Physics Last Revision Booklet

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The document provides examples of physics questions covering various topics like kinematics, electrostatics, current electricity, magnetism, heat and thermodynamics, modern physics and ray optics.

Some common topics covered include kinematics, electrostatics, current electricity, magnetism, heat and thermodynamics, modern physics and ray optics.

Examples of kinematics problems mentioned include problems involving motion under constant acceleration, projectile motion and relative motion.

By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )

1. What a man moves down the inclined plane with a constant speed 5 m/s which makes an angle of
37° with the horizontal, he finds that rain is falling vertically downward. When he moves up the
same inclined plane with the same speed, he finds that rain makes an angle   = tan–1 (7/8) with
the horizontal. The speed of rain is
(A) m/s (B) m/s (C) 5 m/s (D) 73 m / s
2. A ball is thrown from the ground to clear a wall 3 m high at a distance of 6 m and falls 18 m away
from the wall, the angle of projection of ball is
(A) tan–1(3/2) (B) tan–1(2/3) (C) tan–1(1/2) (D) tan–1(3/4)
3. Three ships A, B and C are in motion. The motion of A as seen by B is with speed V towards the
north–east. The motion of B as seen by C is with speed V towards the north–west. Then, as seen
by A, C will be moving towards
(A) north (B) south (C) east (D) west
4. A particle is projected from the bottom of an inclined plane of inclination 30° (with the
horizontal) with speed 40 m/s at an angle 60° with the horizontal. The speed of the particle when
its velocity vector is parallel to inclined plane is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 40/ 3 (B) 20 m/s (C) 20 (D) 10 m/s
5. A platform is pulled with a constant acceleration a. A particle is
projected from the platform at an angle  with the horizontal with  a

respect to the platform as shown in the figure. The value of  such that
particle again comes to the starting point on the platform is
(A) tan–1(g/a) (B) cot–1(g/a) (C) sin–1(g/a) (D) cos–1(g/a)
6. Two swimmers A and B start swimming from different 30m y
positions on the same bank as shown in figure. The
swimmer A swimmer A swims at angle 90° with respect to x
the river to reach point P. He takes 120 seconds to cross the 10m
river of width 10 m. The swimmer B also takes the same
time to reach the point P
(A) velocity of A with respect to river is 1/6 m/s. 5m
(B) river flow velocity is ¼ m/s.
(C) velocity of B along y–axis with respect to earth is 1/3 m/s.
(D) velocity of B along x–axis with respect to earth is 5/24 m/s.
7. A particle moves along a straight line in such a way that it’s acceleration is increasing at the rate of
2m/s3. If its initial acceleration and velocity were zero, the distance covered by it in t = 3 second is.
(A) 27 m (B) 9 m (C) 3 m (D) 1 m2
a (in m/s )
8. The acceleration of a particle which moves along the positive x-axis
varies with its position as shown. If the velocity of the particle is 0.8 m/s 0.4
at x = 0, the velocity of the particle at x = 1.4 is (in m/s) 0.2

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0.4 this
0.8 1.4 x (in m)
By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
(A) 1.6 (B) 1.2
(C) 1.4 (D) none of these

9. A ball is held in the position shown with string of length 1 m just taut &
then projected horizontally with a velocity of 3 m/s. If the string becomes
taut again when it is vertical, angle  is given by

(A) 53° (B) 30°

(C) 45° (D) 37°
10. The accelerations of a particle as seen from two frames S1 and S2 have equal magnitude 4m/s2
(A) The frames must be at rest with respect to each other
(B) The frames may be moving with respect to each other but neither should be accelerated with
respect to the other
(C) The acceleration of S2 with respect to S1 may either be zero or 8 m/s2.
(D) The acceleration of S2 with respect to S1 may be anything between zero and 8 m/s2.
11. A particle is projected at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity v at an
angle of projection . The time when the distance between them is minimum is
h h
(A) (B) (C) h/v (D) h/2v
2v sin  2v cos 
12. Two particles are moving along two long straight lines, in the same plane, with the same speed =
20 cm/s. The angle between the two lines is 60°, and their intersection point is O. At a certain
moment, the two particles are located at distances 3m and 4m from O, and are moving towards O.
Subsequently, the shortest distance between them will be
(A) 50 cm (B) 40 cm (C) 50 cm (D) 50 cm
13. Wind is blowing in the north direction at speed of 2 m/s which causes the rain to fall at some
angle with the vertical. With what velocity should a cyclist drive so that the rain appears vertical
to him :
(A) 2 m/s south (B) 2 m/s north (C) 4 m/s west (D) 4m/s south
14. Three particles, located initially on the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side L, start moving
with a constant tangential acceleration towards each other in cyclic manner, forming spiral loci
that converge at the centroid of the triangle. The length of one such spiral locus will be
(A) L/3 (B) 2L/ (C) L/ (D) 2L/3
15. A particle is thrown upwards from ground. It experiences a constant resistance force which can
produce retardation 2 m/s2. The ratio of time of ascent to the time of descent is (g 10 m/s2)
(A) 1 : 1 (B) : (C) 2 : 3 (D) :
16. If velocity of a particle is given by v = where x denotes the position of the particle and
initially the particle was at x = 4, then which of the following are correct :
(A) at t = 2 sec, the position of the following are correct :
(B) particle acceleration at t = 2 sec is 1 m/s2.

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
(C) particle acceleration is ½ m/s2 throughout the motion.
(D) Particle will never go in negative direction from its starting position.
17. A particle is projected up the incline such that the component of its velocity along the incline is
10 m/s. Time of flight is 2 sec and maximum height above the incline is 5m. Then velocity of
projection will be
(A) 10 m/s (B) 10 m/s (C) m/s (D) none
18. A man wearing a hat of extended length 12 cm is running in rain falling vertically downwards
with speed 10 m/s. The maximum speed with which the man can run, so that rain drops does not
fall on his face (the length of this face below extended part of hat is 16 cm) will be
(A) 7.5 m/s (B) 13.33 m/s (C) 10 m/s (D) zero
19. A car starts with constant acceleration a = 2 m/s at t = 0. Two coins are released from the car at t
= 3 and t = 4 sec. Each coin takes 1 sec to fall on ground. Then the distance between the two coins
on ground will be (assume coins don’t rebound)
(A) 9 m (B) 7 m (C) 15 m (D) 2 m
20. Two men P and Q are standing at corners A and B of square track 10 m/s
ABCD (as shown in the figure) of side 8 m. They start moving along the Q
track with constant speed 2 m/s and 10 m/s respectively. The time when
they meet for the first time, is equal to 2 m/s

(A) 2 sec (B) 3 sec

(C) 1 sec (D) 6 sec
21. The velocity of a body is 10 m/s at a particular instant and it is increasing at a constant rate of 2
m/s per meter. The acceleration of body at the same instant is
(A) 20 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2 (C) 10 m/s2 (D) 5 m/s2
22. The maximum angle to the horizontal at which a stone can be thrown and always be moving away
from the thrower is
(A) sin 1 2 / 3 (B) 45° (C) sin 1 8 / 9 (D) tan 1 3
23. A particle of mass ‘a’ is projected from the origin with initial velocity (3iˆ  4i)
ˆ m/s in a field

where it is acted upon by a force 2at ĵ N. Its position after first 2s is :

(A) (6iˆ  32 / 3j)
ˆ m (B) (8iˆ 14j)
ˆ m (C) (3iˆ  80j)ˆ m (D) (6iˆ  8 / 3j)
ˆ m
24. A swimmer can swim at 3 ms–1. A river flows at 5 ms–1. The swimmer crosses the river 1200 m
wide, along the shortest possible path
(A) the time taken is 400 s (B) the time taken is 500 s
(C) the length of the path traversed is 2000 m (D) thelength of the path traversed is 1600 m.
25. A body A starts from rest with an acceleration a1. After 2 seconds, another body B starts from rest
with an acceleration a2. Is equal to :
(A) 5 : 9 (B) 5 : 7 (C) 9 : 5 (D) 9 : 7
26. What is the speed of projection of a projectile projected at an angle of projection 60° with the
horizontal if the radius of curvature at the highest point of the trajectory is 10 m ?
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
20 10
(A) 10 m/s (B) 20 m/s (C)
m/s (D) m/s
3 3
27. A particle can move along x axis. In which of the following conditions it is sure that the particle is
moving towards origin ?
dx dx d(x 2 ) d(x 2 )
(A) 0 (B) 0 (C) 0 (D) 0
dt dt dt dt

28. In the given figure, the angle of inclination of the inclined plane is 30°. Find the horizontal
velocity V0 so that the particle hits the inclined plane perpendicularly.



2gH 2gH gH gH
(A) Vo  (B) V0  (C) V0  (D) V0 
5 7 5 7
29. Tom at t = 0 is standing at a distance 9 m behind Jerry which running away at speed 8 m/s. If Tom
starts accelerating from rest at rate 2 m/s2, then Tom will catch Jerry after
(A) 2 sec (B) 6 sec (C) 10 m/s (D) 12 m/s
30. A stone dropped from rest passes the top and bottom of a building with velocities 2 m/s and 14
m/s then velocity of stone while passing through midpoint is
(A) 5 m/s (B0 8 m/s (C) 10 m/s (D) 12 m/s
31. Three particles start from the origin simultaneously. The first particle moves with velocity u1
along +x axis, the second particle along +y axis with velocity u2 and the third particle moves
along the line y = x. The velocity of third particle so that all the three particles lie on the same line is
u1u 2 2u1u 2
(A) (B) u1u 2 (C) (D) u12  u 22
u1  u 2 u1  u 2
32. A particle is projected with velocity 40 m/s under gravity (g = 10 m/s2). Which of the following
graph best represent variation of average velocity with time.
Vevg Vevg Vevg Vevg

40 m/s

t t t t
(A) (B) (C) (D)
33. Let the distance between two moving particles at an instant be ‘a’. Let ‘u’ be their relative
velocity and u1 and u2 be the components of v along and perpendicular to the line of separation of
the particles. The time when the particles will be closest and the corresponding minimum distance
between the particles are
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
au1 au1 au1 au 2 au au au au 2
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) ,
u2 u u2 u u 22 u 2 u 22 u
34. The block B moves with a velocity u relative to the wedge A. If the velocity of the wedge is v as
shown in figure, for the block to move vertically up, u/v is



u u u v

(A) cos 1   (B) sin 1   (C) tan 1   (D) cos 1  
v v v u
35. Three stones A, B and C are simultaneously projected from same point with same speed. A is
thrown upwards; B is thrown horizontally and C is thrown downwards from a building. When the
distance between stone A and C becomes 10 m, then the distance between A and B will be
(A) 10 m (B) 5 m (C) 5 2m (D) 10 2 m
36. The graph on the right shows velocity versus time graph for a ball, which explanation best fits the
motion of the ball as shown by graph :
(A) The ball falls, is caught, and is thrown down with a greater velocity
(B) The ball rises, hits the ceiling and falls down
(C) The ball falls, hits the floor and bounces up
(D) The ball rises, is caught and then is thrown up
37. Three elephants A, B and C are moving along a
straight line with constant speed in same direction u 10m/s
as shown in the figure. Speed of A is 5 m/s and A B C
speed of C is 10 m/s. Initially separation between
A & B is ‘d’ and between B and C is also d. When d
B catches C separation between A and C becomes
3d. Then the speed of B will be :
(A) 7.5 m/s (B) 15 m/s (C) 20 m/s (D) 5 m/s
38. A particle can be projected maximum upto a distance 15 m. Four particles A B, C and D are being
projected with same speed at different angles. The ranges of these particles are 15m, 10 m, 6m,
and 2m respectively. Which of the following plots does not represent the path of the particles.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2 6 10 15 2 6 10 15 2 6 10 15 2 6 10 15
39. The path of a projectile in the absence of air drag is shown in the figure by dotted line. If the air
resistance is not ignored then which of the path shown in the figure is appropriate for the
projectile ?
(Hint : Air resistance acts opposite to the velocity vector)

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )


(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

40. A point moving along the x-direction starts from rest at x = 0 and comes to rest at x = 1 after 1s.
Its acceleration at any position is represented by  . Which of the following is not correct ?
(A)  must change its sign during the motion
(B) |  |  4 units at some or all points during the motion
(C) It is not possible to specify the upper limit of  from the given data
(D) |  | cannot be less than ½ during the motion

Laws of Motion
1. A block of mass 2 kg is hanging with two identical massless springs as shown in figure. The
acceleration of the block at the moment, the right spring breaks is (g = 10 m/s2)

30° 30°

2 kg

(A) m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2 (C) 25 m/s2 (D) 4 m/s2

2. Two blocks M1 and M2 rest upon each other on a inclined plane. Coefficient of friction between
surfaces are shown. If the angle  is slowly increased, then (M1 < M2)
2=0.2 A 
(A) block A slips first (B) block B slips first
(C) both slip simultaneously (D) both remain at rest
3. Two blocks each of mass 1 kg are placed as shown. They are connected by a string which passes
over a smooth (massless) pulley. There is no friction between m1 and the ground and the
coefficient of friction between m1 and m2 is 0.2. A force F is applied to m2. Which of the
following statements is/are correct.

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )


(A) The system will be in equilibrium if < 4N.

(B) If F > 4 N the tension in the string will be 4 N.
(C) If F > 4N the frictional force between the block will be 2N.
(D) If F = 6N the tension in the string will be 3N.
4. An inclined plane makes an angle 30° with the horizontal. A groove OA = 5m cut in the plane
makes an angle 30° with OX. A short smooth cylinder is free to slide down due to the influence of
gravity. The time taken by the cylinder to reach from A to O is (Take g = 10 m/s2) :

O x

(A) 4s (B) 2s (C) 2 2 (D) 1s

5. Blocks A & C starts from rest & moves to the right with acceleration a A = 12t m/s2 & aC = 3m/s2.
Here ‘t’ is in seconds. The time when block B again comes to rest is :


3 1
(A) 2s (B) 1s (C) (D)
2 2
6. A ball is held at rest in position A by two light cords. The horizontal cord is now cut and the ball
swings to the position B. What is the ratio of the tension in the cord in position B to that in
position A ?

   = 30°


(A) 3 (B) 3/4 (C) 1/2 (D) 1

7. In the shown figure two beads slide along a smooth horizontal rod as shown in figure. The
relation between V and v0 in the shown position will be :
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
V0 V0

 

(A) V = v0 tan  (B) V = v0 = cot  (C) v = v0 sin  (D) V = v0 cos 
8. The point of suspension of the pendulum bob moves with a constant acceleration a. If the breaking
strength of the string is equal to three times the weight of the bob the maximum value of a is :

(A) 2g (B) 3g (C) 2 g (D) 2 2 g
9. Two particles of masses m and 2m are connected by the spring. If the particle 2m has acceleration
a, the relative acceleration between the particles is :

m 2m
(A) 2a (B) 3a (C) 3/2 a (D) none of these
10. A block of mass m hangs from a rigid support by an ideal spring of stiffness k. If we pull the mid-
point of the spring by a distance x downwards and release, the maximum speed of the block is :

 k 
(A) not determinant (B)   x (C) gx (D) none of these
 m
11. In the shown figure of A is a A 15iˆ  15jˆ then acceleration of B is (A remains in contact with B)
(A) 6iˆ (B) 15iˆ (C) 10iˆ (D) 5iˆ
12. Two blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’ each of mass m are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Two
horizontal force f and 2F are applied on both the blocks A and B respectively as shown in figure.
The block A does not slid on block B. Then the normal reaction acting between the two blocks is :
(A) F (B) F/2 (C) F/ 3 (D) 3F
13. A block of mass m lies on wedge of mass M, which lies on fixed horizontal surface. The wedge is
free to move on the horizontal surface. A horizontal force of magnitude F is applied to block as
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
shown, neglecting friction at all surfaces, the value of F such that block has nor elative motion
w.r.t. wedge will be
(A) (M+m) g tan  (B) (M+m) g cot
(C) m/M (M+m) g tan  (D) m/M (M+m)g cot 
14. A cylinder of mass M and radius R is resting on two corner edges A and B as shown in figure.
The normal reaction at the edges A and B are :
(A) N A  2N B (B) NB  3N A (C) N A  Mg / 2 (D) N B 2 3 Mg / 5
15. A circular rope of weight W and radius r  is resting on a smooth sphere of radius R. The
tension in rope is :
w w W w
(A) (B) (C) (D)
r 6  12  10  3
16. Find velocity of ring B (vB) at the instant shown. The string is taut and inextensible :
1 3 1
(A) m/s (B) m/s (C) m / s (D) 1 m/s
2 4 4
17. A block comes down a stationary inclined plane of angle of inclination  with a constant velocity.
The acceleration with which the incline should be moved towards right horizontally so that the
block now moves upwards with constant velocity is
(A) g sin2 (B) g cos2 (C) g tan 2  (D) g cot 2
18. A bead cn slide freely on a wire PQ. Two masses A and B are attached to the bead by inextensible
string. At the instant angle between two strings at the bead is 90° other angles are shown in figure.
At the instant velocity of B is v, the velocity of A is
(A) 3v/5 (B) 4v/5 (C) 3v/4 (D) 4v/3
19. System is shown in the figure. Assume that cylinder remains in contact with the two wedges. The
velocity of the cylinder is :
u 13u
(A) 4 3 m/s (B) m/s (C) 3u m / s (D) 7 u m / s
2 2
20. In the figure shown, the pulleys and strings are ideal. The acceleration of the block of mass 4m
just after the system is released from rest is ( =37°)
2g 2g 5g 5g
(A) (B) (C) upwards (D) downwards
5 5 11 11

21. Objects A and B each of mass m are connected by light inextensible cord. They are constrained to
move on a frictionless ring in a vertical plane as shown. The objects are released from rest at the
positions shown. The tension in the cord just after release will be
(A) mg 2 (B) mg / 2 (C) mg / 2 (D) mg / 4

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
22. A block is placed on a rough horizontal plane (xz–plane) with coefficient of friction is equal to  .
In Y and Z direction constant force mg is applied as shown, and in the X–direction a time varying
force F = mgt is applied, where t is time. If block starts moving at time t = 1 s. Then value of  is
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/ 2 (C) 1/ 3 (D) 1/3
23. If you want to pile up sand onto a circular area of radius R. The greatest height of the sand pile
that can be erected without spilling the sand onto the surrounding area, if  is the coefficient of
friction between sand particles is :
(A) R (B) 2R (C) R (D)

24. A man of mass 60 Kg is pulling a mass ‘M’ by an inextensible light rope passing through a
smooth & mass-less pulley as shown. The coefficient of friction between the man & the ground is
 = ½ . The maximum value of M that can be pulled by the man without slipping on the ground
is approximately :
(A) 51 Kg (B) 26 Kg (C) 46 Kg (D) 32 Kg
25. A weightless string passes through a slit over a pulley. The slit offers frictional force ‘f’ to the
string. The string carries two weights having masses m1 and m2 where m2 > m1, then acceleration
of the weights is :
(m 2  m1 )g  f f  (m 2  m1)g (m1  m 2 )g  f m 2g  f
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m1  m 2 m1  m 2 m1  m 2 m1  m 2
26. A plank of mass 3m is placed on a rough inclined plane and a man of mass m walks down the
board. If the coefficient of friction between the board and inclined plane is  = 0.5, the minimum
acceleration of the man such that plank does not slide is :
(A) 6 m/s2 (B) 8 m/s2 (C) 4 m/s2 (D) 2 m/s2
27. The force acting on the block is given by F = 5 –2t. The frictional force acting on the block after
time t = 2 seconds will be : (  = 0.2)
(A) 1N (B) 2N (C) 3N (D) Zero
28. The acceleration of small block m with respect to ground is (all the surface are smooth) :
(A) Zero (B) g (C) g/2 (D) 2g
29. In the above question, if the same acceleration is towards right the frictional force exerted by
wedge on the block will be : (Coefficient of friction between wedge & block = 3 / 2 )
(A) 2mg (B) mg (C) 3mg/2 (D) mg/2
30. A heavy conveyer belt is moving with uniform speed 2m/s as shown. A small block of mass m is
kept on another block of equal mass but of length L = 2 m. At a certain instant this two block
system is gently placed on the belt. If there is no friction between the blocks and the friction
coefficient between the blocks and belt is  = 0.1 then the time after which the upper block
separates from lower block is :
(A) 1s (B) s (C) 2s (D) None of these
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
31. In the shown diagram m1 = m2 = 4 kg and m3 = 2kg. Coefficient of friction between m1 and m2 is
0.5. The mass m1 is given a velocity v and it just stops at the other end of the mass m 2 in 1 sec.
Let a1, a2 and a3 be the acceleration m1, m2 and m3 respectively, then:
(A) the value of v is 5 m/s (B) for t < 1 sec, a1 = 5 m/s2, a2 = a3= m/s2
2 2
(C) for t < 1 sec, a1 = 5 m/s , a2 = a3= 0 (D) for t < 1 sec, a1 = a2 = a3 = 2m/s
32. The friction coefficient between plank and floor is  . The man applies, the maximum possible
force on the string and the system remains at rest. Then:
(A) tension in the string is
1 
(B) frictional force between plank and surface is
1 
(C) frictional force on man is zero
(D) net force on man is zero
33. In the shown figure, friction exists between wedge and block and also between wedge and floor.
The system is in equilibrium in the shown position.
(A) frictional force between wedge and block is  mg
(B) frictional force between wedge and surface is  (m + m)g
(C) frictional force between wedge and surface is mg
(D) minimum coefficient of friction required to hold the system in equilibrium is
34. If wedge is moving with acceleration ‘a’ as shown in the figure and co-efficient of friction
between two blocks is  , then net force on ‘m’ is:
(A) m a (B) 2ma (C) mg –  ma (D) zero
35. In the shown diagram friction exists at each contact surface with coefficient  and the blocks are
at rest Then:
(A) frictional force on m kg is mg sin 
(B) frictional force between wedge and surface is mg sin  cos .
(C) normal force by the surface is (M + m) g
(D) net force of m is zero
36. A sphere of weight W = 100 N is kept stationary on a rough inclined plane by a horizontal string
AB as shown in figure. Then
(A) tension in the string is N
2 3
(B) tension in the string is 100N
(C) normal reaction on the sphere by the plane is 100N
(D) force of friction on the sphere is N
2 3
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )

Passage for Q Nos. 37 to 39

A block of mass 1 kg is placed inside the box. The box is moved with a velocity v  3tiˆ  4tjˆ  a z tk,
where az is a constant. The surface of contact between the block and the box is rough.
37. If the coefficient of friction between the box and the block is  = 0.9 then the value of az for
which the block is on the verge of slipping.
(A) zero (B) 5 m/s2 (C) –4.44 m/s2 (D) none of these
38. If az = 5m/s and  =0.6 then the net force exerted by the box on the block is

(A) 250N (B) 150 N (C) 234N (D) 306N

39. If az = 5 m/s2 and  = 0.2 then the acceleration of the block with respect to the box is
(A) 3iˆ  4jˆ (B) 4.8iˆ  6.4jˆ (C) 1.2iˆ 1.6jˆ (D) zero
Passage for Q. Nos. 40 to 42
A light inextensible string connects a block of mass m and top of wedge of mass M. The string is parallel
to inclined surface and the incline surface makes an angle  with horizontal as shown. All surfaces are
smooth. Now a constant horizontal force of minimum magnitude F is applied to wedge towards right
such that the normal reaction on block exerted by wedge just becomes zero.
40. The magnitude of acceleration of wedge is
(A) g tan  (B) g cot  (C) g sin  (D) g cos 
41. The tension in string is
(A) mg sin  (B) mg/sin  (C) mg tan  (D) mg cot 
42. The magnitude of net horizontal force on wedge is
(A) Mg cot  (B) (M+m) g sec  (C) (M+m) g tan  (D) Mg cosec 
Passage for Q. Nos. 43 to 46
A spring block system in equilibrium is shown in figure. All the springs and string are ideal.
43. The acceleration of block A just after the upper spring is cut will be
(A) g/2 (B) g (C) 2g (D) 3/2 g
44. The acceleration of block B just after the upper spring is cut will be
(A) g/2 (B) g (C) 2g (D) 3/2 g
45. The acceleration of block C just after the upper spring is cut will be
(A) zero (B) g (C) 2g (D) 3/2 g
46. If the string is cut, the acceleration of block A, just after the string is cut will be
(A) zero (B) 2g (C) g (D) 3/2g

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Work Energy & Power

1. The potential energy for a force field F is given by U (x, y) = cos (x + y). The force acting on a
particle at position given by coordinate (o,  / 4 ) is:
1 ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ 1 3 ˆ 1 3ˆ
(A)  (i  j) (B) (i  j) (C)  ˆi  j  (D) ˆi  j
2 2  2 2  2 2
2. Two spring block system lies on a smooth horizontal surface. The free end of the spring is being
pulled towards right with constant speed V0 = 2 m/s. At t = 0, the spring is unstretched and the
block has a speed 1 m/s to left. The maximum
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 6 cm (D) 8 cm
3. A bob is attached to one end of a string other end of which is fixed at peg A. The bob is taken to a
position where string makes an angle 30° with the horizontal. On the circular path of the bob in
vertical plane, there is a point ‘B’ at a symmetrical position with respect to the position of release
as shown. If Vc and Va be the minimum speeds in clockwise and anticlockwise directions
respectively, given to the bob in order to reach respectively the point ‘B’ then ratio Vc : Va is
equal to
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 1 : 4
4. Object A and B each of mass m are connected by light inextensible cord. They are constrained to
move on a frictionless ring in a vertical plane as shown. The objects are released from rest at the
positions shown. The tension in the cord just after release will be
(A) mg 2 (B) mg / 2 (C) mg/2 (D) mg/4
5. A wooden cylinder of density D < d, where d is the density of the liquid is released from rest as
shown in figure. The maximum distance of penetration into the liquid is equal to (assume no
(A) (D/d)L (B) (d/D)L (C) (2D/d)L (D) (2d/D)L
6. Two cylindrical vessels of equal cross-sectional area A contain water upto heights h1 and h2. The
vessels are interconnected so that the levels in them become equal. The work done by the force of
gravity during the process is :
2 2
h h  h h  Ah1h 2
(A) zero (B) A  1 2  g (C) A  1 2  g (D) g
 2   2  2
7. A body with mass 2 kg moves in one direction in the presence of a force which is described by
the potential energy graph. If the body is released from rest at x = 2m, then its speed when
It crosses x = 5m is
(A) zero (B) 1ms–1 (C) 2ms–1 (D) 3ms–1

