Contracts: Definition, Classification, and Distinctions
Contracts: Definition, Classification, and Distinctions
Contracts: Definition, Classification, and Distinctions
Reminders in Contract of Adhesion: "a matter between others is not our business"
(a) by their nature (like a contract requiring or 2. Contracts creating real right
involving personal qualifications, as painting,
*Real right or right in rem (jus in re) is a right in
singing, etc.)
property, and is enforceable against the whole word.
(b) by stipulation in accordance with the principle of
freedom to contract): or EFFECT: Third persons who come into possession of
(c) by provision of law (as in agency, partnership, the object of a contract over which there is a real right,
and commodatum, when death extinguishes the such as a real estate mortgage, are bound thereby even
legal relationships) if they were not parties to the contract. A real right is
binding against the whole world and attaches to the
property over which it is exercised wherever it goes.
3. Creditors are protected in cases of contracts
1. Stipulation pour autrui
intended to defraud them.
2. Contracts creating real right
• If Dabby gratuitously gives Ron a parcel
3. Creditors are protected in cases of contracts
of land, and Dabby has no other
intended to defraud them
property or cash left to satisfy his
4. Any third person who induces another to violate
creditors, said creditors may ask for the
his contract
rescission of the contract, to the extent
5. Accion Directa
that they have been prejudiced.
1. Stipulation pour autrui
Remedies of Creditors
• It is a stipulation in favor of a third person
1. exact payment or ask for specific performance
conferring a clear and deliberate favor upon him,
2. exhaust debtor's properties, generally by
and which stipulation is merely part of a contract
attachment (except properties exempted by the
entered into by the parties, neither of whom
law). (See Art. 2236, Civil Code)
acted as agent of the third person.
3. accion subrogatoria (subrogatory action) - i.e.,
• Such a stipulation is binding on said third person, exercise all rights and actions except those
although he may not be a signatory to the
inherent in the person (like parental authority,
right to revoke donations on ground of
ingratitude, hold office, carry out an agency).
4. accion pauliana (impugn or rescind acts or
contracts done by the debtor to defraud the
5. Accion Directa
A contract undergoes three distinct stages: The parties are bound to the contract and;
1. Negotiation/Preparation - Involves all the steps (1) to the fulfillment of what has been expressly
taken by the prospective parties from the time stipulated but also,
they manifest interest in entering into a contract, (2) to all the consequences which according to their
leading to the perfection of the contract. At this nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage,
stage, the parties have not yet arrived at any and law.
definite agreement.
2. Perfection - the parties have come to a definite
agreement or meeting of the minds regarding REQUISITES/ELEMENTS OF CONTRACTS
the terms and cause of the (consensual)
contract. 1. Essential Elements - refers to the elements
3. Consummation - the parties have fulfilled or necessary for the very existence of contracts
performed their respective obligations or 2. Natural Elements - these elements are not
undertakings under the contract and the essential for the existence of a contract but they
contract may be said to have been fully are presumed to exist in certain contracts unless
accomplished or executed, resulting in the there is a stipulation to the contrary (e.g.,
extinguishment thereof. warranty in case of eviction in contract of sale)
3. Accidental Elements - these elements exist only
because the parties provide for them. (1306)
Perfection of Contracts:
1. Consensual Contracts - As a general rule,
contracts are perfected by mere consent of the There is no contract unless the following requisites
parties regarding the subject matter and the concur:
cause of the contract. They are obligatory in (1) Consent of the contracting parties;
whatever form they may have been entered into (2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the
provided, all the essential requisites for their contract;
validity are present. (3) Cause of the obligation which is established.
2. Real Contracts - Real contracts which are
perfected not merely by consent but by the
delivery, actual or constructive, of the object of FIRST ELEMENT: CONSENT
the obligation like in a pledge, mutuum (simple
loan) or commodatum. Consent is the conformity of wills and with respect to
3. Formal or Solemn Contracts - a special form is contracts, it is the agreement of the will of one
required or perfection (Example: A simple contracting party with that of another or others, upon
donation inter vivos of real property, to be valid the object and terms of the contract.
and perfected, must be in a public instrument.)
* It is the meeting of minds, i.e., the concurrence of offer
* A perfected loan contract is binding upon the parties and acceptance between the parties which expresses
and can give rise to an action for damages, but said their intent in entering into the contract respecting the
contract does not constitute the real contract of loan subject matter and the cause or consideration thereof.
which requires the delivery of the object of the contract
for its perfection (see Art. 1934.) and which gives rise to
obligations only on the part of the borrower. (BPI Consent is manifested by the meeting of the
Investment Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 377 SCRA I17 offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause
[2002]. which are to constitute the contract.
