SIGMA Lens English
SIGMA Lens English
SIGMA Lens English
Sigma lens technology enables the photographer to express his own sensitivity through images.
Sigma has refined optical technology, in order to fully realize the possibilities of
single lens reflex cameras and to respond exactly to the demands of the
photographer, helping him to bring his visions to reality.
The high quality lens series of Sigma. SIGMA Advanced Lens Technology.
DC (Digital Camera) DG (Digital) EX Lens: Hyper-Sonic Motor (HSM):
Lenses: Lenses: The excellent features of these Sigma lenses, such as new optical and This lens uses a motor driven by ultrasonic waves to provide a quiet, high-
For these special digital single-lens reflex camera The most suitable lenses for 35 mm film single-lens mechanical design concept, superior performance, perfect handling, ultra speed AF.
lenses, the image circle has been designed to match the reflex cameras, as well as for digital SLR cameras. compact design, durability etc., are symbolized by the EX mark.
image elements which correspond to the APS-C size. Sigma’s development of the DG (Digital) range of Rear Focus:
The original technology gathered during the lenses has concentrated on the correction of Aspherical Lens: This lens is equipped with a system that moves the rear lens group for high-
development of the SD series of digital singe-lens distortion and aberrations. Magnification of chromatic The aspherical lens complex allows freedom of design, improved speed, silent focusing.
reflex cameras has been used to realize optical aberration is particularly conspicuous with digital performance, a reduced number of component lenses and a compact size.
abilities most suitable for digital images. This high- cameras. The optical designs and cutting-edge Inner Focus:
performance lens series combines the technologies technology incorporated by Sigma eliminate flare APO Lens: To ensure stability in focusing, this lens moves the inner lens group or
and know-how for lens power arrangement, coating and ghosting from the image sensor and create
In order to attain the highest quality images, the APO lens has been made groups without changing the lens’ physical length.
design, etc., accumulated during long years of excellent color balance. Vignetting is minimized
using Special Low-Dispersion (SLD) glass and is designed to minimize color
developing interchangeable lenses for single-lens whilst marginal illumination is ensured. These high
reflex cameras, with up-to-date digital image performance lenses are equally suited for digital and
aberration. Conv. (APO Teleconverter EX):
technology. Reduction of the image circle diameter analogue cameras. This lens can be used with the APO Teleconverter EX. It can increase the
makes it possible to reduce the size and the weight of
Optical Stabilizer (OS): focal length and will interface with the camera’s AE (automatic exposure)
the lens, and contributes widely to the handling This function utilizes a built-in mechanism that compensates for camera function.
characteristics at the time of taking pictures. shake. It dramatically expands photographic possibilities by alleviating
* Use is not possible for digital single-lens reflex cameras with image camera movement when shooting hand held.
elements larger than the APS-C equivalent size, 35 mm single-lens
reflex cameras, and APS film single-lens reflex cameras. In case of
such use, vignetting occurs on the screen and in the resulting images.
Pursuing the pleasure of photography in a technological age. Lenses especially designed and optimized to complement
the characteristics of digital cameras. Reducing the size of the image circle improves the image quality of digital SLRs
and makes a lightweight and compact construction possible.
10-20 mm F4-5.6 EX DC
10-20 mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM 17-70 mm F2.8-4.5 DC MACRO
This is an ultra-wide zoom lens This is a large-aperture standard
for digital SLR camera use only. zoom lens for digital cameras, that
SLD glass is used for superior provides wide angle and telephoto
correction of magnification and capabilities. This lens has a
chromatic aberrations. And, minimum focusing distance of
aspherical lens elements are 20 cm (7.9 inches) throughout the
used not only to obtain maximum zoom range, and a maximum
correction for distortion and reproduction ratio of 1:2.3. It
various aberrations, but also covers the most frequently used
to display high image quality focal lengths, and it makes an
throughout the entire zoom range. F2.8 open aperture (at 17 mm
Equipped with HSM, this lens setting) a reality. Because of its
makes fast AF speeds and quiet power distribution and optimized
shooting a reality, and it is also coatings, this lens reduces flare
capable of full-time manual focus. and ghost images. The use of SLD
The lens has a minimum focusing (Special Low Dispersion) glass
distance of 24 cm (9.4 inches) and aspherical lenses was adopted
throughout the entire zoom range. to provide excellent correction for
* The angles of view will vary, depending on all types of aberration.
