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Kumpulan Soal Modas2

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Movement is within the unrestricted ROM for a segment that is produced entirely by an external force called :
A. Active ROM C. Active Assistive ROM
B. Passive ROM D. Dynamic ROM
2. All of these statement are correct for goal of active ROM, except :
A. Provide sensori feed back from the containing muscle
B. Provide a stimulus for bone and joint tissue integrity
C. Increase circulation and prevent thrombus formation
D. Assist circulation and vascular dynamis
3. Inclinometers have been suggested for accurate measuring of :
A. Shoulder ROM C. Elbow ROM
B. Spine ROM D. Hip ROM
4. Goniometer placement for meassuring shoulder flexion on :
A. Medial Shoulder C. Posterior Shoulder
B. Lateral Shoulder D. Anterior Shoulder
5. Pes Planus derajat 1 bila :
A. Sisi medial foot print melewati aksis kaki
B. Sisi medial foot print tdk melewati aksis dari berbentuk konkaf
C. Sisi medial foot print tdk melewati aksis dari berbentuk rectilinier
D. Sisi medial foot print tdk melewati aksis dari berbentuk konveks
6. Cross extension persisten merupakan tanda :
A. Perkembangan refleks primitif telah mencapai level spinal.
B. Perkembangan refleks primitif telah mencapai level brainstem
C. Perkembangan refleks primitif telah mencapai level midbrain
D. Perkembangan refleks primitif telah mencapai level cortical
7. CTEV merupakan kelainan kaki yg terjadi pd kaki bagian :
A. Belakang dan depan C. Belakang dan tengah
B. Tengah dan depan D. Belakang, tengah dan depan
8. Gambaran STNR persisten adalah sebagai berikut :
A. Kedua lengan fleksi pd umur 1 thn
B. Kedua lengan ekstensi pd umur 1 thn
C. Kedua lengan fleksi pd umur 2 bln
D. Kedua lengan ekstensi pd umur 2 bln
9. Patients with transcortical motor aphasia has the following criteria:
A. Fluent speech C. Difficulty in writing
B. Can mimic spoken words D. None of the above
10. Sensory stimulation for either muscle contraction and relaxation, was introduced by:
A. Bobath C. Fay
B. Rood D. Voss
11. Lesion to the cranial nerve 7 fibers usually occur at:
A. Stylomastoid process C. Chorda timpani
B. Distal to geniculate ganglion D. All of above
12. Uji kapasitas fungsional atlit mencakup, kecuali:
A. Side step test C. Hand reaction test
B. Grip strength Dynamometer D. Barthel Index
13. The disappearance of pain after a nerve root compression is said to be due to…. Following, except :
A. Weakness and atropi of the pharynx
B. Weakness and atrhopi of the larynx muscle
C. Weakness and atrophy of the tongue muscle
D. It is cause by a bilateral UMN lesions involving the…Bulbar….
14. Receptor Ruffini pada somatosensorik keseimbangan berfungsi untuk:
A. joint movement
B. Joint capsule compressions
C. Articular Nociceptive-Mechanical deformity
D. Respon terhadap gerak aktif dan pasif
15. Yang termasuk uji koordinasi adalah:
A. Disdiadokinesia C. Sit and reach test
B. Test Romberg yang dipertajam D. Vertical jump test
16. Gait trendelenberg ditemukan pada kasus:
A. DMD C. Dislokasi hip
B. SMA D. Cerebral palsy
17. Terdapat 4 area fungsi utama dalam melakukan developmental:
A. Bahasa/ bicara C. Tingkah laku/ sifat
B. kemampuan gross motor D. Fine motot adaptive skill
18. two points discrimination test, untuk menentukan:
A. Perbedaan tonus 2 otot
B. Perbedaan hand skill 2 titik