REQUISITES OF CONSENT 3. By operation of law
• Lapse of time (when a time is stated and
1. There must be two or more parties
no acceptance was made)
2. The parties must be capable or capacitated
• Death, civil interdiction, insolvency of
(hence, if one party be insane, the contract is
either party
merely voidable).
• Supervening illegality of the contract
3. There must be no vitiation of consent.
• Destruction of the subject matter
What is an offer?
• Where the changes or qualifications in the offer
Offer is a proposal made by one party (offerer) to are not material or are mere clarifications of
another to enter into a contract. It is more than an what the parties had previously agreed upon
expression of desire or hope. It is really a promise to act (e.g., insertion of "per annum" after the word
or to refrain from acting on condition that the terms "interest") cannot be categorized as major
thereof are accepted by the person (offeree) to whom it alterations of the offer that will prevent a
is made. (De Leon,) meeting of the minds between the parties. (see
Villonco Realty Co. vs. Bormacheco, Inc., 65 SCRA
Requisites of a valid/effective offer:
350 [1975].)
1. The offeror must have serious intention to be
Acceptance of the offer:
bound by his offer;
2. The terms of the offer must be certain, definite "Acceptance" is the manifestation by the offeree of his
and complete; assent to the terms of the offer.
Meaning of "certain, definite, and complete"
A contract can come into existence by the mere • The acceptance of an offer must be absolute,
acceptance of the offer without any further act unconditional or unqualified that is, it must be
on the part of the offeror. identical in all respects with that of the offer so
3. The offer must be communicated to the offeree. as to produce the consent or meeting of the
minds necessary to perfect a contract.
Examples of a valid/effective offer:
EXAMPLE: Tekla offered to sell his Jaguar car to Willy for
• Will you buy this TV set for P25,000? "Php 10Million in cash" should Willy indicate his
• I am willing to sell my house for P20,000,000.00 acceptance on or before Christmas Day of 2020,
cash or for 12 monthly installments. otherwise Tekla would sell the same to others.
Examples of cases which are not considered offers under Willy sent a reply stating that: "Dear Tekla, I am very
the law: much Interested to buy and acquire your car in the same
price, manner, conditions and considerations other
1. Advertisement of things for sale - these are
buyers will offer."
merely invitations to make an offer (unless
expressly and clearly stated that it is an offer) THERE IS NO ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER.
2. Advertisement for bidders
3. Auction sales
How to Accept the Offer?
Termination of offer:
1. Form of Acceptance: either express or implied,
1. By the offeror - the offeror may revoke or
may be my words, acts, or conducts of a party
withdraw the offer prior to acceptance by the
recognizing the existence of a contract
2. Acceptance through an agent: If offer was made
2. By the offeree - by rejection of the offeree. One
through an agent, communication of acceptance
form of rejection is by making a counter-offer,
through the agent is valid. This means that when
which means simultaneously rejecting the
the offer was made through a channel or agency,
original offer and making of a new offer
it is implied that acceptance through the channel EXAMPLE:
or agency is valid, unless otherwise stated.
Dabby offers to construct the building of Carlo
When Acceptance Binds the Offeror: for P5,000,000.00 giving Carlo one (1) month within
which to make up his mind. Under Article 1324, Dabby
• Contract is perfected only from the time an
may withdraw the offer even before the lapse of one-
acceptance is made known to the offeror.
month unless Carlo has already accepted the offer. After
acceptance, withdrawal is not possible as there is no
• If acceptance is transmitted by letter or more offer to withdraw. Even before acceptance, Dabby
telegram, the contract is perfected not from the may not withdraw the offer if the option is covered by
time the letter or telegram is sent but from the a consideration as when Carlo paid or promised to pay
time of the offeror's knowledge, actual or P500,000 to Dabby for giving him the 1-month period.
constructive, of the acceptance. There is here an option contract. After the 1 month-day
• CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE: as when the period, in the absence of acceptance, the offer becomes
letter of acceptance has been received in the ineffective.
house of the offeror by a person possessed of
reasonable discernment Rule in Option Contract:
• All rights which are not intransmissible may be • A contract concerning future inheritance is void
the object of contracts. But strictly political rights and consequently, cannot be the source of any
(like the right to vote) or strictly personal rights right nor the creator of any obligation between
(like parental authority) cannot be the subject of the parties.
a contract.