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8. In the shown figure, a small mass m starts sliding down a smooth and stationary circular track.
Which of the following graph best represents the variation of magnitude of the force applied by
the track on the mass and the angle ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9. A block of mass m is placed inside a smooth hollow cylinder of radius R kept horizontally.
Initially system was at rest. Now cylinder is given constant acceleration 2g in the horizontal
direction by external agent. The maximum angular displacement of the block with the vertical is :
(A) 2 tan 1 (2) (B) tan 1 (2) (C) tan 1 (1) (D) tan 1 (0.5)
10. Given F  (xy 2 )iˆ  (x 2 y)ˆj newton. Find the work done by F when a particle is taken along the
semicircular path OAB where to co-ordinates of B are (4, 0).
65 75 73
(A) J (B) J (C) J (D) zero
3 2 4
11. A chain of mass ‘m’ and length ‘l’ rests on a rough surfaced table so that one of its ends hangs
over the edge. The chain starts sliding off the table all by itself provided the overhanging part
equals (  1) part of the chain length. If the total work performed by the friction forces acting
on the chain by the moment it slides completely off the table is W and the friction coefficient
between table and chain is  . Then:
 
(A)   (B)  
1  1 
(1  ) 2 m g (1  )m g
(C) W (D) W 
2 2
12. A smooth narrow tube is in form of an are AB of a circle of center at O and radius R is fixed so
that A is vertically above O and OB is horizontal. Particles P and Q of mass m and 2m
respectively with an ideal string of length R / 2 , connecting them is placed as shown in the
figure. The speed of the particles as P reaches B will be
2gR 2gR 2(1  )gR 2gR
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 3 3
13. A man stretches a horizontal spring attached to the front wall of a railway carriage over a distance
‘l’ in a train moving with uniform velocity. During this time, the train covers a distance ‘L’. The
man stretches the spring opposite to the direction of motion of the train. The co-ordinate system
attached to earth is s1 and the co-ordinate system attaches to train is s2. Then the work preformed
by man in stretching the spring is
1 2 1
(A) kl in s1 (B) kl2 in s 2
2 2
1 1
(C) kl (L  1) in s1 (D) k (L  1) 2 in s1
2 2

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14. The potential energy of a 4 kg particle free to move along the x-axis is given by
x 3 5x 2
U(x)    6x  3 . Total mechanical energy of the particle is 17 J. Then the maximum
3 2
kinetic energy is
(A) 10 J (B) 2 J (C) 9.5 J (D) 0.5 J
15. Acceleration (a) versus displacement (x) and potential energy (u) versus (x) of a particle moving
along x-axis is shown. Mass of particle is 1 kg and it has velocity 4 m/s at x = 0
(A) kinetic energy at x = 4 m is 88J
(B) work done by conservative forces when it is at x = 8 m is 240 J
(C) total work done when it is at x = 8 m is 120 J
(D) work done by external force when it is at x = 8 m is –120 J

Passage for Q No. 16 to 19

A pendulum bob has mass m. The length of pendulum is l. It is initially at rest. A particle of mass m/s
moving horizontally along (–)ve x-direction with velocity 2gl collides with the bob and comes to rest.
When the bob comes to rest, another particle Q of mass m moving horizontally along y-direction collides
with the bob and sticks to it. It is observed that the bob now moves along a horizontal circle. There is
horizontal floor 2l distance below the point of suspension of the pendulum.
16. Tension in string immediately after first collision.
(A) 2g (B) mg (C) 3/2 g (D) 5/2 mg
17. Which of the following is a possible value of speed of particle Q just about its collision with the
7l g 3l g 7l g
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
3 4 4
18. Time period of circular motion
l 3l 7l 7l
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
g 4g 4g 3g
19. If string breaks during the circular motion, the bob will hit the floor after a time
5l 4l 4l
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
2g 2g g
Passage for Q No. 20 to 23
If the forces are conservative and potential energy is U then we can find force (F) from potential energy
U as –dU/dr = F. If potential energy of a body is minimum at equilibrium then this type of equilibrium is
known as stable equilibrium. When potential energy of the body is constant then equilibrium is called as
neutral and when potential energy becomes maximum at equilibrium it is called as unstable equilibrium.
Equilibrium happens when force on the body becomes zero.

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20. If potential energy for a conservative system is given by U = ax 2–bx, where a and b are positive
constants. Then at x = b/a.
(A) equilibrium is stable (B) equilibrium is unstable
(C) equilibrium is neutral (D) equilibrium is not possible
21. If potential energy of body is U = x + 1/x, the possible equilibrium is/are
(A) only stable (B) only unstable
(C) only neutral (D) stable and unstable both
22. The variation of potential energy between two molecules separated by a distance r is shown in
figure :
(A) the force at A is positive (B) the force at C is positive
(C) the force at B is positive (D) none of these
23. If force on a body is F = 2x–1, the possible equilibrium is at
(A) x = 1 and stable (B) x = ½ and unstable
(C) x = ½ and stable (D) x = 1 and unstable

Passage for Q. No. 24 to 26

The figure shows the variation of potential energy of a particle as a function of x, the x-coordinate of the
region. It has been assumed that potential energy depends on x, for all other values of x, U is zero i.e. for
x < –10 and x > 15 U = 0
24. If total mechanical energy of the particle is 25 J, then it can be found in region.
(A) –10 < x < - 5 and 6 < x < 15 (B) –10 < x < 0 and 6 < x < 10
(C) –5 < x < 6 (D) – 10 < x < 10
25. If total mechanical energy of the particle is –40 J, then it can be found in region.
(A) x < - 10 and x > 15 (B) –10 < x < - 5 and 6 < x < 15
(C) 10 < x < 15 (D) is not possible
26. If the particle is isolated and its total mechanical energy is 60 J, then
(A) the particle can be found any where from  to  
(B) the particle’s max KE in 95 J
(C) the particle’s KE is not getting zero any where on x – axis
(D) all of the above
27. An object of mass m is tied to a string of length l and a variable horizontal force is applied on it
which is initially zero and gradually increases until the string makes an angle  with the vertical.
Work done by the force F is :
(A) mgl(1 – sin) (B) mgl (C) mgl(1–cos) (D) mgl(1+cos)

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28. Potential energy function describing the interaction between two atoms of a diatomic molecule is
a b
U(r)   ; Force acting between them will be zero when the distance between them would
r12 r 6
be :
1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6
 2a   b  a b
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
 b   2a  b a
29. The potential energy of a particle varies with position x according to the relation U(x) = 2x4 – 27 x
the point x = 3/2 is point of :
(A) Unstable equilibrium (B) Stable equilibrium
(C) neutral equilibrium (D) none of these
30. A force F  k(yiˆ  xj)
ˆ where k is a positive constant acts on a particle moving in x – y plane.
Starting from the point (3, 5) the particle is taken along a straight line to (5, 7). The work done by
the force is :
(A) zero (B) 35 k (C) 20 k (D) 13 k
31. ˆ acts on a body and its position varies as S  (2t 2ˆi  5j)
A force F  (3  ˆi  5j)N ˆ . Work done by this
force in initial 2s is :
(A) 23 J (B) 32 J
(C) zero (D) can’t be obtained
32. While catching a cricket ball of mass 200 g moving with a velocity of 20 m/s, Dhoni draws his
hands backwards through 20 cm. The work done in catching the ball is :
(a) 20 J (B) 50 J (C) 40 J (D) 60 J
33. A particle of mass m begins to slide down a fixed smooth sphere from the top as shown. What is
its acceleration when it breaks off the sphere?
(A) 2g/3 (B) 5g / 3 (C) g (D) g/3
34. A force at any point is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from fixed origin O and
is directed along the tangential direction at that point as shown in figure. Then work done along a
closed circular path of radius R, which encloses the origin is :
2A 2A 2A
(A) zero (B) (C) (D) 
R R R2
35. A chain of length L and mass per unit length ‘  ’ is piled on a horizontal surface. One end of the
chain is lifted vertically with a constant velocity v by a variable force P. The value of P as a
function of the height x of the end above the surface is :
(A) gx (B) v 2 (C) (gx  v 2 ) (D) (v 2  gx)
36. Blocks A and B of mass m each are connected with spring of constant k. Both blocks lie on
frictionless ground and are imparted horizontal velocity v as shown when spring is unstretched.
Find the maximum stretch of spring.

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m m 2m
(A) v (B) v (C) v (D) None of these
k 2k k
37. A particle moves on a rough horizontal ground with some initial velocity say v °. If of its kinetic
energy is lost in friction in time t0. Then coefficient of friction between the particle and the
ground is :
v0 v0 3v0 v
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0
2gt 0 4gt 0 4gt 0 gt 0
38. A wedge of mass M fitted with a spring of stiffness ‘K’ is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. A
rod of mass m is kept on the wedge as shown in the figure. System is in equilibrium. Assuming
that all surfaces are smooth, the potential energy stored in the spring is :
mg 2 tan 2  m 2g tan 2  m 2g 2 tan 2  m 2g 2 tan 2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2k 2k 2k k
39. A small particles slides along a track with elevated ends and a flat central part, as shown in figure.
The flat part has a length 3m the curved portions of the track are frictionless, but for the flat part
the coefficient of kinetic friction is  0.2 . The particle is released at point A, which is at a height
h = 1.5 m above the flat part of the track. The position where the particle finally come to rest is
(A) left to mid point of the flat part (B) right to the mid point of the flat part
(C) Mid point of the flat part (D) None of these
40. A particle of mass 5 kg moving in the X –Y plane has its potential energy given by
U = (–x + 24y) Joule. The particle is initially at origin and has velocity u  (14.4iˆ  4.2 ˆj) m/s
(A) the particle has speed 25 m/s at t = 4 sec
(B) the particle has an acceleration 5 m/s
(C) the acceleration of particle is normal to its initial velocity
(D) none of these

Momentum & Collision

1. Inside a smooth hemispherical cavity a particle P can slide freely. The block having this cavity is
moving under constant acceleration A = g m/s2. A particle is released from the state of rest fro the
position shown. The angle  with the vertical, when the particle will have maximum velocity with
respect to the block is
(A)  / 4 (B)  / 3 (C)  / 6 (D)  / 2
2. Two point masses connected by an ideal string are placed on a smooth horizontal surface as
shown in the diagram. A sharp impulse of 10 kg–m/s is given to the 5 kg mass. The velocity of 10
kg mass will be
(A) 2/3 m/s (B) 1/3 m/s (C) 2 m/s (D) zero
3. A particle of mass m is placed on top of a smooth hemispherical wedge of mass 4 m at rest. The
hemispherical wedge is kept on a frictionless horizontal surface. The particle is given a gentle

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push. The angular velocity of the particle relative to the wedge if wedge has velocity v and
particle has fallen an angle  with respect to the wedge is
(A) 5V/R cos (B) V/R cos  (C) 4V/R cos  (D) 5V/R sin 
4. Two equal masses are tied to the ends of a weightless inextensible thread passing over a
weightless pulley. Initially the system is at rest and the masses are at the same level. A sharp
horizontal impulse J is imparted to the right block as shown. In subsequent motion
(A) the block A will come down relative to B.
(B) the block B will come down relative to A.
(C) the block will continue to be n the same horizontal plane
(D) the block A will remain at rest
5. In a situation, a board is moving with a velocity v with respect to earth, while a man A is running
with a velocity 2v with respect to earth and the man B is running with a velocity –2v with respect
to earth. If both men are running form the opposite ends of the board at the same time, as shown.
Length of the board is L. If they meet after time T, then
(A) value of T is L/4 v
(B) value of T is ½ v
(C) displacement of man B with respect to board in time T is 3 L/4
(D) displacement of man A with respect to board in time T is L/4
6. A particle A suffers an oblique elastic collision with a particle B that is at rest initially. If their
masses are the same, then after the collision:
(A) they will move in opposite directions
(B) a continues to move in the original direction while B remains at test
(C) they will move in mutually perpendicular directions
(D) along line of impact, A comes to rest and B starts moving
7. Two particles, P of mass 2m and Q of mass m, are subjected to mutual force of attraction and no
other force acts on them. At t = 0, P is at rest at pointO and Q is moving away from O with a
speed 5u. At a later instant t = T (before any collision has taken place) Q is moving towards O
with speed u. Then
(A) momentum of particle P at t = T is zero (B) momentum of particle P at t = T is 6 mu
(C) work done by the force of attraction during 0 < t < T is 12 mu2.
(D) work done by the force of attraction during 0 < t < T is –3 mu2.
8. A rod of mass ‘Mm’ carries an insect of mass ‘m’ at its bottom end and its top end is connected
with a string which passes over a smooth pulley and the other end of the string is connected to a
counter mass M. Initially the insect is at rest. Choose the correct options (s).
(A) An insect starts moving up relative to rod, the acceleration of centre of mass of the system
(insect + rod + counter mass) becomes nonzero
(B) An insect starts moving up relative to rod, tension in the string remains constant and is equal
to Mg.
(C) As insect starts moving up relative to rod, the tension in the string becomes more than Mg.

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(D) Acceleration of centre of mass of the system (insect + rod + counter mass) is zero when
9. In the figure shown, the two identical balls of mass M and radius R each, are placed in contact
with each other on the frictionless horizontal surface. The third ball of mass M and radius R/2, is
coming down vertically and has a velocity = v0 when it simultaneously hits the two balls and itself
comes to rest. The, each of the two bigger balls will move after collision with a speed equal to
(A) 4v0 / 5 (B) 2v0 / 5 (C) v0 / 5 (D) None
10. Two identical balls are dropped from the same height onto a hard surface, the second ball being
released exactly when the first ball collides with the surface. If the first ball has made two more
collisions by the time the second one collides. Then the coefficient of restitution between the ball
and the surface satisfies :
3 1 3 1
(A) e > 0.5 (B) e = 0.5 (C) e  (D) e 
2 2
11. A is a fixed point at a height h above a perfectly inelastic smooth surface. A light extensile string
of length (  h) has one end connected to A and other to a heavy particle as shown in figure.
The particle is held at the level of A with the string tight and released from rest. The height above
the plane, where particle is again instantaneously at rest is S, then which is incorrect ?
(A) velocity of particle on the surface is  2gh cos 
(B) velocity of particle when it leaves surface  2gh cos 2 
(C) S 4

(D) None of these

12. A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a massless spring of spring
constant k. A constant force f starts acting as shown in figure, then :
(A) as observed from ground both blocks will come to momentarily rest simultaneously
(B) as observed from their centre of mass blocks will come to momentarily rest simultaneously
(C) maximum extension in spring will
k(m  M)
(D) maximum extension in spring will
k(m  M)
13. A ball of mass m = 100 gm is suspended from a point A by an inextensible thread of length .
Ball is drawn a side and held at same level as A but at a distance from A as shown in figure.
Now ball is release. Then :
(assume string applies only that much jerk which is required so that velocity along string becomes 0)
(A) velocity of ball just before experiencing jerk is g

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(B) velocity of ball just after experiencing jerk is
(C) impulse applied by string
(D) ball will experience jerk after reaching to point B
14. Five particle of equal mass are moving along five sides a regular hexagon with same speed v. The
velocity of centre of mass of these particle system is :
v v
(A) v towards right (B) v towards left (C) towards right (D) towards left
5 5
15. The block A collides perfectly in elastically with block B. No friction between B and C but it
exists between A and C. Assuming A to be sufficiently long, the final velocity of A, B and C will
be :
v0 v0 v0 v v v v v v v v v
(A) , , (B) 0 , 0 , 0 (C) 0 , 0 , 0 (D) 0 , 0 , 0
2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
16. The mass 2m compresses the spring attached to mass m. The maximum acceleration of mass m
will be :
2k k 3k 2k
(A) v0 (B) v0 (C) v0 (D) v0
3m m 2m 3m
17. In above question, maximum with another, stationary mass m is-
2v 0 4v 0 v
(A) v 0 (B) (C) (D) 0
3 3 3
18. A ball of mass 2m collides elastically with another, stationary mass m. The part of kinetic energy
that turned into potential energy at the moment of the maximum deformation is :
mv 02 mv 02 mv 02
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
3 4 6
19. To sphere of mass 'm' and '2m' are falling in contact and strike the ground with velocity v 0. If all
the collisions are elastic then velocity then velocity of smaller sphere after collision is :
v0 v 5v 0 5v 0
(A) (B) 0 (C) (D)
2 3 2 3
20. Three blocks of same mass 'm' are joined by two similar springs of constant k as shown in figure.
The middle block B is given a velocity v0, then the maximum elongation in left spring will be :
m 2m m 3m
(A) v0 (B) v0 (C) v0 (D) v0
k 3k 3k k

21. A wedge with a smooth hemispherical section is resting on a smooth horizontal surface being in
touch with the wall as shown. A small mass m is allowed to slide down the hemisherical surface
from top of the wedge. In which of the following positions the velocity V of the wedge is
(A) Figure (B) (C) (D)
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22. Two rods of mass 2m and m and each of length L are hinged at their top, as shown in figure. A
slight push causes the end A to move leftwards and B to move rightwards. The distance moved
by end A and B before the two rods become horizontal (i.e. lies on the surface) is :
3L L 5L 7L 2L 4L
(A) L, L (B) , (C) , (D) ,
L 2 6 6 3 3
23. Two particles, P of mass 2m and Q of mass m, are subjected to mutual force of attraction and no
other force acts on them. At t = 0, P is at rest at point O and Q is moving away from O with a
speed 5u. At a later instant t = T (before any collision has taken place), Q is moving towards O
with speed u. Then
(A) momentum of particle P at t = T is zero
(B) momentum of particle P at t = T is 6 mu
(C) work done by the force of attraction during 0 < t < T is 12 mu2
(D) work done by the force of attraction during 0 < t < T is –3 mu2
24. A body is projected from ground at the instant t = 0 with velocity v  u ˆi  u ˆj where ux and uy
x y

are constants. At the instant t = 2s, it explodes into two pieces such that mass of one piece is twice
of the other. At this instant t = 3s, the lighter and the heavier pieces are observed to be moving
with velocities ( 4iˆ  16jˆ ) m/s and ( ˆi  ˆj ) m/s respectively. The velocity of projection of the
original body is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 2iˆ  9jˆ m / s (B) 2iˆ  21jˆ m / s (C) 2iˆ  24jˆ m / s (D) 2iˆ  14jˆ m / s
25. The diagram shows a square carom board. A coin is pushed from the corner, with velocity 2i + 3j.
Assume friction to be absent. The coin collides with edges of the carom board elastically. What is
the velocity vector of coin after the 3rd collision?
(A) 2iˆ  3jˆ (B) 2iˆ  3jˆ (C) 2iˆ  3jˆ (D) 2iˆ  3jˆ
26. A mass 'm' moves with a velocity 'v' and collides in elastically with another identical mass. After
collision the 1st mass moves with velocity v / 3 in a direction perpendicular to the initial
direction of motion. Find the speed of the 2nd mass after collision.
(A) 2v / 3
(B) v / 3
(C) v
(D) the situation of the problem is not possible without external impulse
27. Two men, of masses 60 kg and 80 kg are sitting at the ends of a boat of mass 60 kg and length 4
m. The boat is stationary. If the men now exchange their positions, then
(A) the centre of mass of the two men shifts by 4/7 m
(B) the boat moves by 0.4 m
(C) the centre of mass of the two men shifts by 6/35m
(D) the boat moves by 0.6 m
28. A smooth sphere of mass 1 kg is tied to a fixed point by an inextensible string and suspended
from the roof. Another identical sphere impinges directly on it with speed 5 m/sec in a direction
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making an acute angle 30° with the string. Co-efficient of restitution is 1/2. Velocity of the
suspended sphere just after collision is
(A) 3 m/sec (B) 5 m/sec (C) 2 m/sec (D) 1 m/sec
29. A train of mass M is moving on a circular track of radius R with constant speed V. The length of
the train is half of perimeter of the track. The linear momentum of the train will be
(A) zero (B) 2MV/ (C) 2MV (D) MV
30. A cannon shell moving along a straight line bursts into two parts. Just after the burst one part
moves with momentum 20 N–s making 30° with the original line of motion. The minimum
momentum to the other part of shell just after the burst is
(A) 0 N–5 (B) 5 N–s (C) 10 N–s (D) 17.32 N–s
31. A block of mass m is attached to a spring in natural length of spring constant K. The other end A
of the spring is moved with a constant velocity v away from the block. Find the maximum
extension in spring
1 mv 2 mv2 1 mv 2 mv2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2
4 K K 2 K K
32. A small 'A' ball of mass m is attached with a string of length 1.6 m, fixed at O. It is allowed to
swing in the vertical circle being released from horizontal position. When the ball 'A' reaches an
angular position of 30°, another similar ball 'B' moving horizontally, strikes it elastically and after
collision A is found to complete the vertical circle. The minimum velocity of the ball B is :
(A) 8 m/s (B) 13 m/s (C) 22 m/s (D) 4 m/s
33. Two balls of masses m1 and m2 are placed on top of one over the other (with a small gap between
them) and then dropped on to the ground. What is the ratio 1 for which the upper ball
ultimately receives the largest possible fraction of the total energy? Take all collisions as elastic.
Neglect air resistance
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 4
34. Which of the following statement is/are correct about location of centre of mass
(A) The centre of mass of three particles of equal weight placed at the vertices of a triangle ABC
coincides with the centroid of triangle ABC.
(B) A uniform wire is bent to form the sides of a triangle ABC. The centre of mass of wire
coincide with centroid of triangle ABC.
(C) The centre of mass of four particles of equal weight placed at the vertices of a quadrilateral
coincide with centroid of quadrilateral.
(D) The centre of mass of a body can exist outside the material of the body.
35. A body is fired from point P and strikes at Q inside a smooth circular wall as shown in the figure.
It rebounds to point S (diametrically opposite to P). The coefficient of restitution will be :
(A) cot  (B) 1 (C) tan (D) tan2
36. The ring shown in the figure is given a constant horizontal acceleration ( a 0  g / 3 ). Maximum
deflection of the string from the vertical is  then

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(A)  = 30°
(B) = 60°
(C) at maximum deflection, tension in string is equal to mg
(D) at maximum deflection, tension in string is equal to
Block A is placed on wedge B at a height h above ground. Block and the two wedges are all of
same mass m. Neglect friction every where :
37. Find velocity of B when A has slid down from it :
gh gh
(A) (B) (C) gh (D) None
2 2
38. Find maximum height upto which block A rises on wedge C :
h h
(A) (B) (C) h (D) None
4 2
39. Find velocity of A when it has slid down to ground from wedge C :
gh gh
(A) (B) (C) 0 (D) None
2 4
A horizontal frictionless string is threaded through a bead of mass m. The string is kept in tension
between two vertical opposite sides of a cart of mass M (see figure). Length of thread is L and
radius of bead is r (r << L). Initially, the bead is at right edge of the cart. At t = 0, the cart is
imparted a velocity v0. All collisions are elastic.
40. The velocity of O.C.M. of the cart and the bead after 3 successive collisions is
Mv 0 Mv 0 Mv 0
(A) v0 (B) v 0  (C) v 0  (D)
Mm Mm Mm
41. The velocity of bead after first collision will be
2Mv 0 Mv 0  Mm Mm
(A) (B) (C)   v0 (D)   v0
mM mM Mm  Mm
42. Time interval between second and third collision will be
L 2L 3L M 3L m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
v0 v0 v0 (M  m) v0 (M  m)
43. Distance traveled by cart before second collision is
 m   M   m 
(A) 2L (B) 2L   (C) 2L   (D) L  L  
Mm Mm Mm

Rotational Mechanics

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1. A uniform rod AB of length 7m is undergoes combined rotational and translational motion such
that, at some instant of time, velocities of its end point A and centre C are both perpendicular to
the rod and opposite in direction, having magnitude 11 m/s and 3 m/s respectively as shown in the
figure. Velocity of centre C and angular velocity of the rod remains constant
(A) acceleration of point A is 56 m/s2
(B) acceleration of point B is 56 m/s2
(C) at the instant shown in the figure acceleration of point B is more than that of point A.
(D) angular velocity of the rod is 4 rad/sec
2. The minimum moment of inertia about an axis parallel to X-axis of mass system shown in figure
placed on a square of side 3m is :
(A) 36 kg–m2 (B) 24 kg –m2 (C) 18 kg –m2 (D) 64 kg –m2
3. The rod of mass M and length L is hinged at the centre of the circular track of radius L. The rod is
released from horizontal and swing and collides elastically with a particle mass kept at rest as
shown in figure. If rod comes to rest just after the collision then mass of the particle is :
(A) M (B) M/2 (C) M/3 (D) M/4
4. In above question, velocity of particle mass just after collision is :
(A) 2gL (B) 3gL (C) 5gL (D) gL
5. In above question, the particle after collision :
(A) completes the vertical circle
(B) looses contact with the track when its speed is
(C) looses contact with the track at top point
(D) Nothing can be said
6. A ring of radius R is tied with a string of length 2R to point O as shown. What should be the
minimum velocity (approx) v0, so that it may
(A) 5gR (B) 15gR (C) 14gR (D) 29gR
7. Two point masses m and 2m are joined by a mass less rigid rod and mass m is given a velocity v 0
as shown in figure. Then velocity of m and 2m when the rod gets rotated by 90° is :
v0 v0 2v 0 v 0 v0 v0 2 v 2 v0 2
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) 0 ,
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
8. A cylinder and a block are joined with a massless rigid rod. Mass of block as well as cylinder is
2Kg. Friction exists only between cylinder and inclined surface. If no sliding occurs between
cylinder and inclined plane, then :
(A) acceleration of block is 4 m/s2 (B) acceleration of block is 5m/s2
(C) Friction force on cylinder is 4N (D) Friction force on cylinder is zero
9. A thin uniform rod AB of mass 5 kg move translationally with acceleration a = 3 m/s2 due to two
parallel forces as shown. If  30cm then:
(A) F = 10 N (B) F = 5N
(C) Length of rod is 40 cm (D) Length of rod is 80 cm
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10. Two similar rods of mass m and length L are joined and hinged at one end as shown. The normal
force by wall at the lower end is :
3 mg
(A) mg (B) 3 mg (C) (D) 2mg
11. A sphere of radius 14 cm is rotated at angular velocity 10 rad/s and dropped from a height 20 cm
on a rough horizontal surface of coefficient of friction = 0.2. If the collision is perfectly
inelastic then, after collision
(A) The sphere will start moving with speed 0.4 m/s towards right
(B) The sphere will come to rest
(C) The sphere will start pure rolling
(D) Sphere will follow parabolic path
12. A cylinder of mass 'm' rolls down the incline face of a wedge with inclination 45°, but the wedge
is found to be stationary due to friction at horizontal surface. The friction force acting on wedge
by surface will be :
mg mg Mg Mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 2 3
13. A rod of length 2L is bent into a L–shaped structure and is placed on a smooth horizontal surface.
the end A is hit sharply by a cue, due to which the centre of mass acquires a velocity v0. The time
after which it completes one rotation is :
L 2L 10L 5L
(A) (B) (C) (D)
v0 v0 3v 0 3v0
14. A hollow cylinder of radius R has upper half and lower half cross–section made up of different
materials of mass 2m and m as shown in figure. It is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. It
starts rotating clockwise if slightly disturbed. After the cylinder has rotated by an angle .
(A) centre of cylinder will be shifted rightwards
(B) centre of cylinder will be shifted leftwards
(C) centre of cylinder will remain at same position
(D) centre of mass will be shifted downwards
15. In above question, when cylinder has rotated angle /2:
(A) centre of cylinder will be shifted rightwards
(B) centre of cylinder will be shifted leftwards
(C) centre of cylinder will remain at same position
(D) centre of mass will be shifted downwards
16. In above question, when cylinder has rotated an angle /2, centre of cylinder will shift by an
amount equal to :
2R R 2R
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
 3 3
17. The minimum moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to plane of semi disc of mass m and
radius R is :

