FINAL Coach Corey Waynes - How To Be A 3 Man, Relationships Sex Improvement

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Some of the key tips discussed include maintaining an 'IDGAF' attitude, being direct and asking women out promptly, and focusing on self-improvement and goals rather than any one particular woman.

Tips suggested include making rounds of a bar and introducing yourself to groups of women, asking questions to get them talking, and then smoothly asking for a phone number before leaving the interaction.

It is advised to respond lightheartedly and not take the question too seriously, with sample responses including joking that there is always room for one more or keeping your options open.

$$$ = The great idea *** = The practical idea https://youtu.


***The only time when she’s ok to talk on the phone with you: When she asks u, if it’s okay to
talk on the phone. Or when she's like, “Can I call u tonight?"

***How do you know when a woman is open to being kissed? As you are talking and you are
sitting close, her knee may be touching yours, she may be touching your arm or body, she may
be leaning toward you, standing so close that her body is bumping yours, etc., then as she’s
talking slowly,***Move your eyes from looking into hers to looking at her lips, then back to her
eyes, slowly back to her lips and then into her eyes again over the course of 5-7 seconds. If she
looks at your lips at any time while you are doing this, it means she’s ready to be kissed. DO IT!
***If a girl contacts you after 7pm, Answer her the next day
***If a girl contacts you BEFORE 7pm, Text her back “Sorry babe, I had a busy day at work”

***If she says: Do you have a girlfriend? Respond with: “I’m just dating and having a lot of fun
right now.. or… Can we get to know each other a little better before we start talking about
relationships? I’m just out dating and having fun. Or: There is always room for one more.
Or I always keep my options open ;) while keeping a smile on your face.

***If she says: “Well, I think you’re a jerk.” Don’t argue with her. You simply need to come
back with something less serious, and an “I don’t care” attitude, such as: “Why, thank you for
noticing!” You need to shrug it off. She wants to see if you really are what you are putting out
there. She is going to test you to see if she can push you off that center of confidence.if she just
keeps testing you, tell her “Oh cool let me know when you know your
schedule! Or. “Give me a call when you changed your mind!”

***IF YOU’RE IN A SOCIAL SETTING: Once you get bored, you can simply take the next
step and say something like, “Hi! How are you? How’s your day going?
What are you ladies up to? Etc.” By asking questions and for their opinions on
anything and everything, they will do most of the talking and you can simply say, “Hey it
was really nice chatting with you but I have to run! Have a
great day!” as you walk away & end the conversation. Once that is easy and boring for
you, then simply close with, “Hey, I gotta run, but I would like to talk
to you some more. What’s your phone number?” as you look down at your
phone expecting to get it.
If you’re really bold, you should do what I do, “I gotta run, but I’d love
to meet up with you for a drink sometime. When are you free to
get together?” and then wait for her to tell you and make a definite date.
The more steps you put in between meeting a woman and making a date, the higher the
likelihood that you’ll never get one.

***The ribcage and solar plexus is, that’s your alpha center. Be calm and super confident.
If you’re feeling a little nervous, your body start to turn.
Even play around with thm as they’re turning arnd, & then back away as if you’re seducing her
***Hey man wassup! that’s how other guys show to dominate males
Men that are successful with woman, they don’t have to try. They’re calm and they approach you
because they perceive you as the dominant one, not afraid to speak his mind, be who he is
***If you’re going to compliment a woman, say what you’re really thinking and feeling.
These are some of the things I say to women based upon how they make me feel inside:
“You take my breath away. You’re intoxicating to look at. I want
you. You’re sexy as hell. You have a fucking unbelievable body!
I want you! Etc.”
***Kissing and making out lead to heavy petting and affection. Once you’re both done making
out say, “Hey, let’s get out of here and (get a place near here or)
go back to my place. I’ve got a great bottle of wine we can
enjoy together (or coffee, champagne, tea, espresso, etc.)

***When a woman says to you: I’m not looking for a relationship.

She’s really saying: “Whoa… slow down. I just want to have fun. I need
to trust you and feel comfortable with you before that option is
even on the table.” Again, that’s why you don’t need to say things like: Oh, you
are so beautiful. I had an incredible time the other night. That is
very WEAK and FEMININE coming from a guy she barely knows, who has not taken the time
to get to know her, these things really mean little or nothing.

***While you are out, keep this thought in the back of your mind: The type of person I
want to meet – “where am I going to find her?”

***Make eye contact with a woman, and keep it until she looks away. NEVER LOOK AWAY.
Only the most confident women won’t look away. Those are the ones I’m personally interested
in. When she finally looks away, I know that I have passed that first test of strength/dominance.
If I were to be the one to look away first, I would be showing a submissive weakness that she
may or may not test again, depending on her level of attraction to me in the first place. The more
you show strength and confidence, the more you are able to quickly pass through her tests of
your strength, the faster you can get her to open up to you. She needs to know you are strong and
will not buckle under her testing.

***Now take a sheet of paper and split into two categories. Take one column and write down:
Okay, if I don’t change all the things I have been doing in the
past, here are all the consequences. List all the painful things that will happen:
Well, if I won’t go up and ask a woman with confidence what her phone number is or set a date,I
will never get the kind of woman that I want in life. I will never have the type of relationship I
really want. 20 years from now I will still be wondering: "What is it like to have
the type of woman that I really feel I deserve?" Or maybe:
"If I don’t change my behavior, what will the consequences be?"
You know, it is ironic that most guys will never seem to have time to spend with their wives, but
they always have time to go visit the divorce lawyer. They make the time for those types of
things, but they don’t make the time for things that really count while they still have a chance to
avoid the pain. What are all the painful consequences of not changing your behavior? Write
them all down. If you do not change what you are doing, what are all the negative, painful things
that are going to happen? For the other category, consider: What are all the
pleasurable things that can happen if you change your behavior?
Wow, all I have to do is ask the questions, and keep my answers
to the questions that she asks me WHILE being positive, light-
hearted, be funny, be humorous, get her to laugh, and just have
a good time.

***Here’s a great technique for the BAR or a NIGHT CLUB: You and your friends should take
your drinks and make a couple laps around the bar. Whenever you see a group of women,
especially ones you are interested in, you can walk up to them and say:
“Hey ladies, how are you doing?”
At that point, hold your glass up and toast, or touch glasses together. Then ask: Are you
ladies having a good time? When they reply: Yes, you are going to say: Great!
Have that level of confidence and courtesy that says, without actually saying it, that you may
have something to do with the club, or you may be the owner, owner’s son, or something along
those lines. From there, you are going to leave and move on to the next group of ladies and do
the same thing. Make a couple trips around the bar. When you come back through to the same
group, just toast them again and keep on moving. Now you have shown up, toasted them and
asked if they are having a good time, and then walked away. You leave them wondering: Who
are those guys? They look like they’re having a good time. After that,
seat yourself at one of the tables in plain view of everybody. Simply hang out with your buddies
and let the women come to you. Now you have gone around the bar and have created a
connection with all these groups of women. Every time you walk back by these groups of
women, you have made yourself more familiar to them. Just by “clinking” your glasses together
in a toast, you have increased their awareness of you. Eventually some of these women are going
to start coming up to you. You and your buddies are now seen as guys that are completely
different than every other guy in the place. You are out there to have a good time, and are not
there to chase the girls around. You have made yourself approachable.
When you are going around, they may stop you and talk to you. Or maybe when you are going to
the bathroom, they might stop you and try to talk. You have just created an opportunity to get to
know them, get their information, and leave. You are taking two steps forward, one step back.
You are coming in slowly, and then you are gone again. You are building anticipation, being
indifferent and being mysterious.

***When you walk up to a woman YOU HAVE NOT MET, you need to walk up and simply
say: Hi. What’s your name? Wait for her response. She may say something along the
lines of: My name’s Jessica. At this point, you are NOT going to volunteer and say:
Well, my name’s Corey. When she says: My name’s Jessica, you are only going to
say: Well, Jessica, it’s nice to meet you, WITHOUT volunteering your name.
This is to remain mysterious and to gauge their interest level.

***Here is the next key to success: DON’T spend more than five to fifteen
minutes with her. After five to fifteen minutes of talking with her, joking around, and
having fun, if you are successful at making her laugh, then she is showing a high level of

*** Ask her phone # along the lines of: Jessica, I gotta to run, but what’s
your phone number? After that, just stop. Do not say anything else.