THIRD ELEMENT: “Cause” of Contracts
"must be possible"
• Cause (or Consideration) is the “why f the
• Prohibited drugs and all illicit objects; to kill a contract, the essential reason which moves the
person, etc. (illicit things or services are also contracting parties to enter into the contract.
outside the commerce of men.); to get soil from • Cause is the essential reason which moves the
planet Mars; to construct a building in one day; contracting parties to enter into it. In other
etc. (De Leon) words, the cause is the immediate, direct and
proximate reason which justifies the creation of
“must be determinate or determinable"
an obligation through the will of the contracting
• The object must be determinate or determinable parties. (Uy vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 120465
(without need of a new agreement). September 9, 1999)
• If the object is not determinate or determinable,
EXAMPLE: I bought a gun from a store for P50,000. The
the contract is void for want of an essential
cause of the contract is the gun (for the buyer) and the
requisite - the object of the contract.
money (for the seller).
Cause vs. Motive
• Dabby sold to Albert the future (2021) harvest in
• The party's motives for entering into the contract
Dabby's field for a definite price, the contract is
do not affect the contract. However, when the
valid for there is no need of a new agreement.
motive predetermines the cause, the motive
• Dabby agreed to deliver one of his dogs to Jan. may be regarded as the cause.
Here, the object is determinable without the
• So, when the motive was not realized, it may
need of a new contract between the parties. It
negate the existence of a cause which will make
becomes determinate the moment it is
the contract "inexistent" (Uy vs. Court of
Appeals, G.R. No 120465 September 9, 1999)
Contract upon future inheritance
• In a contract of sale of a piece of land, the cause
• Future inheritance is any property or right, not in of the vendor in entering into the contract is to
existence or capable of determination at the obtain the price. For the vendee, NHA, it is the
time of the contract, that a person may inherit in acquisition of the land. The motive of the NHA,
the future. (Blas vs Santos, I SCRA 899 [1961].) on the other hand, is to use said lands for
Requisites But the DENR declared the lands not
• The succession has not yet been opened at the suitable for housing projects.
time of the contract; • So, the motive of NHA was not realized. Hence,
• The object of the contract forms part of the it negates the existence of a cause which will
inheritance; and make the contract "inexistent" (Uy vs. Court of
• The promissor has, with respect to the object, an Appeals. G.R. No. 120465 September 9, 1999)
expectancy of a right which is purely hereditary
in nature.
XPN: Partition
Requisites of cause: EXCEPTIONS: The form, however, is required in the
following cases:
(1) It must exist at the time the contract is entered
into • FOR VALIDITY - when the law requires that a
(2) It must be lawful contract be in some form to be valid
(3) It must be true or real. • TO BE ENFORCEABLE - when the law requires
that a contract be in some form to be
Rules as to cause:
enforceable or proved in a certain way
• If there is no cause whatsoever, the contract is • FOR CONVENIENCE - when the law requires that
VOID. Thus, a fictitious sale is VOID. a contract be in some form for the convenience
Example: A contract of sale is null and void for of the parties or for the purpose of affecting third
being without cause where the purchase price, persons.
(which appears thereon as paid) has in fact never
been paid by the buyer to the seller
• If the cause is unlawful, the transaction is null
1. Donation of real property. - It must be in a public
and void.
instrument (both donation and acceptance)
Example: A promise of marriage based on sexual
2. Donation of personal property the value of which
intercourse is based on an illegal cause. (Batarra
exceeds P5,000.00. - The donation and
v. Marcos, 7 Phil. 156).
acceptance must be in writing
3. Contract of partnership. - If immovables are
• Lesion or inadequacy of cause shall not
contributed, it must be in a public instrument to
invalidate a contract, unless there has been
which shall be attached a signed inventory of the
fraud, mistake or undue influence.
immovable property contributed
Example: Dabby sold to Robert for P700.00 a
4. Sale of land through an agent - The authority of
parcel of land with an area of over 18 hectares
the agent must be in writing: otherwise, the sale
and an assessed value of over P4,310.00. At the
is void.
time of the execution of the deed of sale, Dabby
was already 100 years old and very weak. As a FOR ENFORCEABILITY: certain agreements are required
matter of fact, he could not talk when his to be in writing so that they be enforced (Statute of
thumbmark was affixed to the said deed. Frauds)
• Rule 2: If the words appear to be contrary to the Rule 3: The usage and custom of the place shall be borne
evident intention of the parties, the intention in mind in the interpretation of contracts.
shall prevail over the words of the contract.
