Silencer - US Patent 5461962

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TUSO0SU619624, United States Patent 1 tm Patent Number: 5,461,962 Krumm et al. 45) Date of Patent: Oct. 31, 1995 {S!] GUN SILENCER ARRANGEMENT (79946 192 Satand enn YS (75) tuventors: Herbert Krumm, Kear; Karl ‘Wiemers, Bochum, both of Germany (79) Assignee: wnemmewu GmbH, Kauges, Germany (2) Appl No: 250.844 (22) Filed: May 27, 1994 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data May 27,1993. (DE) Gemany aires SIA 2030 7144; 181/223 [58], Fleld of Search. ~. T3NGT; 884.4; [56] References Cited U.S, PATENT DOCUMENTS 3713262 U9TS Chan nnnnninnne BA SS1Q08S 31986 Seber conn BAS FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 4909 wiser Swkzeand Stee ZNSr tines nga OTHER PUBLICATIONS “The Washington Post and Timeo Hore "Navy Can Sones a Howitzer" Oct. 19, 1957, p. AZ Primary Examiner Stephen C. Benley ‘Aiterncy Agen or Firm Spence, Fra & Scheider tn ABSTRACT. AA silencer arangement for lergeeaiber guns, 3.3838) including at Teast one silencer ($488). In order forthe sytem characterises ofthe gun (338-34) no toe nega ‘ely influenced bythe beavy weight ofthe silencer (5:54, 55) the silencer i not fastened (64 5). as jn the cake of Sall-clibe weapons, on the weapon tube or bare sll, but instead, i amanged on a seperate silencer gun cariage (639) which is mectarically decoupled from the gun G33, 34, with the sun caviane (639) refers being confaured Such thatthe silencers (6'54-85) may be moved in synch ‘ism with the movement ofthe gun tal 9 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 31, 1995 Sheet 1 of 3 5,461,962 US. Patent Oct. 31, 1995 Sheet 2 of 3 5,461,962 USS. Patent Oct, 31, 1995 Sheet 3 of 3 5,461,962 5,461,962 1 (GUN SILENCER ARRANGEMENT ‘CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED This application claims the prioniy of German Pateat application No. P43 17 6739 fled May 27,1993, which is Irene heen hy rele BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention relates wa silencer arangement for guns, smetuding a least one silencer ‘Tae configuration an function of gun silencers, particu Taly for small arms and hand guns, are disclosed, for cxampla, in US. Pat. No, 3.713.362 and US, Pat. No 4,576,083, This type of slencer if usualy srewed to the muzzle ofthe gun tube or bal ‘Tre arrangement of known silencers onthe muzzle ofthe tubes or bares of largecalher weapon systems (combat tanks, armored: personnel carers, ant-avera®t tank ot arillery sytems) hes no proven to be succesful in practice ‘This is generally Because, duc to the lange caliber of the weapons andthe develonment of laid noises the silencers {or sock large alive Weapoos must also be dimensioned suitably large and, asa consequence, are massive, However, the system characteristics af the weapon smangement, par ticularly the sibikzing and aligament arangements xe Influenced in apanicularly unacceptable manner ‘There was oo shortage of tests for developing light-weight silences for lage-calber weapons. However, besides being felatively cosy this typeof silencer remain s0 maive that M cannot be employed in practice for the above ‘mentioned easons, As fa es the applicant knows, this is the reason why no silencers are curently wsed in arge-callber sun systems. However, especialy daria ring exerises on title Griag ses, ths tneceasingly results in problems ‘hich are due io the high emission of nis. tis thus the object of the present invemion to provide @ silencer arangemet for ngecaliber weapon systems in ‘which the system characeisics ofthe gun ee Not nega Lively influenced by the heavy weight of the sllencer and ‘hich makes possible an operation approprsic tothe exer ee, especialy at Erne ss SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ‘The above object gency is atined aconting to one spec or ie preset eco bya epceraangeen 1 atleast one gun which comprises: at least one silencer for cnclsing a muzzle of a gun barrel a silencer gun carriage fon Which the atleast ones silencer is mounted, withthe Stem gua caslage Veg salnalenly Ueoupten Bot the gun with which the at east ne silencer tobe used and means, including adjustment members mounted an the Sensor gun cage, for adjusing the elevation and 2- ‘path positions of the silencer auch that when a gon sin & fring position relative vo the silencer gun cariage, the gun bor axis anda cenral axis though te silencer are aligned ‘According to a father aspect ofthe invention, the above objec fs achieved arcorung 10 the prsea invention by a Silencer arangemest fora gunincluding at castone silencer for enclosing & muzzle end of s gun bare), and a silencer sencaige whichis meciall doops om he gn, Columns which are amrnged verically parallel to one ‘moter, and whose distance from one anothers greater thn s ® 2 the widkh ofthe gun mount which so be aranged between the columns ant whose gun is t0 be provided with the silence, and withthe