Standard Parts Installation Guide - 2021

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The document discusses the installation and setup of the Standard Parts system which allows for the management and reuse of standard parts in CAD design. It provides information on installing Standard Parts in both managed and unmanaged environments.

Standard Parts allows engineers to access standardized parts for reuse in designs. This helps to ensure consistency, reduces design time, and enables collaboration.

There are parent parts, single parts, and custom standard parts. Parent parts define child single parts, while custom standard parts are customer-specific parts created from existing CAD models.

Standard Parts

Installation Guide
Standard Parts Installation Guide - 2021
2 Standard Parts Installation Guide 2021 Standard Parts Installation Guide, Solid Edge 2021
© 2020 Siemens
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This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Software Inc.

© 2020 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

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Setup overview 1-1

Installing Standard Parts in an unmanaged environment 2-1

Installing Standard Parts in a Teamcenter environment 3-1

Upgrading Standard Parts 4-1

Configuring SQL Server 5-1

Installing Parts Libraries 6-1

Standard Parts Library Quick setup 7-1

Basic Definitions 8-1

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© 2020 Siemens
1. Setup overview
Standard Parts requires SQLExpress or SQLServer to be installed on the Standard Parts Administrator

A minimum of SQLExpress 2012 SP1 or SQLServer 2012 are recommended for Windows 7,
Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 operating system. If it is not already loaded on the system,
Standard Parts Administrator installs SQLExpress 2017. For the SQL server administration, you can
download the latest SQL Server Management Studio from

The installation of Standard Parts Administrator installs and configures SQL Express 2017 such that the
Administrator and Master Part Files are available to use. When installing Standard Parts Administrator for
the first time, installation of the Master Part Files is on by default.

The Master Part Files include free sample content. It is recommended that if this is the first time you are
installing Standard Parts Administrator to install the sample files. This will create a database and
configure the system so it is ready to use for a single user.

If the Master Part Files are not installed you will have to create a database and configure Standard
Parts manually after installation is complete.

Standard Parts Administrator and SQL Server do not need to be installed on the client machines that
access the components in the Standard Parts Database. They only need to be installed on the machine
intended for Standard Parts administration.

Instructions on how to install and configure Standard Parts in the recommended manner are located in
the following chapters.

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© 2020 Siemens
1. Setup overview

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© 2020 Siemens
2. Installing Standard Parts in an
unmanaged environment
Follow these instructions to install Standard Parts in an environment where you manage files without a
PDM system. Later sections describe how to install Standard Parts in environments where documents are
managed with Teamcenter.

During Standard Parts Administrator installation, the setup checks for an existing installation of
SQL. If SQL is not installed, or if it is older than version 2017, SQL Server Express and Local DB
2017 is installed.
If you are using an existing SQL Server installation (on a remote computer or on this computer),
you can skip this step of installing SQL Server 2017 Express and only Administrator is installed. For
setting the database and configuring the working folder using local SQL server or a remote SQL
server, use the Configuration Wizard after installation is complete.
After any installation of SQL Server, restart your machine.

Standard Parts Administrator installation - demonstration or single user

1. Run the Standard Parts Administrator installation on the desired workstation with Solid Edge
installed. If the default destination folder for Master Part Files, C:\Solid Edge Standard Parts, is
predefined in the Custom Setup step needs to be changed, set another local or network folder.

The Master Part Files feature installs only a free sample set of standard parts. However
installing this feature creates the necessary Solid Edge Standard Parts configuration folder
structure and database. You can create this structure and database later using the Solid Edge
Standard Parts Configuration Wizard.

2. Complete the installation.

After completing these steps, Standard Parts is ready to use with the free sample standard parts
content. If you want to use the full content of Standard Parts libraries continue with the steps
described in the section Installing Parts Libraries.

Standard Parts Administrator installation - multiple users

1. Run the Standard Parts Administrator installation on the workstation intended for Standard Parts
administration. In the Custom Setup step, deselect Installing Master Part Files. Only the Standard
Parts Administrator application is installed.