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MR MR 2
32  MR 2  32  MR 2
(A) (B) 1 2  (C) 1  92  (D)
2 2  9  2 3

18. A man maintains a rod at an angle 60° with horizontal on his palm by accelerating his hand
rightwards. With what acceleration should he move so that the angle of the rod with the palm
does not change ?
(A) g (B) (C) g 3 (D) data insufficient
19. A cylinder of mass 10 kg is acted upon by a variable F = kt (where k = 3 N/s) on its rim in
horizontal direction as shown in figure. Coefficient of friction between surface and cylinder is
 = 0.1. If it starts moving from rest, then time after which cylinder starts sliding is :
(A) 1 sec (B) 0.8 sec (C) 10 sec (D) never
20. A cylinder of mass 2m and plank of mass 'm' are connected as shown. Inclined surface is smooth.
The minimum coefficient of friction between plank and cylinder so that no slipping occurs at their
contact is :
1 2 1 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7 7 14 7
21. A cylindrical roller is pulled on a cricket pitch having coefficient of friction  = 1/3 at an angle
45° with horizontal. The maximum possible acceleration of the roller with no slipping of roller on
pitch is :
g g 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D) data insufficient
3 2 3
22. A uniform rod of length 2L, is placed on three wheels in horizontal position. Friction exists only
between rod and wheel B (with coefficient ) which is driven by an external motor at constant
angular velocity. The axes of the wheels are fixed. So the rod starts moving forward due to kinetic
friction by wheel B. The velocity of rod when its starts tilting from horizontal is given by :
(A) gL (B) gL (C) gL /  (D) 2gL
23. A disc and a ring of same mass and radius are rotated at same angular velocity and are placed
gently on a rough horizontal surface with their lateral surface on the plane. If time taken by disc
and ring to come to rest is td and tr then td/tr is :
3 4 1
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D)
4 3 2
24. Two similar cylinders A and B of mass 5 Kg and radius 1m each, are rotated by 20 and 0 and
placed in contact on a rough horizontal surface as shown in figure. If coefficient of friction is 0.2
(and no friction exists between the cylinders) 0 = 12 rad/sec, then time after which B will stop
rotating for the first time is :
(A) sec (B) 2 sec (C) 3 sec (D) 1.5 sec
25. In above question, after B stops rotating both cylinders will start moving with acceleration :
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(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 0.8 m/s2 (C) 0.2 m/s2 (D) 2 m/s2
26. In Q. NO. 24, after some time both cylinder will start pure rolling with linear velocity V A and VB
where :
(A) VA = 2 m/s, VB = 4 m/s (B) VA = 1 m/s, VB = 2 m/s
(C) VA = VB = 2 m/s (D) VA = VB = 1 m/s


A rod of mass m is hinged at one end and fixed at other end by a string. A point mass 'm' is also
placed at midpoint of the rod.
27. The normal force between rod and point mass just after the string is burnt will be :
(A) mg/2 (B) mg/4 (C) mg/7 (D) zero
28. In above question, what will be your answer if the point mass were placed at the non-hinged end?
(A) mg/2 (B) mg/4 (C) mg/7 (D) zero
29. In above question, upto what maximum distance from the hinge, the mass should be placed, so
that the normal remains nonzero?
(A) L/2 (B) L/4 (C) 2L/3 (D) L/6
30. Two identical rods AB and CD each of length L are free to move on a frictionless surface. Rod
AB is moving with a velocity v as shown in fig. End B of rod AB strikes end C of rod CD, which
is initially at rest Assuming elastic impact, angular velocity of rod CD just after impact is
(A) V/2L (B) 3V/L (C) 3V/2L (D) V/L
31. Which of the following statement is/are correct about moment of inertia?
(A) The moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder about its axis does not depend on whether the
cylinder is uniform or non uniform if mass is given.
(B) Moment of inertia of a body is least about its centroidal axis as compared to any other axis
parallel to the centroidal axis
(C) The parallel axis theorem is applicable only for lamina shaped bodies
(D) The perpendicular axis theorem is applicable only for solid body.
32. Two thin rods of same length but of uniform mass per unit length 1 and 2 respectively are
joined together. The system is rotated in horizontal plane as shown in figure. The tension at the
joint will be
3 2 2 3 3 1
(A) 2l  (B) (1   2 )l 2 2 (C) 1l 2 2 (D) 1l 2 2
2 2 2 2
33. A rod of mass 'm' and length 2l hangs by two identical light threads tied to its ends. An insect of
mass 3/8 m hits the rod with a speed v at a distance l/3 from the centre of the rod as shown and
sticks to it. As a result one of the thread breaks. The acceleration of the insect just after the thread
breaks that the insect remains at rest with respect to the rod
(A) g/4 (B) 3g/4 (C) 2g/3 (D) g
34. A rigid body can be hinged about any point on the x–axis. When it is hinged such that the hinge is
at x, the moment of inertia is given by I = (2x2 – 12x + 27) kg–m2. The x–coordinate of centre of
mass is
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(A) x = 2 (B) x = 0 (C) x = 1 (D) x = 3
35. The center of two similar discs are joined freely by a massless rigid rod. The two discs roll on the
wall and the floor as shown in the figure. The linear velocity of the disc moving on floor is v 0
when the rod makes an angle 30° with the horizontal. The ratio of kinetic energies of the disc A B
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 9 : 1
36. A ring of mass m and radius R has the particles attached to the ring as shown in the figure. The
centre of the ring has a speed v0. The kinetic energy8 of the system is : (Slipping is absent)
(A) 6mv02 (B) 12mv02 (C) 2mv02 (D) 8mv02
37. A rod AB of length 1m is placed at the edge of a smooth table as shown in figure. It is hit
horizontally at point B. If the displacement of centre of mass in 1s is 5 2m . The angular velocity
of the rod is (g  10 m / s 2 ) .
(A) 30 rad/s (B) 20 rad/s (C) 10 rad/s (D) 5 rad/s
38. The acceleration of the plank P required to keep the centre C of a cylinder in a fixed position
during the motion is (no slipping takes place between cylinder and plank)
(A) sin  (B) 2g sin  (C) g sin (D) 2g sin 
39. A spool of wire rests on a horizontal surface as shown in figure. As the wire is pulled, the spool
does not slip at contact point P. On separate trials, each one of the forces F1, F2, F3 & F4 is applied
to the spool. For each one of these forces the spool
(A) will rotate anticlockwise if F1 is applied (B) will not rotate if F2 is applied
(C) will rotate anticlockwise if F3 is applied (D) will rotate clockwise if F4 is applied
40. In the above problem direction of friction force is
(A) towards left if F1 is applied
(B) towards left if F2 is applied
(C) towards right if F3 is applied
(D) may be right or left or friction may be zero if F4 is applied
41. A cylinder is rotated clockwise and lowered slowly on a rough inclined plane with ( = 0.8) Then:
(A) cylinder will start going upwards (B) cylinder will start going downwards
(C) frictional force will act upwards (D) frictional force will act downwards
42. A thin uniform rod AB of mass 1 kg move translationally with acceleration a = 2 m/s2 due to two
antiparallel forces as shown. If  20cm then :
(A) F1 = 3N (B) F1 = 5N
(C) Length of rod is 1 m (D) Length of rod is 80 cm
43. In above question which of following is/are true :
(A) torque about any point on rod may be zero
(B) torque about centre of mass will be zero
(C) acceleration of end A and B are same
(D) acceleration of end A and B will vary with time
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44. A 'T' shaped body with dimensions shown in the figure, is lying on a smooth floor. A force ' F ' is
applied at the end P parallel to AB, such that the object has only translational motion without
rotation. Find the location of P with respect to C
2 3 4
(A) L (B) L (C) L (D) L
3 2 3
45. A 2m long light metal rod AB is suspended from the ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical
wires of equal length tied to its ends. One wire is of brass and has cross section of 0.2 × 10–4m2
and the other is of steel with 0.1×10–4m2 cross section. In order to have equal stress in the two
wires, a weight is hang from the rod. The position of the weight along the rod from end A should
(A) 66.6 cm (B) 133 cm (C) 44.4 cm (D) 155.6 cm


A solid cylinder of mass m is kept in balance on a fixed incline of angle with the help of a thread
fastened to its jacket. The cylinder does not slip. The angle of inclination  = 37°
46. What force F is required to keep the cylinder in balance when the thread is held vertically ?
mg 3mg 3mg 5mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 8 8
47. In what direction should the thread be pulled to minimize the force required to hold the cylinder
and the magnitude of this force are
3mg 3mg
(A) up parallel to incline, (B) upparallel to incline,
10 8
mg 3mg
(C) normal to incline, (D) normal to incline,
5 5
48. The values of minimum coefficient of static friction between cylinder and incline in the cases
mentioned in above two questions are : and respectively :
4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) ,
3 4 3 8 4 8 4 3
49. A rod A of mass 3 kg and length L = 80 cm, is rotating about its center with angular velocity
 = 10 rad/sec on a smooth horizontal surface. Its one end strikes with end C of another similar
rod B and then two rods get stuck to each other. The loss in energy due to this collision is :
(A) 2J (B) 5J (C) 7J (D) 9J
50. A homogenous rod of mass 1 kg is balanced delicately in vertical position as shown in figure. If a
horizontal force of magnitude 2 N is applied parallel to surface on the right hand side then the
acceleration of the top point
(A) 2 ms–2 right (B) 4 ms–2 left (C) 2 ms–2 left (D) 4 ms–2 left
51. A uniform solid square plate ABCD of mass m and side a is moving in x – y horizontal smooth
plane. The velocity of centre of mass is v (2iˆ  4j)
ˆ m/s. The end A of square plate is suddenly
fixed by a pin, find the new velocity of centre of mass of square

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3v0 ˆ 4v0 ˆ 3v 0 ˆ 3v 0 ˆ 3 3
(A) v0 (2iˆ  4j)
ˆ (B) (i)  j (C) i j (D) v0 ˆi  v0 ˆj
4 4 4 2 4 4
52. A square plate of mass M and edge L is shown in figure. The moment of inertia of the plate about
the axis in the plane of plate passing through one of its vertex making an angle 15° from
horizontal is.
ML 11ML2 7ML2
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
12 24 12
53. A uniform body of mass M and radius R has a small mass m attached at edge as shown in the
figure. The system is placed on a perfectly rough horizontal surface such that mass m is at the
same horizontal level as the centre of body. It is assumed that there is no slipping point A. If I A is
the moment of the inertia of combined system about point of contact A then the normal reaction at
point A just after the system is released from rest is (M = 6 kg, m = 2 kg, IA = 4 kg m2, R = 1 mg
= 10 m/s2)
(A) 60 N (B) 80N (C) 75 N (D) 70 N
54. A thin rod of mass m and length l is hinged at a point which is at a distance h (h < l) above the
horizontal surface. The rod is released from rest from the horizontal position. If e is the coefficient
of restitution, the angular velocity of rod just after collision will be (h = 1m, l = 2m, e =1)
3 3g 6 3g 5 3g 6 3g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 8 8 8
55. Two point masses of mass 4m and m respectively separated by a distance d are revolving under
mutual force of attraction. Ratio of their kinetic energy will be
(A) 1 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 4 (D) 1 4
56. A horizontal disc rotates freely about a vertical axis through its centre. A ring, having the same
mass and radius as the disc, After some time, the two rotate with a common angular velocity
(A) some friction exists between the disc and the ring.
(B) the angular momentum of the disc plus ring is conserved.
(C) the final common angular velocity is 2/3rd of the initial angular velocity of the disc.
(D) 2/3rd of the initial kinetic energy is converted into heat
A uniform thin rod of mass m and length L is set in rotation motion on rough horizontal surface
with initial angular velocity 0  g about vertical axis passing through C where  is
coefficient of friction between rod and ground.
57. Calculate force on part BC of rod due to part AC of the rod just after giving angular velocity 0 to rod
 mg 
(A) mg (B) mg / 8 (C)   (D) none of these
4 2
58. In above case, find the time after which the rod will come to rest?
(A) L (B) L (C) L (D) L
9g 3g 2g g

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59. When angular velocity of rod becomes 0 / 2 . Its end A is suddenly hinged, so that it can freely
move about vertical axis passing through end A. The loss in KE of rod due to sudden hinging of
end A of rod is
mL202 mL202 3mL2 02 mL202
(A) (B) (C) (D)
64 128 64 8
The axle of a pulley of mass m = 1 kg attached to the end of a spring of spring constant k = 200
N/m whose other end is fixed to the ceiling. A rope of negligible mass is placed on the pulley
such that its left end is fixed to the ground and its right end is hanging freely from the pulley
which is at rest in equilibrium. We begin to pull the endpoint A at the right end of the rope by a
constant vertical force of F = 15 N. Friction can be neglected between the rope and the pulley.
60. What is the elongation of the spring before applying force F?
(A) 50 cm (B) 0.5 cm (C) 0.05 cm (D) 5 cm
61. Find the greatest elongation of the spring.
(A) 25 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 35 cm (D) 30 cm
62. Find the maximum displacement of point A after applying F :
(A) 60 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 40 cm (D) 20 cm
1. The rotation of the Earth about its axis speeds up such that a man on the equator becomes
weightless. In such a situation, what would be the duration of one day?
(A) 2 R / g (B)  2R / g (C)  R / g (D)  / 2 R / g
2. Two identical trains A and B move with equal speeds on parallel track on the equator. A moves
from east to west and B, from west to east. Which train will exert greater forces on the tracks?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) They will exert equal force
(D) The mass and the speed of each train must be known to reach a conclusion
3. A small body of superdense material, whose mass is twice the mass of the Earth but whose size is
very small compared to the size of the Earth, starts from rest at a height H << R above the earth's
surface, and reaches the Earth's surface in time t. Then t is equal to
(A) 2H / g (B) H/g (C) 2H / 3g (D) 4H / 3g
4. The time period of a simple pendulum of infinite length is
(A) infinite (B) 2 R / g (C) 2 g / R (D) 1/ 2 R / g
5. Let the acceleration due to gravity be g1 at a height h above the Earth's surface, and g2 at a depth d
below the Earth's surface. If g1 = g2, h <<R and R <<R, then
(A) h = d (B) h = 2d
(C) 2h = d (D) it is not possible for g1 to be equal to g2

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6. If different planets have the same density but different radii then the acceleration due to gravity
(g) on the surface of the planet will depend on its radius (R) as
(A) g  1/ R 2 (B) g 1/ R (C) g  R (D) g  R 2
7. The rotation of the earth having radius R about its axis speeds upto a value such that a man at
latitude angle 60° feels weightless. The duration of the day in such case will be :
(A) 8 (B) 2 (C)  (D) 4
g g g g
8. If a small part separates from an orbiting satellite, the part will
(A) fall to the Earth directly
(B) move in a spiral and reach the Earth after a few rotations
(C) continue to move in the same orbit as the satellite
(D) move farther away from the Earth gradually
9. A satellite going round the Earth in a circular orbit loses some energy due to a collision. Its speed
is v and distance from the Earth is d.
(A) d will increase, v will increase (B) d will increase, v will decrease
(C) d will decrease, v will decrease (D) d will decrease, v will decrease
10. Inside a satellite orbiting very close to the Earth's surface, water does not fall out of a glass when
it is inverted. Which of the following is the best explanation for this?
(A) The Earth does not exert any force on the water
(B) The Earth's force of attraction on the water is exactly balanced by the force created by the
satellite's motion.
(C) The water and the glass have the same acceleration, equal to g, towards the centre of the
Earth, and hence there is no relative motion between them.
(D) The gravitational attraction between the glass and the water balances the Earth's attraction
on the water.
11. Two small satellite move in circular orbits around the Earth, at distance r and r + r from the
center of the Earth. Their time periods of rotation are T and T. (r << r, T << T)
3 r 3 r 2 r r
(A) T  T (B) T  T (C) T  T (D) T  T
2 r 2 r 3 r r
12. The escape velocity for a planet is V. A tunnel is dug along its diameter and a particle is dropped
into the tunnel. At the centre of the planet, the speed of the particle will be
(A) V (B) V/2 (C) V/2 (D) V/22
13. A satellite can be in a geostationary orbit around a planet at a distance r from the centre of the
planet. If the angular velocity of the planet about its axis doubles, a satellite can now be in a
geostationary orbit around the planet if its distance from the center of the planet is
(A) r/2 (B) r / 2 2 (C) r / 41/ 3 (D) r / 21/ 3
14. The gravitational intensity at a distance r from a long thread having  mass per unit length has the
(A) G / r (B) 2G / r (C) G / 2r (D) G / 2r
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15. The acceleration of Moon with respect to Earth is 0.0027 m/s2 and the acceleration of an apple
falling on Earth's surface is about 10 m/s2. Assume that the radius of the Moon is one fourth of the
Earth's radius. If the Moon is stopped for an instant and then released, it will fall towards the
Earth. The initial acceleration of the Moon towards the Earth will be :
(A) 10 m/s2 (B) 0.00027 m/s2 (C) 6.4 m/s2 (D) 5.0 m/s2
16. The acceleration of the Moon just before it strikes the Earth in the previous question is :
(A) 10 m/s2 (B) 0.00027 m/s2 (C) 6.4 m/s2 (D) 5.0 m/s2
17. Suppose, the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface is 10 m/s2 and at the surface of
4.0 m/s2. A 60 kg passenger goes from the earth to the Mars in a spaceship moving with a
constant velocity. Neglect all other objects in the sky. Which part of figure best represents the
weight (net gravitational force) of the passenger as a function of time?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
18. Consider a planet in some solar system which has a mass double the mass of the Earth and density
equal to the average density of the Earth. An object weighing W on the Earth will weigh
(A) W (B) 2 W
(C) W/2 (D) 21/3 W at the planet
19. If the acceleration due to gravity at the surface on the Earth is g, the work done is slowly lifting a
body of mass m from the Earth's surface to a height R equal to the radius of the Earth is
(A) 1/2 mgR (B) 2 mgR (C) mgR (D) 1/4 mgR
20. A person brings a mass of 1 kg from infinity to a point A. Initially the mass was at rest but it
moves at a speed of 2 m/s as it reaches A. The work done by the person on the mass is –3J. The
potential at A is
(A) –3J/kg (B) –2J/kg (C) –5J/kg (D) none of the these

21. Figure shows the elliptical path of a planet about the Sun. The two shaded parts have equal area.
If t1 and t2 be the time taken by the planet to go from a to b and from c to d, respectively,
(A) t1 < t2
(B) t1 = t2
(C) t1 > t2
(D) insufficient information to deduce the relation between t1 & t2
22. A person sitting in a chair in a statellite feels weightless because
(A) the Earth does not attract the objects in a satellite
(B) the normal force by the chair on the person balances the Earth's attraction
(C) the normal force is zero
(D) the person in satellite is not accelerated
23. A body is suspended from a spring balance kept in a satellite. The reading of the balance is W 1
when the satellite goes in an orbit of radius R and is W2 when it goes in an orbit of radius 2R.
(A) W1 = W2 (B) W1 < W2 (C) W1 > W2 (D) W1  W2
24. A uniform spherical shell gradually shrinks maintaining its shape. The gravitational potential at
the center

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(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) remains constant (D) oscillates
25. Which of the following quantities remain constant in a planetary motion (consider elliptical
orbits) as seen from the Sun?
(A) Speed (B) Angular speed
(C) Kinetic energy (D) Angular momentum
26. Three point masses, m each, are at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side a. Their
separations do not change when the system rotates about the center of the triangle. For this, the
time period of rotation must be proportional to
(A) a3/2 (B) a (C) m (D) m–1/2
27. For a planet moving around the Sun is an elliptical orbit, which of the following quantities remain
(A) The total energy of 'Sun plus planet' system
(B) The angular momentum of the planet about the Sun
(C) The force of attraction between the two
(D) The linear momentum of the planet
28. For a satellite to orbit around the Earth, which of the following must be true?
(A) It must be above the equator at some time
(B) It cannot pass over the poles at any time
(C) Its height above the surface cannot exceed 36,000 km.
(D) Its period of rotation must be > 2 R / g
29. For a satellite to be geostationary, which of the following are essential conditions?
(A) It must always be stationed above the equator
(B) It must rotate from west to east
(C) It must be about 36,000 km above the Earth
(D) Its orbit must be circular, and not elliptical
30. Let V and E denote the gravitational potential and gravitational field at a point. It is possible to
(A) V = 0 and E = 0 (B) V = 0 and E  0 (C) V  0 and E = 0 (D) V  0 and E  0
31. Inside a uniform spherical shell
(A) the gravitational potential is zero
(B) the gravitational field is zero
(C) the gravitational potential is same everywhere
(D) the gravitational field is same everywhere
32. In older times, people used to think that the Earth was flat. Imagine that the Earth is indeed not a
sphere of radius R, but an infinite plate of thickness H. What value of H is needed to allow the
same gravitational acceleration to be experienced as on the surface of the actual Earth? (Assume
that the Earth's density is uniform and equal in the two models).
(A) 2R/3 (B) 4R/3 (C) 8R/3 (D) R/3
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Suppose a tunnel could be dug through the earth from one side to the other along a diameter as
shown in figure. A small sphere of mass m is dropped into the tunnel with a velocity u  gR at
the surface, where g is acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface and R is radius of earth.
Neglect all frictional forces and assume that earth has a uniform density.
33. The speed of sphere when it reaches centre C of earth is
(A) 2gR (B) 3gR (C) 4gR (D) 5gR
34. The rate at which speed changes when it is at a distance x  from centre of earth is
(A) g/4 (B) g/3 (C) g/2 (D) g
35. The time taken by sphere to move from A to B is
R R  R R
(A)  (B) (C) (D) 2
g g 2 g g
36. A satellite is orbiting just above the surface of a planet of average density  with a time period T,
then universal constant of gravitation is given by
(A) 1/ T 2 (B) 3 / T 2 (C) 4 2 / T 2 (D) T 2 / 42
37. A satellite is seen after each 8 hours over equator at a place on the earth when its sense of rotation
is opposite to earth. The angular velocity of the satellite
   
(A) rad / s. (B) rad / s. (C) rad / s. (D) rad / s.
3 2 6 12

Fluid Mechanics
1. In shown figure, water is filled, upto height 'h' in a cylindrical drum of cross–sectional area A. A
small hole of area 'a' (<< A) is opened at height h/2 from the bottom. If you want to collect the
liquid coming out in a small container C, you have to shift it accordingly. The velocity of C in
order to collect the liquid is (Neglect the height raised in container C) :
a a A A
(A) 2gh (B) gh (C) 2gh (D) gh
A A a a

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2. In shown figure, two immiscible fluid of density  and 2 filled in a tank. A small hole is
punched in the wall of tank as shown. Another tank of diameter h is put near the container to
collect the water coming out of the tank. The volume of liquid collected in collector tank is :
3R 2 R 2 h
(A) R 3 (B) R 2 h (C) (D)
2 2
3. The figure shows two concentric capillaries of radius R and R/2 immersed in water. Which of the
following figure best represents the position of water column raised in the capillaries?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4. Two similar cylinders of cross–sectional area A are connected by a small pipe of cross–sectional
area 'a' (<<A). Initially the left cylinder is filled with water upto height h. The stop cock is opened
at time t = 0. The time after which the water level in the two cylinders will become same is :
A g A 2h A h A h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
a h a g a 2g a 4g
5. A cylinder of radius R, containing some water is resting on an inclined plane of inclination 30° as
shown in figure. There are two small holes on the base of the cylinder. The ratio of velocity of
water coming out from hole 1 and hole 2 at the shown position will be :
3 3 5 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 3 5
6. Two similar capillary tubes are fixed in a container containing water and is accelerating
rightwards at constant rate m/s2. If horizontal separation between two tubes L, then difference in
capillary rise in two tubes will be :
La T T T
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g rg ra La
7. In the shown figure, two similar cylindrical tanks are connected by a tube of cross-sectional area
equal to that of the tap filling the upper tank. Radius of each tank is R = 20 cm. The stop cock S is
opened when the liquid column in upper tank attain equal to a height equal to the radius of the
tanks. It is observed that the lower tank takes same time as that by the upper one in filling upto
height R. Then velocity of water coming from the tap is
(A) 2 m/s (B) 4 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) can't be found
8. In the shown figure, /4 of the volume of the sphere is immersed in upper liquid and rest in the
lower liquid. Then the density of the sphere material is
3 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) 
2 4 4
9. In the shown figure, the tube system is rotated about first tube at constant angular velocity . The
difference in water column in tube II and III is :
2 L2 32 L2 2 L2 22 L2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2g 2g g g

