Trade Register 1971 2019

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Transfers of major weapons: Deals with deliveries or orders made for 1971 to

Note: The ‘No. delivered’ and the ‘Year(s) of deliveries’ columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. The ‘Comments’ column includes
publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the
conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL <>.
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
Information generated: 10 February 2021

Recipient/ No. Weapon Weapon Year of No.
supplier (S) ordered designation description of order delivery delivered Comments

S: China 4 Project-123 FAC (1982) 1983 4 Second-hand; probably aid; Project-123K version
Ukraine (32) AI-222 Turbofan 2013 2015-2016 (32) For 16 Yak-130 trainer/combat aircraft from Russia
China 5 Padma Patrol craft 2011 2013 (5) Produced in Bangladesh
2 LPC-1 Corvette 2014 2017 2 Bangladeshi designation Durjoy; produced in
5 Padma Patrol craft 2019 Produced in Bangladesh
Austria 6 DA40 Light aircraft 2017 2019 4 DA40NG version
Canada 2 PW100 Turboprop/turboshaft 2016 2017 2 For 1 C-295 transport aircraft from Spain
China 4 MiG-15UTI Trainer aircraft (1974) 1975 4 Probably Second-hand
(24) F-6/J-6 Fighter aircraft (1975) 1976-1978 (24) Second-hand; incl some FT-6
trainer version; no. delivered could be up to 36
(38) BT-6/PT-6 Trainer aircraft (1977) 1977-1985 (38) No. could be 46; BT-6A
(12) F-6/J-6 Fighter aircraft (1980) 1983 (12) Probably Second-hand; status
8 Type-062/Shanghai Patrol craft (1980) 1980-1982 8 Shanghai-2 version;
Bangaleshi designation Shaheed
(50) Type-53 120mm Mortar (1980) 1981 (50) Supplier uncertain
36 Type-59 Tank (1980) 1980-1981 (36) Aid
2 Type-037/Hainan Patrol craft (1981) 1982-1985 2 Bangaleshi designation
(20) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile (1982) 1983 (20) For Hegu (Durbar) FAC;
SY-1A (CSS-N-2) version
4 Type-024/Hegu FAC (1982) 1983 4 Bangladeshi designation Durbar
(20) M-30 122mm Towed gun (1983) 1984 (20) Type-54-1 version
(36) Type-62 Light tank (1984) 1985 (36)
(192) Red Arrow-73 Anti-tank missile (1985) 1985 (192)
(40) HY-1/SY-1/CSS-N-1 Anti-ship missile (1987) 1988-1989 (40) For Jianghu-1 (Osman)
frigate and Huangfen (Durdharsha) FAC
4 Type-021/Huangfen FAC (1987) 1988 4 Bangladeshi designation Durdharsha
4 Type-025/Huchuan FAC (1987) 1988 4
1 Type-05/Jianghu-1 Frigate (1988) 1989 1 Bangladeshi designation Osman; Type-053
(Jianghu-1 Version-4) version; plan for 1 more
(12) A-5C/Fantan FGA aircraft (1989) 1989-1990 (12)
20 F-7M Airguard Fighter aircraft (1989) 1989-1990 20 F-7MB version; incl 4 FT-7B
(250) PL-2 SRAAM (1989) 1989-1990 (250) For A-5C and F-7M combat aircraft
(50) Type-85 APC (1989) 1989-1990 (50)
(50) HN-5A Portable SAM (1990) 1991-1992 (50)
42 M-30 122mm Towed gun (1991) 1992 42 Designation uncertain;
possibly Type-54-1 version
(50) Type-69 Tank (1991) 1991 (50) Type-69-I and Type-69-II version
(10) HY-1/SY-1/CSS-N-1 Anti-ship missile (1992) 1992 (10) For Huangfen (Durdharsha)
(5) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile (1992) 1992 (5) For Hegu (Durbar) FAC;
SY-1A (CSS-N-2) version
1 Type-021/Huangfen FAC 1992 1992 1 Bangladeshi designation Durdharsha
1 Type-024/Hegu FAC (1992) 1992 1 Bangladeshi designation Burbar
1 Project-254/T-43 Minesweeper 1993 1994 1 Bangladeshi designation
