Hand Out For Phil Arts 10-11
Hand Out For Phil Arts 10-11
Hand Out For Phil Arts 10-11
Ramon Obusan
1938-2006 Antonino R. Buenaventura
Year of Conferment: 2006 1904-1996
Year of Conferment: 1988
National artist Ramon
Obusan is a dancer, choreographer, stage designer,
and artistic director. Antonino Ramirez
In 1972, equipped with valuable amount of research Buenaventura’s legacy to Philippine music, according
and artifacts, Obusan established the Ramon Obusan to the NCCA, is a musical career “that spanned seven
decades of unwavering commitment to advancing Maceda’s works have resulted in a vast collection of
the frontiers of Philippine music”. recorded music taken from the remotest regions
He popularized folksongs from various ethnic groups inthe country.
in the Philippines. Also, Buenaventura brought the You will see that most of his compositions were
Philippine Army Band to its former glory which was performed as a communal ritual, such as Ugma-
recognized as “the only band that can sound like a ugma, Pagsamba, Udlot-Udlot.
symphony orchestra” Ethnomusicology is an interdisciplnary study of
Some of his works are: Ode to Freedom, Echoes of music with other fields such as cultural
the Past, Echoes from the Philippines, History anthropology, performance studies, and dance.
Fantasy, and Triumphal March
Jovita Fuentes
Year of Conferment: 1976
Jose Maceda
Year of Conferment: 1997