Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure Checklist

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Central Mindanao University

College of Nursing
Procedure Checklist

Name of Student:
Clinical Instructor:

Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

A. Direction: Write your answers on the space provided.


Possible Nursing Diagnoses:



B. Directions: Provide your assessment findings/rationale on the box. You are rated based on the
performance rubrics.

Key points in Doffing PPE:

1. Take off PPE in a designated PPE removal area (HIGH-RISK ZONE)
2. Place poster in the area where PPE will be taken off
3. Put all PPE waste in a leak-proof yellow bags (contaminated waste)

Recommended PPE for Trained Observer:

1. Single-use (disposable) fluid-resistant gown that extends below knees or coverall

2. Two pairs single-use (disposable) full face shield
3. Two pairs single-use (disposable) examination gloves with extended cuffs at a minimum, outer
gloves should have extended cuffs.
4. Single-use (disposable) fluid resistant boots or impermeable shoe covers

Instructions for the Trained Observer:

1. Remind to avoid automatic actions that may put them at risk (e.g. touching their face)
2. Read aloud each step of the procedure
3. Healthcare worker repeats back the step they are about to perform (TALK-BACK)
4. Minimize touching healthcare workers of their PPE during the process
5. If contact with the healthcare worker is made, the trained observer immediately disinfects the
outer gloved hands.

Take off PPE only with supervision of a trained observer:

1. Check all PPE is Trained observer reads aloud each steps of the procedure
2. Healthcare workers repeats back the steps they are about to perform (talk-back)
3. Confirm visually that the PPE has been removed properly

1. Inspect the PPE to assess for visible
contamination, cuts, or tears before
starting to remove.
 For any visible contaminated, use
1:10 bleach disinfectant to wipe it

Central Mindanao University
College of Nursing
Procedure Checklist
2. Disinfect outer gloves.
 Use a 1:10 disinfectant or an
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

3. Remove apron.
 Break the apron by pulling from the
 Avoid contaminating glove by rolling
the apron from inside-out.
 Discard the apron.

4. Inspect the PPE again.

 Assess the PPE for visible
contamination or tears.
 If with visible contamination,
disinfect with 1:10 bleach
disinfectant wipe.

5. Disinfect outer gloves.

 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

6. Remove boot covers.

 Use a “hands-free” approach by
stepping on the back of the cover and
lifting the foot.
 Discard the boot covers by touching
only the inner surface of the boot
7. Disinfect outer gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

8. Remove outer gloves.

 Be careful not to contaminate the
inner gloves when removing the
outer gloves.
 Pull the cuff of the outer gloves and
turn it inside out.
 Discard the outer gloves.
9. Inspect and disinfect inner gloves.
 In case of contamination or tears,
disinfect and remove gloves and do
hand hygiene on bare hands and put
on a new pair of gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).
10. Remove goggles.
 Lift back of strap over your head, put
out and away.
 Avoid touching the front surface of
the goggles.
 Discard the goggles.
11. Disinfect inner gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

Central Mindanao University
College of Nursing
Procedure Checklist
12. Remove hood.
 Unfasten hood (if applicable). Grasp
the back of the hood and carefully
remove by pulling backwards.
 Do not touch the inside of the hood.

13. Disinfect inner gloves.

 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

14. Remove coverall.

 Avoid contact of scrubs with outer
surface of coverall.
 Life chin and find the zip at the level
of your belly.
 Carefully trace your fingers up to find
the zip tab and fasteners with one
 Hold the top of the coverall with the
other hand.
 Unzip or unfasten completely before
rolling down and turning inside-out.
 Avoid contact of scrubs with the outer
surface of the coverall. Touch only
the inside of the coverall.
 Touch only the inside of the coverall
when rolling it prior to disposal.
 Discard the coverall.
15. Disinfect inner gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

16. Change inner gloves.

 Remove and discard gloves, taking
care not to contaminate bare hands.
 Perform hand hygiene with alcohol-
based hand rub (ABHR).
 Put on a new pair of gloves.

17. Remove the N95 respirator.

 Tilt the head slightly forward.
 Fist, grab the bottom elastic strap
and then grab the top tie or elastic
 Remove without touching the front of
the N95 respirator.
 Discard the N95 respirator.
18. Disinfect gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

Central Mindanao University
College of Nursing
Procedure Checklist
19. Disinfect washable boots.
 Sit on a clean surface.
 Start at the top and finishing with the
sole, wipe down the external surface
of the first boot. Use a 1:10 bleach
 Set down the newly-cleaned boot in
the low-risk zone.
 Discard the 1:10 bleach disinfectant
 Disinfect the other boot following the
step and using a new 1:10 bleach
disinfectant wipe.
 Set down the other newly-cleaned
boot in the low-risk area.
 Discard the 1:10 bleach disinfectant
20. Disinfect and remove the gloves.
 Use a 1:10 bleach disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).
 Discard the gloves.
21. Perform hand hygiene.
 Use alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR).

22. Inspect for any contamination.

Reminders after removal of PPE:

1. Wear the dedicated washable boots and surgical scrubs in the low-riisk area.
2. Shower or at least change clothes when leaving the low-risk area.
3. Clean the floor of the PPE removal areal with disposable cloth soacked in 1:0 bleach
solution after PPE removal is complete.

For breaches in PPE:

1. Wash skin with soap and water.
2. Irrigate mucous membranes with copious amounts of water or an eyewash solution.
3. Report the incident immediately.
Reference: RITM DOH.

C. Write medical terms and abbreviations related to this procedure. Provide meaning for each.



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