(5) Type-84 ARV (1993) 1993 (5)
(10) BT-6/PT-6 Trainer aircraft (1995) 1996 (10)
1 Type-062-1/Haizhui Patrol craft (1995) 1995 1 Shanghai-3 version;
Bangladeshi designation Barkat
(18) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1995) 1996 18 Designation uncertain;
possibly Second-hand
4 F-7M Airguard Fighter aircraft (1996) 1999-2000 4 FT-7BG version
(21) HN-5A Portable SAM (2000) 2001 21 HN-5JA1 version
(114) Red Arrow-8 Anti-tank missile (2000) 2001 114
20 Type-83 122mm Towed gun (2003) 2004 20
1 Crotale SAM system (2004) 2007 (1) FM-90 version; for DW-2000
(Bangabandhu) frigate
(20) FM-90 SAM (2004) 2007 (20) For DW-2000 (Bangabandhu) frigate
(250) QW-2 Portable SAM 2004 2007 (250)
(10) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile (2005) 2008 (10) For 1 Type-053 (Osman or
Jianghu) frigate
(54) D-30 122mm Towed gun (2005) 2006-2007 (54) Type-96 version
(100) PL-7 SRAAM (2005) 2005-2007 (100) For F-7MG combat aircraft
(14) PL-9 SRAAM (2005) 2006-2008 14 For F-7MG combat aircraft
16 F-7MG Fighter aircraft (2006) 2006 16 $44-118 m deal; F-7BG
1 F-7M Airguard Fighter aircraft 2007 2007 1 F-7A(M) or FT-7A version;
possibly loan
(174) Type-59G Tank (2009) 2014-2019 (174) Bangladeshi Type-59 tanks rebuilt to
Type-59G in Bangladesh with kits from China
(58) Type-69-IIG Tank (2009) 2010-2013 (58) Bangladeshi Type-69-II tanks rebuilt to
Type-69-IIG in Bangladesh with kits from China
(2) FM-90 SAM system (2010) 2011 (2)
(75) FM-90 SAM (2010) 2011 (75)
(16) C-704 Anti-ship missile (2011) 2012-2013 (16) For LPC-1 corvettes
16 F-7MG Fighter aircraft 2011 2012-2013 16 F-7BGI version
2 LPC-1 Corvette (2011) 2013 2 Bangladeshi designation Durjoy
3 Type-654 ARV 2011 2012 3
44 Type-90-2M/MBT-2000 Tank 2011 2012-2013 (44) BDT12 b ($160 m) deal
(30) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile (2012) 2014 (30) For Type-053 or Type-510
(Abu Bakr or Jianghu-3) frigates
(15) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile 2012 2015 (15) For Type-056 (Shadhinata)
(50) HHQ-10 SAM 2012 2015 (50) For Type-056 (Shadhinata) frigates
2 Type-053H2/Jianghu-3 Frigate 2012 2014 2 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation Abu Bakar
2 Type-056 Frigate 2012 2015 2 Bangladeshi designation Shadhinata
9 K-8 Karakorum-8 Trainer/combat ac 2013 2014-2015 9 K-8W version
2 Type-035G/Ming Submarine (2013) 2016 2 Second-hand but modernized
before delivery; BDT16 b ($203 m) deal;
Bangladeshi designation Nabajatra
(18) WS-22 122mm Self-propelled MRL (2013) 2014-2016 (18)
(60) Yu-4 533mm AS torpedo (2013) 2016 (60) Probably second-hand; for
Type-035G submarines; designation uncertain
(11) BT-6/PT-6 Trainer aircraft (2015) 2016-2017 (11)
(15) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile (2015) 2019 (15) For Type-056 (Shadhinata)
2 FM-90 SAM system 2015 2016 2
(75) FM-90 SAM 2015 2016 (75)
(100) FN-6 Portable SAM (2015) FN-16 version; possibly incl assembly in
(50) HHQ-10 SAM (2015) 2019 (50) For Type-056 (Shadhinata) frigates
2 Type-056 Frigate 2015 2019 2 Bangladeshi designation Shadhinata
(60) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile (2018) 2019 (30) For Type-053H3 (Jiangwei-2
or Umer Farroq) frigates
(60) FM-90 SAM (2018) 2019 (30) For Type-053H3 (Jiangwei-2 or Umer
Farroq) frigates
(7) K-8 Karakorum-8 Trainer/combat ac 2018 2019 (2) K-8W version
