Forest Hills v. Fil-Estate

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FOREST HILLS GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB vs. FIL- commercial courts by this Court pursuant to A.M. No.

ESTATE PROPERTIES, INC. 00- 11-03-SC promulgated on November 21, 2000.

G.R. No. 206649| 20 July 2016 •A derivative suit is a remedy designed by equity as a
principal defense of the minority shareholders against
Derivative Suits the abuses of the majority. Under the Corporation
DOCTRINE: The stockholder should have exerted all Code, the corporation's power to sue is lodged with its
reasonable efforts to exhaust all remedies available board of directors or trustees. However, when its
under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws officials refuse to sue or are the ones to be sued, or
or rules governing the corporation or partnership hold control of the corporation, an individual
to obtain the relief he desires with particularity in stockholder maybe permitted to institute a derivative
the complaint as one of the requirements of filing suit to enforce a corporate cause of action on behalf of
a derivative suit. a corporation in order to protect or vindicate its rights.
In such actions, the corporation is the real party in
FACTS: interest, while the stockholder suing on behalf of the
corporation is only a nominal party. Hence, the
•Kingsville Construction and Development derivative suit for specific performance against FEPI
Corporation (Kingsville) and Kings Properties and FEGDI falls under the jurisdiction of special
Corporation (KPC) entered into a project agreement commercial courts.
with Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. (FEPI)
•Here, the fact that FHGCCI denominated the
FEPI agreed to finance and cause the Complaint as a derivative suit for specific
development of several parcels of land performance is sufficient reason for the RTC to dismiss
owned by Kingsville into Forest Hills it for lack of jurisdiction, as the RTC where the
Residential Estates and Golf and Country Complaint was raffled is not a special commercial
Club (first-class residential area/golf- court.
course/commercial center)
•If the RTC has no internal branch designated as a
FEPI was tasked to incorporate Forest Hills Special Commercial Court, the proper recourse is to
Golf and Country Club, Inc. (FHGCCI) with an refer the case to the nearest RTC with a designated
authorized stock of 3,600 shares and to Special Commercial Court branch within the judicial
perform the development and construction region. Upon referral, the RTC to which the case was
work and other undertakings as full payment of referred to should re-docket the case as a
its subscription to the authorized capital stock commercial case. And if the said RTC has only
of the club.oThe remaining shares of the one branch designated as a Special Commercial
should be retained by Kingsville in exchange Court, it should assign the case to the sole special
for the parcels of land used for the golf course branch.
•FEPI assigned its rights and obligations over the
project to its related corporation Fil-Estate Golf Whether or not the complaint filed complies with the
Development, Inc. (FEGDI) requisites for a valid derivative suit.

•Madrid purchased two Class"A" shares at the HELD:

secondary price of Php 380,000 each and applied for a
membership to the club for Php 25,000. Due to the No, the complaint failed to comply with the requisites
delayed construction of the second 18-Hole Golf for a valid derivative suit.
Course, Madrid wrote two demand letters to the BOD •It is apparent on the face of the Complaint that
of FHGCCI to initiate the appropriate legal action FHGCCI failed to comply with the requisites for a valid
against FEPI and FEGDI. BOD failed and/or refused to derivative suit. For a derivative suit to prosper, it is
act on the demand letters. required that:
•Madrid in a derivative capacity on behalf of The minority stockholder suing for and on
FHGCCI, filed with the RTC a Complaint for behalf of the corporation must allege in his
Specific Performance with Damages against FEPI and complaint that he is suing on a derivative
FEGDI and this was denominated as a derivative suit. cause of action on behalf of the corporation
•FEPI and FEGDI’s argument among others and all other stockholders similarly situated
who may wish to join him in the suit
action is not a proper derivative suit as
FHGCCI failed to exhaust all remedies available The stockholder "should have exerted all
under the articles of incorporation and by- reasonable efforts to exhaust all remedies
laws; and available under the articles of
incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules
•RTC: dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction governing the corporation or partnership to
obtain the relief he desires [and that such fact
ISSUE: 1st is alleged] with particularity in the complaint.
Whether or not RTC as a regular court has jurisdiction The stockholder is also required "to allege,
over derivative suits and intra-corporate disputes? explicitly or otherwise, the fact that there were
no appraisal rights available for the acts
complained of, as well as a categorical
No, upon the enactment of RA No. 8799, jurisdiction statement that the suit is not a nuisance or a
over intra- corporate disputes, including derivatives harassment suit."
suits, is now vested in the RTCs designated as special
•In this case, Madrid, as a shareholder of FHGCCI,
failed to allege that he exerted all reasonable efforts
to exhaust all remedies available under the
articles of incorporation, by-laws, or rules governing
the corporation; that no appraisal rights are available
for the acts or acts complained of; and that the suit is
not a nuisance or a harassment suit. Case dismissed.

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