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10. The locus of the free surface A, B and C of water in the pipes is (k is constant) :
(A) y = kx (B) y = kx2 (C) y = kx4 (D) y2 = kx
11. The figure shows two blocks each of mass m initially at rest and are join d by string. A very thin
film (of thickness d) of two different liquid A (ideal) and B (viscous) lies between the block 1 and
table. The block 1 comes into contact with the liquid B after time t0 and after which it starts moving
with constant velocity. The coefficient of viscosity of liquid B is : (a is base area of block 1)
2md md md md
(A) (B) (C) (D)
at 0 at 0 2at 0 4at 0
12. The vertical force exerted by water on the cylinder is
R 2 Lg R 2 Lg
(A) R 2 Lg upward (B) upward (C) zero (D) upward
2 4
13. The net torque exerted by liquid on the cylinder is
2R 3Lg R 3Lg R 3Lg
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
3 3 2
14. The force exerted by liquid on the cylinder in horizontal direction is [Neglecting atmospheric
(A) 2R 2gL (B) R 2gL (C) 4R 2gL D) 1.61 R 2gL
15. A cylindrical vessel has some water in it. A small hole at the bottom is now opened. The ratio of
times it takes to become 75% empty to completely empty is
(A) 3 : 4 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 2 : 3
16. A tank of cross sectional area A0 is filled with a liquid. A small orifice of area A (A << A0) is
present at the bottom of tank. At a moment the height of liquid in the tank is 'H', what is
acceleration of top layer of liquid at this moment?
 A
(A) g (B) A/A0g (C)   g (D) depends on H
 A0 
17. The radius of a spherical soap bubble is r and surface tension of soap water is T respectively. Find
the charge uniformly distributed over the outer surface of the bubble is require to double its
radius. (Atmospheric pressure is P0 and inside temperature of the bubble during expansion remain
(A) 8r  0 r(7P0 r  12T) (B) 4r  0 r(7P0 r  8T)
1/ 2 1/ 2

r  0 r(7P0 r  12T) (D) 8r  0 r(4P0 r  12T)

1/ 2 1/ 2
18. A bottle is kept on the ground as shown in the figure. the bottle can be modeled as having two
cylindrical zones. The lower zone of the bottle has a cross-sectional radius of R/2 and is filled
with honey of density 2. The upper zone of the bottle is filled with water of density  and has a
cross-sectional radius R. The height of lower zone is H while that of upper zone is 2H. If now the
honey and the water parts are mixed together to form a homogeneous solution (Assume that total
volume does not change)
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(A) The pressure inside the bottle at the base will remain same.
(B) The normal reaction on the bottom from the ground will remain unchanged.
(C) The final pressure inside the bottle at the base will be 9/2 gH.
(D) The pressure inside the bottle at the base will increase by an amount 1/4 gH.
19. A solid floats in a liquid in a partially dipped position.
(A) The solid exerts a force equal to its weight on the liquid
(B) The liquid exerts a force of buoyancy on the solid which is equal to the weight of the solid
(C) The weight of the displaced liquid equals the weight of the solid
(D) The weight of the di8pped part of the solid is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid
20. A steel ball with a volume of 1 cm3 is sinking at a speed of 1cms–1 in a closed jar filled with
honey. What is the momentum of the honey if its density of steel ball is 2gcm–3
(A) zero (B) 2 g cm/s in upward direction
(C) 2 g cm/s in downward direction (D) data is insufficient
21. A light cylindrical vessel of radius r is kept on a rough horizontal surface so that it cannot slide
but can topple. It is filled with water upto a height '2h' and a small hole of area 'a' is punched in it
so that the water coming out of it falls at the maximum distance from its wall along horizontal
surface. Water comes out horizontally from the hole. The value of h for which the cylinder
topples is/are
(A) r3 / 2a (B) 2r3 / a (C) 3r3 / 2a (D) 4r 3 / 3a
22. A sphere is falling at its terminal velocity. It collides with horizontal floor. The coefficient of
restitution is 0.5. Retardation of the sphere immediately after the collision is
(A) g/2 (B) g (C) 3g/2 (D) none of these
23. A ball of mass 10 kg and density 1 g/cm is attached to the base of a container having a liquid of
density 1.1 g/cm3, with the help of a spring as shown in the figure. The container is going up with
an acceleration 2 m/s2. If the spring constant of the spring is 200 N/m, the elongation in the spring
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 6 cm (D) 8 cm
24. A block of density d suspended by a string is submerged completely in a liquid of density . The
coefficient of linear expansion of the block is , and coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid
is 1 and 1 = 2s. Assuming that the block is always completely submerged in liquid and string is
always stretched, as the temperature of both block and the liquid is raised equally
(A) tension in the string increases (B) buoyant force decreases
(C) tension in string decreases (D) buoyant force remain constant


Soap bubble of radius R is blown at end of pipe of circular cross-section of radius R as shown in
diagram. On the vertical portion of pipe, there is a piston of mass m. T is surface tension of liquid.
25. Find the mass of piston for which it remain in equilibrium
(A) 4TR/g (B) 2TR/g (C) 4TR/g (D) 4TR2/g

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26. If piston is slightly displaced in downward direction, then its acceleration when radius of bubbles
grows to 2 R is
(A) 2g (B) g/2 (C) 3g/2 (D) g/4
27. What will be velocity of piston in previous question (neglect any change in volume of air)
20 38 10 25
(A) Rg (B) Rg (C) Rg (D) Rg
3 3 3 3
28. A mosquito with 8 legs stand on water surface and each leg makes depression of radius ‘a’. If the
surface tension and angle of contact are T and zero respectively then the weight of mosquito is
(A) 8Ta (B) 16Ta (C) Ta/8 (D) Ta/16
29. A capillary of the shape as shown is dipped in a liquid. Contact angle between the liquid and the
capillary is 0° and effect of liquid inside the meniscus is to be neglected. T is surface tension of
the liquid, r is radius of the meniscus,  is radius of the meniscus,  is density of liquid then
height h in equilibrium is
(A) > 2T/rg (B) < 2T/rg
(C) = 2T/rg (D) can’t be predicted
30. A body floats on water and also on an oil of density 1.25. Which of the following is/are true?
(A) The body loses more weight in oil than in water
(B) The volume of water displaced in 1.25 times that of oil displaced.
(C) The body experiences equal up thrust from water and oil
(D) To make the body just sink, one will need 1.25 times load in case of oil than in case of water

 If a vertical flat surface is submerged in a liquid then, the net horizontal force by the liquid
from one side can be directly written as F = gyc A, where yc is the depth of centroid of the
surface from open surface of liquid.
 The net horizontal hydrostatic thrust on a totally or partially immersed body of any shape
and size is zero.
 The horizontal thrust of a liquid on a curved surface is equal to the product of vertical
component Av (projection) of the curved surface and the pressure of the liquid at the
centroid of Av.

31. A hollow hemisphere of radius R is oriented in liquid as shown in the figure. Find the vertical
thrust on the hemisphere by the liquid present in the space ‘2’.
2 3 4 1
(A) R g (B) R 3g (C) R 3g (D) zero
3 3 3
3 identical blocks each of mass m = 1 kg and volume 3×1–4 m3 suspended by massless string from
a support as shown. Underneath are 3 identical containers containing same amount of water are
placed over the scales. In figure A, the block is completely out of water, in figure B block is

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completely submerged but not touching the beaker, and in figure C, block rests on the bottom of
the beaker. The scale in figure A reads 14 N.
32. Tension is string in figure B is
(A) 7 N (B) 10 N (C) 17 N (D) 24 N
33. Tension is string in figure A is
(A) 7 N (B) 10 N (C) 17 N (D) 24 N
34. Reading of scale in figure B is
(A) 7 N (B) 10 N (C) 17 N (D) 24 N
35. Reading of scale in figure C is
(A) 7 N (B) 10 N (C) 17 N (D) 24 N
A cylindrical vessel of radius 1m and height 3m is filled with and ideal liquid upto a height of 2m
as shown in figure. The cylinder is rotated about its axis with angular velocity .
36. The maximum value of angular velocity of the cylindrical vessel so that the liquid will not start
spilling over the brim is
(A) 2 5rad / s (B) 2 10rad / s (C) 2 15 rad / s (D) 3 10 rad / s
37. If liquid is not spilling over the brim, the bottom most point of the liquid meniscus will be at a
height of h from the base of the cylindrical vessel. The value of h is
(A) 2m (B) 1 m (C) 1.5 m (D) 1.2 m
38. The angular velocity of the cylindrical vessel so that half of the initial volume will spill out is
(A) 2 10 rad / s (B) 2 15 rad / s (C) 2 10 rad / s (D) 3 110 rad / s
39. If the cylindrical vessel is accelerated horizontally with uniform acceleration a instead of being
rotating, then the maximum value of a for which the liquid will not start spilling over the brim is
(take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 20 m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2 (C) 15 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2
A solid cone of base radius r and half cone angle 45° made of material have density . Cone is
placed inside a container which is filled with two immiscible liquid of density  and 2
respectively. The cone is at rest w.r.t. container as shown in diagram.
40. The ratio V1 : V2 is (here V1 is the volume of cone submerged in liquid 1 and V2 is the volume of
cone submerged is liquid 2)
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 3 : 2 (D) 1 : 2
41. The force exerted by the liquid 1 on the cone is
r 3g r 3g r 3g 4 r 3g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 3 12 3
42. The force exerted by the liquid 2 on the curved surface of cone is
5 r 3g r 3g r 3g 5 r 3g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 6 12 3
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Simple Harmonic Motion

1. In the shown figure, the block A of mass m is given a velocity V0. Friction exists between block B
and ground. If block B does not move during the motion then, the variation of friction force on B
as function of time is given by (rightwards taken positive):
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2. In the shown figure, a block of mass m is initially compressed in the shown figure. If it is
released, it collides the vertical wall elastically. Just before collision it is found that KE of block is
equal to spring potential energy. The time period of oscillation for the above arrangement is given
 m m  m  m
(A) (B)  (C) (D)
2 k k 4 k 3 k
3. The two discs are in contact so that no slipping occurs between them. They can move freely about
axes passing through their center of mass. A small particle of mass m/2 is attached to the
circumference of lower disc. The time period of small oscillations is :
r 3r r 3r
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 4
g g 2g g
4. A rod of length 2 and mass 2m is hinged as shown in figure. If  – 0, the time period is found to
be T0. The angle  for which the time period of oscillation becomes 2T0.
2 1
(A) cos 1   (B) cos 1   (C) 60° (D) 30°
3 4
5. In the shown diagram a simple pendulum of length L is hinged at the inclined plane of a wedge as
shown in figure. The wedge is accelerated so that the mass just loose contact with the wedge. The
time period of oscillation of pendulum is :
L L 2L L
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 
g 2g g g
6. A uniform rectangular plate is suspended from a pin located at the midpoint of one of its edge as
shown. The period of small oscillations for c = b is :
b b 5b 5b
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
g 2g 6g 3g
7. In above question, for what other value of c, time period is the same as above ?

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b b
(A) (B) (C) 2b (D) 4b
4 2
8. Three identical rods each of length L are hinged as shown in figure. The time period of small
angular oscillations will be :
L 2L 2L 3L
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
g g 3g 2g
9. Two masses m and 2m are connected by an ideal spring of stiffness ‘k’. Initially the spring is
stretched by a length x0 and released. The time after which the mass m will come to rest for the
first time is given by :
2m 2m 3m 3m
(A)  (B) 2 (C)  (D) 2
3k 3k 2k 2k
10. In the shown diagram a mass ‘m’ is having in equilibrium by an elastic cord of elastic constant k.
Now the mass is further elongated vertically by a length and released. The time period of
vertical oscillations is :
5 m 2 m
(A) (B) [2  3 3]
3 k 3 k
m  5  m
(C) 2 (D)   2 3 
k  3  k
A simple pendulum consists of a string of length L and a bob of mass m. The bob carries a
positive charge ‘q’. In absence of any external field, it performs SHM of amplitude ‘’ time
period ‘t0’. Consider the following two cases.
An electric field E, directed vertically downwards is switched on and the bon is taken at one
extreme end at angle 0 and released. The corresponding quantities are found to be E, tE, vE and
A magnetic field B, directed into the plane of paper is switched on and bob is released from one
extreme end at angle 0. The corresponding quantities are found to be B, tB, VB, TB
11. Due to effect of E and B we can conclude that
(A) tE = tB = t0 (B) tE < tB = t0 (C) tE < tB < t0 (D) tE < tB & t0
12. Due to effect of E and B, we can conclude that :
(A) vC = vB = t0 (B) vE > vB > v0
(C) vE > vB = v0 (D) vE > v0 and vB < v0
13. Due to effect of E and B we can conclude that :
(A) TE > T0 and TB < T0 (B) TE > T0 and TB > T0
(C) TE > T0 and TB = T0 (D) none of above

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14. A particle is executing SHM with a time period T and amplitude A. At t = 0 displacement of the
particle was +A/2 and it was moving away from the mean position. x, v and a are the
displacement from the mean position, velocity and acceleration of the particle at any instant.
Choose the correct statement(s).
(A) at t  T / 4,a. v  0 (B) at t  T / 4, x. v  0
(C) at t  T / 2,a. v  0 (D) at t  T / 2, x. v  0
15. A uniform non-conducting circular disc of mass M and radius R charged uniformly with charge Q
is free to rotate in horizontal plane about a vertical axis passing through its fixed centre O. A
massless spring of spring-constant k and an elastic cord of length l, cross-sectional area A and
young’s modulus Y are attached to diametrically opposite points of the disc such that their lengths
are parallel as shown in the figure. Initially the spring is unscratched, the cord is just taut, and a
uniform magnetic field B0 exists in vertical direction. Now B0 is switched off. Assuming B0 is
small enough for the oscillations to be small and simple harmonic, choose the correct options.
(A) The time period of oscillations is T  2
2(Kl  YA)
Ml M
(B) The time period of oscillations is T   
2(Kl  YA) 2K
Q2 B02 R 2
(C) During the oscillations the maximum potential energy stored in the spring is
Q2 B02 R 2
(D) During the oscillations the maximum elastic potential energy stored in the cord is
16. For small oscillations, a pendulum of length L is released from rest. Its time period is T. There is
an obstacle P at a vertical distance x below the point of suspension O. The pendulum returns to its
original position after times 5T/8. Then x is
(A) L/2 (B) 13L/16 (C) 15L/16 (D) 3L/4
17. In the given figure, string, spring and pulleys are massless. Block A is performing SHM of
amplitude 1m and time period /2 sec. If block B remain at rest, then minimum value of co-
efficient of friction between block B and surface will be (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 1/2 (B) 13/15 (C) 2/3 (D) 4/5
18. The mass of the astronauts in a space station cannot be checked with the scales used on the earth.
Instead we use a spring balance, which oscillates when a mass is suspended from it. Imagine a
seat of a mass of 20 kg which, oscillates with a frequency of 2 Hz. After the astronaut sits in the
seat the frequency decreases to 1 Hz. How much is the mass of the astronaut?
(A) 40 kg (B) 60 kg (C) 80 kg (D) 100 kg
19. At two particular closest instant of timer t1 and t2 the displacement of a particle in SHM are equal.
Then it can be concluded that at the instants t1 and t2 the :
(A) instantaneous velocities are equal (B) instantaneous accelerations are equal
(C) phases of the motion are unequal (D) kinetic and potential energies are equal

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20. The coefficient of friction between block m and mass 2m is   2 tan  . Incline plane is smooth.
The maximum amplitude of two block system for which there is no relative motion between both
the blocks is :
K mg sin  3mg sin 
(A) g sin  (B) (C) (D) none
21. A particle performs SHM of amplitude A along a straight line. When it is at a distance 3/2A
from mean position, its KE gets increased by an amount 1
2 m A due to an impulsive force.
2 2

Then its new amplitude becomes :

(A) 5 / 2A (B) 3 / 2A (C) 2A (D) 5A
22. The potential energy of a particle of mass 0.1 kg moving along the x-axis is given by
U = 5x (x–4) J, where x is in meter. It can be concluded that :
(A) that particle is acted upon a constant force
(B) the speed of the particle is maximum at x = 2 m
(C) the particle executes simple harmonic motion
(D) the period of oscillation of the particle is  / 5 seconds
23. Two pendulums of same amplitude but time period 2s and 7s start oscillating simultaneously from
two opposite extreme positions. After how much time they will be in phase
(A) 21/8 s (B) 7/5 s (C) 21/2 s (D) 21/10 s
24. A particle of mass m is moving in a field where the potential energy is given by U(x) = U0
(1–cos ax), where U0 and a are constants and x is the displacement form mean position. Then (for
small oscillations)
(A) the time period is T  2 (B) the speed of particle is maximum at x = 0
aU 0

(C) the amplitude of oscillations is /a (D) the time period is T  2 2
a U0
25. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations :
Y1 10sin[3t   / 4]; Y2  5[sin 3t  3 cos3]
(A) The amplitude ratio of the two SHM is 1 : 1
(B) The amplitude ratio of the two SHM is 2 :1
(C) Time period of both the SHMs are equal
(C) Time period of two SHMs are different
Passage for Q No. 26 to 29
Figure shows a container having ideal liquid of variable density. The density of liquid varies as
 3h 
  0  4   where h0 is height of liquid in container, 0 is constant and h is height from
 h0 

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bottom. A solid block of small dimensions whose density 0 and mass m is released from
bottom of tank.
26. The motion of the block
(A) periodic but not SHM (B) SHM
(C) oscillatory but not SHM (D) oscillatory but not periodic
27. After what time block reaches its initial position?
5h 0 h0 h0 5h 0
(A) 2 (B) 2  (C)  (D) 
6g g 3g 6g
28. Maximum speed of block is
gh 0 3gh 0 10
(A) (B) 2gh 0 (C) (D) gh 0
5 10 3
29. Maximum height reached by the block
h0 3h 0 h0
(A) (B) h0 (C) (D)
2 4 4
30. Two particles execute SHM of same amplitude of 20 cm with same period along the same line
about the same equilibrium potion. The maximum distance between the two is 20 cm. Their phase
difference in radians is
2   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 4
31. A tunnel is dug in the earth across one of its diameter. Two masses 'm' & '2m' are dropped from
the ends of the tunnel. The masses collide and stick to each other and perform S.H.M. Then
amplitude of S.H.M. will be : [R = radius of the earth]
(A) R (B) R / 2 (C) r / 3 (D) 2 R / 3
32. A 2 Kg block moving with 10 m/s strikes a spring of constant  N/m attached to 2 Kg block at

rest kept on a smooth floor. The time for which rear moving block remain in contact with spring
will be :
1 1
(A) 2 sec (B) sec (C) 1 sec (D) sec
2 2
33. In the above question, the velocity of the rear 2 kg block after it separates from the spring will
(A) 0 m/s (B) 5 m/s (C) 10 m/s (D) 7.5 m/s
34. The displacement of a particle varies according to the relation x = 3 sin 100t + 8 cos2 50t. Which
of the following is/are correct about this motion.
(A) the motion of the particle is not S.H.M.
(B) the amplitude of the S.H.M. of the particle is 5 units
(C) the amplitude of the resultant S.H.M. is units
(D) the maximum displacement of the particle from the origin is 9 units.
Passage for Q No. 35 to 37
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A rod of mass m and length l is hinged at one end and is connected to two similar springs of
spring constant K. (Assume gravity free space)
35. Time period of small angular oscillations of the rod is
3m 4m 4m 3m
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
4K 5K 15K 5K
36. At any position (except mean position), the ratio of energy stored in left spring to that in right
spring is
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1: 4 (D) 4 : 1
37. What is the time period of small angular oscillations of the rod of mass m assuming zero gravity :
m m 2m 4m
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
K 3K 3K 3K
Passage for Q. No. 38 to 40
Three similar springs each of stiffness k are connected to a block of mass m in following four manner :
38. In which case the force on mass is maximum
(A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv
39. In which case the time period is maximum
(A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv
40. In which case the time period is minimum
(A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv

Mechanical Waves
1. A uniform rod of length 20 cm is clamped at the two points A and B as shown. Then, the
fundamental frequency of longitudinal vibration of rod is (Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2,  = 8 × 103 kg/m3)
(A) 2.50 × 103 Hz (B) 0.25 × 105 Hz (C) 3.75 × 105 Hz (D) 3.50 × 105 Hz
2. A I cam long string fixed at both ends, sustains a standing wave such that all the points on the
string having displacement amplitude 1 mm (less than maximum amplitude) are separated by d
cm. The string is oscillating in its third overtone then
(A) I/d = 2 (B) I/d = 3 (C) I/d = 6 (D) I/d = 8
3. An open organ pipe is vibrating in its fifth overtone. The distance between two consecutive points
where pressure amplitude is 1/ 2 times pressure amplitude at pressure antinodes, is 40 cm. Then
the length of organ pipe is (Neglect end correction)
(A) 3 m (B) 3. 6 m (C) 4.2 m (D) 4.8 m
4. A closed organ pipe of length L is vibrating in its first overtone. There is a point Q inside the pipe
at a distance 7 L/9 from the open end. The ratio of pressure amplitude at Q to the maximum
pressure amplitude in the pipe is
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(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 1 (D) 2 : 3
5. What is the percentage change in the tension necessary in a sonometer of fixed length to produce
a not one octave lower (half of original frequency) then before
(A) 28% (B) 50% (C) 67% (D) 75%
6. A source of sound moves along a circle of radius 2m with constant angular velocity 40 rod/s.
Frequency of the source is 300 Hz. A detector is kept at some distance from the circle in the same
plane of the circle (as shown in figure). Which of the following is not the possible value of
frequency registered by the detector? (Vs = 320 m/s )
(A) 250 Hz (B) 360 Hz (C) 410 Hz (D) 220 Hz
7. A wave disturbance in a medium is described by y (x, t) = 0.02 cos (50t + /2) cos (10x) where
x and y are in meter and t is in second. Then
(A) First node occurs at x = 0.15 m (B) First antinode occurs at x = 0.3 m
(C) The speed of interfering waves is 5.0 m/s (D) The wavelength is 0.2 m
8. Displacement of particle at x = x0 of a stretched string carrying a transverse wave, traveling in
positive x-direction is given by y  A cos   where A and T are constant. Then which of the
following is correct equation of wave. v = velocity of wave.
t x x0  t x x0 
(A) y  A cos     (B) y  A cos    
 T vT vT   T vT vT 
t x   t x  x 
(C) y  A cos    (D) y  A sin    t  0  
 T vT  T v v 
9. A man standing in front of a vertical wall at a certain distance beats a drum at regular intervals.
The drumming rate is gradually increased and he finds that the echo is not heard distinctly when
the drumming rate becomes 2 beats in 3 seconds. He then moves nearer to the wall by 90 m and
finds the echo is again not heard when the drumming rate becomes 1 per second. From this data
the velocity of sound must be
(A) 330 m/s (B) 340 m/s (C) 360 m/s (D) 350 m/s
10. In the given figure, a string of linear mass density 3×10 kg/m and length L = 1m is stretched by
force F = (3 –Kt) Newton, where K is a constant and 't' is time in sec. At the time t = 0, a pulse is
generated at the end P of the string. The value of K in N/sec if the value of force becomes zero as
the pulse reaches point Q is
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

Reflection of Sound in an open pipe

When a high pressure pulse of air traveling down an open pipe reaches the other end, its
momentum drags the air out into the open, where pressure falls rapidly to the atmospheric
pressure. As a result the air following after it in the tube is pushed out. The low pressure at the
end of the tube draws air from further up the tube. The air gets drawn towards the open end
forcing the low pressure region to move upwards. As a result a pulse of high pressure air traveling

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down the tube turns into a pulse of low pressure air traveling up the tube. We say a pressure wave
has been reflected at the open end with a change in phase 180°. Standing waves in an open pipe
organ like the flute is a result of this phenomenon.

