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GameFAQs: .hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption (PS2) Walkthrough by JonFireblade.

vol. 3//Redemption: Walkthrough by JonFireblade
Version Final, Last Updated 2008-04-01 View/Download Original File Hosted by
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.hack// G.U.
Vol. 3// Redemption

"That's why I'm here."

---In-Depth step-by-step walk through / FAQ

---(!!!!!)---This Guide has been written by Jon_Fireblade and only by

Jon_Fireblade. (Unless other wise stated)
You may not copy or reproduce it under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of the guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. This guide was written for only and is not
for use on other web sites. Any requests to use this guide for anyhting
other then personal use will likely be denied. Thank You.
This guide may contain mild language but
no worse then what you'll hear in the Game.

-------(!!!) -------------------
*Note*-For personal use on a computer I suggest using the 'select all' option
and then copy and paste this on a blank WORD PAD document. This program is the
most basic word processor document and comes standard on all Windows

-----Table of Contents----
I) Intro. to guide
II) G.U. series
((Area words marked with (Q) are quest shop related areas))
C) Vol. 3- Redemption
-- Spreading Shadows --
1)Universal, Ocean's, Glide
2)Unseen, Alien, Elf Animal(Q)
3)Hidden,Forbidden, Hades
4)Hidden,Forbidden, Hades
5)Calm, Betrayal's, Longing
6)Gathering, Familiar, Mascot(Q)
-- No Choice --
7)Tournament:Round One
8)Wise, Calamity's, Water Mill
9)Tournament:Round Two
10) Glowing, Passive, Fairy(Q)
11)Tournament: Semi Finals
12)Undercover, Lakeside's, Metal Beast(Q)
13)Tournament:Final Round
14)Looming, Muddled, Seer(Q)
15)Running, Speed's, Rider(Q)
16)Tourtament: Title Match
-- Key of the Twilight --
17)Ethical, Prodigy's, Prophecy
18)Fading, Moonflower, Glory
19)Vulnerable, Barren, Safe House(Q)
20)Undetered, Legerity's, Goblin(Q)
21)Immersed, Crime's, Paraphrase
-- Preludes of Battle --
22)Hidden, Forbidden, Bulwark
23)Incensed, World's, Build-up
24) Fleeing, Dismayed, Emotion
25) Hidden, Forbidden, HolyGround
-- War of the Epitaphs --
26)Hidden, Forbidden, Dragonbein
27)Hidden, Forbidden, Battlefield
28)Hidden, Forbidden, Bulwark
29)Hidden, Forbidden, Radiation
30)Excited, Conflict's, Fate
31)Hidden, Forbidden, HolyGround
-- End of Vol. 3 / Post Game --
- 1)Doppleganger
- 2)Lost Weapons
- 3)Hidden Quest: Forest of Pain
- 4)Quest Champaigns
a)Highway Master
b)Stray Mecha Grunty
c)Lucky Data Collection
d)Chim's Kicker
e)Bikman Model
f)Chase The Bounty
- 5)Bike Missions
- 6)Normal Quests
- 7)Books of 1000
a)Lucky Animals
- 8)CrimsonVs
b)Getting Cards
c)Suggest Decks
-- III)Characters and Story Line --
- 1)Characters
a)Epitaph Users
b)'Background' characters
c)Other Important Characters
- 2)Story Line
a)Pre-Morganna Incident
c)Time of Pluto Again
h)//Legend of the Twilight
i)G.U Time period
-- Frequently Asked Questions --
- 1)Questions for All 3 Games
- 2)Questions for Vol 1
- 3)Questions for Vol 2
- 4)Questions for vol 3
IV) Credits

*Note- if you're looking for a specific place in the guide follow these
instructions to find it quickly:
1) Select the item you're looking for from the above table of
contents,and Copy it.
2) press and hold ctrl (then) f to open a small search window.
Paste the title of what you're looking for in the shearch box.
3) Click on 'Find Next' until you see what you're looking for.

----------------------------I) Introduction to Guide------------------------
Welcome back everyone. It's time to get started the the 3rd and final game
of the GU series. I wanted to thank you all for sending me e-mails
saying you liked the guides for Rebirth and Reminisce.
I only hope to be able to deliver a guide just as good if not better.
So anyway, after playing Vol 3 in the GU series I'm still not sure what to
make of it. Some parts of it were enjoyable and yet others were on the verge
of being rather annoying. It is by far the do I say this......
.......different......Ahhh: It had so many good things in it that made
it a fun game. It's just that I honestly wish things would have turned out
a little differnt in the end. It has a different feel to it then any of the
other .hack games. It was good, its just that it was so different: it made
it feel like the odd ball of the series. I don't know. You'll just have to
see for yourselves.

Well anyway, enough of me going on like this. Lets get to the guide.
I'd like to re-cap quickly with what was said in the last guide and also
to add some new information to this guide so please read:
These are the major forms of Media in the .Hack// series:
Going in chronological order-
.Hack//SIGN (TV series),
.Hack//Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine (Games)
.Hack//Legend of the Twilight (TV)
.Hack//ROOTS (TV)
.Hack// G.U. Vol: 1 (Rebirth),2 (Reminisce),and 3 (Redemption)
(.Hack// G.U. Trilogy is a full length CG movie that's due for release
in Japan on January 25,2008. Add another 6 months and you get a rough estiment
on when it will reach the US. Also, it seems the movie will take an alternate
approch in telling the story. AKA: "This is how it could have happend")
Also note that there are bonus disks that come with each of the four original
games and one bonus disk (The Terminal Disk) that comes with the special
edition of .Hack//G.U.- Vol. 1-Rebirth. Also on the normal game disk of
Vol. 2-Reminisce there is included the first episode of .hack//Roots, AND
also on the normal game disk of Vol. 3 is the 6th episode of ROOTs, Both of
which can be watched through the game's desktop under the movie player.
Moving along:
This guide will take you step-by-step through Vol. 3 Redemption. I will
include the story events, Optional Quests, Hidden Quest, Books of 1000,
leveling up, boss fights, back ground information, and of course other little
odds and ends.
Just like in the last guide this walkthrough DOES contain spoilers, BUT again
like in the last 2 guides I will mark them before hand and have you play ahead.
You will notice that my standard line is: "Watch the scenes, and then come
back and read more." This allows you to play through the game and still enjoy
all the surprises the story has to offer without spoiling it for yourself.
For now lets get started with this game.

-------------------------------- II) G.U. series ---------------------------

.Hack// G.U.

--------------------C) Vol. 3- Redemption --------------------------

--- Game info.
Game length: Moderate
Average Game time: 25 hours (20-30 hours)
Difficulty: Medium-Hardish
----Over View---
--Gameplay: 9/10- Nothing's perfect but I really enjoyed the combat in this
volume. It felt like you were almost playing a different game instead of the
same game with a continued story line.
--Music: 10/10- It fits perfectly, and I mean Perfectly.
--Graphics: 9/10 - granted it can't compare to some
Final Fantasy CG movies, but it's the next best thing.
--Voice Acting: 9/10 - only on rare occasions did I
think it might have been better, but even then not by much.
--Replay Value: 8/10- Replay value ok. I mean it's a fine enough series
that you'll probably want to play through the games more then once.
--Story Line: 10/10- Really this one is an odd ball of the whole
series even more so the Reminisce. But then they were trying to make the
games feel differnt from each other.
Overall rating: 8/10 - I personally think it was just slightly under par
with the other two games. In the overall ranking I think it was pretty good,
but not truly great. Still don't be dissapointed, that's just what I think.
I still say that as a series it's one of the best I've ever played: Good game
play, amazing music, great graphics, and a story worthy to be called .Hack// .

--- Getting started-

I'm going to mention here that you guys using my guide will probably enjoy
the game more than I did. The reason is that I'll be explaining things as you
go along and helping you out. Where as the first time I played the game I was
on the verge of going nuts from not being sure what to do and when to do it. I
mean there isn't a huge amount of stuff such as a game like Final Fantasy 12,
but there's enough that you'll probably be glad to have advice if you're
like me.
Ok then, First things first.
-------People Converting from Vol. 2 Reminisce.--------------
Those of us who went and bought the first and second game,
you will be glad to know that you will indeed keep the following things from
the last game: Items, EXP, party list, equipment, money, Guild Rank, affection
rating, and lots of other stuff. As long as you have the cleared data
from the second game you can keep all that stuff mentioned above. For now read
on and I'll walk you through getting your data converted.

-------People starting a new game from scratch.-------------

Well, for you who are starting new; this is going kind of suck.
When you start a new game you will be given a certain amount of stuff
to help you out, but honestly you got your work cut out for you. See,
people converting had the chance to earn extra money, level up,
and do extra stuff before they started into the this game. You on the
other hand won't have that opportunity. Here's a list of stats for
when you start a new game:
-Level 93
-Skill level: TwinSword-20, BroadSword-20, Scythe-20
-Twin swords: Level 91 Wind Haven
-Broad Sword: Level 92 Wrath Fenlong
-Scythe: Level 75 Ticking Death
-Armor: Level 90 Vigil Dragon
-Accessory: Level 90 Simple Handbag
-Items: Healing Potion x15, Fairy Drop x10,Revival Medicine x10,
Life Scrolx2.
-Money: 15,000 GP
Honestly I don't know what to tell you other then good luck.
You're going to need it.
As you put in the disk take time to watch the opening movie play before you
get to the main menu. Don't skip it. It's pretty good, not my favorite. But
As the main menu comes up notice that you no longer have the Convert Option
from Vol 1. Basicly you'll find it the same system as vol 2.
Go ahead and start a new game. If you beat Vol. 2 and have
the data on the same memory card you will get a message that reads as follows:
-"If you have clear data from .hack//GU vol 2: Reminisce, you can use it to
begin .hack//GU vol 3: Redemption. Begin game by converting?"
Obviously you want to select "yes" because otherwise you'll waste all the work
you did in the last game.
You will be asked to chose the save file to start a new game with.
-Once you do that you will get another message:
"You will recive a bonus for converting clear data from Vol. 2 Reminisce.
If your inventory is full, items will be stored in you guild storage."
Sweet! Not only do you get to keep your stuff from the last game but they
give you a double reward for just beating the last game.

Here is the list of what you get: Holy Arrow x10,Hell Raiser x10,The Wheel x10,
Warrior Soul x15, Wizard Soul x15 and 10,000 GP. And last but not least:
a movie added to your desktop Movie player.

So anywho. Watch and enjoy the opening scenes, and there is a large amount
of them. So kick back and relax. Feel free to read ahead AFTER you finish all
those scenes. I mean like ALL of them. Come back when you arrive at your
desktop and we'll take it from there.

Movie- Ovan and the Girl
Short Version/Main points: This game opens with a movie
that sheds some light on Ovan's past, which until this game
has been pretty clouded. The the Vets of the series will probably
flip a lid, like I did, when they see the cover of the book Ovan
was holding.

In the Cut sceens following the opening movie you are given yet
more information. Ovan states the fact that once, seven years ago, there
was a godess that existed in the game. And of course those who havnt played
the original games are probably getting pretty pi$$ed I keep bringing it up
and they still have no idea what the F*** is going on. well good news for you
my firends. By the end of this guide I promise you will know everything
important that happened in the old games and everything else that goes
with it.
Back to the movies:
1- Aina was attacked by AIDA and could not be cured by Ovan's Avatar.
Well that sucks.
2-You realize that Ovan's incased arm is losing some of it's
effectiveness to restrain the powerful AIDA that infected Ovan.
Also, Ovan is depending on Haseo to come through for him.....
Wait a second, WTF!? What is AIDA going to do? Why is time running
out? What is it Haseo has to do?
"Tune in next time to find the answers......"

Next is the recaping on the first two games. YAY! Memory flash backs!

After the recap of past events you'll see Haseo talking to himself outloud.
Ahh, dont worry he's not crazy, I talk to myself all the time.........
....................WHAT?!, don't give me that look. It's not funny! Sometimes
it's good just to talk out loud and blow off some steam.......yeah whatever.

Anyway, Haseo points out that he saw Azure Kite when Shino got pked by Ovan
and sent into a coma. So naturally he thought Azure Kite had done the crime.
Lol, Poor Azure Kite had been framed all along. Leave it to Haseo to go after
the wrong guy.
Haseo goes on to say that it's very likly that Ovan's been pulling the strings
since they first met.....well, YEAH. Who did you think it was Haseo? Instead
of brewing over the fact you SHOULD be thinking about WHY Ovan whould do that
to you. Last time I checked Ovan wasn't insane, a little odd at times, but not
insane. And only insane people (or some one who has no heart what so ever)
would put you through hell like that. No....Ovan has a reason.

----Next sceen.
You see Yata Brooding over the situation at the Serpent of Lore.
Then as he's starting to draw some good conclusions when he suddenly hears
a voice from above sayin: DENIED FOOL!
Yeah, it sucks, but finially the big wigs at CC Corp. have had enough
of Yata's BS and are getting ready to boot him out the door.

--------------------- Spreading Shadows ------------------
Well then, it seems as though things are not looking good.
This first section of the game will be dealing largely
with the aftermath of all the events that happened at the
end of Vol 2. I'll warn you now, alot of stuff happens
and not alot of it is good. And to be completely honest you're
going to have to deal with all this $hit first BEFORE you'll be able
to get to anything good and intresting.
Lets start things off with the e-mails. And make sure to start at the bottom
of the list and work your way up.

-E-mail- Uchiyamada : Conversion bonus features
Short version: Ok, when I first read this e-mail Everything was ok until
I read about the Doppelganger then I got confused as heck.
1) Id you check your movie player on your desktop you will find the 6th
episode of .hack//ROOTS. So that's cool.
2)If you defeated the Doppelganger and did all the stuff I told you to
in my other guides, then you got nothing to worry about. I'll cover when
you should go fight him and what not. And that won't be for awhile considering
you can't get the items from him until the Post Game section. So don't worry.
-E-mail- CC Corp. : Notice of Campaign Completion
Short version: It means all the Camaigns from Vol 2
are now over and your chance to get the special items from
those events is now passed. (Hopefully you maxed out the books
of 1000 before you started into the next game)

-E-mail- CC Corp : New Town Access
Short version: You can now go to Breg Epona. A new town for advanced
players. BUT it's not the last town you can go to, there's one more, but
that'll have to wait till later.

-E-mail- CC Corp. : Your Benefits as Holy Palace Champion
Short version: Basicly Canard has expanded to an Advanced level Guild.
There are 3 bonuses for achieving this.
1) Your @home is now located in Breg Epona.
2) You can use alchemy on weapons that have a difference of 20 levels.
3) When viewing your guilds storage you can press Tri-angle and exchang the
item for money. (Although your better off just selling it at the guild shop)
-E-mail- Atoli : About Moon Tree
Short version: She talks about the aftermath of the event that
took place at Moon Tree. Remember that the Crowning ceramony for Haseo,
the thing with Moon Tree, the Battle with Sakaki, and then Facing off with
Ovan: All happened on the same day. My guess this is somewhere within a week
afterward. Haseo did mention he needed some time to himself before he could
move forward. I'm willing to bet he took a couple days off.

-E-mail- Anonymous : The Power of the Avatar
Short version: Bascily someone knows who you are and what's
going on. However he refuses to give you his name. But he's
let you know that instead of Divine Awakening you can now
perform Avatar Awakening.
Anyway, he says he's your unseen ally. That's cool. Personally I
think it's the guy who wrote the Terminal Disk. AKA a head cc corp.
programming engineer who resigned after...........well, lets just say
he was co-leading the project that created the avatars. Which just happens
to be the project that caused the fire at the CC Corp. building and destroyed
80% of the first version of the game.
............And you want this guy messing with Haseo's character?!
Not really, the fire wasn't his fault. It was the other guy......

-E-mail- Anonymous : Growth of the Avatars
Short version: Ok, here's what I was saying in my last guide about
the Lost weapons having the potential of being the Ultimate weapons
for the Epitaph users.
Remeber the weapon Haseo got in the last game (Ticking Death?).
Well if you collect enough Virus Cores by using Avatar Awakening
you can upgrade the weapon and it will become stronger. I'll walk you
through the process in the guide so don't worry for now. Besides the only
weapons I would suggest doing this for is Haseo, Atoli, and Kuhn.
The others are optional and not really nesscary. I was able to get 4 out of
7 weapons fully upgraded by the end of the game. So really it wasn't that much
trouble and not really a big pain.

Ok, next thing you should do is flip over to the News. You might as well look
at this and get it out of the way now.

-News- :
Short version:
-There's a new Online Jack. The first one
in this game isn't greta, but the other two
are really good. But, watch it anyway, it's
still rather funny.
-The internation space station is having problems
and if they continue it's going to fall out of orbit.....
well that sucks.
-Some cars are seriosuly Jacked up. Stupid people should know
better then to let a computer drive for them.
-There is an extreely odd topic about the Arena and how the
rules have changed......What the CRAP?!
Lastly look on the Forums. Remember that you're seeing the
aftermath of everything that took place in vol 2.

-Forums- :
Short version:
-Some ppl talking about Moon Tree and see black spots.
-Version update for Crimsion VS
-Some ppl commenting about the news
-More ppl talking about black spots
-And Pics on the Apkallu.
when that's done it'll be time to finally log-in.
There's some stuff on the Offical Forums, not really
important, just view it quickly then log-in.
-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Open your menue to see all the new stuff they got for you.
1- You can check the growth (level) of the lost weapons under
your menue now.
2- Avatar Awakening can be leveld to to a max of levle 10 at which
point it will do the most damage. (I only ever got mine to level like lvl 6)

Then, transfer over to the new town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
This town will be your base of operations for about 3/4 of the game.

Your first order of bussiness is to head to the new @Home. It's located
at the back of the city, you can use a warp point to get there or you can
walk/Ride the Steam bike. Your choice. I would take time to look at what's
for sale in the new shops. This city is the 2nd biggest one in the game.
At first I really didn't find this one that likable, it was a bit bright
for my taste. However, after taking some time to slow down and appreacate
it: it really is rather detailed and after awhile I decided I liked it.
By contrast the new @Home is kinda dark......
Well, what ever.
Generally speaking I think it's pretty cool.
Silabus and Gaspard are there and metion its time for a grunty event.
Then Atoli appears out of no where and scares Haseo: Blind spot again.
At anyrate, talk to Death Grunty to get on with the event and on with
the story line, of course you can't help but chuckel at Death Grunty and Haseo.
You'll get some key words and this'll be the first area for the game.
Also, talk to death grunty and view the books of 1000. I had 4 of the 8
max out right then and there. Then turn around and take the money you just
got off Death Grunty and buy the new Guild Expansions. Lastly, the items you
got as Game Convertion Bonus, yeah, I'd just sell them because to me they're
worth more in GP to me then actually using them in battle. It's up to you
but it's a good way to earn some extra cash.
-Equipment and Items-
Ok, Add Atoli and Silabus to your party. Then head back into town. Make sure
to stop at the Weapon and Armor Shop. Pick up the following things:
If you have the Doppleganage Weapons and the Lvl 100 armor from
beating the game's hidden quest then Haseo won't need a weapon and
armor upgrade for about half the game.
BUT: I'm sure it's safe to assume that there are a couple ppl who
perhaps bought the games out of order OR just didn't bother to get the
doppleganger items that are so very very useful. That being the case I
figure for the sake of arguement. I will not use any of those weapons
during the normal game play while writing this guide.
(Even tho it'll be a serious pain in the @$$)
TwinBlades- lvl 101 (wp shop in Breg)- Fire att and Drain 10%hp
Broad Sword- lvl 101 (wp shop in Breg)-Fire att and Drain 10% sp
Scythe- lvl 101 (wp shop in Breg)- Light att and Drain 10% hp
Armor- lvl 101 (arm shop in Breg)- -25% Phy and -10% Magic
Accessory- lvl 95 (2nd game)- +10% speed, red stone x2
(decrease arts sp consumption)
lvl 101 sword-Move the materials to his new weapon
lvl 101 Light armor- *dido for materials*
Leave accessory as is for now (Lvl 95)
level 101 Robes

Like I said above: If you followed my guide from vol 2 you should have
the Doppleganger weapons and also the Armor from beating "The god Eater" in the
Hidden Quest for Vol 2. That Equipment will actually last you for almost half
the game before you need to upgrade your equipment. In other words, Haseo
doesn't really NEED anything at the moment.
Also, MAKE SURE to go to the magic shop where they sell scrolls and pick
up a few Sanity scrolls. It allows you and Atoli to learn the spell to cure
confuse. You WILL need this.
-Also make sure to buy about 40 items that also Cure Confuse (Lucid Soda)
and give about 30 of them to Atoli. Also Buy a bunch of the item
called Wonder Soda (it cures any negative effect) and also give some to
Save then head for the Chaos Gate.
Ok, then off we go.

------- 1)Universal, Ocean's, Glide -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 96
Party: Haseo, Silabus, Atoli
My Level: 100

First off, assuming you followed my guide for the last game. Your will
be well prepared for this first section of the game.
Bascily for this mission you need to run around to three different hills and
be marked with the Grunty sent. Once you do that you can go to the last hill
and locate Melo Grunty.
Before we get to that, I need to metion some things first.
1) Hopefully you took the time to max out your level before moving
on the vol 3. If you did so you will note that you exp is 999/1000
Fighting just one enemy on this field will alow you to gain a level.
2) If you took the time to Max out your Skill Levels from Vol 2. You will
note that by using your skills (of each weapon type) just once, you will
gain a Skill Level (lvl 21). This will grant you the level 3 arts for your
Scythe, Broad Sword, and Twin Swoards. These skill are you LAST arts
you will be able to gain for each type of weapon. From here on out, every
time you gain a skill level (22-30) you will decrese the amount of SP needed
to use the skill. In other words it's still a good idea to gain as many skill
levels as possible.
4) Now that you have your final arts available to you It's be a good idea to
set them to your skill trigger:
Tri-Angle: Ghost Faclon
Square: Armor Break
Circle: Reaper's Dance
X: (Put anything you like here, it's up to you)
3) If you picked up the equipment I suggested, make sure to give it to Silabus
and Atoli once they get to level 101.
Hopefully you were smart enough to do the bike trials from the old game and if
you did them all you got the Tridal Muffler: this will make you invisable to
monsters while on your bike. So obviously you should use your bike to get
around. (note: use your bike and get all the symbol fragments to open the
Beast Temple. You shouldn't have to fight anuthing usless you want to)
-There are two small hills on the East (right) side of the map. You need to
visit the one in the more to the south (on it's own little island)
Go here first to meet up with Wise Grunty.
-Once done then head for the West side of the Map (left) The hill on the island
most to the south is where you can locate Gao Grunty.
- The hill more toward the north from above mentioned position, is where you
will locate King Grunty.
-> Once you get to all three locations you will get a message from Death
Grunty and then you can locate Melo Grunty on the hill beside the Beast Temple
which is located in the North West corner of the map. Once you talk to him
the mission will end. Then use the Platform near the Beast Temple to get back.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
When you arrive back, head for Canard's @Home.
watch the scene then log-out.
Read these from the bottom up.
-E-mail- Melo : Thanks
Short version: Like the title sugests, he's just
saying thanks for the help.....even tho he's not real.
-E-mail- Anonymous : Reguarding the Sacrament
Short version: bascily you dont need to worry about this
just yet. I'll be covering the Lost weapons in my guide. So
no Worries......yet.
-E-mail- Pi : Emergency
Short version: Something's going down, and you need to hop over
to Raven's @Home in Mac Anu..... Well Obviosuly you already know
about Yata getting the Boot, but you don't know the other half.
And no, it's not going to be good news.
-Forums- :
Short version: You'll find some Pics in here.


-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Warp over to Mac Anu.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Head for Raven's @Home. Watch everything that happens and
we'll deal with it as best we can afterward.

Movie- Sakaki Arrives
Short Version/Main points: Sakaki is a B@$tard. That really sums
up alot. But That wont do since I'm writing a guide here: Bascily
Sakaki got Yata fired and is now running the whole game.
You...... are........ SCREWED!!!

As you leave Raven you'll get a mail which is what you'll be wanting to read.
So Log-out and while the game is loading you're desktop read ahead:
1-Yata is off somewhere in their real world being all emo. He's pretty
pi$$ed and yet terribly depressed at the moment.
2-Sakaki is now watching you 24/7 from the Serpent of Lore.
3-You will be spending the first half of the game rebeling against Sakaki's
rule over "the World" while trying to figure out a way to over throw him.
4-Last but not least: Things are going to get worse. ALOT worse before it's
going to get better.

"What does that mean?"

"It means buckle your seat belt Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye."

-E-mail- Silabus : Lets go on a quest
Short version: Questing time. Lets head out.
But first:
-E-mail- Pi : Reguarding Sakaki
Short version: Pi says that Sakaki is indeed the Game's head
Admin. Of course that sucks for you, but anyway. Pi says she'll
try to figure out what exactly CC Corp. was thinking when they
gave him the job.
If your smart you could probably guess why Yata got the boot.
But she'll be e-mailing you after awhile with all the details so hang
tight for the mean time.
For now you need to slack off in terms of being the Bad @$$ hero of the series
and try to enjoy yourself a little. What better way to do that then doing a
quest with two of the crazziest guys around?

-Forums- :
Short version: Gives you some good hints about
the quest you'll be doing shortly. This makes
things no fun for me. =(
They bascily stole my job.....well anyway. I'll
still be coving the quests anyway; after all I'm
sure you all like me better anyway; Or will by the time
this game is done. =P
Head to Breg Epona.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
when you get here I should mention something. You should know
that leveling up in this game is rather hard. Infact it got so
bad that I had to go to areas that were 4 levels higher than Haseo
just to gain a decient amount of exp.
As far as I can tell there are two reaons for this:
1-I noticed that the last game was a little more difficult to gain
levels then vol 1. And Now vol 3 is even harder then vol 2.
2- With out giving away too much, you do not need to be level 150 to
beat the game. In fact you could probably do it at level 125. So
really you only need to gain about half the levels avabilable.

Anyway, I do have to set some kind of standard while writing this guide.
And I've managed to come up with 5 check points you need to meet for
the first half of the game.

For right now you, need to reach level 107. That's six levels higher
then you are at the moment. Right now is the best time do this. Reason being:
You will need to train with Atoli and Kuhn for the majority of the game and
once you reach level 107 you will only need to gain 2 or 3 levels at a time
from here on out. (At least for awhile)
Also there's another reason you'll want to go out and train: You need to
upgrade Haseo's Lost Weapon ASAP and the sooner you do that the better.
Ok then, place Atoli and Kuhn in your party and lets go gain some levels.
Note- Hopefully you followed my last guide and used Kuhn in your fight with
the 'god eater'hidden quest. If so, Atoli and Kuhn will be level 101.
Anyway, buy Kuhn the level 101 steam gun and amor at the weapon's shop and
give it too him for usage in owning monsters.

--Random) Buzzing, Wrath's, Starlit Sky-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 105
Party: Haseo,Kuhn, Atoli
My Level: 101
The biggest thing I can say is that if you work on using your Rengeki
attacks as much as possible, you will benfiet in the following ways:
1: It trains your skills to get better which means you lvl 3 arts cost less
SP when used.
2: It Boosts the Exp you can get from battles, which ussally puts it up
to about 200+ exp instead of like 150ish Exp. And trust me it makes a
3: This builds the Moral guage faster, and therefore you can use
Avatar Awakening. Read on for more info.
Go, level up, collect items, and use Avatar awakening AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
((For best result use on a enemy parties that have: 1 large monster
and 2 small monsters, OR 2 large Monsters.))
News Clip:
"Having problems with AIDA infection? Want to get that nasty AI out of
your brain? Use new and improved Avatar awakening. Removes AIDA in just
one blast. Try it today! =D
Warning: may cause loss of consiousness or extensive brain damage"

Anyway, you need to get about ohhh.....85 virus cores to fully upgrade
Haseo's Lost Weapon. It could take awhile, and you probably wont get it
done anytime soon. But you should really considering doing it for Kuhn
and Atoli too.
-Granted you cant fully upgrade the weapons (lvl 4 upgrade)
till you are level 140 to beat the Beasts of Seal. However, if you get
them upgraded to lvl 3 (second best upgrade) near the beggining of the
game, then they are really quite usefull.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Ok, I'm willing to bet you realize now just how difficult it's going
to be to level up. So I'm sure you won't be suprised at me saying you'll
more then likly need to go to several More areas before you get to level 107.
So just continue to level up and come back when you're there.
I know this is a pain in the @$% but it simply needs done now. Trust me, you'll
be thanking me later. I made the mistake of only geting level 104. Not a good
idea considering that I nearly died several times. So trust me: Get to lvl 107.
--I had to go to a lvl 106, 107,and a 109 before I reached level 107.
As a side note: In level 107ish areas you will proabaly encounter an enemy
called "captian Hook". They will counter with paralize, which gets highly
annoying. Use your Hold and Relase Broad Sword. It uses the least amount
of hits (less chances to get counter attacked) yet still gets the job done.

---Ok once you've reached level 107, add Silabus and Gaspard to
your party. Go to the armor and weapon shop and buy new lvl 101 weapons
and armor for them. Once done head over to the Quest shop and accept the
new quest.
When done get ready to head out to a new type of area:
(Note: I thought you might like to know that you now have access to
all types of fields for the series which are as follows:
Lost Grounds/Landscape, Field, Jungel Cave, Temple Dungeon, Highland Field,
Tower Dungeon, and finially Forest Dungeon.)

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 8)Dubious Dog
------- 2)Unseen, Alien, Elf Animal(Q) -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 97
Party: Haseo,Silabus, Gaspard
My Level: 107
Block 1:
Use a Fairy Orb to reveal the map, and then a Speed Charm on Haseo.
You don't need to fight anything usless you want to. I just used
Smoke screens before I got near monsters, this turned me invisable
for about 3 or 4 seconds. Anyway, all you need to worry about is
just getting to block 2.

Block 2:
As you come to the first room in the 2nd block you'll see a sceen.
Follow Haseo's leading and just work your way toward block 3.
Block 3: If you look closly at the map you'll see several paths
branch off. All of them head south. You need to make for the one
in the middle right. It's the only square room at a dead end
that has nothing in it (No treasure chest or Chim Harvesters).
In other words: Use the following directions if you don't get it-
First split: Go East
Second Split: East
Third Split: Go south
When you get there-
You will discover the HeatWave Hound. Beat him to pulm, or become
Doggy chow. Just use your scythe, and at level 107 it wont be all
that hard. This fight was NOT easy when I did it the first time at
level 102.
When you're done you'll atuo finish the quest.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------
As you finish up, you'll get an e-mail, so do the only logical thing
and log-out to find what it says.

-E-mail- Pi : Redguarding Sakaki 2
Short version: Ok, here's the deal.
Sakaki is using the lie that he can control AIDA
and therefore can solve CC Corp's problem. Of course that
isn't true but leave it to the thick skulls running the company
not to notice. Ok anyway, Sakaki only had one major condition
under which he agreed to do this: He gets to be the
tyrant of the The World and dictator of G.U.
AKA- he's going to try and make your life miserable.
Anyway, Pi want to meet with you. She has some
neat little things to show you.
You can glance over the other e-mails if you want.

-E-mail- Gaspard : Have Fun?
Short version: Self explantory

-E-mail- Silabus : Thanks!
Short version: Just saying things are looking up.....
yeah well, he doesn't know that things are about to
get very bad.

-E-mail- CC Corp. : Notice of Campaign Commencment
Short version: The Chaotic Pks Campaign is back-Fun.

-Forums- :
Short version: Just some ppl complaining
about being owned by the Black List Pks.
I'm sure we can fix that. But not just yet.
we got other things to worry about at
the moment.
Well, log-in.
-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Invite Pi and Atoli to Join
your party. While here, buy some equipment for Pi.

Then,Warp over to Dol Dona server.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------

Now, before you go running off to start in on the next event.

I want you to go and upgrade Haseo's Lost Weapon first.

------- )Hidden,Forbidden, Sacrament -------
Area Type: LandScape/ Lost Grounds
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Pi,Atoli
My Level: 107

When you get there, walk up to the Scythe and select it.
(If you don't have the scythe with you just walk to the
platform and access your guild storage, that is if you've
been keeping up on your Guild upgrades too)
Hopefully you have enough Virus Cores by now to upgrade
Haseo's Scythe to lvl 2 upgrade, other wise it won't
even be worth your trouble.
Head back to town when done.
-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Head out to the new area.

------- 3)Hidden,Forbidden, Hades -------
Area Type: Landscape/Lost Grounds
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Pi, Atoli
My Level:107

Ok, when you get here Pi will start talking to you.

Come back and read when you gain control over Haseo.

-Ok, Basicly Pi installed a program to Haseo's character that

will allow you to Area Hack. In other words, exploit the bugs
in the system. To do this walk forward toward the edge of the
walkway. You will see the screen flicker and hear white noise.
-When that happenes, press the R1 button on your controler to
hack the bug in the area.
-Then approch the point where the graphics swril. Select it and
chose to warp.
-Pi will explain everything too you, so if I didn't cover something
I'm sure you'll understand in a bit.
-Come back and read when you reach the Outer Dungeon.

--Outer Dungeon--

When you arrive Pi presents a short explaination of where it is you are.

Basicly one of the side affects of AIDA being present in 'The world' is
that these dungeons were produced.
These dungeons are on the rim of the game, on the very edge. They are at the
point of being part of the game, and yet at the same time not. In other
words these dungeons are the middle ground between the Game and the rest
of the Network.

Well now. Time to get a move on. You need to head along the path from
the North East corner of the dungeon to the South East corner of the
It's kinda a pain but you can do it. Also, you will meet monsters here.
You can chose to fight them or chose not to. I leave it to you. When it comes
right down to it you've already leveled up to where you need to be for awhile,
so I don't see a good point in fighting usless battles. The only benfiet I can
think of is getting Rengeki EXP and virus Cores from Avatar Awakening.
Anyway, make your way along the path,you should watch out for little boxes
that like to shoot lasers across your path, they can be painful. You'll know
when they're about to fire when the glow yellow.

when you get to the end watch the scenes and enjoy.
Afterward use the Platform to get back to town.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------
When you get back, Pi decided to head off to search for Yata in the
real world. For now you need to take the next step which mean reading
your new e-mail.

-E-mail- Sirius : Got A minute?
Short version: He need to talk to you about
the new type of tournament that comming up.
Well, if it's important enough for him to contact you.
Then it's important enough to go and take a look.

-E-mail- CC corp. : Notic of the Sage Palace Tournament
Short version: Ok, basicly there's going to be a special
one time tournament that is based on Pkers. Those who have
the most Kills since they began the game get picked to be
in the tournemant. Unfortunitally that also mean PKKs too... Haseo. So yeah.
As a side note, like Haseo said: It's odd that Taihaku
resorted to using cheap taunts? Maybe it has something to do
with being tickeled by AIDA at the end of Vol 2.?
Also, Lumina Cloth and Breg Epona
are PK possible towns. In other words you can now get killed
while in the town......
F#%* !!!!!
That sounds like it'll be lots of fun. YEAH, Fun like pouring
lemon juice on a paper cut.
-E-mail- Pi : Outer Dungeons
Short version: She re-caps on Outer Dungeons and what not.
She does mention that right now there's no other threat in the
dungeons other then the Outer Bugs.

-Forums- :
Short version: Just some Pics, and a topic about a
new type of chim.
Well, lets get a move on and head to Lumni Cloth.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Transfer over.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
You see some scenes. Watch first then read ahead....this is important.

Movie- Holwing sword
Short Version/Main points: What has four eyes, is incredably evil. And roars?
"Your Mom?"
Not exactly. Anyway, that thing that spoke out of Taihaku's sword: Well lets
just say it is the true source. The Source of everything. And right now, it's
sleeping, waiting to be awakened. It's waiting to be brought back out of the
ruins and shadows of the events from seven years ago.........

When everything is over with, save then log-out.

-E-mail- Silabus :Meeting time
Short version: You need to drop by Canard's @Home.

-E-mail- Sakaki :Letter of Inventation
Short version:

OH F#5& monkeys.....
Well, boys. That's it: Check Mate. Sakaki's got
Haseo cornered. Now Haseo really DOES have to take
part in the tournament. Peachy.
well there is at least one good thing. If Haseo Survives this,
he'll have conquered all three levels of the Arena. The first in
the game's History....that is IF he survives.

-E-mail- Sirius : About Taihaku
Short version: Says he's counting on you to pull
through for Alkaid and Taihaku.


-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------

Transfer to the sigma server.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Head for canard, When you get near there, you'll

see some scenes with Gaspard and Silabus.
After the scenes there's not alot to do but log-out.

There's some posts on the Official forums that annouced the rules
for the toury. Anyway this is totally not cool.
Check your e-mail.
-E-mail- Kuhn : Lets meet up
Short version: Take Atoli and Kuhn and go to
the lost ground and then to the outer dungeon.
You need to have another meeting.

-E-mail- Silabus : About Gaspard
Short version: just some stuff, bla bla bla.

-Forums- :
Short version: Some ppl complaining about pkers, which
is understandable. Then Some stuff about the new CrimsonVS
update, which I find unimportant considering that I won, got
my rank to #1, AND beat the title match all with the same deck.
And then there's some pics in the Apkallu.

-"crimsion VS"-
Load up CrimsonVS.
Go under Deck and Complie the folowing deck:

1st: #074 'Gemme Some Chim'

2nd: #081 'Dancing Lion'
3rd: #081 'Dancing Lion'
General: #020 Endrace the Exqusite
Register this deck for battle. And I can pretty much
bet that you'll have no probelms winning your way to
rank #1 and beating the Title Match. It wins about 3/4
of the time. So yeah. Also, Megan Wiseman e-mailed me with
some other decks, so if this deck isn't doing it for you. Here
are some other highly suggested Decks:

General: Shino of the Twilight Brigade

Unit 1: No. 060 Ace of Hearts (Cost: 5 Trinity: Shield)
Unit 2: No. 078 Reckless Roar (Cost: 4 Trinity: Snipe)
Unit 3: No. 040 Treasonous Shell (Cost: 5 Trinity: Assault)
General: Zelkova
Unit 1: No. 124, What's Most Important (Cost - 7, Trinity - Shield)
Unit 2: No. 30, The Trinity (Cost - 2, Trinity - Assault)
Unit 3: No. 139, A False Future (Cost - 6, Trinity - Snipe)
Again, Special Thanks to: Megan Wiseman


-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Transfer to Dol Dona.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Head to the same area as before and the same place as before.
Add Kuhn and Atoli to your party then head out.

------- 4)Hidden,Forbidden, Hades -------
Area Type: Landscape/Lost Grounds
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Kuhn, Atoli
My Level:107

Ok, when you get there Area Hack by using the R1 button.

--Outer Dungeon--

Make your way along the path, watch out for Traps

when you get to the end watch the scenes and enjoy.
Well there really wanst much of a point in meeting was there?
At least you did get two valuable peices of info.
1) Saku and Endrance are 'bussy'.
2) The whole game is slowly but surely turing into one
big old AIDA server.
Afterward use the Platform to get back to town.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Log-out, see whats new.

-E-mail- CC Corp : Pk Tournament
Short version: You need to head for the arena
counter and register for the tounament.

-E-mail- Pi : Announcment
Short version:
Ok here's the plan. Pi looked into some things
and it is true, like Kuhn said, that the world is slowly turning
into an AIDA server. So Pi is going to keep looking for Yata, who
will hopefully know something that will help bring down Sakaki's
rule of terror. You, Haseo, need to enter the tounament to prevent
Sakaki from spreading AIDA seeds all over the game. This will buy, Buy Pi.....Buy Pie?
Anyway, it'll buy her some time to find Yata and figure out a way to
finish Sakaki.
Great. >_<

-Forums- :
Short version: You should now see a topic called
"strange place'
Wait till later.


-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Transfer over to the other server.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Go to the arena counter and register for the toury.

You need to access the arena counter twice to complete the

registation totally. You'll know you did it right when
some scenes take place afterward.
At the end of the scenes with the Pks, you'll get a short mail
from Silabus. Looks like somethings up with Gaspard. Run off to
Breg Epona to see whats up.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

As you enter the main square you'll see a scene insue with Silabus and
Gaspard. Intrestingly enough the little fat guy decided to get some man
hood and isn't going to back down.
Right on fat man.
Once the scene is over log-out.
You've got a couple e-mails that need reading.

-E-mail- Kuhn : Let meet
Short version: Says that everyone needs to meet and talk about the
Pk tournament and who from GU is going to take part in it.
-E-mail- Antares : To my student
Short version: He says he has no idea why they chose him. But
that he is going to compete anyway.
Well I'd think it's obvious: Sakaki wants to get at Haseo
and anyone who's his friend too.
-E-mail- Matsu : My reasons
Short version: He says he's fighting for the restoration of
Moon Tree and that he hope he won't have to fight Haseo.
-Forums- :
Short version: Some quest advice you don't really need.
and then some pics of Sirius and pkers.

Ok, time to log-in and head for the meeting.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
You've got a new area to head off too. So get Atoli and
Kuhn in your party and let's go.

------- 5)Calm, Betrayal's, Longing -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 100
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 107

This area is really very simple. Just use a fairy orb to reveal the
map, then use Atoli's speed enhancement spell (makes you 50% faster).
And beat a hastey path to the Beast Statue. You can fight the monsters if
you want, but really it just means wasted time. Once there things will
unfold. Just head back to town when things are done and then I'll explain.

First off, the thing with Endrace just kinda walking out on you guys
is kinda rude. Not to mention way out of character for Endrance, I mean
I can understand Saku, but Endrance? Somethings up.
Next is that Atoli will thankfully acompany you in the up comming
tournament. Which is great cause I've been using Atoli and Kuhn as
my main party for most of the series anyway. Also, now that the events
with Moon Tree are over Atoli has awakened and can now summon her avatar
anytime she wants. Also I think it's cool that Atoli isn't a wimp anymore.
I mean, seriously, its about time.

For now, head back to town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Log out cause you got a few e-mails.

-E-mail- Matsu : Wanna do a quest?
Short version: Says he'd like to do something
to pass time and for you to invite someone else
along too. Ok, sounds fun.

-E-mail- Endrance : ........
Short version: Bascily Endrance tells you getting out
while the getting is good......not really, he just says he's
doing things his own way now and he'll see you around.


Ok, log in.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Matsu and Atoli to your party and head for the quest shop.

Before you head out, you need to buy the lvl 101 Steam gun and Heavy armor
for Matsu.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 6) Hail Bikman
------- 6)Gathering, Familiar, Mascot(Q) -------
Area Type: Temple Dungeon
Area Level: 102
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Matsu
My Level: 107

Block 1:
As you arrive You'll see some scenes.
Really there isn't alot to this quest.
For now, just head to the next block.
Block 2:
This is really rather simple. All you have to do is go from the
entrance to the block on the left (West) to the last room in the middle
on the right (east). The room is empty and it's where you'll find the
Grunties. Just get there and the scenes will ensue, which although are
rather odd and makes you wonder if the game creators weren't smoking weed
at the time of thinking this up.....they are in some small way, a bit funny.
* Shrugs* the Japaniess have an odd sence of humor.
You got to enjoy Haseo's comments on the situation. Anyway, about that
time a boss monster shows Well just pull out your twin swords
and wail away at it.
When things are over with you'll head back to town. yay, what fun... >_>
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------
So when you've finished the quest you'll get an item, use it on Haseo to
gain +5 maigic defense. Now, log-out for a couple of very important e-mails.

--------------------- No Choice ------------------

well my friends if you want to or not, you have No Choice but to compete
in the Arena. It's unfortunate but nessaccary. So lets try and make the
best of a bad situation by winning Haseo's 3rd Emperor Thrown in a row.
-E-mail- CC Corp : 1st round in PK Tournament
Short version: Haseo will be facing the first round of the
toury and it WILL be one heck of a match. And no, Sakaki does not
tell you who you'll be fighting, and trust me when I tell you it
wouldn't do you much good anyway, because this Round will be unlike
any other you've ever faced.

-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice of Campaign Commencement
Short version: Same old same old.

Time to log-in and get ready for battle.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Before you run off don't forget the basics:

Save, restock items for Haseo
and Atoli, Restock items in the Guild Shop.
Then transfer over to the Arena.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------

Save before you do anything else. This will be a long and slow
fight, and once you start there's no going back: it's a do or die

--------- 7)Tournament:Round One --------------
-Party:Haseo (107),Atoli (107),Kuhn (107)
-Opponets: Not Available (N/A)
-Before the fight advice:
This round, more than any other Tournament round you have
ever been in, is the one that hings the most on equipment
and level. This fight is a five round survival match against
5 parties of Chaotic Pkers. There is no going back once you
enter the waiting room. It's do or die.
See, now aren't you glad I made you level up so much? Now you
stand a chance of actually winning, where as I did this round at
lvl 104 and if it hadn't been for the Doppleganger weapons
I Would have deffinatly lost.
Anyway: Just use crap loads of counter attacks and you should
make it through alright. But go easy on just wildly using skills.
You have to survive 5 matchs with out recovering your SP (Atoli
wont be able to help you with items since using items in the arena
is forbidden)

After the match you'll see some scenes that are rather important.
Everything is going good until tragedy strikes.....
Watch first then come back and read.

Yes, Sirius is comatose. Gone.....

Poor b@$tard. And the ones who put him into a coma are none other than a
new party of Sakaki's little puppets. He's infected three players then
hacked their Characters to grant them strength that bends the rules of
the game. Great, they will have to be delt with eventually. For now, your
hands are tied my friend, and there's nothing you can do.....for now.

Log-out. It's time to move on.

-E-mail- Kaede : To Haseo
Short version: She'd like to meet up with you since
it's been awhile. She'd like you to bring Pi along too.
And I suggest doing so becuase soon things will start to
be revealed concerning Zelkova and Kaede.
-E-mail- Pi : Sirius
Short version: Confirms that Sirius is now a lost one.
She says you need to be carfull, if you fight the Hetero Trio
and could become a lost one too.