*If with court approval, the contract is valid regardless "...It is a settled principle in civil law that when a lease
of lesion. contract contains a right of first refusal, the lessor is
under a legal duty to the lessee not to sell to anybody at
any price until after he has made an offer to sell to the
latter at a certain price and the lessee has failed to accept
2. Those agreed upon in representation of
it. The lessee has a right that the lessor's first offer shall
absentees whenever the they whom they
be in his favor."
represent suffer lesion by more than one-fourth
of the value of the things which are the object
Rescission (Resolution) under 1191:
XPN: *If with court approval, the contract is valid
regardless of lesion. • The right of rescission or more accurately,
resolution, of a party to an obligation under
• An absentee is a person who disappears from his Article 1191 is predicated on a breach of faith by
domicile, his whereabouts being unknown, and the other party that violates the reciprocity
without leaving an agent to administer his between them. (Uy vs. Court of Appeals. GR. No.
property. A court may appoint a person to 120465 September 9, 1999)
represent him specifying his powers and • This Article in speaking of "reciprocal ones"
obligations in accordance with the rules refers only to reciprocal obligations, that is, to
concerning guardians. obligations where two parties are reciprocally
obliged to do or give something. It is not enough
that both parties are indebted to each other. The
3. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors, when cause must be IDENTICAL and the obligations
the latter cannot in any other manner collect should arise simultaneously. (Paras, 2008)
claims due them ("Accion Pauliana")
FOR EXAMPLE: In a contract of sale of car, the delivery of Limitations on the right to ask for rescission:
the car sold by the seller is conditioned upon the
1. Rescission cannot be permitted for slight or
simultaneous payment of the purchase price by the
casual breach
buyer, and vice versa.
2. Rescission cannot be demanded by an injured
• The seller is the creditor as to the price and party who is not in a position to return what he
debtor as to the car, while the buyer is the had received
creditor as to the car and debtor as to the price. 3. Rescission cannot be granted when the object of
the contract is in the possession of a third person
EXAMPLE: Dabby borrowed P10,000.00 from Neptali
who has not acted in bad faith
under a contract of loan. Dabby, on the other hand, is
the owner of a place where Neptali deposits (for
safekeeping) his car. Neptali owes Dabby P5,000.00 for EFFECTS OF RECISSION IN 1191:
deposit fees.
"...When a decree for rescission is handed down, it is the
• There is no reciprocal obligation. Although they duty of the court to require both parties to surrender
are mutually bound, the cause does not arise that which they have respectively received and to place
from the same contract. One is the contract of each other as far as practicable in his original situation.
loan; the other is the contract of deposit. The The rescission has the effect of abrogating the contract
payment of P10, 000. 00 as a loan does not in all parts. Rescission has the effect of "unmaking a
depend on the payment of P5,000.00 as deposit contract, or its undoing from the beginning, and not
fees. merely its termination. Hence, rescission creates the
obligation to return the object of the contract. To
Alternative Remedies under Article 1191: rescind is to declare a contract void at its inception and
• the "injured party” has the right to choose to put an end to it as though it never was..." (Unlad
between rescission or fulfillment of the Resources vs Dragon G.R. NO. 149338: July 28, 2008)
obligation, with the right to claim damages in
either case.
• But if the injured party has chosen specific
performance, he may ask for rescission if
specific performance becomes impossible.
• If the injured party asked for rescission, he
cannot thereafter ask for specific performance.
1. Interest paid in excess of the interest allowed by • In case of a divisible contract, if the illegal terms
the usury laws may be recovered by the debtor, can be separated from the legal ones, the legal
with interest thereon from the date of the ones may be enforced.
payment. Example: Dabby sold to Carlo his car for
2. When money is paid or property delivered for an P150,000 and shabu, a prohibited drug, for
illegal purpose, the contract may be repudiated P200,000.00. The sale of the car is valid.
by one of the parties before the purpose has
been accomplished, or before any damage has
been caused to a third person.
Example: For a reward, Dabby promised to kill
Albert for Cynthia. Cynthia gave the reward.
Before Dabby could kill Albert, Cynthia
repudiated the contract.