C. Perbedaan MMT antara 2 otot
D. Perbedaan sensori antara 2 titik
19. Manual muscle test is “fair” when:
A. Evidence of slight contractility, no joint motion
B. Complete range of motion against gravity
C. no evidence of contractility
D. Complete range of motion against with same resistance
20. Quadriceps setting exercise is specific for:
a. OA lumbal c. OA cervical
b. OA genu d. OA hip
21. At swing phase in normal walking, maximal knee flexion is:
a. 300 c. 500
b. 400 d. 600
22. The 2nd double limb stance:
a. Begins at opposite foot strike
b. Continous until contralateral toe-off
c. In symmetrical gait, is the same 30% of the gait cycle
d. The pelvis rotate anteriorly
23. Not include as screening test for muscle prior to formal MMT:
a. Having the patient grasp 2 of examiners fingers while the examiner attempts to free the finger by pulling in all directions
b. A deep knee bent (squat and rise)
c. Walk on heels
d. Go from sitting to supine
24. Not possible when grading the shoulder flexors :
a. Patient is put in a sitting position
b. Shoulder is put in approximately 900 of flexion with the elbow flexed
c. The examiner should attempt to force the arm into flexion
d. Pressure is applied over the distal humeral...
25. Uji jalan 6 menit, guidelines lintasan :
A. 10 m C. 30 m
B. 20 m D. 40 m
26. Exklusi uji jalan 6 mnt :
A. CHF stabil C. Pasca CABG
B. Pasca MCI D. Unstable angina
27. Uji latih jantung paru dalam kriteria max test:
A. Protokol Bruce C. Uji 6 mnt
B. Modifikasi Bruce D. Nouvan test
28. Active Aging :
a. Semboyan WHO c. ....
b. Lansia mandiri d. ....
29. Ny. A tidak termotivasi untuk bergerak, diduga terjadi kontraktur pada otot, KECUALI
a. Otot gastrocnemius c. Otot quadriceps
b. Otot hamstring d. Otot tibialis anterior
30. Mentransformasi pikiran jadi simbol dan komunikasi menjadi proses bicara :
A. Resonansi C. Serebrasi
B. Artikulasi d. Semantik
31. Berikut ini yang merupakan komponen St.george’s respiratory questionare yang dihitung terhadap nilai maksimalnya:
A. Gejala, aktivitas, dampak, total
B. Gejala, aktivitas, dampak
C. Gejala, dampak
D. Gejala
32. Pemeriksaan di bawah ini termasuk pemeriksaan fisik paru saat palpasi:
A. Sesak C. Kesimetrisan dada
B. Bentuk dada D. Gerakan dada
33. Pada uji latih dengan ergometer sepeda encycle persiapan pasien:
A. Paling sedikit 2 jam setelah makan pagi
B. Segera setelah makan pagi
C. Tidak diperkenankan makan pagi
D. Tidak diperkenankan minum sebelum uji
34. Berbagai pemeriksaan dibawah ini termasuk dalam pemeriksaan postur keseimbangan dan koordinasi, kecuali:
A. Romberg test C. Test token
B. Pemeriksaan propioseptif D. Heel shin test
35. Bagian otak mana dibawah ini yang termasuk bagian dari batang otak, kecuali:
A. Midbrain B. Medula
c. Pons D. Mesensepalon
36. Nervus facialis mempunyai beberapa fungsi: manakah pernyataan dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan fungsinya?
A. Mempersyarafi otot2 ekspirasi wajah
B. Memberikan informasi pengecapan dari 2/3 lidah depan
C. Membantu dalam proses menelan fase faringeal
D. Mensuplai saraf parasimpatik ke glandula lacrimal
37. The best position for ROM exercise: E
1. Supine 3. Prone
2. Erect 4. Lateral side
38. Yergason test is spesifik for: D
1. Tenis elbow 3. Carpal tunel syndrome
2. De quervain 4. Tendinitis bicipitalis
39. The common type aphasia after stroke: E