•Lens Construction; 10 Groups, 14 Elements which camera model the lens is used with. •Lens Construction; 12 Groups, 15 Elements
•Minimum Focusing Distance; 24 cm (9.4 in.) •Minimum Focusing Distance; 20 cm (7.9 in.) * The angles of view will vary, depending on
•Magnification; 1:6.7 •Filter Size; ø 77 mm •Magnification; 1:2.3 •Filter Size; ø 72 mm which camera model the lens is used with.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
18-200 mm F3.5-6.3 DC * Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
18-125 mm F3.5-5.6 DC 18-200 mm F3.5-6.3 DC
This is a special digital 6.9 times This is a high-performance 11.1X
high-performance zoom lens zoom lens for digital SLR
covering the entire range from camera use only. SLD glass and
wide angle to tele by a single aspherical lens elements, enable
lens. The use of SLD (Special Low this extended range zoom lens to
Dispersion) glass and aspheric be housed in a compact and
lenses offers good correction lightweight construction and
of the various aberrations offers high image quality
and realization of high-quality throughout the entire zoom
images over the zoom range, as range. The new lens coatings
well as allowing a compact and reduce flare and ghost. The
lightweight construction. The minimum focusing distance of
minimum focusing distance is 45 cm (17.7 inches) throughout
50 cm (19.7 inches), over the zoom the entire zoom range allows a
range, and a maximum close-up maximum reproduction ratio of
photography magnification of up to 1:4.4. It also has an inner
1:5.3 is obtained. focus system, so it accepts a
* The angles of view will vary, depending on Petal-type hood, as well as a
which camera model the lens is used with. circular polarizing filter.
•Lens Construction; 14 Groups, 15 Elements •Lens Construction; 13 Groups, 15 Elements
•Minimum Focusing Distance; 50 cm (19.7 in.) •Minimum Focusing Distance; 45 cm (17.7 in.) * The angles of view will vary, depending on
•Magnification; 1:5.3 •Filter Size; ø 62 mm •Magnification; 1:4.4 •Filter Size; ø 62 mm which camera model the lens is used with.
30 mm F1.4 EX DC
18-50 mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO 18-50 mm F3.5-5.6 DC 30 mm F1.4 EX DC HSM
This is a large-aperture standard This zoom lens was specially This is a large-aperture standard
zoom lens for digital camera use designed to suit the characteristics lens for digital cameras, with a
only, with an open-aperture value of digital cameras. The image fast F1.4 aperture. SLD (Special
of F2.8 throughout the entire circle was designed to match Low Dispersion) and ELD
zoom range. SLD glass, ELD the size of the image sensors of (Extraordinary Low Dispersion)
glass, and an aspherical lens most digital SLR cameras, and glass elements are used to obtain
enable this lens to be housed in a this has resulted in a compact, the best possible correction for
compact size and also maximize lightweight lens. The use of magnification and chromatic
its performance. A Super Multi- aspherical lenses provides aberrations, which are particular
Layer Coating minimizes the correction for various aberrations problems for digital cameras.
occurrence of flare and ghosting. and makes high-quality images The aspherical lens element
The lens ensures superior a reality throughout the entire delivers superior image quality,
peripheral brightness bright zoom range. The lens has a with sharp, vivid images across
image with little vignetting. It has minimum focusing distance of the entire focusing range.
a minimum focusing distance of 25 cm (9.8 inches) at all focal Equipped with HSM, this lens
20 cm (7.9 inches) throughout lengths and is capable of macro makes fast AF speeds and quiet
the entire zoom range and a photography with a maximum shooting a reality, and it is also
maximum magnification of 1:3.0, close-up photography magnification capable of full-time manual focus.
which is very convenient for of 1:3.5. * The angles of view will vary, depending on
•Lens Construction; 13 Groups, 15 Elements •Lens Construction; 8 Groups, 8 Elements •Lens Construction; 7 Groups, 7 Elements which camera model the lens is used with.
•Minimum Focusing Distance; 20 cm (7.9 in.)
close-up photography. •Minimum Focusing Distance; 25 cm (9.8 in.) * The angles of view will vary, depending on •Minimum Focusing Distance; 40 cm (15.7 in.)
•Magnification; 1:3 •Filter Size; ø 72 mm * The angles of view will vary, depending on •Magnification; 1:3.5 •Filter Size; ø 58 mm which camera model the lens is used with. •Magnification; 1:10.4 •Filter Size; ø 62 mm
which camera model the lens is used with.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
The angle of view and perspective change, according to focal length.
