TJP 4.x - 1VLC000524 Rev.5, en

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TJP 4.x
Indoor voltage transformers
2 T J P 4 . X I N D O O R V O LTA G E T R A N S F O R M E R S

— The TJP 4.2 transformer is equipped with a fuse

Fig. 01. Voltage trans- Parameters Units
former with suitable conformably to IEC standard. The design of TJP
fuses Highest voltage for equipment 3.6 - 12 kV 4.2 is suitable for the „cable“ connection (see HV
Power frequency test voltage, 1 min. 10 - 42 kV
terminal and the position of the secondary termi-
Lightning impulse test voltage 40 - 75 kV

Fuses 0.3; 0.6; 2 or 6.3 A Rated primary voltages

(IEC) 3/√3 kV; 3.3/√3 kV; 6/√3 kV; 6.6/√3 kV; 10/√3 kV;
Max. rated burden, classes 25/0.2 - 75/0.5 - 11/√3 kV. Other primary voltages can also be sup-
150/1 VA/cl plied on request.
Residual winding 50 - 200/6P VA/cl
Rated secondary voltages
100/√3 V; 110/√3 V – accuracy classes 0.2; 0.5; 1
(measuring winding) or 3P; 6P (protection wind-
Description ing). Other secondary voltages can also be sup-
The TJP 4.x epoxy insulated voltage transformers plied on request.
are cast in epoxy resin and designed mostly for
insulation voltages of 3.6 kV to 12 kV. Rated voltages for open-delta connection
100/3 V; 110/3 V - class 6P. Other voltages for
If no a different value is required, the transform- open-delta connection can also be supplied
ers are manufactured with a overvoltage factor of based on customer requirement.
1.9 x Un/8 hrs. One outlet of the primary winding,
including the respective terminal is insulated Rated frequency
from the earth to a level which corresponds to the 50 Hz; 60 Hz.
rated insulation value. The other outlet of primary
winding with its terminal is earthed during the Based on a discussion with the manufacturer the
operation. Most of the transformers are equipped transformer can also be designed for two primary
with two secondary windings, the first one for ei- voltage levels (with change over secondary side).
ther measuring or protection purposes, the other
for being connected into an open-delta connec- The transformers are manufactured conformably
tion in a three-phase system. One terminal of to the requirements and recommendations of the
each secondary winding and one of the opendelta following standards and regulations: IEC, VDE,
connected terminals have to be earthed during ANSI, BS, GOST and CSN.
the transformer operation.

The secondary windings are lead out into a cast-

type secondary terminal board. The secondary
terminal board is covered with a sealed plastic

The transformer can be mounted in any position.

The transformer body is fixed by four screws, the
bolted M8 earthing clamp is located on the trans-
former base plate. The TJP 4.0 transformer is
equipped with a fuse conformably to IEC stan-
dard. The design of TJP 4.0 is suitable for ABB AIS
panels (see HV terminal and the position of the
secondary terminals)

The TJP 4.1 transformer is equipped with a spe-

cial fuse of either 0.3 A or 0.6 A rated current (JT 6
type). The design of TJP 4.1 is suitable for the „ca- —
ble“ connection (see HV terminal and the position
of the secondary terminals)

Dimensional Drawings

— Weight: appr. 24 kg — Weight: appr. 24 kg

TJP 4.0 Creepage Distance: 400 mm TJP 4.1 Creepage Distance: 296 mm




Pg16 14







18 max.







10 270 12
49 334



fuse IEC 60282-1

M8 10 270 15
334 68

fuse JT6 300, 600mA
Drawing n. Drawing n. Drawing n.
44204060 1VL4200418R0101 44204080

Marking of the voltage transformer outlets

a) b)

c) d) e)

a) Single-pole insulated transformer | b) Single-pole insulated transformer with a tap | c) Single-pole insulated transformer with two secondary windings | d) Single-pole
insulated transformer with two secondary windings, with one of which being the auxiliary (residual) winding | e) Single-pole insulated transformer with two secondary, tapped
windings, with one which being the auxiliary (residual) winding.
4 T J P 4 . X I N D O O R V O LTA G E T R A N S F O R M E R S

Standard execution of the transformers

Primary voltage, [V] Secondary voltage Residual winding

voltage, [V] accuracy burden, [VA] voltage, [V] accuracy burden, [VA]
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 100
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 100
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 100
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 00
3 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100
3 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 100
3 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100
3 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 50
3 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100
6 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 100
6 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100
6 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 50
6 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 100

Primary voltage, [V] Secondary voltage Residual winding

voltage, [V] accuracy burden, [VA] voltage, [V] accuracy burden, [VA]
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 100
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 100
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 100
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 100
10 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100
10 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 100
10 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100
10 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 50
10 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.2 10;15;25 100/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.2 10;15;25 110/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 100/√3 0.5 15;25;50 100/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 110/√3 0.5 15;25;50 110/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100
11 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 100/√3 1 50;75;100 100/3 6P 100
11 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100
11 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 50
11 000/√3 110/√3 1 50;75;100 110/3 6P 100
— —
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1VLC000524 Rev.5, en 2017.06.28

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