2 Type-053H3/Jiangwei-2 Frigate 2018 2019 2 Second-hand; Bangladeshi
designation Umer Farroq
(31) WS-22 122mm Self-propelled MRL 2018 2018-2019 (31)
2 Type-053H3/Jiangwei-2 Frigate 2019 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation Umer
44 VT-5 Light tank 2019
Czechia 8 L-39Z Albatros Trainer/combat ac (1995) 1995 8 Deal incl barter trade (jute); L-39ZA version
3 L-410 Turbolet Light transport ac 2012 2015 3 L-410UVP-E20 version
Egypt 30 T-54 Tank (1975) 1975 30 Second-hand; aid
(60) Fahd APC (1993) 1993 (60) Fahd-280 version
France 6 CM-170 Magister Trainer aircraft 1977 1977 6 Second-hand aircraft sold back to French producer,
rebuilt to CM-170-2 version and sold to
4 CM-170 Magister Trainer aircraft (1980) 1980 4 Second-hand; aid
5 CM-170 Magister Trainer aircraft (1985) 1985 5 Second-hand aircraft sold
back to French producer (by Togo) and sold to
(4) CM-170 Magister Trainer aircraft (1986) 1986 (4) Second-hand aircraft sold
back to French producer, modernized and sold to
2 12PA6 Diesel engine 1995 1997 2 For 1 Sea Dragon
(Madhumati) OPV from South Korea
4 12PA6 Diesel engine (1998) 2001 4 For 1 DW-200H
(Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea
(4) 12PA6 Diesel engine (2011) 2017 4 For 2 LPC-1 corvettes from
China; from Chinese production line
6 12PA6 Diesel engine (2011) 2013 6 For 2 LPC-1 corvettes from
China; probably from Chinese production line
2 AS365/AS565 Panther Helicopter 2011 2012 2 AS365N3+ version
4 12PA6 Diesel engine 2012 2015 (4) For 2 Type-056 (Shadhinata)
frigates from China; probably from Chinese
production line
4 12PA6 Diesel engine 2015 2019 4 For 2 Type-056 (Shadhinata)
frigates from China; probably from Chinese
production line
Germany 1 ASO-90 ASW sonar (1998) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H (Bangabandhu) frigate from South
2 Do-228MP MP aircraft 2011 2013 2 Do-228-212NG version
2 Do-228MP MP aircraft 2017
India 4 DHC-3 Otter Light transport ac (1971) 1971 4 Second-hand; aid
(30) Model-56 105mm Towed gun 1971 1971 (30) Second-hand
1 DHC-4 Caribou Transport aircraft 1972 1972 1 Second-hand; aid
(3) SA-316B Alouette-3 Light helicopter (1972) 1973 (3) Second-hand; no. could be 4
2 Ford Patrol craft (1973) 1973-1974 2 Second-hand; Bangladeshi
designation Padma
Italy (85) Model-56 105mm Towed gun (1975) 1975-1977 (85)
(12) A244 324mm ASW torpedo (1998) 2001 (12) For DW-2000H
(Bangabandhu) frigate; A244S Mod-3 version
2 Compact 40L70 Naval gun (1998) 2001 2 For 1 DW-2000H
(Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea
(10) Otomat-2 Anti-ship missile (1998) 2001 (10) For DW-2000H
(Bangabandhu) frigate
1 Super Rapid 76mm Naval gun (1998) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H
(Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea
16 Grifo Combat ac radar 2006 2006 16 Grifo-MG version; for 16
F-7MG combat aircraft from China; possibly from
Pakistani production line
2 A-109K Light helicopter 2010 2011 2 A-109E version
16 Grifo Combat ac radar 2011 2012-2013 (16) For 16 F-7MG (F-7BGI)
combat aircraft from China
2 AW139 Helicopter 2014 2015 2 Incl for SAR
1 RAT-31DL Air search radar 2016 2018 1 BDT1.5 b ($18 m) deal
2 AW139 Helicopter (2017) 2018 2 For SAR
Kronos Air search radar 2019
Malaysia 1 Bangla Patrol craft 1998 1999 1 For coast guard