***If a woman asks you: Do you have a girlfriend? Again, that is a sign of high
attraction. Just say: I’m just dating and want to have fun… or… I’ve
always got room for one more... or… Can we get to know each other
a little better before we start talking about relationships? That
can mean that you have five girlfriends. That can mean you have one. It leaves her wondering
and helps to build the anticipation of what she may find out about you.
***If a woman asks: Do you have a girlfriend? Be playful. You do not want her to
think you haven’t had a date in 2 years. Respond with indirect or playful answers like: I’m
just out dating and having fun. Or: There is always room for one
more. When you come off with confidence, she may further test with: Are you a player?
You could reply playfully: Sure, I play sports. Or: I played sports in high
school. If she gives you the: That’s not what I mean. Look at her with curiosity
and ask her straight out: What do you mean? The point is that no matter what her question,
no matter how she tries to test you, you can’t let her think she can get under your skin. Keep it
positive. Keep it playful. When a woman tells you: Well, I don’t date guys who
are players. You can ask her straight out: Who said I wanted to date you?
Or say: When I meet someone who is worth my time, I will be only be
exclusive with her. I don’t even know whether I want to go out
with you or not. At that point, start asking her: Why should I go out with
someone like you? Are you hitting on me? Are you fun? The whole point
to these questions is that she may or may not be interested. The lower her attraction level, the
more she will test you. Pay attention to her reactions. Show that you could care less whether she
likes you or not. Have her try to prove to you why she is worth your time.

***The first reason to wait to call is to build the anticipation of your phone call and leave her
wondering. The second is to test her level of attraction again.
You are simply going to say: Hey Jessica, this is Bob. How are you? Then
you are going to shut up. You want to see what her response is. Her response is going to tell you
everything about her level of attraction for you.
If she has already forgotten you, then her attraction level wasn’t high enough to begin with.
Jessica, when are you free to meet up for a drink?

*** If she says: I’m free Wednesday or Thursday. You are going to respond: How
about we meet at blah, blah on Thursday at 8 pm? Provided you’re both
free then. When she says, sure! Then say, Great, Jessica. I look forward to
seeing you Thursday night at 8. If you get there first, get us a
table. If I get there first, I will get us a table. If something
comes up I will call you. Otherwise, I will see you at blah,
blah. Does that sound good? Her: Yes. That’s it. You have now set the date, and
you have been direct and have definite plans.
Jessica, I have a really busy schedule, and I would definitely
like to see you, but if you can’t make definite plans with me,
then how about we just do it some other time?
Tell her: “I am the kind of guy who’s a man of my word. I am
making plans to see you next Tuesday, and I’m definitely going
to be there. I’m looking forward to it.”

***After you give her a goodnight kiss, you are going to say: “I had a good time. Or:
It was a nice evening.” Don’t elaborate. Stay in your center, and leave her
wondering just how good of a time you had.
Now you are going to leave. You are not going to tell her that you will call her. You are not
going to set up the next date, or even talk about going out again. You are going to leave her
***If your wife or girlfriend calls you in the middle of the day and you are busy if you answer
the phone and are talking to her, say: Honey, I’m really busy. It was really sweet of
you to call and tell me how much you care. I just want you to know that I appreciate the phone
call. I can’t talk right now, but I’ll definitely see you tonight. When you go home that night,
show her how much you appreciated her calling: It was good hearing from you today. I love
hearing your sweet voice in the middle of the day. While you were at work, you weren’t really
able to talk to her. She may have felt a little rejected, like you couldn’t make time for her, but
you just happened to be busy focusing on your purpose. She may be feeling a little down about
that, so this is your opportunity to really open her up and acknowledge what she did. It was her
way of saying: I just want you to know that I love you by calling in the middle of the day.
Acknowledge it. Kiss her, hug her, and say: It was really good hearing for you. I just love
hearing your voice.
***Hey, honey, how was your day? If she jumps in your arms and is hugging and kissing you, it
tells you her attraction is a 9 and everything is great. If she says: I had a horrible day, guys have
to understand that your lady doesn’t want you to solve her problems. She just needs you to listen
to them. If you are unsure when she starts talking say, do you want my advice or do you just want
me to listen? So say to her: Well, tell me about your day… It is important to have specifics in
there and say things like: How’d that make you feel? And: Don’t leave anything out. What I will
often do is while she talk on and on, I’ll say: Well, what else? Tell me more. You are pulling out
everything that happened, because just by talking about it, it creates rapport. It is making her feel
better just by saying: So if I understand you right, you were talking to your girlfriend Sally, and
this, this, and this happened, and she said that, and it made you feel this way. Repeat back some
of what she said to you. It is your way of acknowledging her

***So when she says: Oh, nothing’s wrong, and you know something is wrong, then you need to
shut off the television and say: Honey, what’s the matter? She: Oh, I’m fine. I don’t want to talk
about it right now. NOT. That is a test. It is her saying: How much do you really care about me?
Are you willing to get past all these barriers and these blocks I’m putting in your way to find out
what is going on or not? She: I don’t want to talk about it. Me: I’m not going anywhere. Then
I’ll start using some humor. I will sit there, if she’s in the kitchen or something and say: What’s
wrong? She: I’m not talking to you. Me: Okay, well, I’ll just sit in here then, and I’ll start singing
or something along the lines of: Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care… I’ll start throwing little
things like almonds at her. If she’s putting dishes away, I’ll start taking dishes out and put them
back on the counter. I’ll just be really silly and goofy. Then she’ll say: What do you want? Why
are you bothering me? I’ll say: I’m not bothering you. I just want to know what’s on your mind.
She: I’m not talking about it. Me: Okay, you’re not talking about it. So tell me what’s really on
your mind. She: I’m not talking about it. Me: Well, what’s eating at you then? She: I’m not
speaking to you. You pissed me off. Me: Oh? I pissed you off, huh? So what are you mad about?
Talk to me. I want to know, honey. Tell me. Communicate. I want to know what’s on your mind.
Now I have finally broken through and started on hitting the root of the problem. She: I really,
really don’t want to talk about it right now. Me: Well, I’m not going anywhere. Then I’ll go over
and shut the water off, and close the dishwasher. I’ll hold her. She may squirm and push me
away and say: Don’t touch me. Then I might start tickling her or pinch her nipples playfully.
When they get hard I will say, is it cold in here? or Are you cold or something? She’ll say you’re
a jerk! I’ll say I like when your nipples are hard. It turns me on! Have I ever told you how sexy
you look with hard nipples? I’ll pull up her shirt and blow on her belly or something, being silly
and outrageous, just to get her out of that state. It’s called a pattern interrupt. She is now seeing
that no matter what she does, she can’t sway me from my purpose.

So you are telling me that the other day when I left without kissing you goodbye in the morning,
it made you feel like I didn’t care about you. It was as though I didn’t appreciate that you woke
up extra early to get the kids ready and to make me breakfast. Am I hearing you correctly? Is
that what you meant? So basically, I hurt your feelings the other day. You need to acknowledge
this. I’m sorry, honey. I was just in a hurry, rushing out the door like that, not taking the time to
thank you for breakfast, and getting the kids ready. It was wrong of me not to appreciate you. It
was wrong of me not to acknowledge that. It was wrong of me not to give you that. I know that
was all you were looking for, was that little peck on the cheek, or that little kiss, but you’re right.
I was really focused on what I was going to be doing during the day, and I know I was being
selfish. I was only thinking about myself, and not thinking about you. I took you for granted,
totally, and I’m sorry.
That is the way you need to apologize to a woman. Most guys will say: Well, I said I was sorry
for not kissing you goodbye.
***She will say: Look at the girl over there. I’ll continue to look my girlfriend in the eyes and
say: I don’t see her. She: The one right over there. I’ll say: I don’t know what you’re talking
about. Even though I’m sure there is a very pretty woman over there, it is my way of saying:
I could care less about the woman on the other side of the restaurant. You are the only one I
care about. I also might playfully say, What? You want to have a threesome with her? I might
even say something like: You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and the only one that
matters to me. It is a subtle way of showing her that she has all of my presence.