A man standing in front of a mountain at a certain distance beats a drum at regular intervals. The
drumming rate is gradually increased and he finds that the echo is not heard distinctly when the
rate becomes 40 per minute. He then moves nearer to the mountain by 90 meters and finds that
the echo is again not heard when the drumming rate becomes 60 per minute.
11. The distance between the mountain and the initial position of the man is
(A) 330m (B) 300m (C) 240 m (D) 270 m
12. The velocity of the sound is
(A) 330 m/s (B) 360 m/s (C) 300 m/s (D) 270 m/s
13. The diagram shows a wave train of amplitude A at time t = 0 sec. The phase difference between
the oscillation of the particle at x = 0 and x = x1 is . The particle at x = x1 is moving upward
with velocity V1. Which of the following equations represent the wave equation correctly?
 tv   x v1 
(A) A sin  x  1  (B) A sin    t 
 A  x1 A sin  
 x v1 
(C) A sin    t  (D) none
 x1 A cos  
14. The equation of standing wave in a string of mass 100 g length 1 m and fixed at both ends is
2 x t
given by y  sin cos , which of the following is/are correct ? (x and y in cm and t in sec)
10 10 5
(A) number of nodes is 10
(B) tension in the string is 4×10–5 N
(C) two points having amplitudes 0.1 cm each are separated by 5 cm
(D) potential energy of antinode is zero
15. A wire of length 'l' having tension T and radius r vibrates with fundamental frequency 'f '. Another
wire of the same metal with length 2l having tension 2T and radius 2r will vibrate with
fundamental frequency
(A) f (B) 2f (C) f / 2 2 (D) f / 2
16. A chord attached about an end to a vibrating fork divides it into 6 loops, when tension is 36 N.
The tension at which it will vibrate in 4 loops is
(A) 24 N (B) 36 N (C) 64 N (D) 81 N
17. A string of length 1.5 m with its two ends clamped is vibrating in fundamental mode. Amplitude
at the center of the string is 4mm. Distances between the two points having amplitude 2mm is :
(A) 1m (B) 75cm (C) 60cm (D) 50cm

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18. At t = 0, a transverse wave pulse traveling in positive x direction with a speed 2 m/s in a wire is
described by the function y  2 , given that x  0. Transverse velocity of a particle at x = 2m
and t = 2 sec is
(A) 3 m/s (B) –3m/s (C) 8 m/s (D) –8m/s
19. A 75 cm string fixed at both ends produces resonant frequencies 384Hz and 288Hz without there
being any other resonant frequency between these two. Wave speed for the string is :
(A) 144 m/s (B) 216 m/s (C) 108 m/s (D) 72 m/s
20. A composition string is made up by joining two strings of different masses per unit length  
and 4. The composite string is under the same tension. A transverse wave pulse : Y = (6 mm) sin
(5t + 40x), where 't' is in seconds and 'x' in meters, is sent along the lighter string towards the
joint. The joint is at x = 0. The equation of the wave pulse reflected from the joint is
(A) (2 mm) sin (5t –40 x) (B) (4mm) sin (40x – 5t)
(C) –(2mm) sin (5t–40x) (D) (2mm) sin (5t–10x)
21. In the previous question, the percentage of power transmitted to the heavier string through the
joint is approximately
(A) 33% (B) 89% (C) 67% (D) 75%

Do you know ?
For a traveling wave on a string both kinetic energy and potential energy of the string particles is
maximum when they passes through their mean position and zero when they are at extreme
22. A string of length 1m and linear mass density 0.01 kgm–1 is stretched to a tension of 100N. When
both ends of the string are fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are f 1, f2 and f3.
When only one end of the string is fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are n1, n2
and n3. Then
(A) n3 = 5n1 = f3 = 125 Hz (B) f3 = 5f1 = n2 = 125 Hz
f f
(C) f3 = n2 = 3f1 = 150 Hz (D) n 2  1 2  75 Hz
23. The frequency of a sonometer wire is f, but when the weights producing the tensions are
completely immersed in water the frequency becomes f/2 and on immersing the weights in a
certain liquid the frequency becomes f/3. The specific gravity of the liquid is :
4 16 15 32
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 9 12 27
24. The ratio of intensities between two coherent sound sources is 4 : 1. The difference of loudness in
dB between maximum and minimum intensities when they interfere in space is :
(A) 10 log 2 (B) 20 log 3 (C) 10 log 3 (D) 20 log 2
25. A closed organ pipe of radius r1 and an open organ pipe of radius r2 and having same length 'L'
resonate when excited with a given tuning fork. Closed organ pipe resonates in its fundamental
mode where as open organ pipe resonates in its first overtone, then
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(A) r2 – r1 = L (B) r2 – r1 = L/2 (C) r2 – 2r1 = 2.5L (D) 2r2 – r1 = 2.5L
26. A sounding body of negligible dimension emitting a frequency of 150 Hz is dropped from a
height. During its fall under gravity it passes near a balloon moving up with a constant velocity of
2m/s one second after it started to fall. The difference in the frequency observed by the man in
balloon just before and just after crossing the body will be : (Given that -velocity of sound = 300
m/s; g = 10m/s2)
(A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 4
27. A racing car moving towards a cliff sounds its horn. The driver observes that the sound reflected
from the cliff has a pitch one octave higher than the actual sound of the horn. If V = the velocity
of sound, the velocity of the car is :
(A) V / 2 (B) V/2 (C) V/3 (D) V/4
28. If 1, 2 and 3 are the fundamental frequencies of segments of a stretched string, then the
fundamental frequency of the complete string is :
1/ 2
1 1 1
(A) 1 + 2 + 3 (B)     (C) 1 2  3 (D)  123 
1/ 3

 1  2  3 
29. A train has just completed a U-curve in a track which is a semi-circle. The engine is at the
forward end of the semi-circular part of the track while the last carriage is at the rear end of the
semi-circular track. The driver blows a whistle of frequency 200 Hz. Velocity of sound is 340
m/s. Then the apparent frequency as observed by a passenger in the middle of the train, when the
speed of the train is 30 m/s, is :
(A) 219 Hz (B) 188 Hz (C) 200 Hz (D) 181 Hz
30. A speaker produces a sound of level 40 dB at a point. If the frequency of vibration of diaphragm
of speaker is increased to 10 times maintaining its amplitude constant, then sound level at the
same position is :
(A) 40 dB (B) 43 dB (C) 60 dB (D) 20 dB
31. Forty one tuning forks are arranged in increasing order of frequencies such that every for gives 5
beats with the next. The last fork has frequency that is double the frequency of first fork. The
frequency of the fork is :
(A) 400 Hz (B) 210 Hz (C) 200 Hz (D) 205 Hz
32. From a point source at a distance of 100 m intensity is observed as 60 dB. What would be the
intensity at a distance of 200 m from the source ?
(A) 15 dB (B) 30 dB (C) 66 dB (D) 54 dB

Passage for Q No. 33 to 35

A plane sinusoidal sound wave is propagating along +x-axis with speed 120 cm/s and having
frequency 5Hz. At t = 0, the displacement S of the particles is plotted as function of position as
shown in figure.
33. In figure, what is the distance of point Q from the origin
(A) 2 cm (B) 3 cm (C) 4 cm (D) 1 cm

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34. Velocity of the particle P in figure is
(A) 10 3 cm / s upward (B) 10 cm / s downward
(C) 10 3 cm / s, right (D) 10 cm / s, left
35. What is the velocity of particle R in figure when particle P reach its mean position ?
(A) 10 3 cm / s upward (B) 10 cm / s downward
(C) 10 3 cm / s, right (D) 10 cm / s, left

Passage for Q No. 36 to 38

In the figure shown an observer O1 floats (static) on water surface with ears in air while another
observer O2 is moving upwards with constant velocity V1 = V/5 in water. The source moves down
with constant velocity Vs = V/5 and emits sound of frequency 'f'. The velocity of sound in air is V
and that in water is 4 V. For the situation shown in figure :
36. The wavelength of the sound received by O1 is :
5V 4V 6V 5V
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4f 5f 5f 6f
37. The frequency of the sound received by O2 is :
21f 13f 16f 16f
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16 16 21 13
38. The wavelength of the sound received by O2 is :
5V 4V 16V 5V
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16f 5f 5f 4f

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1. A luminous point source is at certain depth below a liquid surface. If only one fourth of the light
energy radiated can escapes from the water surface then the refractive index of the liquid will be
2 3 3
(A) 4/3 (B) 2 (C) (D)
3 2
2. A luminous point object is placed 'd' meter below a liquid surface which refractive index varies as
 y
   0 1   where 0 is constant and y is taken positive vertically downwards as shown in the
 d
figure. The apparent depth of the object as observed form above is
d 2d d n2 2d n2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
0 0 0 0
3. If in the above question, the point object starts moving downward with velocity v0 then its image
as observed from above will start moving with velocity
v0 2d
(A) upwards (B)
20 0
v0 v0
(C) downwards (D) downwards
 0 n2 2 0
4. In the shown figure, point object is fixed at a distance 2f from a lens of focal length 'f' at its
principal axis. The lens starts rotating with constant angular velocity , then the image I will start
(A) remain at rest (B) move along the initial principal axis
(C) move below the initial principal axis (D) move above the initial principal axis
5. The figure shows an optical system, which is a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm as observed
from left and a plane mirror as observed from right. Two point objects are placed at points 1 and
2. The mirror starts moving rightwards at speed 1 cm/s. Which of the following statement is
(A) After 10 sec image due to both the mirrors will coincide.
(B) After 10 sec relative velocity of the two images (as observed from mirror) will be zero
(C) After 10 sec relative velocity of the two images will be zero
(D) After 10 sec, the two images will coincide but their relative velocity will not be zero
6. Equi–convex lenses (with radius of curve surface R) are placed in different transparent medium as
shown in the figure. Parallel light beam is assumed to be incident on each of them from left to
right. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
(A) Lens a and b have same focal length
(B) Lens c and d have same focal length
(C) Lens a and b will have no chromatic aberration
(D) Lens c will behave as a diverging lens
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7. In the shown figure, a half convex lens of focal length 'f' is situated at a distance 1.5 f from a fixed
point object on its principal axis. If the lens starts moving with velocity ( i  j ) m/s at t = 0, then
the velocity of the image of the point object at t = 0 will be
(A) 3(i  j) m / s (B) 3(i  j) m / s (C) 3(i  j) m / s (D) 2(i  j) m / s
8. A lens is dropped form a point very near to a point object O from a height 50m above a screen
from rest. First bright image is obtained after time t = 1 sec on the screen. The second image will
be obtained at time t =
(A) 2 sec (B) 3 sec (C) 4 sec (D) not possible
9. If two lenses having focal length ratio 1 : 2 have dispersive power in ratio 2 : 1 then ratio of
longitudinal chromatic aberration produced by them will be :
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 4
10. In which of the following diagrams, the possible path of the incident ray is correctly drawn?
11. Two transparent glass slabs A and B are joined together and a spot S is observed form left and
then from right. If the distance between the two images observed is d, them  is :
(A) 3/2 (B) 5/3 (C) 5/4 (D) 4/3
12. There are three convex surfaces of same radius R = 30 cm as shown in the figure what is the focal
length of the system when placed in water and light is incident on the convex surface ?
(A) zero (B) 20 cm (C) 30 cm (D) none of these
13. A luminous point source is at certain depth below a liquid surface. The fraction of light energy
escaping from the surface depends upon
(A) the depth of the point source form surface (B) refractive index of the liquid
(C) Both on refractive index and depth (D) none
14. The figure shows an optical setup of a lens and a glass slab polished on its curved surface. The
radius of curvature of all curved faces is R and refractive index of materials is 1.5. What should
be the value of x so that image of the point object O coincides with it ?
(A) R (B) 1.5 R (C) 2.5 R (D) 2 R
15. A luminous point object is placed at O, whose image is formed at I as shown in the figure AB is
the optic axis. Which of the following statements are correct ?
(A) if a lens is used to obtain image, the lens must be converging
(B) if a mirror is used to obtain image, the mirror must be a convex mirror having pole at the
point of intersection of lines OI and AB
(C) position of principal focus of mirror cannot be found
(D) I is real image
16. Two convex lenses each of focal length f, are placed at a distance 5f as shown in figure. The
distance from the pole of the first lens where the light will finally focused is
(A) 9 f (B) 10 f (C) 16 f (D) 3 f

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17. The shown glass hemisphere (refractive index 5/2) is just floating in the liquid of RI = 3/2. A
parallel beam of vertical light falls on the hemisphere. Pat of the incident rays gets totally
reflected from the curved surface and part goes into the liquid after refraction. The area of the
incident face through which the entering light goes into the liquid after refraction at the glass and
liquid interface is
R 2 9R 2 3R 2
(A) (B) R2 (C) (D)
25 25 25
18. Consider an equi-convex lens of radius of curvature R and focal length f. If f > R, the refractive
index  of the material of the lens is
(A) 0 <  < 1.5 (B) 1.5 <  < 2 (C) 1 <  < 1.5 (D) none

Passage for Q No. 19 to 22

Two equiconvex lenses of same focal length (f) are placed on same principle axis at a separation
'f = 4f'. Parallel light rays are incident from left on the lens A.
19. If the lens A is rotated clockwise by an angle 60° then the light beam will get focused at a
distance 'x' from pole of lens A where 'x' is
(A) 6f (B) 5f (C) 9 f (D) 
20. If the two lenses are rotated by 60° as shown in the figure then 'x' will be
(A) 6f (B) 5f (C) 9 f (D) 
21. If in the place of lens B, we use a concave mirror of focal length 'f' then x will be
(A) 6f (B) 5f (C) 9 f (D) 
22. If the lens A is rotated by an angle 60° and the lens B is shifted vertically upwards by a distance
, then assuming the pole of A to origin and initial principle axis as x–axis, the coordinate of point
where these rays will focused after interaction with two lenses is :
(A) (4f, ) (B) (6f, ) (C) (6f, ) (D) (  ,3)
23. In which of the following conditions, lens is converging in nature ?
24. A horizontal circular light beam of diameter R is incident symmetrically on a transparent glass
sphere of radius R and refractive index 1.5. The sphere is at a distance 4.5 R from a screen as
shown in figure. The radius of bright spot on the screen will be :
(A) R (B) R/2 (C) R/3 (D) R/4
25. Parallel light rays are incident on a spherical mirror of radius R as shown in the figure, then which
of the following statement is true ?
(A) As  increases f decreases (B) As  decreases f increases
(C) Focal length is independent of  (D) f = R/2
R 3
26. A ray parallel to principal axis of a hemispherical concave mirror and at a distance is
incident. Then which of the following statement is true?
(A) It will strike the mirror thrice

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(B) It will strike the mirror twice
(C) It will strike the mirror one
(D) It will strike the mirror at a distance R/2 from the pole
27. In the above question,
(A) the ray will deviate by 60° at each strike
(B) finally the ray will be parallel to incident ray
(C) the net deviation of the ray is 180°
(D) the net deviation of the ray is 60°

Passage for Q No. 28 to 30

A point object O is situated at the principle axis of a convex lens at a distance of 2f from its pole.
In the shown figures (in following questions), the possible directions of motion of image I has
been indicated by the direction A, B, C and D for the given direction of motion of object O (just
after it start moving). Choose the correct direction of motion of image.
28. Figure
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
29. Figure
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
30. Object is fixed but lens is moved towards right, the direction of motion of image just after the lens
starts moving is
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
31. The figure shows a glass hemisphere of refractive index 2 . A horizontal (parallel to flat surface
of hemisphere) ray strikes the hemisphere as shown, which of the following diagram best
represent the path followed by the ray
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
 4
32. A tank of area A is filled with water     . A small hole of area 'a' (<<A) is punched at the
 3
bottom of tank. Water starts draining out. The speed of a spot S at bottom as observed from above
when water column in tank becomes H/2 is :
A A a a
(A) gH (B) gH (C) 2gH (D) gH
a 4a 4A 4A
33. The angle of a prism is 30°. The rays incident at 60° on one refracting face suffer a deviation of
30°. Then the angle of emergence is :
(A) 0° (B) 30° (C) 60° (D) 90°
Passage for Q No. 34 to 40
The adjacent figure shows a cube of side and density  and its top surface behaves as a plane
mirror. The cube is floating in a large liquid tank of density 2. A torch T is hinged which can
rotate in vertical plane about the hinge and emits a collimated light ray which always hit the

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center of the cube and reflected to the screen and forms a illuminated spot P. At t = 0, the cube is
pushed downwards by a length / 4 and released. Neglect any change in the level of liquid.
34. For the x1 = x2, the spot P will
(A) performs oscillatory but not SHM (B) performs SHM
(C) move with constant velocity (D) remain at rest
Take x1 = / 2 and x2 = 3 / 2 for following question :
35. The point P will
(A) performs oscillatory but not SHM (B) performs SHM
(C) move with constant (D) remain at rest
36. The maximum velocity of the point P will be
g g g
(A) (B) (C) 2g (D)
2 4 8
37. Time period of oscillation of point P will be
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 
2g g g 2g
38. Phase difference between the displacement of the cube and the spot P is
(A) zero (B)  (C) /2 (D) can't be defined
39. The amplitude of the oscillations o the spot P on the screen is
(A) L/4 (B) L/2 (C) L/3 (D) 2L/3
40. The maximum value of magnitude of relative velocity of point P and cube will be
g g g
(A) (B) (C) 2g (D) 3
2 4 8

Passage for Q No. 41 to 43

In a modified YDSE the region between the screen and slits is immersed in a liquid whose
5 T
refractive index varies with time as 1     until it reaches a steady state value 5/4. A glass
2 4
plate of thickness 36m and refractive index 3/2 is introduced in front of one of the slits S 2 as
shown in fig. The distance between the slits is d = 2 mm and the distance between slits and screen
is D = 1m (O is located symmetrically with respect to S1 and S2)
41. The position of central maxima at t = 0 from the point O is
(A) 1.8 mm (B) 3.6 mm (C) 7.2 mm (D) 14.4 mm
42. The time when central maxima reaches O is
(A) 1 sec (B) 2 sec (C) 3 sec (D) 4 sec
43. Speed of the central maxima when it is at O is
(A) 2 × 10–3 m/s (B) 3 × 10–3 m/s (C) 4 × 10–3 m/s (D) 5 × 10–3 m/s

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44. A man starting from point P crosses a 4 km wide lagoon and reaches point Q in the shortest
possible time by the path shown in the figure. If the person swims at a speed of 3 km/hr and walks
at a speed of 4 km/hr, then his time of journey is (salt water = 4/3) :
(A) 4 hr, 10 min. (B) 4 hr and 30 min. (C) 3 hr and 50 min. (D) 5 hr and 10 min.
45. A plane mirror is placed with its plane at an angle of 30° with the y-axis. Plane of the mirror is
perpendicular to the xy plane and the length of the mirror is 3m. as insect moves along x-axis
starting from a distant point with a speed 2cm/s. the duration of the time for which the insect can
see its own image in the mirror is
(A) 300s (B) 200s (C) 150s (D) 100s
46. Light is incident from a medium A to medium B. The graph of sine of angle of refraction r versus
sine of angle of incidence i is shown in figure. Which of the following is/are correct ?
(A) Total internal reflection occurs above a certain value of i
(B) Total internal reflection will not occur for any value of i
(C) Wavelength of light in medium B is 3 times than in medium A
(D) Wavelength of light in medium B is (1/ 3) times that in medium A

Passage for Q. No. 47 to 49

Two slits S1 and S2 lie on the x-axis and symmetric with respect to y–axis are illuminated by a
parallel monochromatic light beam of wavelength  as shown. The distance between slits is d
(>>). Point O is the mid point of the line S1S2 and this point is considered as the origin. The slits
are in horizontal plane. The interference pattern is observed on a horizontal plate (acting as
screen) of mass m which is connected to one end of a vertical mass-less spring of spring constant
k. The other end of the spring is fixed to ground. At t = 0, the plate is at a distance D (>>d) below
the plane of slits and spring is in its natural length. The plate is released from rest from its initial
47. The rate by which fringe width will increase when acceleration of plate is zero, is
g m g m g m g m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
d k 3d k 4d k 2d k
48. The difference between two fringe widths when plate is at rest fro a moment is
2 mg 2mg mgd
(A) (B) (C) (D)
d dk dk k
49. A thin slab of refractive index  is kept in front of one of slits such that position of first maxima
shift to the position of central maxima at the instant when plate has been held at rest initially. The
thickness of slab is
d d D 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(  1) D(  1) d(  1)  1
50. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at an angle of incidence 45° as shown in figure. After
reflection, the ray passes through a prism of refractive index 1.5, whose apex angle is 4°. Through
what angle must the mirror be rotated so that total deviation of the ray is 90°
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(A) 1° in anticlockwise (B) 1° in clockwise
(C) 2° in anticlockwise (D) 2° in anticlockwise
51. A composite equiconvex lens is made of two different materials. The upper half is made up of
refractive index 1.5 and the lower half is made up of refractive index 2. The upper half is silvered.
The radius of curvature of both the surfaces is R. Where should an object be placed such that the
real image formed by the silvered lens coincide with the virtual image of the lower lens?
(A) R/2 (B) R/3 (C) R/6 (D) R/4

Passage for Q.No. 52 to 54

A tank of cross sectional area A has a hole at the bottom of area of cross section A1 = A/1000.
Bottom of the tank is a plane mirror. The tank contains water of refractive index 4/3. At the
instant, when height of the water in the tank is 5m, a fish is rising vertically in the tank with a
velocity 3 cm/sec toward the surface.
52. The velocity with which surface is falling down inside container is
(A) 1 cm/s (B) 2 cm/s (C) 3 cm/s (D) 4 cm/s
53. The velocity of the fish as observed by the observer looking directly at the fish is
(A) 2 cm/s (B) 3 cm/s (C) 4 cm/s (D) 1 cm/s
54. The speed of the image of fish formed by the mirror as observed by the same observer is
(A) 2.5 cm/s (B) 1 cm/s (C) 3 cm/s (D) 1.5 cm/s
55. Intensity of light due to the two slits of Young's double slit experiment are I and 4I. How far from
the central maxima will the intensity be equal to the average intensity on the screen? ( is the
fringe width)
   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 6 4
56. An object and a plane mirror are shown in figure. Mirror is moved with velocity v as shown. The
velocity of image is
(A) 2v sin  (B) 2v (C) 2v cos  (D) none
57. In the figure shown if a parallel beam of white light is incident on the plane of the slits then the
distance of the nearest white spot on the screen from O is (assumed d <<D, <<d)
(A) zero (B) d/2 (C) d/3 (D) d/6
58. M1 and M2 are plane mirrors are kept parallel to each other. At point O there will be a maxima for
wavelength. Light from monochromatic source S of wavelength  is not reaching directly on the
screen. Then  is : [D>>d, d>>]
3d 2 3d 2 d2 2d 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
D 2D D D
59. In displacement method, the distance between object and screen is 96 cm. The ratio of length of
two images formed by a converging lens placed between them is 4.
(A) Ratio of length of object to the length of shorter image is 2.
(B) Distance between the two positions of the lens is 32 cm.
(C) Focal length of the lens is 64/3 cm.
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(D) When the shorter image is formed on screen, distance of the lens from the screen is 32 cm.
60. The distance between a screen and an object is 120 cm. A convex lens is placed closed to the
object and is moved along the line joining object and screen, towards the screen. Two sharp
images of the object are found on the screen. The ratio of magnification of two real images is 1 :
9. Then.
(A) focal length of the lens is 22.5 cm.
(B) smaller image is brighter than the larger one
(C) larger image is brighter than the smaller one
(D) brightness of both the images is same
61. A convex lens made of glass ( = 3/2) has focal length f in air. The image of an object placed in
front of it is inverted real and magnified. Now the whole arrangement is immersed in water
(w = 4/3) without changing the distance between object and lens. Then
(A) the new focal length will become 4f
(B) the new focal length will become f/4
(C) new image will be virtual and magnified
(D) new image will be real, inverted and smaller in size
62. A converging lens of focal length 20 cm and diameter 5 cm is cut along the line AB. The part of
the lens shown shaded in the diagram is now used to form an image of a point P placed 30 cm
away from it on the line XY. Which is perpendicular to the plane of the lens. The image of P will
be formed
(A) 0.5 cm above XY (B) 1 cm below XY
(C) on XY (D) 1.5 cm below XY

1. Two positively charged rings of different radii are placed co–axially. Then maximum number of
points on the axis where resultant electric field may be zero (not considering the points at infinity)
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
2. A point charge +Q is placed at the centroid of an equilateral triangle. When a second charge +Q is
placed at a vertex of the triangle, the magnitude of the electrostatic force on the central charge is
8N. The magnitude of the net force on the force on the central charge when a third charge +Q is
placed at another vertex of the triangle is :
(A) zero (B) 4N (C) 4 2N (D) 8N
3. A particle of mass m and positive charge q is projected towards an infinitely long line of charge
(having liner density of charge +) from a distance r0. The direction of initial velocity v0 makes
angle 30° with the normal to the line of charge as shown in the figure. The minimum distance of

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approach of the charge particle with the line of charge will be : [Neglect gravity and take
 mv 2
  0 0 ].
(A) r0/e (B) r0/e2 (C) r0/e3 (D) r0/2
4. Figure shows an electric line of force which curve along a circular are. The magnitude of electric
field intensity is same at all points on this curve and is equal to E. If the potential at A is V, then
the potential a B is :
(A) V–ER (B) V–2ER sin /2
(C) V + ER (D) V + 2ER sin /2
5. Figure shows a solid hemisphere with charge of 5 nC distributed uniformly throughout its
volume. The hemisphere lies on a plane and point P is located on the plane, along a radial line
from the centre of base at distance 15 cm. The electric potential at point P due to the hemisphere
(A) 150 V (B) 300 V (C) 340 V (D) 600 V
6. A small dipole of moment p is kept at the centre of a ring of radius R and charge Q. The direction
of dipole moment is along the axis of the ring. The resultant force on the ring due to the dipole is
(A) zero
(B) kpQ/R3
(C) 2kpQ/R3
(D) kpQ/R3 only if the charge is uniformly distributed on the ring.
7. Two point dipole pk and p / 2k are located at points (0, 0, 0) and (1m, 0, 1m) respectively. The
resultant electric field due to the dipoles at the point (1m, 0, 0) is
9p 7p 7p
(A) k (B) k (C) k (D) none
32 0 32 0 32 0

Passage for Q. No. 8 to 10

An empty thick conducting shell of inner radius a and outer radius b is shown in figure. It is
observed that the inner face of the shell carries a uniform charge density – and the outer surface
carries a uniform charge density ''.
8. If there is a point charge qA at the center of the shell, then choose the correct statement
(A) The charge may positive or negative
(B) The charge must be negative
(C) The magnitude of charge must be 4a2
(D) The magnitude of charge must be 4(b2–a2)

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9. If another point charge qB is also placed at a distance c (>b) from the center of shell, then choose
the correct statement
qAb 2
(A) force experienced by the charge at center is
(B) force experienced by the charge at center is zero.
qBb 2
(C) the force experienced by the charge B is
kq A q B
(D) the force experienced by the charge B is
10. Choose the correct statement related to the potential of the shell in absence of qB
(A) Potential of the outer surface is more than that of the inner surface because it is positively
(B) Potential of the outer surface is more than that of the inner surface because it carries more
(C) Both the surfaces have unequal potential
(D) The potential of the outer surface is
11. The magnitude of electric field intensity at point B (2, 0, 0) due to a dipole of dipole moment,
p  i  3 j kept at origin is (assume that the point B is at large distance from the dipole and
13k 13k 7k 7k
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 4 8 4
12. An electric field given by E  4i  3(y2  2) j passes through Gaussian cube of side 1 m placed at
origin such that its three sides represents x, y and z axes. The net charge enclosed within the cube
(A) 40 (B) 30 (C) 50 (D) zero
13. A non–conducting ring of mass m and radius R has charge distribution as shown in figure. The
magnitude of linear charge density is . What minimum angular velocity should be given so that
the ring starts rotating about its vertical diameter for ever :
E 32E E 8 RE
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m m 4m m
14. A conducting shell of radius R is surrounded by another conducting shell of radius 2R. The inner
shell is initially uncharged and the outer shell contains a charge Q. How much heat will be
produced in the conducting wire if the key k is closed ?
Q2 Q2 Q2
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
8 0 R 16 0 R 32  0 R

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15. A non–conducting rod carries charge Q uniformly distributed over half of its length. The rod has
mass m and length L. It can rotate about one of its ends O. Assuming gravity free space, the
angular velocity of rod when it becomes vertical is :
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
16. A non–conducting sphere of radius R, dielectric constant k, is uniformly charge with charge Q. It
is surrounded by a conducting hollow sphere of inner radius 2R and outer radius 3r. A charge–2Q
is given to the outer sphere as shown. The correct variation of electric field with distance x from
common center is correctly represented by
Figure (A) (B) (C) (D)
17. The figure shows a infinitely long linear charge distribution of density  C/m along y–axis. A
point charge q of m is tied to a thread which other end is fixed at x = 2L. What should be
minimum velocity v so that the charge may complete a circle about O is x–y plane. Assume
gravity free space.
q(1  2 n3) q q n3 q n3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 0 m 2 0 m  0 m 2 0 m
18. A ring with charge Q uniformly distributed over it, is fixed in y–z plane with its centre at origin.
A charge particle is projected from x  3R along x–axis. When the particle reached Q, its
minimum possible speed will be :
Qq Qq 3Qq 3Qq
(A) (B) (C) (D)
 0 mR 40 mR 40 mR  0 mR
19. A non–conducting semicircular ring of radius R, contains charge Q and –Q as shown in figure.
What work is required to rotate the semi–ring slowly by an angle /2.
(A) 4QRE (B) (C) (D) 2QRE
 
20. A point charge 'Q' is fixed at a point and another point chare '–q' of mass 'm' is projected with
velocity v at angle  with the line joining them. With what minimum velocity (say v1) should the
charge be projected so that it may escape from attraction field of Q ?
Qq 2Qq Qq Qq
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 0 mr  0 mr 2 0 mr  0 mr
21. In the above question if :
(A)  = 0, path will be straight line
(B)  = 90°, path will be parabolic but particle will not escape
(C)  = 90°, path will be parabolic and particle will escape
(D)  < < 90° will be parabolic and particle will escape
22. What should be the value of the velocity of charge q (say v2) and , so that the kinetic energy of
the particle does not change?