2. Complete the installation.

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© 2020 Siemens
2. Installing Standard Parts in an unmanaged environment

3. Choose Start→Siemens Solid Edge 2021→Standard Parts→Configuration Wizard.

4. In the Step 1 area of the configuration wizard, specify the desired location of the Standard Parts
configuration folder. You can use the Browse button to search for the appropriate folder. This
location should be accessible with full permissions by all Standard Parts users. It is suggested that
you specify this location as a UNC path, for example \\Server\Public\SEStdParts).

When you enter the Standard Parts configuration folder for the first time, default values are
added to all settings in the Step 2 area. If it is not the case click the Defaults button.

5. Choose Browse in the Step 2 area to define the Working Database.

a. On the Database Manager dialog box, select the External Network Database option.

b. In the External Database Server dialog box, specify an SQL Server (name, user and
password) accessible for all Standard Parts users. See Configuring SQL Server for details.

c. New button and enter a name for the new database.

This action creates two databases on the server – the Standard Parts working database.
For example, xse109_StandardParts109 and GUID database, xCP_localGUIDdb95.

d. Click OK to accept the new working database.

6. On the Configuration Wizard dialog box, click Save.

After saving the configuration, the Solid Edge Standard Parts configuration folder is created. In this
case at the location, \\Server\Public\SEStdParts. It contains SMAPINIFile.sac, which is the file
containing the configuration, along with folders, HTML, Standard Parts and Working folder. For
more details about folder structure, see the Standard Parts User Guide.

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7. If you want to use content from the Standard Parts libraries, proceed with the steps described in
Installing Parts Libraries.

Standard Parts workstation setup

After you have set up the administration workstation, set the Standard Parts SAC file location on other
workstations . The SAC file must be located in the UNC path that you defined during the Standard Parts

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© 2020 Siemens
2. Installing Standard Parts in an unmanaged environment

Set the Standard Parts SAC file location

1. Start Solid Edge and open an Assembly file.

The assembly file can be an existing document or a new one. It does not matter, because you
will not save any changes to the document, you are just using it to get into the Assembly

2. On the Application menu, click the Settings→Solid Edge Options button.

3. On the Solid Edge Options dialog box, click the File Locations tab.

4. In the list of file types, click Standard Parts SAC file, click Modify, and browse to the location of
the SMAPINIFile.sac file in the configuration folder created Standard Parts configuration.

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© 2020 Siemens
3. Installing Standard Parts in a
Teamcenter environment
This section describes how to set the Standard Parts system to store generated parts and newly created
documents in a Teamcenter-managed environment.

All Teamcenter server and client installation requirements must be met prior to performing these
installation steps. For more details about installation and working with Teamcenter, see the Teamcenter
server and client installation documentation.

For more information about using Solid Edge in a Teamcenter-managed environment, refer to the
Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge (SEEC) Guide for Users and Administrators. Some Standard Parts
themes are described in the Solid Edge help file.

During Standard Parts Administrator installation, the setup checks for an existing installation of
SQL. If SQL is not installed, or if it is older than version 2017, SQL Server Express and Local DB
2017 is installed.
After any installation of SQL Server, restart your machine.

Standard Parts Administrator Installation

1. Install Teamcenter client and Solid Edge on the workstation intended for Standard Parts

2. Run the Standard Parts Administrator installation on the workstation intended for Standard Parts
administration. In the Custom Setup step, deselect Installing Master Part Files so only the
Standard Parts Administrator application is installed.

3. Complete the installation.

4. Choose Start→Siemens Solid Edge 2021→Standard Parts→Configuration Wizard.

5. In the Step 1 area of the configuration wizard, specify the desired location of the Standard Parts
configuration folder. You can use the Browse button to search for the appropriate folder. This
location should be accessible with full permissions by all Standard Parts users. It is suggested that
you specify this location as a UNC path, for example \\Server\Public\SEStdParts).

When you enter the Standard Parts configuration folder for the first time, default values are
added to all settings in the Step 2 area. If it is not the case click the Defaults button.

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© 2020 Siemens
3. Installing Standard Parts in a Teamcenter environment

6. To define the Working Database, in the Step 2 area, choose Browse.

a. On the Database Managerdialog box, select the External Network Database option.

b. In the External Database Server dialog box, specify an SQL Server (name, user and
password) accessible for all Standard Parts users. See Configuring SQL Server for details.

c. Click the New button and enter a name for the new database.