1. Wernicke aphasia fluent but nonsense

2. Speech in non fluent in Broca aphasia
3. Wernicke aphasia lost of repetition
4. Global aphasia loss of all expression
40. Ciri lesi UMN : B
1. Spastisitas
2. Athetoid

3. Ballance 4.Hand skill
Homonymous hemianopsia in a stroke patient is caused by lesion of the optic nerve in :
a. retina d. optic tract
b.optic nerve e. macula
c. optic chiasma
Instruct the patient to lie on his side, instruct him abduct his leg, he can do 45 without resistance, MMT:
a. 5 b. 4 c.3 d.2 e. 0
Normal ROM for ulnar deviation :
a.30 b. 20 c.90 d.120 e.150º
Pada pemeriksaan kasus paru,yg menggambarkan kapasitas paru :
a.kemampuan ekspirasi paksa 1 menit d. Volume tidal
b. ekspansi thoraks e. semua benar
c. skala sesak
Data yg perlu diamati untuk pembuatan program paru :
a. TD d. otot pernafasan sekunder
b. laju respirasi e. semua benar
c. pernafasan yg dominan
Fungsi rotator cuff
a. to counter compressive forces generated by deltoid on active abduction
b. to counter rotatory forces generated by deltoid on active abduction
c. to prevent the head of humerus from impingment scapular notch
d. depress the shoulder girdle
e. elevated the head of humerus
Not characteristic of tremor
a. unrhytmical d.involuntary activity
b. alternate e. regular frequency
c. abnormal
Not true for cerebellum :
a. receive a large part of its input from sensory system
b. is one of the higher neural structure that automatically regulate muscle tone
c. plays an integral part in virtually all simple & complex muscle action
d. is not concerned with coordination of complex reciprocal innervation
e. is not concerned with conscious perception of sensation
The traditional criteria for achieving a true VO2 max is :
a. a levelling of blood pressure with increasing exrcise activity
b. a leveling plateau in O2 uptake
c. a leveling CO2 with increase exercise
d. extreme expressing of fatigue by the best subject
Bila bayi berumur 6 bulan belum mampu tengkurap&berguling mrp tanda :
a. ATNR persisten
b. spastisitas derajat 2 pd ekstremitas bwh
c. monoparesis ekstremitas bwh dg hipotonus
d. babinski +
e. refleks moro menetap
The rhomboid cause :
a. downward rotation, adduction, elevation
b. downward rotation, abduction, depression
c. downward rotation, adduction, depression
d. downward rotation, abduction, elevation
e. downward rotation, extension, depression
The following is general treatment for knee osteoarthritis
a. avoid extreme range of motion exercise
b. strengthen the m quadriceps
c. encourage a high impact aerobic home exercise program
d. avoid the use of modalities
e. avoid tapping
Not included as initial treatment for bicipital tendonitis is :
a. anti-inflammatory medication
b. therapeutic modalities
c. avoidance of activities that provoke pain
d. aggressive strengthening of the shoulder stabilizer
e. tapping
Not regarded as therapeutic intervention of non operative treatment for hand OA is :
a. aggressive strengthening
b. splinting to rest involved joint
c. instruction in joint protection
d. paraffin bath
e. underwater ultrasound diathermy
The following primitive reflexes is not positive in 8 months old
a. placing reflex d. plantar grasp
b. parachute reflex e. stepping
c. palmar grasp
Max HR during exercise that is recommended for cardiac insufficiency
a. 40-50% of MHR d. 80-90%
b. 50-60% e. 90-100%
c. 60-80%
Not included as conservative treatment of acute LBP :
a. rest
b. gentle active exercise of the limits
c. analgetics
d. William’s flexion exercise
e. pelvic tilt exercise
In degenerative joint disease of the spine
a. vertigo and visual disturbance may occur
b. anterior spurs are the most common cause of symptom
c. radicular pain is rare
d. ankylosing between vertebra never occurs
e. limitation of motion is rare
The following test positive in early stage of ankylosing spondylitis
a. schober test d. Patrick test
b. Gaenslens test e. FABERE test
c. tinel test
The best measurement of assessing risk for osteoprosis
a. weight d. Z score : classify type of osteo
b. age e. plan x ray
c. T score
Flexion contracture of the hip may lead to..except
a. reduced lumbar lordosis
b. oblique rotation of the pelvis
c. thightening of iliotibial band
d. secondary scoliosis
e. positive Thomas test
The activity of climbing up the stairs need
a. 2 METS b.4 c. 6 d. 8 e.10
The component of fitness include
a. cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, BMI, FEV1
b. cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, body composition (flexibility,..)
c. cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength,flexibility, BMI
d. cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength,….
e. cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular flexibility, …
Not a common radiographic finding of OA
a. bone demineralization and marginal erosion
b. osteophyte d. subcohndral sclerosis
c. joint space narrowing e. cyst
Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
a. paresthesi in radial three and one half digit d. atrophy of the thenar
b. pain that awakens the patient from sleep e. all of the above
c. a sense that the hand swell
HNP that protudes in to
a. ipsilateral hypesthesis anterior part of the leg
b. the nucleus pulposus may displace and passtrough
c. it may be caused variety of etiologies
Not a true statement of spina bifida
a. defect at the lower end of vertebral column and spinal cord
b. it’s a failure of fusion the dorsal part
c. meningocele if the defect associated with meningen
d. a defect result of abnormal migration of developing cortical neuron
e. may cause bowel and bladder dysfunction
During acute poliomyelitis infection injury usually occurs to
a. anterior horn cells d. cerebellum
b. peripheral nerve e. myelum
c. posterior horn
At swing phase in normal walking maximum knee flexion
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 e. 60
The normal range of ankle ROM
a. 20 dorsiflexion, 15 plantarflexion
b. 45 “ 30 “
c. 30 “ 45 “
d. 15 “ 20 “
e. 20 “ 45 “