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Qq Qq Qq Qq
(A) , 60 (B) , 90 (C) , 90 (D) , 0
4 0 mr 4 0 mr 2 0 mr 20 mr
23. If the particle is projected with velocity smaller than v2 and  = 90°, the path of the particle will
be represented by :
Figure (A) (B) (C) (D)
24. If the particle is projected with velocity greater than v2 but smaller than v1 with  = 90°, then the
path of the particle will be represented by :
Figure (A) (B) (C) (D)
25. The semicircular non–conducting ring of radius R containing +ve and negative charge as shown
are joined in two perpendicular planes. The magnitude of linear charge densities is . The electric
field at O will be :
 2 
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
2 0 R  0 R 2 0 R
26. In above question if an electric field E  E 0 i exists, then net force on the loop will be :
(A) RE (B) 2RE (C) 2RE (D) zero
27. In above question, the magnitude of torque acting on the loop will be :
(A) R2E (B) 2R2E (C) 2R 2 E (D) 2 2R 2 E
28. Charge Q is uniformly distributed over volume of a non–conducting sphere of radius R and
dielectric constant k. the variation of electric field with the distance x from the center of sphere is
correctly represented by :
Figure (A) (B) (C) (D)
29. A point charge is placed at the center of a non–conducting sphere of radius R and of dielectric
constant k. Which of the following plot best represents the variation of electric field with distance
r from the point charge.
Figure (A) (B) (C) (D)
30. Two infinitely long and uniformly charged wires (with linear charge density ) are fixed in x–y
plane at x =  a as shown in figure. Another similar wire is hanging freely in the symmetric plane
between the wires. The maximum possible linear mass density of this wire will be :
2 2 2 2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
 0 ag 2  0 ag  0 ag 2 0 ag

Passage for Q. No. 31 to 34

A rigid non conducting rod of mass M and length L is hinged at end A and can rotate freely in
plane of paper about A. Negative charge Q is uniformly distributed over its length. An infinitely
large non–conducting plane is placed perpendicular to plane of paper and is uniformly charged
over its surface with surface charge density . Assuming gravity free space answer the following
31. The hinge force on the rod in the shown position is :
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Q Q Q
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
2 0 4 0 0
32. If rod is slightly displaced, it will rotate about the end A, the maximum angular velocity of rod
will be
12Q Q 4Q 3Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
 0 ML  0 ML  0 ML  0 ML
33. The above case, the hinge force on the rod will be
Q Q Q 2Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
0 2 0 30 0
34. Suppose that the rod is stopped when it is closest to the plane. Now if it is displaced slightly from
this position it will performs SHM. The time period of such small oscillations will be
M0 L M0 L 2 M 0 L M 0 L
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) (D) 
3Q 3Q  3Q 2Q

Passage for Q. No. 35 to 38

A small particle of mass m and charge q, is placed on rough horizontal surface with coefficient of
friction  = 0.5. A semi-infinite vertical wire with linear charge density is arranged as shown in
 1 
the figure. The block is released from rest at distance d as shown in the figure.  k  
 4 0 
35. Assuming gravity free space, the speed of the block when it travels a further distance d is given
kq ln 2 kq
(A) (B)
m m
2kq ln 2
(C) (D) the block will remain at rest
36. Assuming gravity acting vertically downwards, then the minimum value of 'd' where the charge
particle if placed will remain in equilibrium is :
kq 2kq kq 2kq n2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
mg mg 2mg mg
37. Assuming gravity acting vertically downwards, find the initial distance 'd', so that the block
comes to rest after moving a further distance 'd' is : (Given that d  )
kq kq n2 kq 2kq n2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
mg mg 2mg mg
38. The distance from the wire where the velocity of the block will become maximum will be
kq kq kq n2 kq
(A) (B) (C) (D)
mg 2mg mg 2mg
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Passage for Q. NO. 39 to 42

The figure shows two blocks each of mass m carrying charge +q and –q. They are attached by a
spring of spring constant K. An electric field E is switched on at t = 0, when spring was is relaxed
position. Friction exists only between B and surface and it is just sufficient to prevent slipping of
the block B at t = 0. Neglecting any interaction (Coulombic) between the charge at A and B,
answer the following questions.
39. Maximum compression in the spring will be
qE 2qE
(A) (B)
(C) (D) can't be defined due to oscillations of both block
40. Time period of oscillation of block A is
m m
(A) 2 (B) 2
K 2K
(C)  (D) both blocks will oscillate, time period cant be define
41. Block B will start moving after time
m m
(A) 2 (B) 2
K 2K
(C)  (D) it will never move
42. Frictional force on the block B will become zero for the first time after time t =
m m
(A) 2 (B) 2
K 2K
 m
(C) (D) it will never become zero
2 K
43. The diagram shows A part of disc of radius R carrying uniformly distributed charge of density .
Electric potential at the centre O of parent disc is
R R R R
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 0 30 240 6 0
44. A sphere of radius R is uniformly charged throughout its volume. It is disassembled and
reassembled in two identical spheres kept far from each other
(A) Positive work is done by external agent (B) Potential energy of system decrease
(C) Potential energy of system increases (D) Work is done by the system

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45. Four point charges 1C, –2C, 3C and –2C are arranged on the four vertices of a square of
side 1 cm. The dipole moment of this charge assembly is
(A) zero (B) 2 108 C.m (C) 2 2 108 C.m (D) 2 108 C.m
46. A sphere of homogeneous dielectric material is placed in an otherwise uniform electric field.
Which of the following diagrams show the nature of electric field lines inside the sphere?
(A) (B) (C) (D) Figure
47. Two point charges +q and +4q are at a distance 'd' apart. A third charge q1 is so that the entire
system is in equilibrium. Then
4 4
(A) q1  q (B) q1   q
9 9
(C) q1 is to be placed at a distance d/3 from q (D) q1 is to be placed at a distance 2d/3 from 4q
48. A dipole of dipole moment p  p 0 j is placed at point (l, 0). There exists an electric field
E  2ax 2 i  (2by2  2cy) j. Then.
(A) force on dipole is 2p0cĵ
(B) force on dipole is p (2c + 4bl)ĵ
(C) Torque on dipole about its centroidal axis is 2p0a k
(D) Torque on dipole about its centroidal axis is zero

Passage for question 49 to 52

A uniform ring of mass m and radius R can rotate freely about an axis passing through centre C
and perpendicular to plane of paper. Half of ring is positively charged and other half is negatively
charged. Uniform electric field E0 is switched on along negative x–axis (axis are shown in figure)
[magnitude of charge density ]
49. The dipole moment of ring is
(A) 2R2 (B) 4R2 (C) 2R2 (D) 4R2
50. What is the nature of equilibrium of ring ?
(A) stable (B) unstable (C) neutral (D) can't say
51. If ring is slightly disturb from given position, find the angular speed of ring when it rotate by /2 :
E 0 E 0 8 E 0
(A) 2 (B) (C) (D) none
m m m
52. In above question, if direction of electric field is reversed and ring is slightly rotate and released,
find the time period of oscillation.
E 0 m 8 E 0
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) (D) none
m 4 E 0 m

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1. A charge particle is at rest between plates of a parallel plate capacitor. If plates are brought closer,
the particle will
(A) remain at same position
(B) move upwards
(C) move downwards
(D) may move up a down depending on emf of cell.
2. Two plates of a parallel plate are held fixed and are given equal and opposite charge. A dielectric
slab is released at the one end as shown at t = 0. As dielectric move into capacitor
(A) velocity and acceleration both will increase
(B) velocity increases but acceleration decreases
(C) velocity increases but acceleration remains constant
(D) velocity and acceleration both remains constant
3. If in above question, a cell of constant emf is connected across the plates, then as the dielectric
moves into the capacitor
(A) A velocity and acceleration both will increase
(B) velocity increases but acceleration decrease constant
(C) velocity increases but acceleration remains constant
(D) velocity and acceleration both remains constant
4. A dielectric which can just fill the entire space between two parallel plate capacitor of capacity C,
is introduced slowly by an external agent. The work done by external agent is
1 1
(A)  CE 2 (B)  CE 2 (C) + CE2 (D) – CE2
2 2
Paragraph (For Q. No. 5 to 7)
The figure shows two concentric shells of radius R and 2R. An ideal cell of emf E can be
connected between the two shells by help of a key K1.

5. The charge that flows through the cell if only the key K1 is closed is given by
(A) 0RE (B) 40RE (C) 80RE (D) 160RE
6. The charge that flows into earth if keys K1 and K2 are closed is given by
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(A) 0RE (B) 40RE (C) 80RE (D) 160RE
7. The charge that flows through the cell if the keys K1 and K3 are closed is given by
(A) 0RE (B) 40RE (C) 80RE (D) 160RE
Paragraph (For Q. No. 8 & 9)
In the shown diagram, the two plates of capacitor is held fixed and the dielectric slab (K = 3) can
just fill completely the space between them. The plates are square shaped of size L × L. C is the
capacitance without dielectric
8. What should be the charge on capacitor, so that the dielectric just looses the contact with ground
(A) mgCL (B) 1.5mgCL (C) 2mgCL (D) 3mgCL
9. What should be the charge on capacitor so that the dielectric may move upwards to just fill the
capacitor ?
(A) mgCL (B) 1.5mgCL (C) 2mgCL (D) 3mgCL

Paragraph (For Q. No. 10 15)

A large conducting plate 'A' is held fixed horizontally by an insulating arm C, and it carries a total
charge +Q. Another similar plate B is hanging freely under gravity to form a perfect (ideal)
parallel plate capacitor and has charge +Q'. Each plate has mass m and gravity acts vertically
downward. (Assume that the force between the plates is due to the charge on the facing inner
surfaces only)
10. Smallest value of positive charge Q' to hold the plate B in mid air will be :
(A) Q (B) 8 0 mgA (C) Q  80 mgA (D) Q  80 mgA
11. Largest value of positive charge Q' to hold the plate B in mid air will be :
(A) Q (B) 8 0 mgA (C) Q  80 mgA (D) Q  80 mgA
12. Tension in insulating arm will be : (Neglect mass of electron)
(A) greater if Q' is in largest condition (B) smaller if Q' is in smallest condition
(C) equal in both cases (D) none of the above
13. Energy stored in capacitor will be :
(A) greater if Q' is in largest condition (B) smaller if Q' is in smallest condition
(C) equal in both cases (D) none of the above
14. Suppose the lower plate is in equilibrium due to largest value of Q'. If the upper plate is earthed
then the lower plate will :
(A) move upwards
(B) move downward
(C) remain stationary
(D) may move upwards or downward depending value of Q
15. Suppose the lower plate is in equilibrium due to smallest value of Q'. If the upper plate is earthed
then the lower plate will :
(A) move upwards

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(B) move downward
(C) remain stationary
(D) may move upwards or downward depending value of Q

Paragraph For Q. No. 16 to 18

Two capacitors x and y of same capacity C and two ideal cells A and B of equal emf E are
connected in a circuit as shown. If key is shifted from position 1 to 2.
16. Charge on two capacitors x and y respectively are :
(A) , (B) , (C) CE, CE (D) , CE
2 2 2 2 2
17. Work done by cell A and B are :
CE 2 CE 2 CE2 CE2
(A) CE2, CE2 (B) , (C) CE2 , (D) ,CE 2
2 2 2 2

18. Heat produced in circuit is :

(A) CE2 (B) CE2/2 (C) CE2/4 (D) zero
19. Find the maximum potential which can be applied across point A and B if breakdown potential of
each capacitor is V0.
(A) V0 (B) 1.5 V0 (C) 2V0 (D) 2.5 V0
20. Two conducting plates are given charge +Q and –Q. What will happen if the negative plates is
slowly removed from the shown position.
(A) stored energy will increase (B) stored energy will decrease
(C) stored energy will remain same (D) nothing can be said
21. The distance between plates of the parallel plate capacitor is increased by an external agent then
(A) Force by external agent will be constant
(B) Force by external agent will go on increasing
(C) Force by external agent will go on decreasing
(D) None
22. In above question,
(A) No charge will flow through cell (B) cell will do positive work
(C) Cell will do negative work (D) Cell will do zero work

Paragraph for Q. No. 23 to 26

Two cells can be connected to capacitor C by two switches 1 and 2 as shown in circuit diagram.
The switch is shifted only after the capacitors reaches their steady state.
23. Heat produced in the circuit after the switch is shifted from 1 to 2
(A) CE 2 (B) CE2 (C) 2CE2 (D) 4CE2
24. Heat produced in the circuit after the switch is shifted from 2 to 1

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(A) CE 2 (B) CE2 (C) 2CE2 (D) 4CE2
25. Energy transferred to right cell after switch is shifted from position 1 to 2 is :
(A) CE 2 (B) CE2 (C) 2CE2 (D) 4CE2
26. Charge on capacitor after the switch is touched to 2 for nth time
(A) CE (B) nCE (C) nCE/2 (D) (n – 1) CE

Paragraph For Q. No. 27 to 29

An isolated spherical capacitor has charge +Q on its inner conducting shell of radius 'a' and –Q on
its outer conducting shell of radius 'b'. Half of volume between the two conductors is then filled
with a liquid dielectric of constant K as shown in figure.
27. The capacity of half filled spherical capacitor is :
40 Kab 2 0 (K  1)ab 20 Kab 4 0 (1)ab
(A) (B) (C) (D)
ba ba ba ba
28. The electric field between the two plates of capacitor as a function of distance 'r' from centre is :
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 0 Kr 2
2 0 Kr 2
20 (K  1)r 2
40 (K  1)r 2
29. Surface charge density on lower half of inner conductor is :
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4a (1  K)
4b (1  K)
4a (1  K)
4ba 2 (1  K)
30. The two plates of capacitor have equal and opposite charge. Two dielectrics of dielectric constant
K1 and K2 fill the space between the plates as shown. The ratio of electrical energy in 1st dielectric
to that in the 2nd dielectric is
(A 1 : 1 (B) K1 : K2 (C) K2 : K1 (D) K2 : K1
31. Charges Q0 and 2Q0 are given to parallel plates A and B respectively and they are separated by a
small distance. The capacitance of the given arrangement is C. Now plates A and B are connected
to positive and negative terminals of battery of potential difference V = 2Q0/C respectively as
shown, then the work done by the battery is
2Q02 4Q02 5Q02 6Q02
(A) (B) (C) (D)
32. Particle A having positive charge is moving directly (head on) towards initially stationary
positively charged particle B. At the instant when A and B are closest.
(A) the moment of A and B must be equal
(B) the velocities of A and B must be equal
(C) B would have gained less kinetic energy than A would have lost
(D) B would have gained the same momentum as A would have lost

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33. How does the total energy stored in the capacitors in the circuit shown in the figure change when
first switch K1 is closed (process–1) and then switch K2 is also closed (process–2). Assume that
all capacitor were initially uncharged?
(A) increases in process–1
(B) decreases in process–2
(C) increases in process–2
(D) magnitude of change in energy in process–2 less than that in process–1
34. An uncharged conducting ball B is held inside a charged conductor A as shown in the figure. If B
is isolated from A, then
(A) there is an induced charge on B
(B) potential of A and B are same
(C) when B touches the inner surface of A then potential of B will change
(D) no net charge is inside the cavity
35. A 4F capacitor is given 20 C charge and is connected with an uncharged capacitor of
capacitance 2F as shown in figure. When switch S is closed.
(A) charged flown through the battery is 40/3 C.
(B) charge flown through the battery is 20/3 C.
(C) work done by the battery is 200/3 J
(D) work done by the battery is 100/3 J.

Current Electricity
1. Three similar bulbs are connected to a source as shown in figure. If the slider S is moved
rightwards, illumination of the bulbs A, B and C will be respectively :
(A) brighter, dimmer, brighter (B) brighter, brighter, dimmer
(C) dimmer, dimmer, brighter (D) brighter, brighter, brighter
2. In the shown potentiometer, the standard cell has an emf of 2V and zero internal resistance. The
slide wire AB is 1m long and has total resistance of 10  . With K opened, if balance length is 80
cm then emf of cell is :
(A) 0.2 V (B) 0.4 V (C) 1 V (D) 2 V
3. In above question what will be balance length if K is closed :
(A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 40 cm (D) 50 cm
4. A sphere of inner radius R and outer radius 2R is filled with a weakly conducting material of
resistively  and dielectric constant k. Find the value of quantity RC (Product of resistance and
capacitance) between inner and outer surface.
k0 3k 0
(A) k0 (B) (C) 2k (D)
2 2
5. A capacitor is charged by two methods. In first case it is charged by switch S remaining open and
in case 2 it is charged by switch S remaining closed.
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(A) Heat loss in 1st case is larger (B) Heal loss in 2nd case is larger
(C) Heat loss in both case is same (D) Nothing can be said
6. VA – VB for given figure in steady state is :
(A) 4V (B) 6 V (C) 5 V (D) zero
7. What must be the values of R1 and R2 for the lamps A and B to operate at their stated rating ?
10 10
(A) 10,12.5 (B) 12.5 ,10 (C) ,12.5 (D) 12.5 , 
3 3
8. If the resistance P is disconnected at 1 and connected to point 2 then the ratio of equivalent
resistance between A and B just before and after the connection is :
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 2 : 3
9. If Galvanometer shows zero deflection then the current i that flows into this circuit is :
(A) 1A (B) 2A (C) 2.5 A (D) 3A
10. The figure shows and uniform cylindrical wire, in which a constant current flows. Consider two
cross–sectional areas A and B
(A) Drift velocity at A is greater than that at B
(B) Current density at A is greater than that at B
(C) Number of electrons passing through A is equal to that through B
(D) Electric field at A is weaker than that at B
11. In the figure shown the current flowing through 2R is
(A) from left to right (B) from right to left (C) no current (D) None of these
12. In the circuit shown, V1, V2 and V3 are ideal voltmeter. As the rheostat is moved from left to
right, reading of

Column I Column II
(A) V1 (P) increases
(B) V2 (Q) decreases
(C) V3 (R) constant
13. Two capacitors are charged upto potential V0. Now the right capacitor plates are release to come
closer by their mutual attraction. When the plates have come closer to half of their initial
separation they are again held fixed.
(A) charge flown through resistor is
(B) Heat loss in the resistor is
(C) Heat loss in the resistor is zero
(D) The energy of system will be decrease but charge will remain same.
14. In the shown circuit,
(A) 6 V call always looses energy
(B) 2 V cell always looses energy
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(C) Both cells will loose their chemical energy for any value of R
(D) 2V cell always gains energy
15. In the above question, if the resistance R is increased from very low (<1Ω) then, which of the
following statement(s) is/are true?
(A) Direction of current through 6V cell always remains same
(B) Direction of current through 2V cell always remains same
(C) Direction of current through 6V cell changes its direction
(D) Direction of current through 2V cell changes its direction

Passage for Q. No. 16 to 21

Capacitor is charged upto its steady state charge using a cell of emf 2V. Now switch S is closed at
t = 0. Then
16. Current flowing into capacitor at t = 0 is :
1 2
(A) A (B) A (C) 1A (D) zero
2 3
17. Current through 2V cell when capacitor gets fully charged is :
1 2
(A) A (B) A (C) 1A (D) zero
2 3
18. After switch is closed, current through 2V cell
(A) will remain constant
(B) will increase with time upto a maximum limit
(C) will decrease with time upto a non zero value
(D) will decrease exponentially to zero
19. Maximum charge on capacitor after the switch S is closed is :
(A) 1C (B) 2C (C) 3C (D) 4C
20. If switch S is opened after capacitor is fully charged, then rate of energy stored by 2V cell just
after S is opened is :
(A) 1W (B) 2W (C) 3W (D) zero
21. Total energy consumed by 2V cell after S is opened is :
(A) 1 J (B) 2 J (C) 3 J (D) 4 J
22. The path of a free electron between two successive collision inside a conductor is :
(A) always a straight line
(B) always a curve
(C) straight line only if no potential difference is applied across the conductor
(D) straight line even if potential difference is applied across the conductor

Passage for Q. NO. 23 to 25

In the shown circuit the slider S can slowly slide from P to Q in order to variate the resistance
between P and Q.
23. For slider at P, charge on capacitor is :
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(A) 2 C (B) 4C (C) 6 C (D) 8 C
24. As the slider is moved from P to Q, the magnitude of charge on plate A of capacitor :
(A) increases (B) first increases the decreases
(C) first decreases the increases (D) decreases
25. For slider at Q, charge on capacitor is :
(A) 2 C (B) 4 C (C) 6 C (D) 8 C

Passage for Q. NO. 26 to 28

The capacitor 3, is charged upto potential V0 and connected in network as shown in figure.
26. Current flowing in the three resistors 1, 2 and 3 just after the switch is closed is :
V0 V0 V V V V V V V V
(A) , , zero (B) 0 , zero, 0 (C) 0 , 0 , 0 (D) 0 , 0 , 0
R R R R 3R 3R 3R R R R
27. Final charge on each capacitor 1, 2 and 3 is :
(A) CV0, CV0, CV0 (B) , , (C) , , (D) zero, zero, zero
3 3 3 2 4 4
28. Heat loss in the circuit is :
1 CV02 CV02
(A) CV02 (B) 0 (C) 0 (D) zero
2 4 3
29. A capacitor (1) is charged to potential 2 as shown in circuit. The current that flows through R
just after the switch is closed is :
 2 
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
R R 2R
30. In above question total heat loss in the circuit is :
C2 C2
(A) (B) (C) C2 (D) 2C2
2 4
31. A voltmeter of resistance R1 and an ammeter of resistance R2 are connected in series across a
battery of negligible internal resistance. When a resistance of R is connected in parallel to the
voltmeter, reading of ammeter increases three times while that of voltmeter reduces to one third.
The value of
8R 8R
(A) R1 is (B) R1 is 3R (C) R 2 is (D) R2 is 8R
3 3
32. In the given circuit the value of m is varying. The correct statements about the circuit are
(A) The condition for maximum current flowing from x is m = 2
(B) The maximum current is
(C) the condition for maximum current flowing from x is m = 2
(D) The maximum current is
Passage for Q. No. 33 to 35
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In the circuit shown in figure, R1 = 1Ω, R2 = 2Ω, C1 = 1F, C2 = 2F and E = 6V.
33. Charge on C1 capacitor in steady state is
(A) 2C (B) 4C (C) 10C (D) 12C
34. Charge on C2 capacitor in steady state is
(A) 2C (B) 4C (C) 10C (D) 12C
35. Final current through cell is
(A) 2A (B) 4A (C) 10A (D) 12A
36. 50 V battery is supplying current of 10 A when connected to a resistor. If the efficiency of battery
at this current is 25% . Then internal resistance of battery is
(A) 1.5Ω (B) 3.75Ω (C) 1.25Ω (D) 5Ω
37. In the shown wire frame, each side of a square (the smallest square) has a resistance R. The
equivalent resistance of the circuit between the points A and B
(A) R (B) 2R (C) 4R (D) 8R
38. If at = 0, the switch S is closed, then the charge on capacitor in the given circuit when the current
through battery becomes 50% of its maximum value is
(A) C/3 (B) C/2 (C) C/4 (D) C
39. An infinite ladder is constructed with 1Ω and 2Ω resistors as shown in the figure. The current that
passes through the 2Ω resistor nearest to the battery is
(A) 1A (B) 1.5 A (C) 2A (D) 3A
40. For the circuit shown, a shorting wire of negligible resistance is added to the circuit between
points A and B. When this wire is added, bulb–3 goes out. Which bulbs (all identical) in the
circuit brighten?
(A) only bulb 2 (B) only bulb 4
(C) only bulbs 1 and 4 (D) only bulbs 2 and 4
41. In the circuit shown in figure :
(A) I = 2.5 A when S1 is closed and S2 is open
(B) I = 20/3 A when S1 is open and S2 is closed
(C) I = 5/3 A when S1 and S2 both are open
(D) I = 20A when both S1 and S2 are closed

42. In the circuit shown in figure C1 = C2 = 2F. Then charge stored in

(A) capacitor C1 is zero (B) capacitor C2 is zero
(C) capacitor C2 is 20C (D) capacitor C1 is 40C

Paragraph For Q. No. 43 to 46

An ammeter and a voltmeter are connected in series to a battery with emf E = 6 volt and
negligible resistance. When a resistance R = 3Ω is connected in parallel to voltmeter, reading of
ammeter increases three times that of voltmeter reduces to one third.
43. The resistance of ammeter is