This action creates two databases on the server – the Standard Parts working database.
For example, xse109_StandardParts109 and GUID database, xCP_localGUIDdb95.

d. Click OK to accept the new working database.

7. Set Parts storage to Teamcenter.

8. Set the desired Item type for generated standard parts. It must be a valid Item type for your
Teamcenter. If the selected Item type allows it, you can also specify Item ID and Revision pattern.

9. On the Configuration Wizard dialog box, click Save.

After saving the configuration, the Solid Edge Standard Parts configuration folder is created. In this
case at the location, \\Server\Public\SEStdParts. It contains SMAPINIFile.sac, which is the file
containing the configuration, along with folders, HTML, Standard Parts and Working folder. For
more details about folder structure, see the Standard Parts User Guide.

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10. If you want to use some content of the Standard Parts libraries, proceed with the steps described in
Installing Parts Libraries.

Standard Parts workstation setup

If the administrator workstation is set up, on other workstations, set the Standard Parts SAC file
location: in the Solid Edge Assembly environment, on the Solid Edge Options dialog box, on the

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© 2020 Siemens
3. Installing Standard Parts in a Teamcenter environment

File Locations tab, set the Standard Parts SAC File location the same as for a local or network

The Teamcenter client and Solid Edge with a license for the Teamcenter Integration for Solid
Edge must be installed on all workstations.

Set the Standard Parts SAC file location

1. Start Solid Edge and open an Assembly file.

The assembly file can be an existing document or a new one. It does not matter,
because you will not save any changes to the document, you are just using it to get into
the Assembly environment.

2. On the Application menu, click the Settings→Solid Edge Options button.

3. On the Solid Edge Options dialog box, click the File Locations tab.

4. In the list of file types, click Standard Parts SAC file, click Modify, and browse to the location
of the SMAPINIFile.sac file in the configuration folder created Standard Parts configuration.

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© 2020 Siemens
4. Upgrading Standard Parts
When upgrading Solid Edge and Standard Parts (version ST5 or newer) to the current version, there is no
need to create new Standard Parts configuration folder. It is possible to simply use the existing
configuration folder and migrate the database.

All installation requirements for the given platform (file system or Teamcenter) must be met prior to
performing these installation steps.

Standard Parts Administrator installation

1. Run the Standard Parts Administrator installation on the workstation intended for Standard Parts
administration. In the Custom Setup step, deselect Installing Master Part Files so only the
Standard Parts Administrator application is installed.

2. Complete the installation.

3. Choose Start→Siemens Solid Edge 2021→Standard Parts→Configuration Wizard.

4. In the Step 1 area of the configuration wizard, specify the desired location of the Standard Parts
configuration folder. You can use the Browse button to search for the appropriate folder.

After entering the Standard Parts configuration folder the settings are loaded.

5. On the Configuration Wizard dialog box, click Save.

6. Click the Yes button to confirm the information about migrating the database.
After finishing the configuration wizard, the Solid Edge Standard Parts configuration folder is set
and the database migrated to the current version. So it is not necessary to add parts to the
database again. However, you might proceed with Standard Parts libraries installation to upgrade
the installed standard parts to the newly delivered version. To do so, proceed with the steps
described in Installing Parts Libraries.

Standard Parts workstation Setup

After you have set up the administration workstation, set the Standard Parts SAC file location on
other workstations. For detailed instructions, see the chapter corresponding to the given platform
(file system or Teamcenter).

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© 2020 Siemens
4. Upgrading Standard Parts

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© 2020 Siemens
5. Configuring SQL Server
To manually configure SQL Server or SQL Express for Standard Parts so that it will accessible for users
across a network perform the following steps:

These instructions use SQL Server Management Studio from Microsoft. This is a free database
maintenance tool that can be downloade, for example, from the following link:

1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and change the authentication mode of the database to
Mixed Mode (SQL Server and Windows Authentication) in the database properties:

• In the object explorer, right-click Database, on the short-cut menu choose Properties.

• In the Server Properties dialog box, click the Security page, and in the Server Authentication
section, set the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.

2. Create a login for external users that uses SQL Server authentication:

• In the Object Explorer, expand Security > Logins.

• Right-click Logins, and on the shortcut menu, choose New Login.

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5. Configuring SQL Server

3. Define the new login:

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• Define the login name, set the SQL Server Authentication mode, and specify a password.