mounting columns Being mounted fr vou inal seit sia te espace vet a longtadinal axes; a respective exenion erm mounted, a predetermined height, on each mounting column foe rotation about a corumon horizontal axis of rotation; atleast fms about the horizontal axis of roation; a wansverse member connected between respective ends of the two ‘extension ams facing away fom th mounting columns via Inge jolts: and further hinge joints for connecting the at least one sleacer othe transverse member besween the Ow sn kuti patchy advantageous modieaons of the ‘The invention i thus essentially based on the concept of fastening the respective silencer, no, as is the case with small-caltber weapons, on te gun tube or bare tse, bot stead to avange i on'a separate sence” gun carage whichis mechanically deconpled from the weapon tbe, With tho gan carer preferably being canstucied soc th the silencer canbe guided in synchronism withthe move- ‘meat of te weapon TUBE OF etre Forter deals and advantages ofthe invention ae appa ‘ent from the speciation below and are elucidated by the cembodimens shown inthe figures. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1s a perspective view ofa fs: embodiment ofthe slicunesatangeueun aun he be eT ‘combat tank ia the fring poston. FIG. 2s a perspective view of a second embodiment of a silencer arangemen. according to te ivenion for 2 Ssuvaveran tank naving 0 UBS, WEN INO CANE ROL et ‘having assumed its fring posto, FIG. 3 «perspecive view ofthe silencer arangement iustated in IG. 2, withthe am-srrat tank being in is fing postion. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ‘PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Jn FIG. 1, ference manera refers combat tank in is fring psn. The nk Tincudes arts aret and Almere gon 3 On the side fh ons range Essel comprise Slencer § and gon cargs 6 Sapporing the ene “he sener gun cage 6 is proved with wo base euch Ft 8s meses pra mo co Simos 9 ad 10 we aang fox raton (pening) shou thir vera respective lone! axes MI end 12 The fivosng orca monensin hs ene oe by ‘Sjosmcat members (ive) wish te Copal Ue ‘moaning clus 9 10, wih FIG. merely showing tne sich dive denoted by 13 coupled wo colina 9 vk Speen ear. Torr diene ofthe two out ‘BE mame 9 an 10 fom one tothe tan te Arh of tn stat ner can pare tthe bn caiage 6 “Atachedo tb upper ed of ach mousing clu 8 10 oc ear alge tes ea cg Sy Te ‘peste bas ple 7, 1 rxpectveexenson am 14 or BS, Both extension ams 1, 1 ae pt about 5,461,962 3 ‘commos horizontal rotational axis 16 which, nthe embod ‘ent shown in FIG. 1 with he tank I in he fring poston, Also comesponds tothe trunnion axis ofthe gun 3. Tht bbe accomplished by @ movement of the tank 1 or by adjustment of an adjustment device on the mounting col- ‘ums 9,10 of the gun cariage 6. the hodaontl ais 16 i ffod by the rspocive adjust ‘meat members 17, 18, which may also be, for example, Inyraul, electric or even mochanialajustmeat members, {acing away from the mounting columns 9, 10, are joined by binges or bearings 22,24 and 28, 25 os rensverse member 19. The transverse member 19 extentlly comprises wo parallel erotics 20.21. to which the lencer 8 ix sen Tastened by further bearings or hinge joias 27 and 26, respect. Temvere member 19 togeder with cross tet 20, 21 and hinge or bearing joins 22-27 form a parallel ‘rank mechanism. An evaluation unit 28 is provide in a contol panel on ‘base ple 7. The evaluation unit 28 is conected, on the one band, with sensors 29 atthe front of the silencer $ and, on 17,18. Asaesult tbe center postion ofthe gun muzzle of ‘the weapon 3 is thus eecked by the seaors 29, and the adjosiment menbers 13, 17 and 18 are convolled and actuated by way ofthe evaluation unit 28 to provide the ‘rope aljganent between the ore axis of the barrel ofthe {Bun 3 and the cena axis 30 through the silencer 5. Moreover, the aiesioal or aiming signals of the dice Showa in order to provigo a cleuer overview, may be Scanned, for example, by means of ates plug eomestion the gun contol device, and used forte pimary contl of ‘operation safety or reliably, the postion oF the gun In ‘elation othe silencer $ is alan tested or monitored via he above-mentioned sensors 29 and, if incicated, corected. Dariag height or elevation adjustment ofthe gun 3, the adjustment members 17,18 are actuated, ether onthe basis ‘ofthe measured sensor signals or onthe basis ofthe aiming ‘Signals hat are present atthe test plug connector, such ha fhe howe avis ofthe weapon fir alte eral avis 4D ‘rough the silencer § resin their identical positon or alignment. The corespoading regulating or conirol signals inthis ease ae obtained in a pariclaly simple manner, pivoted about the Same horizontal rool axis 16 If the gun 3 is aimed to the side, i, in szimath, by routing the turet 2 the coresponding Sensor or aiming ‘Shnaie re aqun fede the evaluon ua and Ure they ‘ae processed ino control signals forthe adjustment me bess