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(A) 24Ω (B) 8Ω (C) 4Ω (D) 3Ω
44. The resistance of voltmeter is
(A) 24Ω (B) 8Ω (C) 4Ω (D) 3Ω
45. Reading of voltmeter after the connection of resistance is
(A) 1 volt (B) 3 volt (C) 9/2 volt (D) 3/2 volt
46. Reading of ammeter before the connection of resistance is
3 6 3
(A) A (B) A (C) A (D) 1 A
4 7 16

1. A non–conducting ring of mass m radius R has charge q uniformly distributed over it. It is placed
on a smooth horizontal surface, where magnetic field B is present along the plane. With what
minimum angular velocity should the ring be rotated on the surface so that it start tippling over.
2mg mg mgR 2mgR
(A) (B) (C) (D)
qBR qBR qB qB
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2. Two charge particles q and –q of equal mass are projected in a magnetic field B which is directed
into the plane of paper. Neglecting coulomb force which of the following statement is correct ?
2m m
(A) They will collide after time (B) They will collide after time
qB qB
(C) They will never collide (D) None
3. If in the above question, the charges are projected as shown in figure, they will :
m m
(A) collide after time (B) collide after time
qB 2qB
(C) never collide (D) none
4. In the shown figure, a rectangular loop of side a and b, carrying a current I is placed in a magnetic
field as shown in figure. The ratio of tension in the wire PQ and QR is :
(A) a : b (B) b : a (C) (a + b) : b (D) 1 : 1
5. The figure shows a rectangular region in which magnetic field exists into the paper. A charge q of
mass m is projected in this plane so that it move in the shown rectangular region. The maximum
possible velocity of charge will be :
qBb qBb qBb qB
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2m 2m m m
6. In the shown figure if the wire ABC carrying current I is released, it will :
(A) start rotating (B) start rotating anticlockwise
(C) start moving out of the paper (D) remain stationary
7. A particle of charge q and mass m starts moving from the origin under the action of an electric
field E  E 0 i and B  B0 i with a velocity v  v0 j . The speed of the particle will become
v 0 after time :
mv 0 mv 0 3mv 0 5mv0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
qE 2qE 2qE 2qE
8. A charge particle q of mass m is projected with velocity v at an angle 30° from the center of a
circular loop of radius R carrying current I. The initial acceleration of the charge particle will be :
qv 0 I qv 0 I qv 0 I qv 0 I
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D)
2mR mR mR 4mR
9. Two long parallel wires are placed on a smooth horizontal table. They have equal and same
current of magnitude I flowing through them. Work required to increase the separation between
wires from a to 2a for their per unit length will be :
0 I2 n2  I n2  I2  I2
(A) (B) 0 (C) 0 (D) 0
2 4 2 4
10. The resistances of three parts of a circular loop are 2R, 2r and R as shown in the figure. The
magnetic field at the center of the circle is :
(A) 20I/6a (B) 0I/3a (C) 20I/3a (D) zero

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11. A wire of length 'I' is bent to form a circular coil of some turns. A current I is then established in
the coil and it is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The maximum torque that acts on the coil
is :
(A) IBl2 (B) 4IBl2 (C) IBl2/4 (D) zero

Paragraph for question nos. (12) to (16)

A charge particle is projected with Kinetic energy Ko between the plates of a parallel plate
capacitor having square plates as shown in the figure. It is projected from a point equidistance
from the plates and just misses the plates.
12. the capacity of the capacitor is
20 K 0 K K
(A) (B) 0 0 (C) 0 0 (D) Insufficient data
qE qE 2qE
13. If a magnetic field B is switched-on into the plane of paper, then what will be its value so that the
particles comes from the capacitor in same time (v0 is the initial velocity of the charge)?
E E 2E
(A) (B) (C) (D) any value of B
v0 2v 0 v0
14. In above question,
(A) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE smaller than K0
(B) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE greater than K0
(C) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE equal to k0
(D) Nothing can be predicted
15. If the magnetic field is smaller than that obtained in above question, then
(A) the charge particle will strike the lower plate
(B) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE smaller than K0
(C) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE greater than K0
(D) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE equal to K0
16. If the magnetic field is larger than that obtained in Q No. 15, but the charge comes out of the
capacitor then,
(A) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE smaller than K0
(B) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE greater than K0
(C) the charge particle will come out of the capacitor with KE equal to K0
(D) Nothing can be predicated
Paragraph for question nos. 17 to 21
A sphere of mass m, carrying a charge q slides from rest down a smooth fixed circular track PQR
of radius R. Magnetic field B is pointing into the page.
17. The speed of sphere at Q will be :
(A) greater than 2gR (B) smaller than 2gR (C) equal to 2gR (D) none
18. Let the normal force acting on the sphere at Q in absence of magnetic field is N0. Now in presence
of magnetic field the normal force at Q for motion P to R will be :
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(A) greater than N0 (B) smaller than N0 (C) equal to N0 (D) zero
19. In presence of magnetic field the normal force at Q for the motion R to P will be :
(A) greater than N0 (B) smaller than N0 (C) equal to N0 (D) zero
20. Let the time taken by ball for motion PQR in absence of magnetic field be T0. Now in presence of
magnetic field, the new time period will be :
(A) less than T0 (B) greater than T0 (C) Equal to T0 (D) none
21. The maximum value of magnetic field B, so that the sphere does not looses contact at Q is :
mg 3mg 2m 2g 3mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
q 2gR q gR q R q 2gR
Paragraph for question nos. 22 to 25
A positive charge q of mass m is released from rest at origin in a space containing both electric
field E0 and magnetic field B0. It touches +ve X–axis at regular interval of time at separation 'd'.
22. The two fields are :
(A) E 0 j& B0 k (B)  E 0 j& B0 k (C) E 0 j&  B0 k (D) E 0 k & B0 j
23. Distance traveled between any two consecutive hits with axis is :
d 2d 4d
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2d
  
24. Suppose the field are given by E 0 j& B0 k . During the motion of particle which of the following
will be true?
(A) z–coordinate will be zero (B) y–coordinate will never be negative
(C) x–coordinate will be never positive (D) x–axis will be go an increasing
25. During the motion of charge particle :
(A) net work done by magnetic field is zero (B) net work done by electric field is zero
(C) Net work done by electric field is zero in a time period which is integral multiple of time
taken between two successive hits with x–axis.
(D) work done by electric field is always positive.
26. In the shown diagram, the ring of mass m and radius R is free to rotate in vertical plane about the
hinge. As observe from above what should be the direction and magnitude of the current so that
the ring may remain in equilibrium in shown position?
Mg Mg 2Mg Mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
BR 2BR BR B

Paragraph for question nos. 27 to 30

An electron is projected with velocity v 0  5 m / s at angle  = 37° with x–axis along which there
exists electric field E and magnetic B. After time t0 after projection, electric field is switched off
as a result of which, the electron starts moving along a circle. Magnitude of E and B is same.
27. The value of t0 is :

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2m m 5m 4m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
eE 2eE 2eE eE
28. If E is switched off a little before 't0' then charge particle will follow :
(A) straight live path (B) circular path
(C) helical path with constant pitch (D) helical path with increasing pitch
29. If E is switched off a little after 't0' then charge particle will follow :
(A) straight live path (B) circular path
(C) helical path with constant pitch (D) helical path with increasing pitch
30. Which of the following curves best represent the path followed by an electron released from rest
from origin under a field E  E 0 i and B  B0 j .
(A) (B) (C) (D)
31. Current I flows through a metallic plate as shown in figure. Regarding the potential of the points
A, B, C and D we can say that :
(A) VA > VD (B) VB > VC (C) VC > VB (D) VD > VE
32. A charge particle q and mass m, projected with velocity ai  b j m / s from origin in field given by
B = B0= k . The equation of path followed by the particle is given by :
2m 2m
(A) x 2  y2  (by  ax)  0 (B) x 2  y2  (ay  bx)  0
qB qB
2m 2m
(C) x 2  y2  (ax  by)  0 (D) x 2  y2  (ay  bx)  0
qB qB
33. A circular loop carrying current 'I' flowing through it is placed in x – y plane with its centre
 x
coinciding with origin. If magnetic field in space is given by B  B0 1   k, .............if the loop
 R
is released it will :
(A) start moving along +ve x–axis (B) start moving along –ve x–axis
(C) start rotating about x–axis (D) start rotating about y–axis
34. Five parallel infinite wires are placed at the vertices of a regular pentagon. Four wires carry
current I0 each while the fifth wire carries current 3I0 as shown. The resultant magnetic field at the
centre O is :
(A) zero (B)  0 I 0 / 2a (C)  0 I0 / a (D) infinite
35. Two particles having the same specific charge (q/m) enter a uniform magnetic field with the same
speed but at angles of 30° and 60° with the field. Let a, b and c be the ratios of their pitches, radii
and periods of their helical paths respectively, then
(A) abc = 1 (B) a + b = 2 c (C) a2 = c (D) ab = c
36. A charged particle of unit mass and unit charge moves with velocity of v  (8i  6j) m / s in a
magnetic field of B  2kT. Choose the correct alternative(s)
(A) The path of the particle may be x2 + y2 – 4x – 2l = 0

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(B) The path of the particle may be x2 + y2 = 25
(C) The path of the particle may be y2 + z2 = 25
(D) The time period of the particle will be 3.14 s

Paragraph for question nos. 37 to 40

A charge particle of mass m and charge q is projected on a rough horizontal XY plane. Both
electric and magnetic fields are given E  10k N / C and magnetic field B  5k teals are
present in the region. The particle enters into the magnetic field at (4, 0, 0) m with a velocity
50j m / sec. The particle starts into a curved path on the plane. If coefficient of friction  = 1/3
between particle and plane, then qE  2mg, g  10k m / s 2 , is
37. Radius of curvature of the path followed by particle, initially, is
(A) 5 m (B) 2.5 m (C) 1.25 m (D) 10 m
38. The time after which particle comes to rest, is
(A) 5 s (B) 4 s (C) 15 s (D) 10 s
39. Total work done by electric force on the particle is
(A) 250 J (B) zero (C) 125 J (D)none
40. Total distance covered by the particle is
(A) 100 m (B) 125 m (C) 200 m (D) 50 m

Paragraph for Q. No. 41 to 43

Wire of length L, mass m and carrying a current 'i' is suspended from point O as shown. An
another infinitely long wire carrying the same current 'i' is at a distance L below the lower end of
the wire given i = 2A, L = 1m and m = 0.1 kg (In 2 = 0.693)
14. What is angular acceleration of the wire just after it is released from the position shown ?
rad rad rad rad
(A) 6.2  108 2 (B) 2.1 104 2 (C) 4.5  105 2 (D) 9.3  10 6 2
s s s s
42. We want to keep the suspended wire stationary by placing a third infinitely long wire carrying an
upward current. then this wire should be placed ?
(A) to the left of suspended wire (B) to the right of suspended wire
(C) we can't keep suspended wire stationary be placing a third wire to the right or to the left of it
(D) we can keep it either to the right or to the left. It will depend on the magnitude of the current
in the third wire
43. At what distance r from the suspended wire, the new wire (having the same current) should be
placed to keep it stationary
(A) 2.9 m (B) 1.92 m (C) 1.2953 (D) 2.4 m

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44. A long straight metal rod has a very long hole of radius 'a' drilled parallel to the rod axis as shown
in the figure. If the rod carries a current 'i' find the value of magnetic induction on the axis of the
hold, where OC = c
0ic 0ic 0ic (b2  a 2 )  0ic
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(b  a )
2 2
2(b  a )
2 2
2 2 a 2 b 2
45. A charged particle is projected in magnetic field B 10k from origin in x – y plane. The particle
moves in a circle and just touches a line y = 5m at x  5 3m . Then (mass of particle = 5 × 10–5
kg, charge 1C)
(A) The particle is projected at an angle 60° with x-axis
(B) The radius of circle is 10 m
(C) Speed of particle is 2m/s
(D) Work done by magnetic force on the particle is zero
46. The space is divided with the help of three imaginary planes I, II and III.
There exist uniform magnetic field B into the plane of paper between I and II and another uniform
magnetic field B out of the plane of paper between II and III. A charge q, mass m is moving with
velocity v enter the magnetic field region as shown. The deviation in the velocity of particle when
it comes out of the region of magnetic field if d  will be
(A) zero (B) /6 (C) /3 (D) /4
47. A square current carrying loop made of thin wire and having a mass m = 10 g can rotate without
friction with respect to the vertical axis OO1, passing through the centre of the loop at right
angles to two opposite sides of the loop. The loop is placed in a homogeneous magnetic field with
an induction B = 10–1 T directed at right angles to the plane of the drawing. A current I = 2A is
flowing in the loop. Find the period of small oscillations that the loop performs about its position
of stable equilibrium.
   2
(A) sec (B) sec (C) sec (D) sec
2 2 15 15 15
48. A particle having mass 0.5 kg and charge 0.2 C is projected with a speed V0 = 10 m/s from the
periphery of a circle of radius R = 5 m towards the centre as shown in the figure such that region
inside the circle carries a uniform magnetic field of strength B0 = 5T into the plane and in the
outside region has a uniform magnetic field of the same strength coming out of the plane then,
(Assume the center O to be the origin of the co–ordinate axis)
(A) the motion of the charged particle is periodic
(B) the particle crosses line AB after nearly 5.1 s of its start from the periphery
(C) the force on the charged particle due to uniform magnetic field is 20 N
(D) the co–ordinates of the centre of the circle at t = 2 s is (5, 5)
49. A current carrying circular coil of single turn of mass m is hanging by two ideal strings as shown
in the figure. A constant magnetic field B is set up in the horizontal direction.

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Then [given BIR  and   45 ]
3mg 5mg 3mg 5mg
(A) T1 (B) T1 (C) T2 (D) T2
8 8 8 8
50. An infinite current carrying wire passes through point O and in perpendicular to the plane
containing a current carrying loop ABCD as shown in the figure. Choose the correct option (s).
(A) Net force on the loop is zero (B) Net torque on the loop is zero
(C) As seen from O, the loop rotates clockwise
(D) As seen from O, the loop rotates anticlockwise

Electromagnetic Induction
1. A conducing rod of length 'b' and resistance R is dragged with constant velocity v along two
conducting rails (negligible resistance) as shown in figure. The magnetic field directed into the
plane decreases at rate   (T / s) . The rod starts at t = 0 from extreme left end and then the
magnetic field was B0. Then :
(A) induced current will always flow anticlockwise
(B) at t  0 , no current will flow through the loop
(C) for t > 0 , clockwise current will flow through the loop
(D) for t > 0 , anticlockwise current will flow through the loop
2. A conducting rod of length L is dropped from horizontal position and is also given an angular
velocity  about its center. Magnetic field B exists in horizontal direction as shown in figure. The
potential difference between the ends of the rod when it becomes horizontal again for the first
time will be
2B0 Lg B0 Lg B0 Lg
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
  2
3. In the above question, what is the potential difference between the ends of the rod after it becomes
vertical for the first time ?
2B0 Lg B0 Lg B0 Lg
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
  2
4. Two similar rods P and Q of length L and resistance R each, are placed perpendicular to two
perfectly conducting parallel tracks. Magnetic field B and gravity exists into the plane of paper.
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Coefficient of friction between all contacts is . The rod P is moved by help of some external
agent at constant acceleration 'a' towards Q. What should be the initial distance between the rods
so that Q starts moving just when P reaches near Q ?
mgR 1  mgR   mgR  2  mgR 
2 2 2

(A) (B) (C) (D)

B2 L2 a  B L 
2 2  B L 
2 2
a  B2 L2 
5. Two similar rods P and Q of length L and resistance R each, are placed perpendicular to two
perfectly conducting parallel tracks. Magnetic field B gravity exists into the plane of paper. All
the surfaces are smooth. The rod P is moved by help of some external agent at constant velocity
v0 towards Q.
(A) The velocity of rod Q will increases with time
(B) The velocity of rod Q will first increase then decrease
(C) The velocity of rod Q will finally tend to velocity of P
(D) The velocity of rod Q will first increase to v0 and then decrease.

Passage for Q. No. 6 to 11

A long solenoid of radius 2R contains another co–axial solenoid of radius R. These coils have the
same number of turns per unit length 'n' and initially both carry no current. At the same instant
currents start increasing linearly with time in both solenoids. At any moment the current flowing
in the inner coil is given by i = 2 kt and current in outer coil is given by 1 = kt and their directions
are the same. Neglected the self and mutual induction of the coils. As a result of increasing
currents, magnetic field varies with time which induces electric field.
6. The magnetic field at time 't' at a distance x from their common centre where 0 < x < R is :
(A) 0n kt (B) 20 nkt (C) 30n nkt (D) zero
7. The magnetic field at time 't' at a distance x from common centre is :
(A) 30 nkt for R < x < 2R (B) 0 nkt for R < x < 2R
(C) 0nkt for x > 2R (D) 30nkt for x > 2R
8. Induced electric field at a distance from their common centre is :
3 3 3
(A) 0 nkR (B)  0 nk (C) 0 nkR (D) zero
2 2 4
9. Induced electric field at a distance 1.5 R from their common centre is :
17 17 5
(A)  0 nkR (B)  0 nkR (C)  0 nkR (D) zero
12 3 3
10. Induced electric field at a distance 3R from their common centre is :
(A) 20 nkR (B) 0 nkR (C) 30 nkR (D) zero
11. At what distance from centre a charged particle should be released such that it starts moving
along a circular path
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(A) 2R (B) 1.5 R
(C) 3R (D) no such radius is possible

Passage for Q. No. 12 to 14

A conducting rod starts sliding along inclined parallel conducting tracks as shown. The tracks are
connected at top end by a device x. Magnetic field of constant magnitude exist perpendicular to
inclined plane.
12. If x is a resistor then, acceleration of rod :
(A) remains constant (B) decreases and finally becomes zero
(C) increases (D) varies with time
13. If x is a capacitor then acceleration of rod :
(A) remains constant (B) decreases and finally becomes zero
(C) increases (D) varies with time
14. If x is inductor then acceleration of rod :
(A) remains constant (B) decreases and finally becomes zero
(C) increases (D) varies with time

Passage for Q. No. 15 to 19

A capacitor C is charged to voltage V0. A conducting rod of length l and resistance R is placed on
horizontal smooth rails. The capacitor can be connected to the rails by closing the switch S.
15. As soon as the switch is closed the rod starts :
(A) moving with constant acceleration
B V0
(B) moving with initial acceleration which finally decreases to zero.
B V0
(C) moving with initial zero acceleration and finally reaches to .
(D) moving with velocity which first increases then decreases.
16. The maximum velocity of the rod during its motion is :
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0
m mB C 2 2
mB C 2 2
17. After the switch is closed, the charge on capacitor :
(A) continuously decreases to zero (B) first decreases then becomes constant
(C) first decreases then increases (D) varies sinusoidal with time
18. The minimum charge on capacitor is :
B2 2C2 V0 B2 2C2 V0 CV0
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
mB C 2 2
mB C 2 2
19. Maximum possible energy of capacitor which can be converted into kinetic energy of rod can be :
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(A) 100% (B) 50% (C) 25% (D) 10%
20. Charge q is uniformly distributed over a non–conducting rod of length L. If the rod is rotated
about an axis (as shown) at constant angular velocity  then equivalent magnetic moment of the
rod will be :
qL2  qL2  7qL2 qL2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 24 96 6
21. A rectangular loop of size 1m × 2m having resistance of 1 is placed in a magnetic field
 t 
decreasing with time as B  B0  l   where B0 = 10T and t0 = 5 sec. The loop is made up of
 t0 
rigid material of breaking strength 20 Newton. Neglecting the self induction of the loop, the time
after which the loop will break is :
(A) 1.5 sec (B) 2 sec (C) 2.5 sec (D) 5 sec
22. The switch is closed for a long time and then is opened. The inductor are similar and three bulbs
have the same resistance. Switch S is opened at time t = 0, just after the switch is opened.
(A) All the three bulbs will get dimmer
(B) Bulb (1) will get dimmer and other beamer brighter
(C) Bulb (1) will get brighter and others becomes dimmer
(D) Bulb (1) will get brighter and other brightness will remain same.
23. Two concentric and coplanar circular coils have radii a and b (<< a). Resistance of smaller coil is
R. If the inner coil is shifted by a distance 3 a along the axis,
0 Ib 2
70 Ib 2
70 Ib2 70 Ib2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
aR aR 8aR 16aR
Passage for Q No. 24 to 26
A perfectly conducting rod of length and m can slide on a vertically oriented long conducting
track joined at upper end by a resistor R. A block of same mass m is also attached to the rod.
24. Maximum tension is the string throughout its motion is :
(A) Mg (B) (C) 2Mg (D) zero
25. Maximum velocity of rod throughout its motion is :
MgR 2MgR MgR 2MgR
(A) 2 2
(B) 2 2
(C) 2 2
26. When the rod attains maximum velocity, the string is burnt. After this :
(A) the rod's velocity will again starts increasing
(B) the rod's velocity will start decreasing and finally comes to rest
(C) the rod's velocity will start decreasing to a final non-zero value
(D) the rod start moving upwards
Passage for Q. No. 27 to 30
A thin non–conducting ring of mass m, radius a carrying a charge q can rotate freely about its
own axis which is vertical. At the initial moment the ring was at rest in horizontal position and no
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magnetic field was present. At instant t = 0 A uniform magnetic field is switched on which is
vertically downward and increases with time according to the law B = B0t. Neglecting magnetism
induced due to rotational motion of ring.
27. The magnitude of induced emf will be
(A) a2B0 (B) 2a2B0 (C) zero (D) a 2 B0
28. The magnitude of an electric field on the surface of the ring is
(A) aB0 (B) 2aB0 (C) aB0 (D) zero
29. Angular acceleration of ring is
qB0 qB0 qB0 2qB0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2m 4m m m
30. Find instantaneous power developed by electric force acting on the ring at t = 1 sec.
q 2 B02 a 2 q 2 B02 a 2 3q 2 B02a 2 q 2 B02 a 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7m 8m m 4m

Passage for Q. No. 31 to 33

A uniform conducting ring of mass  kg and radius 1 m is kept on smooth horizontal table. A
uniform but time varying magnetic field B = (i  t 2 j) Tesla is present in the region. (where t is
time in seconds). Resistance of ring is 2. Then, (g = 10 m/s2)
31. Net magnetic force (in Newton) on conducting ring as function of time is
(A) 22t (B) 22t2 (C) 22t3 (D) zero
32. Time (in second) at which ring start toppling is
(A) 10/ (B) 20/ (C) 5/ (D) 25/

33. Heat generated (in kJ) through the ring till the instant when ring start toppling is
(A) 1/3 (B) 2/ (C) 2/3 (D) 1/
34. Induced electric field (in volt/meter) at the circumference of ring at the instant ring start toppling
(A) 10/ (B) 20/ (C) 5/ (D) 25/
35. A resistor of resistance R, an inductor of inductance L and a capacitor of capacitance C are
connected in series and the combination is connected to battery of emf  as shown. At t = 0, the
switch S is closed. Let, after a very long time, the thermal energy developed in circuit be Q,
energy stored in circuit be U and energy supplied by the battery be E. Then
(A) Q : U : E = 1 : 1 : 2 (B) Q : U : E = 1 : 3 : 4
(C) Q : U : E = 3 : 1 : 4 (D) Q : U : E = 1 : 2 : 3
36. An equilateral triangle of conducting wire of side 'a' is kept in a time (t) varying magnetic field
B = B0t, where B0 is constant in such a way that the center of field coincides with the centroid of
the triangle. Now, choose the correct statement.
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(A) Induced emf in the triangle will .
B0 a 2
(B) Induced emf across any side of triangle will be .
(C) If a side passes through the centre, the induced emf across that side will remain unchanged.
(D) If a side passes through the centre, the induced emf across other sides will increase
37. Consider parallel conducting rails separated by a distance l. There exists a uniform magnetic field
B perpendicular to the plane of the rails as shown in the figure. Two conducting wires each of
length l are placed so as to slide on parallel conducting rails. One of the wires is given a velocity
v0 parallel to the rails. Till steady state loss in kinetic energy of the system is
(A) zero (B) 3 mv 02 (C) 1 mv 02 (D) 1 mv 02
4 4 8
38. In the given figure, which voltmeter reads zero, when  is equal to the resonant frequency of
series LCR circuit.
(A) V1 (B) V2 (C) V3 (D) none of these
39. For the circuit shown, which of the following statements is/are correct?
(A) its time constant is 1 sec (B) its time constant in 4 sec
(C) in steady state, current through battery will be equal to 0.75 A
(D) in steady state, current through inductance will be equal to 0.75 A
40. In the LCR circuit shown in figure
(A) current will lead the voltage (B) rms value of current is 20A
(C) power factor of the circuit is 1/ 2 (D) rms voltage drop across resistance is 200V
41. In a RLC series circuit shown, the readings of voltmeters V1 and V2 are 100V are 100 V and 120
V, respectively. The source voltage is 130 V. For this situation mark out the correct statement(s).
(A) voltage across resistor, inductor and capacitor are 50V, 86.6 V and 206.6 V, respectively.
(B) voltage across resistor, inductor and capacitor are 10V, 90V and 30 V, respectively.
(C) Power factor of the circuit is 5/13
(D) Circuit is capacitive in nature.
42. A circuit containing capacitors C1 and C2, shown in the figure is in the steady state with key k1
closed. At the instant t = 0, k1 is opened and k2 is closed. The correct statements are
(A) angular frequency of oscillation of LC circuit is 5 × 104 rad/s
(B) charge on C1 at t = 0 is 40 C.
(C) maximum current in inductor is 1A
(D) charge on capacitor C1 is 10 3 C when energy in the inductor becomes one third of that in
the capacitor
43. An alternating voltage E = 6 sing 20 t + 8 cos 20 t is applied to a series resonant circuit as shown.
The correct statements are
(A) The capacitance C is 12.5 mF. (B) The rms current in the circuit is 2A.
(C) The power dissipated in the circuit is 10 W. (D) The quality factor of the current is 0.8.
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44. A bulb is rated 100 V, 100W, it can be treated as a resistor. Find out the inductance of an inductor
(called choke coil) that should be connected in series with the bulbs to operate the bulb at its rated
power with the help of an a.c. source 200 V and 50 Hz.
(A)  / 3H (B) 100H (C) 2 / H (D) 3 / H
45. An ac source of angular frequency  is fed across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series. The
current registered is I. If now the frequency of source is changed to /3 (but maintaining the same
voltage), the current in the circuit is found to be halved, then the ratio of reactance to resistance at
the original frequency  is
(A) 3/ 5 (B) 5/3 (C) 2/3 (D) 3/ 2
46. In the circuit diagram shown Xc = 100 , XL = 200 , R = 100 . The effective current through
the source is
(A) 2A (B) 2 2A (C) 0.5 A (D) 0.4A
47. A closed circuit consists of a resistor R, inductor of inductance L and source of emf E are
connected in series. If the inductance of the coil is abruptly decreased to L/4 (by removing its
magnetic core), the new current immediately after this moment is :
(A) zero (B) E/R (C) 4E/R (D) E/4R
48. Figure shows a ring of radius 'a' at t = 0, present in a uniform magnetic field B. The magnetic field
is present everywhere parallel to the axis yy'. If ring starts rotating with an angular speed  about
axis yy', the induced emf in ring is
(A) a 2 B sin t (B) a 2 B cos t (C) a 2 B (D) zero
Passage for Q. No. 49 to 51
Two uncharged identical capacitors A and B, each of capacitance C and an inductor of inductance
L are arranged as shown in figure. At t = 0 the switch S1 is closed while switch S2 remains open.

