Super Duper Moxon

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My 2 Meter 6 Element Super Duper Moxon Antenna

By Stepehn Binns WB8AHT

A Modified HAARP Antenna by Phil Simpson M0PXS

A Modified Super Moxon Antenna by GW3YDX

This 2 meter antenna has 2 characteristics that make it a very favorable antenna to have.
The boom length is a very short 40 inches. The 4NEC2 forward gain is reported to be 15
dbi. That is a mighty big punch for a very small package. If only it is true!!

I found two articles about the development of this antenna. The first article is about the
Super Moxon Antenna by GW3YDX. It describes a 4 element Moxon antenna for 6m,
4m and 2m. This antenna consists of 2 Moxon style rectangles mounted on a boom
similar to a yagi antenna. The back rectangle was the reflector and the driven element.
The front rectangle was director 1 and director 2. Antenna software 4NEC2 graphs were
included. It reported a gain of about 9 dbi. I was interested in the 2 meter version.

The second article I found is about the HAARP Antenna by Phil Simpson M0PXS. It
describes a 6 element Moxon antenna for 2m. This antenna consists of 3 Moxon
rectangles mounted on a boom. The back two rectangles were reflector, driven element
and 2 directors like the Super Moxon Antenna. The third rectangle is director 3 and
director 4. Antenna software 4NEC2 graphs reported a gain of 15 dbi.

I decided to build one of these antennas and see if it really would live up to these claims.
Before I bought the parts I needed to make a list of what I needed. This meant calculate
the lengths of 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch aluminum tubing. To my dismay I quickly discovered
that dimensional information about the different rectangles were not consistent with each
other. The HAARP article contained a different arraignment of dimensions than what
M0PXS website contained. The two director rectangles were not the same. I also noticed
that the reflector/driven element dimensions were not the same as the Super Moxon
reflector/driven element dimensions. I had assumed that they would be since the HAARP
article mentioned it was an extension of the Super Moxon antenna. See the three different
sets of dimensions at the end of this article.

I emailed Phil Simpson about the differing dimensions and asked what was correct. His
reply was simple: The dimensions found on his website were the correct dimensions. So
now I had correct dimensions and I could calculate what lengths of tubing I needed. I
found all the aluminum tubing, nylon rods, stainless steel hardware and insulated tubing
standoffs online and ordered everything. In a week I had all the materials I needed and I
started building. My finished antenna is pictured above.

I mounted my antenna on a temporary mast that was only 16 ft high. It sure was little.

I quickly learned that things were not quite right. SWR was showing 2.75:1 at 144.200
mHz. And I wasn't hearing much when compared to my other 2m antennas. I rechecked
all the dimensions and verified that they were what the M0PXS website had. But SWR
was still way high. So I thought about it.

I concluded, a purely hypothetical conclusion, that I needed to change my reflector/driven

element rectangle dimensions to match what the Super Moxon article had specified. And
my third director rectangle should match the dimensions from the M0PXS website. This
was also the easiest change to make. All that was required was to shorten the lengths of
the back two rectangles.

I made the changes and put it back in the air at 16 ft. It now showed an SWR of 1.35:1 at
144.200 mHz. And stations being heard were stronger than before. Not as strong as my 7
element yagi but the yagi is at 20 ft which might make a little difference. I took out my
SARK-110 Antenna Analyzer and captured a frequency scan. Here it is:

Maybe not as perfect as it should be but definitely better than before. I started using it to
see if it worked. I've made many contacts at the 200 mile range. I only use 50 watts on 2
meters. I later mounted it at 24 ft to see what it could do there. Contacts were made at
350 miles and one contact was at 500 miles. And signals sounded a little stronger than
with the yagi. My conclusion is that this antenna does indeed work. And it may have gain
close to what the reported 4NEC2 graphs showed. I am going to put it up at 24 ft in a
more permanent location and continue testing. Time will tell on how consistent it

A few notes about my antenna construction are needed. Long tubing lengths were 660mm
1/2 inch aluminum tubing. Inside diameter was a little greater than 3/8 inch so that 3/8
inch tubing could be used for the radius ends. The radius ends were 210mm 3/8 inch
aluminum tubing. Inside diameter of these radius ends was a little greater than 1/4 inch
so that 1/4 inch nylon rod could be used as end separators. Ends of the 1/2 inch and 3/8
inch tubings were slotted so a stainless steel hose clamp could be used to tighten the
elements together. The driven element was two pieces of 1/2 inch aluminum tubing at
325mm long and spaced at 10mm apart with a 3/8 inch nylon rod at the center. A #10
clearance hole was drilled through the tubing and nylon rod at 20mm from the tubing
ends in the middle. This created a feedpoint spacing of 50mm. The green insulated tubing
standoffs are 30mm wide so this left a 10mm clearance on each side for the coax
connections. There was a lot of tube cutting involved which also meant a lot of cleanup. I
had bought 6 ft long pieces of 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch tubing and each piece had to be
measured, cut and cleaned. I will build another antenna and this time I will buy 2 ft long
pieces of 1/2 inch tubing and not cut them. I will buy 1 ft long pieces of 1/2 inch tubing
for the driven element halves and not cut them. I will also buy 1 ft long pieces of 3/8 inch
tubing and not cut them. I will just have to adjust their overlap to get the proper lengths.
Hopefully it will perform as well as this one.