***Say to her: “TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE. Tell me where and how you want to be touched
and how much pressure to apply.. Tell me where and what turns you on” as your giving her oral
sex or having sex. Ask good quality questions on what really turns her on. And when you’re
naked and about to have sex, just lay there, caress one another, sexy talk her.. “Hey Baby..”
Let her open up, ask questions on what turns her on and in bed, & then 4-5mins start making out,
undress her bra, & go down there TAKE IT SLOW. 2 STEPS FORWARD, 1 STEP BACK..

***Do you think I need to lose weight? I responded to that by saying: “You use my treadmill all
the time. What I really want is, to see you, on my treadmill, running naked. I think that is really
sexy. That is how you need to respond to those types of loaded questions. She giggled and
laughed. The next time I saw her on the treadmill, I said: “Why do you have your clothes on? She
said: Because I’m working out. I replied: I told you I want to see you there naked.” That would
be really sexy. She kind of chuckled and laughed. It was a playful way of saying: Hey, I really
like what you’re doing. I really like the fact that you are taking care of yourself.

***If a woman calls you in those early days of dating and if she has something she wants to talk
about, just tell her: “Honey, I want to hear everything about it. Why
don’t you tell me all about it when I see you tomorrow night, or:
Tell me all about it when I see you on Friday. I want to hear
about it all then. That way I can give you 100% of my attention.
I’m really jammed up right now and can’t talk but I care about
everything that you’re about to tell me ok?”

***When she hasn’t called you over a week, call her once a week, and try to reach out.
But don’t chase, call only once.
$$$ “Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second base & keep your foot on first.”
~ Frederick Wilcox

$$$ Adam Carolla, the comedian, says that “When a woman likes you, she starts opening her
doors and all you have to do is walk through them, but if they start closing in your face, you
simply walk away”

$$$ The key is to take her someplace fun and maybe a place she’s never been before. Girls love

$$$ What you fear you attract, but what you look at (what you ignore) disappears

$$$ A woman knows in about 3 seconds if you make the cut or not. You must be a 5 or better on
a scale of 1 to 10 in order to have a chance to date her. If you are a 4 or below in her eyes,
you ain’t got a chance. Move on.

$$$ "Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are, what you do repeatedly." ~ Aristotle.
$$$ “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away, and mean it.” ~Michael Yon.
What is the quickest way to gain someone’s attention? Remove yours.

$$$ When a woman starts chasing you by initiating contact first (usually after the 2 nd or 3rd date
on average), it causes her to start chasing you more and more. She’ll call, text, email, message,
etc. more and more as the weeks go by. It’s always better if a woman thinks that she wants you a
little more than you want her. When that happens, talk for only a few minutes and then ask, “Hey
when are you free to get together again?” and make your next date.
Once a woman feels comfortable enough, she will start calling you more and more as the weeks
go by, assuming you keep doing more things right than wrong.

$$$ Women like a guy who has options with women, but don’t rub it directly in her face.
When she knows or assumes you are dating other women, just make her feel a little more special
than the other girls you are dating. So if she says, “How many other women are you dating?”
say, “I don’t kiss and tell, but none of those girls are as awesome as you are cutie.” with a James
Bond smirk on your face. That’s all. Keep it simple, charming, playful and little vague.

$$$ Women will chase you if you give them the space to miss you, by not chasing them.

$$$ The more beautiful a woman is – the more guys she has that act that way. She wants a guy
that is going to stand out. She wants him to be more of a man than she is. Your goal is to be
different and stand out from the rest of the weak, easy guys.

$$$ All a guy really needs to focus on when dating is hangout, have fun and hook up.
Hangout: make a definite date in the evening that can potentially lead to you having sex at her
place or yours later in the evening. Have fun: keep things funny and positive with no
complicated situations or subjects; just do something fun. Hook up: go for the kiss. Kissing leads
to heavy petting, which leads to you saying something like, “Hey, let’s get out of here, grab a
bottle of wine and (get a place near here or )go back to my place.”

$$$ By only calling/texting her once a week for one date in the beginning per week, you create
the conditions for her to start calling and texting you more and more. After the 2nd or 3rd date, she
starts contacting you first because she does not want to wait until next week to hear from you
again, you’ll then start seeing each other about twice per week. By the 5th or 6th week, you’ll be
seeing her 3-4 times per week. By Week 7 and 8, she will be calling/texting/messaging you 2-3
times per day and pretty much be with you all the time. All you have to do is make your next
date when she calls. By the end of two months, she’ll be bringing up being exclusive because
she’s falling in love. Hangout, have fun and hookup. Rinse. Recycle. Repeat. "Yes, They will
want to be around u more, But if they are also busy, .they will talk about the next date. They will
ask for it.”

$$$ When a woman will call you during the day: Hey, I’m just calling to see what you’re doing.
It is a big billboard that says: Hey, I want to feel your love. I want to feel your presence. That’s
why when you walk in the door, she doesn’t have to tell you she loves you. She runs up to you
and wraps her arms around you and kisses you. It is because she wants to feel the love that you
have for her. That’s why when she says: Hey, look, I got my nails done today. And you say:
Honey, I’m watching TV. THAT IS one of the worst things you can do. You are basically saying
to her: I don’t love you. I’m not giving you any of my presence. Get the hell out of my way. You
are unimportant to me right now. You are invalidating what is important to her, and leaving her
feeling unloved. Bad move. When she says: I just got my hair done, what do you think, honey?
You have to stop what you are doing, and say: You look beautiful. You look great… she did a
great job for you. I love your nails… I love that new dress you just bought. Your new hair color
looks great. That new handbag? I think it goes great with that outfit. You look really hot.
Women want to be noticed. Everything they do is about getting your attention. That’s why it is
so important to understand this

KEEP HANGING OUT, HOOKING UP AND HAVE FUN" yes they hate to be locked in

$$$ A woman needs to understand who the guy is before she will enter into that emotional
reaction, and before she will engage physically. Women go out of first dates with the attitude of
just seeing what happens

$$$ A woman knows when you’re interested in her. You don’t have to declare your love to a
woman for her to know that you are interested. In fact, you will turn her off immediately.
Women intuitively know simple things that’s shows you like her.

$$$ When you first meet a woman, your goal is to make her laugh and feel comfortable.
You need to talk to her. Better yet, you need to engage her in talking to you. Ask her questions.
Get to know who she is. Keep the conversation light and positive. Joke, banter, and tease her in a
playful, non-offensive manner.

$$$ Repetition… is the mother of skill." Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are
what you do repeatedly." ~ Aristotle.
“Success depends upon previous preparation, & without such preparation there is sure to be
failure.” ~ Confucius.

$$$ Only approach women who are friendly, smile at you and make mutual eye contact.

$$$ When you decide to approach a woman, find out if she is interested in you.
If she is, you are going to want to get her contact information, or make a date right on the spot.

$$$ When a guy has found a woman he is prepared to talk to, the first thought in his mind should
be: My goal here is to make her smile. THAT’S IT.

$$$ When you engage a woman in conversation, The goal is to read her attraction level..
You are not looking for her approval

$$$ If she makes you talk about serious subjects, especially in the beginning, always be
humorous and fun. Your sole purpose with a woman is to make her comfortable, make her laugh,
and to get her level of attraction to go up.

$$$ Listen to what she says. You WILL be tested

$$$ The more comfortable they feel and the higher their attraction level, the sooner they will
start touching your arm, sit or stand close where their body is touching yours, play with their
hair, etc. When a woman bumps into you or starts touching you, it means touching is okay.

$$$ Compliments without Actions behind them can cause her to eventually dump you, because
she sees no truth behind the words. She no longer feels emotionally safe, and she will start
looking for someone that can make her feel that way.

$$$ Show a woman that you are a mystery. Be a strong man who does what he wants and
marches to the beat of his own drum. Be indifferent to all of the testing she puts you through.
She may act as though she is turned off by something, but nine times out of ten, she is testing to
make sure that you are this presence that they feel. They use playful intimidation to see if you
cave or change your opinion to match hers. If she walks away, who cares? The chances are high
that she will come back.
$$$ The first thing you need to do before you even meet a woman, is you have to become clear
on one major question: What am I looking for in a relationship in the
first place? To date and play around with? or to do that and
eventually lead to a serious relationship You have to understand what it is
that you want in a relationship before you can get into a relationship. The reason is that,
you get what you focus on in life.

$$$ Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two columns – the left side and the right side. The
left column is going to be all the qualities you want in a woman. The right hand column is going
to be all the qualities you don’t want in a woman.