• The new login is now available for users from other machines in the network.

• On network machines that will access and modify the database (machines with Standard Parts
Administrator installed) use the Standard Parts Configuration Wizard to connect to the External
network database using the server machine name and login.

• On the server machine you may continue to use the localhost or set the database as external
using the server machine name and login.

In the next step grant database creation privileges to this user. This is required for the first
time the database is being created.

4. Grant database creation privileges to the user:

• On the New Login dialog box, click the Server Roles page.

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© 2020 Siemens
5. Configuring SQL Server

• In the Server Roles list, set the dbcreator option.

• Click OK on all dialogs to accept the changes.

5. Make sure that SQL Server is allowed through the firewall.

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© 2020 Siemens
6. Installing Parts Libraries
The setup of Standard Parts libraries for Solid Edge 2021 brings the possibility to add the installed parts
to the database directly (as a part of the library setup). However, it is still possible to install the libraries
and add the parts to the database later using the Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator.


1. Run the installation of the selected Standard Parts library.

2. During the Custom Setup step of the installation wizard, you can do following:

a. Select the standards (ANSI, DIN, etc.) of the parts you want to install.

b. Select the destination folder. The active Standard Parts configuration folder (set in Step 1 of
Standard Parts Configuration Wizard) is used by default. The library content is copied to its
subfolder “Standard Parts” that is usually defined as Parts folder (in Step 2 of Standard Parts
Configuration Wizard).

c. Activate the option to add the installed parts to the database as part of the library setup. If
this is the initial Standard Parts library installation (no other version has been installed
before), select the AddAndUpdateAll option. This automatically add parts of all selected
standards to the database. The other options can be used by the users which had installed
some previous Standard Parts version. The Update New option updates only the parts which
were installed in a previous version and have some changes in the delivered version. The
Update All option updates the parts which were installed in a previous version to the current
version (regardless on changes between the versions).

The direct adding of installed parts to the database may significantly extend the
installation time. Depending on the number of selected standards, the installation may
take hours. However, you will not spend the same time later by adding parts to the
database by means of Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator.

3. In the Delivery Content Database step select the language version for the delivery Content
Database (Standard Parts Installation Database). It can be used later when adding parts to the
database using the Add from the Standard Parts Installation Database option.

4. If you complete the library installation without direct adding parts, launch the Solid Edge Standard
Parts Administrator and click Add Parts.

Adding Parts

The following options can be used for adding parts from the installed Standard Parts libraries.

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© 2020 Siemens
6. Installing Parts Libraries

• Add from the Standard Parts Installation Database: launches the Smart Installer application. See
the Adding Standard Parts Using Installation Database topic of the Standard Parts User Guide for

• Add from existing multiple part files: registers all standard parts from a selected location. See
Adding Existing Part Files for details.

• Add from existing single part file: adds a selected part (single or parent part) file to the database.
See the Adding Single Part File topic of the Standard Parts User Guide for details.

Adding custom properties

Custom properties are generated automatically when you generate a part. As an administrator you are
not required to create and populate the custom properties in advance for each non-generated part.
However, if you have specific requirements for either a category or part, you can create the custom
properties and set the values that are used when those parts are generated.

You can use the Add Custom Property command to create custom properties for all non-generated
parts within a selected category. See the Adding Custom Properties topic of the Standard Parts User
Guide for details.

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© 2020 Siemens
7. Standard Parts Library Quick setup
The Standard Parts Library quick setup provides a way to quickly install and populate standard parts
libraries. You can install the piping library, the machine library, or both. This setup is only useful if you
are adding parts to an empty database.

This setup is useful in following scenarios:

• Completely new installation of Standard Parts.

• New database creation for existing Standard Parts installation.

You cannot use this setup to update the existing databases of standard parts. For updating the existing
database use the regular libraries setup and use the Add Parts command from Standard Parts

Standard Parts Quick setup checks for SQL and if 2017 or newer version is not installed, a message
is displayed and SQL is installed.
After any installation of SQL Server, restart your machine.

Running the Solid Edge Standard Parts Library Quick setup

Before running the quick setup:

• Install Solid Edge.

• Install Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator.

When installing Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator, on the Custom Setup dialog box, click the
down arrow next to Master Part Files and then click This Feature will not be Available. This creates
an empty database.

