Refugee Protection As Human Rights Protection:: International Principles and Practice in India
Refugee Protection As Human Rights Protection:: International Principles and Practice in India
Refugee Protection As Human Rights Protection:: International Principles and Practice in India
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Rights-the Convention on the Preven- larly, and particularlyin the post-Cold UNHCR will be permitted to continue
tion and Punishment of the Crimeof Geno- War context, it is widely acknowl- its activities along traditional lines.
cide (l948),the Convention relating to the edged that international attention to Furthermore, "in country" protection
Status of Stateless Persons (1954), and human rights violations is not an inter- activities are becoming increasingly
the Convention on the Elimination of ference in a country's domestic affairs formalized as part of UNHCR's evolv-
Racial Discrimination (1965), and the but is rather part of routine interna- ing protection mandate.4
Convention on the Elimination of Dis- tional diplomacy. Although some In efforts to prevent refugee flows
crimination against Women (1979).More states will go to great lengths to avoid the UN and others, notably NGOs, are
recently, the Convention against Torture scrutiny or criticism before interna- providing technical assistanceto states
and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading tional human rights bodies, the inter- within a general human rights frame-
Treatment or Punishment (1984),and the national community has identified a work. This includes the promotion of
Convention on the Rights of the Child need to strengthen and improve appli- human rights standards through the
(1989) have been adopted at the inter- cation and enforceability of the inter- training of judges, lawyers, and
national level. national system of human rights human rights activists; giving sub-
In addition to the central foun- protection. This has been realized stance to educational rights by fund-
dationalstatus of the UniversalDeclara- through, for example, the UN-spon- ing the construction of new schools in
tion of Human Rights, more than 189 sored human rights missions in Cam- war-torn countries; and promoting
states have ratified or adhered to at bodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, economic rights through comrnunity-
least one (or in the majority of cases the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda; based projects focused on providing
more) of these international human the establishment of international assistance to returning refugees. Pro-
rights treaties, thus establishingbind- criminal tribunals for the former Yu- moting enactment and enforceability
ing legal obligations of a continuing goslavia and Rwanda; and technical of domestic refugee and human rights
nature. Several South Asian states are cooperation in the field of human laws, promotion of national human
party to the major human rights con- rights with governments and other rights institutions, and training of gov-
ventions in addition to the 1949 actors. Of course the degree varies, ernment authorities, are other preven-
Geneva Conventions and their 1977 ranging from assistance and advice, to tion-oriented activities in which the
Additional Protocols governing the monitoring and reporting and direct UN, governments, and NGOs are in-
laws of war. protection. creasingly engaged.
Among the international human In its own policies and programs, As part of the development of hu-
rights treaties, India is party to the two UNHCR has incorporated a number of man rights principles through UN
international Covenants as well as the human rights principles. Its protection Conventions, a number of interna-
In tern tional Convention on the Elimina- activities in countries of asylum and tional treaty bodies have been estab-
tion of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, countries of origin include working lished to investigate violations,
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with states in the areas of legal reha- enforce standards, and assist states in
and the Convention on the Elimination of bilitation, institution building, law re- implementing their treaty obligations.
All Forms of Discrimination Against form and enforcement of the rule of These bodies have the authority to ex-
Women. India has also ratified the Con- law and providing humanitarian as- amine periodic state party reports re-
vention on the Political Rights of Women, sistance to internally displaced per- garding implementation of the treaty
the Convention on the Suppression and sons. Increased cooperation with provisions. With the agreement of
Punishment of the Crimeof Apartheid, the international and regional human states, some treaty bodies have the
Convention on the Non-Applicability of rights mechanisms are also new areas competence to investigate and decide
Statutoy Limitations to War Crimes and of involvement for UNHCR. These upon individual and inter-state com-
Crimes against Humanity, and the Con- activities add to an already overbur- plaints and undertake field missions in
vention on the Prevention and Punish- dened agenda. Some states have ex- order to monitor implementation
ment of the Crime of Genocide. Most pressed concern that UNHCR should measures. During examinationof state
recently, India acceded to the 1984Con- not undertake tasks which go beyond party reports the committees may pre-
ven tion Against To~ture.~ its formal mandate. This concern is pare formal conclusions and observa-
well taken as these more recent activi- tions on the performance of states in
Using "Human Rights" to Enhance ties are placing considerable strain on complying with international human
the Protection of Refugees UNHCR's limited resources. In this rights law. They may also formulate
In the international system of human context the question of whether specific recommendations to govern-
rights protection, the grant of asylum UNHCR has the capacity and capabil- ments. In recent years, some of these
by a state to persons entitled to invoke ity to do these tasks must be addressed. committees such as the Human Rights
Article 14of the Universal Declaration of Despite these apprehensions, in this Committee, the Committee on the
Human Rights cannotbe regarded as an era of downsizing and reform of the Rights of the Child, and the Committee
unfriendly act by another state. Simi- UN system it seems unlikely that Against Torture, have regularly raised