1. The otonomic component of N VII inervates :
a) Orbicularis oculi
b) Levator palpebra
c) 2/3 anterior of the tongue
d) Lacrimal gland
2. The stage of swallowing the provision of the bolus in to the pharynx by the tongue is :
a) Oral preparation phase
b) Oral phase
c) Pharyngeal phase
d) Oesophageal phase
3. Feeding gastrostomy such percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube feeding is indicated when
a) There is aspiration of thin liquid
b) There is aspiration of thick liquid
c) The individual with disfagia cannot savety obtain adequat alternation and/or hydration by mouth for an extended period of time
d) Gag reflex is negative after acute stroke
4. Homonymous hemianopsia lesion at optic nerve :
a) Retina
b) Optic nerve it self
c) Chiasma opticum
d) Optic track
5. The traditional criteria for achieving a true VO2 max is :
a) A Leveling of blood pressure with increasing exercise activity
b) A leveling pletau in O2 uptake
c) A level CO2 with increase exercise
d) Extreme expressing of fatique by the best subject
6. Hypotese for overtraining include all except the following :
a) Glycogen hypothesis
b) Cytokine hypothesis
c) Central fatigue hypothesis
d) Mood disorder hypothesis
7. Prevention strategis for athletes to reduce their chance of becoming over trained include :
a) Cross training
b) Breaks between seasons
c) Individual lead and variable training program
d) All above
8. Bila bayi 6 bulan belum mampu berguling dalam telentang ke telungkup maka penyebabnya adalah :
a) ATNR persist
b) Spastisitas derajat 2 pd ekstremitas bwh
c) Monoparesis ekstremitas bwh dg hipotonus
d) Babinski +
e) Refleks moro menetap
9. Anak 18 bulan seharusnya sudah sampai perkembangan speech tahap :
a) Memahami dan fonem
b) Morfologi beberapa kata
c) Semantik
d) Fragmatis
10. Pemeriksaan CTEV di temukan :
a) Bagian kaki posterior dorsoflexi (plantarflexi)
b) Bagian kaki anterior varus
c) Bagian kaki tengah eversi (talus equinus&varus)
d) Calcaneus valgus (inversi)
11. Instruct the patient lying on side , stabilize his pelvis by placing your hand over the iliac crest. Then instruct him to abduct his lag, he can do 45⁰
without resist , so he can elevate the gluteus medius (MMT …):
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
12. Normal ROM ulnar deviation :
a) 30
b) 20
c) 50
d) 80
13. To evaluate shoulder extension ROM, place to gonio at :
a) Lateral shoulder
b) Medial shoulder
c) Anterior shoulder
d) Posterior shoulder
14. Higher brain function assessment except :
1. Attention
2. Memory
3. Calculation
4. Patological reflex
15. The ability maintain body orientation and posture in relation to the surround environment while at rest or during movement :
a) Apraxia dan
b) Spatial orientation
c) Stereognosis
d) Body perception