At time t 0  LC switch S2 is closed and switch S1 is opened. Initially current in the circuit is
49. The charge on capacitor A after time t0 is
(A) 2CE (B) CE/2 (C) CE (D) CE/4
50. The current flowing through the inductor at t0 is
(A) (B) zero (C) (D)
51. After switch S2 is closed and S1 is opened, the maximum value of current through the inductor is
C C 3C 5C
(A) E (B) E (C) E (D) E
L 2L 2L 4L
52. In LCR circuit at resonance current is 10 2 A. If frequency of the source is changed such that
new current lags by 45° than applied voltage in the circuit. Which of the following is correct
(A) Frequency must be increased and current after the change is 10 A
(B) Frequency must be decreased and current after the change is 10A
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(C) Frequency must be decreased and current is same as that of initial value
(D) The given information is insufficient to conclude anything
53. A square loop PQRS of side 'l' is placed at a distance 'l' from an infinite current carrying wire as
shown. Both are in the same plane. Now the loop is rotated about side PS by an angle 90°, if the
resistance of loop is R, then the total amount of charge which passes through any point of the loop
during rotation is
 0i i i i
(A) in 2 (B) 0 in 2 (C) 0 in 3 (D) 0 in 2 3
2R 2R 2R 2R
54. Charge Q is uniformly distributed on the rim of a thin insulating disc of mass m which is initially
at rest and placed on a smooth horizontal surface. What will be the angular velocity of the disc if a
magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the disc is switched on?
(A) QB/2m (B) QB/3m (C) 2QB/3m (D) QB/m
55. A resistor and an inductor in series are connected to a battery through a switch. After the switch
has been closed, what is the magnitude of current flowing when the rate of the increase of
magnetic energy stored in the coil is at a maximum ?
(A) V/4R (B) V/3R (C) V/2R (D) V/R
56. A square loop PQRS of side 'l' is placed at a distance 'l' from an infinite current carrying wire as
shown. Both are in the same plane. Now the loop is rotated about side PS by an angle 90°, if the
resistance of loop R, then the total amount of charge which passes through any point of the loop
during rotation is
 0i i i i
(A) in 2 (B) 0 in 2 (C) 0 in 3 (D) 0 in 2 3
2R 2R 2R 2R
57. A conducting rod of length 60 cm is held vertically against a wall. It is then allowed to slid down.
All the surfaces are smooth. A magnetic field of B = 4 T exists as shown. Find the emf induced
between the two ends of rod when it makes an angle 30° with horizontal.
(A) 1.8 V (B) 1 V (C) 2 V (D) 2.5 V

Heat and Thermodynamic

1. Two moles of a monoatomic ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamic process V3 / T2 = constant, if
the temperature is raised by 300 K then
(A) work done by the gas is 400 K then
(B) change in internal energy is 900 R
(C) molar heat capacity of the gas for the process is 13/6 R
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(D) molar heat capacity of the gas for the process is 3/2 R
2. Three rods AB, BC and AC having thermal resistances of 10 units, 10 units and 20 units,
respectively, are connected as shown in the figures. Ends A and C are maintained at constant
temperatures of 100°C, respectively. The rate at which the heat is crossing junction B is


(A) 5 units (B) 10 units (C) 20 units (D) 7.5 units

3. One mole of an ideal gas is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston and occupies a
volume of 1.5 litre at a pressure of 1.2 atm. It is subjected to a process given by equation
T = V2,  (adiabatic constant) for the gas = 1.5. Choose the correct statement. Given R = 80 J
mol–1 lit–2 (R= gas constant and  is constant)
(A) the P–V diagram of the process is a straight line
(B) the work done by the gas in increasing the volume of the gas to 9 liter is 3150 J
(C) the change in the internal energy of the gas is 12600 J.
(D) the heat supplied to the gas in the process is 15750 J.
4. A vertical cylinder with a massless piston filled with one mole of an ideal gas. The piston can
move freely without friction. The piston is slowly raised so that the gas expands isothermally at
temperature 300 K. The amount of work done in increasing the volume by two times is (R = 25/3
J/mol/K, loge2 = 0.7)
(A) 750 J (B) 2500 J (C) 750 J (D) 4250 J
5. If the molar heat capacity of a gas in the process PT = constant is 5 R, the number of degrees of
freedom of molecules in the gas
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 3
6. The coefficient of linear expansion of a rod of length 1m, at 27°C, varying with temperature as
 = 2/T unit (300 K  T  600 K) Where T is the temperature of rod in Kelvin. The increment in
the length of rod if its temperature increases from 27°C to 327°C is
(A) 0.3 m (B) 3 m (C) 0.4 m (D) 4 m
7. A diatomic ideal gas is heated at constant volume until the pressure is doubled and again heated at
pressure until volume is doubled. The average molar heat capacity for this process is
(A) 13 R/6 (B) 19 R/6 (C) 23 R/6 (D) 17 R/6
8. On an X–temperature scale, water freezes at –125°X and boils at 375° X. On a Y–temperature
scale water freezes at –70° Y and boils at –30°Y. The value of temperature on X–scale equal to
the temperature of 50°Y on Y–scale is
(A) 455°X (B) –125°X (C) 1375°X (D) 1500°X

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9. One mole of an ideal mono-atomic gas at temperature T0 expands slowly according to the law
= constant. If the final temperature is 2T0 heat supplied to the gas is
(A) 2RT0 (B) 1.5 RT0 (C) RT0 (D) 0.5 RT0
10. During an experiment, on ideal gas is found to obey p / = constant. The gas is initially at
temperature T pressure P and density . The gas expands such that density changes to /2
(A) The pressure of gas changes to 2P
(B) The temperature of the gas changes to 2T
(C) The graph of the above process on P–T diagram is parabola
(D) The graph of the above process on P–T diagram is hyperbola
11. A certain mass of gas undergoes a process given by dU = dW/2. If the molar heat capacity of the
gas for this process 15/2R, then the gas is
(A) monoatomic (B) polyatomic (C) diatomic (D) data insufficient
12. For two thermodynamic processes on same sample of gas, temperature and volume diagram are
drawn. In first process, it is a straight line having initial and final coordinates as (V0, T0) and
(2V0, 2T0), whereas in second process it is a temperature hyperbola having initial and final
coordinates (V0, T0) and (2V0, T0/2). then ratio of work done in the two processes must be
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 1 (D) none of these
13. A gas takes part in two processes in which it is heated from the same initial state 1 to the same
final temperature. The processes are shown on the P–V diagram by the straight line 1–2 and 1–3.
2 and 3 are the points on the same isothermal curve. Q1 and Q1 are the heat transfer along the two
processes. Then

1 Q2 3
(A) Q1 = Q2 (B) Q1 < Q2 (C) Q1 > Q2 (D) insufficient data
14. A diatomic ideal gas is heated at constant volume until the pressure is doubled and again heated at
pressure until volume is doubled. The average molar heat capacity for given process is
(A) 13 R/6 (B) 19 R/6 (C) 23 R/6 (D) 17 R/6
15. On an X–temperature scale, water, freezes at –125°X and boils at 375°X. On a Y–temperature
scale water freezes at –70°Y and boils at –30°Y. The value of temperature on X–scale equal to the
temperature of 50°Y on Y–scale is
(A) 455°X (B) –125°X (C) 1375°X (D) 1500°X
16. Find the amount of work done to increase the temperature of one mole of an ideal gas by 30°C if
it is expanding under the condition V  T3/2
(A) 166.2 J (B) 136.2 J (C) 126.2 J (D) 374.13 J

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17. P–T diagram for He, O2 and NH3 gas sample for adiabatic process is given. Which of the three
curves corresponds to He.

(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) can's be decided

18. An equimolar mixture of a mono atomic and diatomic gas is subjected to continuous expansion
1 1
such that dQ  dU  dW . The equation of the process in terms of the variable P & V will be
3 2
(A) PV = constant (B) PV11/8 = constant (C) PV8/3 = constant (D) PV9/4 = constant

Passage for Q. No. 19 to 21

A monoatomic ideal gas sample is given heat Q. One fourth of this heat is used as work done by
the gas and rest is used for increasing its internal energy.
19. The molar specific heat for the gas in this process is
(A) 3/2 R (B) R/2 (C) 2R (D) 3R
20. The equation of process in terms of volume and temperature is
(A) V/T = constant (B) = constant (C) VT = constant (D) V T =constant
21. The P–V diagram for the process is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
22. The internal energy of gases He, O2 and NH3 are plotted against the absolute temperature. The
respective graphs 1, 2 and 3 are of
(A) He, O2 and NH3 (B) NH3, H2, and O2 (C) NH3, O2 and He (D) O2, He and NH3
23. Two tanks A and B contains water at 30°C and 80°C respectively, calculate the amount of water
that must be taken from each tank to prepare 40 kg of water at 50°C
(A) 24 kg, 16 kg (B) 16 kg, 24 kg (C) 20 kg, 20 kg (D) 30 kg, 10 kg
24. Two rods of same mass and same length l0 but having different coefficient of expansions  and
3 are joined at P (figure). System is placed on frictionless surface. If temperature of whole
system is changed by T, the displacement of junction point is
(A) l0T (B) 2l0T (C) l0T/2 (D) 3 l0T
25. In an isobaric expansion of an ideal gas, which of the following is zero?
(A) work done (B) Q (C) U (D)
Passage for Q. No. 26 to 29

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Consider the u (Internal energy) vs. P (pressure) graph shown. Find out the work done by one
mole of monoatomic gas in each step (take log102 = 0.300)
26. Work done from A to B
(A) 1.33 u0 (B) –1.38u0 (C) –2.0727 (D) –0.67u0
27. Work done from B to C
(A) 1.33 u0 (B) 0 (C) –0.602u0 (D) –0.67 u0
28. Work done from C to D
(A) 1.33 u0 (B) 0 (C) –0.602u0 (D) –0.67 u0
29. Work done from DA
(A) 1.33 u0 (B) 0 (C) –0.602u0 (D) –0.67 u0

Passage for Q. No. 30 to 32

Two moles of an ideal gas undergoes the process shown in figure. AB and CD are reversible
adiabatic process
30. The gas under the process is
(A) monoatomic
(B) Diatomic
(C) Non-linear polyatomic
(D) Mixture of monoatomic and non-linear polyatomic
31. Which of the following best shows above cycle on T–V diagram ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
32. The efficiency of the cycle is
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 3/5
4 2 4
33. A point source of heat of power P is placed at the center of a spherical shell of mean radius R.
The material of the shell has thermal conductivity k. If the temperature difference between the
outer and the inner surface of the shell is not to exceed T, then the thickness of the shell should
not be less than
2R 2 kT 4R 2 kT R 2 kT R 2 kT
(A) (B) (C) (D)
P P P 4P
34. Two thin walled spheres of different materials, one with double the radius and one-fourth wall
thickness of the other, are filled with ice. If the time taken for complete melting of ice in the
sphere of larger radius is 25 minutes and that for smaller one is 16 minutes, the ratio of thermal
conductivities of the materials of larger sphere to the smaller sphere is :
(A) 4 : 5 (B) 25 : 1 (C) 1 : 25 (D) 8 : 25
35. An empty pressure cooker of volume 10 liters contains air at atmospheric pressure 105 Pa and
temperature of 27°C. It contains a whistle which has area of 0.1 cm2 and mass of 100 gm. What
should be the temp. of air inside so that the whistle is just lifted up ?
(A) 400°C (B) 227°C (C) 327°C (D) 600°C

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36. Consider two identical iron spheres, one which lie on a thermally insulating plate, while the other
hangs from an insulating thread. Equal amount of heat is supplied to the two spheres.
(A) Temperature of A will be greater than B (B) Temperature of B will be greater than A
(C) Their temperature will be equal (D) Can't be predicted

Modern Physics
1. A silver sphere (work function 4.6 eV) is suspended in a vacuum chamber by an insulating thread.
Ultraviolet light of wavelength 0.2 m strike on the sphere. The maximum electric potential of the
sphere will be (hc = 12400 eVA)
(A) 4.6 V (B) 6.2 V (C) 1.6 V (D) 3.2 V
2. If light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from a surface at temperature T 1 is used to
cause photoelectric emission from a metallic surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
electron is 6 eV, which is 3 times the work function of the metallic surface. If light of wavelength
of maximum intensity emitted from a surface at temperature T2 (T2 = 2T1) is used, the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted is
(A) 2 eV (B) 4 eV (C) 14 eV (D) 18 eV
3. An electron in hypothetical atom is in its 3rd excited state and makes transition from 3rd to 2nd
excited, then to 1st excited state and then to ground state. If the amount of time spent by the
electron in any state of quantum number n, is proportional to (1/n–1), then the ratio of number of
revolutions completed by the electron in 1st excited state to that in the 2nd excited state will be
(A) 2 (B) 27/8 (C) 27/4 (D) 27/6
4. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance. The electron starts approaching the
proton resulting photon is incident on a photosensitive metal of threshold wavelength 4600 Å.
The maximum K.E. of the emitted photoelectron is (hc = 12420 eV Å)
(A) 2.4 eV (B) 2.7 eV (C) 2.9 eV (D) 5.4 eV
5. An electron in H–atom jumps from second excited state to first excited state and then from first
excited to ground state. Let ratio of wavelength, momentum and energy of photons emitted in
these two cases be a, b and c respectively. Then
(A) c = 1/a (B) a = 9/4 (C) b = 5/27 (D) c = 5/27

Paragraph for question Nos. (6) to (9)

A gas of identical hydrogen like atoms has some atoms in the lowest (ground) energy level A and
some atoms in a particular upper (excited) energy level B and there are no atoms in any other
energy level. If all the excited atoms of the gas make transition to higher energy level by
absorbing monochromatic light of photon 2.7 eV. Subsequently, the atoms radiates of only six

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different photon energies. Some of the emitted photons have energy 2.7 eV, some have energy
more and some have energy more and some have less than 2.7 eV.
6. Find the principal quantum number of the initially excited level B.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
7. Find the ionization energy for the gas atoms.
(A) 14.4 eV (B) 13.6 eV (C) 122.4 eV (D) 217.6 eV
8. Find the minimum energies of the emitted photons.
(A) 1.5 eV (B) 2.1 eV (C) 2.64 eV (D) 0.7 eV
9. Find the maximum energies of the emitted photons,
(A) 51 eV (B) 40.8 eV (C) 48.4 eV (D) 13.5 eV
10. Monochromatic light wavelength 4000Å is incident on a isolated neutral metal sphere of work
function 2eV. Choose the correct statement(s).
(A) Some of the electrons emitted have a kinetic energy of 0.5 eV.
(B) Stopping potential is 2 V.
(C) Photoelectric emission will stop after some time even if the incident radiation is not stopped.
(D) Photoelectric emission will continue as long as there is incident radiation
11. Consider a hypothetical hydrogen like atom in which electrostatic potential between electron and
nucleus is given by v = k/r3 where k is a constant. If n be the principle quantum number of the
orbit, v = speed of the electron, r = radius of the orbit of electron. Assuming Bohr's theory valid
for this atom,
(A) v  1/ n (B) v  n3 (C) v 1/ n 2 (D) r  n 0
12. In Coolidge tube experiment, if applied voltage is increased to three times, the short wavelength
limit of continuous X–ray spectrum shifts by 20 pm. The initial voltage applied to the tube is
(A) 20 kV (B) 41 kV (C) 52 kV (D) 102 kV
13. The wavelength of K X–rays for lead isotopes Pb , Pb , Pb are 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
208 206 204

(A) 1= 2 = 3 (B) 1> 2 > 3 (C) 1< 2 < 3 (D)  2  1 3
14. X rays from a tube with a target A of atomic number Z shows strong K lines for target A and
weak K lines for impurities. The wavelength of K lines is z for target A and 1 and 2 for two
impurities. z/1 = 4 and z/2 = 1/4. Screening constant of K lines to be unity. Select the correct
(A) the atomic number of first impurity is 2z–1
(B) the atomic number of first impurity is 2z+1
(z  1)
(C) the atomic number of second impurity is
(D) the atomic number of second impurity is  1

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
15. A sample of radioactive material decays simultaneously by two processes A and B with half live
1 and 1 hr. respectively. For first half hour. It decays with the process A, and for next one hr.
2 4
with process B and for further half an hour with both A and B. If originally there were N0 nuclei,
find number of nuclei after 2 hr. of such decay.
(A) N0/28 (B) N0/24 (C) N0/25 (D) N0/26
16. The photon radiate from hydrogen corresponding to 2nd line of Lyman series is absorbed by a
hydrogen like atom X is 2nd excited state. As a result the atom X makes a transition to nth orbit,
(A) X = He+, n = 4 (B) X = Li++, n = 6 (C) X = He+, n = 6 (D) X = Li++, n = 9
17. An electron with initial kinetic energy of 100 eV is acceleration through a potential difference of
50 V. Now the de-Broglie wavelength of electron becomes
(A) 1 Å (B) 1.5 Å (C) 3Å (D) 12.27 Å
18. Let K1 be the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted by a light of wavelength 1 and
K2 corresponding to 2. If 1 = 22, then :
(A) 2K1 = K2 (B) K1 = 2K2 (C) K1  2 (D) K1 > 2K2
19. In a photoelectric experiment, the collector plate is at 2.0V with respect to the emitter plate made
of copper ( = 4.5 V). The emitter is illuminated by a source of monochromatic light of
wavelength 200 nm.
(A) the minimum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons reaching the collector is 0.
(B) the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons reaching the collector is 3.7eV.
(C) if the polarity of the battery is reversed then answer to part A will be 0.
(D) if the polarity of the battery is reversed then answer to part B will be 1.7 eV.
20. In a hypothetical system a particle of mass m and charge –3q is moving around a very heavy
particle having charge q. Assuming Bohr's model to be true to this system, the orbital velocity of
mass m when it is nearest to heavy particle is
3q 2 3q 2 3q 3q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 0 h 4 0 h 20 h 40 h
21. The total energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is –13.6 eV. If the potential energy in the
first excited state is taken as zero then the total energy in the ground state will be :
(A) –3.4 eV (B) 3.4 eV (C) –6.8 eV (D) 6.8 eV
22. Consider the nuclear reaction X200   A110  B90 . If the binding energy per nucleon for X, A
and B is 7.4 MeV, 8.2. MeV and 8.2 MeV respectively, what is the energy released ?
(A) 200 MeV (B) 160 MeV (C) 110 MeV (D) 90 MeV
12 13
23. The binding energy per nucleon for C is 7.68 MeV and that for C is 7.5 MeV. The energy
required to remove a neutron from C13 is
(A) 5.34 MeV (B) 5.5 MeV (C) 9.5 MeV (D) 9.34 MeV
24. The binding energies of nuclei X and Y are E1 and E2 respectively. Two atoms of X fuse to give
one atom of Y and an energy Q is released. Then :
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
(A) Q = 2E1–E2 (B) Q = E2–2E1 (C) Q = 2E1+ E2 (D) Q = 2E2+E1
25. Activity of a radioactive substance is R1 at time t1 and R2 at time t2(t2 > t1). Then the ratio R1/R2
t t t 
(A) 2 (B) e (t  t )
1 2
(C) e  1 2  (D) e (t  t )
1 2

t1   
26. There are two radionuclei A and B. A is an alpha emitter and B is a beta emitter. Their
disintegration constants are in the ratio of 1 : 2. What should be the ratio of number of atoms of
two at time t = 0 so that probabilities of getting  and  particles are same at time t = 0.
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) e (D) e–1
27. Energy required to remove one electron from neutral helium atom is E1 eV. Energy required to
remove both electrons from a neutral helium atom is
(A) E1 (B) 3E1 (C) (E1+54.4)eV (D) (E1+13.6)eV
28. If the radius of first Bohr orbit is r, the wavelength of an electron in the third orbit of a hydrogen
atom is equal to
  r (B) 2r (C) 9r (D) 3r
29. The half life of a radioactive isotope is 1.5 hrs. The mass of it remains undecayed after 6 hrs is (if
initial mass of isotope was 32 g)
(A) 32 g (B) 16 g (C) 4 g (D) 2 g
30. A radioisotope having half life 3 days was received after 12 days. It was found that there were 3 g
of the isotope in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when packed was
(A) 12 g (B) 24 g (C) 36 g (D) 48 g
31. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half–life 2 h emits radiation of intensity which is 64
times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work
safely with the source is :
(A) 6 h (B) 12 h (C) 24 h (D) 128 h
32. The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by V  V0 n where r0 is a
constant. Assuming Bohr's model to be applicable, wire variation of rn with n, n being the
principal quantum number.
(A) rn  n (B) rn  1/ n (C) rn  n 2 (D) rn 1/ n 2
33. If the atom 100Fm257 follows the Bohr model and the radius of 100Fm257 is n times the Bohr radius,
then find n,
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 4 (D) 1
34. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an -particle. If the Q value of the reaction
is 5.5 MeV, calculate the kinetic energy of the -particle ?
(A) 4.4 MeV (B) 5.4 MeV (C) 5.6 MeV (D) 6.5 MeV

Passage– (Q. No. 35 to 36)

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
When a particle is restricted to move along x–axis between x = 0 and x = a, where a is of
manometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of
the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves
with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the
linear momentum p of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. The energy of the particle
of mass m is related to its linear momentum as E = p2/2m. Thus, the energy of the particle can be
denoted by a quantum number 'n' taking values 1, 2, 3, .... (n = 1, called the ground state)
corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave. Use the model described above to
answer the following three questions for a particle moving in the line x = 0 to x = a. Taken
h = 6.6 × 10–34 Js and e = 1.6 × 10–19 C.
35. The allowed energy for the particle for a particular value of n is proportional to :
(A) a 2 (B) a 3/ 2 (C) a 1 (D) a2
36. If the mass of the particle is m = 1.0 × 10–30 kg and a = 6.6 nm, the energy of the particle in its
ground state is closest to :
(A) 0.8 meV (B) 8 meV (C) 80 meV (D) 800 meV
37. The speed of the particle that can take discrete values is proportional to :
(A) n 3 / 2 (B) n 1 (C) n n 1/ 2 D) n

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B B B A A B B B D D
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer D D B D B ACD B A A B
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer A C A BC A B C A D C
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer C D C B D C B D C D

Laws of Motion
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A A A,C,D B D B B D B B
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer D D C BC B D C C D D

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B B C D A B B B B B
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Answer B A D D A B B A B

Work Energy & Power

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B C C B C C C B A D
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer D A B A D D D A B C
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer B C B B D A A C B C
Question 41
Answer ABC

Momentum & Collision

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer D BC ABC C B A C A D C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B C BD C C A BC A B C
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer B C C AD D BC C A C D
Question 41 43 43
Answer A A C

Rotational Mechanics

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer ABD B C B B C C AC AC C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer AC A D CD BD C B B C A
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer A B A C B C C D C C
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer AB A D D B A A B BC ABD
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer BC AC BC C A C A C A B
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer A D B B D A D ABD C B
Question 61 62 63
Answer D C A

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A A C B C C C C D C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer A C B C B C C D A C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37
Answer BCD A A C C B C

Fluid Mechanics
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A B C C C A A A B B
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer A B D C B C A BC ABC B
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer BCD C C C A B C B B BCD
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer BC A B C D B B D D A
Question 41 42

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Answer C A

Simple Harmonic Motion

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer C A D B B C A C A B
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer C BCD B BD AC B A C B C
Question 31 31 33 34 35
Answer C C A BD C

Mechanical Waves
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A D D A D CD CD B C B
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer D B C BC C D A B A C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B D D B C A C B C C
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38
Answer C D C D C B A C

Ray Optics
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer C C D B D ACD B B B A
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer C D B BC AD A C C A D
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer D C D A AB A ABC A D B
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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer A D A D B A A B B D
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer C D B B A AC A C D A
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer B A A A D A D B ABCD AB
Question 61 62
Answer AC D

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer C D C A B B B C BC D
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer C B B C B C A B B C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer ACD B C B C D B D C B
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer A D D A A A B A B A
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer D C A B B C BC A B B
Question 51 52
Answer C B

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B B C B C C C A D D
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer C C C A D B B C B A
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer C C A A B A B C C C
Question 31 32 33 34 35
Current Electricity
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B B B A C D C B B C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Answer B (AC)P, ABD A A B C B C A
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B C C C D D D A A B
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer C Bc A C C B B D B C
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46
Answer ABCD BD B A D C

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A B B A A C B D A D
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer C A A C C A C A B C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer D A C ABD AC A D C C B
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer BC B D D AC AC B C A B
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer A B A D B B B A C C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer C D D A B C A C A D
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Answer C A A D C A A

Heat & Thermodynamics

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By – Physics Department ( l-1 Saurabh team )
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer C B B B C D C B C B
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B A A C D B D B A A
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36
Answer C C B D C B

Modern Physics
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer A C C B ACD B A D D AC
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer BC B A AC A D A C B B
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer C B A A D B C A D D
Question 31 31 33 34 35 36 37
Answer B A D B A B D

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