Chapter Iii: Research Methodology: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion



At the end of the topic, you will be able to:

1. differentiate the difference between research method and research
2. classify the different types of a research method; and
3. come up with a correct research method and description of the respondents.

Chapter III Research Methodology

Research methods can be defined as “a systematic and scientific procedure of data

collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problem”-
Bajpai (2011). Types of research methods can be classified into several categories according to
the nature and purpose of the study and other attributes. In methodology chapter of your
thesis paper, you are expected to specify and discuss the type of your research according to the
following classifications.

1. Research Method
 Research Method- Refers to the methods or techniques researchers use in performing
research operations.

 Research Methodology- It may be understood as a science of studying how research is

done scientifically. In it we Study the various steps that are generally adopted by
researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

Types of Research Method

 Historical Research- It deals with the past events
and integrates it with the present situations.

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

 Descriptive Research- Describe things as the market potential of a product, consumer

demographics and attitudes.
- It deals with what is happening in the present situation, as it exists in the time of
the study.
- Focuses on the descriptive variables from the present.

Types of Descriptive Research

a. Case Study - Provides an intent study of a person with a vision in the future. It
employs a detailed study about a person/ unit over a considerate period of time.
- It provides us with an insight into human behavior which may lead us to
discover new findings not discovered before.

b. Survey Research - A survey is used to gather relatively limited data from relatively
large number of cases.
Purpose: To gather information about prevailing conditions or the variables under
c. Developmental Studies - Intends to get reliable information about a group of people
over a long period of time.

d. Evaluative/Assessment Studies - Those which refers to the efficiency or effectiveness

of practices, policies, instruments, programs, projects or other variables that may be

e. Correlational Studies - This is designed to

determine which different variables are related to each
other in the population of interest.

f. Follow-up Studies - This is used when you

want to follow-up development of a certain condition.

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Example: Tracer Study

g. Trends and Projection Studies - Popular descriptive study for projects that is forward-
Example: Feasibility Study

h. Experimental Research - Future-oriented, here you can identify the result of 2 groups.
Example: Technology vs Traditional

2. Description of the Respondents

In this part the researchers will just simply describe their respondents.

The primary sources of data are the 109 BSED graduates of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines – Taguig City Branch, from batch 2011 up to 2015. Their general profile, educational
attainment and employment status are primarily considered in the set of questionnaires provided.



At the end of the topic, you will be able to:

1. compute the necessary sample size for their research paper;
2. identify the different sampling methods that can be used in a quantitative
research; and
3. effectively gather the needed data to their corresponding respondents.

3. Sampling Technique
 Population- collection of ALL possible observations
 Total universe which is composed of a group of people.
 Is an element where the data will be collected.

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 Sample- a subset or element of a population.

 Sampling Error/Margin of Error- bias or prejudice -> Sample Size
 Defined Target Population- elements identifies as Key Informants.
Example: All Grade 12 SHS {track)
 Why do we use Samples?
1. Cost
2. Time
3. Inaccessibility of the population
4. Accuracy
5. Destruction of the observations

Sampling Technique Formula:

n- Sample size
N- Total Population
e- Estimate Margin of error (0 .05)

N – 1000
e- 0.05

Sampling Methods
 Probability- members in the population has an equal chance of being selected into the
 Non-Probability- not everybody has the chance to be elected as sample.

 Probability Sampling Method

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a. Simple/Pure Random Sampling- every unit in the population has an equal

probability of being included in the sample size.
Example: Lottery Sampling

b. Stratified Random Sampling- involves the process of

selecting randomly samples from the different strata
of the population used in the study.

c. Systematic Random Sampling- an element of the

population is selected starting from a randomly
selected first element.

d. Cluster Sampling- also called “Area Sampling”

because it used/applied on geographical basis.

 Non Probability Sampling Method

a. Accidental Sampling- there is no system of sample
selection, base only on the accessibility of the

b. Convenience or Haphazard Sampling- involves the

process of picking out people in the most common
and fastest way to get immediate reactions.

c. Purposive Sampling- involves the determination of

the target population.
1. Modal Instance Sampling- samples the most
frequent case or the “typical” case.

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

2. Heterogeneity Sampling- also called “Sampling for Diversity”

3. Quota sampling- selecting people randomly according to some fixed data.
4. Snowball Sampling- identifying someone who meets the criteria for inclusion in
your study.

4. Instrumentation
Instrument is the general term that researchers use for a measurement device (survey,
test, questionnaire, etc.). To help distinguish between instrument and instrumentation,
consider that the instrument is the device and instrumentation is the course of action (the
process of developing, testing, and using the device).

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather the necessary data for this study. The
questionnaire was adapted from the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) tracer study. It is composed of
four main parts: the general profile of the respondents, their educational background, the post-college programs
they received, and their employment data.

Ways of Measurement
1. Likert Scale- a measure that asks individuals to check their level of agreement with various
statements about an attitude or object (e.g strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly
2. Questionnaire- a measure that represents a set of written questions to which all individuals
in the same respond.
3. Rubric- in performance assessment, this refers to a scale of measuring different levels of
proficiency demonstrated in students’ portfolio.

5. Data Gathering Procedure

This part is where the researchers state the procedure on how will they gather the
needed information from their respondents.

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

The researchers used social networking sites, specifically Facebook, in order to reach out to the target
respondents. They also used electronic mail in distributing the questionnaires. After the survey, the
researchers interpreted and analyzed the gathered data from the BSED graduates batch 2011-2015.

6. Sources of Data
Describe where the researchers got the necessary information that would help the
researcher to explain further the research paper.

As an initial part of preparation, the researchers first gathered relevant information from the
university library from which the researchers were able to cite some examples of tracer studies, helping them
to have a clearer vision of what to expect in the said study. The researchers also read about successful tracer
studies from other universities published on the Internet. The BSED graduates, being the primary source of
the data, received the questionnaires through email and social networking sites and answered them online.
In addition, the researchers used books, unpublished materials and other reading sources that contain
information related to the study. The researchers also made use of the Internet as a source of information.

7. Research Locale
This part is where the researchers will state where the study will take place.

The study was conducted at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig
City Branch with their respective BSED alumni as the respondents.


Bajpai, N. (2011) “Business Research Methods” Pearson Education India:

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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Bhat, A. (2019). Retrieved October 02, 2019, from

Herrera, J. B., Teus, J. I. & Vicente, M. T. (2014). A Tracer Study of the Bachelor in Secondary
Education Graduates of PUP-Taguig Batch 2011-2015. Taguig City

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