-E-mail- Atoli : AIDA server
Short version: she mentions that the Arena is turning into
an AIDA server and things are likly to get dangerous.
-E-mail- Kuhn : The First Round
Short version: It seems Sirius entered to save his friends.....
even though he knew there was nothing he could do....

-Forums- :
Short version: There's some ppl complaning about
various stuff going on and then some Pics for your
Well, that's enough for now. Remember to save then head out.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------

Transfer over to Breg Epona.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

When you arrive you'll meet Pi, aperentally she got an e-mail from
Kaede as well.
I suggest adding Pi and Atoli to your party. Set Pi to "Free-will"
under the stragedy menu.
Note- I think I should tell you that soon you'll need to gain some more
levels, Don't worry though. It's not that bad. You just need to get to
level 110, that's only another 3 levels; not a big deal.

Ok, time to get a move on.

Head out for the next area.

------- 8)Wise, Calamity's, Water Mill -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 105
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Pi
My Level: 107

This is simple. Just get on your steam bike (Hopfully you did bike missions
from vol 2 and have the Tridal Muffler which makes you invisable to monsters)
and just ride around and collect the symbol fragments. I suggest getting
the ones on the west side of the map first then heading to the East side.
Once completed head for the beast Temple.
When you get there cut scenes will occure.

well, it seems Zelkova is something more than your average player. Of course
I was hinting at that all through the first and part of the second game. OH
yes. I know who he is....or rather who he knows and learned all the tricks of
the trade from. Yes, he is more then he seems. But enough of that.
It appears Zelkova was asking if Pi had seen something other than AIDA, maybe
something like......oh I dont know......something worse than AIDA?

So anyway, head back to town and we'll go from there.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
When you get back to town Pi will take off again in search of Yata.
Afterward, do the ussal: Save, restock items for Haseo
and Atoli, Restock items in the Guild Shop.

For now you need to gain some levels. I know it's kinda a pain but
you really do need to keep up with this or else you're going to get
mowed over later in the game.
Add Kuhn and Atoli (if you haven't done so) to your party and lets head
for a new area to train at.

---Random) Buzzing, Genesis's, Drama-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 111
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 107
Your new goal is to reach level 110. This is only three levels
higher then you are right now. So: A) not hard to get to, and B) you
will generally own anyone you fight during the next batch of story events
including your opponents in next round in the tournament who will only
be level 107. The reason why I'm having you level up so high is because if

Well, enough of that, time for some training:

Kill monstes, Collect itmes, open chest, all around pwn everything.
I should also mention that due to story events you obviously now have
the area hacking program for Haseo. This means that you can Area Hack
normal areas, not just Lost Grounds.
so when ever you run across a place where the screne starts to flicker and
you start to hear white noise just press the R1 button. This will start
the area hack. It will reveal the abnormal data. If you walk up to it
and search it you can recive healing items and key items called Cheat Codes.
These are very usefull later in the game. So try and collect as many as you
can while out and about training.
I suggest using your broad sword for any fights involving the enemy called
Captian Hook-> cause they will counter with paralyize. Which can get annoying.
Using the Broad sword cuts down on the chance of getting countered Vs a weapon
like the twin swords.

When you clear the field head back to town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
When you get back to town do the ussal: Save, restock items for Haseo
and Atoli, Restock items in the Guild Shop.
Well, my trip to this above mentioned field turned out rather good.
I got to level 109 and just a few hundred EXP till level 110.
Also I managed to get a level 110 Robes for Atoli and lvl 110 Light
Armor for Kuhn. And also some lvl 116 Armor for Haseo that he won't be
able to use for awhile, but that's ok.
Anyway I'm going to head out to another field just to gain some quick
EXP to top off my level and reach the goal of 110. If you find yourself
needing more time to reach the desired goal do so now. What ever the
case may be, don't move on till you've reached the desired level.

--Random)Screaming, Swift, Hand Song-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 112
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 109
This area took me a little while longer then I thought it would.
But none the less it paid off in the end. See I was able to get
my total of virus cores finially up to 50. Now I can go and Upgrade
Haseo's Lost Weapon for the last time with Virus Cores. I also got a
set of level 113 Twin Swords which will come in handy later in the
game considering that I'm not using the Doppleganger weapons for
the benfiet of those who didnt get them in the last game.....*sigh*
Well, at any rate, I was able to top off my level and get some decent itmes.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
When you get back to town do the ussal: Save, restock items for Haseo
and Atoli, Restock items in the Guild Shop.
When that's done it'll be time to upgrade the Lost Weapons.
--Note: If you do not have 50 or more Virus Cores then don't bother
with the following few paragraphs. Instead skip ahead in the
guide and log-out.
However, if you do have 50 or more virus Cores follow the following

Transfer over to Dol Dona.

-------Town: Dol Dona -------

Head for the Lost Grounds.

------- Hidden, Forbidden, Sacrement-------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 110

Just walk up to the Scythe and select the option to upgrade the weapon.
You'll recive a message telling you that in order to complete the Weapon's
growth you will need to fight a lvl 135 Seal Beast. Of course you are WAY
too weak for that and it's no use in trying cause you'll just die.
From now on you'll be working to upgrade Atoli's Staff and Kuhn's Gun.
When you're done head back to town.
-------Town: Dol Dona -------
Transfer to Breg Epona and then just log-out.

Alright, time for some intresting events. This next round will be fun.
-E-mail- CC Corp. : Notice of 2nd Round for the Tournament
Short version: It's time to kick some seriosu butt.
If you didnt reckonize the names I wouldn't blame you. After all
you haven't seen these guys since you started Vol 1.
Time for some pay back.
The follwoing e-mails should be read from bottom to
top so that they all make sense.
-E-mail- Kaede : About Sakaki
Short version: says thx for your effort to stop Sakaki.
Dang right we're gana stop him....just got to figure out
how first.
-E-mail- Zelkova : How to Defeat Sakaki
Short version: lol, speak of the Devil. Zelkova is here to give
you some info on how to beat Sakaki into a finly minced meat pie.
Alright, Zelkova to the rescue, he just gave you the key to bringing
Sakaki's rein of terror to an end.
Ok: Without AIDA Sakaki is just a normal player and there for CC Corp
would have no reason at all to still allow him to continue his dictatorship.
So, if Haseo can some how get Sakaki to enter one of the fights, Haseo can
fight Sakaki with his avatar and remove AIDA from him..... Perfect!
Just one problem, how is Haseo going to get Sakaki to jump right into
the middle of a match? hmmm, who knows, someone might just help Haseo out...
Also, I should note that this e-mail confirms that Zelkova knows about AIDA
and more importantly that Haseo has an Avatar....WOW. That's odd. This explains
why Zelkova (who is like lvl 127) was in a low leveled dungeon when Pi and
Haseo first met him, remember? It was when AIDA attacked Pi and Haseo had to
fight her. My guess is that Zelkova was there looking into what exactly AIDA
Now the last e-mail.
-E-mail- Pi : Inside CC Corp.
Short version:
Ok this is a VERY important e-mail. One of two explaining Yata's past.
1st: Zelkova knows alot and seems to be on your side, yeah Pi, no Duh.
2nd: Yata used to be a hacker and an informant (aka sells information for cash)
Anyway, Yata had skills that CC Corp. liked. not to mention he was connected to
the Legendary .hackers (aka the group of heros from the original game series)
So the hired him to get rid of AIDA. Well, what you have to understand is that
Yata wanted to research AIDA and understand it were as CC Corp. wanted it to
be destroyed completely. And so Yata found himself and CC Corp. wanting two
very different things.
Well anyway, the big thing this e-mail tells you is that Yata was once
a very skilled hacker and also a character from the original game.
And if any of the vetrans of the series are worth their salt, they know
by now exactly who Yata was from the old games.

ok, enough of that, time for some revenge. Log-in.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
As you Log-in to the game some scenes will take
place involving Saku, Taihaku, and of course Endrance.
Hmm....intresting developement we have here. This
could get intresting.

Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party.

make sure to give them the lvl 110 armor that you
should have gotten from training.
Once done transfer over to the Arena.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
SAVE. Then head for the arena counter and enter the 2nd round.

-Also Note- enjoy the scenes for this story event, they are by far some
of my favorite.

--------- 9)Tournament:Round Two --------------
-Party:Haseo (110),Atoli (110),Kuhn (110)
-Opponets: IYOTEN (107), Asta (106), Maniac Helluger (106)
-Before the fight advice:
These guys are hard core easy compared to the can of whoop @$$
you are about to open on them. Just use counter attacks, Awakening, and
all around anything you like to beat them to death.
Good luck, see you on the other side.

Well, did you enjoy it? I did.

Ok then, log-out and read your mail.

There's a topic on the Official Forums if you want to read it. Just
some ppl saying it's dangerous to play the game......well, about time
someone figured it out.

-E-mail- Kuhn : Quest
Short version: Kuhn wants to know if you
feel like going on a quest. From here on in you'll
start to notice a pattern in the events of the game:
Quest/Story Event then a Tournament round. Repeat.
This will go on till the toury is over then this
patteren will be broken.
For now, read your other e-mail.
-E-mail- Matsu : He got me
Short version: Antares beat the poop out of Matsu. hehe, way to
go old man. He's not a legend for nothing. The first arena emperor.
Lol, I knew he was famous, I just didn't know he was THAT famous.

Before you go running off you should check the News and the Forums.

-News- :
Short version:
Apperentally the people in charge of fighting viruses and dealing with
computer hackers have announced that AIDA is now considered a,
it's only half true seeing as AIDA is actually an AI program. So yeah,
it is kind of a virus. It's just one that has a mind of it's own and
can't be destroyed normally. Kinda like a super virus.
Anyway, in other news. The Professur
(the guy in Online Jack)
has been enjoying the new boom in the sales of his book he wrote. The
one that got Online Jack intrested in investigating 'The World'. Apperentally
it's become rather famous.

-Forums- :
Short version: Just some ppl asking how to get
CrimsonVS cards and then some pictures in the Apkallu.

well, log-in and lets enjoy a nice quiet quest.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party and go accept the quest.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 5)The Chim Chim Song
------- 10) Glowing, Passive, Fairy(Q) -------
Area Type: Jungel Cave
Area Level: 105
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 110
You'll notice that during the quest Kuhn seems kinda down all of
a sudden. hmm...
For now, lets get one with the objective.
Floor 1: have Atoli cast 'Ap Do' (increase speed by 50%) on
all party members. Then use a fairy orb to reveal the map.
For now all you need to do is make your way to the next floor
down. As you make your way to the next floor you see some scenes
here and there where Kuhn remains being slighty depressed....
Floor 2: Now, use a fairy orb and you'll see that there are several
dead ends on this floor. Well, we can deal with that in a minute.
More forward until you see a scene with a stray Chim Chim. Afterward,
if you follow the Chim you'll come to a fork in the road. Here you
need to take the right path. This will take you to the objective and
the end of the quest.
But of course before you can reach your objective you are met by
a very annoying boss monster. Just use your broad sword to pumble
him until his armor breaks. Then switch to your twin blades to finish
the job. Then continue on. When you reach the end of the path the scenes
will take place and end the quest. You'll auto finish.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Lol, awwwww, poor Kuhn. Looks like he's been adbandoned again. Wow, talk
about a loser. Dating Online?! Come on.....*sigh* he needs to get back with
Mia from //Liminality.

--Ok, well it's time for a fresh batch of training. This time you only need
to gain 2 levels bringing you to level 112. Don't worry it shouldn't be all
that hard so buck up and lets get this over with.

--Random)Screaming, Wrath's, Generation-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 114
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level:110

This area isn't that great for leveling up. That just happens in this game.
Some times it'll be easy to level up and then other times it just isn't.
I really doubt you'll reach level 112 in just one area and it wouldn't
suprise me if you need to go to another area to level up. Do so if you
need to.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

when you've finially reach level 112. It'll be time to move on.
Don't forget the ussal stuff: Items, restock guild shop, save.

When you're done, log-out.

Read e-mails from Bottom to top in order to understand everything.

-E-mail- CC Corp : campaign Comencment
Short version: Same old same old. Go to Mac Anu for
the campaign
-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice for Tournament Semi Finals
Short version: This time you've got to fight Antares. And
although it's a good thing that you need to beat him so he
doesn't face the Hetero Trio (who would make him a Lost One),
things will get messy before the end of this next round.
-E-mail- Anatres : Master against Student
Short version: Haseo and Antares are going to fight
it out, man to man. All out, holding nothing back. Lets
give him a match to be proud of.
-E-mail- Pi : Sakaki
Short version: I don't know abut you, but I am getting
sick and tired of having to deal with this @$$hole. The sooner
he gets removed from his dictatorship the better.
Anyway, CC Corp thinks Sakaki can control AIDA. Which is an
obvious lie, but they're really desprate at this point and have
little choice but to believe what Sakaki is telling them. They've
been backed into a corner as much as you have.

-E-mail- Kuhn : message from Pi
Short version: Pi is toughing it out as she's working
against time and even her own company. This are looking bad.
Haseo has got to buy her more time to work with.
Time to get this on with.
As you log-in you'll see some scenes with Sakaki and the
Higher-ups from CC corp. Apperentally, CC Corp/ isnt happy
with what Sakaki is up to, but like Haseo: they have little
choice in the matter.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Transfer to the Arena.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------

Save, then head for the next match at the Counter.

--------- 11)Tournament: Semi Finals --------------
-Party:Haseo (112),Atoli (112),Kuhn (112)
-Opponets: Antartes (110), Bigwig (106),DAIKOKU (106)
-Before the fight advice:
Your best bet for winning this match is just going right for
Antares. Although considering the levels I'm having you train to
you will probably be able to handel these guys fairly easily.
Just keep an eye on Antares, he likes to counter attack you alot.
Good luck, see you on the other side. And Watch all the scenes
afterward. If you thought things were bad before, they are about to
get ALOT worse.

Don't say I didn't warn you this might happen. Haseo's been found out
and now everyone knows he has special powers. Even though Sakaki is
wrong in saying that Haseo's Character is hacked. Haseo didn't hack his
character, CC Corp made it with special abilites. No, Haseo's power is
one of the 8 pillars and foundation on which the game was built. In other
words, Haseo's power has been around since the game was created. He's just
the first one to use it.
Movie- Incrimination
Short Version/Main points: This fricking little movie shows
Haseo when he first gained the abilty to use his avatar. IF you
remember correctly, he didn't use it very Wisely and made some
mistakes. well Sakaki uses these to his advantage and shows them
to everyone out of context to what happened.
Ok, so basicly Haseo was about to be banned from the game completly
when Taihaku shows and says that he will deal with Haseo personally.
That if Sakaki will allow Haseo to stay in the game, Taihaku will
face and beat Haseo in the title match. Of course your fear concerning
Saku and Endrance have been confirmed. They've sided with Sakaki......
Well, thankfully the pride of Taihaku just saved Haseo's @$$ from being
banned from the game which would end the hope of saving Shino. Now, all
that's left is to do you best and face Taihaku in the Title Match.

Log-out when you leave the Arena.

-E-mail- Antares : Quest
Short version: he says it'd be nice to have some
fun and go on a quest. You know just to blow off
some steam about what happened in the Arena.

(If anyone reading this guide is easily offened by crude
remarks using the word 'gay', I ask that you ignore the
following e-mail and that you skip it. Thankyou.)

-E-mail- Sakaki : To the dirty, Cheating 'Terror of Death'
Short version:
Sakaki wants to tell you that he likes men and is very Gay. And
enjoy's AIDA becuase of his gayness and futher more he wants you
to know that he, Sakaki, is a little man touch on top of being Gay.
Aside from being gay, Sakaki tells you he has the power to mind control
people with AIDA.
-Forums- :
Short version: Some people talking about
dissapointed they are in Haseo. But as the posts go on
several people start realizing that things aren't adding up.
Well, anyway, There some pics in the Apkulla.

Ok, well anyway, lets get on with things. We got to move it

so we can hurry and un-thrown Sakaki. Time for some training.

Log-in (transfer to Breg Epona)

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party and head out for a new area to
train at.

--Random)Sceaming, Wrath's, Pure Bred-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 116
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 112
Kill Monsters, get items, earn money, est.
You know the drill: reach level 114 then continue on.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

First take care of the basics: Restock the Guild shop, Restock items for
Atoli and Haseo, and look around for armor and weapons upgrades.
Next, if you managed to get your hands on a pair of lvl 113 Twin swords.
I suggest equiping them now. Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start
looking around for equipment that is around lvl 110-120.
Ok, I want you to head to Hidden,Forbidden, Sacrament. You should have
enough virus Cores to upgrade Atoli's Lost Weapon, proabaly twice.
After that, remove Kuhn from your Party and add Antares.

You need to get the following equipment:

lvl 113 Twin swords
lvl 101 Broad Sword
Lost Weapon Scythe-upgrade lvl 3
lvl 108 Heavy Armor
lvl 95 Acessory
Lost Weapon Staff- upgrade lvl 2
lvl 101 Robes
lvl 95 Acessory
lvl 101 Sword
lvl 101 Light Armor
lvl 95 Acessory

Once you have all of this, head for the Quest shop and accept the new

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 4)Steam Professor's Reshearch
------- 12)Undercover, Lakeside's, Metal Beast(Q) -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 108
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Antares
My Level: 114
All the monsters in this are will be a cake walk.
This quest is rather simple once you know how exactly to
do it.
1st: you need to go to three of the Alters and defeat the monsters
there. You will place one of the wave generators everytime you defeat
an enemy party of monsters.
2nd: When all the Generators are place, begin to walk around the Edge of
the lake, eventually you will encounter the enemy boss.
Just use your Scythe to pound him to death.
It's not that hard of a fight.
When you finish you'll return to town and auto finish the quest.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

Once done, log-out.

-"crimsion VS"-
If you check CrimsonVS you'll notice that by this time you've managed
to get your rank down to #1. All with the same deck. =) Told you it'd
work, heheh. My record was about 550 Wins and only 100 Losses.
Don't do the Title Match just yet, Save it for later if you want.
when done with that, check your e-mails.
-E-mail- CC corp : Notice of Tournament Finals
Short version: It's time to face off with the Hetero Trio.
The infected players who are being mind controled by Sakaki.
-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice of Campaign Comencment
Short version: Same old Same old.
Well my friends, time to log-in and get this show on the road.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party first.
Transfer over to the Arena.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Save. Then it's time to face off in the Finals with the infected players.

--------- 13)Tournament:Final Round --------------
-Party:Haseo (114),Atoli (114),Kuhn (114)
-Opponets: Hetero (109), Leucistic (107), Axanthis (107)
-Before the fight advice:
You're best bet is just to kill the leader, but considering how
completly awsome you are now that you're lvl 114, you will
completly own these guys. So it's really not a big deal.
The biggest thing you'll have to worry about is the fact that these
guys are very very good at counter attacking you. So watch yourself.
When you get their HP down a ways, a scene will happen and you
will enter an Avatar Battle.


You see, the Herto Trio aren't the bad guys, they're as much the victums
of Sakaki's Rein of Terror as you are. They've been forced to do things
that they'd rather not. They been controled by sakaki.....poor guys....
Time to set them free.
BOSS FIGHT!: AIDA <Grunwald>
My Level: 114
-Enemy Attacks:
Normal Slash- The AIDA will come right at you. As soon as it gets in range
it'll slash at you with it's arms. Wait till it gets close then Dash to the
side to avoid being pumbled.
Archene Shot- Shoots spider web stuff at you. Either slash through it
or dash to the side to avoid.
Kobold Bullet- It will unleash loads of shots at you, wait until the last
second and then slash away at them as them come at you.
Archno Trap- This is like one of Magus' attack. At the lines expand just
stay still. As the come down move a little to the right. As they come back
up, move back to where you were, a little to the left.

This fight is very simular to the fight you had with the AIDA that
infected Bouxdeau. Only this fight will be slightly easier.
The biggest thing it to pound away with shots as much as possible
and to stun as often as you can. The Attacks from this AIDA can
really rack up over time. So try not to get hit too much.
Once it protect breaks, Charge up Data Drain while dodgeing the
incomming shoots. When it's fully charaged wait till the AIDA stops
and let it rip. You can get in close for more of a point black range
target if you think it'll help you more. It works better sometimes.
After the battle watch the scenes.

When it's all over with, Log-out.

-E-mail- Atoli : It's almost time
Short version: She says that she has something to talk
to you about, and if you want it'd be nice to do a quest.
well, I think you should take her up on the offer,cause this
quest is the most intresting one in the whole game.......
-Forums- :
Short version: Just someone offering quest advice that isnt
that great seeing as mine is more detailed. =P
Ok, time to log-in.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Transfer over to Breg Epona.
-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Before we head out you have some training to do. I know, I know.
It proabaly isn't high on your to do list, but trust me. You need
to do this. There's a boss fight comming up that is not easy and if
you don't level up now, you'll have to do ALOT of leveling up

Our new objective is to reach level 116. So add Atoli and Kuhn to
your party and lets get going.

--Random) Screaming, wrath's, Two Wings-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 118
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 114
You should be able to get plenty of good items here.
Do what you gotta do and get back to town when you reach
level 116.
If you found yourself comming up short with EXP, then go to
another area and finish off leveling up.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
when you get back to town first
take care of the basics: Save, Items, restock Guild Shop,
and keep an eye out for new equipment.

when all that's done go to the Quest shop and accept the
new quest.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 3)Story of Kudan
------- 14)Looming, Muddled, Seer(Q) -------
Area Type: Temple Dungeon
Area Level: 110
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 116
This is probably my favorite quest in the whole game series.
Although it seems to be your run of the mill quest, it has
a very intresting and unexpected out come.
Use Fairy Orb. Then Have Atoli Cast 'Ap Do' on all
party members for faster movment speed.

1st Block: Nothing really too important.

Just get to the second block
2nd Block: Not much, just get to block 3.
3rd Block: You need to head for the center
room in the far south of the block.
You'll see a scene, afterward run up to the Kudan and give
it three good kicks right in a row. That will trigger some scenes
where it will fortell your future for you.....unlike you're local
fortune teller. This little bugger acutally is giving you a TRUE
prediction of your future!

"A grave danger that is creeping up on our world...."

"A Resurrecting Demon and the abominable Army of Death that Follows him..."
"And you are destined to take part in the great battle to come..."
"And when all is done that must finially be done..."
"You will have a surprising and unexpected encounter...."
You'll auto finsh the quest, and you'll get a peek at what might happen
at the ending of the game.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
well, when that's over, I don't want you to log-out just yet. There's
one more quest you need to do before running off to the title match.

Go to the Quest shop and Accept the only other quest that is avalible
right now.
Being that this is a solo Quest. Remove Atoli and Kuhn from your Party.
NOTE!- Before you enter this quest I should warn you now, if you did
not complete the Bike Missions in Vol 2 and so earn the rare bike parts
from said missions: you will find this quest rather difficult to complete.
Your best chance at success is to go to the Bike Parts shop in Breg Epona
and buy the best Bike Parts that you can find.
--Best Bike Parts from Breg Epona:
210 Engine
Type 800 Armor
Type 800 muffler
190 Tires
--Best Bike parts from vol 2 Bike Missions:
Kirisame Engine
Kurogane Armor
Tidal Muffler
Night Tires

Well, with that said, lets get on with things.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 7)The Goblins Are Comming!
------- 15)Running, Speed's, Rider(Q) -------
Area Type: Highland Canyon
Area Level: 96
Party: Haseo,(none), (none)
My Level: 116

Ok, you have to survive 4 rounds of tag with the Goblins.

--Round 1---
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. Stehoney
Ok, the first two arent all that hard. Start off and run into
some chims to fill one of the Nitro guages.
Next chase after the Goblin. wait until you're right behind him
then hit the R1 button for a boost. If he's turing you cut in on
the inside of his turn you can cut him off and nail him.
--Round 2--
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. Jonue

This one is pretty easy, just fill the nitro guage and give chase.
You have to hit him twice though in order to beat him.
--Round 3--
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. zyan and Albert
Pick one of the two and just go for him. Remember to cut them
off in their turns and to use the nitro.
You need to hit Albert 3 times and Zyan 2 times to beat them.
--Final Round--
Haseo, the Terror of Death
Martina, The Speedy

This one is considerably harder.

You have to hit her 3 times and she gets faster
everytime you hit her. Just use the same strgedys as
you have with the other goblins and you'll win.

When it's over you'll complete the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

well, now that that's done. we can move on.

Log-out. It's time to put Sakaki in his place.

It's time to revolt.

-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice of Title Match
Short version: Yes my firends. It's time to rescue Taihaku
from AIDA, time to over throw Sakaki, and it's time for the
begining of the end.

-E-mail- CC Corp : Notic of Champaign Commencment
Short version: Same old stuff.
-E-mail- CC Corp : Notic of Champaign Commencment
Short version: Same old stuff. If you want to do the
Bike Missions for Vol 3, then talk to Kufa in Dol Dona.

-Forums- :
Short version: Just some pics for your background.

Alright then, lets log-in and get read to go.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party and lets go.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Save! Then head for the Arena counter.

Now ladies and gentelmen, the moment you've been waiting for
since Vol 1. The Title Match with the Saga Palace Emperor.
Taihaku, one of the strongest players in the whole game. One of only
two Conquerors of the 'Forest of Pain'. Now is the moment. Will Haseo
beat the infected Taihaku and win his third straight Title match, or
will Haseo's luck finially run out when facing AIDA.

-------- 16)Tourtament: Title Match --------------
-Party:Haseo (116),Atoli (116),Kuhn (116)
-Opponets: Taihaku (113), Endrance (109), Sakubo (109)
-Before the fight advice:
Well, there's good news and bad news. The Good news is that
Taihaku has decided to fight you solo with out Endrance or Sakubo.
The Bad News is that he's still really hard to beat.
This is a hard battle my friends, get buckeled down, this is going to
Start off using you're Twin sword and pound on Taihaku as much
as you can to begin with. Taihaku may attempt to use Dust Bullet on
you, you can counter attack this with your own arts.
His other major attack you need to watch out for is his Magic Crimple
spell. It bascily slows you way down and makes it impossable to
use Arts or spells for about 15 seconds.
The best thing you can do is attemp to run away from Taihaku when he
uses this skill. As soon as he stops walking toward you, make sure to
block. Becuase Taihaku will raise his sword and fire a shot into the air
that will damage you if you're not blocking.
And what every you do, DO NOT use Arts unless you are counter-attacking.
The reason is because, well Taihaku will counter you and it won't be
prety. The best thing is just to wail on him with you twin Swords using
regular attacks. Then when Taihaku goes to use skills, just Counter-attack
The match will end when he has about 500 HP left.
Watch the scenes until you're ready to face off with an
avatar battle.

Movie- Devouring Dark
Short Version/Main points: Haseo almost get consumed by AIDA
when he destroy's Tiahaku's sword. But thankfully Atoli was
there to bring him back and he was able to fight off AIDA's

As the match with Taihaku ends Sakaki gets angry and decideds
to take matters into his own hands. He Jumps down into the arena
and Is about to finish off Haseo when....TA-DA! Endrance saves
the day by stabing him in the back. See Endrance would never
really betray Haseo, he was just looking for a chance to make
his move.
Good thing too.
Anyway, Sakaki goes AIDA/Avatar style and summons his AIDA.

Movie- Purge
Short Version/Main points: Because of Haseo's close brush with
AIDA, he is unable to summon Skeith by himslef, So Atoli, Kuhn, and
Endrance all led him their strength to summon his Avatar and Fight
Sakaki. Alright! Time to FINIALLY finish off Sakaki.

BOSS FIGHT!: AIDA <Victorian>
My Level: 116
-Enemy Attacks:
Normal Slash- the AIDA will do a nifty little spin move to wind
up and then charge you, where it will slash away at you.
Dashing is the best way to avoid this attack.
Normal Shot- Sakaki's AIDA will fling Feathers at you,
Slash to break through this attack.
Royal Bullet- Lots of shots homing in on you. Basicly wait till the
last second then slash.
Excelent ray- Basicly Sakaki will fire off a couple Lasers at you.
Just continue to dash out of the way to avoid this.
Elegent Orb- This is one of the best ways to stun Sakaki's AIDA.
He will form an orb of dark energy and then launch it at you.
You can hit it back at him if you complete a full Slash combo
on it. Just dont Slash back too soon or you wont perform the full
combo correctly.
Just keep blasting away with Shots until he stuns, the best opertunity
to stun him is during his Normal Shots. Then move in quick for some slashes.
Eventually he will Protect Break, when he does do your best to avoid getting
hit, then move in close and let Data Drain rip.

Other then that, not alot to say. Just make sure to enjoy the Scenes
after the fight. They are rather good. well, I mean except for the
fact that Endrance keeps plegeding gay love to Haseo....
But other then that they are rather good.
Well now. Sakaki fell into the Outer Dungeons after the Avatar battle
with Haseo. Where, of course, he met Ovan. It seems that Ovan has been
pulling the strings the entire time. Sakaki was only acting under orders
from him. Great. Well anyway, it seems Ovan was only using Sakaki becuase
he up and leaves him to face 3 very unhappy people
At that point the Azure Trio shows up and puts Sakaki in his place.
Thank God, it's about time he finially died.
well, now it's time to start in on the next section of the game.

Anyway, back in town.

-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Save, then head over to Mac Anu
-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Well, looks like you can finally use Raven to meet at again.
Go and see how Pi's been doing.

--------------------- Key of the Twilight ------------------

As you enter Raven you see some scenes with Pi. She explains that she
found Yata in the real world and that at the moment he's asleep. However
it's going to take some convincing to get him to return to the Game and
resume work for CC Corp after their betrayal.
Well, there's not alot you can do at the moment so Log-out and check your
You've got a long list of e-mails. and you need to read them going from
bottom to top, other wise they might not all make sense.

-E-mail- Pi : About Yata
Short version: Pi just talks about Yata
and how he's doing. But Haseo points out that
only Pi really understands him.
-E-mail- Ovan : Congratulations
Short version: Ovan gives you a very clear
explaination of what's been going on. I don't think I need
to re-cap on it as it was very well explained. Really all I
can say is this: Although everything he's doing seems so cruel and
so wronge. Ovan doesn't enjoy what he's doing. He's doing it
because he has to.
-E-mail- Taihaku : To Haseo
Short version: He says he has something important to
talk to you about. He says he'll meet you at the Icolo
-E-mail- Gaspard : You're the Champion
Short version: He says congrats and that Canard will
be really really famous now.

-E-mail- Silabus : Congrats on your 3 rank sweep
Short version: He says congrats and now things are
getting back to normal in the towns and what not.
-E-mail- Matsu : Atta boy!
Short version: Says Congrats even tho he lost.
says he's still going to try and rebuild Moon Tree.
-E-mail- Antares : Good Job
Short version: Haseo still denies that he is
Antares' student, lol =P
-Forums- :
Short version: Just some random Pictures.

well time to log-in and go talk to some ppl.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------

Save, before you do anything.

Before you run off to meet Taihaku. Go out
into the City and get on your steam bike.
Enjoy a nice long ride down to the Harbor,
where you need to board the ship and head
for the Isle of Kings. There you'll have an event
with the Announcer for the Tournaments. It's not
really like the other times you've been there, no
one is there, just you and the announcer. When the
event is over head back to the ship and sail back to town.
When you get back head to the chaos gate and warp over
to the Arena.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
I know you haven't been to Icolo in awhile, but
it's behind the Chaos Gate. Look on the map
if you're really lost.
As you enter you'll see some scenes with Taihaku. They're
pretty sweet. Not alot to point out in their conversation.
However. I will say this.

---Speculation Time----
When Haseo asked, "If that's how you feel then why
are you even in "The world"?
Taihaku replies, "who knows."
There are some of us who've been with the series for awhile.
And some, not all, of us think that Taihaku was once a very well
known character from the original games.
I've been hinting at his true Idenity for awhile. Here's the evidence
to back this up: 1- Taihaku is one of the strongest players in the game.
2- In //ROOTS he was talking with Ovan about doing the Forest of Pain Quest.
And Taihaku mentions he wonders where Aura went. (meaning he was one of only
a few people to acctually know about her existence. This very possibly places
him in the group of the original .hackers from the original series.
3- This character is the type of person who would always keep playing
"The World" even after R1 got shut down.
Add it all up and you get: Taihaku = Bulmung
Granted there's no absolute proof of this. But I like to believe it's true.
Taihaku reminds me alot of what an older, more grown up version of Bulmung
would be like. But hey, that's just what me and a couple other people think.
There's no solid proof.

When you get done there's a short mail from Saku. And get ready for this one,
because this is intresting. Head to the back alley behind the arena counter,
you know like where the Black Market sales person is, yeah there. Go now.

As you approch the place, a scene happens. Watch and enjoy.

Saku admits that she doesn't exisit in the real world.

(See I told you so in my guide from vol 2. And I was only
making an educated guess) So anyway, she tells Haseo that
because he, Atoli, and Kuhn are looking out for Bo now, that
she isn't needed anymore. And She's leaving.......

Afterward you'll get some e-mails. HOWEVER! I DO NOT want you

to log-out just yet. Because of upcomming events you need to level
up just a little bit. You should currently be level 116, you need to
get to level 118. This isn't nessacary for the upcoming event, but it
will be nessacary to get to level 120 a little after that. Which means
it only makes sense to level up a little now instead of doing it all
at once when you are itching to find out what happens next..........
Ok that was a really long and unnesscary explanation.
Never mind. Just, Level up.

Go to the chaose Gate and warp over to Breg Epona

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party and lets get a move on.

--Random)Screaming, Wrath's, Alga Grass -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 119
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 116

Ok, first off, hopfully you have the keywords for this area. Second, hopfully
you didn't get above level 116. Because, there is a lucky animal here that is
VERY worth getting. The reason being that this lucky animal will give you
Accessory Materials, And especially an item called: Sapphire Eye that renders
the user +50% EXP. Now, what you want to do is go to this area and find the
lucky animal (On the North most island). Kick it then leave the area and go
back to town. Then enter the area again. and repeat the process, UNTIL you
have 3 Sapphire Eyes. Keep one for Haseo, give one to Atoli and the
other to Kuhn.
(Note: Every time you get a Sapphire Eye, put it into storage. Other wise
the lucky animal wont give you another one.)
This will make things easy in the future. Or at least better.
-After you get 3 Sapphire Eyes, then you can begin to train. (Make sure
you customize your party's equipment when ever you train)
This area doesn't really have many good monsters to level up on. So I won't
be suprised if you need to visit one or two more areas to reach level 118.

--Random)Screaming, Muddled, Dead Wood-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 120
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 117
There's lot of good stuff to kill here. So train away
until you reach level 118.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Hopefully you came across a certian peice of armor that Kuhn

can use now, it's a level 118 Light Armor. Make sure Kuhn puts
it to good use.
Now then,Make sure to switch everyone back to their normal
set-up with their Accessory Materials.
Take care of the normal chores: Items, equipment, restock
guild shop, ect.

Log-out and check you Mail.

Read the e-mails (on the Game) from the bottom to top so that
they make sense.
-E-mail- Taihaku : Forest of Pain
Short version: He askes you to save Alkaid and Sirius

-E-mail- CC Corp : Coronation Ceremony postponed
Short version: Yeah, that sucks, but what do you expect.

-E-mail- Sakubo (Bo) : My Sister
Short version: Wow, talk about weird. Bo wants Saku to

-E-mail- Pi : Yata
Short version: Yata has gone MIA in the real world
and Pi and no idea where he went to. She wants everyone
to come to Raven. ASAP.

Ok, time to get down to bussiness.

Log-in and lets go.

As you start to log-in there'll be some scenes with Ovan

and Yata. And you learn some intresting things. Continue
when the scenes end.
-------Town: Breg Epona -------

when you enter the city, select the Chaos Gate and head to
Mac Anu.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Now, you knwo the drill, head off to Raven.

When you enter Raven, scenes will ensue. Watch them all and then
continue with the guide.

Pi's taken over in Yata's absence from the Serpent of lore.

She mentions that the position is free since CC Corp big wigs
are still trying to figure out who to blame the Sakaki problem
on. I mean, it was a royal mess after all.
Movie- Crazed Yata
Short Version/Main points: Not sure what was up with that.
Looks like Yata is awakening. And it doesn't look fun, in fact
he looks completly crazed to me.
Pi wants you to go with her and beat a hastey path to where
Yata is. Well, alright then. Lets get going!!
Head for the Chaos Gate. Warp to Breg Epona

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Pi to your party, make sure Pi is
set to 'Free-will' under the stragedy menu.
Save before you head out.
------- 17)Ethical, Prodigy's, Prophecy-------
Area Type: Jungel Dungeon
Area Level: 110
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Pi
My Level: 118

Heheh, it's time. Time for Haseo to become fully grown, fully

Floor 1-
When you enter this dungeon use a fairy ord and speed spells from
Atoli. The make a B-line for the Beast statue on the loswest floor.
Floor 2-
Nothing special, just keep moving to the next floor.
Floor 3-
Just head for the North East room. And prepare for a boss fight.

You see some scenes where Yata's avatar goes berserk. Not good!
Ok Haseo, lets do this.

BOSS FIGHT!: Fidchell
My Level: 118
-Enemy Attacks:
Normal Shot- Fidchell will fire off a wave of shots, much like
Gorre from vol 2. You can slash throgh these shots or dash to
Spinning Death- Fidchell takes the mask from his face and
throws it at Skeith. This is just like the Tiger claw attack
From the Azure Flame god. Just deflect the attack when it comes
near you with on flick of your scythe.

Quadra Halo- The four disks surrounding Fidchell will line

up and fire a battry of energy beams at you. You have to be very very
carfull. Hold still and the beams will miss you when they fire. Then
they'll start to move (ussally to the right) Just bearly tilt the
joy stick to move with the beams safely in the small space between
the beams.
Data Drain- Use the two fingure technique I taught you and smash the
X and Square button fast. You should be able to break free qucikly.
Lesser Data drain- Fidchell will form a lesser form of DD
and will shoot it at you. If you perform a full combo of
slash on it, it will rebound on Fidchell and stun him.

-Stragedy: Just keep pounding him with shots. The best chance to stun
him is when he unleases his rapid fire two or three times in a row.
You ussally can land enough hits to get him to stun.
His thing where he likes to dissapear and reappear else where can get
annoying. He should always appear to the left.
--When he protect breaks charge DD and Watch out for his rapid fire.
Dash to the right or left to avoid. Also, He'll attempt to run to the side
as to make it so you cant hit him with DD while he's moving. Therefore you
have to hit him with DD when he goes to fire off his shots at you. You'll
know this is comming when he dissapears and shows up to the left. You'll
have to be quick on the trigger to get him.
Good luck.
watch the scenes that take place afterward and then continue.

Well, that was intresting. Anyway, grab the Beast statue treaure and
head back to town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Training time! ......again. >_<

Head back to that least field you used to train at.

This time we need to hit level 120.

--Random)Screaming, Muddled, Dead Wood-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 120
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 118
There's lot of good stuff to kill here. So train away
until you reach level 120. It shouldn't be too hard with
everyone Having Sapphire Eyes to boost the amount of EXP.
You should be able to get several new lvl 120 accessories here.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Ok, Now. On top of restock the guild shop and getting the normal items
for Atoli and Haseo. I want you to look over this list of equipment
and get this stuff if you can.

Twin Swords- lvl 113 Spin Nezumi (Fire att, drain 10% HP)
Broad Sword- lvl 117 Broad Dowan (Fire att, Drain 10% SP)
Scythe- lvl 75 Ticking Death (upgrd lvl 3)
Armor- lvl 116 Rough Red Bone (-10% magic, -25% phy)
Accessory- Simple Slant hood (-10% all Sp consumption)

Staff- Dancing Haze lvl 75 (upgrd lvl 2)
Armor- Sub Habit lvl 118 (-10% magic, -25% phy)
Accessory- Simple Slant hood (-10% all Sp consumption)

Steam Gun- Silent Jade (upgrd lvl 2)
Armor- Loose wyvern lvl 118 (-10% magic, -25% phy)
Accoessory-Simple Slant hood (-10% all Sp consumption)

--(Note: You may need to go to Hidden, Forbidden, Sacrament inorder

to upgrade Atoli and Kuhn's Lost weapons.

When done Log-out.

As you log-out you'll see some scenes with Ovan, he does a little vitory
dance becuase he's finally managed to get all the Avatar user to Awaken.
But, his celebration is short lived. Aina dissapeared to some where and Ovan
is all worried and stuff.

When you reach you're desktop, you'll have a number of e-mails.

(read them in game from bottom to top)
-E-mail- Pi : GU to resume acctivites
Short version: Pi tells you that Yata got his job back.
On one condition: Take care of AIDA, and do it fast.

-E-mail- Yata : The future of GU
Short version: He tells you that Now all 8 Epitaph
users have awakened. It's also likly Ovan will be ready
to move soon. Yata is having Pi locate Ovan.
For now, he says you should stand by and wait.

-E-mail- Yata : Stories from the past
Short version: Ahhh, finially some more confermation on the
fact that Yata was once a key member of the .hackers.
He says he and Ovan were both fellow hackers. And friends.
At some point Ovan changed. That's when things started happening.

-E-mail- Pi : AIDA signal
Short version: She says a very strong AIDA signal is comming
from Breg Epona. That really might not be good at all. I mean:
AIDA in a town! Yikes! better look into it, and fast.

-E-mail- Sakubo (Saku) : Just in case
Short version: Read the e-mail and hit the x button.
Reply: "Bo's big sister"

-Forums- :
Short version: There's an awesome rumor on the
boards. It's really good stuff, especially since
it will affect the game just a little later on.
I'll give a full explanation when it comes up again
later. For now I'll leave you hanging with the fact
that Net slum is still around.

When done, Save and log-in.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
As you enter you'll see some scenes with Bo and Aina.
Then you'll meet up with Pi. Afteward, go to the warp point
and warp to the "3 way junction". From there, either ride
your steam bike or walk down to the end of the alley way.

You'll see some quick scenes where Aina and Bo dissapear.

Add Atoli and Pi into your party and lets Area hack the
anomily. Press R1 after you have your party together.
This will lead you into an outer dungeon.
---Outer Dungeon---
This place is pretty simply really. Just follow the path
like and S curve until you end up at the South Middle most
room. It shouldnt be hard to figure out. Aslo, you'll
have to fight all the monsters in the dungeon in order to
progress the story. Good luck.

At the end, you search renders nothing. Well,return

to town and log-out.

-E-mail- Gaspard : I'm not afraid of any ghost
Short version: He says there's a rumor on the
comunity forum.

-Forums- :
Short version: This guy said he saw a little girl.

-E-mail- Pi : Ghost girl
Short version: Pi says she contacted the player who
saw the girl. He'll meet you in the back streets of
Breg Epona.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Again warp to the '3 way split' and head down the alley.
You'll meet the guy at the end of the path.
He says he's not talking about it and takes off. At that
point you hear yelling from the Bike shop area. Head back up to
the shops to see whats up: Hopfully a group of angry players has
finially decided to string up Piros and kill him.

Unfortunitly no. Piros comes bounding through saying he knows the key
words to the location of the Ghost girl. Take his tip and head for
the chaos gate. Add Atoli and Pi to your party.

------- 18)Fading, Moonflower, Glory -------
Area Type: Temple Dungeon
Area Level: 115
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Pi
My Level: 120

1st Block-
This is one of those crazy warp point puzzels. I'll do my best to
map it out for you guys.
|-| [2 3] [4 5] [ ] [6]
| | |
|_| { }
[Exit]-{ }
[ 1]-{ }-{ }-[Start]
[ ]
-From Start go and use warp point 1 to get to
warp points 2 and 3. (2 is north of 3)
-Use warp point 3 to get to warp points
4 and 5 (4 is north of 5)
- Use warp point 4 to get to warp point 6
-From warp point 6, walk to exit of Block

2nd Block-
Again you have another maze, but this one isn't as bad.

[Start]-[ ]-[1]-[3]
| |
[Exit]-[8] [4]-[2]

[5]-[4*] [6 7]

-Use warp point 4 to get to 4*
(yes 4,other ones are useless)
-Walk to warp point 5 and use it to get to
warp points 6 and 7.
- Use warp point 7 to get to warp
point 8 (7 is north of 6)
-From warp point 8 walk to Exit

3rd Block-
This block is more or less straight forward.
Just head straight, don't turn south. You'll see the screne
flicker in the second room. Press R1 to area hack. Chose to

--Outer Dungeon--
And here yet again is a new maze. Follow these instructions.

[3]-[ ] [ ]-[Start]
| |
[4 5] [ ]--[ ]-[1]
[2]-[ ] [6]-[ ]
-Take warp point 3 to warp points
4 and 5 (4 is west and slighly north of 5)
-Take warp point 5 to 6/the finish.

Finially, you reached the end. Well now, that

could have been worse. Watch the scenes and

When done head back to town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
when the cut scenes are over, log-out.

-E-mail- Antares : Quest
Short version: He says he's got a quest for you
to go on. Sounds like a plan to me. Lets go.

-E-mail- Sakubo (Saku) : Re: Bo's big sister
Short version:
Reply: White Chrysanthemum

-Forums- :
Short version: Some usless quest advice, some comments
on the ghost girl rumor, and some pics.
Right then. Time to do a Bounty Hunter's quest.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Antares to your party. The head to the Quest shop
and accept the Bounty Hunter related quest.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 1)Lawless Fort
------- 19)Vulnerable, Barren, Safe House(Q) -------
Area Type: Jungel Dungeon
Area Level: 116
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Antares
My Level: 120

----Floor 1

This floor is prety simple. You'll find the there is more or

less one central path to follow to get to the next floor. Along
the way, no matter which way you go, you'll run into the Pkers
you need to find and defeat.
Use Fairy orb and Atoli's Speed+ spell to hurry the process
--Pker's Group #1--
Greedy Cervantes: easy enough, just pound away.
Broad sword is a good idea.

