EN 12277 en
EN 12277 en
EN 12277 en
It is a simplified summary to provide an overview of the test me-
thods and safety requirements for the product.
EN 12277
The official version of the standard must be consulted if full infor-
mation is required. Details of the standard are provided at the end
of this summary.
Harness: assembly of narrow textile fabric(s) (tape), adjusting de- TYPE C - SIT HARNESS
vice(s) or other parts which fit around the body to support it in a
hanging position after a fall. Harness in the form of a waist belt with connecting leg loops to
support a body in a sitting position. During testing no load-bearing
Where stitching is used to provide safety and strength (e.g. joints), parts are allowed to tear, the test dummy must not be released
the visible area of stitching is to contrast with the tape in colour or from the harness and no buckles may slip more than 20 mm.
surface appearance.
10 kN 15 kN
≥ 43 mm
Harness which fit at least around the torso and thighs. During testing
no load-bearing parts are allowed to tear, the test dummy may not be TYPE D - CHEST HARNESS
released from the harness and no buckles or adjusting devices are
permitted to slip more than 20 mm. Harness which fits around the torso around the chest and under
the armpits. A type D harness should only be used in combination
15 kN 10 kN with a type C harness.
≥ 28 mm 10 kN
≥ 28 mm
≥ 43 mm