16. Kemampuan mengenali obyek dengan sentuhan :

a) Vibration perception
b) Apraxia
c) Stereognosis
d) Visual agnosis
17. 4 weeks post stroke a 55 years old gentlemen can’t find the bath room :
a) Spatial disorientation
b) Apraxia
c) Dysatria
d) Calculation
18. If a person is able to correctly report touch /visual object presented on midline but is unaware of the stimuli presented bilaterally , the person has
sensory exitation, this is a form of :
a) Visual agnosia
b) Stereognosis
c) Apraxia
d) Unilateral neglect
19. Yang bukan penilaian subyektif pemeriksaan paru :
b) Skala Borg
c) Peak flow
d) VAS
20. Pada pemeriksaan kasus paru , gambaran kapasitas paru :
a) FEV
b) Expansi thorax
c) Skala Brog
d) Vol. Tidal
21. Characteristic of tremor except :
a) Unrymitchal
b) Alternating
c) Abnormal
d) Involuntary activity
22. Cerebelum are in below except :
a) Receive a large part of its input from sensory system
b) In the of the higher neural structure that automatically regulate muscle tone
c) Play an integral part in virtually all simple and complete muscle activity
d) Is not concerned with the coordination of complete reciprocal inervation
23. Types of intrafusal muscle fibre are differential by the…except :
a) Arrangement of the nuclei
b) Size
c) Length
d) Number of the nuclei
24) The classification of dorsal root fiber into group Ia & II is based upon :
a) Fiber length
b) Fiber arrangement
c) Stimulation threshold
d)Degree of atrophy following denervation
25) Primary ending ( dynamic & static portion )
a) Have monosynaptic connection d) Inhibition of agonist muscle
b) Coordinating mechanism that present at the supra spinal cord level
c) Facilitation of the antagonist muscle
26) Spinal shock in characterized by loss of :
a) somatic sensation
b) visceral sensation
c) motor function
d) all
27) Myotatic reflex is a : ?
a) Polysinaptic reflex
b) Dependent upon one neuron

c) Segmental reflex
d) Usually involve one spinal segment
28) Factors that can enhance percutaneus absorption that act by physical means to increase absorption includes :
a) Temperature
b) Hyperemia
c) high skin surface concentration
d) physical stripping
26) Factors that can enhance percutaneus absorption that act by increase by the permeability includes :
a) Physical stripping
b) Abrasion
c) Injury vesicant chemical
d) High skin surface concentration
27) Signs & symtomps of autonomic hipereflexion are bellow except :
a) Distension of the bladder & bowel
b) Sweating of the forehead
c) Dilatation of the pupil of the eyes
d) Bradycardia
28) Erection produced by stimulation of penis requires are below, except :
a) intact lumbosacral cord
b) intact somatic sensory pathway
c) afferent parasymphatic pelvic nerves
d) efferent symphatic nerves
29) Significant changes in body temperature are related to factors such as :

a) diurnal change
b) age
c) sex
d) all above

30) Shivering is a potent source of increased heat production, except :

a) Decreased of O2 consumption
b) Mediated by somatic nerve
c) Requires an intact spinal cord
d) Requires an intact …hypothermia
31) Latihan peregangan yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan LGS :
a) tahanan
b) fleksibilitas
c) relaksasi
d) anaerobic
32) De Lorme mengembangkan suatu latihan penguatan yang dikenal dgn :
b) Brief max isometric exercise
c) Progresive resistance exercise ( PRE )
d) Daily adjustable resistance exercise ( DAPRE )
33) PF Trunk dilakukan :
a) Berdiri
b) Anterior
c) Lateral
d) Duduk
34) PF letak bahu kanan kiri berfungsi untuk :
a) Allignment vertebra tulang belakang
b) Kesimetrisan tulang belakang
c) Pasca fraktur clavicula & scapula
d) Pasca fraktur cervical
33) PF LGS :
a) dimulai aktif
b) Dilakukan pada sisi yang sakit
c) Dilakukan pada sisi yang sehat
d) tidak disarankan pada yang sakit
34) Klinik siang lansia merupakan bentuk layanan day care,
a) aktivitas rekreasi
b) aktivitas terapi relaksasi
c) aktivitas istirahat care giver
d) benar semua
35) Hal2 berikut dalam disain ruangan day care yang perlu diperhatikan sbb :
a) mudah akses
b) ruangan cukup luas
c) dinding dilengkapi dengan…
d) ruang makan tidak perlu
36) Aktivitas day care yang bisa diberikan sbb :
a) makan bersama
b) terapi kelompok
c) terapi relaksasi
d) benar semua

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