$$$ What are all the qualities you would want in a woman? What is her eye color? What is her
hair like? Is it straight? Is it long? Is it curly? Is it wavy? What skin color does she have? Is she
fair skinned? Is she dark skinned? Does she have an accent? Physically, what does she look like?
Does she take care of herself? Is she real thin? Does she weigh 125 pounds? What is it that you
want physically in a woman? What are her qualities? Does she have a good sense of humor?
Does she have a good attitude? Is she flexible? Is she a giver? Is she easy-going? Is she fun to be
around? Is she successful? Is she older than you? Is she younger than you? Is she the same age?
Does she have kids? Does she not have kids? Is she a smoker or a non-smoker? Does she do
drugs or not do drugs? Does she drink or not drink? Is she a vegetarian or a meat eater? .”In the
next column is going to be all the qualities you absolutely don’t want. My personal experience is
that I don’t want someone who is devious. I don’t want somebody who is needy. I don’t want
somebody who is insecure. I don’t want somebody who doesn’t take care of themselves. I don’t
want somebody that eats unhealthy and doesn’t exercise. My ideal woman is someone that has a
good attitude, someone who’s fun to be around, and someone that’s a good communicator.

$$$Next, you are going to number these items in order of importance to you. To find someone
that is all of these things you have listed is a little unrealistic, if not impossible. By choosing the
top ten of each, it becomes more realistic. These are the qualities that are the most important to
you, and the ones that you should put your primary focus on. By numbering these top ten in
order of importance, it also shows you the highest qualities you are looking for or not looking for
in a woman. After you write this list of all these ideal qualities, write a love letter to this person
you have not met yet. Close your eyes and imagine you are head over heels in love with this
person. In this letter, you are going to tell her everything about her that you adore. Write it as
though you were writing to this someone that is head over heels in love with you as well. This
letter should detail everything about all the wonderful qualities she has and why you love these
qualities about her. This letter is another important part of attracting that person in your life. It
helps deepen your focus on those things you are looking for in your ideal woman. I remember
showing my list to the one girlfriend I had who was from London. She said: My God, I am
everything that’s on your list. She showed me hers, and I was everything on her list.
That is the power of being clear about what you want. Okay, now you have made your list.
Next you want to take that list and put it somewhere where you are going to review it every day.
Maybe you can put it on the door to your medicine cabinet, on the mirror in your bathroom, in
your day planner, on your smartphone, on your computer screen, or you can put a small copy of
it in your wallet. You need to be continuously thinking about your list. By reviewing it every
day, it is just like any goal that you set in life – you are going to get what you focus on. If you
are focusing on it, suddenly you are going to start seeing things on what you’re focusing on.
$$$ The bar or the night club scene, in my experience, is one of the least effective ways to meet
women. This is because the women you come across are often drunk, and sometimes when you
later call them, they don’t remember who you were. Plus, if you’ve had a couple drinks yourself,
it can have disastrous consequences. These are also not the type of woman that I am looking for.
I don’t drink and party like a rock star anymore. I am no longer into that scene. But if you are
looking for a woman that is because it is part of your own lifestyle preference, just be aware of
the potential pitfalls of drinking and approaching women. It can definitely have its drawbacks

$$$ Fake it until you make it. Once you make it part of who you are, you will display that
level of confidence whether you are in a relationship or not. Better yet, continually have a sense
of centeredness that attracts women to you, without even having to try

$$$ From the beginning, a woman is continually testing you to see if you are worthy of her time.
She is seeing if you are strong enough to go the distance. If you pass her tests, she will open up
to you emotionally. You always want to be reading her level of attraction. It is important to keep
building a sense of anticipation. By understanding her attraction level and where it’s at, you can
tell if you need to adjust what you are doing to draw her back to you. You always want to keep
her attracted, and you have to avoid complacency. Avoid falling into routines but be a man of
surprise and mystery. $$$Don’t go out every Friday night and take your wife to dinner. Try
going out one week on a Wednesday night to do something different. Skip a week and take her
out twice the following week. Always keep her wondering. Add spontaneity. Leave her curious
as to when the next surprise is going to come. Never tell women what you’re going to do.
Let them discover it in real time.

$$$ Think about this for a moment: People will do more to avoid pain than
they will to gain pleasure.
What is the outcome? What do you want out of a relationship?
Why do you want this?

$$$ “Pain is weakness leaving the body”

$$$ With women, it is the experience of the courtship that turns her on emotionally, and all the
anticipation leading up to the actual dating part of the relationship. It starts when you first meet
her, with how you present yourself and how you are dressed. Do you take care of yourself? Do
you look good? Do you wear nice clothes? Do you dress nicely? Are you clean shaven, or do you
wear a beard with confidence because it’s who you are? Do you have nice cologne on? Do you
take care of your appearance and your body? It’s not the clothes that matter but how he wears
them. When you are out and see someone you are interested in, you need to first start looking for
signs of attraction. If you look at her and you think: Wow, what a very beautiful
woman. I’d like to meet her. Look at her body language. Look her in the eyes. Is
she looking back? Is she checking you out? What does her body language say? Is she facing
you? Does she smile when you look at her? Or if you look at her and she catches you looking,
make eye contact and smile at her. Does she smile back? Does she look away? If she smiles at
you that may be an invitation that says: Hey, I find you attractive. You
should not hesitate to walk over and say hello. Google “Corey
Wayne The Best Pickup Lines Ever” for some good openers to use.
You should also Google “Corey Wayne Rejected? The Best Comebacks
Ever” for great comebacks when a woman is playful, tests or
challenges you so you can playfully recover when things go
sideways. What you need to do at that point is walk over to her. BEFORE YOU EVEN
SAY ANYTHING TO HER, keep watching for signs of attraction. Is she facing you? Is she
looking you in the eye? Is she not paying attention to you?
The more attention she gives you the higher her level of attraction to you is. The place where I
am at in my life is that now, when I look at a woman, I know right away if she is interested. I
also know right away if she is single. The more you work with these techniques and make them a
part of you, the more highly developed your instincts become.

$$$ Now let’s say that you are completely noticing her and she looks at you. If her eyes then go
to the left or the right and she just continues doing what she’s doing,that usually means that she’s
not finding you attractive. Move on. If you are walking toward her, and she looks you in the eye,
looks down, back up at you, and then away, that usually means that she has an attraction to you.

$$$ When you are entering her number into your phone, text her yours also. Why? She may text
you first if you wait a few days to call.

$$$ If it is a party or a social event and there are other beautiful ladies there, you are going to
want to get as many numbers as possible. You don’t want all these women to see you getting
phone numbers from different women, so be discreet about it

$$$ Women are emotional beings and simply don’t want to hurt your feelings or create an
awkward moment. Instead, she uses subtle ways of saying: I’m really not
interested. Women will even sometimes give you their phone number, because they do not
want to lie to you, but they also don’t want the typical man’s confrontational behavior.

$$$ If a woman asks: What kind of car do you drive? Not that it
matters… It says it really does matter to her. Do not give these types of obviously
materialistic questions a straight answer. These types of women are only looking for security and
don’t care who you are or what you are all about

$$$ If you met her on a Friday or Saturday, call her on Tuesday or Wednesday and setup a date
for the following week. By the time you actually go out, it may have been a week and a half. If
you met her on a Sunday thru Thursday, call the following Monday or Tuesday and ask her
“When are you free to meet up for a drink?” The goal is to leave days where she is going to be
wondering about you, anticipating your call, and raising her level of attraction.

$$$ A strong, confident guy is sure of himself, is direct, quickly gets to the point, makes
decisions and knows he can have other women if he chooses.

$$$ Always underrate her attraction level. It must be a 5 or better to start with or you have no
chance. For the married guys and those in long term relationships, you must watch for her
dropping attraction level. As it drops, she will do less of the things, she did when she was in love
with you. Your goal is always to keep her in the 9-10 range. Watch for touching, affection,
compliments, and I love yous start to drop as her attraction level drops. As it drops, she will also
start testing you more and more. It is her way of saying: Hey, step up
and be the man you are totally capable of being.
Always stay aware, and to always underrate her level of attraction. You need to pay close
attention to where she is at with her attraction level, because it drops slowly. You especially need
to pay attention if you are in a relationship where you live with someone, or you are married.
You are together every day and it becomes so easy to get caught up in your daily life. All of the
sudden you wake up and realize: Wow. I’ve really been messing up here. My
lady is no longer in love with me, and things aren’t going that
When a woman says "I need time to think about it" it means "no" 110% of the time.
0-4: You have no chance of her falling in love with you. If she does not like you enough to
begin with, nothing will happen.. ATR AST

5-6: She will give you a hard time about giving you her personal information. She should be
making eye contact with you and look like she is interested in what you have to say. RTS ATS

6-7: This is usually the range where most girls that really like you will be.
She will give you her contact information with little or no hesitation. RSA. ARS

7-8: She leans in close and bumps into you. She touches your arm. She is really interested in
what you have to say and laughs at all your stupid jokes. If she is complimenting you:
Oh, that’s a really nice shirt you’re wearing. It is not so much the shirt.
It is her way of saying: You look really good. I like the way you look.