Netherlands 1 DA-08 Air search radar (1998) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H (Bangabandhu) frigate from South
1 MIRADOR EO search/fire control (1998) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H Type
(Bangabandhu Class) frigate from South Korea
1 Variant Air/sea search radar (1998) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H Type
(Bangabandhu Class) frigate from South Korea
1 LIROD Fire control radar (1999) 2001 1 For 1 DW-2000H
(Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea;
LIROD-2 version
Pakistan (10) M-24 Chaffee Light tank 1971 1971 (10) Second-hand
(40) F-6/J-6 Fighter aircraft 1989 1990 (40) Second-hand; aid; incl some
(230) Red Arrow-8 Anti-tank missile (2001) 2001-2004 (230) Baktar Shikan (Green Arrow)
19 T-37B Trainer aircraft 2003 2004-2005 (19) Second-hand; T-37C version
Romania 9 RN-94 APC (2004) 2005 9 Ambulance version
Russia 4 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter (1992) 1993 (4)
(14) BTR-80 APC (1994) 1994 (14)
8 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter (1995) 1995 8
3 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter (1998) 1999 3 $4 m deal (not incl value of
trade-in of 7 ex-Bangladeshi Mi-8 helicopters)
8 MiG-29S FGA aircraft 1999 1999-2000 8 $115-124 m deal; incl 2
MiG-29UB version
(100) R-73/AA-11 SRAAM 1999 1999-2000 (100) For MiG-29S combat aircraft
2 1L-117 Air search radar 2000 2001 (2) $15 m deal
78 BTR-80 APC 2001 2001-2002 78 $16 m deal (financed by UN); for use by
Bangladeshi UN peacekeeping forces
3 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter 2004 2007 3 BDT78 m ($13 m) deal;
Mi-171 armed version
60 BTR-80 APC (2005) 2006 60 For use by Bangladeshi UN peacekeeping forces;
financed via UN
(80) BTR-80 APC 2011 2011 80 Incl ambulance and ARV versions; possibly
BTR-80A IFV version
3 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter 2011 2012 3 Mi-171 version
(1200) 9M131 Metis-M/AT-13 Anti-tank missile(2012) 2013 (1200)
(73) BTR-80 APC (2013) 2013 (73)
16 Yak-130 Trainer/combat ac 2013 2015-2016 (16) $800 m deal; option on 10
340 BTR-80 APC 2014 2016-2017 340 Including 10 ARV version; incl for UN
peacekeeping operations
5 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter 2015 2015-2016 5 Armed Mi-171Sh version;
financed with part of Russian $1 b credit
6 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter 2015 2016-2017 (6) Mi-171Sh armed version;
financed with part of Russian $1 b credit
5 Mi-8MT/Mi-17 Transport helicopter 2017 2019 (5) Mi-171ShVN armed version;
incl for UN peacekeeping operations
Serbia 18 B-52 NORA 155mm Self-propelled gun (2011) 2013-2016 18
(8) BOV M11 APC 2012 2013-2015 (8)
18 B-52 NORA 155mm Self-propelled gun (2016) 2018 18
Singapore 2 PB-46 Patrol craft 1983 1984 2 Bangladeshi designation Meghna; for EEZ patrol
under Ministry of Agriculture
South Korea 1 Sea Dragon OPV 1995 1997 1 Bangladeshi designation Madhumati
1 DW-2000H Frigate 1998 2001 1 $100 m deal; Bangladeshi designation
2 Sea Dolphin Patrol craft 2000 2000 2 Second-hand; aid
Soviet Union 1 An-24 Transport aircraft (1972) 1973 1
(75) K-13A/AA-2 SRAAM (1972) 1973 (75) For MiG-21F combat aircraft
14 MiG-21MF Fighter aircraft (1972) 1973 14 Second-hand; incl 2
MiG-21UM version
(7) Mi-8T Transport helicopter (1973) 1974 (7)
3 An-26 Transport aircraft (1981) 1981 3
2 An-32 Transport aircraft (1989) 1990 (1)