--Pker's Group #2--

Garden Michelle: Take him out second. Broad sword might be best here.
Fiery Genie-Five: Take her out first. Scythe is a good idea here.

----Floor 2
Central Path, all the way.
--Pker's Group #3--
Wicked Ibaku: Take him out second. He has a certian amount of
physical tolerance that will wear off as you continue to fight him.
It take awhile.
Wicked Gerango: Take him out first. He has no physical tolerance
and there for easyier to take care of.

----Floor 3
Five down, five to go.
Really this last floor you'll have have to wonder around a bit
to find everyone.But ultimatly you need to head to the West and
north most side of the dungeon.

Really it doesn't matter, the Pkers are located in such a way

that you'll fight them no matter what. You really don't need
to go looking for them.

--Pker's Group #4--

Immortal Goriki: Scythe is the best idea here.

--Pker's Group #5--

These guys are your final challenge and they are really
not that hard. Just use your scythe and keep using arts
over and over. You'll be just fine.

When it's over with, you'll warp back to town.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Right then. You know it suprises me how Haseo can always tell when
he's about to get an e-mail. =P
At any rate, I suggest putting the main story on hold for just alittle
bit. Normally I'd be telling you to run off and advance the story as
fast as possible. I mean I know you're probably itching to see what's
about to happen and all. But before you do I need to mention something.
I know you must be feeling pround of yourself being all like level 120
and all but to be completly honest you are not strong enough. Not yet.
See there is an upcomming boss battle. And although it's all exciting
and stuff. I garantee you won't be albe to beat it at level 120. I
know because I tried and It's just not possible. However if you
gain just a few more levels this boss battle goes form unbeatable
to completely do-able. So, you need to get yourself to level 125.
So, unfortunitly, it's time to train.

--Random)Agonizing, Warth's, Generation-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 124
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 120
When you get here, switch everyone's Accessory
Material to the Sapphire Eye for the +50% EXP
Proceed to kill eveything in sight. This is a prety
good area to train at. I managed to just barly get level 123.
Remember that at level 122 you can use a better set of Twin swords.

--Random)Unselfish, Warth's, Fast Horse-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 126
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 123 (but just barely)
"Take what you can; give nothing back."
Kill you some monsters. And don't come back till you have.

--Random)Unselfish, Warth's, Hand Song-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 127
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 124
Kill everything in sight till your party reachs level 125.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Note: Around this time in the game you'll probably start

comming across key items called "Cheat Codes". You get them
from Area Hacking normal Areas. They are very usfull as they
will allow you to Alchemize weapons, armor ,and accessories that
are rarity lvl 5. In other words you can upgrade equipment that
normally would not be allowed to be upgraded. However, you can't
use this ability just yet. Soon, but not yet. Just try and collect
as many 'Cheat Codes" as you can.

Also, there is one more quest at the Quest Shop for the game.
It's another Gold Goblins related quest.
And the only reason I mention it is because of the reward for completeing
the quest and/or the Bike Missions. If you finish the quest you will be
awarded with an Accessory that will render you invisable to monsters while
in the fields or dungeons. This is very usfull for advoiding fights you
simply dont want to deal with. But more importantly, with out this item,
the Hidden Quest for vol 3 becomes almost impossible to beat.
So, reguardless of weither you chose to do this now, or later, is up to
you. But for advantage sake I'm going to cover the Bike missions and
this last quest right now. After all the bike missions would be kinda
useless after you do this final goblin quest (which is an actual race
against all 5 gold goblins)

------Note: Remember, you don't HAVE to do this now. But it

will certianly be to your advantage.

For the walkthrough on the 'Bike Trials' #1-5, see my guide for vol 2.
In order to do the bike trails simply go to the chaos gate, make sure
the first Key word is "Passing". Use the other two slots to adjust
which Bike mission the field is set up for. You can tell which trial
you're doing by looking at the Field Mission.

----------------------Bike Missions----------------------------
I highly suggest doing Bike Trials 1-5 before attempting to do
6-10. The reason being is that you will recive some of the rare
bike parts (not all becuase there are a few that can only be gained
by getting them from vol 2)
If you find yourself unable to get those bike parts. I suggest going
to the Breg Epona Bike store and buying the best bike parts you can afford.
Now, once ready, lets get going. I'll be writing the guide assuming you
got the bike parts from Vol 2 and Bike missions 1-5.
Note: In order to actually start the bike missions, you must first
visit the Campign NPC in Dol Dona. He's a duck looking NPC (Kafu) that
is right across from the warp point near the town's @Home.
Once you've talked to him you may begin the Bike Trials.
Also, notice that I can only give you general advice on how
to beat these races. When it comes down to it, you have to do it
yourself. Just remember that if you continue to do these trials
over and over and over. Eventually you WILL get good enough to
beat them. Just keep at it.

Bike Trial #6
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Benadonna)

Note:Do not get a field that is cloudy,

foggy, or dark. You ALWAYS want areas that are
day time.

Engine: Kirisame Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Tidal Muffler
Tires: Night Tires
Ok, then.
1) Begin with a boost start. You can do this by holding down
the Square and X button at the same time. This will change the
boost.(signaled by white steam comming out of muffler)
When the counter says GO! release the Square button (brake)
and you will launch forward.
2) swerve to the left to hit the first row of chims. Keep
hitting the R1 button when doing this to activate the Nitro
as soon as possible.
3) After the second group of chims prepare to do a 180 degree
turn around the curve. (it's a sharp one)
4)Collect the next row of chim and boost into the turn. Clip
the edge of the King (Check point) and head for the bridge)
5) hit the chims on the bridge and turn a hard right.
6) Follow the arrow to the last King.
Look for chims along the way.

For 1st place you will get the: Kogane Armor.

Not very useful, but it's a start.
Now that you've gotton 1st place, I want you to go to
Kafu and view your record with him, this should render
rewards: some useful, some not.

Bike Trial #7
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Fast Horse)
Engine: 210 Engine
Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Type 800 muffler
Tires: Night Tires

This is a hard corse just because there is so little

room for mistakes. However with the 210 engine that provides
the best Max Speed. You might just make it.
1)Boost start as soon as it says go.
2)Keep pressing R1 so you will boost as soon as guage
is full.
3) Drive straight ahead, as you approch the first King
wait until you are almost there then jerk the joy stick down.
This will cause you to perform a sliding U-turn. If you time
it right you will swipe through the king at the furthest point
in the sliding turn. In other words you will slide into the king
as you perform the U-turn rather then after you've already passed
through it.
4) Stear to the left as soon as you complete the u-turn and head to
the King on your left. Do the same U-turn move to clip the King.
5) Boost toward the last King with as much speed as you
can beat out of your bike. If you have the above, you should be able
to beat this mission.
Reward: Big Wave Muffler. Useful for offsetting the 210 engine's
lack of acceleration.
Two down Three to go.

Bike Trial #8
Example: (Passing,Wrath's Hand Song)

Engine: 210 Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Night Tires
This course isnt as hard as you might think. Really the biggest
thing is to run through it once or twice to get the feel for things.
Then trying it again at full speed. The trick here is to cut corners
through the s-curves at hte begining and the end.
1) Boost start. Get the first batch of chim while turning right.
2)Cut the first corner and head for the first King
3) As you get the first king, prepare for a 90 degree turn to the
4) Turn left again at the bridge.
5) Go up the hill clip the king and then down the hill on the
next path down.
6) across the bridge and then an 90 degree turn to the left.
7)Right after the bridge will be the biggest chance to gain time on
the clock by cutting the corner in a slant through the s-curves.
8)Boost toward the last king.
Reward: Rain Tires. One of the Best Tires.

Bike Trial #9
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Two Wings)

Engine: 210 Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Rain Tires
1)Start boost. Get the first row of chims. Cut the first
corner. No not use the bridge, it's not worth it. Go around the
'long way' (which actualy is faster) Hit the first king.
2) Round the next corner (do not cut it took close) and hit
the next kind.
3) then just drive right at the last king.
Reward:Ayanami Muffler.
Ok, first off I highly suggest you empty your inventory
of all unessacary items, because the reward items you get from this
mission are AMAZING! Like not even joking at all, the weapon/armor/
accessory materials are some of the rarest in the whole game and
you will want to be able to keep as many as you can!

Bike Trial #10
Example: (Passing,Black, Arrows)
Engine: 210 Engine
Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Rain Tires
This track is very easy compared to the others.
1)Boost start, Grab first row of chims. Boost with
2) turn lighlty left to aim at first King.
3) steer throguh s-curves.
4) just before the 2nd Kind is a 180 degree turn. Follow
the line of chim around the curve and don't try to cut it
close or else you'll miss the King.
5) Grab a row of chims to fill guage and boost. Take
the most direct path right to the last king.
Good luck.
Reward: Akagane Armor (best bike armor of the game)
Ok, the only thing left to do is go to Kafu and see if you've
completed 50 Runs and Collect 3000 Chims. You'll get loads of great
items for completeing the Campign.
--I Highly suggest that any Items that will raise you Skill Level,
that you save them for later.
Now that you have all those sweet bike parts and your
ride is now pimped out. It's time to give the Gold Goblins
a good run for their money.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 2)Last Salute of the Gold Goblins
------- 20)Undetered, Legerity's, Goblin(Q) -------
Area Type: Highland Canyon
Area Level: 101
Party: Haseo, (none), (None)
My Level: 125
Ok, this quest is a five lap race against the Golden Goblins.
Each Goblin will run one lap.
This is actually really easy. Just follow the course counter clock wise.
the bridge act's like your check point. You will get extra boost stock for
every lap you complete.
With your awesome pimped out bike, this will be a peice of cake.
Good luck.
Just make sure to keep to the inside of the turns and to get the
group of chims on every lap, you should be fine.
When done you will get an AWESOME accessory.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances get rid of the Demon
Safe shoes. This accessory is customized with a certian material that is
very very very very RARE! Infact it is only one of two opertunities to get
it. And you MUST have one of the two in order to have any resonable chance of
beating the Hidden Quest for Vol. 3

Ok, now that that is all taken care of and out of the way. It's time to move
on with the story line.
Finially, Log-out.
-E-mail- Pi : To GU Members
Short version: She got some news for everyone.
Time to head to Raven to see what's up.

As you begin to log-in you'll see some scenes with Ovan.
Watch first then continue.

Movie- Tragic Scream
Short Version/Main points: You see one of Ovan's
memories. You witness Ovan being infected with AIDA.
And of course Ovan goes nuts and can't control himself
and he turns his powers on Aina.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Transfer over to the other server.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Head to Raven.
As you enter there'll be a big string of scenes. Watch them all
the continue.

Yata and Pi go over the prediction that Fidhell made. The come
to the conclusion that is it likly to refer to Ovan and that
he is the key to everything that has been happening. Haseo says
that Ovan is the one behind AIDA, but of couse how can that be
true if Ovan sees the AIDA in his left arm as an enemy that hurt
So you see it's all a rather large mess and Yata points out that it
won't make any differnce to keep going. Haseo suggest they go after
ovan. And lo: Ovan appears on the Serpent of Lore's display screne
and he talks to everyone present. He suggest that because there's lots
to talk about, they all get together for a chat. Rather nice of him
isn't it? I wonder if that chat includes Haseo trying to kill Ovan again?
Anyway, watch the rest of the stuff and then lets head out. We have the
biggest Story Event since the end of Vol 2 comming up.

Head to the Chaos Gate and transfer over to the Sigma server.
-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party.
Make sure to restock Atoli's supply of healing itmes, Make sure
you have all the updated armor and other equipment. When it's
all said and done: its just time to get on with things.
It's time to find out the answer to the biggest question
of the entire series: Why is Ovan doing all of this?

------- 21)Immersed, Crime's, Paraphrase -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 119
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 125

1st Block: Equipe the Demon Safe Shoes, use fairy orb, and
cast Ap Do on all party members. You're only objective here
is to move as quickly as you can through this dungeon and get
to the Outer Dungeon.
2nd block: This one has some warp points involed but it's
not a full blow Maze. Just follow the path and use the warp
point at the end of each segment of path. Just watch out:
near the end of the block you'll run into two warp points side
by side, use the one more to the south. Not too hard.
3rd block:
First off head more or less straight ahead toward the Beast Statue.
claim the prize there. Then head to the North East corner of the map.
There use Gate Hacking to reach the outer dungeon.
----Outer Dungeon---
Fairy ord the map to discover that the place is a monsterious
mess of warp points. Peachy. Well here's a map on how to conqure
this maze:
[4,5,6] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [Fin] [1,2}-[Start}
[7] [8] [3]

Take 2 -> 3 (2 is south of 1)

Take 3 -> 4
Take 5 -> 7
(5 is in the South West corner)
Take 7 -> 8
Take 8 -> 'Fin'
Once you reach the center platform, I would save.
Switch your accessory from the Demon Safe Shoes to
your normal lvl 120 Accessory.
The upcomming boss is NOT easy. Then, when you're
ready, Area Hack by pressing R1. Then chose to warp.
You'll watch alot of scenes before anything happens in
terms of fighting. When the next boss battle is about to
start, I'll give you adive on how to beat him. Watch scenes then
Ovan starts talking to Haseo about some stuff. Like that
the white room they are in is part of the Black Box folder from
the previous version of the game. Also that things will never be
the way they once were, but rather there is no need for that.
About that time Haseo butts in and says he wants a straight answer:
if Ovan knows how to bring back the Lost Ones. Ovan says that if
Haseo can deafeat Ovan, there is a one in a million chance that
Shino will return.
I'll explain this later. For now you have to worry about the fact that
Ovan will refuse to give you the truth unless you take it from him in
a battle. So let's do just that......

My Level: 125
-Enemy Attacks:
Toss up- Ovan will slash, spin, then blast you into the air. Not
fun and the only real way to deal with this attack is to run away.
Tri-Edge attack- Ovan will uses his AIDA arm and regualer arms to
with a three blade attack just like he would make a tri-edge sign.
Lots of damage. Not good, no way to avoid it.
Cannon Blast- Ovan will change a shot and unlease a Death Star style
blast that will do alot of damage.
Jump Smash- Ovan will leap into the air and when he hits the ground will
send out shock waves. Just run away from him as he crouchs to jump.
-Stragedy: Use twin swords to knock his health down fast. Then use Scythe
once he begins to summon black orbs. Switch between the two weapons as needed.
Use Avatar Awakening as much as possible and ,if it works out right, to finsh
him off.
- Other Advice: at level 120 this fight it pratically impossible. At lvl 125
it's very do-able.
A scene takes place half way through the action. Ovan is begging
Haseo to destory him. Now more then ever. Destory him with a fully
developed Avatar. One who has fought and consumed all the other
Avatars. Haseo, alone, who has fought Atoli, Kuhn, Yata, Sakubo,Endrance, Pi
,and Ovan.

And now, like last time, Ovan summons his Avatar.

Only this time, it's bigger and badder.

BOSS FIGHT!: Corbenik <2nd>
My Level: 125
---Enemy Attacks:
Normal shot- He'll fire Energy balls out of his AIDA arm. you can
avoid these by simply moving to the right. No need to dash. You
can if you want, but not nessacary.

Variant Summon- He summons little AIDA to attack you. Dash in

fast and kill them qucikly with one hit. Or use shots to blast them
to peices.
Celestial Wrath- Ovan unleases a massive amount of shots into the air.
These will rain down around you. You can avoid this by dashing very
quickly to the right. Don't stop dashing till the shots stop comming
down around you.
Mental Vampirism- He will fire a low power version of data drain at you.
you can defeclt this back at him by using a combo on the engery ball.
This is the only way to stun him in the second half of the battle.
Data Drain- Ovan will plaster you on the end of his giant arm cannon
and then fire Data Drain at you at point blank range. You can defeat this
attack by the normal button smashing.

-1st part of battle-

It is possible to stun him while he attemps Variant summon. However
stunning him at all is very very hard.
-2nd part of battle-
This is marked by Ovan casting a shild barier around himself making
it impossible to stun him with shots or even land slashs on him.
You will have to find a new way to break his shield and stun him.
To do this wait until he uses Mental Vampirism (Low Power Data Drain)
on you. You can deflect this back at him by using a full combo on the
ball of energy as it gets near you.
-3rd part of battle-
Protect break: this is tricky. You have to Data Drain Ovan twice in a row.
Once to break his shield, then again to finish him off.
Problem: if you don't Data Drain him fast enough the second time, he will
recharge his shield, and as always you only have about a minute to Data
Drain him twice in a row. I suggest moving constanly (not dashing) to the
right while charging Data Drain. Only stop moving to the right long enough
to Fire Data Drain in a straight shot. You should have less of a problem
doing it this way. Good luck.
After the fight will be the longest set of scenes since the opening movies of
Vol 1. Kick back relax and enjoy the show. PS: Haseo is about to become
more awesome then he is already. Wait till all the scenes are over before
continuing on.

Ovan finially has got what he wanted. Yata is about to come to a solid
concusion when Ovan forces them to be warped out of the Area leaving only
Haseo, Ovan, and Aina.

Movie- Rebirth
Short Version/Main points: The truth is finially revealed.
Ovan has done everything this far, to save his sister. When AIDA
attacked him he went berserk and infected his sister with AIDA.
(He didn't Data Drain his sister, unlike Shino)
As for the rest of it, I'm sure you can see that plain enough.

Movie- Netslum
Short Version/Main points:
Although Haseo wasn't at Ground Zero for the release of the
'Rebirth', he diffently caught a huge blast of that energy.
Being that his character and real person are connected by Mental
bonds, he's very lucky to be alive. (kinda like the Matrix: "the body
can not live with out the mind") Same concept.
Well anyway, I'd say it's time that some things started making sense.
Obviously Net slum is still around, only this time it is mobile on the
back of a giant flying turtle rather that being stuck in one place.
Not a bad imporevment if you ask me.
Anyway, everything goes dark and the next thing Haseo knows
he is talking with Zelkova. Then he remembers everything that's
happened to himself.
And then, he is reunited with his Epitaph.
You know, I think that Haseo would have looked awesome sweet with
Black hair and White armor instead of Black armor and Gray hair.
But hey, thats just me.

Movie- Xth form
Short Version/Main points:
.......nothing else need be said.

Right now just watch the scenes. Come back when you get turned lose
in the new town.
Haseo has now recived his final form: the X-th Form.
You can now use the Duel Gun weapon type. The guns specialize
in long range attacks.
-X button: fires guns is a semi automatice patteren.
- Hold X: to perform an area attack.
-Press O: to reload (will reload automaticly after bullets are spent)
-Double tap O: to dash quickly
Duel Guns are very rare and there are only 4 sets of guns in the game.
The closer you get to a target the more powerfull the attacks become.
The X-th form allows you to use the Double trigger, this allows you
to perform a second Art 'Judgemnt' to allow you to switch back to
Duel guns after performing an Art with another weapon type.
Note: For future refernce I'm going to add this in right here so I won't get
more e-mails asking this. Know that if you follow this guide the whole way
through I will walk you through getting all these weapons. But just Incase
you were wondering here's how you get the other three sets of guns:
Note:First understand that all Dual guns carry a weapon materal that allows you
to perform the double trigger skill.

There are four sets of dual guns in Vol 3:

1) DG-X: You get one set from a story line event when Haseo recivies the X-th
form job extension. These guns have a physical attack of +20 per-shot They
don't however have a second material for customization. And like all the guns
can't be custiomized excpt through Cheat Alchemy which only increases the
number of bullets the gun can carry and gives the alchemy bonus of
x1.25 damage (at most).
2) DG-O: You get these guns for defeating the doppleganger once Haseo has
recieved the X-th form. They are the 3rd most pratical dual guns. Aside from
having the dual trigger skill, they are customized with a material that will
increase the damage done to enemies as Haseo's HP is lowered. However, if
you're a defesive player you won't want to use these much. Also, to compensate
for having this ability these guns only have +18 Physical attack. Meaning
they're weaker then then the DG-X. Using these guns are a risk and personally
it's not my style.
3) DG-Y: You can get these guns in the Forest of Pain on the 51th floor.
Complete objective #6 by defeating 6 parties of monsters. These guns are
customised with the Godspeed Bullet which allows you to recharges your skill
trigger faster. However, these guns only have a physical attack of +10 making
them not very pratical for the Forest of Pain being that many of the stonger
bosses have very high defense.
4) DG-Z: Can be obtained by beating the final boss in the Forest of Pain.
These guns are by far the most Powerful and the least usefull. (After you
beat the Forest of Pain it's unlikly you'll have anything major in the game
to even use them for.) Reguardless, they have a physical attack of +25, and
are customized by a material giving the guns an ability called Death's
bullet; it reduces the enemie's HP by 95%.

Ok, First off there are two major complaints about the X-th form I
want to voice.
1) There are only four sets of duel guns and only
two of the four sets are even worth using: the set you have now, and the
set you get for completeing the hidden quest (which is kinda pointless
considering you could have used them the most DURING the hidden quest
not AFTER.)
2) other complaint is Haseo looks like he has a really fat @$$. Reason being
that the circle armor plates on his lower back give him the appearence of
having girl hips aka RETARDED!
But, if you can over look these faults then you should enjoy
the X-th form very much as it will make Haseo complete ownage.
--------------------- Preludes of Battle ------------------

This section of the game will be intresting to say the least. In

all reality: it will be the calm before the storm; or better yet the
eye of the hurrican.
Enjoy the peace while you can; it wont last.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------

First thing to do is back track to the Chaos Gate and Save.

Also, there's some quick stuff you need to adjust with
you character and what not.
Open the menu: Go to skill trigger and set Justice to your
X-button on the skill trigger. You now have one Art for
all four types of weapons:
X-Justice (duel guns)
O- Reaper's Dance (Scythe)
Square- Armor Break (Broad Sword)
Tri-Angel- Ghost Falcon (Twin Swords)
Also, you'll find some of the items at the new
stores very useful. There are only two stores here
but both are at least some what useful. At the
Weapons Shop you can find any of my suggested
weapon upgrades that you might have missed:
Twin Swords- lvl 122 Spin Goria (All Damage +25%)<-From Bike mission 10
Broad Sword- lvl 117 Broad Dowan (Strategic Attack) <-Tartarga weapon store.
Scythe- lvl 75 Ticking Death [upgrd lvl 3]
Armor- lvl 124 Rough Diamond (-10%mg dam. and -25% phy. dam.)
Accessory- lvl 120 Simple Slant Hood
(Zem Master= all sp cost -25%) <-bike mission 10
--Also at the Item store near the Choas Gate: the
stock of items they have here is very impressive.
However you simply don't need all of them, just a few.
Here's what I suggest you buy:
Menami Muffler- for your bike, last bike part for the game.
Crystal Skull - this is an excelent weapon material, one of the best.
Healing Potion x40
Restoring Drop x25
Fairy Drop x40
Nobel Drop x25
Omnipotent Soda x25
Revival Medical x25
Revive Potion x25
Warrior Tome x25

Then head to the bridge to continue with the story.

As you enter you'll see some scenes with all the Avatar users,
Zelkova, and Kaede.
Also, note that about half way through the scenes
a glitch will occur. The Text subtitles wont match what the people are
saying. Just ignore it. It's one of the only glitchs I found
in the game, and is definitally the first major one for the whole game
series. Anyway watch away until things settle down then I can finially
explain who or what Zelkova is. And all the other stuff.

Ok, first thing. The X-th form is an illegal form design by Zelkova.
The powers it holds are the result of Zelkova altering the connection
between Haseo's character and the Epitaph/Avatar.

Secondly, Zelkova is in fact the now present day ruler of the Net slum.
There are two possible reasons for this:
1- There is a slim possibilty that Zelkova is infact Helba from the original
game series. She simply made a new character and is now going about
her days disguised as the Moon Tree Guild master Zelkova,
Howerver this seems very unlikly being that Zelkova's personality and Hebla's
personality are worlds apart and are nothing alike.
Other explaination:
2- Zelkova is in fact a hacker
(or more likly still is that he is a very smart AI that has hacking skills).
It is likly that Helba met Zelkova some time ago and when she grew tired of
the game gave him the rule over Netslum before she retired from the Game
and her days as a Hacker. It may even be that she chose to quit
the game around the time that the first version of the game was
destoryed and 'The World R2'was released.

Ok, next point: Haseo points out that Ovan was willing to sacrafice himself
in order to save his comatose sister. And by the way, If Haseo was standing
near Ovan when the Rebirth went off, just think about what condition Ovan is
in being that he was at Ground Zero for it. Yeah, I think he'll be very lucky
just to be alive.
Anyway, Yata starts talking to the ship: Tartarga. Vetrans of the series may
be wondering where that name rings a bell. The answer is that Tartarga is the
rather smart AI that Kite and BlackRose had a coverstation with when the first
visited Net Slum in the original games. You know, the little green dude they
talked to about the Epitaph of Twilight? Yeah, him.
Also, Zelkova and Kaede give you their Member Adresses. SWEET!
Zelkova is by far the strongest party member you can get in the
entire game series. Which is complete ownage.
Near the end of things Haseo talks about how the Rebirth affected
everything in the world that was connected to the network. But
none-the-less. It seems the Game has become peaceful again.
AIDA has been destoryed once and for all, and the Coma victums
that were made Comatose by AIDA are slowly returning....everyone
but Shino.

You end up at your desktop. There's lots to look at.

Save your e-mails for last, Lets check the forums and what not.

-Forums- :
Short version: Just some random crap and
then some pictures.
Read from the bottom up (on the game) in order to make
sense of the e-mails.

-E-mail- Sakubo (Saku) : Re-White Chrysanthermun
Short version: Reply-What a flower means
-E-mail- CC Corp : Regards to connection issues
Short version: They say their sorry for crap happening
but they're looking into it.
-E-mail- Sirius : I'm back
Short version: He says he managed to make it
back, but that he can't reach Alkaid....
-E-mail- Atoli : It's over
Short version: She says even if things are done, she's still
worried for some reason. And if I were you, I'd be worried too.
Zelkova said the seeds of danger are not gone from the game.
-E-mail- Endrace : The Finale
Short version: He says he agrees with Atoli and
that there's reason to believe that things are
not over with just yet.
-E-mail- Kuhn : Situation at CC Corp.
Short version:
-E-mail- Pi : The Phrophecy
Short version: Pi points out that something else is still
out there. You havn't seen the end of this yet.

As you leave your E-mail you get a new e-mail from Yata
marked urgent.

-E-mail- Yata : Urgent
Short version: Yata says that the Coma victums recover at
different rates and that you must play your hope in that
she will get better soon.
Second, he needs you to come to Hidden, Forbidden, Bulwark
at once. And to Come alone.


-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Select the Choas gate and chose to warp.

------- 22)Hidden, Forbidden, Bulwark -------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo, (None), (None)
My Level: 125
As you enter the scenes will take off, watch them and then
continue afterward. Watch and be afraid.

Movie- Pulse
Short Version/Main points: What has four eyes, was a mojor boss
in the previous series, and goes ROAR!!!!! Stay tuned to find out.
Yes, Cubia is back. We're talking about the monster that will send someone
flying across a battle field just by sneezing on them. It will have
to be faced and destroyed, just like it had to be destroyed
in the last series.
For now head back to town.
-------Town: Mac Anu -------

As a side note:
Yata was there. He is Wiseman from the original series. He fought side by side
with Kite and the other .hackers//.
Yes, the final peices are starting to fall in place. Soon, very soon. The
climax will come.
But until it does, lets do some training shall we?
First add Atoli and Kuhn to your party. Then Head to
Dol Dona.
-------Town: Dol Dona -------
You need to upgrade the Lost Weapons somemore.

------- )Hidden, Forbidden, Sacrament-------
Area Type: Lost Grounds
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 125
I want you to upgrade Atoli's staff to lvl 3 upgrade. I
really doubt you have enough Virus cores to upgrade Kuhn's
weapon to level 3 upgrd too, but he will certianly be the
next person on the list to do so for.
When done head back.
-------Town: Dol Dona -------

Trasfer to Breg Epona.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
First things first. Go to your @home and put your new
muffler on your bike.

Time to train. Adjust the Materials in your party's

Accessorys to get the +50% EXP From the Sapphire Eyes.
Then lets get going. Your new goal is to reach level 130.
Also, all those Begginer's Text/Books and the the Master Book
and Master Text, yeah, use those now on Haseo.
--Random) Unselfish, Wrath's, Alga Grass-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 129
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 125
Kill all, take items, the basic stuff you know how to
do oh so good by now. One major difference. You now have the
X-th Form to make things go faster. And this will be a great
proving grounds for the Xth Form.
(Don't fight any of the white large monsters called 'Royal Pain'
until you gain at least one level)

--Xth Form useage--

Now, the biggest thing about the Xth Form,
is it's skill set up.
Whenever you are in a normal fight, you'll
want you use the Dual Guns 99% of the time. Why? Because the
dual guns allow you to move side to side while firing, allowing
you to avoid enemies easily. Also because they have the highest
rate of inflicting damage (faster then Twin swords) So you use
Duel guns for normal attacks in most situations.

When you go to use Arts, ussally enemies are weak to one of the
types of weapons Haseo has: Twin Sword, Broad Sword, and Scythe.
So you use the skill trigger to switch to the one that the enemy
is weak to which dishs out the most damage.
Then, by using the Double Trigger you can switch back
to the Duel guns which are the best weapon type for just normal
Basicly you'll use the Duel Guns the most and just use the other
weapon types for dishing out Arts. Granted it makes using all your
other weapons kinda pointless, but this is the most effective
way of using them.
It'll take awhile to get used to the guns but eventually you'll
realize how awesome they are and you'll never want to go back.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
I was able to get to 127. Three more levels to go. So restock
and head for a new area.
Before you head out again there are a few chors to take care of.
And doing this stuff will be a big help later on.
I want you to remove Kuhn from your party and replace him with
Yata. Now, I want you to give Yata the following items:
-25% magic damage (buy from Lumia Cloth item store)
-10% physical Damage (If you dont have in storage then never mind)
-10% all Sp consumption aka All knowing (Breg Epona stores)
Also, go to Hidden, Forbidden, Sacrament and up grade Yata's
fans at least once with 10 virus cores
Well time to move on, put Kuhn back in your party and head
out to a new field.

--Random) Dejected, Swift, Belladonna-------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 130
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 127
Same always. Kill stuff. Earn EXP. Get items. Rock out hard core.
Just continue to get use to the Xth Form. Try to gain as many lvls
as you can.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
It's completly likly that you'll have to go out at least
once more to get to level 130. Do so if you need to now.

--Random) Deject, Evil's, Bum -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 132
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 129

Same as always. Just head back to town when everyone is

lvl 130.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Ok, you can finially relax. First off, know that you will only
have to train one more time between now and the end of the game.
So that should be a relief. Also, Don't purposly go out
and train to raise your level. The reason for that is because I
have something planned that I think you'll like. So don't train until
I tell you. (and don't worry, I've given you a couple levels lee-way
so don't fill bad if you gain like one more level by accident)
You can now finially log-out.

When you get to your desktop you'll have loads to watch and read.
For now lets ignore the e-mails and go for the News and Forums.
We'll start with least intresting to most intresting.

-Forums- :
Short version:
Ok, first some ppl talking about the problems
at Nucluar power plants near to where they live. And how things
are getting pretty bad in the 'real world'. One guy is even
at a shelter.
The other topic is some ppl ranting about how angry they are that
this guy Masato Indou AKA Ovan, is resonsible for making AIDA. Which
of course is absolute Bull $hit because CC Corp holds alot of political
power and is pinning everything on him. But of course the ppl complaining
about all that don't know any better.
Ok, now to get a better idea of what everyone was talking about.
-News- :
Short version:
First and Formost is the thing about where they think they
know who is responsible for AIDA. Which of course is Bull.
Second thing worth watching is the new Online Jack episode.
And third, various differnt articals: Nuc. power plants going crazy,
trains crashing, Air planes crashing, and the space station falling
into the planet. Freaking crazyness.
Well, lets take a look at the e-mails and see whats up.

-E-mail- Aina : To Haseo
Short version: She'd like you to meet her.
Well, sounds like a plan. But first the other e-mails.
-E-mail- Yata : Cubia
Short version: CC Corp is getting jumpy becuase
Cubia is back. And like Yata said, things are going to be
really bad once Cubia becomes active.
-E-mail- Sakubo (Saku) : RE: What a flower means
Short version: She says she might stick around. Geeze, and you
think your life is hard. Just imagine what Bo has to put up with.

Ok, log-in and time to get on with the story line.

------- 23)Incensed, World's, Build-up -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 122
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 130

As you warp in, take note that there's really no need

what so ever for you to fight monsters. I just equiped
the Demon Safe Shoes and ran straight through the dungeon.
Block 1: uneventful.
Block 2: There's some warp point here. Continue forward to the first useable
warp point you can find, Then use it to move forward. After you warp to
the next area simply rotate the camera to face a new warp point. Use that
to move on toward the exit of the Block.
Block 3: This is pretty straight forward. Just keep moving until you get to the
Beast statue and the end of the Area.
Watch first then read on.

So you meet Aina and she explains that she knows who you are because
she's shared Ovan's memories through AIDA. After which she asked you why
you didn't save Ovan. She explains that he's comatose and that he on the
edge of life and death. And then she runs off all upset.
Next thing you know the ground shakes and you get a short mail from Yata.
He says to make an emergence meeting at Raven.
Head back to town.
-------Town: Breg Epona -------
BEFORE you run off to Raven. I HIGHLY suggest you go to
any of the Item shops in the various towns and stock up
on items that you might be low on. Becuase soon (not now but soon)
you won't get the chance to go back to them for
a good long while. MAKE SURE Atoli also has her items stocked up.
Once that's done, then head for Raven.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------

When you get there Pi will explain the situation. The Bo comes
busting in begging Haseo to help him save Aina. Well we can't have
all the work Ovan did go to waste. Time to kick some butt.
Add Bo to your party and lets head out.
Transfer over to the other town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------
Once you got everyone together, head out.

------ 24) Fleeing, Dismayed, Emotion -------
Area Type: Highland Canyon
Area Level: 124
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Bo
My Level: 130
This area is prety simplr. Get on your bike and ride from
the East side of the area to the west. Activate the warp point
and then use it.
Again head from the east side of the area to the west. You can
collect the symbole fragments if you want but it's not really
On the west side of the area you should find Aina and her attackers.
After you beat them easily, you see some scenes about the story. After that
head back to town.

-------Town: Breg Epona -------

Head back to Mac Anu.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Back yet again to the Serpent of Lore.

When you arrive You see some scenes. I won't bother to

explain a huge amount about whats going on other then say
this: Aura was the reason the creator of the game made the
game in the first place. She is the reason what Epitaphs exist.
She is the reason why everything started to begin with in the
original games.
Anyway. Add Atoli and Yata to your party and head for the Chaos
Gate. It's time to visit some ppls.
WARNING!!!!: Be ready for one of the hardest non-avatar boss fights of

------- 25) Hidden, Forbidden, HolyGround -------
Area Type: Lost Ground/ Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Yata, Atoli
My Level: 130
When you enter the area make your last preperations and then
Aina begins to explain that her brother gave her the Creator's
Epitaph of Twilight. When she brings it out things start to happpen.
Watch on and come back right before the boss fight. I'll explain things
and give you advice.
As Yata and Haseo talk it become clear that the Book is resonating with
Haseo's Avatar. Yata says that if all eight Epitaphs were gathered that
they would be able to speak with Aura. Haseo points out that Ovan is gone.
Again Yata reminds Haseo of some of Ovan's last words and shows Haseo that
he contians all 8 Epitaphs with him; that Haseo is the Key of the Twilight.
Haseo was what Ovan had been searching for all along.
Movie- Key of the Twlight
Short Version/Main points: Haseo summons his fully developed Avatar,
and with the aid of his X-th form, Sheith has evolved into his third
and final form. You dont get to use him yet, that comes later.
Anyway, Haseo unites his epitaph with Aina. And the end result?
YIKES!! the Azure Knights!!!!! Tri-Edge and his buddies....You
know what this means?

Haseo, Terro of Death VS The Azure Knights

ROUND ONE,FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOSS FIGHT!: Azure Knights
My Level: 130
-Enemy Attacks:
-Basic Attack: Orca and Bulmung will attack with regulare
Blade combo and also normal Blade Arts. Tri-Edge will basicly
Stay in one spot and attack you from a distance or when you
Approch him.
-Light Spells- The three Azures line up and cast huge amounts
of light spells at you, these are VERY powerfull. Make sure
to block.
-Azure Three Combo- All three of the Azures attack at once and
will basicly pumble one character into the ground (this be Haseo)
This attack isn't that bad if you have Armor materials that negate
damage less then 50, or if your level 130. All around, not too bad.


Ok, you're best stragedy in this situation is to

consentrate only on Tri-Edge. If you kill either of
the other two, Tri-Edge simply will revive them after
a little while. So really your only hope of winning
is to kill Tri-Edge.
a)Use your Dual Guns and Attack Tri-Edge
from behind. This will ussally allow you to avoid his magic
as he will likly consentrate on those infront of him.
b)Use Arts ALOT! Keep an eye on Atoli's SP as this battle tends
to drain it quickly.
c) Use awakening as soon as you can. At level 130 this battle isn't
that hard.
- Other Advice:
If you're level is 125 or lower--> Pray and hope you're skilled enough to win.

When you finially beat them you hear Aura's voice and Yata realizes
that the Azure Knights are infact guardians of the game, and that they
were created By Aura to protect her. She just didn't get to finish them
and also because she was working with damaged data from the previous version
of the game.
So anyway.
Aura talks to you about some important stuff and then Tri-Edge gives you
his Twin Swords. SWEET!
Well, Yata continues to mumble to himself about various things concerning
the problems at hand. Really if you read between the lines all you need to
know is that if the Avatar Users go head to head with Cubia, there's a
chance to defeat Cubia, but it will mean the end of the Epitaphs.
One problem, in order to even cancel out the power of Cubia, they need all
eight Epitaphs. That means Ovan too.
---->So, at this point in time: Battle with Cubia = Suicide.

So anyway, after the scenes you'll be back at Mac Anu.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Yata says that many players are leaving the game. But that
at the rate that Cubia is taking over, the towns will be destroyed
--Note: This is your LAST chance to shop in ANY of the normal towns.
After this point in time there is NO going back until the after the
end of the game. The biggest things you need to worry about is getting
healing items from the various shops in the different towns. Here's a
shoping/ to do list.
Before you do anything or go anywhere, do yourself a favor, equipe
the new twin swords you got from Tri-edge. They are in fact the
best twin swords in the whole game. So, thats 1/4 ultimate weapons

--Breg Epona
a) Check in at the guild @home
b) Buy and store 50 Lucid Soda
and Wonder Soda in the guild storage.
c) Check in with Gaspard at the guild
--Dol Dona
a) Buy and store 50 Solution soda and Esthesio.
--Mac Anu
a) Buy and store 50 Anitdote soda,Blessing soda,
and Stimulant soda.
Once you've stored 50 of each item, I want you to go and buy another
40 of each of those so that you have 50 in storage and 40 in your inventory
of the obove mentioned items.
You won't need to stock up on any other items because the only other type of
items you need are HP and SP recovery items. And you won't need to worry about
that. Trust me. Aside from my advice here, just use your best judgement. When
you're done, head to the Serpent of Lore in Mac Anu.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Head to the Serpent of Lore. Here you will see some major scenes where Yata
and the others are forced to say farwell to GU's home. Everyone has become
refugees in the other regions, the NetSlum.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
When you enter the town, cut scenes will begin. Watch and enjoy.

When done there's some things to adress.

1) Obviously you cant go back to any of the towns, so thats tough luck
if you missed anything.
2) Tartarga choas gate is a multi-server gate, meaning you can visit areas from
all the servers.
3) All quest are unavalible from here on out, but if you folowed my guide that
won't be a problem.
For now head for the bridge. That will render progression in the story.
As you approch the bridge note Wise Grunty on the right. If you ever
manage to upgrade all the lost weapons; Wise Grunty will trade you
items and cash for your extra virus cores you collect. But that doesn't
seem likly considering it takes so long to collect cores.

The following scenes have a re-occuring glitch in the movie. It won't
affect game play, just the over all feel of the story. The subtitles
for the movie are off. They're the subtitles for the next plot cutscene.
Not this one. Apperentally Namco Bandi didn't catch this glitch.
Feel free to point and laugh at their stupidity.
Anyway, just ignore the subtitles for this cut scene. This is the only major
glitch I found in the entire series.

Back in the main section of town there are some things to cover:
a)Scenes with Saku, she's back and staying for good. *sigh*
b) Canard is now based in Tartarga. You can visit the guild via
the door to the side, and also the Guild shop is set up here aswell.
c) You can now use cheat codes to upgrade lvl 5 rarity equipment.
This includes, armor, weapons, and your duel guns. So area hacking to
collect tons of cheat codes would be a great idea.
d) when you're done looking around and getting stuff, log out.

Ok once you log out, check your e-mail first.

Note the order in which I list the e-mails.
You should read them in the following order:

-E-mail- Zelkova : To all who love "The World"
Short version: Is a call to arms. To all the players of
the game to rally together and fight one last time to save
not just the game, but the human Ironic.
-E-mail- Sakubo(bo) : I'm back
Short version: Says Saku is back. yay.
-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice of Emergency Maintenance
Short version: CC corp is crapping their pants over whats happening.
hopefully they can keep their legs crossed long enough for Haseo to
pull off something off.

-E-mail- Zelkova : Planning meeting
Short version: He says you need to log in and
meet with the others so you can get on to kicking some
Gomora butt. It's time for the final stage of our journey.

-Forums- :
Short version: Some people talking about the E-mail
Zelkova sent everyone. Then some rumors concerning Tartarga, and the
rumors about ppl quiting 'the world'. Oh well, tim to get on with things.
When done, log-in.

It's time to enter the final chapeter in our story with Haseo and
his fellow comrads. My friends it's been a long journey, but now
is the time. In the famous words of Kite, "Now is the time, to end this!"

-------------------- War of the Epitaphs --------------------

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Head for the bridge.

Zelkova says that there are four main areas where infection has reached
dangerous levels. They MUST be taken care of quickly or else the game will
start comming apart at the seams. They're lost grounds you visited before.
All have importance. But they should be attempted in a certian order so that
the story line flows well. I'll walk you through each dungeon (which are
annoyingly like mazes).

Add Atoli and Kuhn to your Party and head for the Choas Gate.
Change servers to the Dol Dona Server. Once done select the
first location. And get ready for war.

------- 26)Hidden, Forbidden, Dragonbein -------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Atoli,Kuhn
My Level:130

As you enter the area, seens will start. You'll see

Piros the 3rd, Gaspard, Silabus, and Antares here. They
will begin to fight and hold back the Gomoras while you
push ahead and the Outer Dungeon. So do just that, head to
the end of the walk way and use area hacking. Continue on through.
Follow this map to find and kill all the Gomoras:

[ ]-[ ]-[2] [1]

| |
[3] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
|-| [ ]-[ ]---[Enter]
|5| |
| | [6]

Back to town

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Re-supply, then head out again. 3 more to go.
------- 27)Hidden, Forbidden, Battlefield -------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Atoli,Kuhn
My Level:130
First time I played through the game I saved this one for last thinking
it would be approperate. But there scenes here are the least good of
the four areas, hence I'm saving the best scenes for last and just doing
this one now.

Enter the area, see scenes with Gabi, the Pkers you hate, and some
other people from way back when you started your journey.
Afterward, on to the Outer Dungeon.
This one is easy. It's straight forward.
Just follow the path and kill the Gomoras.

[ ]-[ ] [1]-[ ]
| | |
[ ] [ ] [ ]-[ ]
| |
[ ]-[ ] [ ]-[ ]
| |
[ ]-[2] [ ]-[Enter]
Back to town
Head back to town once done.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Restock then head right back out, another battle field
calls your name.

This time change the server over to the Mac Anu server.

------- 28)Hidden, Forbidden, Bulwark -------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Atoli,Kuhn
My Level:130
As you enter the area you'll see scenes with a whole bunch of
Moon Tree members: Matsu, Kaede, est.

Outer Dugeon time, and the next two aren't

exactly easy style dungeons:

[4] [2]
| [3]-[1]-[Enter]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]-[7] [6]-[ ]


Use they above key and map to get around,

find all the enemy parties. Good Luck.
When done, back to town.
-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Ok, time for the final Area. And I saved this one for last
for a good reason.
Re-stock your items then Save you game.

------- 29)Hidden, Forbidden, Radiation -------
Area Type: Lost Grounds/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo,Atoli,Kuhn
My Level:130

Here you meet all the Arena rankers who you battled
to reach the top. Taihaku called in some favors and
rallied them to fight. And then, Alkaid.....
Watch the bitter sweet scenes.

Then continue on with area hacking:

Outer dungeon: this is probably the
hardest Outer dungeon in the game.

[10] [9] [ ]-[Enter]

| [ ]
[7]-[6 4,5] |
| [1]
[8] [ ]
Note: 4 is north of 5
3-> 4,5&6
When done, head back to town.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Ok, Save then head for the bridge.
After a short meeting, it's time. Time for the Final
Our time grows short friends. But this time there
will not be another game to continue on with. Ah, well.
Let's finish this up.
------Preparing for the Final Battle--------

--Here's a list of things to check first:

1)--Note:On top of having your final party ready to go, you
must also prepare 3 other parties for battle as well.
You will use these three parties for only one battle
each. Then they will be left behind while you continue
forward deeper into the final dungeon.
Here's the party members I suggest:
1st: Gaspard and Silabus
2nd: Sakubo and Endrance
3rd: Pi and Yata
Final Boss party: Atoli and Kuhn
You don't really need to prepare them
in any special way. You just need to know
it's comming. The best thing you could do is
buy healing items and give them to Gaspard,
Sakubo, and Pi. (your healers) And then Set their
stragedy to "Life".