Even if you have Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator and have parts in a database, you need
to create an empty working database.

To run Standard Parts Library Quick Setup:

1. Launch Standard Parts Library Quick Setup setup.exe.

2. On the Welcome to the InstallShield for Siemens Solid Edge Standard Parts Library – Quick
Setup dialog box, click Next.

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7. Standard Parts Library Quick setup

3. On the License Agreement dialog box, check I accept the terms in the license agreement, and
click Next.

4. On the Customer Information dialog box, enter your information and click Next.

5. On the Custom Setup dialog box:

a. Select the library or libraries that you want to install.

b. Specify how a feature is installed.

c. Specify a folder where you want to install the parts.

The folder location is pre-populated if Standard Parts Administrator is already installed.

d. Click Next.

6. On the Delivery Content Database dialog box, select the language for the delivery content
database, and click Next.

7. On the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, click Install, and click Next.

The Installing Siemens Solid Edge Standard Parts Library – Quick Setup dialog box displays the
status of the installation.

After the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box is displayed

8. Click Finish.

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8. Basic Definitions
Standard Parts
The main application. It lets you find and place parts from the Standard Parts database.
Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator
The application for database administration.
Standard Parts Database
The information storage structure for information about all Standard Parts documents.
Solid Edge Standard Parts Configuration Wizard
The application for managing Solid Edge Standard Parts global configuration.
The application for creating Customer Standard Parts from existing Solid Edge documents.
BulkPartAdder is a part of Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator.
Smart Installer
The application for installing and updating Standard Parts within a Standard Parts database. Smart
Installer is a part of the Solid Edge Standard Parts Administrator.
The application for managing content, such as properties, categorization, and streams of standard
part files.
Standard Parts Installation Database
A database file (*.ddb) that contains information on parts in the Standard Parts Library. This
information serves mainly to keep parts registered in the database up-to-date. This ensures that if a
new version of Standard Parts Libraries becomes available, only parts that have changed compared
to older versions will be updated in working (active) Standard Parts database.
Solid Edge Machinery and Piping Library
Sets of standard parts for machinery (fasteners, bearings, structural shapes) and piping (pipes,
fittings, valves) design. Libraries contain international norms of standard such as US standards
(ANSI, ASME, etc.), DIN, ISO, BS, UNI, GB, JIS, GOST, CNS, IS, CSN, KS, etc.
Standard Parts configuration folder
The main (usually root) folder of the Standard Parts system. This folder contains subfolders with
Library parts, configuration files, and other system files. For more details, see the description of the
Solid Edge Standard Parts Configuration Wizard.
Standard Parts folder
The folder with your standard parts. For more details, see the description of Solid Edge Standard
Parts Configuration Wizard and Standard Parts.
Standard Part

Standard Parts Installation Guide, Solid Edge 2021 Standard Parts Installation Guide 2021 8-1
© 2020 Siemens
8. Basic Definitions

A part of Standard Parts Machinery or Piping Library. It can be a parent or single part.
Custom Standard Part
A customer-specific Standard Part that you can create from an existing Solid Edge using the
BulkPartAdder or PartEditor.
Parent part
The Standard Parts Library global file. It contains definitions of all relevant Single parts within the
same category. It is delivered with the Standard Parts Library to a version-specific folder.
Single part
A generated (final) standard part, derived from the Parent part.
Part name
A global part identifier. It should be a full, detailed and unique descriptor for each file in the
Standard Parts database. It supports fast and correct identification of parts in Standard Parts
A collection of parts, classified to sub-categories, and finally to end categories, that have some
common feature. This can be standard (such as ANSI and DIN), part type (such as bolt, nut, and
pipe) and so forth.
End category
A collection of similar parts that differ typically by some parameters, set by characteristic values. All
parts included in an end category must have the same set of characteristics.
A parameter that varies among parts within an end category. Characteristics usually correspond to
some property of the single part, such as length, thread diameter, nominal size, material, and so
forth. Each part within an end category must have a unique combination of the characteristic
SAC file
The global definition and settings file named SMAPINIFile.sac.

8-2 Standard Parts Installation Guide 2021 Standard Parts Installation Guide, Solid Edge 2021
© 2020 Siemens
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