o drives 13, As ares the parallel crank mechanism, hich s defined essentially by the extension ams 14,18 and the rancunren meme 19, ann th nthe eves no, the ‘bore axis and central exis 30 through the slencer 5 a lgned and retain thee idetical postion ater gun 3 com plete its rotation 1a ondar to simalizneously aut tho haight (elevation) and side movement (azimuth) ofthe silence ative the ‘gun 3, the hinge or swivel joins 22-28 are configured as ‘known multi-axis bearings, preferably, as = solf-ljning Post ming ‘A furber embodiment is described below by way of FIGS. 2and3 in which the position of the weapon and the 4 secs n bn ion at le srimmreh srmearemness Sets ian iaiearae mwah” Tee sa Po wae a ay Sb sae ee Fees ect Reia nmaia ieerpe hw dace meme aoe dupce ‘hn ent amy ei ni wetig Sag amine esl thsi he Pony tte pes ined y cng oe mong econ Sb erent Sheth egal sa sa ipa et a unr ec oey ‘Rose ge ran coin en ‘atta ts cba ome iba aa Sijateloe cteneasican canta sua pall cowie wigs eceelig Tin tnt srs 48, sale tig pnd rants ea meFoiel pau pe carotes te eee RS i cha e nein doce aie ae waaay see Soy egies onda SReeiemecaes wd de Cae 3 ier cs nh te a on egress tees te reese onteraiar SLA eh eee dicate Wann eg do tea str eS Picea Me Ee Sit Siete atc ote ae noc etn re cata a SSeS Wa Hemtoh ede pct Sy epee iy Soancann aaa vray stem che tac stn tic Sons Satie 9 Shtuaaiceinde agers 3) rcamie si bela cect siroye eRe lexcup wea Sneed ry eg a ie eee Timon mig ly Gi & wl Ye aie Ray aac aay Dm Seer: ie ecb nc eve nen Ta ra kg he a ee tas SESE facie dnt enpes Seen wn sadtiae paces op ‘rm eon Ni Sage aly ‘Sc pec as who ta SOS aoned Boveri lt 5,461,962 5 ‘whose gun isto be provided with sai lence, sid ‘mounting columas being mounted for pivot move: ‘ment about their respective vertical longitudinal axes, s repectve enension arm mounted at « predetecoed Delp, on each mounting column for rotation about a common horizontal axis of ration atleast one contllable dive member for rotating said tion; a ransvere member connected between respective ends of said two extension ams facing away fom said mounting columns via ge ms axa futher hinge jos for eomecting sad at least one silonoer to sd transverse member between said two 2. Rilencer arangement according to claim 1 wherein there sone sud slener, and said hinge joints connect sid silence to sai transverse member substantially inthe center ‘eiween suid two extension arms STA slencer arangement according to elem 1, wherein said predetermined beight at which said extension arms ae pivotally aanged onthe respective sid mounting columns, fad the stance between sad oriontal rotations axis and id lence fesened to sie transverse member i such at ‘when the gor is nits fring postion and whee its azimuth roation is adjusted to 0", a tunnion axis of the gun omesponds 10 ssid horizontal axis of roation of said Slensar gun esenage, 4A silencer rangement ecording to clsim 1 wherein ssid irneverse member includes two spaced parallel mem bes, each connected between sid wo extension arms By 6 ‘aid hinge joins so tht sid extension ams, sid hinge joints and said wansverse member for part crank ‘echanis "SA silencer mrmgrment arcorfng to cls 1 whecrin said hinge joints connecting seid Wansverse member wo sid extension arms have multiple avs, whereby the elevation and azimuth positions of sid sener ean be simalncously adlused, (A silencer arangement ccoring to claim, whorsin said hinge joints having mukiple axes aro scl-igning bearings. 7A silence arrangement according to claim 1, further comprising means for consoling alignment of sidslencer fn accordance with the movement ofthe bacel ofthe gun including sensors provided on sud silencer whic check a cztzal positon ofthe sun bal opening and an evaluation ‘alt connected to receive position signals from sald sensors, and to provide control signals to said at leat one dive ‘member and to said adjustment members of said slencer ‘umn caage o propety postion same. ‘8A silencer arrangement tooo to claim 1, wherein: ‘weapons sysem inching a horizontally spaced puraity (of guns i to be uted with sid sllenosr amangement, & respective silencer is provided foreach of the puraly of ‘us: and, each sonar fs connected by hinge ots with ‘Sid tanseere member of said silencer camiage between, ‘id two extension arms 9..A silencer arangement according to claim 8, said plurality of slenoers are symmetrically disposed beiween ‘ld to extension arms UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENTNO. : 5,461,962 DATED October 31, 1995 merber aud Ran, Rs io bert XAUMM aud Kail WIEMERS tis certiied that eror appears in the above-indentitied patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corected as shown below: on title page item [73] Assignee, the assignee's address should read: --Ratincen, Germany-~. Signed and Sealed this Sixteenth Day of April, 1996 Connie of Pate Te

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