GCSE Ratio Exercises: Exercise 1

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GCSE Ratio Exercises 12.

[JMC 2000 Q9] Three –quarters of the junior

members of a tennis club are boys and the
All solutions are in the accompanying slides. rest are girls. What is the ratio of boys to girls
among these members?
Exercise 1
13. [JMO 2012 A8] An athletics club has junior
1. Simplify the following ratios: (i.e. boy or girl) members and adult members.
a. 2:6 The ratio of girls to boys to adults is 3 : 4 : 9
b. 10:15 and there are 16 more adult members than
c. 24:18 junior members. In total, how many members
d. 56 : 49 does the club have?
2. Simplify the following: 14. If 18: 𝑥 = 𝑥: 8, find 𝑥.
a. 8: 10: 12 15. The ratio of red to blue to green marbles in a
b. 63: 14: 35 bag is 3 : 10 : 4. If there are 39 red and blue
3. What is the ratio of shaded to non-shaded marbles altogether, how many green marbles
(small) triangles? are there?
16. [IMC 2009 Q9] Joseph’s flock has 55% more
sheep than goats. What is the ratio of goats to
sheep in the flock?
17. [JMC 2012 Q19] In rectangle 𝑃𝑄𝑅𝑆, the ratio
of ∠𝑃𝑆𝑄 to ∠𝑃𝑄𝑆 is 1: 5. What is the size of
4. If £30 is split between two people in the ratio A 15° B 18° C 45°
3:2, what does each get? D 72° E 75°

Exercise 2
5. To make orange squash I mix concentrate and
water in the ratio 2:7. If I use 150ml of 1. For each of the following, determine the ratio
concentrate, how much water do I use? 𝑎: 𝑐.
a. 𝑎: 𝑏 = 1: 2, 𝑏: 𝑐 = 3: 4
6. 120 sweets are shared out into three piles, in b. 𝑎: 𝑏 = 4: 3, 𝑏: 𝑐 = 5: 2
the ratio 3:4:1. How many more sweets does c. 𝑎: 𝑏 = 1: 2, 𝑏: 𝑐 = 1: 2
the biggest pile have than the smallest? d. 𝑎: 𝑏 = 4: 3, 𝑏: 𝑐 = 4: 3
e. 𝑎: 𝑏 = 11: 2, 𝑏: 𝑐 = 7: 11
2. The ratio of boys to girls at a party is
7. The ratio of boys to girls at a birthday party is
1 : 2. Of the boys, a quarter brought a present
4: 5. If there are 35 girls, how many boys are
with them. What fraction of attendees are
boys who brought a present?
8. The ratio of boys to girls at another party is
3. [JMC 2010 Q10] At the Marldon Apple-Pie-
5: 7. There are 8 more girls than boys. How
Fayre bake-off, prize money is awarded for 1st,
many boys are there?
2nd and 3rd places in the ratio 3: 2: 1. Last year
Mrs Keat and Mr Jewell shared third prize
9. The ratio of the probability of heads to
equally. What fraction of the total prize
probability of tails on an unfair coin is 1: 4.
money did Mrs Keat receive?
What is the probability of heads?
4. [Edexcel GCSE(9-1) Mock Set 3 Autumn 2017
10. The ratio of the angles in a quadrilateral are
2F Q24b, 2H Q6b]
7: 4: 5: 2. What is the smallest angle?
Only blue vans and white vans are made in a
factory. The ratio of the number of blue vans
11. [JMC 2012 Q17] There are six more girls than
to the number of white vans is 4 : 3 For blue
boys in Miss Spelling’s class of 24 pupils. What
vans, the number of small vans : the number
is the ratio of girls to boys in this class?
of large vans = 3 : 5
Work out the fraction of the number of vans
made in the factory that are blue and large.

5. [JMC 2006 Q23] At a holiday camp, the ratio Exercise 3
of boys to girls is 3: 4 and the ratio of girls to
1. The ratio of red to blue counters is
adults is 5: 7. What is the ratio of children to
2 : 5 and there are 40 blue counters. When I
adults at the camp?
remove some red counters the ratio is now
A 4: 5 B 5: 4 C 12: 7
1 : 4. How many red counters did I remove?
D 15: 28 E 21: 20

2. The ratio of green to yellow beads is 4 : 5, and

6. The ratio of cats to dogs at a rescue centre is 2
there are initially 27 beads. I add some yellow
: 3. Of the cats, 25% are black and of the dogs,
beads and the ratio is now 1 : 3. How many
50% are black. What percentage of the total
yellow beads did I add?
animals are black?

3. The ratio of boys to girls is 1 : 2. Two boys and

7. [Edexcel GCSE(9-1) Mock Set 2 Spring 2017 2F
two girls enter the room and the ratio is now
Q23, 2H Q2]
5 : 9. How many boys and girls were there
On a school trip the ratio of the number of
teachers to the number of students is 1: 15
The ratio of the number of male students to
4. The ratio of children to adults on a school trip
the number of female students is 7: 5
is initially 10 : 1. This doesn’t meet
Work out what percentage of all the people
government regulations, so 5 more children
on the trip are female students. Give your
and 5 more adults join the trip so that the
answer correct to the nearest whole number.
ratio is now 9 : 1. How many children are
8. [JMC 2013 Q19] A swimming club has three
there now?
categories of members: junior, senior,
veteran. The ratio of junior to senior members
5. [JMO 2015 A4] My fruit basket contains
is 3: 2 and the ratio of senior members to
apples and oranges. The ratio of apples to
veterans is 5: 2. Which of the following could
oranges in the basket is 3 : 8. When I remove
be the total number of members in the
one apple the ratio changes to 1 : 3. How
swimming club?
many oranges are in the basket?
A 30 B 35 C 48
D 58 E 60
6. [JMO 2004 A8] A large pan contains a mixture
of oil and water. After 2 litres of water are
9. [Edexcel GCSE(9-1) Mock Set 3 Autumn 2017
added to the original contents of the pan, the
2H Q11]
ratio of oil to water is 1: 2. However, when 2
Anna and Bill share some money in the ratio
litres of oil are added to the new mixture, the
ratio becomes 2: 3. Find the original ratio of
Anna gets £𝐴 Bill gets £𝐵
oil to water in the pan.
Carl and Donna share twice as much money as
Anna and Bill share.
 [STMC Final 2007/08 Q1] Anne, Becky and
They share the money in the ratio
Charlotte had sums of money in the ratio
7:6:5. One of them gave £9 to one of the
Carl gets £𝐶 and Donna gets £𝐷.
others and this changed the ratio (in the same
Find 𝐴: 𝐵: 𝐶: 𝐷, giving your answer in its
order of names) to 6:5:4. The total sum of
simplest form.
money remained the same; what was it?
10. Shapes are black and white, and are circles or
The ratio of circles to squares is 2: 3. Of the
circles, the ratio of black to white is 4: 5. Of
the squares, the ratio of black to white is 5: 2 .
(a) What fraction of the shapes are black?
(b) Determine the ratio of black circles to
white squares.

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