The HAARP Moxon article is very handy in showing the construction techniques for this
antenna. I highly recommend reading this article. I also recommend reading the Super
Moxon article as well. The HAARP Moxon would not have been developed if the Super
Moxon wasn't developed first. In each article you will find the dimensions that they
supposedly used. to construct their antenna. You will also find those dimensions at the
end of this article. Lastly I also show the dimensions that I finally used. Since my
dimensions are different I decided to call my antenna the 2m Super Duper Moxon

Right now I am sitting here writing this and listening to a 2m QSO of 2 hams that are
located 175-200 miles away using this antenna that is only at 16 ft high. I think it works!

TABLE 1: Tubing lengths for 6m, 4m and 2m versions of Figure 5. All dimensions in
mm,measured to tubing centres.
- 6m 2160 395 280 105 290 310 60 2140 0 780 1201 1861
4m 1572 275 175 110 195 202 43 1572 0 560 860 1310
2m 730 135 86 55 82 90 12 730 0 276 434 615

~ Pattern (H). .. . grg:rgJ ~ Pattern (f4) l:Ji'E[,rgJ

Show F,.,field p"." "eid C"""""e 0penPF PIo( Show F,., fiekj ,.""" ',,'0 COmo,.,. 0penPF PIo(
T oI-ga;..

[dB;] m Horizontal plane
ToI-gaio[dB;[ '05 m - HooUontai plane

PHOTO 2: The 2m version of the Super Moxon

is just 30" x 25".

practical models have been fed with 500

cable and VSWR plots that follow the model
graphs have been obtained with just slight
adjustment of the driven cell element lengths.
VSWR bandwidth is probably a little narrower
than comparable Yagi designs, but at below 285 -4Q < dB; < 6.05 .20< <13; < 9.04
2?0 285
tot.. gain PI1i;O
1.5: 1 for the most-used part of 6m is very tot.. gain 1'I1i:{J

acceptable. The author has quite extensive FIGURE 2: 4NEC2 plot of Moxon rect~mgle FIGURE 3: 4NEC2 plot of Super Moxon radiation
knowledge of Yagi designs and so far (this showing fairly broad frontal lobe and 80° pattern. Note narrower frontal lobe and improved
tempts fate of course) has seen no 6m antenna 3dB points. forward gain with very smooth rear pattern.
design with comparable performance on
such a short boom. A regular Yagi with the hose clamps for
same gain would need a boom length of fine adjustment,
nearly 50% more and a turning radius nearly particularly if
double of this design. One can truly say that other antennas
this design packs more dB into its size than are nearby. It
anything else so far realised. would be most
interesting to hear
BUILDING THE PROTOTYPE. The next of constructors
stage was physical implementation, which using this design
was done with aluminium alloy for the on other bands.
elements and fibreglass rod for the split 10m is currently
driven element and the element-end in the doldrums,
insulators. This is a lightweight antenna, but a 10m version
easy for one person to manage, and only of this antenna or
a 1" square boom was required. of the basic Moxon
Construction of the antenna was 50.05 50.1
rectangle would
principally with-W' aluminium alloy, with be the most space- FIGURE4: 4NEC2 plot of SuperMoxonSWRand reflection coefficient.
the bent corners in 3/8" material. 3/8" saving means of
-B- -E- -F-
- D--c-
fibreglass rod was used for the element achieving a good 'gain'
insulators both at the driven element centres
and at the element ends. The 6m antenna
antenna on the HF bands.
has been tested with 1000W from an REGISTEREDDESIGN.
ACOM 1000 without complaint. (The This design is being registered
insulators on the directors on the 2m and therefore commercial
version are only 12mm long but at the manufacture is not permitted
50W power level no arcing or instability without perm ission of the design FeedpO~
A xH
was noted. Unfortunately no greater power owner. However, radio amateurs
was available on 2m for testing,) may freely construct and use
Table 1 gives constructional sizes for this antenna for their personal
6m, 4m and 2m versions, the dimensions amateur stations. Commercial
relating to Figure 5. The front part of the versions of the antenna are
driver element is of course split at the centre available from Vine Antennas
and 500 feed line connected there through Ltd [2].
a balun. J K L M
Although the final dimensions are as set
[1] . FIGURE5: Basic design of the SuperMoxon.SeeTable 1
out in the table, it is useful to slit the ends of design.htm for 6m, 4m and 2m versiondimensions.
the main element tubes and install stainless [2]

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