although both pre-
infection (OR 1.58) compared to babies of multipara term and low birth weight are established risk factors for
mothers [31]. These findings are likely to occur due to the neonatal infections [49]. Birth asphyxia is significantly
improved newborn care practices by experienced mothers, associated with infections, as was also reported in the
particularly early initiation of breastfeeding [32]. previous studies [49, 50].
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 9 of 11

This study has several strengths. This is a large manage newborns with clinical infections at the commu-
population-based study in a developing country setting nity and first level facility, and promote facility delivery
with routine pregnancy and birth surveillance in place. in the long run. The Ministry of Health and Family
The study enrolled a large number of newborns allowing Welfare (MOH&FW) in Bangladesh is about to launch
adequate sample size for estimating the incidence of its 4th Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Sector
neonatal infections with high precision. The study also program, with a strong National Newborn Health Pro-
provides adequate samples for testing hypotheses for gram (NNHP) inbuilt in it [54]. In the context of wider
smaller associations with high power. All risk factors geographic disparity in newborn mortality in the country
were measured before the occurrence of outcomes that [53], Bangladesh needs differential program design.
allowed eliminating certain biases that are common in Keeping in alignment with recommendations from the
cross-sectional studies. We adjusted for survival bias Bangladesh Every Newborn Action Plan (BENAP) [55],
allowing late entry at the age of health workers’ first the NNHP puts a strong emphasis on a comprehensive
assessment and competing risk of deaths for estimating social and behavioral change communication strategy
cumulative incidence function of infections. focused towards changing community norms and behav-
The study also had several limitations. The algorithm ior relevant to newborn care. To be optimally effective,
used for the diagnosis of neonatal infections may have both the differential approach and a customized
high sensitivity and low specificity, and the clinical algo- approach for SBCC strategy should draw on the risk
rithm used to ascertain newborn infections overlaps with factors identified in this study.
prematurity, LBW, and birth asphyxia [51]. Laboratory
diagnosis of infection was not performed in this study. BNCP: Birth and newborn care preparedness; CHW: Community health
Although the presence of interventions may have influ- worker; CI: Confidence interval; GEE: Generalized estimating equation;
enced the incidence of infections, the analysis of risk IMCI: Integrated Management of Childhood Illness; LBW: Low birth weight;
MWRA: Married woman of reproductive age; OR: Odds ratio; RR: Risk ratio;
factors was adjusted for intervention effects. This study WHO: World Health Organization
captured infections in the first 2 weeks of life; thus, the
findings do not represent infections in the entire neo- Acknowledgements
The study was conducted by the Projahnmo study group in Bangladesh.
natal period. However, this is the most vulnerable period Projhanmo is a partnership of the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease
accounting for almost 90% of neonatal deaths in devel- Research, Bangladesh; the Bangladesh government’s Ministry of Health and
oping countries [52]. The infants who died before the Family Welfare; Shimantik (a Bangladeshi non-governmental organization);
Save the Children-US; Dhaka Shishu Hospital; and the Johns Hopkins
CHW’s first assessment were excluded from this study, Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA. We especially thank the members
resulting in left truncation and residual survival bias. of the Projahnmo study team and colleagues at the Bangladesh Ministry of
Several areas for future research are highlighted with Health and Family Welfare at the sub-district, district, and central levels for
their valuable help and advice. We thank the many individuals in Sylhet
the findings of this study. Similar studies should be con- District who gave their time generously as well as the Projahnmo field and
ducted to capture the entire neonatal period to generate data management staff who worked tirelessly on this study. Finally, we thank
further population-based data on burden and risk factors the Sylhet communities who hosted this study and especially the study
participants for their participation in this study.
of neonatal infections in low- and middle-income coun-
tries. The effect of essential neonatal care on late-onset Funding
infections also needs to be examined. Another area of Funding for the parent chlorhexidine trial was provided by the United States
Agency for International Development, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases,
future interest is the incidence of recurrent infections in and Nutrition; Global Health Bureau and the Dhaka Mission through the
the neonatal period and within early infancy period (i.e., Global Research Activity Cooperative Agreement (GHS-A-00-03-00019-00);
the first 2 months of life). and the Saving Newborn Lives initiative of Save the Children Federation-USA
through a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Dipak K. Mitra
was supported through Fogarty Training Grant (Grant # D43TW7587) during
Conclusions the period of the data analyses and manuscript writing.