Spain 1 C-295 Transport aircraft 2016 2017 1 C-295W version
Switzerland 4 GDF 35mm AA gun 2017 GDF-009 version; part of Skyguard air-defence
system; delivery planned by 2021
Turkey (22) Cobra APV 2006 2007-2008 (22)
22 Cobra APV (2012) 2013 22
(67) Cobra APV 2017 2017-2018 (67) Cobra-2 version
Ukraine 8 AI-25 Turbofan 1995 1995 8 For 8 L-39ZA trainer/combat aircraft from Czech
Republic; Titan (AI-25TL) version
assembled/produced in Czech Republic
1 An-32 Transport aircraft (1995) 1995 1
(16) R-27/AA-10 BVRAAM (2001) 2002 (16) For MiG-29S combat aircraft
(47) 6TD Diesel engine (2011) 2012-2013 (47) For 44 Type-90-2
(MBT-2000) tanks and 3 Type-654 ARV from
(12) R-27/AA-10 BVRAAM (2011) 2011 12 For MiG-29 combat aircraft
(9) AI-25 Turbofan 2013 2014-2015 (9) For 9 K-8W trainer/combat aircraft from China
(7) AI-25 Turbofan 2018 2019 (2) For 7 K-8W trainer/combat aircraft from China
United Kingdom 2 Wessex Helicopter 1973 1973 2 Second-hand; aid; Wessex HU-5 version
1 Salisbury/Type-61 Frigate 1976 1976 1 Second-hand; Bangladsehi designation Umar
Farooq; aid
1 Leopard/Type-41 Frigate 1978 1978 1 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation Ali Haider
1 Leopard/Type-41 Frigate (1981) 1982 1 Second-hand but modernized before delivery;
Bangladeshi designation Ali Haider
1 Island OPV 1993 1994 1 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation Shaheed
Ruhul Amin; for use as training ship
4 River Minesweeper 1994 1994 4 Second-hand; Bangladeshi
designation Shapla
5 Island OPV 2002 2002-2004 5 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation
2 Castle OPV 2010 2010 2 Second-hand; $4 m deal; Bangladeshi designation
2 Seaspray MP aircraft radar 2017 Seaspray-5000E version; for 2 Do-228 MP
aircraft from Germany
2 C-130J Hercules Transport aircraft 2018 2019 (2) Second-hand; Hercules C-5
3 C-130J Hercules Transport aircraft 2019 2019 2 Second-hand; Hercules C-5
version; delivery planned 2019-2020
United States 6 Bell-212/UH-1N Helicopter 1976 1977 6
(4) Bell-212/UH-1N Helicopter (1980) 1981 (4)
2 Bell-206L LongRanger Light helicopter (1981) 1981 2 Incl for training
(50) M-101A1 105mm Towed gun (1981) 1982 (50) Second-hand; status
3 Bell-212/UH-1N Helicopter (1987) 1988 3
(4) TPS-43 Air search radar (1990) 1991-1992 (4) Status uncertain
2 LCU-1466 Landing craft 1991 1992 2 Second-hand but modernized
before delivery; Bangladeshi designation Shah
12 T-37B Trainer aircraft 1995 1995 12 Second-hand; aid
1 Bell-206L LongRanger Light helicopter (1997) 1997 1 For training; supplier
uncertain; probably from Canadian production line
4 C-130B Hercules Transport aircraft 1999 2000 (4) Second-hand; $15 m deal;
modernized before delivery
4 TPE-331 Turboprop 2011 2013 4 For 2 Do-228 MP aircraft
from Germany
1 Hamilton OPV 2013 2013 1 Second-hand; aid (Bangladesh pays $8.8 m for
overhaul and training); Bangladeshi designation
Somudra Joy
1 Hamilton OPV 2014 2015 1 Second-hand; aid
4 TPE-331 Turboprop (2017) For 2 Do-228 MP aircraft from Germany
Unknown supplier(s) 2 Cessna-337/O-2 Light aircraft (1985) 1985 (2) Probably second-hand
1 SAK-70 Mk-1 57mm Naval gun 1995 1998 1 Second-hand; for 1 Sea
Dragon (Madhumati) OPV from South Korea
Yugoslavia 2 Kraljevica/PBR-509 Patrol craft (1974) 1975 2 Second-hand; Bangladeshi designation Karnaphuli

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