8-9: She is calling you and pursuing you. She is saying: I can’t wait to see you
again. She is pursuing you heavily, and calling you to say: I miss you. I can’t wait
to see you. I had a great time last night. Most of the time when a woman
talks to you, she is not looking for your advice, she just wants you to listen. But when she says:
This, this, and this happened… what do you think I should do?
That is her way of asking for advice. If you are unsure you should say, do you want my
advice or do you want me to listen? Do you want my opinion?

9-10: Love starts at 9. She will say things like: Where is this going? Which means:
When are we going to get married or become exclusive? If she says: I
love you, that puts her in the 9 range. In this range, she is very affectionate. When you pick
her up, she jumps in your arms. She kisses you. She wants to hold hands. She wants to have her
arm around you. She is all over you and even would buy you things.

$$$ When she starts touching you and getting close, you should then go for the kiss. Kissing
leads to heavy petting which leads to you saying: Hey, lets get out of here and
(get a place near here) go back to my place for a bottle of
wine, etc.

$$$ Very important point is women remember everything. They will remember where you
went, what the restaurant was like, the people around you, and they will remember what they
talked about. The color of the tablecloth, etc. Listen up guys. YOU NEED TO REALLY
FOCUS on the answers a woman is giving you, to all the questions you are asking about her.

 Don’t spend the time talking about you. Do let her do most of the talking.
 Don’t bad mouth your ex-girlfriends or wives. Don’t bad mouth her ex-boyfriends or
husbands. Do say positive things about your past relationships, or don’t say anything at all.
 Don’t overly compliment a woman, except maybe to tell her she looks nice when you pick
her up or meet up, or that you had a good time at the end of a date.
 Don’t take her to extravagant places on the first date. Do take her some place nice, quiet,
intimate, and inexpensive, until you get to know her and know that she is really into you. If a guy
starts spoiling a woman right away, she will come to expect that kind of treatment.
 Be a charming James Bond 90% of the time and 10% of the time a naughty little boy.
Same thing with teasing. Treat her like a bratty little sister no more than 10% of the time or you
will come off as just putting her down constantly.
 Don’t treat the service people badly
 Do tip your wait staff appropriately

$$$ The whole experience of dating and discovering what you have planned in real time is what
raises a woman’s attraction to you. Her attraction to you increases based on how you ask her out
when you call her on the phone and the anticipation of what is going to happen on a date.

$$$ Don’t call her and tell her everything you are going to do on the date, where you are going to
go, what time you are going to do this and what time you are going to do that. Also don’t ask her
what she wants to do. Invite her to join you. You want it to be a surprise. The less she knows, the
more it heightens her anticipation and the more her attraction grows.

$$$ Going to 2-3 different places in one evening can speed the process up as each place is like a
date in and of itself. You can meet up for happy hour, then maybe go someplace for appetizers or
dinner and then go shoot some pool or bowling, etc. Doing something physical and playful as the
last place you go gives her the opportunity to start touching you. Then make a move to kiss her
and potentially take her back to your place or have her follow you there.
$$$ Dating can be an expensive proposition, the $$ add up quickly. Do you really want to spend
all that money, and time, on a woman that isn’t romantically attracted to you to begin with?
$$$ Women will let you know when it is okay to touch. They will give you an invitation.
The invitations are usually subtle, so again, you have to pay attention.When you are walking
down the street, is she constantly bumping into you? Is she tapping your arm or brushing her
hand on your arm when she is talking? If she has a really high level of attraction, she may even
grab your hand and start holding hands with you, or put her arm around you. I will gradually
start walking away from her, and she will either maintain the distance, or she will bump into me.
If she is bumping into me, that is a sign she wants to be touched. It’s her signal to you that
touching is okay. If she has her arm around you and then takes it away, you do the same until she
gives you the next invitation. It is another subtle test women use to see if you are pursuing her
more than she is pursuing you. When you have passed the test, she will eventually give you
another invitation when it is okay to touch her again. Women are like cats that way.

$$$ WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR DATE, pay attention to what she is saying, but don’t lean
forward as though you are absorbing her presence. Lean back in your seat and be casual. Show
her that you are confident and centered. Let her lean in toward you. Then you can invite her to sit
next to you so you can get even closer. Lean back, spread your legs out and take up as much
space like a king of his kingdom. Ask for the check and pay since you invited her out, signaling
the end of the date without words. While you are doing this, watch for her reaction.
Does she seem disappointed? Does she seem as though she could keep on talking, and is
surprised by you ending the date so soon? These are all good signs that you have raised her
attraction level even more.
$$$ At the end of the date, you are going to want to go for the goodnight kiss if you have not
kissed her already. You want to kiss her on the lips and see if she kisses you back. If she is really
interested in you, she will kiss you back. If she turns her head and you get her cheek, it shows
she doesn’t have any romantic interest in you. At this point, you know that to go out with her
again, would be a waste of your time. One thing you don’t want to do, is to go in for the kiss,
fail, and try to kiss her on the cheek.
$$$ Men are direct and go for what they want. Be the leader. Make it happen when the signs are
there. Do not wait or hesitate.
$$$ One good thing to understand is that dating, courtship, and love should always be playful.
You should always be having a fun time with it. Share stories and making each other laugh.
We didn’t have any serious conversations. They were all humorous and fun.

$$$ For the 2nd and future dates, As far as timing, when do you call her? Let’s say you have had
your first date and everything went great. You are going to wait until the next week. You are
going to use the same principle you used when you called her for the first date. In the beginning
you date once a week until she starts initiating contact and reaching out to you first. Once she
starts reaching out to you several times a week you’ll simply set the next date and get off the
phone. You’re the leader who starts the dating process by going out once per week, and she
escalates the frequency of dates by her calling you a day or two later and you setting the next
date. As her attraction grows she calls you more and more. Therefore, you start to see each other
more and more. If she ever backs off, always go back to the once per week rule where you
initiate one phone call per week to set one date per week. If you had your date with her
Wednesday or Thursday, you are going to call her the following Monday or Tuesday to ask her
out for a date by saying, when are you free to get together? Then you use her
initiated contact to set the next date.

$$$ When you are not with her, then she is thinking and wondering about you and this increases
her attraction to you. If she calls you to talk, that is her way of saying: I like you. I’m
trying to get your attention. That’s what women do. The more they like you, the
more they want your attention. The more they want your presence. Typically what happens is
after the 2nd or 3rd date, she starts texting or calling you a day or two later. Then the 2 nd or 3rd
week you will start seeing her about twice a week because she’s reaching out to you more and
more. By week 5 or 6, you will be seeing each other about 3 times per week. By week 7, she
should be starting to fall in love and starting to bring up the topic of being exclusive

$$$ Let’s say you are dating and she’s calling every day and then all of the sudden she backs off,
don’t call her because she didn’t call you. Nine times out of ten, it’s a test. You need to hang
back and wait. Go back to the once a week rule. If you are talking to her every day and then the
last time you hear from her is on a Wednesday, don’t call her until the following Monday or
Tuesday to ask her out for a date.

$$$ How do you know when it’s time to go steady? When she is emotionally ready, usually by
week 7 of dating, she will bring it up. Until then, hangout, have fun and hook up. Rinse. Recycle.
Repeat. You just gently lead, so she thinks it’s her idea. She’ll let you know when she wants to
go steady.