A wide zoom lens is particularly suitable for a variety of applications such as architectural,
landscape and travel photography. Group shots are captured with ease.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
A wide angle of view and a short shooting distance produce pictures filled with individuality.
Bold composition, extreme perspective and personal expression are indicative of these wide angle lenses.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
A standard zoom lens is a useful first lens. The effects of a number of lenses can be obtained with this single lens.
Wideangle, standard and telephoto focal lengths are all combined in one lens to produce a convenient and
versatile zoom, which caters for the photographer’s creativity.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
28-300 mm F3.5-6.3 DG MACRO * Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
24-60 mm F2.8 EX DG 28-300 mm F3.5-6.3 DG MACRO
28-70 mm F2.8 EX DG 28-70 mm F2.8-4 DG 28-200 mm F3.5-5.6 DG MACRO 28-300 mm F3.5-6.3 DG MACRO
A compact large-aperture zoom This standard zoom lens is ideal The new multi layer coating Compact High Performance
lens optimized for digital cameras. for Digital SLR cameras, and technology reduces flare and Zoom Lens with a large 10.7:1
The maximum aperture F-value is has an F2.8 large aperture (at the ghosting. This zoom lens features Zoom Ratio, optimized for digital
2.8 over the zoom range. Two SLD 28 mm setting), and yet it is a high zoom ratio and optimized SLR cameras. The new lens
(Special Low Dispersion) glass compact and lightweight, with for digital SLR cameras. Covering coating reduces flare and ghost.
elements and four aspherical an overall length of 62.5 mm from 28 mm wide angle to 200 This lens features a length of 86
lenses, provide excellent correction (2.5 inches) and weight of 255 g mm telephoto, this lens has the mm (3.4 inches), a maximum
for distortion as well as all (9 oz.). This lens comes into its most frequently used focal range. diameter of 74 mm (2.9 inches),
types of aberration. The minimum own when active people need a It also has a minimum focusing and a filter size of just 62 mm.
focusing distance is 33 cm (13 lens that can keep up with distance of 48 cm (18.9 inches) It has a minimum focusing
inches) over the zoom range and them. The new multi layer at all zoom settings, so taking distance of 50 cm (19.7 inches)
a maximum close-up photography coating of this lens cuts down close-ups is no problem. With throughout the entire zoom
magnification of 1:4.4. As the flare and ghosting. A perfect two aspherical lenses, it has range, is capable of macro
front barrel of the lens does not solution for film and digital SLR excellent correction for all types photography with a 1:3 maximum
rotate during the focusing, cameras. The minimum focusing of aberration, and displays a high photography magnification at
attachment of a petal-type hood distance is 50 cm (19.7 inches) level of optical ability. the 300 mm setting. With two
excellent for blocking out throughout the entire zoom SLD glass elements and four
extraneous light is possible, and range. Aspherical lens elements aspherical lenses, this lens
circular polarizing filters can also are used for excellent correction provides excellent correction for
•Lens Construction; 12 Groups, 14 Elements •Lens Construction; 8 Groups, 11 Elements •Lens Construction; 14 Groups, 16 Elements •Lens Construction; 13 Groups, 15 Elements
•Minimum Focusing Distance; 33 cm (13.0 in.)
be used easily. •Minimum Focusing Distance; 50 cm (19.7 in.)
of distortion. •Minimum Focusing Distance; 48 cm (18.9 in.) •Minimum Focusing Distance; 50 cm (19.7 in.)
all types of aberrations.
•Magnification; 1:4.4 •Filter Size; ø 67 mm •Magnification; 1:6.5 •Filter Size; ø 58 mm •Magnification; 1:3.8 •Filter Size; ø 62 mm •Magnification; 1:3 •Filter Size; ø 62 mm
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
Telephoto zoom lenses can manipulate the apparent distance from the subject.
This control of perspective can produce presence and impact.
Dramatic images of wildlife and sporting activity are only made possible by the use of these specialist lenses.
APO 50-500 mm F4-6.3 EX DG HSM •Lens Construction; 10 Groups, 14 Elements •Lens Construction; 10 Groups, 14 Elements
•Minimum Focusing Distance; •Minimum Focusing Distance;
150 *(95) cm (59.1 *(37.4) in.) 150 *(95) cm (59.1 *(37.4) in.)