2)--The next thing is that you need to restock your

items for the final battle. This means get as many healing
items as you can get.
3)--Next,You need to get to level 133. I think it is fitting
that since Haseo started his journey at level 133, he should
finish it at level 133. So go out and train! Try a level 134
area, that should do the trick.
4)-- Use cheat codes to upgrade your Duel Guns and your new
Twin Blades.
5)--Last, You should hopfully be able to upgrade Kuhn's steam
gun one last time with Virus cores.
Aside from that, there's not alot I can say. Prepare as best you
can, use your best judgement. After 3 games worth of experience,
you should be fine.
Here's my equipment and item set-up for the final battle:

Twin swords: Empty Skies lvl 125[Customized: Mortal]
Broad Sword: Broad White lvl 133 [Customized: Strategic att]
Scythe: Ticking Death lvl 75 [upgrade lvl 3]
Armor: Rough Imperial lvl 132 [Customized: -10%mag,-25%phy]
Accessory:Simple Slant Hood lvl 120[Customized:Zen Mastery]
Healing Serum (200Hp) x40
Healing Potion (350Hp)x40
Restoring Drop (750Hp) x40
Sprite Drop (50Sp) x40
Fairy Drop (100Sp) x40
Nobel Drop (250Sp) x40
Revival Medicine (revive ally) x40
Revival Potion (fully revive ally) x25
Wonder Soda (All Status affects) x40
omipotent Soda (All status affect all Allies) x25
Gun: Silent Jadelvl 75 [upgrade lvl 3]
Armor: Loose Regalia lvl 126 [Customized: -10%mag,-25%phy]
Accessory: Simple Slant Hood lvl 120 [All knowing]

Staff:Dancing Haze lvl 75 [upgrade lvl 3]
Armor:Sub Vestment lvl 126 [Customized:-10%mag,-25%phy]
Accessory:Simple Slant Hood lvl 120 [Heal Mastery]

Healing Serum (200Hp) x40

Healing Potion (350Hp)x40
Restoring Drop (750Hp) x40
Sprite Drop (50Sp) x40
Fairy Drop (100Sp) x40
Nobel Drop (250Sp) x40
Revival Medicine (revive ally) x40
Revival Potion (fully revive ally) x25
Wonder Soda (All Status affects) x40
omipotent Soda (All status affect all Allies) x25

Also, give any other powerfull healing items you might have come across
while out adventuring to Atoli. If you've got this stuff done, then you
should be good to go.
When your done getting everything you might need. It's time to move out.
Save, then go to the Chaos Gate and switch to the Breg Epona Server.
Then head for the last dungeon.

Note: after this point, there is no return. None.

This a straight shot to the end. Do or die.

------ 30)Excited, Conflict's, Fate -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 128
Party: Haseo,Atoli,Kuhn
My Level: 133
Get ready for a very very long road ahead.
--Final Battle: Stage 1--
Our first task is to conquer this three floor
dungeon with warp point mazes.

-1st Floor:
This floor is very easy to understand, it dosen't
need much explanation. Just head for the exit on
the oppisite side of the floor. Use the Demon Safe
Shoes to bypass all the normal monsters that need
not be fought and would therefore waste your supplies of
items needed for later.
-2nd Floor:
This is where things get intresting. Use the below map
to navigate the area.
[Exit]--[5] [4]-[ ]
[ ]--[ ] [3]
[Enter]-[1] [ ]-[2]
-3rd Floor:
Again, this floor features a rather nasty
warp point maze. But again, with my help it'll be
no problem.
[ ] [3,4]
[Fin] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
[ ] [1,2]
[Enter]---[ ]

{warp point 1 is north of 2}
Once you reach the last room, use area hacking (press R1)
to reveal the entrance to the next stage of our final mission.

--Final Battle: Stage 2--
The second stage of the final area is an outer dungeon.
This one isn't so hard except for the fact that you only
have a 1 in 4 chance of guessing the correct warp point
at the end of the dungeon. Iroicly enough, I knew I was going to
write this guide after playing through the game once. So when I
guessed the correct warp point that leads to the end of the
dungeon on the First try, I made sure to write it down. =P

-Outer Dungeon-
[ ] [ ]-[ ] [2]
[3] [ ]
[4] [ ]-[ ] [ ]-[Enter]
[5] [ ] [ ]-[ ]
[6] [ ]
[ ]-[1]
[Fin]-[ ]
2-> 3,4,5,&6
At the Finish, you'll be given a chance to save.
I suggest you do so because after this, there is no
turning back. None. No platforms back to town, no escape.
From here on in it's do or die.
Prepare yourself for an Avatar battle.

--Final Battle: Stage 3--
As you enter, you'll see some scenes with everyone
talking. Watch all of the scenes then come back and read.
Pause right before you start into the Avatar battle. And
I'll give you some quick advice on this final boss fight.

Alright, you saw some scenes with everyone talking. Alot of it is

self explantory. Easy to understand. Here's what you need to know.
The final boss fight is broken into 3 parts. This is part one.
The first thing is to attack Cubia from the outside and to
destory the outer shell that protects Cubia's head, the weak point.

---------Final Boss Fight: Part 1

- Avatar Battle-
-Notes on Skeith:
First, Skeith has got some major upgrades with the aid
of the xth-form.
-a)Skeith's slash attacks now move in enery blades that
fly away from skeith, meaning his physical attack now have some
range to them. This is very useful as you won't need to be face to
face with a target to attack it.
-b) Skeith can Lock-on to multi-targets by holding down
the square button. The max number of targets locked-on will be
shown when the target circles turn from white to red.
-c)Normal Shots for this battle are completely useless.
Use lock-on shots.
BOSS FIGHT!: Cubia Alpha
My Level: 133
-Enemy Attacks:
Normal Shot- cubia will fire purple energy at you. Just move side to side
to aviod.
Ectoplasm- This attack wont do any damage to Skieth, but it will knock
him away from the Dragon Head after it recovers from being stunned.
Hold the square button to lock on to as many targets as you can.
Don't fire untill the target circles turn red. You need to target
All the Cubia Gomoras and the 'dragon head' too.
Once you stun the 'dragon head' Dash forward and attack using Slashs
with your scythe. You'll only be given a certian amount of time
while the 'dragon head' remains stuned. Once you defeat it, you
will have to repeat the process 3 more times. Note that it will
become harder to stun the 'Dragon heads' each time you defeat one.
Also note that after defeating about 2 of the 'Dragon heads'
You'll see a new type of Cubia Gomora in the form of a snake like
Gomora. You have to slash these as they come at you. You can slash
at them before you see the (X: slash) signal. Remember that your
slash attacks have some range to them now.
Once the forth 'Dragon Head' is defeated, the outer shell will
break and Cubia will rear it's ugly head.

BOSS FIGHT!: Cubia Beta
My Level: 133
-Enemy Attacks:
Normal Shot: Cubia will fire energy shots at you, just move
steadily to one side or the other to avoid.
Gomora: Cubia summoms more Gomoras to fight.
Jihad: cubia fires off a salvo of energy, dash to avoid.
Chaos Gehenna: Cubia goes Matrix Setinal style on you and sends
a solid stream of Gomoras right at you. Nothing to do but slash away
and hope you survive.
Simple=> Use lock on to kill Gomoras and stun Cubia. Move in for the
kill. And don't die. After that, just wait till he protect breaks.
Avoid being hit and blast Data Drain in his pretty little face.
--Megan Wise man pinted out I forgot to metion this:
The trick to beat this guy is to make sure you dash backwards and put some
distance between you and Cubia after he pushes you back, hence alot easier to
get the Multi-Lock to work.
Sry I forgot to mention this before, me being a
defensive gamer for me this is habit. So for those
of you who are a little more agressive, here's a tip
that might help.

Anyway so after you beat this guy from the out side you discover that
Data Drain is completly useless. So Yata gets the bright idea to go inside
cubia and destroy the core Star Wars style.......Great idea RETARD!!!
So now that you've broken open the shell, you can get inside Cubia via
his over grown mouth. Literally into the belly of the beast.

--Final Battle: Stage 4--
---------Final Boss Fight: Part 2
-Stopping Cubia's Healing-

This next part of the game is actually the hardest part of

the final battle. The reason is beacuse you will face
3 parties of Dopplegangers. Yes 3 Parties of them. And you also
have to leave both your party members behind after each battle.
So here we go. And pay close attention.
After some incrediblly cheesy scenes with everyone talking, you'll
be given the opertunity to save. If you do so, Save on a DIFFERNT
file. You can also access storage and form a new party. Also,
dont forget to equipe your good Accessory (aka not the Demon Safe Shoes)
--Party #1: Silabus and Gaspard. Set Gaspard to Healing.
BOSS FIGHT!: Dopplegangers
My Level: 133
-Enemy Attacks: Every attack you have, they have.
-Stragedy: Use your Dual guns DO NOT switch weapons.
ONLY use your Dual Gun art: Justice.
Go after the Dopplegangers that are not Haseo first. They should
be lower leveled then you because they are equal level as your party members,
and therefore will be weaker and easier to kill. After which your party
members can help gang up on Haseo's Doppleganger.
Use the dual gun ability to quickly switch targets to keep Haseo's Doppleganger
on the ground/knocked over while also targeting one of the other dopplegangers.
ALWAYS counter-attack Haseo's Doppleganger, NEVER use arts first.
Again, a helpful tip from "Megan Wiseman"-
Right after using arts, try just holding the O button to block and
just waiti till your skill bar recharges and then continue to use
Arts again. So Arts, Block while recharge, Arts, Block while recharge,
Rise and repeat.
Once done, set up your next party and move on.

--Party #2: Endrance and Sakubo. Set Sakubo to Healing.

Note:(Same stradgy as above)
BOSS FIGHT!: Dopplegangers
My Level: 133
-Enemy Attacks: Every attack you have, they have.
-Stragedy: Use your Dual guns DO NOT switch weapons.
ONLY use your Dual Gun art: Justice.
Go after the Dopplegangers that are not Haseo first. They should
be lower leveled then you because they are equal level as your party members,
and therefore will be weaker and easier to kill. After which your party
members can help gang up on Haseo's Doppleganger.
Use the dual gun ability to quickly switch targets to keep Haseo's Doppleganger
on the ground/knocked over while also targeting one of the other dopplegangers.
ALWAYS counter-attack Haseo's Doppleganger, NEVER use arts first.
Once done, set up your next party and move on.

--Party #3: Pi and Yata. Set Pi to Healing.

Note:(Same stradgy as above)
BOSS FIGHT!: Dopplegangers
My Level: 133
-Enemy Attacks: Every attack you have, they have.
-Stragedy: Use your Dual guns DO NOT switch weapons.
ONLY use your Dual Gun art: Justice.
Go after the Dopplegangers that are not Haseo first. They should
be lower leveled then you because they are equal level as your party members,
and therefore will be weaker and easier to kill. After which your party
members can help gang up on Haseo's Doppleganger.
Use the dual gun ability to quickly switch targets to keep Haseo's Doppleganger
on the ground/knocked over while also targeting one of the other dopplegangers.
ALWAYS counter-attack Haseo's Doppleganger, NEVER use arts first.

Now then, time for your final party of the really kick butt characters:
Add Atoli and Kuhn to your party, and then get ready to rock and roll.

--Final Battle: Stage 5--
---------Final Boss Fight: Part 3
-Destorying the Core-

BOSS FIGHT!: Cubia Core
My Level: 133
Targets: Right Core, Left Core, Core Shield, Central Core
-Enemy Attacks:
The first part of the battle will switch between fighting the
Right Core and the Left Core. Right Core is weak to Twin Sword
attacks, and Left core is weak to Scythe Attacks. Use Dual Guns
for noraml/non-skill attacking. Goromas will appear when a
switch is made from right to left arm.

a)First the Right arm. Wait until it hits the ground then move
in with the dual guns and attack. Use your Twin Blade skills
as the Right Arm is weak to that kind of attack, use double
trigger to switch back to Dual Guns for normal attacks. Pound away
until Right arm is destroyed.
b) Left Core is weak to Scythe Attacks.
c) Core Shield is weak to Broad sword attacks.
d) Central Core isnt weak to any type of attack.
Not alot to say really, it's an easy fight, just pound away
till you kill it. Use arts when ever it trys to use a skill so
you wont take any damage. Just keep using powerfull attacks till you
kill it; awakening helps. And if you want to end the series in style,
use your awakening to finsh off the core.
Congrats friends you just beat the Game, and the whole series.
Now instead of going into detail about what you've just done,
I'll just let you watch the movies and enjoy. Talk to you
when you reach your desktop. Enjoy the moment.

Movie- One Mind
Short Version/Main points: Shows Haseo gathering the power of
the Epitaphs for one final attack. But unfortunitly the best result
they hope for is that their powers will cancel each other out and that
both Anti-existance and Epitaphs will be destroyed. With out Ovan
the Epitaphs are missing 1/8 of their power = They're screwed. But
Ovan shows up in the nick of time to end it.

Movie- Entrusted Future
Short Version/Main points: Dispite the fact that Ovan was able to
help you end the threat to the Network, and therefore the world;
Ovan begins to turn blue and he begins to fade. Yes, this is good bye
for Ovan. But he tells you that His ending is really your new begining.
And so it ends.

Well you end up at you desktop after awhile. Time to check out what's
going on.
-Forums- :
Short version: Just some ppl complaining about CC Corp.

Now, here's the important thing to worry about.

Make sure to read the e-mails from bottom of the
list to the top.
-E-mail- Sakubo (saku) : Jerk!
Short version: Says Master En still has
a thing for you and that she won't allow it.
Well, personally that's fine with me cause I
always thought the Haseo-Endrance thing was
pretty weird myself.
-E-mail- Zelkova : Nice and Peacefull
Short version: Says that everything is
dying down and returning to normal. He says
that the worst was avoided (aka nucs going off
all over the planet)

-E-mail- Pi : It's Over
Short version: Pi says that she's leaving the
CC Corp. Which likly means that she will no longer
have a reason to visit The World. But for now
there's still the aftermath to deal with.

-E-mail- Kuhn : Good Work
Short version: Kuhn syas that he'll be out a part time
job for CC Corp. And that it isn't likly anyone will
be comming out to thank Haseo and his friends for saving
the world. Such is the fate of the un-sung heros.
-E-mail- Endrace : For you
Short version: He continues to pledge gay love to Haseo
which I find kinda creepy. But whatever.
-E-mail- Sakubo (bo) : My Best
Short version: He kinda stumbels through saying he
tried his best and that he feels braver thanks to
-E-mail- Yata : What comes next
Short version: He says that he and Pi are working on
clean up. He also says that Haseo should enjoy the
game as a normal player, he earned the right to do so.
-E-mail- Antares : Bravo Kid
Short version: Says he's proud of you.
-E-mail- Silabus : we did it!
Short version: Finally Silabus and Gaspard know the
truth of what you've been doing all this time, and
Silabus says he'll never forget it.
-E-mail- Gaspard : we WON!
Short version: Says 'we won this together'.
-E-mail- Alkaid : Thanks
Short version: Alkaid can tell Atoli's got a thing for Haseo.
But she says she won't let you go.
-E-mail- Kaede : Thank you very much
Short version: She just sends her thanks
-E-mail- Matsu : The real world
Short version: He says he's thought alot about his life and
he needs to deal with some things away from the game.
-E-mail- Gabi : Oh yeah
Short version: "This is great" Ok, tony the tiger.
-E-mail- Aina : Happiness
Short version: She doesn't say alot but you can
tell that she knows Ovan is dead. And that she's
trying to move on as best she can.
-E-mail- Shino : I'm waiting
Short version: SHINO!!! AHHHH,YAY!
She's waiting at the Catherdral.
-E-mail- CC Corp : Maintenance Complation
Short version: CC Corp's Bull $hit answer for
everything that's been happening.
Well, anyway. Log-in and time for the Final
Story event of the series.

-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Don't bother trying to add anyone to your party. Just go

------ 31)Hidden, Forbidden, HolyGround -------
Area Type: Lost Ground/Landscape
Area Level: None
Party: Haseo, (None),(None)
My Level: 133
When you enter the area. Just head for the door and go in.
The scenes will play and you'll witness the end of the game scenes.
Personally I was expecting the ending to be amazing, but it wasn't.
It's still good, but not great. Enjoy everyone.

Movie- At A walking Pace
Short Version/Main points: Yep, that's right. Haseo turns and
runs after her. Kinda ironic.........Sad, and Ironic.
Ironic that Haseo would fight all that time to save Shino, and
yet sad that he didn't end up with her at the end. Still, now
that I've had time to think about it. It makes sence. Haseo changed so
much since the begining of his journey. It's impossible for things
to be the way they were. No, Now that Haseo has grown he has to
move on. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Watch the credits, save your new clear data. And finially. Enjoy
my post game sections.

Well Guys and Girls. It's been fun. I'll be happy to include
several sections that will help you wrap up the little odds
and ends left over from the game.
I hope you enjoyed my guide and I think it's a privilege to
have the oppertunity to walk you all through one of the best
RPG series for the PS2. I certenily hope you enjoyed yourselves
and I hope I wasn't too boring along the way. I did my best to
write a guide from the player's perspective and make it enjoyable.
Well, Please e-mail me and tell me what you thought
of my guides and also more importantly if you have any questions.
You will find my contact info. at the bottom of the guide in the
credits section.
And now, we say good bye..........just kidding. You still have the
Hidden Quest left to do.
But of course if you choose not to do it
then see you later. The rest of us however, will be taking part in the
ever so ridiculous Forst of P........ oh wait I'm not suposed to
say that yet. >_<

------------------ End of Vol. 3 / Post Game -------------------

Ok, after the credits you'll end up at your desk top. Now there's
a couple hours worth of stuff to do now that you've beat the game.
So lets get to it.

-E-mail- Ono : You are NOT the Strongest!
Short version: Apperentally a high ranking team in
the Arena wanted to challenge you durng a tournament.
But they weren't included in the PK tournament. Therefore
they have asked for a match in the Normal Limit battles.
Of course you can't refuse. But we'll want to level up and
get some better equipment before then. They ARE the very best
arena team.....other than you.

-E-mail- Zelkova : FYI
Short version: He says that Tartarga can now be
used like a normal town for you and anyone in your
friends list. Also, Canard has been permenitly set up
at Tartarga.

-E-mail- Shino : I'm back
Short version: Shino gives you her member address
again since you lost everything when Azure Kite accidentally
hit you with Data Drain in Vol. 1 when he was aiming for
Ovan who was standing right behind you.
So..yay! You now have another Harvest Cleric
-E-mail- CC Corp : Special Word
Short version: They give you a really nice
keyword that's very handy.
This is one thing on our list of things to do.
See the 'God' ChimChim is rare, and can only be found
areas when you use a this special keyword. It appears on the
field in place of the lucky animal. Inreturn for defeating it,
your party member's affection will increass.

-E-mail- Aura : To Morgana's Children
Short version: This e-mail is incredibly cheesy. I don't
know who was in charge of the final 'OK' on this game, but
they need shot in the knee caps for putting crap like this
in the 3rd game. (they must have been running short of funds
near the end of the series)
Anyway, the good part is that Aura just gave you the Member
Adresses of Azure Kite, Azure Bulmung, and Azure Orca. Sweet.
-E-mail- Bordeaux : Be Happy, a message from Bordeaux
Short version: She gives you her member address. Yay?
Another Blade Brandier to add to the list. Woo....
-E-mail- Uriyamada : Congrats on beating the game
Short version: You can play the game fully restored.
Yay? Not that there was a whole lot wrong with it anyway.
At least in the old series the graphics of the towns and
areas got fixed.
*shakes head* I seriously would have done a few things to this
game to make it better........hmmm maybe I'll put a ranting
section near the bottom of the guide about how I would have made
this game better. lol.
-News- :
Short version: Lots of stuff here.
First and biggest thing is the new Online Jack.
You get to see the real life Shino leaving the
In other news, you have some post Crisis news
concerning Ovan and some Military robots gone
Also, there's a short and rather choppy article about
polls selecting Haseo as the number one online gamer.
-Forums- :
Short version: Some ppl says that CC Corp has got to
be finished now that they've screwed up so badly.
Anyway, the rest is just some ppl talking about game
Also, a picture in the Apkullu.
Well, that's it for now. Time to log-in and get going on
the extra things that need doing. Also note a random topic on the
offical forums.
-------Town: Mac Anu -------
Transfer over to Tartarga.
-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------

Ok now, time to break out the list of things that need doing.

- To-do list -
a)Level up to level 140, then level 150.
b)Defeat the Doppleganger
c)Upgrade Lost Weapons/Defeat Beasts of Seal.
d)Kill all 7 Chaotic Pkers/Est.
e)Beat the SweepStakers in the Arena
f)Open and Beat the game's Hidden Quest

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
First thing to do is level to lvl 150. There are several reasons
for doing so:
a)You want to be able to beat the Beasts of Seal to
upgrade your Lost Weapons to their final Upgrade.
b) you want to be able to beat the doppleganger for
vol 3 because he has new and amazing items you give you.
c)You want to be able to beat the level 150 Team that challanged
you to an Arena battle.
d) You want to NOT die during the Hidden quest.

I just thought those would be some good reasons to share with you.
So get to it. I want you to train until you are level 150.
Yeah anyway, just go to Field Areas that are 4 levels higher than you.
Doing this will ussally ensure you fight monsters that have good
amounts of experiecne. Although I don't suggest going to areas with
Field Bosses as the area objective, I'd stick to the symbol collection
missions. They tend to be easier monsters to kill there.

NOTE: I almost forgot. Since the party that you are leveling up
to level 150 will most likly go with you to the Hidden Quest,
There is something you should know. The Last Dungeon is
long, VERY VERY VERY LONG! You need party members that are above
good, they have to be amazing. That being said I HIGHLY suggest
that you use Atoli and Zelkova as your party members for the rest
of the Post Game activities.
See, Zelkova has items that restore full health and
full SP. AND, he pratically never runs out. He has 99,999,999GP
thats just under a 100 Million GP. So he always restocks his items
everytime you log-in. Hence he is a very valuable party member:
He's high leveled, he's strong, and he has healing items. And
also Atoli is a given considering that she's an amazing healer.

Hint: Use +50% EXP material on Accessory on all party members.

So, come back when you've leveled up everyone to level 150.

Ok, so now that you're level 150, pat yourself on the back for making it to
the level 150 cap. You are now as stronge as you'll ever probably be. Except
for maybe getting the Dual Guns at the end of the Hidden Quest.
Anyway, it's time to get Haseo's best equipment for the whole series.

---------------- 1)Doppleganger ---------------
OK For those who havn't been following along with the whole guide
and just skipped to this section here's a quick overview of the
Doppleganger and everything you need to know about it not only
for Redemption, But also Vol. 1 and 2.
--------What is the Doppleganger?
--The Doppleganger is a rare monster that looks like an evil version of Haseo.
This monster is very strong and is ALWAYS 8 levels higher then you. Even if
you reach the Level cap of 150 he will still be 8 levels higher
then you.(lvl 158)
(And to verify that information I have friends who like to Code Break games.
AKA they like to put it on their computers and mess with the game programming
to see if they can cheat. They're the ones who found out that the Doppleganger
is always 8 levels higher then you REGARDLESS of level cap.) Anyway...
I should tell you that he is by far the HARDEST monster to beat if
you try to beat him in a straight forward fight. In fact I almost dont think
it can be done. That's why we have to cheat a little.
Now as you can see being that this monster is ALWAYS 8 levels higher then you;
you might be wondering why on earth you would be intrested in it.

Well, the simple fact of the matter is that if you beat the Doppleganger
you can aquire the best Armor in the entire series for Haseo. However there are
several requirements you have to meet in order to get these items:
--------1) You MUST have defeated the Doppleganger one time in vol 1.
(giving you the Own King Key item)
--------2) You MUST have defeated the Doppleganger two times in Vol 2.
(giving you the Forgotten Shadow and the Moonlight Faith Key ite

NOTE: Without the Own King, Moonlight Faith, and Forgotten Shadow key items;
you WILL NOT be able to aquire the Doppleganger Armor and Accessory.
However, even if you don't have these key items, you will be able to still
aquire the Doppleganger Dual-Guns the first time you beat him.
--------How do I Find and Defeat the Doppleganger?

The Doppleganger can ONLY be found on the Open Field type areas. They can
not be found in Dungeons. (Also note that if you use the Keyword Moonlight
in the area keywords, the doppleganger will always be present in the field
until you kill him.)

----Here's the stragedy to defeat the doppleganger for vol 3:

1) First and formost you have to beat the game inorder to get the
Doppleganger rewards so it doesn't make much sense to mess with it
before you beat the game.
2) Since you beat the game you should have done a quest that unlocked the
Lucky Animal campaign. Go to the Alchemy Distric in Mac Anu and talk to
Dr. Pao (I think that's his name) And he will give you the Lucky Animal
Radar. This item is very important.
3) Once you have the Lucky Animal Radar, go and buy about 20 smoke screens.
4) Then, chose two characters that you want to take with you on the
Hidden Quest. (I always use Zelkova, and Atoli) Now, level Haseo and
your chosen party members to level 150.
5) If all your party members at at level 150, Go to:
[Sigma] Serene, Wrath's, Two Wings (Area level 148)
Here you will find a Sleipnir lucky animal. This lucky animal is the key to
beating the Doppleganger. DO NOT KICK IT YET.
6) Go around the field and kill all the monsters you can until you have filled
the Moral Guage so that you can perform Avatar Awakening. SAVE THE AWAKENING,
don't use it yet!
7) After you have killed all (or at least most) of the mosters in the field,
go and find the Sleipnir Lucky animal that you hopefully left alone. NOW, you
may kick it.
Once that is done, leave Haseo standing still with out moving or pausing the
game for about 5-10 minutes. By standing still you will cause the Doppleganger
to appear on the field. It will begin hunting for you. It basicly wanders
around a general area on the field for about a minute and then it will warp
to a new location in an attempt to find you.
8)You will start to see a red arrow much like the ones that show where an enemy
party of monsters are. However, this arrow points to Doppleganger.
It's rare, but after ten minutes if he still hasn't shown up, just continue
to walk around the field until you find him. See he warps from place to place
in the field as to increase the chance of running into you, like I said above.
You'll know it's him when the edges of the screne turn red and
the creepy music starts playing in the back ground.
9) Once you have found the Doppleganger, get behind it and suprise attacke it.
The Sleipnir lucky animal will come to your aid and attack the doppleganer.
Now, you will notice that it does absolutly no damage. Don't worry it's ok.
You are actually damaging it, it just doesn't show it yet on the life bar.
10)Now, once the Sleipnir has attacked, use a smoke screen and escape. Wait
until the affects of the smoke screen wear off and then attack the Doppleganger
again. You will have to do this 3 or 4 times before the Doppleganger starts
losing health.
11)The Sleipnir will aid you to attack the doppleganger 7 times.
After the 7th time trigger Avatar Awakening, and the Doppleganger will be

--Note!- What ever you do, DO NOT let him attack you while engaged in a
fight with normal Monsters. He can walk into a battle area then you'd be dead.

--------What are the rewards for doing all fo this?
-If you defeat the Doppleganger once in Vol 1 you will recive a Key item
Own king. This key item allows you to get the Doppleganger weapons in vol 2.
-If you defeat the Doppleganger twice in Vol 2 you will recive a Broadsword,
twin swords, and a Scythe that are level 50 but are as strong as level 100
weapons. You will also recive two key items: Forgotten Shadow and
Moonlight Faith. The key items allow you to get the Doppleganager guns and
equipment in vol 3.
-If you beat the Doppleganger twice in vol 3 you will recive a set of dual
guns, the best armor in the seires for Haseo, and the best accessory in the
series for Haseo.

Well, that's it. If you do this, you will get the best armor and accessory for
Haseo in the whole entire series. But unfortunitly the Dual guns are complete
trash and aren't even worth using. *sigh*
Anyway, pat yourself on the back, with this equipment Haseo is pratically
-First off Haseo takes 75% less damage from almost any type of attack. The
Only exception to this would be the Awakening from players in the arena.
The only other type of attack that would affect his is negitive status
attacks like Poision, charm, est.
Second, if an enemy manages to get around the fact that he takes 3/4 less
damage, Haseo takes SP damage before he starts taking HP damage, so it's
like he has an extra 700 HP.
-And Finally, even if an enemy were some how able to deplete Haseo's SP
and cause enough HP damage to kill him. His Accessory automatically
regenerates HP AND SP.
Now that is what I call sweet.
Anyway time to move on. Our next item on the to do list.

--------------------------- 2)Lost Weapons --------------------------------
The Lost weapons are weapons that can only be used by the 8 Epitaph users:
Haseo, Atoli, Kuhn, Yata, Sakubo, Endrance, and Pi (Ovan's Gun is already
missing which suggest that he has already aquired the gun and has always
been using it.)
The Lost weapons act as the 'ultimate weapons' for these 7 Charatcers once
they are obtained and fully upgraded.
Anyway, In Vol 2 the Lost weapons could be unlocked by presenting a certian
amount of Adler's Keys to the Alters. You could unlock all the weapons
except for Yata's Fans.
In Vol 3 you are given the ability to upgrade the Weapons by presenting
the required number of Virus cores to the Weapon's Alter. Virus Cores are
collected by performing Avatar Awakening on monsters, bosses ,or even player's
in the arena.
Finally, the Lost Weapons can reach their final stage of Growth by defeating
a beast of seal. (lvl 135) After the beast of seal is defeated it will change
appearence aswell as becoming stronger.

Here is a list of the required number of Virus cores to upgrade the

lost weapons.
Character |Number of Virus cores needed | Level of Upgrade |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Haseo |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Atoli |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Kuhn |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Yata |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Sakubo |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Endrance |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |
|10 | lvl 1 |
Pi |25 | lvl 2 |
|50 | lvl 3 |
|Fight Beast of Seal (lvl 135) | lvl 4 |

If you are following my guide you will be at the point I ask you to finish
this sub-section of the game. However, I should tell you that if you descide
to use Haseo, Zelkova, and Atoli for the Hidden Quest, then just worry about
upgrading Haseo's and Atoli's Lost Weapon. Honestly I was only able to get
about 5 of the 7 weapons upgraded before I finished the Hidden quest. So
if you don't get them all done then don't sweat it. Really it's just a nice
bonus to have them all upgraded.
Anyway, here's a little tid-bit of information that you might find usefull.
I got this from a friend of mine who also wrote a guide:

This is the information I got from Zero's guide.
Once you have unlocked all Lost Weapons to level 4, you will receive an email
from Zelkova, after you have relocated to Net Slum. It tells you that you can
now use the virus cores to exchange for these stat-boosting items.
Find Raven's Guild Grunty (Wise Grunty) along the path to the Bridge.
He will be able to exchange them.
Name |Required Virus Cores
Beginner's Text |3
Beginner's Book |5
Expert's Text(?) |8
Expert's Book(?) |14
Text of Power |8
Text of Stamina |8
Text of Wisdom |8
Text of Sense |8
Word of Vigor |10
Word of Spirit |20
Book of Power |12
Book of Stamina |12
Book of Wisdom |12
Book of Sense |12
Dawn Chim Chim |18
Dusk Chim Chim |36

- To-do list -
a)Level up to level 140, then level 150. (done)
b)Defeat the Doppleganger (done)
c)Upgrade Lost Weapons/Defeat Beasts of Seal. (done)
d)Kill all 7 Chaotic Pkers/Est.
e)Beat the SweepStakers in the Arena
f)Open and Beat the game's Hidden Quest

Ok, the next thing on the to-do list is to beat all the Chaotic Pkers. However,
seeing as that is all part of a Quest Champaign, then please just refer to
that section on everything you need to do, And I should tell those of you
who played the first two games, that there are not just 7 but 8 Chaotic Pkers
in vol 3. So please read that section to find out how to find and kill
all seven.
Refer to this section: f)Chase The Bounty
Just press Ctrl+f then paste that^ into the search box and that section
will give you all the infomation you need to know about beating the Chaotic
Pkers including the side quest section on the 8th Chaoctic Pker.
Note: I suggest the key words: Serene, wrath's, Berserker
(The Battle Area is on the other side of the Beast temple.)
Also not a bad area to get Cheat Code items.

Alright then, Now that you've defeated all the Choatic Pkers. It's time
to accept the Challenge at the Arena.
-------Town: Lumina Cloth -------
Save first, then Add Zelkova and Atoli to your party. Or if you want
a really great challenge, do this battle solo. (which is how I'm
going to do it, just for kicks.)

-------Arena Limit Battle: The Sweepstakers--------------
-Party:Haseo (150),Zelkova (150),Atoli (150)
-Opponets: Ono (150), Peej (150), Wolf Song (150)
-Before the fight advice:
There's really nothing extra special about this battle. They're just
pretty strong. But really the main point of doing all this is for the
3 weapons they give you after you beat them.
So good luck and fight them like you would anyother arena battle.

When you beat them, they send you a message that you fought a good battle
and to show that there's no hard feelings, they give you 3 pretty nice weapons:
- BroadSword- Deadly FearBlade: lvl 148 (Keep and use it if you want, but
Honestly I just stick with Silad)
- Twin Swords- Wrath Bringer: lvl 146 (I ussaly give these to Alkaid)
- Staff- Summer's Staff: Lvl 146 (I ussally give this to Shino Seeing as
Atoli already has a Lost weapon)

Well my friends, there's really only one major thing to do before I finish
writting up my guides for the .hack// GU series. And That is the Hidden
Quest. After that it's farwell for good.
I've read a little bit from Namco Bamdi and they say they would like
to continue the .hack series on the PS3. However I have no intention of buying
a PS3 so it's very likly you won't see me writting anymore guides for the .hack
series ever again. Sad but true. Anyway, enough of that. Let's finish out the
Games with style by digging into the Hidden Quest.
--------------------- 3)Hidden Quest: Forest of Pain ----------------

Ok, before we attempt to dig into the hidden quest, we need to make sure we've
done a few things.
-------------1) Levels/Party Members
Haseo, Atoli ,and a third party member (Perferably Zelkova) all need to be
at level 150

-------------2) Equipment:
Twin Blades- Empty Skies: lvl 125
Broad Sword- Silad: lvl 140
Scythe- Shadowy Death: lvl 75 (upgrade lvl 4)
Dual Guns- DG-X: lvl 101 (Cheat lvl 2)
Armor- OtherSelf: lvl 150 (Cheat lvl 2)
Accessory- Shadow: lvl 150
- Demon Safe Shoes: lvl 112*
*Note: The Demon Safe Shoes are the key to beating the
Hidden Quest. This accessory allows you to walk right past
normal enemies and they won't even blink an eye at you. In
other words, you can walk right through the entire dungeon
with out having to fight any of the regular battles. Which
is a good thing since it'll take you like 4-6 hours if you
had to fight every party of normal monsters along the way.
Not only that, but fighting all those monsters will
drain away you items; which is bad considering that you
have to do the last half of the Hidden Quest in one straight
shot without going back to town to restock your items.
-Also, if you for some reason you lost the Demon Safe Shoes there
is one other way to get the Accessory material. If you beat
the Bike Mission 10, you will get a Acessory material that
will have the same affect as the Demon Safe Shoes. Just
customize a level 145 accessory with this item.

Staff-Flame Dancer: lvl 75 (upgrade lvl 4)
Armor- Sub Comet+5: lvl 142 (custom: -10% M,-25% P)
Accessory- Simple super Belt+5: lvl 145 (Custom:Heal Mastery)

Scythe-Goddess Scythe: lvl 127
Armor- Rough Monarch+5: lvl 145 (Custom: -50% P)
Accessory-Simple Super Belt+5: lvl 145 (Custom: Zen Mastery)
--------------3) Items

Make sure Haseo, Zelkova, and Atoli have the following items:

Fairy Orb x50

Smoke Screens x50
Healing Serum (200Hp) x40
Healing Potion (350Hp)x40
Restoring Drop (750Hp) x40
Sprite Drop (50Sp) x40
Fairy Drop (100Sp) x40
Nobel Drop (250Sp) x40
Revival Medicine (revive ally) x40
Revival Potion (fully revive ally) x25
Wonder Soda (All Status affects) x40
omipotent Soda (All status affect all Allies) x25
Warrior Tome x30
Knight Trump x30
Also, give any other powerfull healing items you might have come across
while out adventuring to Atoli. If you've got this stuff done, then you
should be good to go.

Alright then, if you've managed to get all of this then you you
are ready to begin the Hidden Quest. But first we have to open it. So
Time to log-out and check the Forums.

-Forums- :
Short version: Look for the topic called:
'Strange Place'
There should be two posts, reply to the
last one by pressing the X button. Reply:
1) "A question" -"Tell us the Area Words."
After that, log-in to the title screne then log-out.
If you look at the topic again, you will be given keywords.
Time to log-in and Check it out.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Put your party together and head out to the
new area.
----H.Q.) Unknown, Mortuary's, ShadyRite-------
Area Type: Jungel Cave
Area Level: 101
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Zelkova
My Level: 150

This place is like many of the other 'pre-main mission'

dungeons. It's pretty much a straight forward walk to an
event. Feel free to equipe the Deamon Safe Shoes to avoid
the annoying regulare battles.
When you reach the back of the Dungeon an event will take place.
You will see some gusy who looks alot like your old friends from
the previous Hidden Quests. They will summon Zombie type goblins
take you on, of course this is futile against the Haseo.
Kill them off and watch the scenes afterward.
Anyway, after that, head for the Platform in the previous room, and
head on back to town.
Now, log-out and check for more information on the Forums.

-Forums- : "I found the Abyss!....I think"
Short version:
Read through the Posts and reply to
the last post:
"Area Words"- "Can you tell us the area words?"
Log-in to the Title screen then log back out and check the
Forums. The punk will see that You, the three arena Champion
is asking the questions now, and of cousre quickly forks over
the keywords.

Well, time to get going. Log-in.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Time to head off for the new area.

----H.Q.) Clashing, Frisson's, Oracle-------
Area Type: Jungel Cave
Area Level: 110
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Zelkova
My Level: 150
Again, feel free to use the Demon Safe Shoes. Now, head for
the end of the Floor and watch the event yet again.

Anyway, You will head a voice from above saying that Haseo has
been chosen as a Judge. See the Lord of the Dead is attempting to
break out from the Seal to the underworld, and Haseo is the only
one who can face him in battle.
Well, right about then, your old buddy shows up and summons
a Death Penalty. Dont worry, its very easy to beat. And once you do the
scenes continue.
After the scenes you get an e-mail. Great. =)
Head to the previous room and head back to town via Platform.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Log-out and check your e-mail.

-E-mail- Tabby : Hey
Short version: She says that she's decided to log-in
for a change and that she would like to get together and
hang out for a bit. She says she'll be waiting at the
entrance to the Forest of Pain.

-E-mail- CC Corp : Notice of "Forst of Pain" commencement.
Short version:
They sent you an e-mail saying that the event
will be starting. They also say that it is highly suggested
that you are over level 135 and that you prepare well due to the
fact that you will be unable to pull items from your storage while
in the Forest of Pain.
Alright then. It's to tackle the biggest dungeon I've ever seen in the
.hack series.

-------Town: Netslum Tartarga -------
Double check to make sure that you have all the needed healing items.
Also that your equipment is ready to go and finally that you have the
Demon Safe shoes (as they will be key to you beating the Forest of Pain
within a reasonable amount of time).
Alright, Once you've added Atoli and Zelkova to your party,SAVE!, then
it's time to head out.

----------Hidden Quest Dungeon: Forest of Pain---------

----H.Q.)Hidden, Forbidden, Sin Realm-------
Area Type: LandScape/Hidden Quest Dungeon/Forest Dungeon
Area Level: None (roughly lvl 135-150+)
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Zelkova
My Level: 150

Here you'll get an excelent view of the Forest of Pain. And don't be
suprised if the forest is actually as big as it looks. Anyway, you'll
see some scenes with an NPC.
Afterward, Haseo mentions that it feels like it's been years since he was
last here. You see, I may have mentioned in my other guides, but that when
Shino went into a coma, Haseo started seeking power so that he could destory
Tri-Edge. That search lead him here to the Forest of Pain. Even though he was
low leveled he still attemped the dungeon. He basicly just ran through the
dungeon ignoring the monsters until he got to the end. Where he met someone.
Someone who's been part of the game for many many years. Anyway, this
person granted Haseo alot of power. Haseo skipped his 1st job extension and
went right to his 3rd form, he was also leveled up to level 133. Haseo and
Taihaku are the only two people to ever beat the Forest of Pain. Anyway, from
there Haseo became the Terror of Death and well,the rest as they
say is history.

Well now, time to get a move on. Go ahead and use the warp point infront
of you to enter the Forest of Pain.

Bonus Objecttive: 25 hit combo

-Block 1:
Right then you'll get a short message about the Phase Bonus or
Bonus objectives. These Objectives are purely optional to complete
the Forest of Pain. However, they will render rewards for completeing
the Objectives. You can view what your objectives are by viewing the
map and pressing X.
As a general rule I won't be covering the Bonus objectives. If you
wish to attempt them then feel free in doing so. But I must warn you that
it will take time and believe me, time is something you don't want to waste
in this dungeon.
Note:The ONLY bonus objective I'll be covering is the objective for
blocks 51-54. I'll explain more when we get there.

For now here's what you need to do:

1)Equipe the Demon Safe Shoes.
2)Have Atoli cast 'Ap do' on all party members, and cast
again when it wears off.
3)Use a fairy orb on map every block/floor.
4)Run straight through each floor ignoring all regulare monsters.

-Block 2: (Same Stragedy as Above)

-Blcok 3: (Same Stragedy as Above)
-Block 4: (Same Stragedy as Above)
-Block 5: Now things get intresting. You face only one monster here.
It's a boss monster like the ones you would encounter in a Field. For
now these monsters are very easy. But later in the dungeon they can be
down right nasty. Also note that there are two types of boss fights:
Regular Boss Fights and Special Boss Fights.
Regular Boss Fights are what I mentioned above; boss monsters from fields.
Special Boss Fights are Monsters that mimik Hidden Quest Monsters you've
fought from previous games.
For now, this one is just a regular boss fight.
Also note that for every boss fight, especially the
ones later on in the dungeon, you need to switch to
the Shadow accessory while fighting Bosses and then
back to the Demon Safe shoes for moving around the
BOSS FIGHT!: Maxima Bazooka (6,00HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Just pound away.
You have reach the check point of Block 5. You can now warp
directly back to block 5 from the town.
Save if you want.

Bonus Objective: Perform 10 skill triggers

Block 6: Normal Stragedy
Block 7: Normal Stragedy
Block 8: Normal Stragedy
Block 9: Normal Stragedy
Block 10: Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Maxima Bazooka (6,00HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Just pound away.
check point reached.

Bonus Objective: Destroy 10 objects

Block 11: Normal Stragedy
Block 12: Normal Stragedy
Block 13: Normal Stragedy
Block 14: Normal Stragedy
Block 15: Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Forest King (5,500HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Dual Guns and Broad Sword
to death.
check Point reached.

Bonus Objective: 40 hit combo

Block 16:Normal Stragedy
Block 17:Normal Stragedy
Block 18:Normal Stragedy
Block 19:Normal Stragedy
Block 20:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Forest King (6,500HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Broad Sword and DualGuns to death.
check Point reached.

Bonus Objective: Perform 12 skills triggers

Block 21:Normal Stragedy
Block 22:Normal Stragedy
Block 23:Normal Stragedy
Block 24:Normal Stragedy
Block 25:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Giga Mammoth (6,800HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Broad sword and DualGuns to
Check Point reached.

Bonus Objective: Open 5 Treasure Chest or Trapped Boxes

Block 26:Normal Stragedy
Block 27:Normal Stragedy
Block 28:Normal Stragedy
Block 29:Normal Stragedy
Block 30: Special Boss Fight
Well, make sure you change your Accessory over to
Shadow, and make sure everyone's ready then select to
warp. You end up at Indieglut Lugh where you come
face to face with a Shadow of the Dark lord. In other
words this boss fight isn't as hard as when you fought
this guy in the Vol 1 Hidden quest. But it's still a
decent boss fight.
BOSS FIGHT!: Darklord's Shade (9,999HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Use Twin Swords and DualGuns and
beat this guy into a pulp. Easy.
Check Point reached.
Also; for beating the Darklord's shade you
get an item called Pure Medallion. It's an
item that heals 350 HP and has infinate uses!

Bonus Objective: 65hit combo

Block 31:Normal Stragedy
Block 32:Normal Stragedy
Block 33:Normal Stragedy
Block 34:Normal Stragedy
Block 35:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Sorceror Owl (7,100HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Twin Sowrds and DualGuns.
Check Point Reached.

Bonus Objective: perform 15 skill triggers

Block 36:Normal Stragedy
Block 37:Normal Stragedy
Block 38:Normal Stragedy
Block 39:Normal Stragedy
Block 40:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Sorceror Owl (7,100HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Twin Sowrds and DualGuns.
Check Point Reached.

Bonus Objective: Destory 15 Objects

Block 41:Normal Stragedy
Block 42:Normal Stragedy
Block 43:Normal Stragedy
Block 44:Normal Stragedy
Block 45:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Megalo Adamant (7,200HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Braod Sword and Dual Guns.
Check Point Reached.

Bonus Objective: Perform a 80 hit combo.

Block 46:Normal Stragedy
Block 47:Normal Stragedy
Block 48:Normal Stragedy
Block 49:Normal Stragedy
Block 50: Now then here, you'll finally catch
up with Tabby and as you enter the first room
you find her sitting on the ground. Watch the
scenes and enjoy. You also get her member adress.
When the scenes are done continue to the boss fight.
BOSS FIGHT!: Megalo Adamant (7,200HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Braod Sword and Dual Guns.
LAST Check Point Reached!
Thats right, after this point you will be doing an
all or nothing drive for the end of the Dungeon. It's a good
idea to head back to town and restock on all your supplies.
When your ready we'll continue to the end of the Dungeon.
You will especially want to restock all 50 of your fairy orbs.
And all of your status cure items for Atoli, she almost ran out
when I did this dungeon the first time.