$$$ Women are always going to push to see what your boundaries are. They might say things
playfully when they’re dating: If you don’t do this for me, I’m not going
to see you any more.
$$$ Keep in mind that the emotions of women who are on the rebound are very raw, and they
may display very high levels of attraction. You could go out and have a great date and all of the
sudden, they don’t want to see you ever again. They can’t see you any more, and you are left
scratching your head again: Why? What happened? They weren’t emotionally ready yet.

$$$ It is good to share things, but before you do, think first: IF I TELL HER THIS, is it going
to have a positive effect on her attraction toward me, or is it going to have a negative effect?
$$$So again, think it over: Does she really need to know this information?
Is it going to help the relationship? Is it going to make her love you more?
$$$The Gift You do not buy a woman gifts. Why? They come off as a bribe for sex. You
really don’t buy a woman anything until she is completely head over heels in love with you.
Don’t send flowers as apology. Until she’s completely in love with you, don’t buy her anything.
It is not going to make her want you more.

$$$ When you encounter resistance, don’t stop or give up. 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back.
Just lean back and chat for a few minutes, then take another run at her few minutes later. Each
time you will get further and further until you’ve taken all her clothes off. If you still have some
clothes on, you’ll have to take those off and strap on a love glove.
Women have to have their emotions engaged before they feel safe having sex. By building the
anticipation in the way I have described, you are actually helping to engage their emotions into
the act itself. That is when the experience becomes so much more intense for a woman, and so
much more pleasurable. The building anticipation engages their emotions and actually tends to
heighten a woman’s sensitivity to the intimacy of the sexual act.

$$$ If she says she wants you to penetrate her right now, wait a few minutes. Let the anticipation
build a little bit more. It’s also like when you are having sex with a woman, and she says: I want
you to cum now. Don’t do her command either.. You want to hold off a few minutes. It is another
subtle way of her feeling your strength, and it builds EVEN more anticipation. That was a big
one for me.
Once I learned that, I was amazed at the results. With one woman I dated, there would always be
this point when we were having sex and she’d say: I want you to cum now. She had a really good
orgasm, and said: You haven’t cum yet. We just kept having sex, and she was able to have one
after another, just bam, bam, bam, bam, eight orgasms. It was amazing. The key was in building
the anticipation and how I kept building it more and more. She tried taking control of the finish,
and I would give it to her eventually, but on MY TERMS.

$$$ Rather than assuming that everything is being done right and just holding back, One of the
things you may want to try is to do something different than what you were already doing,
whether in dating or sex. Try a different stroke, or shift position a little bit. See if she pulls you
back to what you were doing, or see if she is better enjoying the new thing.

$$$ Through praise, you are telling her what it is that you like, and what it is that you want. If
she sees you as 9 in the attraction level category, she wants to make you happy. So she is going
to exercise, and she’s going to go on a diet. She is going to lose the weight and do these things
because you praised her in the right way.

Men think on the context of (How) my needs are fulfilled Women think on the context of (Why)

When people say something, find a word and look at it on an opposite context and make something
funny of it.

The Ten Disciplines of Love

1. Discipline of Selflessness
 You're in a relationship TO GIVE
 Put your lover’s/person’s needs first
 It is not about you
 It’s about what you give not what you get

2. Discipline of loving no matter what

 Withholding your gift is the only source of pain
 To withhold your gift is not to be who you really are
 With real love you will love through joy, pain, and fear because love penetrates everything.
When it talks about withholding your gift, if you have something to say and it’s really bothering
you, get it off your chest, but do it in a positive manner.
If you have something you want to share, or tell your partner, just do it
3. Discipline of being yourself
 Emanating and expressing your true essence and true core.
 Playing small, never serves anybody. You have to be the person you were meant to be.

4. Discipline of presence and playfulness

 If you are a guy, be her mountain, nothing shakes you
 If you are a woman, be his joy, playfulness is the gift of life.

5. Discipline of positive intent

 Eliminate the threats and judgments, and remember the power of language.
 Never make your partner wrong.
 Know their soul.
 People at their core are good. Evil is good gone wrong.
 Choose who you are at every moment. Think about the words you are saying, and the effect it
will have on your partner. Before you say anything, put yourself in your partner’s shoes, and
imagine how it would feel to have those things said to you.

6. Discipline of loving truth

 Vulnerability is power.
 Give the gift of heart-felt honesty, and commit to expressing it openly in this moment.

7. Discipline of freedom
 Power of forgiving, forgetting and flooding.
 Flooding yourself with positive emotions and feelings.
 Pain can only be found in yesterday’s sorrows or tomorrow’s concerns.
 Flood yourself now with the beauty and magic of your life. Flood yourself with positive
emotions. Think about all of the good things in your life, past and present, and bring the feelings
associated with these things into you. For all the wonderful things in your life, be grateful.
Be grateful that you are reading this book and learning all of this wonderful information!

8. Discipline of daily passion and intimacy

 Fear and hurt imprison the heart.
 Do the opposite of what they tell you and passion will grow. When she says “nothing’s
wrong” – dig deeper until you find out. What you fear, you attract. Fear is only an illusion.

9. Discipline of utilization
 Power of higher meaning spiritually and constant personal growth.
 Things happen at the moment. Don’t push against it but go with it. Go with the flow

10. Discipline of gratitude

 Appreciation is the power.
 Experience life’s greatest blessings now.
 Be an appreciator of all good things you have in your life.

Corey weakness: Starting to have feelings on the first look even if I haven't even seen her..
Looks can be deceiving Once you have feelings, it's game over
Whatever you feel inside and you express it outside, it will go back to you, and you will start
feeling it. If you don't wanna have feelings, you got to not give a fuck.. not even a single fuck
I am Centered I am Caring
I am Debonaire I am Giving
I am Gentleman I am Present
I am James Bond I am Admiring
I am Courageous I am Charming
I am Easy Going I am Thoughtful
I am Ambitious I am Compassionate
I am Outgoing
I am Funny How is she being, in the moment?

Never overexplain yourself, Never be too available, Never try to prove yourself, Never win her over
Never force anything, Never say & Never show anything negative about yourself.

Know Wants, James Bond, Read Signals/Attraction Levels, 2F1Back

1. THE 3% MAN
The 3% Man is one of the 3 men out of 100 that a woman meets and is drawn to because
he understands who she is and who he is. In life usually the 3% at the top are the ones that
have the biggest successes.
They are a little rude, indifferent, with the body language of a dominant male
He believes he is a catch and acts like one.
A real alpha man has little competition. One of the things a woman notices most about a
man is his confidence level. Confidence says “I know I am good enough for you”,
“I am good enough for anyone”. It gives a woman the feeling that you will be able to keep
her safe. Make eye contact with a woman until she looks away. Don’t be the first one to look
away. If you don’t have the confidence level, fake it until you make it.

A woman doesn’t want to teach you how to be a man, you supposed to know
this already.

A woman is just unable to walk away from a strong centered guy that is doing
everything right, to show her that he is in his masculine.

Women have a fantasy about being dominated. A woman wants the man to take
control and handle everything. She has nothing to worry about because he takes
away all the worry. She wants to submit to all his love and strength.
The guy is her rock and she is his joy.


Women can say they want something but they respond to something totally different.
A woman loves a guy that is his own man despite what others think about him.
Guy that’s confident & goes for what he wants in life without fear, centered
& one who has control of himself, with purpose, who knows where he is going.
A woman loves a guy that is a challenge, a mysterious.
A woman loves a guy that she can’t have her way with him and no matter what she
does she is not going to sway him away from his purpose. She can’t control him. It’s like a
rock, like a mountain.
A true Alpha man goes for what he wants has positive expectations that he will achieve his
dreams, and he will choose his purpose anytime over a woman, if faced with the choice.
Masculine energy is about drive, purpose, mission, succeeding, accomplishing,
overcoming obstacles, and achieving goals. Women say they love romance, and it’s
partially true, however, they want to be engaged in the chase. Dating is a full experience of
emotions for them. They don’t want everything drop in their laps. They want to feel as if they
have earned your love, and that you have earned theirs. A woman is desperate for a man
that is different, that is not needy, that not going to be jumping all over a chance to go out
with her like they are the last woman on the planet. They crave for unconditional love and
masculine presence of the men they love and care about. Women will chase you if you give
them the space too miss you by not chasing them. Your inaction will cause them to take
some action to get confirmation that you care and desire them.
All you have to do is say yes to their advances.
When a woman chases you, she can’t get rid of you.

Men who chase women get rejected because the very act of chasing
women is a submissive feminine quality.