In conclusion, the high burden of neonatal infections The funders of the study had no role in the study design, data collection,
data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.
remains a major challenge to reducing neonatal deaths
in Bangladesh. Several socio-economic, household, Availability of data and materials
maternal, and newborn factors were shown to increase Data and all the materials will be available from the corresponding author
upon request.
the risk of neonatal infection. About half of the cases
developed signs very early on the day of birth. Two Authors’ contributions
thirds of home births in Bangladesh with almost negli- DKM and AHB primarily conceptualized the design and analysis of this study.
AHB and LCM were primarily responsible for the design and protocol
gible outreach worker visitation coverage [53] remain as development of the parent study (chlorhexidine trial). AHB was the principal
a huge challenge in terms of identification of the danger investigator of the parent study, and SEA, LCM, IM, and RS were co-
signs, early on. Thus maternal and child health programs investigators of the parent study. DKM conducted the data analyses, drafted
the manuscript, and incorporated the inputs from co-authors. NB, MIM, and
in low- and middle-income countries should design MH assisted in the data management and analyses. All authors reviewed the
strategies to promote preventive measures, identify and draft manuscript and provided inputs in finalizing the manuscript. AHB
Mitra et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2018) 37:6 Page 10 of 11

provided critical inputs in the data analyses and manuscript drafts and interventions within the continuum of care. Health Policy Plan. 2008;23(2):
approved the final version. All authors read and approved the final 101–17.
manuscript. 11. Baqui AH, El-Arifeen S, Darmstadt GL, Ahmed S, Williams EK, Seraji HR,
Mannan I, Rahman SM, Shah R, Saha SK, et al. Effect of community-based
Ethics approval and consent to participate newborn-care intervention package implemented through two service-
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the delivery strategies in Sylhet district, Bangladesh: a cluster-randomised
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Ethical Review controlled trial. Lancet. 2008;371(9628):1936–44.
Committee of the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, 12. Darmstadt GL, Bhutta ZA, Cousens S, Adam T, Walker N, de Bernis L, Lancet
Bangladesh (icddr,b). Oral consent was obtained from each respondent prior Neonatal Survival Steering T. Evidence-based, cost-effective interventions:
to the data collection. Privacy and confidentiality were maintained how many newborn babies can we save? Lancet. 2005;365(9463):977–88.
throughout the study. 13. Baqui AH, Saha SK, Ahmed AS, Shahidullah M, Quasem I, Roth DE,
Samsuzzaman AK, Ahmed W, Tabib SM, Mitra DK, et al. Safety and efficacy
Consent for publication of alternative antibiotic regimens compared with 7 day injectable procaine
Not applicable benzylpenicillin and gentamicin for outpatient treatment of neonates and
young infants with clinical signs of severe infection when referral is not
Competing interests possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. Lancet Glob Health.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 2015;3(5):e279–87.
14. African Neonatal Sepsis Trial g, Tshefu A, Lokangaka A, Ngaima S, Engmann
C, Esamai F, Gisore P, Ayede AI, Falade AG, Adejuyigbe EA, et al. Simplified
Publisher’s Note antibiotic regimens compared with injectable procaine benzylpenicillin plus
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
gentamicin for treatment of neonates and young infants with clinical signs
published maps and institutional affiliations.
of possible serious bacterial infection when referral is not possible: a
randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. Lancet. 2015;385(9979):1767–76.
Author details
1 15. Ganatra HA, Zaidi AK. Neonatal infections in the developing world. Semin
School of Public Health, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Dhaka,
Perinatol. 2010;34(6):416–25.
Bangladesh. 2International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health,
16. Mullany LC, El Arifeen S, Winch PJ, Shah R, Mannan I, Rahman SM, Rahman
Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
MR, Darmstadt GL, Ahmed S, Santosham M, et al. Impact of 4.0%
Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. 3Save the
chlorhexidine cleansing of the umbilical cord on mortality and omphalitis
Children, Bangladesh country office, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 4Department of
among newborns of Sylhet, Bangladesh: design of a community-based
Global Health, Save the Children-USA, Washington, DC, USA. 5International
cluster randomized trial. BMC Pediatr. 2009;9:67.
Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
17. Arifeen SE, Mullany LC, Shah R, Mannan I, Rahman SM, Talukder MR, Begum
N, Al-Kabir A, Darmstadt GL, Santosham M, et al. The effect of cord
Received: 18 September 2017 Accepted: 22 February 2018
cleansing with chlorhexidine on neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh: a
community-based, cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. 2012;379(9820):1022–8.
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