--------------Forest of Pain: Second Half------------------

Remember, there's no more check points from here on in.
It's do or die.
*Note: For Floors 51-54 I suggest that you do the bonus objective.
The resaon being that you will recive a set of Dual Guns for completing
the objective. Granted the DualGuns are crappy and arn't even worth using.
But still, It's nice to say you got all four sets of Dualguns.

Bonus Objective:
1. Perform 18 Skill Triggers
*2. Defeat 6 enemy parties*
3. Clear while being KO(ed) three times or less.
4. Perform Awakening 4 times.
*Complete objective #2 for the Dual Guns.
Block 51:Normal Stragedy
Block 52:Normal Stragedy
Block 53:Normal Stragedy
Block 54:Normal Stragedy
Block 55:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Dryramas (7,300HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Twin Swords and Dual Guns.
Avatar Awakening alot.

Bonus Objective:
1. Open 6 Treasure Boxes/Trapped Boxes
2. Defeat 7 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 3 times or less
4. Use Awakening 4 times
Block 56:Normal Stragedy
Block 57:Normal Stragedy
Block 58:Normal Stragedy
Block 59:Normal Stragedy
Block 60:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Dryramas (7,300HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Twin Swords and Dual Guns.
Avatar Awakening alot.

Bonus Objective:
1. 100 hit combo
2. Defeat 7 enemy parties
3. Ko(ed) 3 times or less
4. Use 5 Awakenings

Block 61:Normal Stragedy

Block 62:Normal Stragedy
Block 63:Normal Stragedy
Block 64:Normal Stragedy
Block 65:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Brigandine (6,400HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Broad Sword and DualGuns.

Bonus Objective:
1. Perform 20 skill trigger
2. Defeat 7 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 3 times or less
4. Perfom 5 Awakenings
Block 66:Normal Stragedy
Block 67:Normal Stragedy
Block 68:Normal Stragedy
Block 69:Normal Stragedy
Block 70:Special Boss Fight
As you use the warp point you are taken to Morrigu Barrow where
you face off with the One Sin clone. (much like the Dark Lord Shadow)
BOSS FIGHT!: The One Death (9,999HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Use Broad sword to break the armor then use the Twin
Swords or Dual Guns to widdle away at the HP. This really isn't
very tough. Remember that if you use Awakening, that you use it
after the armor had been broken on the Hands. Good luck.
Afterward you see some short scenes.
For beating the The One Death you recive some money and the Icon of Purity
which restores 50 SP for an infinate amount of uses. Sweet. Now time to
move on.

Bonus Objective:
1. Open 7 Treasure Boxes/Trapped Boxes
2. Defeat 8 Enemy Parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 2 times or less
4. Perform 6 Awakenings
Block 71:Normal Stragedy
Block 72:Normal Stragedy
Block 73:Normal Stragedy
Block 74:Normal Stragedy
Block 75:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Deepone (5,100HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Ok, this guy is actually pretty
hard. See he has a certian amount of Physical Damage
tolerace just like the Doppleganger. Which means you
have to just keep attacking until it starts taking damage.
I suggest using a Warrior's Tome to boost your party's
strength. This should help alittle.
Bonus Objective:
1. 110 hit Combo
2. Defeat 8 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 2 times or less
4. Perform 6 awakenings

Block 76:Normal Stragedy

Block 77:Normal Stragedy
Block 78:Normal Stragedy
Block 79:Normal Stragedy
Block 80:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Huge Grudge (7,400HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Twin swords and Dual Guns.
Warrior Tome helps.

Bonus Objective:
1. Perform 25 skill triggers
2. Defeat 8 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 1 time or less
4. Perform Awakening 7 times
Block 81:Normal Stragedy
Block 82:Normal Stragedy
Block 83:Normal Stragedy
Block 84:Normal Stragedy
Block 85:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Judgment (7,777HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Use Dual Guns and Braod Sword to
Bring this one down. Not as bad as some of
the other bosses.

Bonus Objective:
1. 8 Treasure chests
2. Defeat 9 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 1 time or less
4. Use awakening 7 times
Block 86:Normal Stragedy
Block 87:Normal Stragedy
Block 88:Normal Stragedy
Block 89:Normal Stragedy
Block 90:Regular Boss Fight
BOSS FIGHT!: Tinder Baron (5,300HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Probably the hardest 'Regular Boss'
in the whole dungeon. Can only be damaged by Awakening.
Regeiki to build up Moral Guage, then unleash Awakening.
It's only way it can be hurt. Just be pacient, you will
eventually kill it after about 7-8 Awakenings. Trust me,
it can be defeated.

Bonus Objective:
1. 125 Hit combo
2. Defeat 9 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 0 times
4. Perform 8 Awakenings
Block 91:Normal Stragedy
Block 92:Normal Stragedy
Block 93:Normal Stragedy
Block 94:Normal Stragedy
Block 95:Regular Boss Fight
Last Regular Boss fight.
BOSS FIGHT!: Choas Empress (9,000HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: Easy, just use DualGuns and
Broad Sword. It has low defense.

Bonus Objective:
1. 140 hit combo
2. Defeat 9 enemy parties
3. Get Ko(ed) 0 times
4. Perform 8 Awakenings
Block 96:Normal Stragedy
Block 97:Normal Stragedy
Block 98:Normal Stragedy
Block 99:Normal Stragedy
Block 100: Dungeon's Fianl Boss

Before using warp point, Use all Stats boost spells,

items, est. Get ready for a truly ridiculous Boss battle.
After you warp, you find yourself at Indieglut Lugh again.
This time you come face to face with the REAL Dark Lord, and
he is NO push over.

BOSS FIGHT!: True Cernunnos (9,999HP)
My Level: 150
-Stragedy: He has very high Defence, has alot of
attack power and can heal himself 1,000HP at a time.
In other words: Use your DualGuns to Avoid status counter,
use Broad Sword for Skill trigger, use Avatar Awakening ALOT.
Use Warrior Tome to boost Strength, and Knight Trump to weak
the Dark lord. This fight takes awhile, but as long as you
keep pouring your Arts attacks into the boss, he will eventually
die. Good luck.

Well congrats my friends. For Beating the final boss you

recive 50k and the DG-Z which are proabaly the most over powered
weapons in the whole seires.
Well anyway, congrats on beating the 100 floor dungeon
of the .hack series: The Forest of pain. Enjoy the honest to
goodness final scenes of the .Hack// GU series. Its been fun all.

Oh yeah, just as a side note. That's Harald's AI that Haseo is

talking to. Harald is the original creator of the Game who somehow
managed to seal his consiousness in the game. 0.o
yeah, not sure how that works *shrugs* The AI is like his alter ego.
It was meant to help raise Aura when she was born.
(See Characters and Story section for more explaination.)
Movie- Sign Of the Truth
Short Version/Main points: Just Haseo and Shino talking
about if Ovan will ever come back or not.

=============( End of the Hidden Quest for Vol 3.)===================
======================(Forest of Pain)===============================

Well firends, not alot felt to do. Feel free to raise your guild rank.
Or even do the Final Greeting Card. (Go to areas using the 'BBQ Plate'
key word to raise party member's affection ratings. Personally I'm not
too big into the whole 'Promise' thing. I just sent it to Alkaid once
I got her affection maxed seeing as I think she was the coolest girl Haseo
has in his member list.) But anyway. You'll find a few sections wraping
up the odds and ends of the game. And don't miss my Story and Characters
section near the bottom. It wraps up some other odds and ends from the
story and also gives background of the Various installments
to 'Project .hack//'

well, even if you don't want to do these side sections, you can read my
parting words at the bottom of the guide.

---------------- 4)Quest Champaigns ---------------

-- a)Highway Master

Refer to this section

--Other then what is listed in that section on

how to complete the differnt tracks;
for this Champaign you must complete:
1: Complete 50 or more Bike trials
2: Collect 3000+ Chims on the tracks
Go to the differnt bike mission areas and beat them all.
By the time it takes you to get 1st place in
all of those trials you will probably have completed
the above objectives.

-- b)Stray Mecha Grunty
For this Champaign you must complete:
1: Help Mecha Grunty 30 times

You must go an area or many different areas
and just give chims to Mecha Grunty 50 times.
Try to find an area where Mecha grunty is very close
to where you enter into the area. Fields are good for this.
And just go there over and over and over again till you
get it up to 50 times.

-- c)Lucky Data Collection
For this Champaign you must complete:
1:kick up to 50 lucky/unlucky animals.
2: Must kick all types of un/lucky animals at least once.

The lucky animals are alot harder to find in this game. They are no
longer set to one area. EX) IF you go to an area and find say a Gold Bird
is there, there will always be a Gold Bird in that area from then on.
Not so with Vol. 3
Now the lucky animals are based on your partie's average level compared to
the level of the area you are in. The top value along this chart is the
last digit of your party's average level. The Value on the side is the last
digit of the area level. The lucky animal that will be in the area is
determined where those two digits cross in the chart, kinda like the game
Battle Ship. =P
Anyway here's the link to the Chart.

This is a chart that allows you to do things the hard way, and Unfortunitly I
found it rather hard to understand and use. There is a better
way but you have to wait till you're level 100.
-Stragedy: Level all your party members to level 150. Then go to Mac Anu.
Go to Fields and then Dungeons that are level 1-10. The lucky animals on
the chart will be there.

List of Lucky animals:

Name : Lucky/ Unlucky effect
Gold Bird------ :Turns all objest into treasure chests
Moon Rabit----- : All members +400 exp
Leviathan------ : Recieve 5 items
Sleipnir------- : Will aid in 5 battles
Tsutsuga------- : Saves you from Game Over 3 Times
Ganesha ------- : Max HP/SP increased next 5 battles
High Wolf------ : Gives you an item set
Fate Worm------ : Gives you 100000 GP
Totetsu ------- : Objects turn into treasure boxes
Kudan ------- : Gives you 300 EXP
Tengu---------- : Get4 items
Chimera ------- : will aid you in next 4 battles
Qi Lin ------- : Saves you from Game Over 2 Times
Tohkoh ------- : Max HP/SP increased next 4 battles
Baku ------- : Get an item set
Ouryu ------- : Get 8000 GP
Nue : Summons King Chim Chim
Two-tailed Fox- : Takes money away from you
Malice Cat----- : Hp/sp halfed for next battle
Dark Goat------ : Hp/sp halfed for next battle
White Malice Cat: Hp/sp halfed while in area

-- d)Chim's Kicker
For this Champaign you must complete:
1: collect 1000pts of Chim data
Just go out and kick huge amounts of chims.
Fields work best. Just kick the trees to make them pop

-- e)Bikman Model
For this Champaign you must complete:
Find all 160 NPC character in the fields or in town.

USe the Flyer Rader. Just keep going from town to town till
you get all of them.
Note: This following list was made by Zer0 and is taken from
his guide. This List is NOT my creation. Got it? Good.


Ninjato | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Eddie | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Rudolph | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Nogmung | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Oimatsu | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
IGA | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Vergilius | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Midnight-Head | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
DOMINATOR | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona
Rider Chyob | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Lieutenant Okada | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Corporal Yano | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Ookami Itto | Mac Anu
SideWinder | Mac Anu
tres | Mac Anu, Breg Epona
Ubadama | Mac Anu
Heretic | Mac Anu
Kunio | Mac Anu
Encephalon | Mac Anu, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Lonely Wolf | Mac Anu
Boltz | Mac Anu
Dimitri | Mac Anu
Aralagi | Mac Anu
Aryosha | Mac Anu
Mihirogi | Mac Anu
Nagi | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Kazuki | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Blue Eye Samurai | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Mark | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Wise Dragon | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Battery Tomekichi | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Yoshio | Lumina Cloth
Katar | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Nagare | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Dragonfly | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona, Kestrel
Colt 31 | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Pokuri | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
EXILE | Lumina Cloth
Fang | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Chamnosuke | Lumina Cloth
NonBE | Lumina Cloth
AK47 | Lumina Cloth
Pilgrim | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Lettuce Taro | Lumina Cloth
Machida Man | Lumina Cloth
Takowaza380Yen | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Great Leo | Lumina Cloth
Ayuo | Lumina Cloth
JJ | Lumina Cloth
Flamberge | Lumina Cloth
Saltaholic | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Signaless | Dol Dona
ohmRICE | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Kaki Leader | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Umbrella | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Renji | Breg Epona
Oshino 8 Seas | Breg Epona, Kestrel
mister ma | Breg Epona, Kestrel
kyon-tama | Breg Epona
Schrodinger | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Trigger | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
NAOO | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Isolde | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Wang Lin | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona, Kestrel
Chobi | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
dr.D | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Henako | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Syake | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Senion | Mac Anu
Inui | Mac Anu, Kestrel
angel hair | Mac Anu
Olive | Mac Anu
Heavenly Flower | Mac Anu
-COOH | Mac Anu
Mile | Mac Anu
Moonlight Dance | Mac Anu
Alice | Mac Anu
Pen Pen | Mac Anu
Abcinian | Mac Anu
1/2 | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona
Restia | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Zebra | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Mako | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Aira | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Menou | Lumina Cloth
Chrysanthemum | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Punisher Mitch | Lumina Cloth
Black Pearl | Lumina Cloth
meruru | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Heart in Brocade | Lumina Cloth
Hiira | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
NiangNiang | Lumina Cloth
Ayame | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Rental Daughter | Lumina Cloth
Kiira | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Sapphire | Lumina Cloth
Madame Insane | Lumina Cloth
Jade | Lumina Cloth
Joanna | Lumina Cloth
Ruby | Lumina Cloth
Aleneor | Lumina Cloth
Onyx | Lumina Cloth
Stella | Breg Epona
Katura | Dol Dona
Beatrice | Breg Epona
Princess Sakuya | Breg Epona
Momoka | Breg Epona
yamato_nadeshiko | Breg Epona
IOTA | Breg Epona
Barson | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Pale | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Nuada | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Tanu | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Vanguard | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona
Sky | Mac Anu
Seisaku | Dol Dona, Breg Epona, Medic Union
Hideyo | Dol Dona, Breg Epona, Medic Union
BJ | Medic Union
Osamu | Medic Union
GENPAKU | Medic Union
Ryotaku | Medic Union
Towa | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
Shirochan | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Eteman | Lumina Cloth
Yatsuhusa | Lumina Cloth, Breg Epona
Chamee | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Suzuki Pig | Lumina Cloth
Pochi | Lumina Cloth
Julias | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Governor Tadashi | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
MSF | Medic Union
Bernard | Medic Union
Vitamin | Medic Union
Jyunjiro- | Medic Union
ASPEKT | Breg Epona
Ingrid | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth
TomCat | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Breg Epona
Sagittarius | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona, Kestrel
Quasar | Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth, Dol Dona
GATES | Mac Anu
b1u3 | Mac Anu
Mikatan | Mac Anu
Tiphereth | Mac Anu
Lady of the Lamp | Medic Union
Florence | Medic Union
Rintaro | Medic Union
Ougai | Medic Union
Agnes | Medic Union
Telese | Medic Union
Amber | Medic Union
William=G | Medic Union
Doyle | Medic Union
Watson | Medic Union
Phelix | Medic Union
Jill | Medic Union
Yoko | Lumina Cloth, Kestrel
Cecile | Lumina Cloth
Kanko | Lumina Cloth
Evil Woman | Lumina Cloth
Ishikari Cat | Lumina Cloth
Kitty Ladle | Dol Dona, Breg Epona
AppleStar | Dol Dona, Breg Epona, Kestre
yabu | Medic Union
RYOGORO | Medic Union
victor | Medic Union
stein | Medic Union
Electronic Frog | Medic Union
Galvani | Medic Union
Axel Rod | Medic Union
Katz | Medic Union
Nanase Mitabi | Breg Epona
Marian | Breg Epona

-- f)Chase The Bounty
For this Champaign you must complete:
1: Defeat 50 pkers
2: Defeat all the Black List pkers
--Black List pkers:
Genjyo the Fatal
Kaotin in the Shadows
Magical Pokotan
Silent TERU
Poison Lei Lei
Lady Bomber Jahad
Yokochi Steel Taro
Yep there is an 8th Chaotic Pker, and I'll tell you how to
find her too.

Go to an area where a Battle area (blue energy barrier)
appears right next to where you enter the area. Fields
work best.
Anyway, just keep going to that area over and over and over
Everytime you enter one of those Battle Areas you will encounter
1 of 3 types of fights going on.
Most likly->
1: Pker attacking player
2: Monsters attacking player
Less likly but will still happen->
3: Black list pker attacking player
See 1 and 2 are the most likly what you will find
every time you enter the battle area. However if you keep
going back over and over, eventually you will be able to
find and kill all 7 black list pkers.

---Side Quest: 8th Chaotic Pker

Once you have killed the first seven Chaotic pkers; check in with
the NPC in the back ally of Mac Anu's Mercenary district.
Then log-out and check the Forums.
Here you will see some posts concerning the 8th Chaotic Pker. Log
back in and go to a field with the 3rd word 'Beserker'. Find the
8th and final Chaotic Pker the same way you found the other Choatic Pkers.
Fight and kill her. And those of you who played the old games will
obviously know who this little but strong lady is.
Anyway, once you've beat her log out and check the Forums again.
you will see a post saying she was spoted in the back ally of
Breg Epona. So head over there and back to the end of the
long ally way. There you will see Gayros...I mean Piros the 3rd
and Natsume talking away. Piros will see you and insist that
Natsume give you her member address, Sweet!
You now have 3 of the original .hackers in your party. (not including
the Azure Knights) Well anyway, that wraps things up for the Chaotic

well thats it for Quests Champaigns. Personally I ussally

dont even finish most of them. Just enough to get the special
items from them, in order to just barely get my guild rank up
to max.

---------------- 5)Bike Missions ---------------

This setion is also known as the Highway Master quest Champaign. Although
like I have said before I don't really consider this a normal champaign.
First, head over to see Kafu near the @home. He should be right across from the
warp point. Read what he has to say, then head back to the Chaos Gate.
Open the warp menu, Now set the first part word to 'Passing'.
Now depending on the combinatione of words after that you will get
different types of areas, if you look to see what the Misson for the area
is it will say this: "Bike Mission (Course #)" There are five different
courses. The should be done in a certian order becuase of the level of
difficulty. The order is 4, 3, 5, 1, 2. <- A little tip I got from Skitchell.
So you want to go to an area that is course 4 to start off with.
Now there are some general tips you want to follow, but chances are you
won't really understand what I'm talking about until you try the bike
missions yourself at least once.
So...I suggest these key words: "Passing, Wrath's, Two Wings.
Go here and try the Bike mission at least once or twice, that way
you get a feel for how things work and then I can re-cap and explain
stuff you may or may not have missed.
Ok here's the general rules you need to keep in mind:
1:Generally speaking the fist mission is the hardest because you don't have
any of the rare bike parts yet.
2: Always start off the mission with a charged boost that will save you time,
unless I say other wise. You can perform a charged start boost by doing the
following: as the counter begins to count down from 3, hold the Square and
X buttons at the same time. When the timer hits Zero; release the brake while
still holding the gas.
3: you want to keep the Nirto guage full and in use as much as possible, AKA
the entire time.
4: Keep pressing the R1 (boost) button over and over again the entire time
you race. It's alot easier then trying to guess when your guage is full while
trying to stear aswell. It saves precious seconds you need to win.
5: NEVER go to an area that has Fog in it. Makes it ALOT harder to do this
when it simply doesn't need to be.
Order of missions: 4, 3, 5, 1, 2

---(Vol 2 Bike Missions)---

Bike Trial 4
Engine: 170 Engine
Armor: Yamane armor
Muffler: type 500 Muffler
Tires: 150 tires
(Found at Dol Dona Junk Shop)
It's a Canyon Highlands area. I think it's the most annoying mission out of
all of them. There are two ways to do this mission:
Option A:
1: As the counter starts prepare a boost start. Take off and swearve left into
Chims. Keep hitting the nitro.
2: As you round the corner, try to hit as many chims as you can.
3: Round the corner and just bearly clip the King.
4: Work through the s-curves, be careful and try not to hit the walls
as much as you can.
5: round the corner and hit the chims, keep pressing R1.
6: Round another corner, hit the chims and boost toward the next king.
7: Round the courner and hit the chims while angling toward the last king.
Option B:
1: Do not prepare a boost. When the counter says 'Go!', do a u-turn by
aiming the joystick down and to the left.
2: This part is important. Round the corner and clip the King.
3: Then with out slowing down, get ALL the chims in the first row.
There is just enough to fill the Nitro Guage.
4: Boost as you turn the corner, get as many chims as you can.
5: Through the curves, then through more S curves, and clip the
finial King. Even with a bad time this way turned out faster then the
other way. Which way you do it is up to you.
When you beat Matsu's time, head back to town.
Bike Trial 3
Engine: Kirisame Engine
Armor: Yamane Armor
Muffler: Raging Muffler
Tires: Night Tires
(Did Bike Mission 4 and rewards from Kafu (did 15 runs and 877 chims).
-When you start this mission DONT BOOST. Just press the gass normaly and
bear to the right getting all the chims and filling the boost guage.
AS you start to hit chims keep pressing boost button over and over so
you boost as soon as you can.
- Head straight but bearing slighting to the right. Then as you approch the
first King, stear in quickly so you hit the nest row of chims almost head on.
-After the chims end stear a little to the left. Hit the next group of
chims in the middle to get the most. Follow along the side of the hill.
Soon you'll see the next KING. Hit him and follow the path of chims.
-Take a some what to get up on the hill. Head straigh to the last Chim.
Note: You wont be able to beat the 1st place time if your boost isnt
going the whole time after you trigger it at the very begining. In other
words you have to keep it filled so it can run the whole race.
Good luck.

Make sure to tune up your bike before going out again, and check in with Kafu
to see if he gives you any more stuff.
Bike Trial 5
Engine: Kirisame Engine
Armor: Yamane Armor
Muffler: Tidal Muffler
Tires: Night Tires
This one is a little tough.
-Charge a boost start. Let go and use your nitro boost as soon as you can.
-Then, take the turn wide as that you hit the KING chim at a 90 degree
angel to the end of the hill. This will allow you to go over the hill
instead of the whole way around.
As you exit the hill make a 90 degree turn to the right.
Gather chims as you go and hit the second KING.
Next, as you aproch the last line of chims from the second king, bear left
and hung the shore line so you angel toward the last kind. Do the same with
the endge of the hill on your right. That angel will take you to the last
Bike Trial 1
Engine: Kirisame Engine
Armor: Yamane Armor
Muffler: Tidal Muffler
Tires: Night Tires
-As you start follow the chims to the right. Boost ASAP.
- Bear a little to the right as you head for the next King.
-Clip him and hit the two groups of chims on your way to the next King
in the Middle.
-After you ram the next KING head straigh just long enough to hit the
group of CHIMS. Forget the last group and cut the remainder fo the corner
and b-line it for the last KING.

Bike Trial 2
Engine: Kirisame Engine
Armor: Hagane armor
Muffler: Tidal Muffler
Tires: Night Tires

Last mission.
This one is short but fast and is one of the only missions
that requires are skid turn=>
-As you start off, charge a boost.
-Collect all chims in the first row and hit the king.
-Stear hard left.
-As you are just about to run into the second KING. Cram
the joystick down and hold it very quicky. You will do a u-turn
while running into the 2nd KING.
-After the Side u-turn, chims the group of chims and boost to the end.
Being this race is shorter then the others. There's little room for error.

Bike Trial #6
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Benadonna)

Note:Do not get a field that is cloudy,

foggy, or dark. You ALWAYS want areas that are
day time.

Engine: Kirisame Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Tidal Muffler
Tires: Night Tires
Ok, then.
1) Begin with a boost start. You can do this by holding down
the Square and X button at the same time. This will change the
boost.(signaled by white steam comming out of muffler)
When the counter says GO! release the Square button (brake)
and you will launch forward.
2) swerve to the left to hit the first row of chims. Keep
hitting the R1 button when doing this to activate the Nitro
as soon as possible.
3) After the second group of chims prepare to do a 180 degree
turn around the curve. (it's a sharp one)
4)Collect the next row of chim and boost into the turn. Clip
the edge of the King (Check point) and head for the bridge)
5) hit the chims on the bridge and turn a hard right.
6) Follow the arrow to the last King.
Look for chims along the way.

For 1st place you will get the: Kogane Armor.

Not very useful, but it's a start.
Now that you've gotton 1st place, I want you to go to
Kafu and view your record with him, this should render
rewards: some useful, some not.

---(Vol 3 Bike Trials)---

Bike Trial #7
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Fast Horse)
Engine: 210 Engine
Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Type 800 muffler
Tires: Night Tires

This is a hard corse just because there is so little

room for mistakes. However with the 210 engine that provides
the best Max Speed. You might just make it.
1)Boost start as soon as it says go.
2)Keep pressing R1 so you will boost as soon as guage
is full.
3) Drive straight ahead, as you approch the first King
wait until you are almost there then jerk the joy stick down.
This will cause you to perform a sliding U-turn. If you time
it right you will swipe through the king at the furthest point
in the sliding turn. In other words you will slide into the king
as you perform the U-turn rather then after you've already passed
through it.
4) Stear to the left as soon as you complete the u-turn and head to
the King on your left. Do the same U-turn move to clip the King.
5) Boost toward the last King with as much speed as you
can beat out of your bike. If you have the above, you should be able
to beat this mission.
Reward: Big Wave Muffler. Useful for offsetting the 210 engine's
lack of acceleration.
Two down Three to go.

Bike Trial #8
Example: (Passing,Wrath's Hand Song)

Engine: 210 Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Night Tires
This course isnt as hard as you might think. Really the biggest
thing is to run through it once or twice to get the feel for things.
Then trying it again at full speed. The trick here is to cut corners
through the s-curves at hte begining and the end.
1) Boost start. Get the first batch of chim while turning right.
2)Cut the first corner and head for the first King
3) As you get the first king, prepare for a 90 degree turn to the
4) Turn left again at the bridge.
5) Go up the hill clip the king and then down the hill on the
next path down.
6) across the bridge and then an 90 degree turn to the left.
7)Right after the bridge will be the biggest chance to gain time on
the clock by cutting the corner in a slant through the s-curves.
8)Boost toward the last king.
Reward: Rain Tires. One of the Best Tires.

Bike Trial #9
Example: (Passing,Warth's, Two Wings)

Engine: 210 Engine

Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Rain Tires
1)Start boost. Get the first row of chims. Cut the first
corner. No not use the bridge, it's not worth it. Go around the
'long way' (which actualy is faster) Hit the first king.
2) Round the next corner (do not cut it took close) and hit
the next kind.
3) then just drive right at the last king.
Reward:Ayanami Muffler.
Ok, first off I highly suggest you empty your inventory
of all unessacary items, because the reward items you get from this
mission are AMAZING! Like not even joking at all, the weapon/armor/
accessory materials are some of the rarest in the whole game and
you will want to be able to keep as many as you can!

Bike Trial #10
Example: (Passing,Black, Arrows)
Engine: 210 Engine
Armor: Kurogane Armor
Muffler: Big Wave muffler
Tires: Rain Tires
This track is very easy compared to the others.
1)Boost start, Grab first row of chims. Boost with
2) turn lighlty left to aim at first King.
3) steer throguh s-curves.
4) just before the 2nd Kind is a 180 degree turn. Follow
the line of chim around the curve and don't try to cut it
close or else you'll miss the King.
5) Grab a row of chims to fill guage and boost. Take
the most direct path right to the last king.
Good luck.
Reward: Akagane Armor (best bike armor of the game)
---------------- 6)Normal Quests ---------------
Here's just a quick list of all of the Normal Quest and advice on how
to finish them.

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 1)Lawless Fort
------- 19)Vulnerable, Barren, Safe House(Q) -------
Area Type: Jungel Dungeon
Area Level: 116
Party: Haseo, Atoli, Antares
My Level: 120

----Floor 1

This floor is prety simple. You'll find the there is more or

less one central path to follow to get to the next floor. Along
the way, no matter which way you go, you'll run into the Pkers
you need to find and defeat.
Use Fairy orb and Atoli's Speed+ spell to hurry the process
--Pker's Group #1--
Greedy Cervantes: easy enough, just pound away.
Broad sword is a good idea.

--Pker's Group #2--

Garden Michelle: Take him out second. Broad sword might be best here.
Fiery Genie-Five: Take her out first. Scythe is a good idea here.

----Floor 2
Central Path, all the way.
--Pker's Group #3--
Wicked Ibaku: Take him out second. He has a certian amount of
physical tolerance that will wear off as you continue to fight him.
It take awhile.
Wicked Gerango: Take him out first. He has no physical tolerance
and there for easyier to take care of.

----Floor 3
Five down, five to go.
Really this last floor you'll have have to wonder around a bit
to find everyone.But ultimatly you need to head to the West and
north most side of the dungeon.

Really it doesn't matter, the Pkers are located in such a way

that you'll fight them no matter what. You really don't need
to go looking for them.

--Pker's Group #4--

Immortal Goriki: Scythe is the best idea here.

--Pker's Group #5--

These guys are your final challenge and they are really
not that hard. Just use your scythe and keep using arts
over and over. You'll be just fine.

When it's over with, you'll warp back to town.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 2)Last Salute of the Gold Goblins
------- 20)Undetered, Legerity's, Goblin(Q) -------
Area Type: Highland Canyon
Area Level: 101
Party: Haseo, (none), (None)
My Level: 125
Ok, this quest is a five lap race against the Golden Goblins.
Each Goblin will run one lap.
This is actually really easy. Just follow the course counter clock wise.
the bridge act's like your check point. You will get extra boost stock for
every lap you complete.
With your awesome pimped out bike, this will be a peice of cake.
Good luck.
Just make sure to keep to the inside of the turns and to get the
group of chims on every lap, you should be fine.
When done you will get an AWESOME accessory.
DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances get rid of the Demon
Safe shoes. This accessory is customized with a certian material that is
very very very very RARE! Infact it is only one of two opertunities to get
it. And you MUST have one of the two in order to have any resonable chance of
beating the Hidden Quest for Vol. 3

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 3)Story of Kudan
------- 14)Looming, Muddled, Seer(Q) -------
Area Type: Temple Dungeon
Area Level: 110
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 116
This is probably my favorite quest in the whole game series.
Although it seems to be your run of the mill quest, it has
a very intresting and unexpected out come.
Use Fairy Orb. Then Have Atoli Cast 'Ap Do' on all
party members for faster movment speed.

1st Block: Nothing really too important.

Just get to the second block
2nd Block: Not much, just get to block 3.
3rd Block: You need to head for the center
room in the far south of the block.
You'll see a scene, afterward run up to the licky Kudan and give
it three good kicks right in a row. That will trigger some scenes
where it will fortell your future for you.....unlike you're local
fortune teller. This little bugger acutally is giving you a TRUE
prediction of your future!

"A grave danger that is creeping up on our world...."

"A Resurrecting Demon and the abominable Army of Death that Follows him..."
"And you are destined to take part in the great battle to come..."
"And when all is done that must finially be done..."
"You will have a surprising and unexpected encounter...."
You'll auto finsh the quest, and you'll get a peek at what might happen
at the ending of the game.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 4)Steam Professor's Reshearch
------- 12)Undercover, Lakeside's, Metal Beast(Q) -------
Area Type: Field
Area Level: 108
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Antares
My Level: 114
All the monsters in this are will be a cake walk.
This quest is rather simple once you know how exactly to
do it.
1st: you need to go to three of the Alters and defeat the monsters
there. You will place one of the wave generators everytime you defeat
an enemy party of monsters.
2nd: When all the Generators are place, begin to walk around the Edge of
the lake, eventually you will encounter the enemy boss.
Just use your Scythe to pound him to death.
It's not that hard of a fight.
When you finish you'll return to town and auto finish the quest.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 5)The Chim Chim Song
------- 10) Glowing, Passive, Fairy(Q) -------
Area Type: Jungel Cave
Area Level: 105
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Kuhn
My Level: 110
You'll notice that during the quest Kuhn seems kinda down all of
a sudden. hmm...
For now, lets get one with the objective.
Floor 1: have Atoli cast 'Ap Do' (increase speed by 50%) on
all party members. Then use a fairy orb to reveal the map.
For now all you need to do is make your way to the next floor
down. As you make your way to the next floor you see some scenes
here and there where Kuhn remains being slighty depressed....
Floor 2: Now, use a fairy orb and you'll see that there are several
dead ends on this floor. Well, we can deal with that in a minute.
More forward until you see a scene with a stray Chim Chim. Afterward,
if you follow the Chim you'll come to a fork in the road. Here you
need to take the right path. This will take you to the objective and
the end of the quest.
But of course before you can reach your objective you are met by
a very annoying boss monster. Just use your broad sword to pumble
him until his armor breaks. Then switch to your twin blades to finish
the job. Then continue on. When you reach the end of the path the scenes
will take place and end the quest. You'll auto finish.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 6) Hail Bikman
------- 6)Gathering, Familiar, Mascot(Q) -------
Area Type: Temple Dungeon
Area Level: 102
Party: Haseo,Atoli, Matsu
My Level: 107

Block 1:
As you arrive You'll see some scenes.
Really there isn't alot to this quest.
For now, just head to the next block.
Block 2:
This is really rather simple. All you have to do is go from the
entrance to the block on the left (West) to the last room in the middle
on the right (east). The room is empty and it's where you'll find the
Grunties. Just get there and the scenes will ensue, which although are
rather odd and makes you wonder if the game creators weren't smoking weed
at the time of thinking this up.....they are in some small way, a bit funny.
* Shrugs* the Japaniess have an odd sence of humor.
You got to enjoy Haseo's comments on the situation. Anyway, about that
time a boss monster shows Well just pull out your twin swords
and wail away at it.
When things are over with you'll head back to town. yay, what fun... >_>
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 7)The Goblins Are Comming!
------- 15)Running, Speed's, Rider(Q) -------
Area Type: Highland Canyon
Area Level: 96
Party: Haseo,(none), (none)
My Level: 116

Ok, you have to survive 4 rounds of tag with the Goblins.

--Round 1---
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. Stehoney
Ok, the first two arent all that hard. Start off and run into
some chims to fill one of the Nitro guages.
Next chase after the Goblin. wait until you're right behind him
then hit the R1 button for a boost. If he's turing you cut in on
the inside of his turn you can cut him off and nail him.
--Round 2--
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. Jonue

This one is pretty easy, just fill the nitro guage and give chase.
You have to hit him twice though in order to beat him.
--Round 3--
Haseo, the Terror of Death VS. zyan and Albert
Pick one of the two and just go for him. Remember to cut them
off in their turns and to use the nitro.
You need to hit Albert 3 times and Zyan 2 times to beat them.
--Final Round--
Haseo, the Terror of Death
Martina, The Speedy

This one is considerably harder.

You have to hit her 3 times and she gets faster
everytime you hit her. Just use the same strgedys as
you have with the other goblins and you'll win.

When it's over you'll complete the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

---------------------------( Quest )---------------------------

----- 8)Dubious Dog
------- 2)Unseen, Alien, Elf Animal(Q) -------
Area Type: Forest Dungeon
Area Level: 97
Party: Haseo,Silabus, Gaspard
My Level: 107
Block 1:
Use a Fairy Orb to reveal the map, and then a Speed Charm on Haseo.
You don't need to fight anything usless you want to. I just used
Smoke screens before I got near monsters, this turned me invisable
for about 3 or 4 seconds. Anyway, all you need to worry about is
just getting to block 2.

Block 2:
As you come to the first room in the 2nd block you'll see a sceen.
Follow Haseo's leading and just work your way toward block 3.
Block 3: If you look closly at the map you'll see several paths
branch off. All of them head south. You need to make for the one
in the middle right. It's the only square room at a dead end
that has nothing in it (No treasure chest or Chim Harvesters).
In other words: Use the following directions if you don't get it-
First split: Go East
Second Split: East
Third Split: Go south
When you get there-
You will discover the HeatWave Hound. Beat him to pulm, or become
Doggy chow. Just use your scythe, and at level 107 it wont be all
that hard. This fight was NOT easy when I did it the first time at
level 102.
When you're done you'll atuo finish the quest.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------
---------------------------- 7)Books of 1000 --------------------------

The following section WAS NOT written by myself. This is a collection of
information that was gathered from two differnet sources. One is from the
Vol. 2 and 3 Guides written By Zer0 and the people at and
the other source is from a guide for vol 2 written by playboyskitch. I here by
give the full credit for the information to those two people. All that I have
done in this guide is simply re-organized some of the information to better
suit this guide: An example of this is using item names from Zer0's guide
and and getting the levels of equipment from playboyskitch's guide.
Again I did NOT get this information by myself, so credit to them.
The ONLY thing I did was organize it into this section for the Books
of 1000.

(See bottom of this section for credits)

----Ryu Book 1 - Battles
Description: This keeps track of how many battles you have won, how many
successful suprise attacks you've done, how many Rengeki attacks, and how many
Awakenings you have used.
Strategy: Don't really need a strategy, just keep fighting monsters. The level
doesn't matter.

----Ryu Book 2 - Trades

Description: This book keeps track of your trades with Party Members, how many
times you've invited a party member to join you, how many gifts you've given a
party member, and how much all the gifts are worth.
Strategy: Give your party members a bunch of crap, over and over. It'll get
your gift amount up real fast. :)

----Ryu Book 3 - Treasures

Description: This keeps track of how many times you've opened Beast Temple
Treasures (The treasure chests at the end of the level, in front of the
floating statue), how many normal treasure boxes you've opened, how many trap
boxes you've successfully opened, and how many objects (jars, muchrooms, etc)
you've destroyed.
Strategy: Go into a dungeon and play through it, opening every treasure chest
and object you see.

----Ryu Book 4 - Items

Description: Keeps track of all items, weapons, armors, and accessories you've
ever had in your inventory.
Strategy: Use the Item/Equipment List

----- a)Lucky Animals

----Lucky Animals----
Also I want to insert a section on how to find all the lucky animals
for the Lucky Animal Campaign. The reason is because it's hard to
find them all and you need to do that to be able to get several items,
armor, and or accessories.
See the lucky animals are alot harder to find in this game. They are no
longer set to one area. EX) IF you go to an area and find say a Gold Bird
is there, there will always be a Gold Bird in that area from then on.
Not so with Vol. 2
Now the lucky animals are based on your partie's average level compared to
the level of the area you are in. The top value along this chart is the
last digit of your party's average level. The Value on the side is the last
digit of the area level. The lucky animal that will be in the area is
determined where those two digits cross in the chart, kinda like the game
Battle Ship. =P
Anyway here's the link to the Chart.

This is a chart that allows you to do things the hard way, and Unfortunitly I
found it rather hard to understand and use. There is a better
way but you have to wait till you're level 100.
Stragedy: Level all your party members to level 100. Then go to Mac Anu.
Go to areas that are level 1-10. The lucky animals on the chart will be there.

---- b)Items

Fire Storm - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Fire Barrel - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Tidal Wave - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Water Dragon - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Tornado - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Hurrican Razor - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Earth Spike - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Earth Rain - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Light Arrows - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Holy Arrows ? Buy at Magic Shop in Breg Epona
Air Stroke - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Hell Raiser ? Buy at Magic Shop in Breg Epona
Health Drink - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Healing Serum - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Healing Potion - Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Healing Tonic ? Trade with Zelkova
Healing Rain ? Dropped by Lady Guard
Revive Rain - Dropped by Hell Vulture
Healing Storm ? Dropped by Gimmick Torch
Revive Storm ? Breakables at (Sigma)Ignorant Muddled Two Wings
Sprite Drop - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Fairy Drop ? Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Elven Drop - Trade with Zelkova
Sprite Rain ? Dropped by Living Tower
Fairy Rain ? Trade with Tiphereth
Elven Rain ? Trade with Kaki Leader
Weird Black Tea ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Strange Coffee ? Dropped by Long-Lived-Lord
Special Tea ? Trade with Aryosha
Holy Potion ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Godly Potion ? Breakables of Block 56 or 57 of Forest of Pain
Wonder Potion - Trade with Blue Eye Samurai or Sky or Yoko
Antidote Soda - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Stimulant Soda - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Blessing Soda - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Solution Soda - Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Esthesio Soda - Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Lucid Soda ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
Wonder Soda ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
Omnipotent Soda ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Revival Medicine - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Revive Potion - Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Revival Serum ? Bikman Flyer Reward
Asian Mango - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Caramel Sauce - Shop in the Kiosk (Mac Anu)
Restore Drop ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Restore Rain ? Trade with Wang Lin
Noble Drop ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Noble Rain ? Trade with OHM(Butt)Rice
Strange Soda ? Anomalies at (Theta)Dreaming Wrath fs Bum
Chicha Potion ? Anomalies (Sigma) Elegant Aster fs Berserker
Hadesbane Sailve ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Pure Medallion ? Dropped by Darklord fs Shade
Icon of Purity ? Dropped by The One Death
Vital Talisman ? Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Spirit Talisman - Buy at Trade Store Dol Dona
Vital Charm ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
Spirit Charm ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
Speed Talisman ? Dropped by Chickie Mama
Speed Charm ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
The Death - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
The Moon - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
The Devil - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
The Emperor - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
The Hanged Man - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
The Hermit - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
The Fool ? Buy at Bad @$$ Guild Breg Epona
The Lovers ? Buy at Bad @$$ Guild Breg Epona
The Wheel ? Buy at Trade Shop in Breg Epona
Warrior Blood ? Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Knight Blood ? Dropped by Ruby Cutter
Wizard Blood - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Astrologer Blood - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Warrior Seal - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Knight Seal - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop
Wizard Seal - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Astrologer Seal - Buy from Bad @$$ Guild Shop in Dol Dona
Warrior Soul ? Trade with Heavenly Flower
Knight Soul ? Dropped by Scissor Byte
Wizard Soul ? Trade with Corporal Yano
Astrologer Soul ? Trade with Kunio
Warrior Chain ? Trade with Eddie
Knight Chain - Trade with Eddie
Wizard Chain ? Trade with Boltz
Astrologer Chain ? Trade with Abcinian
Warrior Tome ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Knight Tome ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Wizard Tome ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Astrologer Tome ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Warrior Trump ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Knight Trump ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Wizard Trump ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Astrologer Trump ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Smoke Screen ? Buy at Dol Dona Kiosk
Fairy's Orb - Buy at Dol Dona Kiosk
Return Feather - Buy at Dol Dona Kiosk
Return Wing ? Buy at Kiosk in Breg Epona
Beginner's Text ? Buy at Bad @$$ Guild Breg Epona
Master Text ? Buy at Bad @$$ Shop in Breg Epona
Beginner's Book ? Buy at Bad @$$ Guild Breg Epona
Master Book ? Buy at Bad @$$ Shop in Breg Epona
Text of Power ? Quests
Book of Power ? Quests
Text of Stamina ? Quests
Book of Stamina ? Quests
Text of Wisdom ? Quests
Book of Wisdom ? Quests
Text of Sense ? Quests
Book of Sense ? Quests
Word of Vigor ? Quests
Dawn Chim Chim ? Virus Core Trading after Lost Weapons all Maxed
Word of Spirit - Quests
Dusk Chim Chim - Chim Data Side Quest Reward
Health Scroll ? Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Antidote Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Dawn Bird Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Priest Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Life Scroll ? Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Resurrect Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Reflex Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Repeal Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Sanity Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Breg Epona
Hellfire Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Tidal Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Tornado Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Avalance Scroll - Magic Item Shop in Mercenary District (Mac Anu)
Halcyon Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Abyss Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Vitality Scroll - Buy at Magic shop in Dol Dona
Chim Crown ? Randomly dropped by Chim King
Coupon - Gifts from NPC fs you meet in Dungeons/Fields
Flyer Radar ? Bikman Flyer Side Quest
Animal Radar ? Lucky Animal Side Quest
Fairy Queen Orb ? Block 36-39 reward FoP (15 Skill Triggers)
Smoke Bomb - Block 81-84 reward FoP (25 Skill Triggers)
Guiding Wings - Block 61-64 reward FoP (100 Hit Combo)
Fire Mouse Skin - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Olm Shell - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Wing of Lufu - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Soil Bug Antenna - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Scorpion Tail - Lumina Cloth Shop
Midoro Flagellum - Lumina Cloth Shop
Sleeping Powder - Lumina Cloth Shop
Mantis Nail ? Dropped by Fat Lancer
Bear Paw ? Empireo Guild Shop (Mac Anu)
Thunder Deer Hoof ? Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Dark Lizard Tail - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Astrid Specimen - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Cow Stomach - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Stingray Stinger - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Shark Tooth ? Buy at Material shop Lumina Cloth
Niki Baku Tongue ? Buy at Material shop Lumina Cloth
Ein Baku Tongue ? Buy at Material shop Lumina Cloth
Demon Bat Horn - Buy at Material shop in Dol Dona
Maiden fs Hair ? Breakables at (Sigma)Elegant asters Berserker
Sabertooth Tooth - Buy at Magic shop in Breg Epona
Niki Baku Fur - Buy at Magic shop in Breg Epona
Ein Baku Fur - Buy at Magic shop in Breg Epona
Niki Baku Jawbone ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Ein Baku Jawbone ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Stopping Moss ? Trade with Bordeaux (Scythe) ? Trap Chest Block 94 FoP
Anti-Air Compass - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Nutcracker - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Ninja Claw ? Breakables (Theta) Decadent Pocketed Slacker
Strategic Fan ? Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
War Drum ? Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Nil Strike - Block 56-59 reward FoP (Defeat 7 Enemy Parties)
Nil Theft - Block 61-64 reward FoP (Defeat 7 Enemy Parties)
Nil Madness - Block 66-69 reward FoP (Defeat 7 Enemy Parties)
Nil Defile - Block 71-74 reward FoP (Defeat 8 Enemy Parties)
Nil Ally - Block 76-79 reward FoP (Defeat 8 Enemy Parties)
Nil Charm - Block 81-84 reward FoP (Defeat 8 Enemy Parties)
Nil Encroach - Block 86-89 reward FoP (Defeat 9 Enemy Parties)
Nil Abduct - Block 91-94 reward FoP (Defeat 9 Enemy Parties)
Nil Embrace - Block 96-99 reward FoP (Defeat 9 Enemy Parties)
Ginseng ? Trade with Kunio or Mile
Grudge Water - Defeat all Chaotic PKs
Crystal Skull ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Lodestone ? Dropped by Boss at (Sigma)Elegant Aster fs Berserker
Cat Fang ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Shogun fs Fan ? Trade with Wise Dragon
Fire Serpent Skin ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Jurgl Shell ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Phoenix Feather ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Greatworm Feeler ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Stormbeast Hoof ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Dark Iguana Tail ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Octoscorp Tail ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Starfish ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Iron Cow Stomach ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Gurah Fist ? Farewell Mecha Grunty Quest
Hermit Shell ? Buy Defense Armor from Moon Tree Guild (Dol Dona)
Turtle Shell ? Buy from Empireo Guild (Mac Anu)
Turtle Crest - Buy from Empireo Guild (Mac Anu)
Cleansing Pill - Lumina Cloth Shop
Jinx's Bane - Lumina Cloth Shop
Caffeine Drink - Lumina Cloth Shop
Poison Leaf - Buy from Moon Tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Curse Plant - Buy from Moon Tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Dream Wood Leaf - Buy from Moon Tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Body Egg ? D rank (Delta) Dancing Doomed Bum (2 Barrels then leave)
Mind Egg ? Customize Demon Suit Dropped by Long-Lived
Body Scale - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Mind Scale - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Fire Resist Seal ? Buy from Moontree Guild (Mac Anu)
Aqua Board ? Buy from Moon tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Calm Propeller ? Buy from Moon tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Dustproof Lens ? Buy from Moon tree Guild (Mac Anu)
Iron Shell - Buy from Emperio Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Iron Crest - Buy from Emperio Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Armadillo Shell ? Dropped by Death Kettle
Armadillo Crest ? Dropped by Sorceror Owl
Tinted Glass - Buy from Emperio Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Flash Light - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Opening Cutter - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Fast Glycerin - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Anti-Paralysis - Buy at Junk shop Dol Dona
Blast Leaf ? Dropped by Meggido Hydra
Whirlpool Leaf - Breakables at (Theta) Paling Starting Route
Vacuum Leaf - Breakables (Theta) Ephemeral Times Memoir
Desert Rose Leaf ? Dropped by Entowal
Flash Leaf - Breakables (Theta) Unselfish Deity's Clepsydra
Dark Leaf - Breakables (Theta) Confusing Maiden's Rash Action
Coiling Vine - Breakables (Theta) Unselfish Deity's Clepsydra
Paralysis Leaf ? Dropped by Druk
Body Larva ? Breakables at (Theta) Counting Wrath fs Bum
Mind Larva ? Breakables at (Theta)Decadent Pocketed Slacker
Body Wing ? Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Mind Wing - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Tortoise Shell ? Breakables at(Theta)Roaring Discord fs Resort
Tortoise Crest ? Breakables at (Theta) Counting Wrath fs Bum
Twin Scales - Breakables (Theta) Spring fs Discords Resort
Steel Shell ? Trade with Oimatsu for Absorb Armor
Steel Crest ? Trade with Pen Pen for Holy Armor
Sanity Fan ? Trade with Wise Dragon
Health Aroma ? Trade with Vergilius
Confusion Leaf ? Buy Item Called Delude from Moon Tree Guild Breg Epona
Fairyleaf ? Buy Item Called Seduce from Moon Tree Guild Breg Epona
Body Butterfly ? Buy Hp +50% armor from knights guild Breg Epona
Mind Butter Fly - Buy Sp +50% armor from knights guild Breg Epona
Body Moth ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
Mind Moth ? Buy Empireo guild shop Breg Epona
World Mirror - Defeat Yokochi "Steel" Taro
Spirit Tree Bud - Breakables (Theta)Decadent Pocketed Slacker (Rare)
Dual Angel ? Breakables (Theta) Essential Swift Two Wings
Broad Angel - Breakables (Theta) Paling Starting Route
Scythe Angel ? Breakables (Theta) Graceful Grieving Drunkered
Bayonet Angel ? Breakables (Theta) Clever Aster fs Hand Song (Rare)
Blade Angel - Breakables (Theta) Dreaming Wrath's Bum
Gauntlets Angel - Breakables (Theta) Decadent Pocketed Slacker
Lance Angel - Breakables (Theta) Serene Fighter Runner
Staff Angel - Breakables (Theta) Paling Starting Route
Grimore Angel ? Breakables (Theta) Essential Doomed Pure Bred
Fan Angel - Breakables (Theta)Dreaming Doomed Belladonna
Phonosheet - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Indulgence ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Fire Leaf ? Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Tide Leaf - Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Galegrass - Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Stone Rose Petal - Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Tomorrowleaf - Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Leaf Of Lament - Buy From Material Shop Breg Epona
Toxic Leaf ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Sanctuary Leaf ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Dreamhold Leaf ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Leaf of Binding ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Numbing Lotus ? Buy at the Kiosk in Tartarga
Frenzyflower - Rank Reward for Bike course
Charm Leaf - Rank Reward for Bike course
Red Sun Stone - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Blue Moon Ore - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
White Star Sand - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Gray Comet Dust - Material Shop in Alchemy District (Mac Anu)
Gold Snake Skin ? Buy Gp +10% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Drowsing Rod - Buy Drop +10% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Amber Dragon Eye - Buy Exp +25% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Evil Snake Skin - Buy Gp +25% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Dowsing Chain ? Buy Drop +25% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Gudo Oil ? Buy Item with the name Compress from Guards Guild shop
Boost Candle ? Buy Acc called Appraise Guards Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Jade Dragon Eye ? Buy Exp +25% Acc at Guards guild Breg Epona
Colored Core - Buy at Material shop in Breg Epona
Giant Snake Skin - Buy at Material shop in Breg Epona
Dowsing Board ? Buy from Material Shop Breg Epona
Skill Candle - Buy from Material Shop Breg Epona
Vigor Crystal ? Breakables at (Sigma)Buzzing Wrath fs Belladona
Spirit Crystal ? Breakables at (Sigma)Winding Wrath fs Phoenix
Cat Whiskers ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Fastbolt Oil ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Sapphire Eye ? Buy Exp 50% Acc at Guards Guild shop Breg Epona
Time Conch ? Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Demonic Mallet - Buy from Emperio Guild shop (Dol Dona)
Battle Cosmetics ? Trade with Kunio or Mile
True Sun Stone ? Buy from Trifle Guild Shop Breg Epona
True Moon Ore ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Silver Stardust ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Ashen Comet Dust ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Seed of Land - Buy from Empireo guild Breg Epona
Grab Bag ? Trade with Wise Dragon
Bell of Time ? Buy from Empireo guild Breg Epona
Divine Seed ? Rank Reward for Bike course
Rosary of Health - Block 91-94 reward FoP (8 Awakenings)
Rosary of Spirit - Block 96-99 reward FoP (8 Awakenings)
----- c)Accessory