•Magnification; 1:4.1 *(1:2) •Filter Size; ø 58 mm •Magnification; 1:4.1 *(1:2) •Filter Size; ø 58 mm
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* The appearance of a lens varies by mount.
By bringing faraway objects up close, a telephoto lens helps you create high-impact photos.
A telephoto lens also allows soft blurring of the background due to the shallower depth of field.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* The appearance of a lens varies by mount.
There is beauty and drama in the minute world right on your doorstep.
Macro lenses are indispensable for the close-up photography required to detect and record these magical scenes.
●In the drawing of the lens composition, the symbols mean the following: : Aspherical lens : SLD glass : ELD glass.
* Product pictures show Sigma SA mount lenses; appearance of the product may be different depending on the mount type.
Knowing your lenses means knowing photography. the focus. This system moves the • Floating System PRINCIPLES OF THE LENS
different lens groups in the optical MACRO 50 mm F2.8 EX DG
The basics of lenses and an explanation of the technology used by Sigma to create these top quality instruments. system to different positions, thereby •Angle of View
minimizing the telescoping distance The focal length determines the area in which objects can be reproduced on
and the fluctuation of aberration at the image sensor surface. The angle of view is the area that the lens can
different shooting distances. This photograph and is expressed in degrees. The angle of view indicated in the
system is particularly effective for brochure is the angle relative to the diagonal line of 36 mm x 24 mm and
macro lenses (which encompass a wide 20.7 mm x 13.8 mm frames. As the focal length becomes larger, the field
range of shooting distances) and wide-
• Floating System
28 mm F1.8 EX DG ASPHERICAL MACRO angle becomes smaller and the image larger.
angle lenses (for Single-Lens Reflex
cameras) whose lens composition is •f Value (f-Number; f-Stop)
asymmetric. SIGMA uses the floating The aperture settings of a lens are called f-numbers or f-stops. An f-number
system for the MACRO 50 mm f/2.8 represents a ratio between lens focal length and the effective diameter of a given
EX DG lens and the large-aperture aperture. Because it is related to focal length, the f-number is also called the
wide-angle 28 mm f/1.8 EX DG ASPHERICAL MACRO lenses. relative aperture. The f-number equals the focal length of the lens divided by the
entrance pupil of the aperture. Aperture settings are marked so that each position
•DF (Dual Focus) System changes the amount of light passing through the lens by a factor of 2: the light is
The DF (Dual Focus) system disengages the linkage between the either doubled, or reduced by one-half. That is, a high number represents a
internal focusing mechanism and outer focusing ring when the focusing smaller aperture, one that stops twice as much light as the previous aperture.
ring is moved to the AF position. This system provides easy and precise Conversely, a lower number represents a larger aperture, one that increases light
handling of the lens, since the focusing ring does not rotate during twice as much as the pervious number. The speed of a lens is the f-number
autofocusing. The wide focusing ring also enables easy and accurate of its maximum effective diameter — i.e., when the aperture is wide open.
manual focusing.
•Depth of Field
•OS (Optical Stabilizer) Function When you focus on an object, a certain area in
Developed with Sigma’s own technology, the OS (Optical Stabilizer) function front of and behind the object is also in focus;
uses two sensors inside the lens to depth of field refers to the size of this area that is
detect both vertical and horizontal in focus. The depth of field or the range of focus
movement of the camera. This becomes larger when you stop down (decrease
function, which works by moving the size of the aperture), or smaller when you
an optical image stabilizing lens open up (increase the size of the aperture). The
group, to effectively compensate depth of field is smaller at smaller shooting F2.8
for camera shake, helps to set our distances even when the aperture size remains
lenses apart from the rest. To unchanged, and is larger at larger shooting
handle all types of shooting distances. The depth of field is also dependent
conditions, the system has two on the focal length of the lens; it is larger for
optical stabilizer modes. Mode Camera shake correction mechanism OFF lenses of smaller focal lengths or wider angles,
1 determines camera shake in and smaller for lenses of larger focal lengths or
vertical and horizontal panning telephoto lenses, if aperture and the distance
and compensates for image camera to subject remain the same.
blurring. It is therefore effective for F45
Lens hood
10 - 20 mm F4 - 5.6 EX DC 17-70 mm F2.8 - 4.5 DC MACRO 18 - 50 mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO 18 - 50 mm F3.5 - 5.6 DC 18 - 125 mm F3.5 - 5.6 DC 8 mm F3.5 EX DG CIRCULAR FISHEYE 15 mm F2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE
10 - 20 mm F4 - 5.6 EX DC HSM Petal type lens hood (LH780-04) Lens case and Petal type lens hood Lens hood (LH630-02) supplied. Petal type lens hood (LH680-01) Lens case supplied. Lens case supplied.
