American History Exam

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History Midterm Exam Name ____________

Section A – Multiple Choice (chose one answer for each question – 1 mark each)

1. Spanish Armada was

a) a 130-ship naval fleet dispatched by Spain in 1588 as part of a planned invasion of England
b) outfoxed and defeated by the English
c) battered by storms with at least a third of its ships sunk or damaged
d) All the above
e) None of the above

2. Magna Carta
a) made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502
b) was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas
c) had been the Byzantine imperial capital since its founding in 330 A.D.
d) declared the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documented the liberties held by
“free men”
e) none of the above

3. These Europeans arrived in North America around the year 1000 AD

a) Greeks
b) Romans
c) Celts
d) Spanish
e) Phoenicians
f) Vikings

4. Constantinople
a) was captured by the Ottoman Empire
b) marked the end of the Byzantine Empire
c) its fall allowed the Ottomans to invade mainland Europe more effectively
d) its fall led to a sudden change in trade which forced Western European nations to try to discover sea
routes to Asia
e) All the above

5. In which year did Constantinople fall?

a) 1776
b) 1215
c) 1453
d) 1492
e) 1066

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6. His journeys marked the beginning of centuries of exploration and colonization of North and South America
a) John Cabot
b) Jacques Cartier
c) Samuel de Champlain
d) Christopher Columbus
e) Sir Francis Drake
f) None of the above

7. ___________was a French explorer who claimed what is now Canada for France
a) Sir Francis Drake
b) Giovanni Caboto
c) Christopher Columbus
d) Jacques Cartier
e) Marcel Marceau
f) Justin Trudeau

8. John Cabot
a) Was an Italian navigator and explorer
b) Helped lay the groundwork for the British claim to Canada
c) Was commissioned by Henry VII of England
d) Led the earliest known European exploration of coastal North America since the Norse
e) all the above

9. Sir Francis Drake

a) Was an English sea captain, privateer, naval officer, slave trader and explorer
b) famously known for his circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition
c) awarded knighthood in 1581
d) lead many expeditions to attack the Spanish colonies in America
e) All the above
f) None of the above

10. These Spanish soldiers searched for gold as they conquered and massacred native populations in the Americas
a) Conquistadors
b) Spartans
c) Red Coats
d) Hoplites
e) Norse
f) Huguenots

11. __________ was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas
a) New York
b) Boston
c) Quebec
d) Jamestown
e) Constantinople

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12. Most of the settlers who arrived in the New England Colonies were searching for religious freedom
a) True
b) False

13. Parts of the middle colonies were inhabited by Dutch and Swedes before the British came
a) True
b) False

14. In the southern colonies the land was bad for farming
a) True
b) False

15. In Massachusetts in 1692 many people were believed to have unnatural powers. This led to the
a) Society of wizards
b) Hogwarts Academy
c) Quaker Witch Trials
d) Salem Witch Trials
e) Development of superheroes
f) None of the above

16. Triangular Trade involved trade between

a) Africa, Asia, and North America
b) Africa, Asia, and South America
c) Europe, Asia, and North America
d) Europe, Asia, and Africa
e) Europe, Africa, and North America

17. African slaves were captured by other African tribes who then sold them to European slave traders in exchange
for guns and manufactured goods.
a) True
b) False

18. The French and Indian War was fought between

a) French and Spanish
b) French and British
c) Indians and Spanish
d) None of the above

19. The Iroquois supported the French during the French and Indian War
a) True
b) False

20. George Washington was a British solider during the French and Indian War
a) True
b) False

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21. The French and Indian War was part of a greater conflict known in Europe as the
a) Spanish-American War
b) Hundred Years War
c) Peloponnesian War
d) Seven Years War
e) Thirty Years War

22. The British were allied with which country during the Seven Years War?
a) Prussia
b) Russia
c) Germany
d) Austria
e) France
f) Spain

23. The British used the strength of their mighty ________ to blockade and strangle their enemies
a) Army
b) Cannons
c) Swords
d) Navy
e) Taxes
f) None of the above

24. British soldiers were also known as

a) Red Coats
b) Blue Coats
c) Rebels
d) Conquistadors
e) Patriots

25. The fall of __________ in 1759 spelled the defeat of New France
a) Louisburg
b) Detroit
c) Quebec
d) Toronto
e) Halifax
f) Jamestown

26. As a result of the French and Indian War, Britain gained control of
a) Canada
b) New Orleans
c) Louisiana Territory
d) South America
e) Cuba

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27. The Proclamation of 1763
a) forbade the colonists from drinking tea
b) forbade the colonists from settling west of the Appalachians
c) forbade the colonists from owning slaves
d) was declared by King William IV
e) was declared by Queen Elizabeth 1
f) was declared by King Charles V

28. The Navigation and Trade Acts

a) were mercantilistic policies controlling colonial trade
b) were supposed to help British manufactures
c) tried to stop illegal trade to Britain’s enemies
d) weren’t enforced much before the French and Indian War
e) All the above
f) None of the above

29. What reason did the American colonists give for protesting British taxes?
a) They preferred to pay French taxes
b) The British didn't help in the French and Indian War
c) They didn't have representation in the British Parliament
d) They were mostly German
e) They didn't like the king

30. What group formed in Boston in 1765 to protest British taxes and laws?
a) Knights of Templar
b) Freemasons
c) Boys of Boston
d) Sons of Liberty
e) Redcoats

31. What did the Stamp Act tax?

a) Tea and Sugar
b) Mail sent between England and the American colonies
c) It was an income tax on the colonial lawyers
d) Printed materials like newspapers and legal documents
e) Weapons such as muskets and rifles

32. Why did the British government decide to tax the colonies?
a) To pay for the French and Indian War
b) To pay for a new palace for King George
c) To pay for a war against Spain
d) To pay for improvements in the city of London
e) To pay for new ships being built for the Royal Navy

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33. What was the result of the American protests against the Stamp Act?
a) The British declared war on the American colonies
b) The British parliament repealed the Stamp Act
c) The British ordered the protesters shot
d) The British continued to enforce the Stamp Act and the Americans finally gave in and paid the tax
e) All the above

34. Why is the Boston Tea Party an important event in history?

a) It signaled the opening of the British colony of Massachusetts.
b) It was a major event leading up to the American Revolution.
c) The first shot in the Revolutionary War was fired at the Boston Tea Party.
d) It was a celebration of British Law and the colonies` loyalty to the king.
e) It happened on the night when the United States issued the Declaration of Independence.

35. Who led the town meeting earlier that day to discuss the unfair taxation of tea by the British?
a) Samuel Adams
b) Paul Revere
c) John Adams
d) Thomas Jefferson
e) Benjamin Franklin

Section B – writing (full sentences required)

5 marks: intro (1), body (3), conclusion (1)

1) What factors helped the British win the Seven Years War? (Write 3 reasons to support your argument)

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