A woman wants to discover and be discovered.

Women love romance novels, the typical novel goes like this: Boy meets girl.
Boy usually treats girl with indifference. Girl finds boy contemptible, yet cannot
seem to stay away from him. Girl and boy fight the growing attraction. Boy ends
up with girl in a very romantic ending.

A woman wants to be in a love story. Love stories are mysterious and full
of building sexual tension and then releasing it at key moments.
Don’t tell a woman what is going to happen.


The sad reality is that most men are talking women right out of dating them, sleeping with
them, because they have no idea what creates attraction and what turns a woman off.
Women tend to be driven by emotion and connection, instead of logic and reason.
Feminine energy is about opening up to receive love, bonding, connection, etc.
Women are physically, emotionally, mentally designed to receive a man.

A woman loves a confident, dominant man, loves security, wants to know if

he will protect her and make her safe.

Women blow off the nice guy and goes with the jerks, why this happens?
Because the nice guy is easy, she can have her way with him, he acts more like
a woman than a man, emotionally that doesn’t make her feel safe, or that he
could protect her. He is not trustworthy and will do or say anything to make her
happy. He won’t stand up for himself.

A woman wants a partner that can take the direction of the relationship.
An alpha man is a leader. He leads the interaction where he wants to go.

On the other hand, versus the jerk is a challenge to her, its more appealing.


One of the problems the majority of men have is that they put women on a pedestal;
they are intimidated by them, like they are superstars. You should treat all women the
same, whether you like them or not.
Another common problem is that men tend to chase and pursuit too much, especially when
they sense the woman is pulling away.
Chasing and over pursuing a woman guarantees rejection.

So these are the most common mistakes a man makes:

-The man is not centered, weak, and needy.
-The man always does what she wants.
-The man puts a woman on a pedestal, like a queen, intimidated.
-The man treats women differently.
-The man chases and pursue too much. This guarantees rejection.
-The man presses for commitment when she is still not ready.
-The man focuses all his attention on one woman, even if she doesn’t pay attention to him.
This is one of the biggest mistakes men make.

Successful men who are very popular with women never get fixated with just one
Women love to test men, especially when they see a weakness. They test to see what
you are made of. Women love to test, and sometimes they do it seeming to be irritated or
upset by something, when in reality they are testing. Come to a place in which you assume
all women want you. Probably it won’t be the case but that belief helps you to walk away
when she rejects you. Be bold. A true alpha male doesn’t shrink in the face of her
storm. No matter what she throws at you she can’t rock your boat.
Slowly break her resistance. Don’t obey her commands. Be your own man. Be yourself.
A woman will constantly test for your strength.
6. Stop pressing women for COMMITMENT OR RELATIONSHIP:
Relationship is the woman’s department. When she is ready she will let you know, it’s
not your business. Pressing woman for a commitment is one of the things men do that get a
woman out of liking you. Your goal is to hangout, have fun and hook up. The
relationship is the women department, not the men’s department. A woman takes longer
to be in love, or be interested in a relationship. Men are visual creatures; women are
emotional and look for connection. A woman needs to understand who the guy is before
she can engage in an emotional reaction. A woman wants you to be more man than what
she is; she wants you to lead gently.
The purpose of a date is to create a fun filled opportunity for sex to happen. That is
the purpose of seduction. Biologically men and women are driven to mate with the most
dominant member of the opposite sex. The goal of a date is to HAVE FUN. Have a great
time, laugh and enjoy.
Hangout, have fun and hook up!!Tip: When a woman ask you out or suggest that you
go on a date it means she has a high level of attraction for you. An alpha male says,
honey lets go to the movies, or let’s do this or the other…….he sets the plan, has initiative.
Women just want to go out, relax and have fun. A woman doesn’t want responsibility for
sex, setting dates, picking where to go. That is the man’s department. They just want to
show up, look good and have a great time. A woman loves to pull information from you.
She doesn’t want to be easy


Treat her like a lover, always, or she will assume gay, weak, lack of confidence, etc, and
generally not a catch.
Don’t go to the movies or go out for lunch. Take her to dinner, to have drinks or to your
Nice guys who don’t make a move usually are not successful with women.
They get the lets be friends speech. Not making a move gets you nowhere.
These men are too weak to stand for themselves.
Men who are successful have choices with women, plan evening dates that can lead to
sex. It’s a fun filled opportunity for sex to happen. That’s the whole purpose of seduction, to
get closer and closer until you end up inside of her.
NO group dates until she is your girlfriend. It interferes with a woman’s ability to bond
with you emotionally.
walking away from a woman can have her attraction level go up. It’s a scientific fact that
women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. Sometimes walking away is
the best negotiating position. It’s like buying a house.


Carry yourself with your chest out, your head back and a feeling of being proud of
yourself. Walking like a dominant Alpha male.
Women have invisible radar that can feel a confident, centered man approaching.
You walk with a total air of confidence and women will notice you.
Write down how would your ideal woman would be like. What would be her MUST qualities
and values and which ones are not so important.
If you could FedEx the perfect woman, how she would be like?
How would she be physically, emotionally?
How would her habits be?
Choose the top 10 qualities you couldn’t live without.Then write a letter to this ideal
person you haven’t met yet(or maybe you have). In this letter, you tell her everything
you adore about her. Write this letter if the person is already in your life.
Review the list and the letter every single day.
Putting this list and the letter in paper is a very powerful manifestation process.
When a woman likes you, she does specific things, some of them even unconsciously….
She plays with her hair, makes eye contact with you, exposes her neck to you, pays
attention to what you are saying, asks you personal questions, wants to learn more about
you, gets close to you, touches you, touches your arm, bumps into you… Her knee might
be touching you, she might be touching your arm, she may be leaning toward you, standing
so close that her body is bumping yours, Women want to be notice. Everything they do is to
get your attention.
When is time for you to try to kiss her?
As she is talking, slowly, move your eyes from looking into hers to looking at her lips, the
back to her eyes, slowly back to her lips, and then into her eyes over the course of 5 to 7
seconds. If she looks into your lips during the course of you doing this, it means she is
ready to kiss you. By the way, women are very competitive, when a woman sees a guy with
a woman, especially a beautiful one she wonders: What’s that guy got”…
The goal is to create specific dates, once per week at the beginning, so you don’t look
needy or desperate.
Make dates with specific tie and places without the need for confirmation.
Do not use losers language offers like: “would you like to get dinner or lunch and get to
know each other”
Instead say something like “Let’s go to dinner, at this time, at this place
”Making definite dates make all the difference in dating success.
If she doesn’t want to make definite dates, use the negative selling clause like this….
“I have a really busy schedule and I would definitely like to see you, but if you can’t make
definite plans with me, then why don’t we do it some other time?”
Remember the purpose of a date is to Hangout, have fun and hook up.
Hangout: Make a definite date in the evening that can potentially lead to you having sex at
her place or yours.
Have fun: Keep things funny and positive with no complicated situations or subjects. Just
do something fun.
Hook up: Go for the kiss. Kissing leads to heavy petting.
Seduction is the process of getting closer and closer to her until you end up inside of her.
Have Alpha male body language
Ask questions and opinions; let her do about 70% of the talking. VERY IMPORTANT.
Asks lots of questions, like where she grew up, where she went to school.
Try to know everything about her.
Do not be an open book. Be mysterious.
Women love to talk, men just need to learn how to listen. Ask questions; keep your
answers to her questions positive. Be funny, be humorous, get her to laugh, and just
have a good time. The goal is to have fun, to make her laugh, to enjoy.
and finding everything there is to know about her.

You will be a gentleman, hold doors open for her, and open the car door, you
will take her hand when you cross the street, but don’t hold it prematurely….

Pay attention to what she is saying, but don’t lean forward.

Keep alpha male body language, chest out, taking as much space as possible.

Give her a kiss on the lips, it shows confidence,

that says “I know I am good enough for you”

When you leave say, “I had a great night” don’t elaborate, let her think about how
it was. Don’t try to get the next date at the end of this date. Let her wonder.
Let her think about you.