Accessory | Level | Location
Simple Bracelet |1 |Equipment Shop
Simple Necklace |1 |Equipment Shop
Seal of Yu Wang |1 |Kestrel Guild Shop
Crown of Lu Ming |1 |Moon Tree Guild Shop
Medic Badge |1 |Medic Clerk Guild Shop
1 Line Reference |1 |Trifle Clerk Guild Shop
Secret News Book |1 |Empireo Guild Shop
Simple Fire Idol |15 |Equipment Shop
Simple Water Idol|15 |Equipment Shop
Simple Wind Idol |15 |Equipment Shop
Simple Earth Idol|15 |Equipment Shop
Simple Steam Ring|15 |Save Mecha Grunty 5 times
Simple Gloves |20 |DXArmor Shop
Simple Earrings |20 |DXArmor Shop
Steam Bracelet |20 |Save Mecha Grunty 20 times
Simple Pendant |24 |Trifle Clerk Guild Shop
Simple Fire Bell |30 |DXArmor Shop
Simple Water Bell|30 |DXArmor Shop
Simple Wind Bell |30 |DXArmor Shop
Simple Earth Bell|30 |DXArmor Shop
Simple Pouch |35 |Trifle Clerk Guild Shop
Simple Head Band |35 |A reward for saving people
Simple Watch |40 |Trifle Clerk Guild Shop
Simple Wing Cap |51 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Shoulder |51 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Glasses |51 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Wind Barrette | |Lucky animal Research vol 2
Wrist Watch |50 |Mecha Grunty Rescue Vol 2
Shallow Wit |51 |Bad @$$ Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Feed Bag |51 |Zoo Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
For Her |51 |knights Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Devote Guts |51 |Salt Mania Guild Shop (Dol Dona)
Shining Love |51 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Clogs |55 |Guards Guild Shop (Dol Dona
Simple Fire Balm |60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Water Balm|60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Wind Balm |60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Earth Balm|60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Light Balm|60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Simple Dark Balm |60 |Armor Shop (Dol Dona)
Steam Watch |62 |Mecha Grunty Rescue Vol 2
Simple Coat Rope | |Guards Guild Shop
Simple Goggles | |Guards Guild Shop
Simple Brazier | |Guards Guild Shop
Biker's Charm |72 |Complete Biker's Quest
Simple Hood |75 |Guards Guild Shop
Simple Fire Comb |80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Water Comb|80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Wind Comb |80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Earth Comb|80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Light Comb|80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Dark Comb |80 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Mittens |90 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Gaiters |90? |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Handbag |90? |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Flicking Scale |90 |Dropped by The One Sin
Simple Fortunes |95 |Guards Guild Shop Dol Dona
Simple Fire Pill | |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Simple Water Pill| |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Simple Wind Pill | |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Simple Earth Pill| |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Simple Light Pill| |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Simple Dark Pill | |Buy at Armor Shop in Breg Epona
Air Rollershoes | |Rank 1 reward from Mecha Grunty quest
Magical Bandage | |Rank 1 reward from Lucky Animal quest
Demon Safe Shoes | |Complete "Last Salute of the Goblins" quest
Simple Super Hood| |Purchase at Netslum's Equipment Shop
Simple Auto Clock| |Purchase at Netslum's Equipment Shop
Simple Star Play | |Purchase at Netslum's Equipment Shop
Steam Apron- | |Rank 2 reward from Mecha Grunty quest
Simple Fire Ball | | Chest at (Sigma) Saddened Daybreak's Fast Horse
Simple Water Ball| | Chest at (Sigma) Counting Leading Fountain
Simple Wind Ball | | Chest at (Sigma) Dreaming Humbling Blue Cloud
Simple Earth Ball| | Chest at (Sigma) Decadent Humbling Blue Cloud
Simple Light Ball| | Chest at (Sigma) Petitioning Mortuary's Life
Simple Dark Ball | | Chest at (Sigma) Dejected Barren Royal Edict
Steam Shield | | Rank 4 reward from Mecha Grunty quest
Simple Man Gloves| | Trade with Ookami Itto
Simple Jump Clogs| | Trade with Shirochan
Simple Fate Book | | Trade with Dragonfly
Guide To Divinity|150 |(Unknown, somewhere in Forest of Pain)
Simple Slant Hood| |Chest at (Sigma) Unselfish Kourin's Venom Fang
Simple Super Belt| |Chest at (Sigma) Serene Cursed Arrows
Victor's Brooch | |Purchase at Crusade's Guild Shop in Breg Epona
Badass Uniform | |Purchase at Gem's Guild Shop in Breg Epona
Empty Eye of Sin | Azure Kite, Azure Orca, and Azure Balmung's initial equip
Shadow | |Beat doppleganger

---- d)Weapon

Weapon Name | Type | Level |Location
| | |
Spin Gai Gu |Spin |1 |Starting Weapon
Spin Kouga |Spin |4 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Spin Man Que |Spin |8 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Spin Rasetu |Spin |14 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Spin Corpse |Spin |18 |Trade with Ninjato
Spin Locust |Spin |23 |A reward for saving people from PKers
[Spin Ban Mu] |Spin |26 |Kestral Guild Merchant (Water Ban Mu)
Spin Piney |Spin |30 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Spin Axe |Spin |35 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Spin Needle |Spin |35 |Buy from Kestral Guild Merchant
Ripper's Blade |Spin |45 |Kill all of the Blacklisted PKers
Spin Ribs |Spin |51 Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Spin Indigo - |Spin |62 Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Lit Honeysuckle |Spin |66 Story Event
Spin Fang |Spin |78 Dropped by Maxima Bazooka
Spin Heaven |Spin |91 Dropped by Massacre Mummy
Heine's Invasion |Spin |50 Transfer Vol 1 data and defeat Dopple
Spin Mujin |Spin |101 Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Spin Nezumi |Spin | Dropped by Riverdyle
Spin Gorai |Spin |122 Weapon Shop Tartarga
Spin Drake |Spin | Trade with Ubadama
Spiral Edge |Spin | Hidden Character Starter Weapon (8th Spe
cial PK)
Empty Skies |Spin |125 Story Event
Wrath Bringer |Spin | Post Game Arena Challenge Vol 3
Broad Demon |Broad |1 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Broad Wheel |Broad |10 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Broad Maiden |Broad |15 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Broad Legged |Broad |20 |Recieve after completing Job Extension
Broad Zhen |Broad |25 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Broad Tu Wan |Broad |30 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Flame Sword |Broad |32 |Receive after the 2nd Arena Tournament
[Broad Wings] |Broad |43 |Trade with IGA (Wrath Wings)
Broad Guiren - |Broad |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Broad Seigen - |Broad |60 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Broad Kuajie |Broad |70 |Dropped by Anchor Bind
Broad Sheaf |Broad |80 |Dropped by Scissor Byte
Broad Fenlong |Broad |92 |Dropped by Blind Pain
Heine's Shadow |Broad |50 |Defeat Dopple vol 2
Broad Otome |Broad |101 | Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Silad |Broad |140 | Story Event Vol 3
Broad Dowan |Broad | |Weapon Shop Tartarga
Broad White |Broad |133 | Trade with Sagittarius
Deadly Fearblade |Broad | | Post Game Arena Challenge Vol 3
Gun Steel |Gun |1 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Gun Fu Yue |Gun |8 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Gun Waves |Gun |24 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Gun Ocher |Gun |31 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Water Bayonet |Gun |13 |Trade with Kuhn
[Gun Hong] |Gun |41 |Trade with Sidewinder (Fire Hong)
Gun Lion - |Gun |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Gun Bead - |Gun |66 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Silent Jade |Gun |75 |Lost Weapon
Gun Fisher |Gun |87 |Dropped by Gobtank 75
Gun Petal |Gun |101 |Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Gun Luna |Gun |116 | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Gun Garma |Gun | | Trade with Sidewinder or IGA
Blade Guifei |Blade |1 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Blade Fern |Blade |4 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Blade Thorns |Blade |10 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Blade Thread |Blade |17 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Blade Sun |Blade |35 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Crimson Sword |Blade |35? |Antares Starter Weapon
| | |
Princess Blade |Blade |42 |Enderance s Starter Weapon
Blade Luer - |Blade |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Blade Rivet - |Blade |67 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Tempting Rose |Blade |75 |Lost Weapon
Blade Rank |Blade |83 |Trade with Nogmung
Empty Mirage |Blade | |Post Game Character starts with it
Empty Shadow |Blade | |Post Game Character starts with it
Blade Frost |Blade |101 | Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Blade Seki |Blade | | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Blade Jijo |Blade | | Trade with Nogmung
Tiger Fist |Fist |14 |Trade with Pi
[Fist Altair] |Fist |32 |Trade with Mihirogi (Poison Altair)
Fist Talon - |Fist |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Fist Fairy - |Fist |66 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Stained Wing |Fist |75 |Lost Weapon
Fist Thrush |Fist |92 |Trade with Rider Chyob
Fist Claw |Fist | | Buy from knights guild Breg Epona
Feline Soul |Fist | |Hidden Character Forest of Pain Starter
Fist Hisa |Fist | | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Golden Spear |Lance |15 |Trade with Piros the 3rd
Lance Yantie |Lance |24 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
Lance Law |Lance |42 |Trade with Aralagi
Lance Xiong - |Lance |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Lance Tulong - |Lance |63 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Lance Snake |Lance |86 |Dropped by Sea Trident
Lance Quake |Lance |101 | Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Lance Rook |Lance |122 | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Lance Tower |Lance | | Trade with yamato_nadeshiko
Spell Xialin |Spell |1 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Spell Xinzhu |Spell |15 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Spell Baiyan |Spell |32 |Buy from Kestral Guild Merchant
[Spell Omen] |Spell |38 |Trade with NAOO (Wind Omen)
Spell Ji Yi |Spell |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Dancing Haze |Spell |75 |Lost Weapon
Spell Noble |Spell |92 |Trade with NAOO
Enchanted Staff |Spell | |Post Game Character starts with
Summer Staff |Spell | |Post Game Arena Challenge Vol 3
Magic Amber |Magic |1 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Magic Hosei |Magic |15 |Mercenary Area Weapon Shop
Magic Nymph |Magic |28 |Buy from DXWeapon Shop Alchemy Sector
[Magic Crest] |Magic |37 |Trade with Nagare (Sleep Crest)
Magic Huawen |Magic |51 |Buy from Weapons shop(Dol Dona)
Ogre's Heaven |Magic |65 |Sakubo Starter Weapon
Infinite Spiral -|Magic |75 |Lost Weapon
Magic Dielin |Magic |89 |Trade with Isolde
Magic Ji Fu | | | Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Magic Fumon | | | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Magic Cloud | | | Trade with NAOO
Fan Jasper | | | Weapon Shop Dol Dona
Voice Usurper | | | Story Character Starts with it
Dark Crow | | | Story Character Starts with it
Scythe Shouxiao |Scythe |51 |Vol 2 Job Extention
Scythe Hook |Scythe |62 |Buy from kinights guild shop (Dol Dona)
Ticking Death |Scythe |75 |Lost Weapon
Scythe Bite |Scythe |82 |Trade with Barson
Scythe Hidaru |Scythe |93 |Trade From Alkaid or buy at Knights Guild:Dol D
Heine's Zero |Scythe |50 |Defeat Dopple Vol 2 twice
Scythe Toge |Scythe |101 | Weapon Shop Breg Epona
Scythe Dakini |Scythe |116 | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Goddess Scythe |Scythe |127 | Zelkova's Starting Weapon
DG-X |Gun | |Story Event
DG-Y |Gun | |Block's 51-54 of Forest of Pain (Kill S
ix Enemy Parties)
DG-Z |Gun | |Last boss of Forest of Pain
DG-0 |Gun | |Beat Dopple after getting DG-X

---- e)Armor
Armor Name | Type | Level |Location
| | |
Sub Gear |Robe |1 |Equipment Shop
Sub Robe |Robe |10 |Equipment Shop
Sub Gown |Robe |20 |Delta Blurry Cursed Pure Bred
[Sub Attire] |Robe |28 |Moon Tree Guild Shop (Vigil Attire)
Sub Yin Yang |Robe |36 |DXArmor Shop
Sub Garment |Robe |42 |Trade with Nogmung
Wild Robe |Robe |47 |Complete the Lucky Animal Quest
Sub Cape |Robe |51 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Sub Mantle - |Robe |61 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
The Unexperienced|Robe | |Lucky Animal Research Vol 2
Sub Frock - |Robe |69 | Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Steam Vest - |Robe |71 |Mecha Grunty Rescue Vol 2
Sub Suit |Robe |76 | Dropped by Long-Lived
Sub Cloak |Robe |84 | Trade with Pen Pen
Sub Dragon - |Robe |92 |Trade with Oimatsu
Sub Dress |Robe | | Armor Shop Breg Epona
Sub Shawl |Robe | | Buy from knights guild in Breg Epona
Sub Habit |Robe | | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Sub Vestment |Robe | | Dropped by Long-Lived-King
Cloak of Eight |Robe | | Lucky Animal Research Reward
Sub Cowl |Robe | | Dropped by Magi Ramon
Sub Comet |Robe | | Dropped by Lava Dodo
Enlightened Cape |Robe | | Lucky Animal Research Reward
Loose Sash |Light Armor |1 |Equipment Shop
Loose Guard |Light Armor |10 |Equipment Shop
[Loose Kimono] |Light Armor |20 |Moon Tree Guild Shop (Remedy Kimono)
Loose Vest |Light Armor |28 |Graceful Humbling Holy Relic
[Loose Plate] |Light Armor |36 |Trade with DOMINATOR (Dry Plate)
Loose Sheath |Light Armor |42 |Trade with Encephalon
Loose Leather |Light Armor |51 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Steam Coat |Light Armor |56 |Mecha Grunty Rescue Vol 2
Loose Fur |Light Armor |60 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Golden Lion |Light Armor |62 |Lucky Animal Research vol 2
Loose Guardian |Light Armor |68 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Loose Scales |Light Armor |76 |Chest:(Theta) Unselfish Exposed Windup
Loose Case |Light Armor |84 |Trade with Eddie
Loose Lionel |Light Armor |92 |Trade with DOMINATOR
Loose Papa |Light Armor | | Armor Shop Breg Epona
Loose Battle |Light Armor | | Dropped by Raid Liger
Shelled Uniform |Light Armor | | Lucky Animal Research Reward
Loose Wyvern |Light Armor | | Weapon Shop Tartarga
Steam War Suit |Light Armor | | Mecha Grunty Rescue Reward
Loose Regalia |Light Armor | | Dropped by Trapspore
Loose Dispel |Light Armor | | Dropped by TeLe Tali
Loose Holy |Light Armor | | Dropped by Chaos Empress
Empty Demon Suit |Light Armor | | Post Game Character starts with it
Rough Armor |Heavy Armor |1 |Equipment Shop
Rough Shell |Heavy Armor |10 |Equipment Shop
Steam Plate |Heavy Armor |20 |Complete the Chim Chim Quest
Rough Mail |Heavy Armor |20 |Equipment Shop
[Rough Defense] |Heavy Armor |27 |Moon Tree Guild Shop (Wall Defense)
[Rough Jiongjia] |Heavy Armor |35 |Moon Tree Guild Shop (Haunt Jiongjia)
Steam Armor |Heavy Armor |35 |Mecha Grunty Quest
Rough Metal |Heavy Armor |42 |DXArmor Shop
Rough Alloy |Heavy Armor |47 |Trade with -COOH
Black Armor |Heavy Armor |48 |Complete Abyss Quest
Steam Suit |Heavy Armor |50 |Complete Mecha Grunt Quest
Rough Steel |Heavy Armor |51 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Whistle Armor |Heavy Armor |55 |Lucky Animal Research Vol 2
Rough Wave |Heavy Armor |60 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Rough Buddha |Heavy Armor |68 |Buy Dol Dona Armor Shop
Mountaineer Vest |Heavy Armor |73 |Lucky Animal Research Vol 2
Rough Iron |Heavy Armor |75 |Knights Guild Shop
Rough Amalgam |Heavy Armor |82 |Trade with Encephalon
Steam Battle Pod |Heavy Armor |83 |Mecha Grunty Rescue Vol 2
Summit King |Heavy Armor |85 |Lucky Animal Research Quest Volume 2
Rough Dragon |Heavy Armor |90 |Dropped by Olin Pack
Invincible Shell |Heavy Armor |92 |Bounty Hunter Black List Volume 2
Rainbow Scale |Heavy Armor |100 |Dropped by God Eater
Rough Tiger |Heavy Armor |101 |Armor Shop Breg Epona
Rough Puma |Heavy Armor | |Dropped by Brigandine
Rough Red Bone |Heavy Armor | |Dropped by Sir Unknown
Rough Diamond |Heavy Armor | |Weapon Shop Tartarga
Rough Imperial |Heavy Armor | |Dropped by Death Radar
Rough Mercury |Heavy Armor |140 |Trade with Eddie
Dragon Rage |Heavy Armor | |Lucky Animal Research Reward
Superhero Suit |Heavy Armor | |Mecha Grunty Rescue Reward
Emperor fs Armor |Heavy Armor | |Lucky Animal Research Reward
Rough Monarch |Heavy Armor |145 |Trade with TomCat
Other Self |Heavy Armor |150 |Defeat Doppleganger Post Game vol 3

----Ryu Book 5 - Play time/Warps

Description: Keeps track of Play Time, and the number of fields you've gone to.
Strategy: For play time, you can leave your PS2 on overnight, and for the other
3 entries, just warp to different types of places.

----Ryu Book 6 - Arena

Description: This book keeps track of how many Arena Matches you've fought in,
how many times you've counterattacked (Using Rengeki), and how many Winner
Points (WP) you've acquired.
Strategy: Fight in the arena a whole lot to get your Arena matches and WP up.
To get your counterattack up, when the match starts, wait until someone
(probably the leader) begins to glow, and then hit R1 and attack that person.
Then back up, and wait for them to do it again. Repeat this process as many
times as you wish.

----Ryu Book 7 - Monsters

Description: This book keeps track of how many types of monsters you've fought.
Strategy: Use the Monsters list
Note: If you imported data from a previous .hack game, Kite will be named
whatever your character was named in the previous games.

------- f)Monsters
Note: If you imported data from a previous .hack game, Kite will be named
whatever your character was named in the previous games.

Goblin Rookie - (Delta) Submissive Tragedy fs 1000 Oaks
HP 102 GP 1 Drops- Health Drink
Gun Giant - (Delta) Buzzing Aster's Bum
HP 354 GP 10 Drops- Health Drink, Revival Medicine, Spin Kouga
Wight Ride - LotD Quest Vol 1
HP 351 GP 42 Drops- Antidote Soda
Goblin Mage - (Delta) Upfront Blazing Camellia
HP 289 GP 15 Drops- Spirit Drop, Sub Gown
Gigamouth - (Delta) Essential Bustling Generation
HP 728 GP 114 Drops- Loose Kimono
Goblin Guard - (Delta) Creeping Wrath fs Two Wings
HP 378 GP 40 Drops- Health Drink, Spin Corpse
Goblin Abyss - (Delta) Piling Returning Hand Song
HP 486 GP 68 Drops- The Death, Element Baiyan/Xinzhu
Poisoned Dead - LotD Quest Vol 1
HP 561 GP 55 Drops- The Death
Gurugon - Gurugon Quest Vol 1
HP 1357 GP 235 Drops- Nothing
Baz Giant - (Delta) Graceful Humbling Holy Relic
HP 1492 GP 289 Drops- Revival Medicine, Spin Ban Mu
Living Corpse - LotD Quest Vol 1
HP 1058 GP 85 Drops- Antidote Soda
Apititer - (Delta) Counting Blazing Berserker
HP 1997 GP 930 Drops- Loose Sheath
Goblin Knight - (Delta) Counting Blazing Foot Stone
HP 882 GP 330 Drops- Health Drink, Blade Sun
Goblin Sage - (Theta) Dawning Wrath fs Two Wings
HP 789 GP 320 Drops-Spirit Drop, Element Crest
Giga Bazooka ? (Theta) Buzzing Vane Two Wings
Hp 2810 Gp 1653 Drops- Healing Serum, Revive Rain, Spin Ribs
Steam Goblin ? (Theta) Halberd Daybreak fs Belladonna
Hp 1156 Gp 540 Drops- Healing Serum, Tidal Wave
Morgul ? (Theta) Chaotic Fortified Guard (Abyss Quest V2)
Hp 896 Gp 562 Drops- Antidote Soda
Goblin Nemesis - (Theta) Buzzing Returning Phoenix
Hp 1129 Gp 606 Drops- The Emperor, Fire Ji Vi , Fire Storm
Mono-Grosser ? (Theta) Essential Doomed Pure Bred
Hp 3757 Gp 2710 Drops- Loose Guardian
Maxima Bazooka ? (Theta) Dreaming Doomed Generation
Hp 4800 Gp 3500 Drops- Healing potion, Healling,Storm, Spin Fang
Duster Goblin ? (Theta) Galloping Wrath fs Pure Bred
Hp 1859 Gp 840 Drops- Healing Potion, Elemental attack item
Zombione ? Abyss Topic area 1 Vol 3
Hp 1950 Gp 9652 Drops- Antidote Soda, the Death
Deepone ? Boss for area levels 103-104
Hp 5127 Gp 9600 Drops- Loose Papa
Goblin General ? (Sigma) Developed Bustling Daydream
Hp 2461 Gp 1340 Drops- Restoring Drop, Healing Tonic, Wrath Seki
Angelic Gore - (Delta) Truthful Marble fs Bum
HP 307 GP 18 Drops- Health Drink, Spin Man Que
Fat Lancer - (Delta) Agonizing Blazing Camellia
HP 507(Shell) GP 139 Drops- Mantis Nail, Wrath Yantie
Holy Eater - (Delta) Counting Wrath fs Two Wings
HP 861 GP 267 Drops- Health Drink, Healing Serum, Spin Axe
Cernunnos - LotD Quest Vol 1
HP 4145 GP 5000 Drops Black Mail
Gaze Knight - (Delta) Dawning Red Plum fs Berserker
HP 922 (Shell) GP 491 Drops- Mantis Nail, Wrath Yantie
Heavens Doom ? (Theta) Buzzing Wrath fs Phoenix
Hp 1038 Gp 870 Drops- Healing Serum, Healing Potion, Spin Indigo
Solid Eye ? (Theta) Graceful Wrath fs Belladonna
Hp 1372 (Shell) Gp 849 Drops- Shark Tooth, Wrath Tulong
Death Eater ? Lost Weapon Guard (Scythe) Vol 2
Hp 3212 Gp 1000 Drops- Nothing
Mirage Banisher ? Lost Weapon Guard (Staff) Vol 2
Hp 3518 Gp 1200 Drops- Nothing
Propagate Stopper ? Lost Weapon Guard (Bayonet) Vol 2
Hp 3824 Gp 1400 Drops- Nothing
Avenge Preventer - Lost Weapon Guard (Gauntlet) Vol 2
Hp 4119 Gp 2000 Drops- Nothing
Tempt Rejecter - Lost Weapon Guard (Blade) Vol 2
Hp 4400 Gp 2250 Drops- Nothing
Scheme Breaker - Lost Weapon Guard (Grimoire) Vol 2
Hp 4689 Gp 2000 Drops- Nothing
Funnyface ? (Sigma) Courageous Wrath fs Daydream
Hp 1545(Flying) Gp 1052 Drops- Warrior Tome, Warrior Trump
Hell Guardian ? Boss for level 112-114 areas
Hp 5294 Gp 10152 Drops- Wrath Claw
Evil Grinner ? (Sigma) Paling Engaging Daydream
Hp 1858(Flying) Gp 1214 Drops- Knight Tome, Knight Trump
Horndrigal - (Sigma) Graceful Bustling Belladonna
Hp 2280(Flying) Gp 1255 Drops- Dead Wood Leaf, Deadhold Leaf, Vigil Vestment
Memento Mori ? Boss for level 121-123 areas
Hp 5500 Gp 12500 Drops- Wrath Claw
Vicious Seed - (Sigma) Graceful Bull fs Eye Daydream
Hp 2109(Flying) Gp 1465 Drops- Wizard Tome, Wizard Trump
Magi Ramon ? (Sigma) Dreaming Ruined Two Wings
Hp 2519(Flying) Gp 1300 Drops- Dream Wood Leaf, Dreamhold Leaf, Vigil Cowl
The Undying ? Beast of the Seal (Scythe)
Hp 3212 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Undeceived - Beast of the Seal (Staff)
Hp 3518 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Unswayed - Beast of the Seal (Bayonet)
Hp 3824 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Unangered - Beast of the Seal (Gauntlet)
Hp 4119 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Untempted - Beast of the Seal (Sword)
Hp 4400 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Unhidden - Beast of the Seal (Book)
Hp 4689 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The Uncounseled - Beast of the Seal (Fan)
Hp 4689 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Duke Orius - Boss for level 133-135 areas
Hp 6152 Gp 13525 Drops- Wrath Hisa
Darklord fs Shade ? Block 30 Forest of Pain
Hp 9999 Gp 25000 Drops- Pure Medallion
Mikistri ? (Sigma) Winding Wrath fs Belladonna
Hp 3007(Flying) Gp 1442 Drops- Dreamhold Leaf x2, Vigil Comet
True Cernunnos ? Last Boss Forest of Pain
Hp 9999 Gp 50000 Drops- DG-Z
Tinder Baron - Boss for level 148-150 areas
Hp 6885 Gp 14895 Drops- Wrath Hisa
--Sea Monster--
Spear Fish - (Delta) Rising Loves Gate
HP 382 GP 55 Drops- Tidal Wave
Lancer Marine - (Delta) Counting Wrath fs Two Wings
Hp 710 GP 284 Drops- Tidal wave
Sea Trident - (Theta) Counting Wrath fs Bum
Hp 1829 Gp 1042 Drops- Tidal Wave, Water Dragon, Drop Snake
Azul Sachem ? (Theta) Spring fs Wrath fs Two Wings
Hp 1991 Gp 893 Drops- Healing Potion, Seal Ji Vi, Fairy Drop
Riverdyle ? (Sigma) Essential Aster fs Bum
Hp 2469 Gp 1159 Drops- Water Nezumi
Mosa Machine ? Steam Professor fs Research Quest Vol 3
Hp 3333 Gp 10000 Drops- Nothing
Sea Guathan - (Sigma) Petitioning Blue Silver Utopia
Hp 2935 Gp 1354 Drops- Water Gorai
Blue Mage - (Sigma) Insightful Swift Two Wings
Hp 3087 Gp 1400 Drops- Restoring Drop, Noble Drop, Seal Ji Fu
High One ? Block 96 Foesrt of Pain
Hp 3956 Gp None Drops- Nothing

Zan Bezel - (Delta) Wealthy Daybreak fs Globe
HP 109 GP 2 Drops- Tornado
Vak Bezel - (Delta) Submissive Tragedy fs 1000 Oaks
HP 117 GP 1 Drops- Fire Storm
Gan Bezel - (Delta) Truthful Marble fs Bum
HP 248 GP 10 Drops- Earth Spike
Rue Bezel - (Delta) Creeping Vane Camellia
HP 268 GP 28 Drops- Tidal Wave
Lv 31-40
Zan Juggler - (Delta) Saddened Humbling Bulwark
HP 645 GP 195 Drops- Tornado, Wind Piney
Vak Juggler - (Delta) Saddened Joyous Shadow
HP 701 GP 280 Drops- Fire Storm, Fire Piney
Lv 41-50
Gan Juggler - (Delta) Counting Joyous Shadow
Hp 737 GP 320 Drops- Earth Spike, Earth Piney
Rue Juggler - (Delta) Protected Love fs Bum
HP 845 GP 410 Drops- Tidal Wave, Water Piney
Lv 61-70
Lei Zin - (Theta) Troubled Her Antithesis
Hp 876 Gp 539 Drops- Light Arrow, Spirit Drop, Light Fairy
Zan Zin ? (Theta) Warm Doomed Generation
Hp 1058 Gp 583 Drops- Hurricane Razor, Spirit Drop, Wind Fairy
Lv 71-80
Rue Zin ? (Theta) Paling Leading Phoenix
Hp 1128 Gp 635 Drops- Water Dragon, Spirit Drop, Water Fairy
Ani Zin - (Theta) Bequeathed Insatiable Mysteries
Hp 1202 Gp 646 Drops- Air Stroke, Spirit Drop, Dark Fairy
Gan Zin ? (Theta) Paling Doomed Belladonna
Hp 1319 Gp 678 Drops- Earth Rain, Spirit Drop, Earth Fairy
Lv 81-90
Vak Zin ? (Theta) Saddened Aster fs Phoenix
Hp 1428 Gp 721 Drops- Fire Barrel, Spirit Drop, Fire Fairy
Atmosphere ? (Sigma) Courageous Aster fs Two Wings
Hp 2099 Gp 1050 Drops- Earth Rain, Fairy Drop
Chickie ? (Delta) Overjoyed Wrath fs Berserker
HP 209(Flying) GP 20 Drops- Smoke Screen
Trainee Owl ? (Delta) Screaming Aster's Bulwark
HP 552 GP 80 Drops- Sub Robe
Raven Claw - (Delta)Croaking Military Whicker
HP 381 (Flying) GP 39 Drops- Health Drink
Chickie Dada - (Delta) Coiling Friend fs Whiplash
HP 589 (Flying) GP 208 Drops- Smoke Screen
Scalvenger ? Scalvenger Quest Vol 1
HP 792 (Flying) GP 243 Drops- Healing Rain
Hermit Owl ? (Delta) Counting Cupid fs Bum
HP 1793 GP 780 Drops- Turtle Crest
Black Raptor - (Delta) Freezing Bustling Whicker
HP 894 (Flying) GP 440 Drops- Health Drink, Healing Serum
Lady Guard ? (Theta) Clever Genius fs Moon River
Hp Hp 882 Gp 484 Drops- Healing Serum, Healing Rain, Drop Ji Vi
Sorceror Owl ? (Theta) Halberd Daybreak fs Belladonna
Hp 3490 Gp 2047 Drops Armadillo Crest, Sub Mantle
Chickie Mama ? (Theta) Essential Wrath fs Dagger
Hp 909(Flying) Gp 700 Drops Smoke Screen, Speed Talisman
Hell Vulture ? (Theta) Paling Red Plum fs Generation
Hp 1258(Flying) Gp 950 Drops Healing Potion, Revive Rain
Ignis Tail ? (Theta) Galloping Wrath fs Pure Bred
Hp 1693 Gp 858 Drops Healing Storm, Revival Medicine, Blaze Dragon(robe)
Wisdom Owl ? Boss for level 101-102 areas
Hp 5354 Gp 8000 Drops- Lodestone, Sub Suit
Chickie Gramma - (Sigma) Paling Engaging Daydream
Hp 1622(Flying) Gp 1195 Drops- Smokescreen, Speed Charm
Harpy Queen ? (Sigma) Dreaming Ruined Two Wings
Hp 1542(Flying) Gp 1320 Drops- Revive Rain, Restoring Drop, Drop Ji Fu
Lava Dodo - (Sigma) Winding Aster fs Phoenix
Hp 3007 Gp 1400 Drops- Hadesbane Salve, Restoring Rain, Blaze Comet
Onion Mash - (Delta) Submissive Tragedy fs 1000 Oaks
Hp 137 GP 1 Drops- Health Drink
Crumple Tree - (Delta)Great Cursed In-laws
HP 559 GP 45 Drops- Caffeine Drink
Truffle - (Delta) Piling Red Plum fs Twin Rocks
HP 512 GP 94 Drops- Health Drink
Elder Growth - (Delta) Piling Red Plum fs Twin Rocks
HP 1881 GP 600 Drops- Vigil Vest
Hanger Berry - (Theta) Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred
Hp 1041 Gp 493 Drops- The Moonx2, Vigil Guardian
Entowal ? (Theta) Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred
Hp 3315 Gp 2010 Drops- Desert Rose Leaf, Dream Fur
Funger Hat ? (Theta) Piling Bustling Pure Bred
Hp 1362 Gp 765 Drops- Healing Serum, Radiant Amalgam
Forest King ? (Theta) Galloping Aster fs Dagger
Hp 5190 Gp 4500 Drops- Desert Rose Leaf, Dream Lionel
Trapspore - (Sigma) Decadent Engaging Whicker
Hp 2876 Gp 1302 Drops- The Moon, Dream Regalia
--Demon Beast--
Rue Fang - (Delta) Buzzing Wrath fs Puddle
HP 162 GP 2 Drops- Health Drink, Tidal Wave
Gan Fang - (Delta) Starting Bustling Holy Ground
HP 228 GP 2 Drops-Health Drink, Earth Spike
Bravo Nose - (Delta) Wealthy Dusk's Bum
HP 401 GP 12 Drops- Healing Rain
Vak Fang - (Delta) Truthful Forbidden 1000 Oaks
259 GP 7 Drops- Health Drink, Fire Storm
Zan Fang - (Delta) Truthful Forbidden 1000 Oaks
HP 268 GP 7 Drops- Health Drink, Tornado
Ani Fang ? (Delta)Spectating Cloudless Hand Song
Hp 292 Gp 16 Drops- Air Stroke
Lei Fang ? (Delta) Soulful Swift Alga Grass
Hp 344 Gp 30 Drops- Light Arrow
Zan Ziger - (Delta)Paling Grey Gate
HP 393 GP 63 Drops-Tornado, Wind Altair
Rue Ziger - (Delta) Rising Cursed metal Doll
HP 504 GP 86 Drops- Tidal Wave Water Altair
Ani Ziger ? (Delta) Thrilling Doomed Two Wings
Hp 605 Gp 124 Drops- Air Stroke, Dark Altair
Don Elephant - (Delta) Counting Heretic fs Frog Lake
HP 1537 GP 420 Drops- Healing Rain
Vak Ziger - (Delta) Saddened Returning Shadow
HP 560 GP 162 Drops- Fire Storm, Fire Altair
Gan Ziger - (Delta) Counting Gambler fs 1000 Oaks
HP 672 GP 180 Drops- Earth Spike, Earth Altair
Lei Ziger ? (Delta) Cheering Exposed Generation
Hp 687 Gp 210 Drops- Light Arrow, Light Altair
Shadowless Dog ? Gathering Shadows Quest Vol 2
Hp 1110 Gp 300-550 Drops- Nothing
Mighty Nauman ? (Theta) Buzzing Bustling Pure Bred
Hp 3210 Gp 700 Drops- Healing Serum
Strange Head ? (Theta) Buzzing Wrath fs Dagger
Hp 1018 Gp 542 Drops- Dry Budda
Olin Pack - (Theta) Counting Wrath fs Bum
Hp 1549 Gp 744 Drops- Fountain Dragon
Giga Mammoth ? (Theta) Roaring Aster fs Phoenix
Hp 4800 Gp 4100 Drops- Healing Storm
Heatwave Hound ? Dubious Dog Quest Vol 3
Hp 5505 Gp 9200 Drops- Holy Arrow, Light Claw
Raid Liger ? Boss for level 107-109 areas
Hp 5510 Gp 13565 Drops- Remedy Battle
Lv 111-120
Sir Unknown ? (Sigma) Essential Bustling Belladonna
Hp 2422 Gp 1125 Drops- Blaze Red Bone
Spheranodon - Boss for level 127-129 areas
Hp 6550 Gp 12955 Drops- Fortitude Regalia
TeLe Tali - Boss for level136-138 areas
Hp 7000 Gp 14201 Drops- Aware Dispel
Chaos Empress - Boss for level 142-144 areas
Hp 7326 Gp 14450 Drops- Aware Holy
--Mecha Beast--
Wild Kettle - (Delta) Buzzing Wrath fs Puddle
HP 171 GP 2 Drops- Turtle Shell, Rough Shell
Knuckleman - Knuckleman Quest Vol 1
HP 749 (Shell) GP 150 Drops- Memory Module
Buster Kettle - (Delta) Creeping Wrath fs Two Wings
HP 315 GP 50 Drops- Rough Defense, Turtle Shell
Steam Shell - (Delta) Rough Song Dusks Hand song
HP 773 (Shell) GP 150 Drops-Turtle Shell, Rough Mail
Metal Fist - (Delta) Counting Blazing Foot Stone
HP 1921 (Shell) GP 1150 Drops- Rough Meta
#Rain ? (Steam Scientist Quest) Vol 2
Hp 1094 Gp 1000 Drops- Nothing
#Cloud - (Steam Scientist Quest) Vol 2
Hp 1094 Gp 1000 Drops- Nothing
Death Kettle ? (Theta) Blazing Multiple Buttercup
Hp 904 Gp 504 Drops- Armadillo Shell, Rough Steel
#Rain Cloud - (Steam Scientist Quest) Vol 2
Hp 1914 Gp 3000 Drops- Nothing
Process Gear ? (Theta) Paling Leading Phoenix
Hp 2857(Shell) Gp 2869 Drops- Armadillo Shell, Rough Iron
Gobtank 75 ? (Theta) Dreaming Swift Belladonna
Hp 1215 (Shell) Gp 688 Drops- Speed Talisman, Wrath Fisher
Bowler Head ? (Theta) Roaring Swift Belladonna
Hp 1843 Gp 765 Drops- Nothing
Chain Whip ? (Theta) Spring fs Doomed Belladonna
Hp 2042 Gp 885 Drops- Nothing
Gobcannon 77 ? (Theta) Galloping Doomed Two Wing
Hp 1545 Gp 885 Drops- Speed Talisman, Rush Fisher
Brigandine ? Boss for level 105-106 areas
Hp 3659(Shell) Gp 10000 Drops- Aradillo Shell, Rough Puma
Tetra Foot - (Sigma) Fading Moonflower Glory
Hp 2709 Gp 1175 Drops- Wrath Dowan
Black Gurah ? Farwell Mecha Grunty Quest
Hp 2560 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Proto Gurah - Farwell Mecha Grunty Quest
Hp 6666 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Gobdam 78 - (Sigma) Dreaming Wrath fs Belladonna
Hp 2255(Shell) Gp 1360 Drops- Speed Talisman, Speed Charm, Rush Garma
Break Rest - (Sigma) Developed Bull fs Eye Daydream
Hp 3000 Gp 1386 Drops- Noble Drop, Noble Rain
Heavy Stamp - (Sigma) Winding Wrath fs Belladonna
Hp 3239 Gp 1423 Drops- Wrath White
Arachnophobia ? (Sigma) Competing Wizard fs Daydream
Hp 3300 Gp 1489 Drops- Wrath White
Lizard Hunter - (Delta) Truthful Marble fs Bum
HP 255 GP 4 Drops- Blade Thorns
Lizard Assassin - (Delta) Piling Military Shadow
HP 429 GP 71 Drops- Blade Thread
Drygon ? (Delta) Blurry Cursed Camellia
HP 1379 GP 240 Drops- Fire Mouse Skin, Simple Fire Bell
Fever Horse - (Delta) Graceful Wrath's Shadow
HP 572 (Shell) GP 82 Drops- Fire Mouse Skin, Fire Legged
Blaze Drake - (Delta) Roaring Wrath fs berserker
HP 756 GP 400 Drops- Fire Mouse Skin, Simple Fire Bell
Dryas - (Delta) Roaring Doomed Snow Caps
HP 2234 GP 1500 Drops- Wing of Lufu, Simple Wind Bell
Elite Lizard ? (Theta) Buzzing Wrath fs Fast Horse
Hp 943 Gp 545 Drops- Wrath Luer
Meggido Hydra ? (Theta) Essential Wrath fs Fast Horse
Hp 1150(Shell) Gp 975 Drops- Blast Leaf, Fire Seigen
Long-Lived ? (Theta) Essential Doomed Pure Bred
Hp 1292 Gp 619 Drops- Healing Serum, Weird Black Tea, Demon Suit
Dardeus ? (Theta) Counting Bustling Generation
Hp 4668 Gp 3295 Drops- Thunder Deer Hoof, Simple Light Comb
Long-Lived-Lord ? (Theta) Galloping Swift Two Wings
Hp 1514 Gp 820 Drops- Healing Potion, Strange Coffee, Demon Suit
Dryramas - Boss for level 118-120 areas
Hp 5308 Gp 12000 Drops- Dark Lizard Tail, Simple Slant Hood
Long-Lived-King - (Sigma) Graceful Bull fs Eye Daydream
Hp 2730 Gp 1302 Drops- Restoring Drop, Strange Soda, Demon Vestment
Metal Dragon ? Farwell Mecha Grunty Quest
Hp 2592(Shell) Gp 13250 Drops- Fire Mouse Skin, Fire Otome
Hecatonfoot - (Delta) Graceful Aster's Pure Bred
HP 868 (Shell) GP 195 Drops- Naja Defence
Carrie - (Delta) Rising Cursed Metal Doll
Hp 427(Shell) GP 5 Drops- Health Drink
Ruby Cutter - (Delta) Piling Red Plum fs Twin Rocks
HP 574 (Shell) GP 100 Drops- Knight Blood
Mad Jaws ? (Delta) Disputing Gray Tiny Beast (Crab Monster Quest Vol 1)
HP 861 (Shell) GP 245 Drops- Nothing
Great Jaws - Crab Monster Quest Vol 1
HP 1522 (Shell) GP 960 Drops- Nothing
Carrianne - (Theta) Counting Red Plum fs Shadow
HP 698 (Shell) GP 340 Drops- Health Drink
Horned Archelon - (Theta) Protected Bustling Weed Eater
HP 2078 GP 1320 Drops- Naja Alloy
Fate Crab - (Theta) Dawning Wrath fs Two Wing fs
HP 827 (Shell) GP 460 Drops- Knight Blood, Broad Wings
Masked Beast - Masquerade Quest Vol 2
Hp 997 Gp 500 Drops- Nothing
Tick Mask ? (Theta) Buzzing Vane Pure Bred
Hp 813 Gp 426 Drops- Wrath Luer
Scorpio e17 ? (Theta) Warm Bustling Generation
Hp 968 Gp 579 Drops- Absorb Iron
Carrizabeth ? (Theta) Essential Wrath fs Dagger
Hp 962 Gp 745 Drops- Healing Serum, Healing Potion
Face Bug ? (Theta) Paling Wrath fs Phoenix
Hp 1198 Gp 695 Drops- Wrath Rivet
Scissor Byte ? (Theta) Dreaming Wrath fs Pure Bred
Hp 1398 Gp 1025 Drops- Knight Soul, Broad Sheaf
Hash Chase ? (Theta) Decadent Pocketed Slacker
Hp 1689 Gp 716 Drops- Absorb Amalgam
Bison Tortoris ? (Theta) Paling Doomed Belladonna
Hp 3539 Gp 2900 Drops- Absorb Amalgam
Grim Stag ? (Sigma) Courageous Wrath fs Bum
Hp 1607 Gp 1076 Drops- Wrath Frost
Megalo Adamant ? Boss for level 115-117 areas.
Hp 4139(Shell) Gp 11500 Drops- Absorb Red Bone
Wheel Jack - (Sigma) Graceful Bustling Belladonna
Hp 2709 Gp 1230 Drops- Absorb Diamond
Carrionteinne - (Sigma) Developed Bull fs Eye Daydream
Hp 2200(Shell) Gp 1453 Drops- Restoring Drop, Healing Tonic
Anchor Bind ? (Theta) Warm Doomed Generation
Hp 3649 Gp 600 Drops- Revival Medicine, Revive Rain, Dark Kuajie
Druk ? (Theta)Thrilling Aster's Pure Bred
Hp 995 Gp 700 Drops- Healing Serum, Paralysis Leaf, Demon Suit
Titan Dead - Abyss Quest Vol 2
Hp 4591 Gp 1250 Drops- Nothing
Massacre Mummy ? (Theta) Galloping Swift Two Wings
Hp 1879 Gp 716 Drops- Paralysis Leaf, Dark Heaven
Blind Pain ? (Theta) Roaring Doomed Two Wings
Hp 5301 Gp 896 Drops- Revival Medicine, Healing Storm, Drain Fenlong
Captain Hook ? (Sigma) Essential Aster fs Bum
Hp 2284 Gp 1100 Drops- Drain Frost
Death Penalty ? Abyss Topic Area 2
Hp 6591 Gp 10854 Drops- Nothing
Vice Ripper - (Sigma) Confusing Barren Fairy
Hp 2394 Gp 1100 Drops- Paralysis Leaf, Numbing Lotus, Dark Nezumi
Straight Felon - Boss for level 124-126 areas
Hp 6801 Gp 3650 Drops- Hadesbane Salve, Restoring Rain, Drain Dowan
Yo-Ho Hyle - (Sigma) Dreaming Wrath fs Belladonna
Hp 2509 Gp 1358 Drops- Drain Jijo
Huge Grudge - Boss for level 139-141 areas
Hp 7125 Gp 4201 Drops- Revive Potion, Revive Storm, Drain White
Barbarous Ankh - (Sigma) Winding Asters Phoenix
Hp 2884 Gp 1460 Drops- Drain Jijo
--Demon Stone--
Hell Charm ? (Theta) Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred
Hp 1147 (Flying) Gp 633 Drops- Fire Barrel, Fire Huawen
Living Tower ? (Theta) Piling Bustling Pure Bred
Hp 4280 Gp 688 Drops- Spirit Drop, Spirit Rain
Gimmick Torch ? (Theta) Roaring Swift Belladonna
Hp 1352 Gp 806 Drops- Healing Potion, Healing Storm, Fire Fenlong
Break Pillar ? (Sigma) Courageous Bustling Bum
Hp 2109 (Flying) Gp 1000 Drops- Fire Barrel, Fire Dielin
6 Arm Maiden ? Boss for level 110-111 areas
Hp 5123 Gp 3320 Drops- Fairy Drop, Fairy Rain, Radiant Red Bone
Malphas ? (Sigma) Essential Engaging Two Wings
Hp 2100 Gp 1140 Drops- Restoring Drop
Death Radar - Boss for level 130-132 areas
Hp 6001 Gp 3988 Drops- Noble Drop, Noble Rain, Radiant Imperial
Judgement - Boss for level 145-147 areas
Hp 6429 Gp 4159 Drops- Elven Drop, Elven Rain, Radiant Monarch
Heavenly Ray ? (Theta) Unselfish Wrath fs Pure Bred
Hp 1612 Gp 646 Drops- Fairy Drop, Healing Rain, Light Tulong
Noble Pain - (Sigma) Unselfish Bull fs Eye Grey Dance
Hp 2828 Gp 1322 Drops- Noble Drop, Noble Rain, Light Rook
Zan Dibro - (Sigma) Fading Moonflowers Glory
Hp 2361 Gp 1154 Drops- Hurricane Razor, Train Wind Pill
Vak Dibro - (Sigma) Essential Bull fs Eye Daydream
Hp 2565 Gp 1203 Drops- Fire Barrel, Train Fire Pill
Gan Dibro - (Sigma) Paling Engaging Daydream
Hp 2610 Gp 1205 Drops- Earth Rain, Train Earth Pill
Lei Dibro - (Sigma) Unselfish Blue Silver Raven
Hp 2886 Gp 1268 Drops- Holy Arrow, Train Light Pill
Rue Dibro - (Sigma) Paling Wrath fs Camellia
Hp 2956 Gp 1268 Drops- Water Dragon, Train Water Pill
Ani Dibro - (Sigma) Thrilling Bull fs Eye Grey Dance
Hp 3008 Gp 1302 Drops- Hell Raiser, Train Dark Pill
Vak Abado - (Sigma) Competing Blue Silver Utopia
Hp 3200 Gp 1520 Drops- Fire Barrel, Fireserpent Skin, Train Fire Ball
Rue Abado - (Sigma) Spring fs Black Two Wings
Hp 3200 Gp 1543 Drops- Water Dragon, Jurgl Shell, Train Water Ball
Zan Abado - (Sigma) Concealed Honor Blue Cloud
Hp 3200 Gp 1555 Drops- Hurricane Razor, Phoenix Feather, Train Wind Ball
Gan Abado - (Sigma) Protected Honor Blue Cloud
Hp 3200 Gp 1520 Drops- Earth Rain, Greatworm Feeler, Train Earth Ball
Lei Abado - (Sigma) Competing Blue Silver Utopia
Hp 3200 Gp 1518 Drops- Holy Arrow, Stormbeast Hoof, Train Light Ball
Ani Abado - (Sigma) Winding Bull fs Eye Fate
Hp 3200 Gp 1532 Drops- Hell Raiser, Dark Iguana Tail, Train Dark Ball
Last Boss Vol 1
HP 2518 GP None Drops- Nothing
Last Boss Vol 2
Hp 4500 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The One Sin ? Abyss Quest Vol 2
Hp 6701(Legs Shell) Gp 3500 Drops- Flicker Scale
Bugborn Alpha - Outer Dungeon 1
Hp 1700 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Bug Queen Alpha ? Outer Dungeon 1
Hp 1900 Gp None Drops- Nothing
God Eater ? (Theta) Returning Invincible Huge Beast Vol 2
Hp 8000 (Leg Shell) Gp 5000 Drops- Rainbow Scale
Bugborn beta - Outer Dungeon 2
Hp 2100 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Bug Queen Beta - Outer Dungeon 2
Hp 2500 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Bugborn Gamma ? Outer Dungeon 3
Hp 2350 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Bug Queen Gamma ? Outer Dungeon 3
Hp 3100 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Cubia Gomora ? Story Events
Hp 1800 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Ovan ? Story Event
Hp 6800 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Azure Balmung ? Story Event
Hp 3500 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Azure Orca ? Story Event
Hp 3500 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Kite ? Story Event
Hp 7000 Gp None Drops- Nothing
Cubia Core ? Story Event
Hp 6000 Gp None Drops- Nothing
The One Death ? Block 70 Forest of Pain
Hp 9999 Gp 35000 Drops- Icon of Purity