Lens case and Petal type lens hood supplied. (LH780-04) supplied. supplied.
(LH825-04) supplied.
18 - 200 mm F3.5 - 6.3 DC APO 50 - 150mm F2.8 EX DC HSM 55 - 200 mm F4 - 5.6 DC 30 mm F1.4 EX DC 20 mm F1.8 EX DG ASPHERICAL RF 24 mm F1.8 EX DG
Petal type lens hood (LH680-01) Lens case, lens hood (LH732-01) Lens hood (LH595-01) supplied. Lens case and Petal type lens hood ASPHERICAL MACRO
30 mm F1.4 EX DC HSM (LH875-02) supplied.
supplied. supplied. Lens case and Petal type lens hood Lens case and Petal type lens hood
(LH715-01) supplied. (LH825-03) supplied.
LH635-01 LH680-01 LH715-01 LH730-02 LH732-01 LH780-02
24 -70 mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO 28 -70 mm F2.8 EX DG 28-70 mm F2.8 - 4 DG 28 -200 mm F3.5 -5.6 DG MACRO 28 -300 mm F3.5 -6.3 DG MACRO
Lens case and Petal type lens hood Lens case and Petal type lens hood Lens hood (LH630-01) supplied. Petal type lens hood (LH680-01) Petal type lens hood (LH680-01)
(LH875-02) supplied. (LH730-02) supplied. supplied. supplied. LH 1196-01 LH 1236-01 LH 1571-01 LH 1571-02
The new DG filters benefit from super multi-layer lens coatings, developed to counteract the
highly reflective characteristics of digital image sensors, reducing both flare and ghosting.
Black rimmed glass eliminates unnecessary internal reflections. New DG filters deliver high
APO MACRO 150 mm F2.8 EX DG HSM APO MACRO 180 mm F3.5 EX DG performance on both digital SLR cameras and film SLR cameras.
Lens case, lens hood (LH780-03) and APO MACRO 180 mm F3.5 EX DG HSM
tripod socket (TS-21) supplied. Lens case, lens hood (LH780-02) and
APO 70 -300 mm F4 -5.6 DG MACRO 70 -300 mm F4 - 5.6 DG MACRO 52 mm 52 mm
Lens case, lens hood (LH635-01) supplied. Lens hood (LH635-01) supplied. tripod socket (TS-21) supplied.
APO 70 -200 mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO HSM
APO 50 -500 mm F4 - 6.3 EX DG Lens case, Petal type lens hood (LH850-01) and 55 mm 55 mm
tripod socket (TS-21) supplied.
APO 50 -500 mm F4 - 6.3 EX DG HSM 58 mm 58 mm
Lens case, Petal type lens hood (LH935-01), shoulder
strap and tripod socket (TS-31) supplied. DG UV DG WIDE CIRCULAR PL
62 mm 62 mm
67 mm 67 mm
72 mm 72 mm
77 mm 77 mm
APO 300 mm F2.8 EX DG 82 mm 82 mm
APO 300 mm F2.8 EX DG HSM APO 500 mm F4.5 EX DG
Lens case, lens hood (LH1196-01), 86 mm 86 mm
APO 500 mm F4.5 EX DG HSM
APO 100 -300 mm F4 EX DG circular PL filter and tripod socket Lens case, lens hood (LH1236-01), shoulder strap, DG CIRCULAR PL
(TS-21) supplied. 95 mm 95 mm
APO 80 - 400 mm F4.5 - 5.6 EX DG OS APO 100 -300 mm F4 EX DG HSM APO 120 -300 mm F2.8 EX DG HSM and circular PL filter supplied.
Lens case, lens hood (LH840-01), shoulder Lens case, Petal type lens hood (LH890-01) and Lens case, lens hood (LH1134-01), shoulder strap It is equipped with a fixed type tripod socket. 105 mm 105 mm
strap and tripod socket (TS-31) supplied. tripod socket (TS-21) supplied. and tripod socket (TS-41) supplied.
•If digital SLR cameras are used, the angle of view varies depending on the camera. •The appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Caution: To ensure the correct and safe use of the
product, be sure to read the User’s Manual carefully prior
to operation.
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