The purpose of an intimate relationship is to love each other and to help each other
grow and become more.
You are here to meet each other’s needs.
The whole purpose of a ‘relationship’ is to give.
Love unconditionally. You are in a relationship to give.
Just see that as an opportunity to make a date, get out of the phone or out of texting.
Say something like this:
“It’s great to hear from you, I would love to see you, when are you free to get
together again?”
When you give compliments make sure they are real, from your heart, not just to say
something. Something strong like:
“You take my breath away. You are intoxicating to look at”
“I love your lips, I want to kiss you”
“I want you”
The best places to meet women are at weddings, art shows, seminars, private parties,
social events, malls, grocery stores, trade shows or even at work. Meeting through mutual
friends usually is much easier.
This is one of the biggest mistakes men make.
That’s not your business. Whatever is going on in her life is not your business now; you are
trying to get to know her.
Many women have boyfriends but are thinking to dump them and just by asking, they can
get uncomfortable or even emotional. Women don’t love a man who they don’t respect.
Better Read her body language. Maybe she has very low interest in her boyfriend and is
waiting to meet someone to dump him.
Being challenge, a little indifferent, making definite dates, using alpha male body language
that attracts, simple pick up approaches, seduction techniques, using the phone only to
set up dates and not talk, asking questions, at the beginning only calling a woman once a
week for a date
QUOTES and Tips
Never tell a woman what you are going to do, let them discover in real time.
Take them out one week, miss the next week and take them twice the following
one. Always keep her wondering. Add spontaneity. Leave her curious as what is
your next surprise going to be.

When a woman wonders about you, it has a positive effect on her attraction level.

A woman will say “I am not looking for a relationship” in reality she is looking
and wants one but a lot of guys come too strong looking for a commitment.

All woman, whether you are starting or have been for 5 years,will test you by not
contacting you. Don’t run after her. Let her come to you better.
When you go into a relationship with a person go there to give, ask yourself
these questions:
– how can I give to this person?
– how can I contribute to her?
– how can I make their life really amazing?

You want her to think this: “I don’t think I can have my way with this guy and
that makes me feel safe”.

What you fear you attract. What you look at disappears.

Women fall in love a lot slower than men do.

The average woman will sleep with a guy after the 2, 3 dates, provided he does
the right things. Take her to multiple places in the same date, that will
dramatically increase the chances to score.

Women are like cats, men are like dogs.

“I think you need to come over here right now and kiss me right now.”

You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.

When you meet someone whose soul isn’t aligned with yours…send them
love and move on…. Dr Wayne Dyer.

The strongest negotiation position is being able to walk away and mean it
Michael Yon

know where you stand. Try to kiss her. You will know how she is. If she likes you
she will facilitate. But I also see another option, she is easy, or could be really
easy. Lean in and go for the kiss.

“It’s great to hear from you, I would love to see you, when are you free to
have dinner this week?”

Hey babe (it was nice hearing from you), you know, I miss you, we should get
together sometime, how about 7 o’clock at hotel X to have dinner,

“Hey it was nice hearing from you, but I got to run, keep in touch”
“Hey I am busy, I got to run, keep in touch.”

1. A woman loves a strong, confident man, a man that goes for what he wants,
that has a mission and vision for his life.
2. Despite whatever they say, a woman loves a man who represents a challenge,
something difficult.
3. Women love mystery, a mystery man that she has to pull out information.
4. Be a gentleman 90% of the time and a bad boy 10% of the time.
Send her a message that she cant control you. Be unpredictable, uncontrollable.
5. Don’t be too available, in general and on answering the phone and texts
messages right away instantly.. wait and let her think about you.
6. Hang out, Have fun, and Hook up, don’t overcomplicate things.

Not being prepared

Not making definite dates
Not being social and friendly
Overpursuing, calling/texting too much
Not practicing and not going out everyday
No purpose, goals, interests or hobbies outside of her
Assuming/Acting/Thinking directly or indirectly that you're gonna be rejected
Too much compliments
Not giving people time and space
Being a therapist or gay male girlfriend
Pushing for commitments, gf exclusivity
Weak eye contact, weak body language
Saying one thing but you do the opposite
Arguing instead if communicating like an adult
Talks too long about himself, instead of asking questions
Putting her on a pedestal celebrity, acting like her do boy
Changing your opinion to match hers, testing you to follow them
Being impatient, needy, mad, stalkerish, making awkward moments
Not taking 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back when encountering resistance
Talking to other friends about her, about the things she tells you in secret
Not being mysterious.. revealing too much.. submissive/unsure of yourself
Not getting to the point & indecisive, Talking in circles to mask your interests
Rattling off same questions, instead of fresh, engaging, interesting questions
Asking women what they want to do instead of inviting them to join you for fun
Not standing up for yourself or setting boundaries.. letting her walk all over you
Not being a leader, waiting women to make the decision, whether kiss or bedroom
Instead of fun, playful.. Being too serious or Being negative, to others, service people
- Always be prepared
- Give a compliment at the right time
- If she reaches out first, set the date ASAP
- Go out, meet people and have fun
- Listen, Let go, & Give ppl the right to say No
- Be straight to the point & say what you want
- Have a reason to keep going in life
- Only use texts to set the appointments
- Don't be a little bitch
- Have fun, be playful but have a balance
- Have a balance of caring and not caring
- Have a balance of playing and not playing
- Women will bring up the topic
- Say what you mean & mean what you say
- Chest out, head back, be proud of yourself
- Always be positive and always tip service
- Be truthful in your words and your actions
- Always practice your social skills
- Communicate and respond like a real man
- Your world shouldn’t revolve around her
- Women 80% talking, Men 20%
- Don’t be scared by them. Treat everyone the same
- Be grounded and always stick to your guts and words
- Always have control of your emotions
- 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back.
- Know when to stop and go again
- Always keep private affairs to yourself
- Always be like James Bond with a smirk in his face.
"What would James Bond do?"
- Never assume they will act/say something
certain way because it can affect you internally
- Be creative & ask ‘Why’ in ur head
& Think of questions relating to their spoken topic
- Always stand up for yourself,
Don’t let anybody take advantage of you
- The man always lead everything in the date
and the conversation and where it’s heading
- Always focus on the present,
and ask how their present is right now
Never overexplain yourself, Never be too available, Never try to prove yourself, Never try to force
anything, Never overwin her over, Never say & Never show anything negative about yourself.

The 'bad boys' also have an idgaf attitude, come across as indifferent, like they don't need a woman
which is a challenge to a lot of women. Don’t be boring or predictable & keep ppl wondering about u.

Believe in yourself and speak to her. Ask her out. That way you can find out early if she's interested.
If not you move on. On to the next. Too many fish in the sea to be hung up for months or years on
one girl. Have an abundance mentality and confidence. Don't be afraid of rejection.
Expect it to happen. A lot!

Walk away and never look back. Build value in her eyes - not that you're trying to- by moving on
instead of trying to win her or settle for friendship. Yes rejection hurts like a mofo but it happens to
the best of em. It's better to know right away if she is/isn't interested

Never ever slip and let women catch you.Women will always test you to see if you're strong or weak.
If you need to cry/be emotional do it with your friends/brothers.

When you are being your best, there's nothing a woman won't do for you. That's how God made
women. She wants a strong man that can protect her. They challenge you and keep you on your
toes. And there are woman who are into self improvement just like you.
If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, give them a chance to appreciate your absense.

They want to feel safe and protected. We are lead by our emotions. It's all about how you make us
feel. Badass, strong, driven men that don't tolerate bs from anyone (including us) make us feel
protected. I know it's hard to imagine but we know that even as adults we can be raped, kidnapped
or killed by bare hands. Having a strong man complements us and makes us feel safe. So focus on
your goals and read the book over and over.

Women are biologically wired to want the best. So I can't call myself or other women greedy
prostitutes however. Seeing 70+ year old billionaires with hot beautiful young women confirms that
money and status are more attractive to women than looks and character even. The bright side or
silver lining is that when a man is fully operating in his true masculine driven energy he will be
appealing to most women naturally and effortlessly.

It is really funny and strange how women from all countries have the same excuses, as you say, it's like
they have the same secret book they learn from. How is it possible that they are so connected far away,
and we guys who are from the same culture and speak the same language like them don't have clue, yet
women from different cultures understand each other.

If you’re with a girl in a bar, tell her “Hey girl, you look really beautiful, I think you should buy me a drink”
Have them be thrown off, Make girls earn it, Find jokes 3 clean, 1 dirty so you can entertain social groups,
Look at what female shops in their cart, Bookstores and grocery stores are u can find good women ,

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