----Ryu Book 8 - Drive Time

Description: This book keeps track of how long you are on your bike, and how
many times you've crashed.
Strategy: Get on your bike, then ride around the town. Or leave your PS2 on
overnight while on your bike. Maybe tape a penny to the controler so Haseo
is moving around and so it counts the time. (It wont count if he's sitting
still on the bike)

Credits for Books of 1000 section
Main credit to: Zer0
---credits from Zer0's guide
Dot Hack Haseo
Mystere Man
Mystic Tiger
Red Frost
Sotaka & her buddies at GameFaqs
Azure Crow
Also credit to: playboyskitch (For most of the wep/Armor/Accessory levels)

Section Organized by: JonFireblade

End of "Book of 1000" Section

---------------------------- 8)CrimsonVs --------------------------

This section of the guide for CrimsonVS is a joint effort between myself
and a friend by the name of Megan Wiseman. So first off credit

-Basic advice:
Really its hard to give advice on card set ups becuase the more
battles you win the more cards you get through random selection.
So until you have pratically all the cards you can get, I really
can't do much other then give you general advice. However, I do
include some really excellent Deck suggestions a little later on,
so make sure to check those out. For now here's some general advice:
Rule #1: Check your rank, if you have more losses then
wins you need to redo how your deck is set up. That's prety obvious.

-A) General cards that have high HP or high AP aren't always the best ones
to use. The best General Cards are ones with High Charisma and with avarage
HP and AP. Reason: you can compensate for average hp and AP by using the
General's high Charisma to add in Unit cards that boost the General's
-B) Cards that add AP or HP onto you General's stats every round are
ussally the best ones you can use. (not always, but ussally)
-C) USE THE PRATICE BATTLE!! Toy around with it and figure out what
combinations of cards work and which ones don't.
-D) View the Battle log. It WILL teach you alot about how the battles run.
Make sure to note what Cards the enemy uses and how they use them. Learn
from them, and copy their style to turn their stradgey against them. Or
keep an eye out for weaknesses in their deck set ups. You'ss find that the
game only uses about 4-5 differnt decks against you at a time.

Here's some general advice from Megan Wiseman:

See, in Vol. 3 you acquire "opponents", right? Players from "The World".
So you can do practice battles against these opponents instead of just
against your own decks. This is really helpful, because you get to pick
which of their three decks you want to battle against. PLUS, when you are
picking, you can look at the cards. Why does this help? Because the deck
shows what Delta Combo it has, and you can *write down* what cards make up
that combo. You see, there are lots of cards that make up the same Delta Combo.
And different ones might work better in different decks. Some are cheap cost,
some are higher cost, etc.
This is how I started figuring out which cards, say, would make a Heroine
Combo...or a Twilight Brigade combo. Then I just kind of fiddled with
adding and subtracting different cards in the list until I got a combination
that a) made the Delta Combo I wanted; b) worked well together; and c) worked
well with my General and his/her ability (if they had one).
Complex? yeah. Time consuming? Well, double yeah. But hey, if you like the
Crimson VS thingie, it's probably worth the time to figure out how to do it
if you want to go all the way to the top and beat Card Master Gaspard! LOL.
And actually, it didn't take that long for me to figure out a couple of
decent Delta Combos. It's just that I haven't really figured out a good
one to go with the two best Generals from the first set, which are Endrance
and Shino. They have the highest Charisma, but kinda low AP and no special
Junction Ability. So I'm still fiddling with those.
With the Delta Combos, though, having a high Charisma isn't always necessary.
There are several good Generals in the 9-11 range, for instance, who have
higher AP numbers, good Junction Abilities, and you can find a Delta Combo
that fits in their cost and has synergy with them. *shrug* So I guess it
pays to just kind of experiment some, look at your opponents' decks and
see how they work, and see if you can try to come up with one that is
even better.

---------b)Getting Cards
-By winning you will gain cards. You can get most of the cards just by
raising your rank. However, there are a few other ways to get cards: through
the process of beating vol 2 and 3 you will gain cards. If you follow my
guides you will most likly get them. The only other thing would be the books
of 1000, but I don't think that's very often, or even at all: not sure to be

---------c)Suggested Decks

My Personal Favorite is this Deck. I got this from copy cating Gaspard
in the title match in Vol 2 and it work for me ever since. So here's my
suggested Deck:
(Tends to win about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time.)
1st: #074 'Gemme Some Chim'
2nd: #081 'Dancing Lion'
3rd: #081 'Dancing Lion'
General: #020 Endrace the Exqusite

Decks reshearched and suggested by Megan:

General: Shino of the Twilight Brigade
Unit 1: No. 060 Ace of Hearts (Cost: 5 Trinity: Shield)
Unit 2: No. 078 Reckless Roar (Cost: 4 Trinity: Snipe)
Unit 3: No. 040 Treasonous Shell (Cost: 5 Trinity: Assault)
General: Zelkova
Unit 1: No. 124, What's Most Important (Cost - 7, Trinity - Shield)
Unit 2: No. 30, The Trinity (Cost - 2, Trinity - Assault)
Unit 3: No. 139, A False Future (Cost - 6, Trinity - Snipe)

Hope this helps.


---------------- III)Characters and Story Line ---------------



This section is a mine field for spoilers.
So Enter at your own risk. And trust me, you DO
NOT want to read this until you beat Vol. 3

This section is something I like to refer to as:

"The Almighty Section of Knowledge"


In here you will find the answers to every question, ever secret. All of it.
Or at least everything I can think of. I'm going to cover all the main
characters and their history and connections to the other chacters and all
that good stuff. Not to mention a full explanation of the Avatars and AIDA
and what not. In other words this section will give you information that
builds on what I've already talked about in the guides. Some of the info
has already been given, but some of it you will only find in this section.
-People who havn't played the Original series and dont have the Terminal Disk;
haven't watch //ROOTS or //SIGN, will find this section very helpful as I
give info on all those topics. (Note that alot of this information is solid
but that I've had to add in bits and peices of theory to help along this

--------- 1)Characters ---------

------ a)Epitaph Users

--The Terror of Death, Haseo

Haseo is a 17 year old male living in Japan. He started playing
"The World" because his friend told him it was fun. This friend no longer
plays the game. It's believed that this friend played the original version
of the game (or the 'R1' version.) Some believe Sora (from .hack//SIGN) is
connected to this. And no, not Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
There are two theories about Sora:
1)Sora grew older after the events in
the original games ,and he doesn't remember anything about what happened.
His parents had cancalled his account for 'The World' since he was in a coma.
Anyway, after a few years, a friend of his told him about the new of version
of the game and so he makes a new character called Haseo.
So theroy one is: Sora=Haseo.
2)The second theory is that the real life player of Sora was the one who told
Haseo about the game. So theory two is: Sora= Haseo's friend in real life.
Both Theories could be true but neither have been proven.

Anyway, More on Sora in a second.

Haseo is a typical teenager and as such tends to a bit immature at times.
When he started playing you would consider him a normal guy, until of course
Shino goes into a coma and he goes nuts and becomes a jerk. However through
the games Haseo begins to grow and he becomes less of a jerk until he finially
becomes the amazing hero of the game series. And personally I don't think I've
even seen the main character of a game developed so much. It was a truly
amazing story.

--The Mirage of Deceit, Atoli

Not alot is known about Atoli in real life. However, she shows
alot of personal growth in the series starting out as a shy timid girl
who was completely dependent on Sakaki, who grew into a strong young woman
who captures the heart of Haseo. I enjoyed watching her character grow
and change through out the series.

--The Propagation, Kuhn

He is a vertan player returning from the original series. Back in the days
of R1, he was known as Sieg. He was the thrid best player of "the World" and
considered the Rival of Bulmung and Orca (the first and second best players).
He is considered a side character yet still played a some what important role
in the series. He was one of the first Coma victims in the original series
and was the real life Boy friend of Mai Minase.
(main character from bonus disks //Liminality and not to be confused with Mia
who was an AI cat character)

Kuhn was once the Co-guild leader of Kestral. He left and became the founder of
Canard where he met Silabus and Gaspard. However after comming in contact with
AIDA, which resulted in his avatar awakening, he left Canard as to not involve
Silabus and Gaspard. He then joined G.U. as one of the first Avatar Users.

--The Prophet, Yata

Yata, like Kuhn, is a vetran hailing from the R1 days of the game. He however
played a far more active role in the original game.
Yata was known as Wise Man back then: A information broker and a hacker.
He had close ties to Helba and Net Slum.
When Kite (The main hero of the old games) first met Wise Man, he was searching
for information on the "Epitaph of Twilight". Wise Man (aka Yata) presented
Kite with a deal. If Kite would obtain an item for him, Wise Man would give
Kite all the information on the "Epitaph of Twilight" that he had.
Kite met the terms of the deal,this suprised Wise Man seeing as the item was
in a Prtected Area (AKA areas only Kite could hack into).
This set in motion the contection Kite had to Wise Man. Once Kite had explained
everything to Wise Man, he knew at once what must be done. And So Kite,
Wise Man, and Helba began to work together to find a solution to what was
happening around them.
In summary of Yata's past: He was a powerful ally that helped Kite over come
many chalenges and worked closely with Helba as one of the leaders of the
Operation to counter-attack on the Cursed Wave.

--The Machinator, Sakubo

Not alot is Known about Bo in real life. What is known is that
Bo is a small boy who gets picked on alot. For this reason he started playing
the game, Gorre attached itself to Bo's character because he had the right
mental requirments for the Epitaph. It is believed that because of this
Saku was born inside the game as Bo's alter ego (being that the Machinator
is a twin)
Anyway, Bo grows attached to Haseo and looks up to him as a big

--The Temptress, Endrance

Ok. First. Endrance was known by the name of Elk in the original games:
Infection-Quaratine. In those games you play as the main character Kite.
Kite meets Elk and a mysterious Cat like character in an ally way in
Mac Anu (back during the R1 days). This was the year 2010 during the
begining of the second network crisis (Sometimes called Pluto again
or the Morgana Incident.) ANYWAy. Mia was an illegally modified Character
who looked like a cat and helped Kite gain knowledge of the extent of his
Powers: Data Drain and Gate Hacking.
Anyway, Elk and Mia were good friends and always seemed
to be together. Elk was only in 7th grade at the time. He started playing
'The World" R1 to make new friends since he didnt have alot in real life.
Ok, so as the story progressed Things were all good until the
Part 3 //Outbreak. At which point Mia starts acting really weird. She
starts losing parts of her memory and acts all depressed.
That goes on until the final game of the original series Part 4 //Quaratine.
Near the beggining of that game Kite finds Mia and Elk in a Dungeon. Mia admits
that she has no memory except of when she plays 'The World". At that moment
Kite shows up and she starts freaking out. She starts yelling at a voice in her
head saying to it, "No! I want to remain as myself." At this point she
transforms Avatar style into none other then Macha, the 6th Phase.
Elk is warped away from the area and Kite is forced to battle Macha. He
Data-Drains her. As the Avatar starts comming apart Mia is released. Kite
catchs her and he holds her much the same way Haseo did for Alkaid. Elk shows
back up and is only bearly able to say good bye before Mia disapears.
Ok, see Mia was an AI program that was being controled by Macha to some
extent. Yet at the same time Mia was a differnt person/ AI. Just like
Haseo is seperate from Skeith.
*Gasps for Breath then continues*
At the very end of //Quaratine, during the post game dungeon.
(In which you fight through a 15 floor dungeon that is crawling with
Data Bugs) Kite is finially able to bring back Mia. So Elk and Mia
are back together again.
One problem. The Macha Factor, or the Macha Epitaph reattached itself
to Mia after the game. And in order for CC Corp. to make the Epitaph user
for Macha. They were forced to destory the cat character it was
attached to...... aka Mia.
So you see. Mia is gone and AIDA was pretending to be
Mia so that it could control Endrance. There it is. The explanation
of "She".

--The Avenger, Pi
Pi is the younger sister of Jun Bansyoya who was originally in charge
of project GU. He was one of the Head programming engineers at CC Corp for
many years. His personal journal (The Terminal Disk that comes with the Special
Edition of //Rebirth) was passed onto his little sister along with the Epitaph
It's because of her older brother that Pi has been working so hard
to find the answers to the mysteries behind the Epitaph and AIDA. She, like
her brother was, is a fulltime employee at CC Corp.
Although her skanky outfit in the game suggest she's a slut, she is
in fact a very serious bussiness woman who works hard and has an oddly limited
social life due to so much time spent working for CC Corp.

--The Rebirth, Ovan

In the game Ovan was once a legendary Hacker that worked closly with
Yata. Some speculate that Ovan was 'Bith the Black'from the //Liminality
bonus disks. However no facts have been found to support that theory.
Ovan is perhaps the one person in the whole game that the least is known
about in 'real life'. It is known that Ovan has a younger sister that was
probably the first Comatose victum sicne the 2010 Morganna Incident. Since
being infected by AIDA and causing his sister to go into a coma, Ovan has
been working non-stop to find a cure for his sister.
His sister's injury, cause by AIDA, was too serious to be healed
by Data Drain which led Ovan to seek a stronger cure. To do this, he
formed the Twilight Brigade to search out the other 7 Epitaphs, but most
importantly the Terror of Death.
Ovan beleived that if he could activate the Rebirth he would be able
to completly destory AIDA and so heal his sister. He was, infact, able to
do just that after causing Haseo to Awaken and then fight and devour all the
other 7 of the other Epitaphs.
After Ovan helped destory the Anti-Exisitence it is believed that Ovan
died in real life, but that a peice of his mind was sealed in the game much
like Harald's own consiousness.

---- b)'Background' characters

--Harald Hoerwick
Harald was a genius German programmer who meets his unrequited love interest,
Emma Wielant, at a seminar for anthroposophy. Harald immediately falls in
love with her, but Emma is only interested in his programming talents. One
day Emma calls Harald and asks him to meet her. She never makes it, crashing
her car and dying at the age of 28. Harald, unaware of the accident, waits
for her under a gingko tree.
Harald, grief stricken over his love's death, decides to create a tangible
expression of his love for Emma. Harald decided to create a virtual daughter,
named Aura, who would become the ultimate AI by receiving data on humanity and
it's various emotions. To do this, Harald created Morganna Mode Gone, an
omniscient AI program designed to collect information and then be Data Drained
by Aura, in order to complete her as the Ultimate AI.
In 2006, Harald brings a game called Fragment to the company CC Corp, the
vessel for Aura's birth disguised as an MMORPG. However, things do not go as
planned. Morganna deletes the maternal part of her program out of fear, and
becomes unstable.
Aura, meanwhile, has been sleeping, waiting for Morganna to wake her up. For
2 years Morganna does not awaken Aura. Realizing that things aren't going
as planned, Harald leaves his physical body behind to talk to Morganna. Here
is a quote by Harald right before his transformation:

AI Harald in .hack//Sign"I must...speak with Morganna.

To go where she is, the living flesh poses a hindrance.
But I must. I must go. For our Aura.
Emma, please give me a little more courage."

Despite his efforts, Harald becomes trapped in the game world by Morganna
and restricted to various niches in The World. It is there he stays,
trapped in a looped dialogue expressing his regrets and the error he made
in creating Morganna. It is this form that BT, Bear, Tsukasa and the rest
of the .hack//Sign party find, (dubbed by them as "The Broken Man.")
However, he is unintelligelible, repeating the same dialogue over and
over again. Tsukasa recognizes "The Girl" he is talking about is Aura,
but is data drained by Morganna before he can tell the rest of the party.
Later, the party finds a more functioning version of Harald, where he warns
the party about Morganna and begs the players to protect Aura, saying
"I will gladly receive any punishment...but Aura does not deserve this."
Morganna, enraged by Harald's meddling, deletes him, which is seemingly
the last of the genius programmer.
However, Harald is not dead. In .hack//Quarantine, Kite and BlackRose of
the .hackers meet Harald, although now he is a giant tablet of stone.
He is, again, largely unintelligible, but he does impart one phrase that
strikes Kite: "It is darkest...before...the Dawn." Kite thinks this means
that Harald meant for Aura to become complete, not for Morganna to win and
for the coma victims to be lost. Harald is then destroyed by Cubia. Whether
this is the last of Harald in The World is unclear; his resilience thus far
hints at another possible return.
An AI found by Taihaku and Haseo in the Forest of Pain event could possibly
be Harald somehow still alive within The World R:2, though the area he was
in was deleted shortly after Haseo met him. Harald later appears after
completing "The Forest of Pain" event in the third G.U. game. The floating
statue he was attached to in SIGN is visible, and his voice can be heard.
After asking a series of questions, he declares that Haseo will not get an
item, but one wish. Ovan then appears, stating that Haseo is the light in
the bleak grayness that surrounds him, he makes a few other comments,
then disapears.

--Emma Wielant
Born in the late 1970's as the daughter of a rich winery owner, Emma Wielant
suffered early loss of her mother as a child and later her father during her
late teens. Denied her inheritance, she enrolled into a nursing school in
order to support herself, only to overwork herself into illness. While
recovering at a resort in southern France, she experienced some sort of
supernatural or spiritual event, causing her to develop an interest in
anthroposophy and the supernatural. It is at this point, Emma starts her
career as a poet and at some point began the epic poem the Epitaph of
Twilight which was only available on her personal website.
One day while attending an anthroposophy seminar, she meets a German
programmer named Harald Hoerwick who instantly falls in love with her.
Alas his love is unrequited, as she is only interested in him professionally
for his skills. They worked together for an unknown length of time, until
one day, she dies in a car crash on her way to meet him. She died with Harald
still hopelessly in love with her and with the Epitaph of Twilight unfinished.
On her headstone, presumably Harald leaves the following epitaph:
"The hand that spun a legend will also become a legend itself."
Not soon after her death, the unfinished Epitaph of Twilight, which recently
become popular in many fan-circles, is removed from her website. Due to the
inevitability of time and the nature of the internet, the original whole
text has been lost, with it being frequently modified or fragmented into
In his grief, Harald decides to create a tangible expression of his love
for Emma, a virtual daughter named Aura. He creates the AI Morganna,
disguised as Fragment, an MMORPG based on Epitaph of Twilight. Presented
to CC Corporation, together they developed it into what will be known as
The World.
And thus, Emma Wielant indeed became the stuff of legend, as players delve
deep into the mysteries surrounding the connection between the Epitaph of
Twilight and the unusual occurrences happening in the The World.

She is an advanced AI. Her virtual avatar is the form of a young girl whose
white hair, skin and garments give her a ghostly appearance.
Before the creation of The World a German programmer named Harald Hoerwick
fell in love with Emma Wielant, who wrote an epic poem entitled the Epitaph
of Twilight. After Emma died in a car accident, Harald became distraught
and created Fragment (the prototype to The World) inspired by the Epitaph.
But this program was actually intended to create the ultimate AI, Aura.
Harald worked on Aura as a symbol of his love for Emma as the daughter
that could have been.
At the beginning of .hack//Sign Aura is asleep as her mentor program,
the AI Morganna has yet to gather enough data from the players to awaken
her. But Morganna is intentionally trying to keep Aura asleep since she
realizes that she would lose her purpose when her job raising Aura is
Morganna manages to imprison the consciousness of Tsukasa
(the protagonist in .hack//Sign), trapping him inside The World,
and linking his emotions to Aura's development, while she manipulates
him in order to stop Aura from awakening. At the end of the series,
Tsukasa is able to awaken Aura, allowing himself to log out of the game.
However, Aura's awakening throws Morganna into a rage, who then sends
the Phases to chase Aura down and delete her.
A few months after .hack//Sign, The World has succumbed to some severe
problems, including invincible monsters and glitched graphics. All of
this was a part of Morganna's intention to capture Aura and prevent her
from developing Data Drain, which is necessary for her to become complete.
However, Aura is able to cultivate this power into an installation book,
and attempts to give it to the legendary player Orca. Unfortunately,
Skeith, one of the phases, attacks them, Data Draining Orca and causing
the player in the real world to fall into a coma. His best friend, Kite,
a novice player, is with him at the time, so Aura is forced to give the
Installation Book to him. Upon opening the file, his player code is
rewritten, and he receives the Twilight Bracelet. This allows him to
use Data Drain, the only power capable of defeating the corrupted
monsters as well as the Eight Phases of The Cursed Wave.
When Kite encounters the first Phase, Skeith, it is already in the process
of Data Draining Aura, scattering her data throughout The World in fragments.
Kite defeats Skeith, creating Cubia in return. Fortunately, Aura's
consciousness is still partially functional, so she is able to send
corrupted e-mail messages to him, which are possible to read but with great
difficulty. With the help of other players (who later become known as the
.hackers), Kite is able to face and defeat six more of the eight Phases:
Innis, Magus, Fidchell, Gorre, Macha, and Tarvos. After Aura becomes complete,
there is only Cubia, and the final phase, Corbenik, left to deal with. Aura
tells Kite not to confront Cubia because Cubia is connected to the bracelet.
However, Kite still confronts Cubia and has to destroy his bracelet to
defeat it.
This makes it impossible for the final Phase, Corbenik, to be defeated, and
the over twenty million people in The World could potentially die. Kite
fights the final Phase anyway, but when he is about to deliver the final
blow to it, Aura steps infront of him and is apparently killed.
When this happens, Aura, who has collected data on positive emotions,
merges with Morganna, who has data on negative emotions, completing
Aura's final incarnation as the Ultimate AI. From then on, Aura
becomes an omnipresent yet mostly silent force within The World.
In .hack//Legend of the Twilight, Aura is able to do anything she wants
in the game without fear of administrators or other people who could
delete her. She holds a fake contest and posing as an administrator,
bestows upon Shugo and Rena, chibi versions of the avatars of the
legendary .hackers players Kite and BlackRose. Aura gives Shugo the
Twilight Bracelet, to help him fulfill his dream to become a hero,
which he told her about a few months after SIGN, mistaking her for
another player.
She also has a daughter named Zefie, an AI that was as powerful as
she is, but with an extremely wild and uncontrollable personality,
even going as far as to give players pink afros for the fun of it.
Zefie was created for two reasons: One was to complete Aura by
allowing her to experience child birth, and the other was to help
Shugo with his goal.
At the end of the year 2014, Aura was lost. It is unknown how or why she
vanished, but with her disappearance, CPU processing has increased in
The World. The loss of Aura meant the networks were returning to their
original specs.
The suits of CC Corp began to understand. With no god to run their world, what
would happen? With The World losing its glory and credibility, there was only
one choice left to the management of CC Corp: the rebirth of Aura. And with
this grand plan, Project GU was born.

--AIDA and Cubia

Found in the .hack games, Cubia represents the 'opposite side' of the mystical
"Twilight Bracelet", being born when the Bracelet was first created. Cubia did
however not have a physical form until Kite, the protagonist in the .hack video
games, data drained the first Phase, Skeith. Skeith's massive amount of data
built up and made a physical form for Cubia. Every time Kite data drained a
Phase, Cubia got stronger.
Aura sends many e-mails to Kite, telling him not to fight Cubia. This is
because if he does kill Cubia, the Bracelet will also be destroyed, taking
away any chance Kite has to defeating the final Phase, and The World will be
destroyed. Despite this, Kite fights anyway but has no luck destroying Cubia
until he understands how the Bracelet and Cubia are linked. Kite tells
BlackRose to attack the Bracelet, destroying it along with Cubia, leaving
them no way to defeat Corbenik, the Eighth and Final Phase.
In G.U. it is revealed that Cubia was created by Harald as the anti-existence
to the Epitaph Users. When Ovan releases Rebirth throughout the Internet, a
new Cubia is born. The new Cubia can be seen in numerous areas of The World,
and exists throughout the rest of the Internet as well. In a final act of
desperation, it is defeated by Haseo with help from Ovan. Cubia in its new
form can spawn an unlimited amount of Gomoras, which spread throughout
The World.
"Now for a Theroy from your friendly .hack guide writer":
Although I can't prove this, I believe that AIDA is the side affect of
Cubia being reborn.
When CC Corp tried to forcefully restore Aura
I believe that the R.A. program and the avatars caused Cubia to be
reborn. However, I think that the R.A program wasn't strong enough
to bring Cubia back fully. Instead AIDA was born as a side affect.
In other words, while Cubia existed in the game it remained dormant
for the mojority of the series while acting through AIDA which was
it's offspring. (Cubia = Source of AIDA)
The proof I have to support this theory:
1)At the end of Vol 1 Haseo, Kuhn, and Pi fell through the floor infront of
the Lockers. While falling they saw a HUGE ball of AIDA. Something MUCH bigger
then any singel AIDA. I believe that this was Cubia in it's development stage
before it became fully active.
2) Also the fact that Sakaki was searching for "the main body" in vol 1.

3) In vol 3 Taihaku's sword spoke through AIDA. If you look closly you
can tell that the face in AIDA's black spots is Cubia. This suggest that
Cubia was already born but that it was attempting to become fully active
by taking over Taihaku, and other players and also by working through AIDA.
So to summerize: I think that when the avatars were created that they caused
an Anti-Existence to appear. While Cubia remained not fully active but
instead was working through AIDA which was working to resurect the main body
of Cubia.
However, when Ovan activated the Rebirth, the power was enough to bring
about Cubia's full resurection despite the fact that AIDA was destoryed.

---- c)Other Important Characters

At the beginning of the story told in the games, Kite's friend,
Yasuhiko, tells him about the MMORPG, The World, and tells him to
meet online there. Kite does so and meets up with Yasuhiko's
character, Orca. Orca leads Kite to a "newbie" field and teaches
him the basics about playing The World.
While his official canon name is Kite, the player can set it to
what ever they want. If the player loads a clear data from the
games while playing GU, Azure Kite's name will be the same as
the one they set in the games.

After clearing the field, they enter the dungeon, where Orca
teaches Kite about some of the more advanced aspects of the game.
After retrieving the treasure in a dungeon level, they head for
the exit, but they are waylaid by a glitch in the game. The field
they are in becomes corrupted and Aura appears, trying to give
Orca a book. Before having a chance to react, Skeith appears and
Orca tries to fight him off, but gets Data Drained. Skeith turns
on Kite, then a large white staff is speared into the ground, and
the program crashes. Kite passes out and is dropped into Net Slum.
There a woman in white (Helba) wielding the staff watches as the
book falls into Kite's inventory. When he wakes, he finds that Orca
is gone, and that he is left with the book.
Kite logs out and discovers that his friend Yasuhiko has fallen into
a coma. Kite logs back into The World to find answers. He later opens
the book to save his new friend, BlackRose and Balmung from a Data Bug
when it attacked them in the Hulle Granz Cathedral. The book is
actually the Book of Twilight, the cultivation of six months of effort
by Aura to grant the Data Drain ability to someone capable of defeating
Morganna. It rewrites his player data with several powerful programs.
His normal green clothes are changed into reddish-orange, with golden
symbols written on the pants. His character data is also write-protected,
preventing the most important parts of his character data from being
modified or deleted. The most noticeable change to Kite's character is
the addition of The Twilight Bracelet, an invisible item on his arm that
allows him to Data Drain infected monsters to get "Virus Cores". Using
these Virus Cores, he can "Gate Hack" with the bracelet into protected
or sealed areas of the game. Kite also uses this bracelet against the
8 Phases that he encountered in the game.
The bracelet was destroyed by BlackRose when the two of them encountered
Cubia, after discovering that the bracelet and Cubia are two sides of the
same coin, enabling to defeat it. This later caused complications when
Kite and his friends would have to fight the last wave Cobernik without
the power of Data Drain. After they defeat him and Aura is reborn, she
entrusts Kite with the Book of Twilight ~ Daybreak, giving him a new
bracelet. This bracelet appears to have exactly the same functions as
the previous one, but it is a "clean" bracelet that has not yet formed
a shadow. To distinguish it from his old one it is called the Dawn Bracelet.
In real life, Kite's real name is purposely never mentioned due to the
games intent on making Kite the persona or extension of the player.
He admits in one of his e-mails to BlackRose that he is an 8th-grader
during .hack//Infection and it is implied that he and Orca are good
friends. Orca himself is a student at the same school. Everything
else is carefully hidden and he himself is never mentioned outside
of the games so far. All other "incarnations" or look-alikes prove
not to be Kite. The only exceptions are in Unison and his brief cameo
at the end of the Twilight manga.
If the player converts the files from the past .hack games to
.hack//G.U., Haseo gets a message from BlackRose, indicating that
she and Kite finally meet each other offline, and that she has
feelings for him. Also one of the legendary .hackers
BlackRose is a female Heavy Blade and the first character that Kite
meets in the game The World after Orca . When they meet she yells at
Kite for no particular reason and runs off to come back shortly. She
explains that she wishes to go on an adventure with him. Soon after
they arrive at an area that BlackRose told Kite about called
"Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground" in Delta server. She then explains that
she is new to The World despite the way she acted earlier. They get
attacked by a monster that cannot be defeated by a normal character.
Kite gets his Bracelet after this incident. However with BlackRose following
Kite around, she gets constantly watched by the administrators of The World.
It turns out that "? Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground" was where her younger
brother, Kazu (Fumikazu in real life), was attacked by a Data bug, rendering
him unconscious and in a coma in the real world, similar to Kite's friend
Orca. She and Kite decided to work together, in hopes of finding a way to
cure their loved ones as well as discovering the mystery of The World.
Later on in .hack//Legend of the Twilight, Rena gains a chibi version of
BlackRose's avatar, which is ironic considering Rena and BlackRose knew each
other in real life but never knew of each other's online identity.
In addition to this, she was depicted in .hack//Gift as wielding a tennis
racket, which is appropriate giving her real life alter-ego's penchant for
playing the sport.
The novel series, .hack//Another Birth, is a retelling of the .hack games
from BlackRose's point of view. During the novel, some aspects are changed
around. An example of this is when Kite lectures BlackRose on not staring
in The World since it is rude. This actually happens the other way around
on the video game version.
Akira, the player of BlackRose, is a member of the tennis team at her
high school. She is a first string player. Her father is also a gym teacher.
She also later on admits that she has grown feelings for Kite.

In .hack//Sign, Sora acts as one of the antagonists, mainly for Tsukasa's
friends, though he hardly has contact with Tsukasa himself. Sora is an
irritation particularly to Mimiru, who can't stand being near someone she
considers creepy, and BT, who uses Sora for information and vice versa,
though she is usually on the receiving end of his Player Killer activities.
He gets involved early on, searching for fame as the one who discovered the
Key of the Twilight, but also planning to become Tsukasa's friend.
At the end of the series, he betrays Morganna Mode Gone in order to let
Tsukasa, Subaru and Mimiru escape with Aura from her domain. This results
in him being Data Drained by Skeith as the player behind Sora falls
in a coma.
It was revealed in The End of The World (the Terminal Disc included with
.hack//G.U. Volume 1: Rebirth) that Sora played a major part in the
development of Epitaph Users, Player Characters capable of using the
power of the Phases, reconstructed as "Avatars". In .hack//Zero, Sora
acted as a basic form of Epitaph User for Skeith, though the Phase
controlled him rather than vice versa, which allowed Skeith to travel
freely throughout The World.
This, alongside Macha's transformation into Mia, proved that Phase data
could be fused with Player Character data in order to create Epitaph
Users. When it emerged that only certain Players could control these
Avatars, Sora was also the first candidate for this task, but was,
unfortunately, not playing the game at that point in time.

--Alkaid, Former Emperor of the Demon Palace

She is first seen in Icolo's guild. Icolo is a guild in
which only arena emperors may enter. She and Haseo quickly begin
to argue and the argument ended when Alkaid challenged Haseo in
the demon palace, saying he was weak.
Haseo and her do face each other in the arena where Alkaid comes
close to victory. However Haseo then lost control of his avatar,
Skeith attacks Alkaid and she is defeated. Alkaid then leaves,
calling Haseo a cheater.
In Vol 2 Alkaid pursuades Haseo to help her fight Sirius in
the title match so she can talk with him face to face.
Alkaid and Haseo develop a mild romantic relationship,but
soon afterward falls into a coma after being attacked by AIDA.
Close to the end of volume 3, Alkaid awakens from her coma and
helps fight the Cubia gomoras which are appearing in The World.

Offline Alkaid is played by Chika Kuramoto who is a sixteen-year old

Japanese girl. She lives in Sapporo, Hokkaido and is on the
library council for her high school. She values reading and
reads both Chinese classics and Western contemporary fiction.

Real name Shino Nanao .
One of the few people close to Ovan who acts as leader of the Twilight Brigade
whenever Ovan is incapable of doing so. Gentle-mannered but strong-minded,
she holds the Twilight Brigade together during Ovan's frequent absences. She
and Ovan seem to have a more involved relationship than mere guildmates, as
they have both known and seen each other somewhat frequently outside the
game as it was alluded to when Shino asked about Ovan's doctor visits.
During episode 13 Shino is attacked by Tri-Edge and Azure Kite is framed,
resulting in her PC seemingly erased and her real self sent into a coma.
She had been living alone and her landlord discovered her unconscious.
The doctors cannot treat her because they do not know the cause behind
her coma. Those who have suffered fates like hers are referred to as a
Lost One, since it is rumored that once PKed by Tri-Edge a player can
never return to the game. In real life, Shino is 18 and studying medicine.
Character from the original series. She provides help and information to
some of the main characters in the storylines, though she usually works
in the background.
Her avatar in the MMORPG The World is a level 99 Wavemaster outfitted in
a white dress with purple triangular designs and what resembles a
matching queen's helm, that hides her eyes behind a red visor trimmed
by gold. She is quite infamous to other players and especially to
system administrators, as she is a professional hacker of extraordinary
skills both in and out of The World. The games classify her as an
"Original Class" because she edited her character to be beyond what a
normal Wavemaster is capable of.

In .hack//Liminality Kyoko Tohno reveals that Helba's name comes from
the long lost net-distributed text, the Epitaph of Twilight. But other
than that, little is truly known about the person behind the avatar,
or what her true motivations are. As a hacker she manages a large
amount of information, and is sometimes willing to share it with others,
making her a valuable asset in the storyline. In .hack//Mutation she gives
Kite a segment of The Epitaph of Twilight and directions to Net Slum.
Since the events of Deadly Flash and Pluto's Kiss, the World Network
Council (WNC) of the United Nations, have passed harsh penalties for
hacking or endangering computer systems. Some crimes were punishable
by death. This makes hacking a serious offence in the .hack storyline,
and Helba must take care in protecting her identity.

--------- 2)Story Line ---------

Here is an over view the the series to date.

I'm not going to put down everthing I know or else
I'd be here for a month typing this all out. I'll consentrate
mostly on events directly concerning the GU series. Still Even
so. This section is VERY long. So if you don't enjoy reading.
Then Don't. If you think I missed some really really important,
e-mail me about it and I'll consider adding to this section.
(This section is refering to the game setting)

----The World R1----

- a)Pre-Morganna Incident

This section refers mainly to the time period before the
Morganna incedent, or in other words the time period before our heros of
the .hack// series needed to become heros. You'll find some intresting
back ground information here about this alternet world in which the
story takes place.

Set in the early part of the 21st century, the Internet has spread
across the planet, creating a unified global network which controls everything
from the stock market to vending machines. At the center of this network is
a popular virtual-reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game
(MMORPG) called The World. Players from all around the world play this game,
which has been made available in over 20 different languages.
However, problems begin to arise when players begin mysteriously falling
into comas while playing the game. Each part of the .hack series gives the
viewer a different piece of the mystery of The World, which when put together
explains what is actually occurring within the game. Each project, Project
.hack and .hack GU, is set in a different part of The World's history.
Project .hack occurs in the original game The World and .hack GU takes
place in its sequel, The World R:2. Both stories are related, and share
common themes and characters.

'The World' is an online game that simulates a Middle Ages culture

setting that provides players with the opertunity to play as
a character and pursue various roles of their choice.
The original game was realsed shortly after the First Network Crisis.
Also called Pluto's Kiss, named for the virus that caused the incident.
(Some 9 year old kid managed to make a super virus and it kinda affected
the whole netwrok through out the world on Christmas eve,
like military and everything. Nukes were literly counting down to go off.)
Anyway, the game was made by one Harald Hoerwick. He was a programming genius.
And more importantly,he was in love. He met one Emma Wielant while studying in
Japan (he was German). They were both living at the time in a remote village
away from the hussel of modern life. They were both there for different
reasons but both were recovering in (in their own ways) from recent events.
But what is important is that they became friends and he fell for her. Problem
was she didn't return his love; thinking of him more as a friend and liking him
for for his talent then as a lover.
At the time of their meeting Emma was working on a poem, Epitaph of Twilight.
A story about how the age of the gods came to an end. But I won't
get into that just yet.
Unfortunitly for them both, Emma died shortly after, leaving the
poem unfinished. However segments of it had been published on a web site. The
problem was the company running the site went out of bussiness so the text was
scatter and much of it lost. However, a few people still managed to get ahold
of some of the text. Sadly many of these people have added their
own spin to things and so telling the difference between what the original and
the altered version had became impossible.
Never the less, it is believed Harold recived an unaltered copy before Emma
passed away. Using it as a basis he created a game. A game he called
"Fragment". It was a fusion of the beautiful peom Emma had wrote, and the
programming genius of Harold.
Harold sold the game and the rights to CC Corp. who soon published the game
renaming it "The World".
They did so not knowing what was inside. Within just 2 years the game sold
20 million copies world wide. However, CC Corp. was in for a suprise.
It was known to CC Corp. that deep within the game was an untouchable black
box folder. Known as the Harold system. The system Admins had attempted to
remove the seemingly needless data and when they did so the system crashed.
They were ,of course forced,to restore the folder to it's original state.
As far as anyone can tell Everything was going fine....that is. Until the
the story creator decided to screw with the characters lives.
It began with the anime series that started everything for the .hack series.

- b).Hack//SIGN
SIGN is a anime series that takes place just before the orignal
games. This entire series has the singel purpose of building up to the games
and laying the foundation for the series. I've only seen bits and peices of
it, namely the first five episodes. At anyrate, the story is very enjoyable
and I wish it didn't cost so much to buy them or I would have done so already.

Here's an overview of what happened.

.hack//Sign follows the story about Tsukasa being mind-trapped
into the game. Despite being a "fantasy quest type adventure", it
does not rely on action sequences. Instead, the show is
driven by mystery, slowly revealing its secrets to the viewer while
paying much attention to the individual characters. Questions
like what happened to Tsukasa in the real world, who he really is
and why he is unable to log out are driving points of the story.
Soon after the beginning of the series Tsukasa is led to a hidden area.
There he meets Morganna, depicted as a voice without physical appearance,
and Aura, who appears as a young girl clad entirely in white, floating
asleep above a bed. The storyline introduces Morganna as an ally, but her
real intentions are unknown at this point.

People interaction is portrayed mostly in the form of dialogue: the image

of characters sitting along and talking is a persistent one. As the story
progresses many characters are introduced, some who want to help, some
who have ulterior motives. Then more questions arise as to "what is
happening in the game itself, who are these various characters, what
are their true goals and what will happen to Tsukasa". All the
while he is seen struggling with his increasingly dire situation as
well as his own social and emotional shortcomings. Tsukasa isolates
himself, but eventually he begins to get closer to other players, and
builds strong relationships with some of them. The most important is
that which is born between him and Subaru, a kind and thoughtful female
Heavy Axeman.
In the meantime, the anime follows the quest for the Key of the Twilight
a legendary item rumored to have the ability to bypass the system in
The World. Some characters want the Key to gain the power this supposedly
offers. Others believe the item will provide Tsukasa with a way to log out.
Despite the reasons for seeking it, everyone agrees that it is related to
Tsukasa in some way, as he is also a factor bypassing the system in the
game. His body being in a coma in the real world adds a sense of urgency
to the quest.
Near the end of the series Tsukasa's real-life identity takes a more central
place in the storyline, particularly in relation to his growing bond with
Subaru. The series shows his fear and insecurity as he confesses to her that
he is probably a girl in the real world. It is also at this point
when Tsukasa is told Morganna's plan by a highly skilled hacker called
Helba. Morganna conceived the plan to link Aura to a character who could
corrupt her with negative emotional data, placing her in a state where
she would never awaken. The chosen character was Tsukasa, as his mind
was filled with distressful memories of his real life. Helba also suggests
that when Aura is able to awaken, "the Key of the Twilight will take form".
The story reaches its climax when Tsukasa confronts Morganna. Then the viewer
sees him declaring that he is no longer afraid of her or of reality, and will
log out because there is someone he wants to see. This statement triggers
Aura's awakening, allowing Tsukasa to log out. The last scenes feature an
emotional encounter between Tsukasa's real-life self, finally shown to be a
girl, and the real-life player behind Subaru.

- c)Time of Pluto Again

This time period of the series is marked by the development
of the crisis known as Pluto Again. For many of us fans, everything started
here. It started with us putting in a game and stepping into the story as
Kite. The entire //SIGN series was done completely for no other reason then
to build up to this: The original game series.

-Infection-Quartine (Classic\Original Games)

A few months after //Sign ends the Hero of the original series steps into
the game.
- d)//Infection
Set after the events in the anime .hack//Sign, the story begins as players
take on the role of Kite, who joins his real life friend, Yasuhiko, in the
popular MMORPG The World. Yasuhiko is better known as Orca, a player of
legendary status in The World, and rightly earned. From the message boards
within the game, Kite learns that Orca has helped many beginner players set
out, just as he does Kite. However, what starts off as a simple crash course
in the game's mechanics turns horribly wrong.
Kite and Orca encounter two strange creatures: Aura, who appears as the
floating ghost of a young girl, and the monsterous humanoid figure known as
Skeith, who is chasing after Aura. Orca soon gives chase after the pair but
ends up over his head as he battles Skeith. The battle ends with Skeith using
a strange ability on the legendary player. When Skeith turns his attention to
Kite, the legendary hacker Helba intervenes, and things begin happening very
quickly and the game's server crashes.
Kite soon discovers that Yasuhiko, Orca's real life persona, lies comatose.
To make matters worse, Yasuhiko is not the only player of The World in this
condition. As a result of his encounter with Aura, Kite discovers that he
now the wields the Twilight Bracelet and is host to many strange abilities
including Gate Hacking (which allows Kite to enter previously restricted
fields within the game) and Data Drain (an attack that alters the corrupted
data in certain enemies, usually resulting in them becoming significantly
weaker). However, Data Drain is the very attack that Skeith used to put
Yasuhiko into a coma. Though Kite intends to use these abilities to find
the cause of the comas and save the victims, he finds himself the enemy
of CC Corp. (the game's administrators), as well as other players, for
engaging in what are illegal activities.
He quickly teams up with Black Rose, a young girl whose brother, Kazu,
has suffered the same fate as Yasuhiko. The two set off on a quest to
get to the bottom of what is really happening (which the game's
administrators may or may not be hiding) and find themselves not only
opposed by Balmung (Orca's in-game partner), but also mired in a
recreation of the epic poem known as the Epitaph of Twilight.
Much of //Infection is Kite coming into the full possesion of his powers
and his continued search for clues to what is happening around him. The
volume ends with Kite finially catching up with Aura in time to see her
Data Drain by Skeith; which splits her data into three segments that a
scatterd across the game. After a short stand off the battle's on and Kite
barely defeats Skeith. The defeat of Skeith results in a massive release
of data that gives birth to none other then Cubia.

- e)//Mutation
The second game of the original seires starts off right after the defeat of
Skeith. This volume portrays Kite as he and BlackRose continue to search for
clues. In the process they are confronted by the system admins who view their
actions as dangerous. With the intervention of Helba Kite ends up working with
the system admins for a time in order to try and collect more information.
During this time Kite discovers a second enemy that is simular to Skieth.
Upon defeating Innis Kite recives a segment of Aura.
At this point it is also revealed that the actions of Kite and his friends
are having an impact on the real world causing problems with the network
which results in many accidents and problems.
Soon afterward Kite recives an e-mail from Aura to meet her in an area.
Kite is able to return a segment of the data to her before he is confronted
by Cubia. A battle erupts that ends with Kite barely being able to fend off
The game continues and reaches a climax when Kite comes into possesion of
a segment from the epitaph of twilight and discovers the existence of 8
phases of the cursed wave. (Kite gets this key peice of information from
none other then Wiseman an information broker and a fellow hacker who works
with Helba. This character is none other then Yata's younger self.)
The volume ends with Kite traveling to the "Net Slum" to meet with Helba.
Kite is betrayed by Bulmung to the System admins who intend to delete Kite
and his friends. However the admins are stopped with the arrival of the
third phase and a battle between Kite and the 3rd phase ensues.
Despite the victory the battle results in the game servers and towns
being badly damaged.

- f)//Outbreak
The third game is the low point for Kite. The game's main theme is Kite
discovering for himself what he is doing is right or not. However with some
help from BlackRose, he resolves to continue.
With the help of Hebla, Kite is able to track down and destroy the 4th phase
and recives a segment of Aura.
Kite soon after saves Bulmung from a Data Bug (corupted monster) ,despite the
fact that Bulmung had betrayed Kite. This act earns Bulmung's respect and
he joins Kite to have a better chance of bringing back Orca.
Again Aura contacts Kite and with the help of Bulmung and BlackRose, Kite is
able to return another segment of Aura's data to her and drive off Cubia.
Later in the game Kite is able to forge an alliance between Helba, the ruler
of netslum, and Lios, the system admin. This alliance works together to
confront and defeat the 5th phase.

- g)//Quaratine
The main flow of the game has Kite and the newly formed alliance moving
toward their goal of finishing off the remaining phases in an attempt to
free the comatose victims and end the real world problems that continue to
pop up everywhere. However, even with the newly formed alliance of Lios and
Helba hope is still slim. The higher ups in CC Corp are seriously considering
destorying the game servers to cover up for the fact that their game is
responsible for so many problems in the real world. Destorying the game
servers would spell doom for the comatose players because their minds
remain traped in the game.
Kite has to make tough choices. He is forced to sacrifice one of his
friends who turns out to be the vessel of Macha, the 6th phase.
However, he is able to gain the final segment of Aura and return it
to her.
Putting aside his personal feelings Kite puches ahead and is able to
defeat the 7th phase Tarvos with the help of the alliance
and the other .hackers .
Racing against time and searching for answers Kite seeks out the
creator of the game Harald. Kite finds him at the bottom of a
10 floor dungeon that is infested with Data Bugs. There he
meets Aura who has now been restored to the way she was before
she was Data Drain by Skeith. However, Cubia enters the scene.
Aura tells Kite to flee telling him that the twilight braclet
(kite's powers) and Cubia are oppisite sides of the same coin, and
in order to defeat Cubia the bracelet would be destoryed.
However, Kite is unable to escape Cubia and is forced to enlist the
help of BlackRose to destroy the Braclet and therefore Cubia.
The game finishes in a seemingly hopeless battle where Kite and
the .hackers face off with the 8th and final phase. With out the
bracelet their battle turns into a slaughter. The battle only
ends when Aura sacrfices her self on the tip of Kite's blade to end the
fighting and bring victory for the heros.

-The Network Golden Age-

- h)//Legend of the Twilight -

(Understand that the story line for this anime is simple and was aimed at
a younger crowd around the age of 10-12 year olds)
The anime has many differences from the manga. The story begins in much of
the same way. Rena wins a limited edition character model contest for The
World. She invites her twin brother Shugo to play the character of the
legendary Kite while she plays as the legendary Blackrose.
On their first outing together, the duo meet a gigantic level 48 "Super
Armored Shogun" in a beginners area. Shugo is killed by the monster,
but is revived by a mysterious girl named Aura. As well as reviving Shugo,
Aura gives him a mysterious bracelet and tells him about Data Drain.
Shugo is transported outside to find the monster still rampaging after his
sister. He takes Aura's advice and uses Data Drain and the large monster
is reduced to a very weak beginner s monster. It is realized that Data Drain
can rewrite data.
Shugo and Rena embark on a quest to unravel the mysterious bracelet's
secrets and locate Aura. Along the way, Rena and Shugo meet new friends
like the peppy Mireille, the fierce Ouka, the quiet Hotaru, and the veteran
player Sanjuro. Together, the friends play together in The World, but the
fun quickly ends when Rena is killed by a monster and goes into a coma.
Shugo and friends frantically search for a solution, whilst a group of
four children are planning something terrible on the outside of the world.
To make matters worse, the Cobalt Knight brigade, a debugging team for
CC Corp, are determined to capture Shugo for he is using an illegal item,
Aura's bracelet. Not only that, but an administrator that had been helping
look for Rena, Balmung, loses his position as administrator and makes things
difficult to continue the search.
Then Shugo and company finally reach a mysterious place where Rena might be,
but are met by a mysterious AI who systematically annihilates the Cobalt
Knight brigade, save for its leader Kamui.
Using the bracelet and a little help from an inside ally, the group
finally locates the source of the problem and proceed to stop it. They
transport themselves to a root town that is not open to others and are
confronted by the AI along with an undefeatable monster. To make the
situation even more dire, the monster has Rena trapped inside it and
has implanted a virus that will destroy all that Rena has connections
to. Shugo manages to data drain the monster, but The World will be
destroyed. Awaiting the destruction, the group speculates the reappearance
of Kite's and Blackrose's characters. They realize there must have been a
reason why both characters were brought back instead of just one. Rena and
Shugo then activate Blackrose's and Kite's joint power and save The World.

- i)G.U Time period -

The begining of the GU time period is marked by the journal of
Jun Boytoya: aka the Terminal Disk. This nifty little thing explains in detail
what happened after the original games ended what why thing turned out the way
the way they did: How Avatars came to be, What happened to "The World R1", and
why Cubia/AIDA were born.

It's best to start off with the Terminal Disk and its contents.

(Note: Full and total Credit to CRtwenty. This next bit comes 100% from
his guide and was NOT is anyway shap or form written by me.
He copied this down from the Terminal Disk: So creds to him.)

Seeing as I included a re-cap of Infection-Quaratine, I don't see the need

to Include the first 4 files. This next section consists of the information
you'll need to understand the Avavtar and the Epitaph Users.

Report 5 - Disappearance of Aura - Guardian Ubiquitos
The four-year period between 2011 and 2014 were golden years
for "The World." It was no accident that this coincided perfectly
with the presence of Aura. After all, "The World" was an online
game managed by the ultimate A.I. Even in CC Corp. this was
known only to a limited number of people.
From the moment it began, no one fully understood Aura, the
omnipresent A.I. system that controlled "The World." The
average player would have no way at all to even learn of
her existence. Aura had inherited the intelligence of the
genius Harald Hoerwick, and the beauty of a poet Emma
Wielant. She was the ultimate administrator of "The World"
and a gifted debugger. And yes, she could behave like a
temperamental creator. As the lone deity in "The World"
Aura would sometimes act impulsively, like a fickle goddess.
For example it was Aura's idea, not CC Corporation's to
create a replica of the Kite character and use it in a
promotional giveaway campaign. She even put the hero of
the bracelet in a demo version and returned him to gameplay.
As to when Aura disappeared, that can only be determined
by examining conditions in "The World." Our best
estimate is in late 2014. It was seven years after the
day of Pluto's Kiss that abnormalities first began to
be clearly detected in "The World." Time lags, and frequent
crashed servers began to seriously interfere with the game.
These problems didn't just cause trouble for "The World,"
they effected the entire network. Load processing increased,
and real world trouble quickly magnified. The Network
Marketing Research Organization N.A.B. (Network Analysis
Bureau) along with other institutions investigated the cause.
And although they suspected it was due to a new type of virus,
one similar to the one that had caused the original network
crisis, they were unable to find evidence of sabotage. That
was no surprise. The real reason was simply that Aura had
vanished. This alone caused the network to revert to its
original specs. It took until early 2015 before executives
at CC Corp. would come to that realization.
And that's how it began. The network albeit quietly, began
to fall into decay, and "The World" faced its own dark age.
As it became less and less reliable "The World" soon lost
its popular appeal. Aura the Guardian Ubiquitos...
Only a handful of people understood the relation between the
loss of Aura and the network chaos. The top executives at
CC Corp. were forced to make a decision. Their plan was to
resurrect Aura and bring her back to the network again. But
the father of Aura, Harald Hoerwick was dead. Therefore the
R.A. Plan, the plan for bringing her back required a different
organization. This is how Project G.U. was established.
Report 6 - Salvage Plan: Gateway to Utopia
The loss of the ultimate A.I. Aura, was the second major
network crisis. In other words the birth of Aura paved the
way for "The World's" second paradigm shift. "The World's"
golden age lasted from 2011 until 2014. When Aura's disappearance
was confirmed "The World's" golden age had truly become a
dark age.
A variety of problems such as faulty servers began to spread
everywhere. Not just "The World" but the entire internet.
However, once CC executives learned that the cause of these
problems was due to the loss of Aura. They began to formulate
a plan to counteract against the silent danger. They would
forcibly restore Aura back to her original state. They
intended to seize control over the next network society by
creating and managing this ultimate A.I. themselves. It was
a return to the plan both CC Corp. and Altimit Corp. had
hatched during the first network crisis, that was back in
2005, when they were still using the Altimit operating system.
Altimit had managed the network's hegemony.
This is how Project G.U. officially began. It was all thanks
to CC Corp.'s sponsorship. The budget was limitless, a special
team was put together, first-class engineers, A.I. programmers,
and other technical experts. I myself was also a major part of
this project. I was brought on to represent CC Corporation and
insure their goals were met. The project's overall objective
was to restore Aura, and thus G.U.'s R.A. plan began.
The R.A. plan, we were to salvage the eight broken pieces of
the Morganna factor, which had sunk into a sea of data after
being destroyed by Kite's Bracelet during the 2010 Morganna
Incident. It was thought that by sealing each piece of
Morganna Factor separately into character data, players could
then take control of them one at a time. There were precedents
for this kind of strategy. The mind of a player known as
Sora had attached itself to Skeith. And there was Macha, whose
mind was thought to have adhered itself to the wandering
cat-like A.I. Mia.
Of the people involved in Project G.U., there was one man
on the team who was absolutely invaluable, Jyotaro Amagi.
An elite mind who came to CC Corp. at age 19 after working
intelligence for the Ministry of Economy. For his age, he
was truly a genius. Although Mr. Amagi and I were far from
what you would consider friends our complementary knowledge
and combined abilities helped greatly to advance the project
forward. We were the two essential wheels that kept G.U.
rolling. Our age difference didn't matter, yet we would
frequently clash in fevered arguments. For some reason a
strange mixture of feelings: respect, envy, and scorn had
begun to grow in my heart.
Even so Amagi and myself scoured the network, finally managing
to find a single piece of the Morganna Factor. It was Magus,
the factor for propagation. After a great deal of trial and
error the team finally succeeded in attaching the Morganna
Factor to a character in "The World." This completed prototype
became known as an Epitaph User, so named for Morganna's
eight Phases of the Epitaph. The one we completed first was
called the Epitaph User of Propagation. However no one
involved in the project, not even myself or Amagai could use
one of these characters. When some one would try to log into
"The World" using one of these characters an unbearable vertigo,
nausea, and headache would paralyze him. The Morganna Factor,
just as it had in the cases of Skeith and Sora, showed a high
affinity for human minds. But perhaps that was only towards the
chosen ones.
Amagi had a theory that the Morganna Factor could choose the
player it would attach too, and though conditions were unclear
the Morganna Factor would approve only a certain type of human.
If that were indeed the case, locating those eight chosen ones
became an important issue for Project G.U. At the advice of
Amagi, a search team was created within the security admin
department. They would filter players in "The World" to find
the chosen ones. Unfortunately we learned that Sora's real
life player had already canceled his account with "The World."
Mia is reborn in "The World" following her defeat at the hands
of Kite.
Amagi and I continued our search for the other seven pieces
of the Morganna Factor. Skeith, Innis, Fidhell, Gorre, Macha,
Tarvos, and Corbenik. Eventually we discovered that the Macha
piece had once again attached itself to the cat character
Mia. We were able to extract it by destroying the cat character.
We continued to produce Epitaph Users one at a time. And
eventually we had completed all eight of them. All we had
to do next was allow the chosen ones to control these
epitaph users. Then have them use the power of Morganna's
eight Phases to activate the program Amagi had created.
This R.A. program would restore Aura.
Gateway to Utopia. We at Project G.U. had come so close, we
had almost arrived at our utopia.
Interim Report 7 - Cubia: the Anti-Existence:
Gathering of the Unwilling
Jyotaro Amagi and I continued looking for the Morganna Factor as
part of CC Corps. Project G.U. After collecting each Epitaph Force:
Skeith, Innis, Magus, Fidhell, Gorre, Macha, Tarvos, and Corbenik,
we managed to complete eight Epitaph Users. All we then had to do
was allow the Chosen Ones to control these Epitaph Users, then have
them activate the R.A. program that Amagi had created in order to
restore Aura to existence.
To put it simply this involved unleashing the immense power of
Morganna eight Phases into the network. However, during preperations
for the final stage I realized that there was something incredibly
dangerous that could occur in rebooting the Morganna Factor. The use
of a power that shouldn't exist, strong enough to revive Aura the
ultimate A.I. doing so could produce giant distortions all over the
These distortions were basically "Anti-Existences." They had also
occured during the Morganna Incident. Kite's Bracelet, given to him
by Aura unleashed a force, and it was this force that had created
the nightmarish Cubia.
Cubia's birth, encounters with Kite, and eventual destruction.
If the distortion field produced from a single bracelet resulted
in Cubia... there's no telling what the distortion caused from eight
powerful Epitaph Users might do.
The salvaging of the eight pieces of the Morganna Factor would
literally become a Gathering of the Unwilling. Distortions would
appear randomly like unwanted tumors. I reported these findings to
Amagi and urged him to put the R.A. Plan on hold until my concerns
could be resolved. But Amagi refused, saying that the distortion
produced earlier was due to hidden bugs in the Harald System. He
said the R.A. program he had designed would never allow anything
like that to occur, and laughed at my concerns.
With our rivalry and the envy of the genius Harald Hoerwick
consuming him, Amagi began to press ahead with the R.A. Plan
at all costs in order to prove his own abilities.
Report 8 - Jyotaro Amagi: Genetics of the Unknown
I was concerned about the R.A. Plan, so I opposed Amagi's attempts
to experiment with his program. Fearing the situation would worsen
to a point of real danger, I secretely removed one Epitaph User from
"The World" and hid it in my home computer. This was the Epitaph
User integrated with the Morganna Factor of Tarvos the Avenger.
Without all eight characters there was no way the R.A. Program
could be activated.
But Amagi didn't even bat an eye at the expected absence of a key
Epitaph User. It turned out that Amagi had secretly constructed
a dummy Morganna Factor, and had prepared his own original Epitaph
User as a backup. It didn't take him long to deduce that the
missing Epitaph User was my doing.
Amagi went ahead with his plan. He proceeded to gather seven of
the potential Chosen Ones together. Systematically he matched
them up to each Epitaph User. Meanwhile he used his own dummy
Epitaph User to connect to the network and began testing the
R.A. program.
This was the highpoint of Amagi's life. If he succeeded in
reviving the ultimate A.I. his genius would be considered on
par with the great Harald Hoerwick. If he could somehow manage
to control the ultimate A.I., then in the eyes of many he would
even surpass Harald's genius.
He was playing with Genetics of the Unknown. And unfortunately,
I knew it was only to further himself. He wished to combine his
own mind, and fuse it with the ultimate A.I. He wanted to become
a God inside the network using the eight pillars to support him.
As a result Amagi's experiment was anything but perfect. In an
instant the R.A. program crashed. Suddenly over 80% of "The World's"
game data was completely wiped out. The minds of all seven potential
chosen ones were caught up in the Morganna Factor's rampage and they
fell into comas. Sadly, Amagi suffered severe mental damage as well.
Report 9 - Loss of Epitaph Users: Genocide of the Unfaithful
Amagi's experimentation of the R.A. program ended in failure.
I arrived shortly after the R.A. program went beserk and set
about containing the situation. However, I was only able to
recover a single Epitaph User from the devastation. The one
I recovered was the Epitaph User integrated with the Morganna
Factor of Propagation, Magus.
His experiment having failed, a deranged Amagi caused a fire
to break out. The fire spread fast, consuming a third of the
CC Corp. building causing tremendous damage. The media was
given news of only the fire itself, announcing to the public
that several people were injured.
Genocide of the Unfaithful, what was the reason for this
miserable failure? Most likely it was because Amagi did not
approach "The World" with enough respect. It may also be that
the one most cursed by the ghost of Harald Hoerwick was none
other than Amagi himself. Whatever the reason, the R.A. programs
failure and the huge fire that accompanied it caused over 80%
of "The World's" data to be lost. And at the same time Project
G.U.'s research data was also irrepably damaged.
G.U. was suspended and I took responsiblity for the projects
failure by resigning from CC Corporation.
Report 10 - Generation of Unity: Last Day of "The World"
As a result of Jyotaro Amagi's Project G.U. failure and the
huge fire that accompanied it over 80% of "The World's" data
was gone. G.U. was dissolved, and I assumed responsiblity for
its failure by resigning from CC Corp.
In the end I supposed I couldn't win against either Amagi or
Harald Hoerwick. But I didn't lose to them either, the faith of
engineer Jun Bansyoya had not yet been broken. It was soon decided
that "The World" would be shut down temporarily. One can only
theorize at the purpose of CC Corp's executives, but after having
lost over half their data it was assumed that it was a simple
managerial decision.
They reasoned that instead of working towards repairing the old
game's data, it would be a better idea to apply their resources to
a new generation game. A new game project the company had dubbed
"R:2." This was also a way to escape from the ever looming ghost
of the genius Harald Hoerwick. Of course, analysis of the Harald
system had been halted. And the re-examining black box data had
also been implemented into R:2.
Soon the day arrived. The town and area data that they had
managed to save were presented to the public. The first
generation of "The World" faced its final day. I logged in
with my own private character to see.
Mac Anu was serenely quiet. The cityscape that made one think
of Venice was beautiful, and the waterways reflected the evening
sun. Many had gathered underneath the bridge. It reminded me
of a happier time when the voices of hundreds of players echoed
on the streets. Like a midsummer night's dream, the next day
this world would be gone.
With lingering memories and grieving voices. Those who were angry
at CC Corporation completely disregared the presence of System
Administrators on that final day. The characters that they had grown
so attached to would not be carried over to the next version, effictively
ending their lives all at once.
Even so they gathered together in the town. Everyone said goodbye to
their friends. Some vowed to meet again, others decided to move on.
Keeping to myself in a desolate alley I couldn't help but wonder.
I wondered where Aura had gone, she was like Amaterasu hiding
in her cave. After losing her, those four golden years had all
of a sudden come crashing down upon us. We humans had lost our
god. We couldn't stop from wailing and weeping. Project G.U.
had been designed to give us a new God, but it had collapsed in
She integrated into the world.
I don't know exactly when it happened. A young girl bathed in
the sunset whispered the following to me.
You mean Aura?
Abandoned the individual and became a god. And now abandoned
godhood and distanced from fate, returned to null.
The barefooted girl with saffron colored hair whispered to me.
You know of Aura? So I will return to the wind as well.
Her last whisper disappeared, as if the wind had blown it away.
And then the girl was gone. It felt like I stood there forever.
I tried to make sense of her words. and then I realized that girl
with her obviously hacked character might well have been a
Wandering A.I. Somehow she gave me the impression of Aura that
I had once known.
"The World" will end, it will end. And yet its core will be
preserved in the next generation. Generation of Unity, it is
what people have always wished for. Was I the only one to think
that this comforting chaos, although ironic, somehow fit perfectly
with "The World?" But now, it is all too late.
Report 11 - Guide to an Uprising: Ovan: Corbenik the Rebirth
"The World R:2" was released to the public on December 24th 2015.
That day, which became known as "Death of a Goddess" must have
been bittersweet even for the players who knew nothing about the
disappearance of Aura. Releasing the new game barely a year after
the unforseeable data loss... CC Corp surprised even me with their
speed. And even though all the graphic data, and the battle engine
were already up and running on release. The message text as well as
the core system must have been hastily thrown together by programmers.
They couldn't have had time to properly debug. As a result R:2 was
plagued by constant bug issues since day one. And the game had to be
repaired and refined through regular maintanence. The majority of the
Epitaph Users had been lost. The only Epitaph User left to CC Corp was
the Propagation, it should have been carefully stored by the security
administrators who took over the now defuct Project G.U. However the
Avenger, the Epitaph User I removed to prevent Amagi's experiment was
still being kept in my computer.
Eventually, CC Corp will become aware of the existence of Tarvos, which
contains a piece of the Morganna Factor and that I have it. I have to
come up with some countermeasures. When the R.A. program failed the
other six pieces of the Morganna Factor, having been seperated from
their Epitaph Users were once again lost in the networks ocean of data.
Project G.U. was gone, Amagi was beyond any hope of recovery, and
with me now gone from CC corp things will be safe. At least as long as
the Chosen Ones don't access The World. If they do, they may unwittingly
draw Epitaphs to themselves.
Then, much like what happened with Sora and Skeith could happen again.
In the end, my goal of preventing the birth of Cubia the Anti-Existence
can be said to have been accomplished. Having known Harald Hoerwick,
Jyotaro Amagi, and "The World" more intimately than any other I had one
final duty. I had to keep the Epitaph User of Tarvos safely hidden away.
I had to prevent those outside CC Corp from learning of the Morganna
Factor. However, things had taken a turn for the worse.
Ovan... he is the Epitaph User of the Rebirth. Ovan has already started
to act. He's assembled a Guild. His members include Sakisaka, B-set,
Godo, and finally Shino. The name of the Guild is "Twilight Brigade."
Does he know about Harald Hoerwick and the Epitaph of Twilight?
Where did he learn about it? Does he also know about Morganna? And
the ultimate A.I. Aura?
I've confirmed that Ovan's left arm contains indechiperable data...
what on earth is it? He has an almost incalcuable amount of data
capicity within him...
Please stop Ovan, I'm begging you! Everything is Ovan's doing!
I repeat, everything is in Ovan's hands! That man will become
the Guide to an Uprising!
12 - Gate of Uroboros: To My Sister
To my Little Sister:
I'm so sorry that my final gift to you ends like this. Right now
it is far too dangerous for me to see you in person. However, I
can think of no one wiser than you to whom I can give this journal.
I want you to use the character left on my computer... you must use
it to access "The World." I'm certain it will help to open up a new
door for your life. The rest, I can only leave up to you.
My wish, is that you will walk this path of fate for the sake of
your beliefs and for justice. You are a Chosen One...
We are siblings with many years between us. I'm sure you don't
remember me as you and I parted ways when you were still just a
small child. But I remember you, the little girl you used to be.
And I know what you've done with your life in the time since.
My only regret is that I was unable to see you again. Please
forgive me for being unable to watch over you. Reiko...
even though our parent's went their seperate ways a long
time ago, you and I are brother and sister. And that will
never change, ever...
You will always be, my darling sister...

- j).Hack//Roots
The Anime series .hack//ROOTS follows Haseo's adventures when he first
starts playing 'The World' and follows through roughly 8 months before
//Vol. 1: Rebirth. In this time some very important events take place.
Granted I havn't seen any of the series other them the 1st and 6th
episode that come with the games, but I do know a enough to comment on the
highlights of the series. (compliments of forums)
.hack//Roots is the prequel to the .hack//G.U. videogames. It follows th
story of Haseo, a black 'Adept Rogue' (a class that can use multiple weapons)
and member of the Twilight Brigade guild. In the year 2015, CC Corp. Building
burnt down, and with it, most of its data for The World. By splicing data from
what would have potentially been another game, CC Corp. created The World R:2
and released it in 2016. The main revisions of this release were that the
game allowed for guilds and PvP (player vs player) play.
Starting eight months before .hack//G.U. and finishing during the events of
the first .hack//G.U. game, Rebirth, Haseo logs into The World R:2 for the
first time and falls victim to the PKers that reside within. He is saved by
Ovan, which prompts him to join the Twilight Brigade.
The Twilight Brigade members are on a mission to find the Key of the Twilight,
however, the TAN guild opposes this because they want Ovan's character data
possibly because of his device in his arm and will stop at nothing to keep
the Twilight Brigade from their goal. But possibly the reason is because
Ovan is after it.
Their current mission is to find the 6 virus cores before TAN does. Haseo
has the green virus core and the purple core, Shino has the red, Sakisaka
the Yellow, Ovan the grey, and Gord has the blue one. There is a Lost Ground
with 5 towers, where the Brigade used the supposedly-unusable virus cores.
When the five are used it transports them to the tower above the 5 small
towers to where they can find the last virus core.
This mission, unfortunately, was just a trap made by the members of TAN in
order to investigate Ovan's strange character data. With Ovan gone, and no
sign of the Key of the Twilight, the Twilight Brigade quickly breaks apart.
B-set and Gord quit the game entirely, and Sakisaka and Tabby quit the
guild, even though Tabby is still hopeful things will pick up. Shino goes
into 'mourning' over Ovan, as it has been hinted that their relationship is
that of more than friends. Haseo stays by her side supporting her. However,
even this is quickly shattered, as Shino is soon after killed within the
game. What's even more alarming is that Haseo can't contact her in real life.
Soon after Haseo begins his pursuit of Tri-edge. A pker who Haseo believes
killed Shino in the game. He believes that if he could become strong enough
he could defeat Tri-edge, he bring back Shino. This pursuit of power leads
him to the Forest of Pain. He suprisingly enough manages to escape the
countless number of monsters and comes face to face with Harald, the creator
of the game, who grants Haseo large amounts of power. Haseo then goes on a
PKK rampage in an attempt to learn where Tri-Edge can be found.
The series ends with Haseo's dual with Tri-edge.


Well, now you understand everything that has happened up until the begining
of //Rebirth. And I'd like to think I've done a decently good job explaining
everything throughout my guides. So now that you know all of the back ground
info. I have a suggestion to make. Re-read this re-cap on the series to this
point, THEN: go play the whole GU series over again and enjoy them completely
now that you know what's going on. =)

PS: .Hack// GU Trilogy a full lenght movie is in the works right now. Head to for more info.


Huge amount of credit goes out to all who contributed to the articles
on Wikipedia. Although I do get some credit after all. Not all of the
information was writen by other people, all in all I'd say I wrote about
half of it.
Also credits to CRtwenty for his guide/info on the terminal disk.
For the people at as I learned tons from them about the
Anyway hope you found this section intresting and helpfull in understanding
the series as a whole.

(Like I said above, not all of this is proven. If you don't agree with what
I've wrote here, then thats fine. Just take what I've said with a grain
of salt. If you feel the need to debate these topics feel free to visit
the forums if you want other opinions on the story.)
Also, feel free to look stuff up on Wikipedia as I've taken information
directly from there and all I've done is simply reorganized it while adding
a bit of my own flavor.
Anyway Hopfully this section was at least some help. Hope you enjoyed and if
you think I missed some really really important, e-mail me about it and I'll
consider adding to this.

---------------- Frequently Asked Questions ---------------

Being that this IS a FAQS/ Walktrough guide I thought that after getting
several e-mails I would put together a little Q and A section to put into
my guides from the series. In here you'll find all the questions that have
come up from the e-mails I've gotten from people. I really enjoy doing
what I can to give you good info. and I love hearing from everyone.
(Even if it's just to tell me what you thought of the guide/guides)
So I hope this might give you all some good advice.
-- 1)Technical/Game Play/Story Line Questions

--- 1)Questions for All 3 Games :
-1) Can't stop Sp Draining
Q: My SP goes down by one like every second and I can't make it stop! It only
does it when I'm in a field or dungeon, not a town. Can you tell me what I'm
supposed to do??
A:If it keeps happening over and over again no matter what; my guess is that
you should check your armor Materials. You know, the items you use to
customize armor? Check it. My guess is that you have an item called
Spirt Tree Bud.
That item (Armor Material) has an intresting affect: It will decrease
your skill points over time but the benifiet is that it will increase
Haseo's stats as the Sp is consumed.

-2) How to get Keywords

Q:I want to ask you how to get (Blank) area words?
A: There are only three ways to get keywords. Some are
more common then others. 1-you will get keywords from Story line events.
2- you can get keywords from topics on the Forums and Official Forums, you
can only get certian ones this way. 3- lastly you will get key words as
rewards for getting B, A,or S rankings when leaving an area. These are
random and tend to be harder to get. Just try to do well everytime you
go to an area and you should be albe to earn alot of them.

-3) Job Extensions

Q: When can Haseo start using other weapons besides dual swords? And
How do I unlock them?
A: Ok. A Common Question for rookies to the series.
These are the weapons Haseo can use:
-Twin Swords- Default weapon.
-Broad Sword- Job Extension right before 1st round of the Demon Palace
-Scythe- Job Extension near the begining of Vol 2.
-Dual Guns- Ahhhhh not aloud to say how he got it, but
basicly it's near the middle/end of Vol 3.
-4) Books of 1000
Q:Can I complete the missing things from the Book of 1000 from vol 1 in vol 2?
A: Yes, to some extent. See 99% of the books can be done in any of the
volumes. However, Quest Champaigns is where the problem is. You get
special rewards for doing the Champaigns: Special Armor, Accessories, and once
in awhile Weapoms. The problem is that ALL Champaigns from the quests in vol 1
end(or become unavaible) at the begining of vol 2. And ALL Champaigns from Vol2
end at the Begining of Vol 3. So you lose the chance to get those items. The
best thing to do is just max the limit on the book for item collection before
you play the next volume. The only other thing I can think of is that you
should complete the Hidden quests in each game and get the doppleganger
weapons in vol 2.

--- 2)Questions for Vol 1 :

-1) Bounty Hunter/Ripper's Blades

Q:How do you get the Ripper blades?
A: First off the bounty hunter quest becomes avalible as the story progresses.
It's called "Hunter's Test". Once you clear this quest you can't start the
Champaign. You need to log-out and then log back in before you can find the
NPC in the back ally of Mac Anu in the mercenary district. For more info. see
the Quest section of my guide for Vol 1.
--- 3)Questions for Vol 2 :

-1) Doppleganger's weapons

Q:I had a problem with doppleganger. I was level 100 and had the key item
"own king" from vol. 1 and I was able to defeat him but he just gave me
the two weapons (dual sword and broad) and only one key item.
Could please tell me why I couldn't get the scythe and the other key item?
A: It's really quit simple. The answer is: Go beat him again.
Yes that is right. You need to defeat him twice (2 times)
in order to get all three weapons and the both key items.

-2) Crimson VS
Q:I was wondering if you could tell me how to actvate crimson vs.?
A: Simple. It becomes avalible near the begining of Vol. 2. Just progress the
story line.

-3) Divine Awakening

Q:Does affection hav something to do with the Divine Awakewnig? how's it work?
A: Yes, it does affect it: When you use Divine Awakening the little marker
starts to scroll across the bottom of the screne. Obviously if you get
it closer to the middle you'll do more damage. There are 3 'Perfect" marks
in the middle of the bar. By Increasing your party member's affection, those
three 'perfect' marks become wider and therefore easier to hit. Therefore
giving you a better chance to do mroe damage.

-4) Password from Salvador Aihara

Q:When you go to the rumors board and news section you hear some stuff about
Salvador Aihara and that he plays the World. After an annoying chase of
checking the rumor board and logging back in you meet him as his character
Kazubolo The Last Hope in Mac Anu s back ally, where he tells you his
true identity as the famous news reporter, and tells you to keep quiet if
he gives you the Wallpaper and Password: Nurse Carnival. SOOOO I guess my
question is, what is the purpose of the password: Nurse Carnival? I know its
not area words cause I checked all 3 sections.
A:That topic has been discussed several times on the boards.
See we have the privledge of having a few ppl who visit those Forums who
are from Japan and speak english, they've been able to answer several
questions for us. And as far as any of us can tell the password is useless.
However, I've read in some of the interviews with the game creators that
they are putting bonus material in the GU games just for the North American
versions of the games. So it may or may not have something to do with bonus
stuff in vol. 3. But it doesnt seem too likly. If I hear anything I'll put
it in my guide for vol 3.
For now dont worry about it becuase it appears as if the password is
--- 4)Questions for vol 3 :

1)Final Boss for the Series

Q: Is Ovan the final boss in vol. 3 , if he is not then who?
A: No, Ovan is not the Final Boss for Vol 3. Although I can see where
you might think that. I mean Corbenick was the final boss of the original
series. But No, The final boss for Vol 3 is bigger, badder, and
generally a whole lot worse the Corbenik (Ovan).
Who the last boss is exactly, well lets just say that he was a major
enemy from the original series.

2) Last Hidden Quest

Q: Is there hidden quest in vol. 3 and who is the boss ?
A: Yes there is a Hidden Quest for vol 3. And it's one Haseo has done before.
(aka he did it before the events of //Rebirth, during //ROOTS, Look around on
the rumor's boards and see if you can figure it out)
And, No: There isn't JUST 1 Boss. Instead there are: 17 normal field bosses
that are stronger then normal, 2 semi-hard bosses that mimick the hidden quests
from the other games, and One Finial show down with a truly rediclous monster.

3)Hardest Avatar Battle

Q: What is the hardest avatar battle and the hardest boss you foughtin
all 3 volumes ?
A: Well, that's a hard question. See the vast majority of the Avatar battles
don't HAVE to be tough. Reason being that you can just go out and level up;
which in turn boosts Skeith's stats hence making the avatar battles easier.
So really all of the avatar battle COULD be tough, but they don't have to be.
But if I had to chose one battle I'd say Azure Flame god. The reason is that
even at the level 50 cap, the Azure Flame god is still a pretty hard battle.
I mean it's fast paced, and it's really hard to avoid all the attacks.
The next worse battle would probably be Corbenik the 2nd As you have to
Data Drain him twice to kill him.
well that the end of the Q And A section. Note that all the questions
answered here are from e-mails I recived.


END OF GUIDE FOR .HACK// G.U. Vol 3: Redemption

Well my firends. Not sure what to say at a time like this. This being
the end and all. But you know, every ending is really just a new
beginning. And who knows, I've heard rumors that there's a stand
alone .hack// game in the making (non-series) in the works.
So who knows. Although in all reality, I don't see myself buying a
PS3 anytime soon. If anything I'll probably get a Xbox 360 or a Wii.
So unfortunity I dont see myself writing guide for any future .hack//
At very least I found out that BandaiNamco is doing a full length Movie
called .hack// GU Trilogy. It'll be a CG movie of the story line from all
three games. It's suposed to come out in Japan in January of 08 so my guess
is that if you add another 6 months on (July 08) you'll have a decent guess
for when it'll be out in America. My guess is it won't cover alot of detail.
Probably just the main story events.

Well anyway. It's been fun all. I'm glad you read my guide and perhaps
found parts of it helpful. I got to admit the .hack games are probably the
only video games I'd ever want to write guides for........
So yeah. Hope you enjoyed. E-mail me to tell me what you thought or
if you have questions........or even if you want to sit around and BS
about .hack =P
Alright then. Good luck to you all and God bless.


---------------------- IV) Credits ------------------------
--This guide was written and organized by:
"I'm sad to see it end. But such is life. Hopefully they'll continue with
the series and make some more games that are just as good. Although it took
me awhile to finsih this guide I'm glad I was able to complete the whole
series. I hope this helped you all who read the guides, and who knows; I
might end up writing some other guides. We'll anyway, keep your eyes open
for more .hack Games and media. By the way. really
is the best web site for .hack games and media.
So yeah, now that I'm done with all of that. I'm going to go play all three
games right in a row for fun."

--Thanks Zer0 and the people from

for allowing me to use their work for the "Books of 1000" section
for Redemption.
Dot Hack Haseo
Mystere Man
Mystic Tiger
Red Frost
Sotaka & her buddies at GameFaqs
Azure Crow
Also credit to: playboyskitch for some info. on some equipment levels.

Bandai - For the first four Classic .hack games: They inspired me
to work on my own stories and projects.
BandaiNamco - For the .hack//G.U. games, they are even better then the
original. And I think the .hack series rivals Final Fantasy
(*Ducks to aviod being shot by FF fans*) Just kidding, both are amazing.
d5t - Thank you for, I was able to rediscover the .hack
seires because of the web site you created. And has let me enjoy
the games that have .....consumed so...much of my life.....yeah.... anyway,
here's a shout out to all the great people there!
Piros The 3rd - I want to say that I hope you die a bloody and gruesome death
at the hands of grunties tearing you limb from limb. =D
Everyone on the forums - You guys are an awesome group of people
and I'm glad that you guys like the .hack series as mush as I do.

And last of all: all those awesome people who read my guide and told me how
much they enjoyed them. Thanks guys and girls. It's nice to know one's work
is liked so much.
--Contact Info:
You can contact me with questions and comments either by e-mail, I love to
hear from you guys and will do what I can to answer questions:
You can also find me on the Forums at under
the user name: JonFireblade
(Had to change my e-mail to Yahoo because for some reason MSN/Hotmail is
jacked up right now and I can't use it to reply to e-mails. >_< )
E-Mail: [email protected]
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption: Walkthrough by JonFireblade
Version Final, Last Updated 2008-04-01 View/Download Original File Hosted by
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